Taitz to appeal Barnett

Orly Taitz vows to appeal the decision of a three-judge panel of the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals in California (one of just a handful of states where one can be an attorney without ever attending law school), in Barnett v Obama, to the full 11-member court. This reported by the LA Times.

If Taitz had attended an ABA accredited law school instead of studying online, perhaps she would know she is wasting her time, and the taxpayers’ money. The Court did what the Article III of the Constitution required it to do and I would hope any competent attorney would recognize that instead of asking for a second opinion every time she loses.

Dr. Conspiracy to Orly Taitz: When you are careening down the road out of control, the last thing you should worry about is keeping your momentum going.

About Dr. Conspiracy

I'm not a real doctor, but I have a master's degree.
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293 Responses to Taitz to appeal Barnett

  1. Daniel says:

    Colonel Sandurz: Prepare ship for light speed.
    Dark Helmet: No, no, no, light speed is too slow.
    Colonel Sandurz: Light speed, too slow?
    Dark Helmet: Yes, we’re gonna have to go right to ludicrous speed.
    Colonel Sandurz: [squeaks] Prepare ship…
    [tries again, with booming voice]
    Colonel Sandurz: Prepare ship for ludicrous speed! Fasten all seatbelts, seal all entrances and exits, close all shops in the mall, cancel the three ring circus, secure all animals in the zoo!

  2. J. Potter says:

    Dark Helmet: I’m surrounded by a—holes!

    Thankfully, in this case, it is the holes who are surrounded.

  3. JoZeppy says:

    I must provide a correction. There are still other states where you can take the bar exam without going to law school. Virginia, Vermont, and NY also permit someone who has “read the law” (studied the law under the supervision of a licensed attorney), to sit for the bar exam. However, I do think they are the only state that permits you to get a JD from a correspondence or on-line school.

  4. bernadine ayers says:

    i think she did go to law school at taft law school, it’s in wikepedia anyway, could be made up.

  5. G says:

    You are correct. It is an online “distance learning” law school. I believe this is the one:


    bernadine ayers: i think she did go to law school at taft law school, it’s in wikepedia anyway, could be made up.

  6. richCares says:

    Taitz found an appeal necesarry in her quest for a Guinness World Record in most failures in court. She needs one more failure to break the record (previously held by herself, Orly Taitz).Our friend john says “she is most certainly going to succeed in getting into the Guinness World Record book, nobody fails like Orly”.
    Being the best at failure has been her goal since failing 3rd grade!

  7. Majority Will says:

    You are correct.It is an online “distance learning” law school.I believe this is the one:


    Attorney Alumni
    The faculty and administration of The Taft University System and Taft Law School congratulate the following graduates of its Juris Doctor Program who successfully passed the California Bar Examination on the dates indicated. Graduation from this four-year program and successful completion of the bar examination demonstrates high degrees of motivation, discipline, and academic achievement.

    July 2002
    Jennifer M. Medeiros -Victorville, CA
    Judy A. Wise -Clovis, CA
    Orly Taitz -Laguna Hills, CA


  8. bernadine ayers says:

    again i have to ask, why all the persecution of a nobody if the obama’s have nothing to hide ? this seems like smear to me. i should say she is a friend. i really admire her.

  9. Majority Will says:

    bernadine ayers:
    again i have to ask, why all the persecution of a nobody if the obama’s have nothing to hide ? this seems like smear to me. i should say she is a friend. i really admire her.

    Again I have to ask, why are you trolling?

    I’ve seen your posts in other forums and your website. You already have the answers you want to hear.

    Are you being paid to troll political forums or this just your full time volunteer job?

  10. bernadine ayers says:

    so asking questions you don’t like equals trolling ?

  11. bernadine ayers says:

    Are you being paid to troll political forums or this just your full time volunteer job?

    this has my question for fogbow since 4/27

    . you know man… i think the expression troll is overused to the point where it means disagree, like racist has become tantamount to simply asking questions about the president.

    isn’t this website (or any political hotsite including my own) just “trolling the web” ? how would i have found it in google ??. have you ever been fishing ?

    ask me to leave anytime, and you will never hear from me again, but is that what you really want ?

  12. bernadine ayers says:

    dr. conspiracy ??

  13. nbc says:

    Either way Bernadine, your presence or absence would not make much of a difference. Your claim to be ‘just asking questions’ but your questions belie your claims. Orly is not being persecuted. She is truly clueless about issues of law, fails to follow basic procedures, fails to understand precedent law, rules of the Court, how to properly serve complaints and so on. She is a victim of her own incompetence.

    I am not sure why you see her as a friend, but I am sure she may have some redeeming qualities. But her foolish obsession with our President is not one of them.

    Nevertheless, I fully support Orly’s continued ventures and follies as it provides us with much entertainment, and unlike her, we actually get to learn something from the Judges who attempt to educate her, to no avail.

  14. nbc says:

    Bernadine, perhaps you could mention one aspect of Orly’s arguments which you believe has some foundation in reality, logic, law or fact?

    Just one…

  15. Daniel says:

    bernadine ayers:
    so asking questions you don’t like equals trolling ?

    Asking stupid and misleading questions you already know the answer to equals trolling.

  16. nbc says:


  17. nbc:
    Either way Bernadine, your presence or absence would not make much of a difference. Your claim to be just asking questions’ but your questions belie your claims. Orly is not being persecuted. She is truly clueless about issues of law, fails to follow basic procedures, fails to understand precedent law, rules of the Court, how to properly serve complaints and so on. She is a victim of her own incompetence.

    I am not sure why you see her as a friend, but I am sure she may have some redeeming qualities. But her foolish obsession with our President is not one of them.

    Nevertheless, I fully support Orly’s continued ventures and follies as it provides us with much entertainment, and unlike her, we actually get to learn something from the Judges who attempt to educate her, to no avail.

    same here, no love lost.
    she’s my friend because she’s been piled on by the obama mob and she keeps going. she is an american success story and i like that. while you all troll under the pretense of protecting the pure in character obama, a lot of good people are being destroyed and left by the path to socialism. politics is politics, but everyone from nbc to george soros has tried to destroy her, and i’m just trying to find out why. in the mean time i’ve made her my friend. she is a lovely person and a wonderful mother, so again, i have to ask: why are millions on democrats so afraid of her ?

  18. G says:

    No. Asking insincere questions over and over again, even after they have been answered is Trolling.

    Orly is incompetent and constantly fails to grasp and follow simple legal procedures. She acts excessively unprofessionally in her rants and accusations as well. Calling anyone who disagrees with her or rules against her “traitor” is simply unacceptable behavior for a lawyer. Filing the same frivolous argument over and over again after the answer has unequivocably come back with “no” is a waste of our courts time and taxpayers money. She abuses and makes mockery of the system. Sanctions and disbarrment exist for a reason – and that is for behavior like hers. Heck, towards real lawyers, such rules are applied much more stringently and for much lesser abuses of proper conduct.

    Having a blog is to an extent, putting yourself into the public forum. People are responsible for both their words and deeds. Many of Orly’s actions can be construed as incitement and harassment.

    So she has earned contempt simply because she acts contemptible. No one here takes the idea of her tilting at windmills tantrums of frivoloty as anything more than that.

    To think she will succeed in court is simply being willfully blind to the evidence and history at hand.

    To defend her poor behaviors calls your own integrity and sense of values into question. They simply are not justified.

    bernadine ayers: so asking questions you don’t like equals trolling ?

