Email says Air Force Staff Sgt. AWOL over Obama

An email reported at ObamaReleaseYourRecords claiming to be from Air Force Staff Sergeant Daryn J.  Moran (I think this is the same Staff Sgt. James Moran [link to WorldNetDaily article] – serving in Germany — who is going facing discharge from the Air Force because of his intolerance for gays in the military) says he is AWOL, refusing to serve while Obama is President.

The email reports that Moran, stationed in Germany, failed to show up for work last Thursday and Friday. Moran said:

My family is in turmoil because I cannot change my heart to support Obama, or protect his criminality. I love America and the Constitution and stand against B. Obama. He should be arrested.

I gather that the Air Force doesn’t know what Moran is doing so far.

This is another example that birthers are not just harmless cranks. They ruin lives of real people with their infectious insanity.

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About Dr. Conspiracy

I'm not a real doctor, but I have a master's degree.
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51 Responses to Email says Air Force Staff Sgt. AWOL over Obama

  1. Joey says:

    I was reading birther threads at and someone there uncovered a post from Moran made in May claiming that he is being discharged over the repeal of “don’t ask, don’t tell.”

    Daryn Moran says:
    May 17, 2011 at 5:10 am
    Dear Omaha World Herald War Team,

    I’m getting discharged soon from the military for saying the homosexuality is sin in the Bible. Married with 2 children. The lack of God in America and our “new” military is frightening. The Bible says the second death is the lake of fire, and whosoever was not found written in the book of life was cast into the lake of fire. Do you think sinners will try to seek God and salvation if leaders put stamps of approval on their sin? Are you Christian people? What do you believe?

    The battles military members wage in defense of our country are crucial, but the battle for the Lord and the Bible at this time in America is even more crucial.

  2. Daniel says:

    I guess he saw how much attention Lakin got and figured it was a good way to get him summa that fame too.

  3. OK, so SSgt. Daryn J. Moran is the same person as SSgt. James Moran mentioned in the WND article linked in my post. That makes sense. I have updated the article.

    Joey: I was reading birther threads at and someone there uncovered a post from Moran made in May claiming that he is being discharged over the repeal of “don’t ask, don’t tell.”

  4. Rickey says:

    He also posted this:

    “I was due to get out soon under an administrative and Honorable discharge for a “Personality Disorder”, because I told them homosexuality is sin.”

    Scroll down to the Aug. 11, 9:08 a.m. posting.

    I’m thinking that the Air Force may just discharge him and be done with him.

  5. gorefan says:

    Rickey: I’m thinking that the Air Force may just discharge him and be done with him.

    Maybe the eligibility thing is an attempt to get some financial help from the birthers, like Lakin.

  6. BatGuano says:

    gorefan: Maybe the eligibility thing is an attempt to get some financial help from the birthers, like Lakin.

    seeing all the posts he made on the blaze, repeatedly introducing himself and his intentions in multiple threads, my guess would be fame as the motivator.

    …… cash would def be my second guess.

  7. obsolete says:

    I’m not sure I understand the desire for “God” to be part of an institution deigned to kill.
    (Note- I’m not anti-military, nor anti-“God” either.)

  8. obsolete says:

    Here is my post at ORYR, which will never see the light of day:

    Sorry, but Obama’s Eligibility was already “Dealt With”. Congress rules him eligible, and the Chief Justice swore him in.
    The Constitution placed the powers to determine Presidential eligibility within Congress. No where in the Constitution is that right given to a Staff Sergeant. He is trying to usurp powers not delegated to him.
    Just another mis-guided soul who will violate his oath due to hatred and being fed lies by the birthers.
    He deserves the same fate as that other Blue Falcon Lakin.

    Their comment section is filled with seditionists and fools driving another man to throw away his career and possibly his freedom, while they risk nothing.

  9. Steve says:

    I notice Moran’s father left a comment supporting his son’s actions.

  10. Lupin says:

    Actually I think the opposite: the birthers are performing a valuable service by weeding out mentally defective people and putative traitors from your armed forces.

  11. SueDB says:

    Well, it does weed out the Blue Falcons before they cost the American TAXpayer additional monies with a retirement.

  12. SueDB says:

    His major issue will be the fact he just drew way too much attention to himself. The USAF probably has him slated to be discharged for a personality disorder or something along that line. This is not the Lakin case. This guy is not an officer.