  19. JoZeppy says:

    bernadine ayers: again i have to ask, why all the persecution of a nobody if the obama’s have nothing to hide ? this seems like smear to me. i should say she is a friend. i really admire her.

    1) She is not being persecuted. An misery and ridcule she suffers are a direct result of her own actions.

    2) She is wasting court time and resources, and thus also wasting tax payers money

    3) Her incompetence is a big black mark on the legal profession, and the fact that she stick “esq” after her name makes real attorneys look bad.

    4) I admire the three stooges. I think they were very comedy act. We are all entitled to admire idiots….but at least the one I admire realized that they were doing comedy.

  20. G says:

    If you would bother to read this site, you will see that Dr. C has directly answered such questions several times in the past with a clear and unequivacable NO – he is not being paid.

    He runs and maintains this site purely as his own hobby out of his own interest and out of his own pocket.

    The same is true for those of us who post here. Nobody is being paid. This is merely an excercise in expressing individual interests in a common forum.

    To pretend otherwise is merely the foolish and lazy excercise of a weak mind that has to create fantasy conspiracies to mask their own insecurities.

    bernadine ayers: Are you being paid to troll political forums or this just your full time volunteer job?this has my question for fogbow since 4/27. you know man… i think the expression troll is overused to the point where it means disagree, like racist has become tantamount to simply asking questions about the president.isn’t this website (or any political hotsite including my own) just “trolling the web” ? how would i have found it in google ??. have you ever been fishing ?ask me to leave anytime, and you will never hear from me again, but is that what you really want ?

  21. G seriously ? you’re going to lecture me on ranting ?

    this “article” starts out with “if she had gone to law school” which you quicky corrected.

    is that fair ? to whom am i addressing ?

  22. I would like you to define your terms. Who is “the obama [sic] mob”? In what way has she been “piled on”. In what sense is she either “american” or a “success”?

    I don’t get up in the morning asking “how can I make fun of Orly Taitz today?” Mostly folks send me emails saying “look what she has done now” and I go and see that she’s said something false, stupid or seditious, and I report on it factually. The courts wouldn’t pay her any mind except that she keeps filing frivolous lawsuits. Taitz has called judges traitors and surely that kind of language deserves challenging.

    Taitz is hardly a success, except that she has some number of people who fawn over her on her web site. However, when any of the birthers hold an event, the number of people who show up could ride in the back of a pickup truck. Indeed, looking at comments made in many venues, what I am finding is that Taitz is becoming byword for a crazy person. Quixotic may be replaced soon by Taitzesque.

    bernadine ayers: she’s my friend because she’s been piled on by the obama mob and she keeps going. she is an american success story and i like that.

  23. JPotter says:

    bernadine ayers: everyone from nbc to george soros has tried to destroy her, and i’m just trying to find out why. in the mean time i’ve made her my friend. she is a lovely person and a wonderful mother, so again, i have to ask: why are millions on democrats so afraid of her ?

    Laugh at = try to destroy? Sheds an interesting perspective on your claim to being a humorist. This line of posting is pursued in jest, right?

  24. Would you please name an individual who has been destroyed and show how the President is directly the cause of that destruction. Or is that just empty rhetoric on your part?

    One of the reasons that none of the birther plaintiffs have standing is that none of them have been able to answer my question. No injury in fact traceable to to the conduct of the defendant equals no case.

    bernadine ayers: a lot of good people are being destroyed and left by the path to socialism. politics is politics,

  25. JoZeppy: 1)She is not being persecuted.An misery and ridcule she suffers are a direct result of her own actions.

    2)She is wasting court time and resources, and thus also wasting tax payers money

    3)Her incompetence is a big black mark on the legal profession, and the fact that she stick “esq” after her name makes real attorneys look bad.

    4)I admire the three stooges.I think they were very comedy act.We are all entitled to admire idiots….but at least the one I admire realized that they were doing comedy.

    do you know her as a person joe ?? did you know she is a moldavian jew. do you hear “hey you guys are anti semtic” the way i hear “hey scott’s a racist” ?

    did you know about or see the painting george soros had commisioned then sent to her children ? where’s the outrage as a mother ?

    does any worthwhile attorney “stick” esq to their name thinking that’s all it takes to look “good”. ??

  26. Why do you think this is an event that really happened?

    bernadine ayers: did you know about or see the painting george soros had commisioned then sent to her children ? where’s the outrage as a mother ?

  27. G says:

    The problem is that your entire premise is a false meme of pure fantasy. Maybe you think that way because that is how you behave and see the world and you are simply ill equipped to do anything but project your own limited mindset onto others.

    If that is the case, the broader reality beyond your own narrow little mind will forever be beyond your grasp. Hate to tell you, but our minds and motives simply don’t work that way.

    You are free to “like” Orly and be her friend all you want. We have a right to our opinions that she is a crazy and cruddy person, but you have the right to associate with whomever you like.

    Nobody fears her, except that her irresponsible behaviors might incite some unhinged lone wolf. That is the only actual fear that is there – incitement of a crime. Her harrassment and encouragement of harassment of innocent people is also criminal conduct.

    Her incompetent buffonery in her frivolous court cases demeans the legal profession and wastes both the courts and taxpayers time. But other than that, it is sheer entertainment for its utter insanity and train wreck like nature. It really is The Jerry Springer Show brought to a courtroom.

    You have a strange definition of “american success story” if you consider 100% failure to be success. Particularly, when it is performed in such an incompetent and unprofessional way. She’s a public embarassment and nuisance, that’s all. But hey, serial killers seem to attract their own “fans” too… so I guess that says something for your tastes. You have the right to view her as your “hero” – that is merely a matter of opinion and your tastes We aren’t taking that away from you. Just expressing our equal right to opinion to let you know what I think of your tastes.

    You obviously also lack any concept of personal responsibility and still can’t grasp how CAUSE and EFFECT work. Nobody is “persecuting” Orly. She gets mocked and fails purely as a result of her own statements and actions, all of which she brought upon herself.

    bernadine ayers:
    same here, no love lost.she’s my friend because she’s been piled on by the obama mob and she keeps going. she is an american success story and i like that.

  28. Dr. Conspiracy:
    Why do you think this is an event that really happened?

    because she told me and i believe her.

  29. G says:

    You don’t know what words mean, do you? Look up the definition of Trolling and Internet Trolling sometime.

    HINT: It is exactly what you are doing. Responding to you is not “trolling”. Again, you seem incapable of anything beyond mere projection of your own limited faults. The problem lies with you. Learn to take some responsibility.

    The whole concept of a “pure in character Obama” is some made up fiction and argument that only exists in your own imagination. Nobody here has said anything like that, so stop making up straw man arguments that have no connection to reality.

    Same with your whole “a lot of good people are being destroyed and left by the path to socialism.” You nutty right-wingers like to spout this meme, but again, it is nothing but a fiction in your own minds. Sorry, it just isn’t happening. You are imagining things. So spare us your fictitious “socialism” bogeyman. That charge doesn’t fly here.

    I’d challenge you to provide actual examples of “a lot of good people being destroyed by the path to socialism” here in the current US, but I know you will duck the question, as is simply isn’t happening. So I’ll just call you out for shamelessly crying Wolf, yet again.

    bernadine ayers:
    while you all troll under the pretense of protecting the pure in character obama, a lot of good people are being destroyed and left by the path to socialism.

  30. If you had read our Visitor’s Guide, you would know the answer to the question.


    Now, let me ask you this:

    Name one birther web site that discloses its funding sources and the amount it collects from PayPal clicks? Orly Taitz? Birther Summit? Terry Lakin Action Fund? To my knowledge there is none.

    I on the other hand publish a detailed financial statement of all funding I receive.


    bernadine ayers: Are you being paid to troll political forums or this just your full time volunteer job?

  31. Whenever one assesses whether someone is telling the truth or not, one should ask how the person making the statement is able to know what they are saying. How could Orly know that George Soros commissioned something sent to her children? If there is no answer to that question, then obviously she must be making it up from her imagination.

    By the way, I thank you for that straight-up answer to my question. Having personally noted numerous false statements by Taitz in the past, I would not accept her word on this.

    bernadine ayers: because she told me and i believe her.

  32. Daniel says:

    bernadine ayers:
    she’s my friend because she’s been piled on by the obama mob and she keeps going. she is an american success story

    Don’t you actually have to succeed to be a success story? I’d have thought that three years of abject, miserable, laughable, and ridiculous failures would qualify more as an American failure story…

    bernadine ayers:
    and i like that. while you all troll under the pretense of protecting the pure in character obama,

    Oh, are you under the mistaken impression that everyone here is an Obama supporter? I’m not. I’m a Conservative and a Republican.

    I guess that’s just one more foolish assumption you’ve made.

    bernadine ayers:
    a lot of good people are being destroyed and left by the path to socialism.

    Oh yes, the nutbaggery propaganda weasel word “socialism”. One day I’d like to be present to see the look on a birthers face when they finally come to an understanding of what the word “socialism” actually means.

    bernadine ayers:
    but everyone from nbc to george soros has tried to destroy her, and i’m just trying to find out why.

    Nobody has tried to “destroy” her. Nobody has to. She destroys her own self all on her own. She certainly poses no legal threat to anyone. Being sued by Orly Taitz is really just a magnificent opportunity to add another win to your count by any opposing lawyer.

    bernadine ayers:
    in the mean time i’ve made her my friend. she is a lovely person

    Lovely people don’t do the things she’s doing, and if you’ve chosen to make a fool your friend, well then….

    bernadine ayers:
    i have to ask: why are millions on democrats so afraid of her ?

    Well I guess you’d have to pose that question to a Democrat who is afraid of her. I’m neither. I’d be very surprised if you actually could find anyone who is afraid of her. She really poses no threat to anyone. She’s a guaranteed failure on anything she litigates, and her incompetence is breathtaking. One might as well be afraid of the mouse in tin foil armor.

    IN any case, thank you for finally being honest enough to reveal your agenda. I feel so very sorry for you.

  33. Dr. Conspiracy:
    I would like you to define your terms. Who is “the obama [sic] mob”? In what way has she been “piled on”. In what sense is she either “american” or a “success”?

    I don’t get up in the morning asking “how can I make fun of Orly Taitz today?” Mostly folks send me emails saying “look what she has done now” and I go and see that she’s said something false, stupid or seditious, and I report on it factually. The courts wouldn’t pay her any mind except that she keeps filing frivolous lawsuits. Taitz has called judges traitors and surely that kind of language deserves challenging.

    Taitz is hardly a success, except that she has some number of people who fawn over her on her web site. However, when any of the birthers hold an event, the number of people who show up could ride in the back of a pickup truck. Indeed, looking at comments made in many venues, what I am finding is that Taitz is becoming byword for a crazy person. Quixotic may be replaced soon by Taitzesque.

    ok doc lets talk… you did wake up this morning and trolled the web with “if she had gone to law school”… is that fair ??

    not an american success story ? do you know where she’s from and what she became ? isn’t that a real version of the fake story ayers wrote for obama ?

    seditious ? do you know what that even means ? why are you so afraid of the ones you mock ?

  34. G says:

    O’Really? George Soros is trying to destroy her? LOL! Stop making up such silly and outrageous lies. Put up or shut up.

    You and her really suffer from an imaginary Persecution Complex, don’t you?

    I’ve already explained that no one actually fears her, except in the way that one is not comfortable around crazy and unstable people…because they are simply a danger to themselves and others.

    You seem to also suffer from a deep seated insecurity that causes you to need to deny the reality behind mockery and pretend it is “trembling fear” of a world that just doesn’t “understand” folks who are so “significant” and “important” as you and Orly… what a joke! Get a clue.

    Again, you are free to be friends with her. That is utterly irrelevant to our views about her. Nor does her personal family life in any way excuse her public failures, utter buffoonery and despicable, unprofessional behaviors.

    Your petty mindset is to simply “defend” those you view as your personal “tribe”. The actual concept of right and wrong seems beyond your grasp and thus you are likely to do nothing but wallow in constant hypocrisy.

    By your own “logic”, I assume that if you were “friends” with Jerry Sandusky or Bernie Madoff or Charles Manson that you’d be just as vociferously defending what they did… hey, they all had families too…

    bernadine ayers:
    politics is politics, but everyone from nbc to george soros has tried to destroy her, and i’m just trying to find out why. in the mean time i’ve made her my friend. she is a lovely person and a wonderful mother, so again, i have to ask: why are millions on democrats so afraid of her ?

  35. Taft is an online school.

    bernadine ayers: i think she did go to law school at taft law school, it’s in wikepedia anyway, could be made up.

  36. Dr. Conspiracy:
    If you had read our Visitor’s Guide, you would know the answer to the question.


    Now, let me ask you this:

    Name one birther web site that discloses its funding sources and the amount it collects from PayPal clicks? Orly Taitz? Birther Summit? Terry Lakin Action Fund? To my knowledge there is none.

    I on the other hand publish a detailed financial statement of all funding I receive.


    my website america’s website, washamericom, zero profit, owned by me, run by me.

  37. Dr. Conspiracy:
    Taft is an online school.

    thank you for that…

  38. G says:

    Yes I am. This is a public forum. Anything you put forth here is validly subject to response from everyone else.

    And yes, I am going to continue to lecture you every time you need correcting. Obviously, I’m seeing a pattern that you can’t grasp the concept of personal responsibility, so instead of learning from your mistakes, you just cry and continue to make them.

    You will notice that when you act like a reasonable person and engage in honest dialogue, you get respectful answers. When you try to inject strawman arguments and peddle silly and untrue memes, you will get called out on it and I will spell it out to you in as much detail as necessary.

    bernadine ayers: G seriously ? you’re going to lecture me on ranting ?this “article” starts out with “if she had gone to law school” which you quicky corrected. is that fair ? to whom am i addressing ?

  39. Well then you know what it costs to run a web site in terms of time and money. If you spent a little more, you could get a keyboard with a Shift key.

    bernadine ayers: my website america’s website, washamericom, zero profit, owned by me, run by me.

  40. Daniel says:

    It’s always a little amusing, from the pathos side of the tracks, when a concern troll shows their true colors.

  41. California is the only state where someone from an online school can take the bar exam.

    The elementary mistakes Orly has made, e.g., filing in the wrong jurisdiction, improper service and filing lawsuits called by the courts “frivolous” has been a cause for wonder here. How could she have passed the admittedly stringent California Bar Exam and still be so clueless? There is a long list of conduct by Taitz that is contrary to the Bar rules. I can’t help but think that if she had gone to a bricks and mortar law school, the give and take of the classroom might have help work out some of the kinks.