    There are only so many BirferBucks to go around. Who is going to support his wife and 2 kids due to his Birfing???

  13. Bran Mak Morn says:

    I bet low-life birthers would defend a military man if he went rogue, started shooting at fellow soldiers, and said he did it because they were “taking orders from Obama.”

  14. Tarrant says:

    Since this “gentleman” is near his discharge date anyway for a “personality disorder” (essentially incompatibility with gay soldiers) it’s possible they could just rush him out the door rather than file charges. Good riddance. He deserves worse, especially as the NCOs are really the backbone of the military, the people the enlisted soldiers work with day in andsay out. Having a Staff Sergeant going AWOL over a President he doesn’t like sets a horrid example for soldiers.

    Looks to me like a guy who was on his way out anyway, knew he didn’t have enough time served for his pension, and figured “What the hell, I’ll speak my mind.” They should throw the book at him, but they could just get rid of him as quickly as possible by accelerating his discharge.

  15. Black Lion says:

    Bran Mak Morn: I bet low-life birthers would defend a military man if he went rogue, started shooting at fellow soldiers, and said he did it because they were “taking orders from Obama.”

    Brain dead….Show us where anyone supported the actions of Maj. Hasan or the so called private caught at Ft. Hood….We can show you many examples of so called patriots (really traitors) supporting a man that deserted his unit and fellow soldiers….So to compare both situation shows how ridiculous you know your position really is…

  16. Bran Mak Morn says:

    Black Lion

    Note what I said. If someone started shooting up “because they are protecting Obama and obey him, thus hurting the nation,” one will find the birther arguments put to the test. Do they really believe Obama is ‘the usurper’ who is a danger to the nation and destroying it? If they did, then those who work for Obama are also guilty, no? Really, the end of that line of thinking is not “I will sit in protest” but to work against all those who work for Obama. That no one has done that, yet, is good; that some nut might try it in the near future, I would not be surprised. And if such a nut did it, the birther response to them will be interesting. If they follow through with their rhetoric, how can they deny the person doing right? Of course if they say such a person does wrong (as any sane person would do) the whole birther argument used to defend people like Moran go up in smoke.

  17. The Magic M says:

    Bran Mak Morn: If they follow through with their rhetoric, how can they deny the person doing right?

    You could likely expect something along the lines of “we don’t condone the violence, but we understand the motivation”.

  18. Horus says:

    Black Lion: Brain dead….Show us where anyone supported the actions of Maj. Hasan or the so called private caught at Ft. Hood….We can show you many examples of so called patriots (really traitors) supporting a man that deserted his unit and fellow soldiers….So to compare both situation shows how ridiculous you know your position really is…

    If the shooter was a white, christian, military man and not a Muslim, military man, Brans point would be spot on!

  19. Daniel says:

    I notice Moran’s father left a comment supporting his son’s actions.

    I am quite suspect of the purported emails and comments from his “father”. I’d bet dollars to donuts that the son typed them all.

  20. BatGuano says:

    Daniel: I am quite suspect of the purported emails and comments from his “father”. I’d bet dollars to donuts that the son typed them all.

    i was thinking the same thing.

  21. Gary Miller says:

    And somewhere, Jerome Corsi and Joe Farah are kicking back, and thinking, “sucker.”

  22. Dave says:

    The Post and Email has an email interview with SSGT Moran.

    Note that he now says he was removed from the clinic he was working in because of this views about Obama’s eligibility. In other comments noted above, he said it was because of his views on homosexuals.

    But more disturbing is his response to the P and E asking for a copy of his military ID. The part about “thank you for translating for my wife,” what in the world could he be talking about? In any case, it appears that he never provided the ID.

  23. Sef says:

    Dave: But more disturbing is his response to the P and E asking for a copy of his military ID. The part about “thank you for translating for my wife,” what in the world could he be talking about?

    An Internet search might possibly turn up a woman associated with Daryn who, on first glance, might be someone whose native tongue is not English. I’ll leave the “outing” to others.

  24. Rickey says:

    Some information about him has been coming out. He is 40 years old and apparently is from Nebraska. He does indeed have a father named Howard. I’m not sure what the situation with his wife is. Perhaps she is German and they just recently got married? He mentions children, but they could be from a prior marriage.