    Because Orly Taitz is such a public figure, appearing on national TV, running a web site, running for office in California, she is a figure in the news and as such she has gotten a lot of ink on this web site. In fact she’s been identified as a category in 203 of the 1,704 articles published here. You can read them all through this link:


    While I have tried to play it straight, Taitz’s antics incite a response of scorn and I have fallen prey to that incitement on more than one occasion.

    bernadine ayers: thank you for that…

  42. Dr. Conspiracy:
    Well then you know what it costs to run a web site in terms of time and money. If you spent a little more, you could get a keyboard with a Shift key.

    yes sir i do, and the subsequent/consequent heat that goes along with this.

    can we pick this up after the holidays ? my friend sfjeff fromanother board assures me that you are a good and fair man, i think i am too.

    thanks for allowing me to visit, this is a hot forum and i’m glad you all trolled me in here from google search of “obama birth certificate” on the world wide internet earth spiderweb.
    merry christmas and happy chanuka to all.. remember we are all americans. just cause i’m a birther doesn’t mean we can’t speak peace. i’ll be back after supper. i’ll ask santa for a keyboard.

    thanks dr. conspiracy, this is a terrific site, sincerely… scott e

  43. G says:

    Irrelevant. That is immaterial to the statements and actions that she has committed of her own accord.

    bernadine ayers:
    do you know her as a person joe ??

    While her upbringing may explain her scarred and damaged world view and motives, it is not an excuse nor justification for her behaviors.

    bernadine ayers:
    did you know she is a moldavian jew.

    Has anyone here called you a racist? NO. I ask you, if you are claiming that people call you a racist, just what was it that you said or did that led to them making that charge?

    No useless platitudes of worthless straw-man generalizations, please. Either state and cite clear examples or drop an intentionally inflammatory issue that is utterly irrelevant.

    bernadine ayers:
    do you hear “hey you guys are anti semtic” the way i hear “hey scott’s a racist” ?

    Ok, I’ve already seen your response on this where you simply say she said so and you believe her. My answer to you is that you are simply gullible. You simply believe her without evidence or proof. That makes you a fool.

    Also, those that chose to make themselves public figures and seek the limelight need to develop thicker skins. It simply goes with the territory and public figures become subject to mockery, ridicule and comedic expressions of art all the time. She chose this path. She doesn’t have to like it, but she has to learn to accept the consequences that come with it. Such is life.

    bernadine ayers:
    did you know about or see the painting george soros had commisioned then sent to her children ? where’s the outrage as a mother ?

    Well, Orly leaves me with the impression that she does. Honestly, the real attorneys I know often don’t bother to add or point out the “esq” in their titles. Only those trying to make themselves appear more important than they are. Anyways, her use of esq or not is a petty matter to pick on and I don’t care whether she does or not.

    What matters is that so far she has shown nothing but a consistent track record of overwhelming incompetence and unprofessionalism in her legal actions and she has a horrible track record of embarrassing failures to show for it. So yeah, from the perspective of what matters, she does not look “good” as a lawyer at all. Sorry, but quantity does not equal quality.

    bernadine ayers:
    does any worthwhile attorney “stick” esq to their name thinking that’s all it takes to look “good”. ??

  44. Daniel says:

    bernadine ayers: my website america’s website, washamericom, zero profit, owned by me, run by me.

    Easy to see why it’s zero profit. Aside from being very hard on the eyes, and extremely poorly made, it’s


    Statistics Summary for washingtonamerica.com

    There are 6,974,691 sites with a better three-month global Alexa traffic rank than Washingtonamerica.com.”

  45. Daniel says:

    Talk about Irony. One of bernadine’s “songs” is entitled “silly you”. lol

  46. G says:

    bernadine ayers: not an american success story ? do you know where she’s from and what she became ? isn’t that a real version of the fake story ayers wrote for obama ?
    seditious ? do you know what that even means ? why are you so afraid of the ones you mock ?

  47. G says:

    Her story sounded like an American success story, until she decided to blow it by taking up the foolish cause of Birtherism and turning herself into a public figure of failure and insanity.

    Sounds like all she did is flush the legacy of her past achievements down the toilet, as they have become totally eclipsed by her Birther behaviors since then. Destroying one’s own credibility and legacy sort of puts an end to their “American success story” chapter in life.

    She has only herself to blame.

    bernadine ayers:
    not an american success story ? do you know where she’s from and what she became ?

    You’ve already been called out on this. Stop posting baseless lies.

    bernadine ayers:
    isn’t that a real version of the fake story ayers wrote for obama ?

    Oh the irony! Again you project your own failures onto others. Time to educate you again:


    1. Conduct or language inciting rebellion against the authority of a state.
    2. Insurrection; rebellion.

    Calling for a state to secede is clear sedition. So are a lot of the lesser incitements against the government or against the President that Orly insinuates.

    bernadine ayers:
    seditious ? do you know what that even means ?

    Are you projecting again? Can’t seem to accept that we don’t fear you silly birthers, can you? Boy, are you ever insecure! LOL! Act like a fool and you deserve to be treated like one.

    bernadine ayers:
    why are you so afraid of the ones you mock ?

  48. richCares says:

    yah, Soros commisioned that pancake painting, as well as cutitng Orly’s emmission hose, Orly said so, so it must be true.
    sure bernadine, sure.
    It’s the same as hearing what your rice krispees said. Will it upset you that we laugh at you and Orly?

  49. JoZeppy says:

    bernadine ayers: do you know her as a person joe ??

    Then you are as gullible as she is incomepent. Congrat!

  50. JoZeppy says:

    bernadine ayers: do you know her as a person joe ??

    No. I try not to associate with incompetents, idiots, and nutters. People judge you by the company you keep.

    bernadine ayers: did you know she is a moldavian jew.

    Yes I did. So what? Does that give her a pass for being an incompetent nutter?

    bernadine ayers: do you hear “hey you guys are anti semtic” the way i hear “hey scott’s a racist” ?

    Of course not. Because Orly is scorned for the stupid things she does. Birthers attack President Obama on the basis of lies, that you either have to be an idiot to believe or have other motivation.

    bernadine ayers: did you know about or see the painting george soros had commisioned then sent to her children ? where’s the outrage as a mother ?

    No. And neither do you or Orly. Do you honestly think Soros gives two turds about Orly (you know he’s Jewish too…does that win him a prize too?)? Orly has problems distinguishing reality from fantasy. Just like everything else she claims as “facts” she hasn’t a shred of evidence that Soros even knows who the hell she is.

    bernadine ayers: does any worthwhile attorney “stick” esq to their name thinking that’s all it takes to look “good”. ??

    Actually, most real attorneys don’t put Esq. at the end of their own names. We put it at the end of other attorneys names out of respect to them, but putting at the end of your own just makes you look like you have some inferiority complex and is the first clue of incompetence.

  51. Keith says:

    bernadine ayers: in the mean time i’ve made her my friend.

    I don’t like Facebook myself.

  52. Keith says:

    bernadine ayers: in the mean time i’ve made her my friend.

    I don’t like Facebook myself.

    Daniel: There are 6,974,691 sites with a better three-month global Alexa traffic rank than Washingtonamerica.com.”

    That’s undoubtedly why Bernie has showed up here. To get the message out on a web site that actually has readers.

  53. Rickey says:

    bernadine ayers:
    i think she did go to law school at taft law school, it’s in wikepedia anyway, could be made up.

    Doc’s point is that Orly never attended law school. She took all of her law classes online or by correspondence.