    Ironically, it appears that previously he was stationed at Whiteman Air Force Base in Missouri.

  25. Mike Travis says:

    Why does the left avoid any form of rational discussion about a serious topic? Could it be you have nothing to stand on? Or is it you are too lazy to look into facts? Either way, the question about Obama’s legitimacy you try to denigrate is a serious Constitutional issue. Since you do not know the Constitution, allow me to educate you.

    Article 2 Section 1 defines who is eligible to run for POTUS. One critical requirement is to be a “natural born citizen”. Some have argued since it is not clearly defined in the document, it is open to interpretation. That is ignorant. The Founders knew exactly what they intended as they did with every word they included in the founding documents.

    Not only that but the once SCOTUS has upheld the Founder’s meaning two times. See Minor vs Happersett and US vs Kim Wong. Both reasserted the meaning to be that in order to be a “natural born citizen”, one had to be born of parents who were BOTH US citizens. We know for a fact that Obama’s father, at least the one he has put forth as being his father, was NEVER a US citizen. Therefore, Obama cannot be POTUS. End of discussion.

    Just because liberals are so dishonest they will not consider a valid argument does not change the fact that Obama is not eligible to be POTUS. The US Code also has a clause in Title 18 called Misprision of Treason. It basically says anyone who knows of a treasonous act and does not report it can be charged and fined, imprisoned, or both. Since every congressman and SCOTUS justice knew Obama was not eligible yet said nothing, it can be construed that they should all be charged with Misprision of Treason.

    So put that in your bong and spoke it.

  26. Daniel says:

    Mike Travis:
    Why does the left avoid any form of rational discussion about a serious topic? Could it be you have nothing to stand on? Or is it you are too lazy to look into facts? Either way, the question about Obama’s legitimacy you try to denigrate is a serious Constitutional issue. Since you do not know the Constitution, allow me to educate you.

    Article 2 Section 1 defines who is eligible to run for POTUS. One critical requirement is to be a “natural born citizen”. Some have argued since it is not clearly defined in the document, it is open to interpretation. That is ignorant. The Founders knew exactly what they intended as they did with every word they included in the founding documents.

    Not only that but the once SCOTUS has upheld the Founder’s meaning two times. See Minor vs Happersett and US vs Kim Wong. Both reasserted the meaning to be that in order to be a “natural born citizen”, one had to be born of parents who were BOTH US citizens.We know for a fact that Obama’s father, at least the one he has put forth as being his father, was NEVER a US citizen.Therefore, Obama cannot be POTUS. End of discussion.

    Just because liberals are so dishonest they will not consider a valid argument does not change the fact that Obama is not eligible to be POTUS.The US Code also has a clause in Title 18 called Misprision of Treason. It basically says anyone who knows of a treasonous act and does not report it can be charged and fined, imprisoned, or both. Since every congressman and SCOTUS justice knew Obama was not eligible yet said nothing, it can be construed that they should all be charged with Misprision of Treason.

    So put that in your bong and spoke it.

    I’m not the “left”. I’m a conservative. I didn’t vote for Obama. Guess that’s just one more thing you assumed you knew, but were completely wrong about.

    Mike Travis:
    Or is it you are too lazy to look into facts?

    So far all the facts are against the birthers. Sorry ’bout that’

    Mike Travis:
    Either way, the question about Obama’s legitimacy you try to denigrate is a serious Constitutional issue.

    No, it’s not. Since his eligibility was firmly established three years ago. The fact that birthers are sore losers isn’t a Constitutional issue, it’s a moral issue.

    Mike Travis:
    Since you do not know the Constitution, allow me to educate you.

    And the Irony meter goes OFF THE SCALE!!!!

    If you knew anything about the Constitution, you wouldn’t be a birther.

    Mike Travis:
    So put that in your bong and spoke it.

    You don’t speak into a bong, you smoke stuff from it. Of course I’m guessing, since I don’t use tobacco or illegal drugs.

    Guess that’s just one more thing you thought you knew but were completely wrong about.

  27. G says:

    Your whole argument is meaningless, because you base it on an incorrect premise. The only thing you had correct is that the only requirements for President is in Article 2 of the Constitution.

    Sorry, nothing there about any “2 citizen parents” nonsense. That is nothing but a made up myth that birther Leo Donofrio created in Oct 2008.