    I feel certain that the real lawyers here can explain to you some of the reasons why other states do not allow correspondence law school graduates to sit for bar exams. Perhaps if Orly had experienced actual, in-person interaction with her law professors and fellow students she would have learned something about how to deport herself in a courtroom.

  54. Doc’s point is that Orly never attended law school. She took all of her law classes online or by correspondence.

    i’m back… anybody up ??

  55. bernadine ayers: in the mean time i’ve made her my friend.

    I don’t like Facebook myself.

    this will end up as “scott’s quote from conspiracy.org”

  56. Paul Pieniezny says:

    Bernadine, perhaps you could mention one aspect of Orly’s arguments which you believe has some foundation in reality, logic, law or fact?

    Just one…

    OK, I’ll help her/him. When Orly rebuked MIchaelN for suggesting to use Rogers v Bellei. She read the Wikipedia article.

  57. Paul Pieniezny says:

    G: Ok, I’ve already seen your response on this where you simply say she said so and you believe her. My answer to you is that you are simply gullible. You simply believe her without evidence or proof. That makes you a fool.

    Hear, hear. A bit strong at the end, but logical.

    Everything in Orly’s Wikipedia about her origins is really what she told journalists. She once told an Orange County journalist that she was born in 1960 and had lived in Romania. Later that latter info was taken from her Wikipedia article, and the date of birth was changed into 1962 (although the verdicts on her numerous traffic offenses give 1960).

    Of course, we would all like to be younger than we really are, but born in 1960 means Orly (or whatever she was called in the Soviet Union) had at least three years she could have spent at a university or vuz (university college). It is widely known that some Romanian universities finance themselves with the proceeds of a special section which acts as a diploma mill for foreigners. This has been going on since Ceaucescu. Yes, if Orly ever lived in Romania, she lived there under Ceaucescu. Those were the days when female students were given a gyno every month to ensure they did not commit abortions. This is the same lady who complains about oppression in the Soviet Union and how she can recognize it in the USA under Obama- but she deliberately chose to live under a dictator who was ten times worse.

    There is even the distinct possibility that it happened after her marriage: so Iosif Taitz paid for that year (or maybe two years) in Romania, and Orly had no problem with a monthly gyno, because she knew she would fly to America to have her anchor baby there.

    One thing Orly definitely is, is a hypocrite.

  58. Thrifty says:

    Orly Taitz is the kind of wimp who can dish it out but can’t take it. She’ll say the most vile things about the people who disagree with her and the judges who rule against her, but one word against her is persecution.

  59. do you guys know who frank arduini is ??

  60. G says:

    Dr. C is certainly one of the fairest minded hosts there is. We all appreciate that he puts the effort into this site and allows our little community to participate.

    That being said, I hope against hope for some sincerity in deeds to match the words of good will you have just stated.

    If you can please try to focus more on your earnest and honest dialogue and leave the weasel word memes, disingenuous straw man arguments and Trolling tactics behind, you will find a more receptive audience.

    Please try better to be responsible in your statements and respectful of others in your behavior. I would prefer having an adult conversation instead of having to call out bad behavior and dishonest tactics.

    I will end with emphasizing complete agreement with your statement I have highlighted in bold below. I only hope you strive better to remember that and live up to your words.

    bernadine ayers: yes sir i do, and the subsequent/consequent heat that goes along with this.can we pick this up after the holidays ? my friend sfjeff fromanother board assures me that you are a good and fair man, i think i am too.thanks for allowing me to visit, this is a hot forum and i’m glad you all trolled me in here from google search of “obama birth certificate” on the world wide internet earth spiderweb.merry christmas and happy chanuka to all.. remember we are all americans. just cause i’m a birther doesn’t mean we can’t speak peace. i’ll be back after supper. i’ll ask santa for a keyboard.thanks dr. conspiracy, this is a terrific site, sincerely… scott e

  61. G says:

    Speaking for myself personally, no. I think I’ve heard the name, but only in reference of Orly …and I think Kerchener ranting about it.

    So I can be totally wrong, but my impression was this was simply some other commenter or blogger who said something that some Birthers have got upset about.

    But I really have no understanding of the conflict or recall what is claimed that he said or did. So my guess is he is just another person, similar to all of us who make comments here, who said something…

    Did I guess correctly?…Can you fill us in on the rest?

    bernadine ayers: do you guys know who frank arduini is ??

  62. Paul Pieniezny says:

    The point I was trying to make is this. If Orly was born in 1960, she was 20-21 when she left the Soviet Union. Since in the Soviet Union, secondary school normally ended at 17, it would mean three years of study (and perhaps even time for a first marriage).

    So, three years lost when she arrives in Israel. But later she sees an opening. Romania had a university and college system close to the Soviet model, would probably recognize the (copies of the) certificates she smuggled out of the Soviet Union, and of course Orly knows Romanian, or a variant of it. She only needs money to finance it. Surprise, surprise, a rich American Jew turns up looking for a wife. No problem if she speaks Russian for, being born in Latvia himself, he can speak that too. Now, why would any newly wed go to live under Ceaucescu after fleeing Brezhnev and living in freedom for five years?

    Conjecture, of course. Perhaps Orly did manage that last year at a Hebrew university. But I do not buy into that American success story for Orly. The money is her hubby’s. Luckily for Orly, California has community property law. I am sure that is an area at law that she knows rather well.

  63. Sometimes when I see a story in my Google alerts I visit the site to see if it’s suitable material for an article here. Sometimes I leave a comment, but most days I don’t.

    Taft Law School is a “correspondence law school”. Since it does not require students to attend any live classes, I think it is correct to say that she ever went to law school. California is the only state where a correspondence school degree lets one take the bar exam. Taft Law School is not accredited by the American Bar Association.


    I will concede that my comment might have mislead readers. I probably should have said “if she had gone to an ABA accredited law school.” My intent, however, was on target — to suggest that something was missing in her legal education.

    bernadine ayers: ok doc lets talk… you did wake up this morning and trolled the web with “if she had gone to law school”… is that fair ??

  64. Paul Pieniezny says:

    G: So I can be totally wrong, but my impression was this was simply some other commenter or blogger who said something that some Birthers have got upset about.

    Outed by the Putz on the CAAFlog during the discussion on Lakin (must stop spelling Larkin, must stop spelling Larrikin, must stop …).

    All the rest you guessed right. Of course, some of us can afford being outed, others cannot – well, they almost always can themselves, but won’t put their relatives (= leurs parent) at risk.

  65. let me just say…

    66 Responses to Taitz to appeal Barnett

    DanielDecember 23, 2011 at 1:29 pm (Quote)#

    Colonel Sandurz: Prepare ship for light speed.
    Dark Helmet: No, no, no, light speed is too slow.
    Colonel Sandurz: Light speed, too slow?
    Dark Helmet: Yes, we’re gonna have to go right to ludicrous speed.
    Colonel Sandurz: [squeaks] Prepare ship…
    [tries again, with booming voice]
    Colonel Sandurz: Prepare ship for ludicrous speed! Fasten all seatbelts, seal all entrances and exits, close all shops in the mall, cancel the three ring circus, secure all animals in the zoo!

    J. PotterDecember 23, 2011 at 1:33 pm (Quote)#

    Dark Helmet: I’m surrounded by a—holes!

    Thankfully, in this case, it is the holes who are surrounded.

  66. Frank and I were “outed” by Jerome Corsi in the same article at WND, although Frank got most of the ink. I don’t know him personally.


    bernadine ayers: frank arduini

  67. Dr. C is certainly one of the fairest minded hosts there is. We all appreciate that he puts the effort into this site and allows our little community to participate.

    yes… let’s start the new year out correctly.

  68. AnotherBird says:

    Taitz found an appeal necesarry in her quest for a Guinness World Record in most failures in court. She needs one more failure to break the record (previously held by herself, Orly Taitz).Our friend john says “she is most certainly going to succeed in getting into the Guinness World Record book, nobody fails like Orly”.
    Being the best at failure has been her goal since failing 3rd grade!

    More like the Darwin Awards. We really don’t one another person flooding courts with like Taitz frivolous lawsuits.

  69. Dr. Conspiracy:
    Frank and I were “outed” by Jerome Corsi in the same article at WND, although Frank got most of the ink. Beyond that, all I know is that he commented at WND a lot.

    you know i was involved with that.

  70. I’m a pretty straightforward fellow. I have good intentions, but some things make me angry. (Probably sounds like most people.) I probably should write an article about all the things that get my goat, but a couple of them are people arguing based on what they describe as facts, but which are not true. Another is someone arrogantly writing as an expert when they are not. I also take very seriously incitement of civil disorder, mutiny, and angry mobs.

    bernadine ayers: yes… let’s start the new year out correctly.

  71. Paul Pieniezny says:

    Dr. Conspiracy: I will concede that my comment might have mislead readers. I probably should have said “if she had gone to an ABA accredited law school.” My intent, however, was on target — to suggest that something was missing in her legal education.

    Doc, I believe that saying “never went to law school” is different from saying “never went to law school”. Orly did not “go to school”, as the expression goes, but visited a(n unacccredited) law schhol on the web.

    Still, saying “:attended”in stead of “went to” would solve the problem of the misunderstanding.

    I do not think having to go to a real brick college, or having to work under a lawyer before passing the Bar exam (overhere, prospective lawyers have to do both, but there is no separate grand exam) would have helped Orly much. She simply would not have been able to cope with the drag of daily legal routine. Too difficult and unglorious at the same time

  72. Oh. I thought something sounded familiar.

    bernadine ayers: you know i was involved with that.

  73. AnotherBird says:

    bernadine ayers:

    ask me to leave anytime, and you will never hear from me again, but is that what you really want ?

    Stick around for as long as you want.

  74. Paul Pieniezny says:

    Dr. Conspiracy:
    Frank and I were “outed” by Jerome Corsi in the same article at WND, although Frank got most of the ink. I don’t know him personally.


    I must say I do not read the Nut Daily, but only remembered your outing.

    It’s funny, So basically that was Frank outing himself at CAAFlog, but the Putz doubting it was him. Funny birfers.

    But creepy still. So, Bernie, who are you? Born in Bern, or do you have one of those life saving dogs? Do you put two apples on your head to prove you are a natural born citizen?

    Inquiring minds would like to know, and if you helped in outing Doc,,,

  75. G says:

    Yes, that would be an apt description of the situation the Birthers find themselves in…

    bernadine ayers: Thankfully, in this case, it is the holes who are surrounded.

  76. AnotherBird says:

    bernadine ayers:
    again i have to ask, why all the persecution of a nobody if the obama’s have nothing to hide ? this seems like smear to me. i should say she is a friend. i really admire her.

    In the worst case it is political and the best case disillusion. Taitz and other seem more intent of arguing away the Obama presidential through the courts. It is only to admire a lawyer who seem ignorant to the law.

  77. GeorgetownJD says:

    Paul Pieniezny: Doc, I believe that saying “never went to law school” is different from saying “never went to law school”. Orly did not “go to school”, as the expression goes, but visited a(n unacccredited) law schhol on the web.

    Still, saying “:attended”in stead of “went to” would solve the problem of the misunderstanding.

    I do not think having to go to a real brick college, or having to work under a lawyer before passing the Bar exam (overhere, prospective lawyers have to do both, but there is no separate grand exam) would have helped Orly much. She simply would not have been able to cope with the drag of daily legal routine. Too difficult and unglorious at the same time

    Orly would have failed in a brick and mortar law school. She could not survive the Socratic method.

  78. Arthur says:

    hi bernadine:

    i enjoyed listening to “garota de ipanema” on your website

    r u a girl married ?

    ru on matchcom y dont u have picktures of yourself?



  79. Sure. I know these threads where a bunch of folks come at you at the same time can take a lot to deal with. (Been there, done that) The trick is to write a few well-thought-out responses instead of a lot of short bursts. It makes for a better conversation for everybody, and it’s easier on you.

    BTW, my comment “Marsha?” comes a Stan Freberg recording of John and Marsha


    following the Dr. Conspiracy?

    bernadine ayers: can we pick this up after the holidays ?

  80. AnotherBird says:

    bernadine ayers: same here, no love lost.
    she’s my friend because she’s been piled on by the obama mob and she keeps going. she is an american success story and i like that. while you all troll under the pretense of protecting the pure in character obama, a lot of good people are being destroyed and left by the path to socialism. politics is politics, but everyone from nbc to george soros has tried to destroy her, and i’m just trying to find out why. in the mean time i’ve made her my friend. she is a lovely person and a wonderful mother, so again, i have to ask: why are millions on democrats so afraid of her ?

    That reminds me of someone shadow boxing. The courts have repeatedly reject her claims. None absolutely none have gone to trail. Why? The lack of standing. Honestly, those on both sides of the political aisle don’t understand her motives or distance themselves from her.

  81. Daniel says:

    bernadine ayers: Thankfully, in this case, it is the holes who are surrounded.

    Yeah 69 million people are surrounded by a handful of incompetent birthers (sorry redundant).

    Boy are we scared…..


  82. Northland10 says:

    bernadine ayers: again i have to ask, why all the persecution of a nobody if the obama’s have nothing to hide ?

    Orly, the “civil rights attorney and political dissident,” persecuted? Then I assume she is in the picture on the link or one like it?


    She lives in a multi-million dollar home and begs money from those of modest to low means so she can run around the country and demonstrate how to lose a legal case. That in itself annoys me. The only person who is destroying any credibility is herself. Her various opponents (including Obama’s attorneys) need to do little to persecute her, since as it is said “never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake.”

  83. misha says:

    bernadine ayers: did you know she is a moldavian jew.

    So? I’m a Russian Jew. Checkmate.

    I’ll tell you this much: Israel is filled with refuseniks like her. Avigdor Lieberman, a former bouncer, is also from Moldova. They spend their day licking their wounds. They are a uniformly angry bunch, and lash out to those not in their circle.

    Because of the way they were kicked around in the Soviet Union, they feel justified in kicking around Arabs. Brilliant thinking. I met Sharansky and was a supporter until he went off the deep end, and started advocating expelling all Arabs from Israel, even those with Israeli citizenship. Last time I checked, Germany tried that. Didn’t work out too well.

    Newsflash: Orly and Berg are doing this because they feel Obama is bad for Israel, and they truly believe they can drive Obama from office. I have to admit it’s fun watching the trainwreck. Berg already had to take a second mortgage to pay his fine, and ruined his practice. Orly got the $20K from her sugar daddy.

    Orly, Apuzzo, Farah and the rest are nothing more than grifters.

  84. Majority Will says:

    Northland10: Orly, the “civil rights attorney and political dissident,” persecuted?