    Sorry, but the cases you cited do NOT support you. In fact, their rulings actually go AGAINST what you claim.

    That just shows that you are lazy and gullible and don’t know what you are talking about. These issues have been covered countless times over the past 3 years. Nothing has changed and the laws are just as against your wacko positions as they always were.

    Use the menu at the top of this website and you can find answers for all of the bogus claims you are regurgitating.

    Back in reality, Obama’s parentage was well known long before the 2008 election. It wasn’t an issue then and he sailed smoothly through confirmation without nary a single dissent and has been actively serving as POTUS since then. Every birther lawsuit has been a complete and utter failure. No actual case law supports any of the made up “2 citizen parent” nonsense. You have simply been duped and bought into a bunch of fantasy fiction to support your own emotional impulses, that is all.

    Mike Travis: Not only that but the once SCOTUS has upheld the Founder’s meaning two times. See Minor vs Happersett and US vs Kim Wong. Both reasserted the meaning to be that in order to be a “natural born citizen”, one had to be born of parents who were BOTH US citizens. We know for a fact that Obama’s father, at least the one he has put forth as being his father, was NEVER a US citizen. Therefore, Obama cannot be POTUS. End of discussion.

  28. Daniel says:

    Mike Travis:

    Not only that but the once SCOTUS has upheld the Founder’s meaning two times. See Minor vs Happersett and US vs Kim Wong. Both reasserted the meaning to be that in order to be a “natural born citizen”, one had to be born of parents who were BOTH US citizens

    Uhhhhhh…. youuuuuuu….. havn’t actually read those decisions you think you’re referencing…… have you…..

    You might want to actually do that…. you’ll look a lot less foolish.

    Or better still, have a lawyer explain them to you. The people you’ve been getting your talking points from…. well they don’t really know much about the law.

  29. Rickey says:

    Mike Travis:

    Not only that but the once SCOTUS has upheld the Founder’s meaning two times. See Minor vs Happersett and US vs Kim Wong. Both reasserted the meaning to be that in order to be a “natural born citizen”, one had to be born of parents who were BOTH US citizens.

    Once again birther ignorance rears its ugly head.

    The fact is that neither Minor v. Happersett nor U.S. v. Wong Kim Ark say what you believe they say (and if you are going to cite cases, at least get the names right).

    In fact, in U.S. v. Wong Kim Ark the government conceded that if Ark was a citizen, he was a natural-born citizen who was eligible to be President. The government acknowledged that the District Court ruling said that Wong Kim Ark was a natural born citizen:

    The question presented by this appeal may be thus stated: Is a person born within the United States of alien parents domiciled therein a citizen thereof by the fact of his birth? The appellant maintains the negative, and in that behalf assigns as error the ruling of the district court that the respondent is a natural-born citizen… (p.2)

    The government went on to ask:

    Are Chinese children born in this country to share with the descendants of the patiots of the American Revolution the exalted qualification of being eligible to the Presidency of the nation, conferred by the Constitution in recognition of the importance and dignity of citizenship by birth? (p. 34)

    The Supreme Court, by a vote of 6-2, upheld the District Court ruling without exception. The District Court said that Wong Kim Ark was a natural born citizen, and the Supreme Court affirmed.

    You’re welcome.

  30. Bovril says:

    Poor sad Birfoon, want to know what the law says?

    Here is the statement form the ONLY Birther law suit to ever get past the point and giggle stage, specifically Ankeny v Indiana a case SPECIFICALLY about the President and what it means to be an NBC.

    Based upon the language of Article II, Section 1, Clause 4 and the guidance provided by Wong Kim Ark, we conclude that persons born within the borders of the United States are “natural born Citizens” for Article II, Section 1 purposes, regardless of the citizenship of their parents. Just as a person “born within the British dominions [was] a natural-born British subject” at the time of the framing of the U.S. Constitution, so too were those “born in the allegiance of the United States [] natural-born citizens.”

    You FAIL

  31. Scientist says:

    Mike Travis: Since every congressman and SCOTUS justice knew Obama was not eligible yet said nothing, it can be construed that they should all be charged with Misprision of Treason.

    Excellent idea! Then Obama can rule by decree!!!

  32. Gary Miller says:

    Mike Travis: “The Founders knew exactly what they intended as they did with every word they included in the founding documents.”

    Then why didn’t the Founders include the words “born of two American parents”?