    She writes it as “political decedent”.

    It’s her own special way to carry on a dead issue.

    Does that mean she was “assinated”?

  85. jayhg says:

    bernadine ayers: again i have to ask, why all the persecution of a nobody if the obama’s have nothing to hide ? this seems like smear to me. i should say she is a friend. i really admire her.

    Ask your nut friend why she keeps doing the same thing and expecting a different outcome. Suggest to her that she go with you to your psychiatrist and see what he thinks of this.

  86. jayhg says:

    so again, i have to ask: why are millions on democrats so afraid of her ?
    Everyone, Bernadine is just a silly fool. Bernadine, no one is afraid of orly, least of all “millions” of democrats. But you go ahead and tell yourself what you want to hear, talk about how nice she is and what a great mother she is, and say that she will one day be president instead of President Obama and all will be right in your birther world…………sheesh!!

  87. misha says:

    bernadine ayers: everyone from nbc to george soros has tried to destroy her, and i’m just trying to find out why. she is a lovely person and a wonderful mother, so again, i have to ask: why are millions on democrats so afraid of her ?

    I am afraid of her actual intent: Orly Taitz is determined to incite a lone wolf. If that’s your definition of “a lovely person and a wonderful mother,” I’m hoping you get help.

    I’ll bet $6.00 Orly schtupped her boyfriend, now husband, non-stop to get on that plane to Israel.

    That “lovely person” is a third rate dentist, and fifth rate lawyer. She put up with Ceaucescu, and screams Obama is a dictator with brownshirt enforcers. I want to laugh, but I have a terrible feeling about what is lurking at the edge of her followers.

  88. bgansel9 says:

    Dr. Conspiracy: Quixotic may be replaced soon by Taitzesque.

    Love it!

  89. bgansel9 says:

    jayhg: and say that she will one day be president instead of President Obama and all will be right in your birther world…………sheesh!!

    Ummm, that would definitely be Unconstitutional. Orly was born in Moldavia if I remember correctly. 😛

    And a note to Bernadine: Anyone who thinks we Democrats are AFRAID of Orly is living in an alternate reality. She’s just good for a few completely hilarious laughs once in a while, and spending federal funds on frivolous lawsuits.

  90. sfjeff says:

    Merry Christmas all.

    I was going to respond to Wash, but I just stopped and thought this is Christmas. I am going to spend the next two days expressing love and joy to my friends, family and fellow human beings.

    And as part of that….and in the spirit of Christmas….aren’t President Obama and his wife and children a wonderful example of a loving family?

  91. Majority Will says:

    Merry Christmas all.

    I was going to respond to Wash, but I just stopped and thought this is Christmas. I am going to spend the next two days expressing love and joy to my friends, family and fellow human beings.

    And as part of that….and in the spirit of Christmas….aren’t President Obama and his wife and children a wonderful example of a loving family?


    Merry Christmas and Happy Hanukkah to the host and posting denizens here.

    Maybe we can fish for gold coins in a bucket of chocolate as we spin the dreidel.

    “Nes Gadol Haya Sham.”

  92. Orly herself hinted at this when she left out the space in her LinkedIn profile which once read Orly TaitzESQ (now fixed). I see that a poster on Free Republic used the phrase last February:

    This is from someone who writes meandering hypotheticals and bizarre, imaginary dialogues, as well as Taitzesque ‘legal forms’ … again, enough with the shtick. Just reread the OP. It’s clear.

    So that shows another usage of the term as a generic negative.


    bgansel9: Dr. Conspiracy: Quixotic may be replaced soon by Taitzesque.

    Love it!

  93. That thread at FREEP brought back memories. Has butterdizillion gotten Janice Okubo arrested yet?

  94. Bob J says:

    bernadine, or scott, or wash, or whatever your name may be right now,

    You wrote earlier about us all being American, and with this being the holidays we should remember that all of this is healthy debate.

    The birther position is, so profoundly, un-American that to sit by and let it continue unchallenged is not in my DNA.

    I love my country. I love that people are different, and I truly believe in a melting pot. Is this a perfect Union? Of course not.. But terms like traitor should not be bandied about lightly. If you call someone a traitor, or corrupt, you better have proof. Social programs are not socialism.

    This issue is not like baseball. I am a Red Sox fan. I hate the Yankees. I can sit with the most pro Yankee fan and watch a game, because not matter who my team is; I love a good ball game.

    Birthers hold themselves as the holders of a secret truth to show their extreme patriotism. It is all a lie. Birthers are the new McCarthyists, sans the powerful leader and national level paranoia.

    The most telling thing about Dr. Taitz is anointing herself Queen of the Birthers. Last time I checked we fought a war to get rid of a monarch.

    Sorry for the ramble. My thoughts are too disjointed to craft straight response to you ( bernadine, et al.) This is more of a stream of consciousness posting. My main point is that you can not be pro birther and pro American. If the system failed to stop an ineligible person from attaining the highest office in the country, then the system is broken.

    I am an American, and the system is not perfect, but it is not broken.

  95. i heard rachal maddov use quixotic, alot one night.

    did you guys see the lawrence odonald interview with orly on 4/27 ?


    i mean, we don’t expect much from nbc… but…

    are you all going to listen to the john woodman debate ?

    i think someone here said that there is no investigation by arpaio, there would be no report (i think it was here). do you guys believe that ?

    That thread at FREEP brought back memories. Has butterdizillion gotten Janice Okubo arrested yet?

    this is too cryptic for me.


    misha, you seem kind of mean to me. do you all know her well enough to call here a bad mother, and third rate dentist. i mean, are your allegations based in truth ?

  96. Arthur:
    hi bernadine:

    i enjoyed listening to “garota de ipanema” on your website

    r u a girl married ?

    ru on matchcomy dont u have picktures of yourself?




  97. Bob J:
    bernadine, or scott, or wash, or whatever your name may be right now,

    You wrote earlier about us all being American, and with this being the holidays we should remember that all of this is healthy debate.

    The birther position is, so profoundly, un-American that to sit by and let it continue unchallenged is not in my DNA.

    I love my country. I love that people are different, and I truly believe in a melting pot. Is this a perfect Union? Of course not.. But terms like traitor should not be bandied about lightly. If you call someone a traitor, or corrupt, you better have proof. Social programs are not socialism.

    This issue is not like baseball. I am a Red Sox fan. I hate the Yankees. I can sit with the most pro Yankee fan and watch a game, because not matter who my team is; I love a good ball game.

    Birthers hold themselves as the holders of a secret truth to show their extreme patriotism. It is all a lie. Birthers are the new McCarthyists, sans the powerful leader and national level paranoia.

    The most telling thing about Dr. Taitz is anointing herself Queen of the Birthers. Last time I checked we fought a war to get rid of a monarch.

    Sorry for the ramble. My thoughts are too disjointed to craft straight response to you ( bernadine, et al.) This is more of a stream of consciousness posting. My main point is that you can not be pro birther and pro American.If the system failed to stop an ineligible person from attaining the highest office in the country, then the system is broken.

    I am an American, and the system is not perfect, but it is not broken.

    have you read ts elliot or ezra pound ? i love the stream of consciousness. you know she’s not a real queen, i don’t know who did the annointing.

    obviously i don’t think i’m a “tailgunner joe”….

    read the first pages of “dreams” and “fugitive days” see if anything jumps out at you.

    i don’t like the clouds around obama, and i don’t like the idea that people think this mystery has a time limit. i don’t like the obots (fogbow), the way they operate.

    i don’t like that some people don’t like me to ask questions. i believe there is still a lot about barack and michelle that needs to be discovered, that’s my right, and ability to be the americam i want to be. there’s plenty of room for all of us.