  33. BatGuano says:

    Mike Travis:
    Why does the left avoid any form of rational discussion about a serious topic?

    you’ve just heard rational rebuttal on your understanding of minor v happersett and US v wong kim ark. do you have a counter argument?

  34. roadburner says:

    Mike Travis: i skim-read some stuff on WND which sounded official.

    p.s, i love orly because she knows what she´s doing.

    edited for accuracy


  35. Sef says:

    From his own description of his failure to go to his assigned place, it sounds more like desertion than simple AWOL (he intends to permanently avoid duty), That is a much more serious charge than AWOL. I don’t see any mention of him on CAAFlog, but that could change. See

  36. Sef says:

    From his own description of his failure to go to his assigned place, it sounds more like desertion than simple AWOL (he intends to permanently avoid duty), That is a much more serious charge than AWOL. I don’t see any mention of him on CAAFlog, but that could change. See

    P.S. This was about Moran, the subject of this topic, not our friend Travis.

  37. Rickey says:

    The Moran story has been picked up by Air Force Times:

    And by his home town newspaper, the Omaha World-Herald:

    When Moran toyed with the idea of going AWOL, his father, a Vietnam veteran, tried to talk him out of it, reminding him of the oath he’d taken when he enlisted in late 2001.

    But Howard Moran now says he’s come around to his son’s way of thinking. He’s done his own Internet research and now agrees that Barack Obama isn’t legally president and therefore his son shouldn’t have to serve him in the military.

    But now, maybe Daryn Moran has found his calling, his father said Monday. Maybe his calling is to educate others about Barack Obama’s allegedly forged birth certificate and allegedly illegitimate presidency.

    “A purpose in life is the greatest thing you can ever have,” Howard Moran said. “Maybe this is his.”

    Classic Obama Derangement Syndrome.

  38. Sef says:

    Rickey: “A purpose in life is the greatest thing you can ever have,” Howard Moran said. “Maybe this is his.”

    Reminds me of Mr. & Mrs. Ramsbottom’s son, Albert.

  39. BatGuano says:


    “A purpose in life is the greatest thing you can ever have,”

  40. Daniel says:

    Rickey: He’s done his own Internet research

    Internet research…. where would birthers and flat-earthers be without it?

  41. Obsolete says:

    Will father and son believe the lawyer(s) who try to save the son from a self-inflicted wound, or will they advise the lawyers they know better because of their Internet research?

  42. SueDB says:

    Birthers……they all look alike.

    Why are they all white and wild eyed???

  43. Stanislaw says:

    Daniel: Internet research…. where would birthers and flat-earthers be without it?

    Ten will get you twenty that his internet research didn’t include Westlaw or LexisNexis.

  44. Rickey says:

    Much ado about nothing?

    Apparently. According to Stars & Stripes, his discharge is being processed.

  45. Daniel says:

    Rickey: Apparently. According to Stars & Stripes, his discharge is being processed.

    Not surprising. He knew he was on the way out and he knew the Army was just as happy that he didn’t show up for work (assuming they didn’t tell him to just stay home until his “Mr” came in).

    He just wanted to make sure there was some hero worship out there in Biferstan waiting for him after he takes the walk of shame.

  46. Sef says:

    Daniel: Army

    Air Force

  47. BatGuano says:

    Rickey: Apparently. According to Stars & Stripes, his discharge is being processed.

    curious how the birthers will spin this. they want to paint moran as a heroic martyr but that’s a bit difficult when his burden is to simply stay at home after mutually agreeing to it ( monty python’s ” the comfy chair!” comes to mind ).

  48. Daniel says:

    Sef: Air Force

    My mistake, thank you for catching that.

  49. Rickey says:

    BatGuano: curious how the birthers will spin this. they want to paint moran as a heroic martyr but that’s a bit difficult when his burden is to simply stay at home after mutually agreeing to it ( monty python’s ” the comfy chair!” comes to mind ).

    According to published reports, he joined the Air Force in 2002 and he had a prior hitch in the Marines in the nineties. I don’t know how much credit he received from the Air Force for his service in the Marines, but the guy is 40 years old with 13 years or so of active duty and his pay grade is only E-5. He either has had an unimpressive military career or at some point he had disciplinary issues which resulted in a reduction in grade.

    Either way, it would appear that the Air Force is happy to get rid of him.

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