  98. Butter dizzily has been insisting for over a year that officials at the Hawaii DoH are guilty of some unspecified crimes and should be arrested.

    Yes, I plan to listen to John Woodman debate the fake “experts” but I do not trust Mark Gillar
    to run a fair debate. I hope I am wrong.

    bernadine ayers:
    i heard rachal maddov use quixotic, alot one night.

    did you guys see the lawrence odonald interview with orly on 4/27 ?


    i mean, we don’t expect much from nbc… but…

    are you all going to listen to the john woodman debate ?

    i think someone here said that there is no investigation by arpaio, there would be no report (i think it was here). do you guys believe that ?

    That thread at FREEP brought back memories. Has butterdizillion gotten Janice Okubo arrested yet?

    this is too cryptic for me.


    misha, you seem kind of mean to me.do you all know her well enough to call here a bad mother, and third rate dentist. i mean, are your allegations based in truth ?

  99. Paul Pieniezny: I must say I do not read the Nut Daily, but only remembered your outing.

    It’s funny, So basically that was Frank outing himself at CAAFlog, but the Putz doubting it washim. Funny birfers.

    But creepy still. So, Bernie, who are you? Born in Bern, or do you have one of those life saving dogs? Do you put two apples on your head to prove you are a natural born citizen?

    Inquiring minds would like to know, and if you helped in outing Doc,,,

    not doc, wonk kim ark (frank arduini) who works for foggy (who actually did go to a brick and mortar law school i think).

    he has many aliases on the web.
    he is also, wildly off the charts smart, and probably the top expert (in my mind) for your team. he has a military history (west point) and associations leading to the whitehouse.

    he is also condescending and likes to intimidate people who question obama. i expect he’ll show up here, he and sfjeff are pretty tight. i hope he does, as wong or historian dude or whatever. he and i have been coldwaring for months about this, until the moderators became obots themselves at political forum.com and i decided to leave.

  100. Majority Will says:

    bernadine ayers: read the first pages of “dreams” and “fugitive days” see if anything jumps out at you.

    You’re right. They are both written in English.

    Good catch.

  101. Majority Will says:

    bernadine ayers: at political forum.com and i decided to leave.

    Is “decided to leave” the same as being banned for violating forum rules?

    (re: “. . . you got yourself banned at politicalforum I was worried you might be despondent.”

    Birtherspeak is so confusing sometimes.

  102. Thrifty says:

    There’s no mystery surrounding Barack Obama, except the one that Birthers manufacture. It’s a whole “I don’t like him so there must be something wrong!” thing.

    What I know beyond a shadow of a doubt is that he was born on August 4th, 1961 in Hawaii, to Stanley Ann Dunham and Barack Hussein Obama Senior. Since that was more than 35 years before 2008, and he spent 14 years living in the United States before 2008, that’s all that anyone needs to know to realize he meets the basic minimum requirements to be President. Whether or not he is qualified or is a good president is up for debate by rational people (I for one think he is, but there are intelligent people on this forum and others who disagree).

    Orly Taitz and her Birther ilk have been trying to remove a president who was lawfully elected by the majority of Americans, through the courts rather than through the means explicitly outlined in the Constitution (impeachment by Congress or through a vote by the Cabinet). That alone disqualifies her from the ranks of good, lovely people, without even bringing up the vile, disgusting things she says about the president and her detractors.

  103. Majority Will says:

    bernadine ayers: do you all know her well enough to call here a bad mother, and third rate dentist. i mean, are your allegations based in truth ?

    Wouldn’t you consider a list of dental malpractice lawsuits against her just more unfair persecution?

  104. Majority Will: Is “decided to leave” the same as being banned for violating forum rules?

    (re:“. . . you got yourself banned at politicalforum I was worried you might be despondent.”

    Birtherspeak is so confusing sometimes.

    good example of spin and selective comprehension. my despondency isn’t pinned to a political forum, jeff was being cute.

    please show me the list of malpractice suits. do any other dentists or doctor get sued in america ?

  105. Majority Will: You’re right. They are both written in English.

    Good catch.

    have you seen the jack cashill series ?

    do you write with lots of hyphens. i think it can be proven that ayers had his hand in the dreams book. it’s a lovely story, but a story it is.

    i think writing style can be identified, especially “great writng” that disappears ater the authors first attemptt at writing. i think it would have behooved obama not to say he wrote both books. i think this will haunt him in the election. it’s the lying and the cover up… nixon all over again.

    i think the obamas knew who the ayers/dohrns were when he ran for senate. their kids never went to school together.

  106. richCares says:

    i think someone here said that there is no investigation by arpaio, there would be no report (i think it was here). do you guys believe that ?
    that OMG moment is a waste of time, nothing will come of it . go ahead show us one item from the investigation! (just like Donald Trump’s investigators)

  107. Frank Arduini does not work for Foggy. He works for James A. Johnson who works for George Soros who works for U.N.C.L.E.

  108. Majority Will says:

    bernadine ayers: please show me the list of malpractice suits. do any other dentists or doctor get sued in america ?

    I think showing you anything is a waste of time. Look them up yourself. And I would expect you to claim it’s part of the great leftist conspiracy, a set up, and intimidation and persecution of your hero.

    If you commit a crime, are you less guilty because someone else has committed the same crime?

    Are you actually claiming it’s o.k. to commit malpractice because others do it too?

    If so, that’s a truly messed up lack of values.

    Birtherism is nothing but lies, selective comprehension and of course, hypocrisy.

  109. Majority Will says:

    Reality Check:
    Frank Arduini does not work for Foggy. He works for James A. Johnson who works for George Soros who works for U.N.C.L.E.

    Are the new NWO uniforms ready? I’ve heard they are AWESOME!

  110. Bob says:


    Nobody here thinks that your wide-eyed speculation and innocent questions are anything but an excuse to spew insults. At this point, three years later, it’s plain nutty.

  111. Majority Will says:

    bernadine ayers: do you write with lots of hyphens.

    Actually, I prefer, lots, of commas, like Orly.

  112. Reality Check:
    Frank Arduini does not work for Foggy. He works for James A. Johnson who works for George Soros who works for U.N.C.L.E.

    arduini is to fogbow as ayers is to obama.

  113. Majority Will: I think showing you anything is a waste of time. Look them up yourself. And I would expect you to claim it’s part of the great leftist conspiracy, a set up, and intimidation and persecution of your hero.

    If you commit a crime, are you less guilty because someone else has committed the same crime?

    Are you actually claiming it’s o.k. to commit malpractice because others do it too?

    If so, that’s a truly messed up lack of values.

    Birtherism is nothing but lies, selective comprehension and of course, hypocrisy.

    actually will i think it was your claim. i made no endorsement of any kind of malpractice, nice try though.

  114. richCares:
    i think someone here said that there is no investigation by arpaio, there would be no report (i think it was here). do you guys believe that ?
    that OMG moment is a waste of time, nothing will come of it . go ahead show us one item from the investigation! (just like Donald Trump’s investigators)

    i don’t think it’s been released yet, february, but i’m sure it exists, if not in the media.

  115. Majority Will says:

    bernadine ayers: have you seen the jack cashill series ?

    Isn’t Jack Cashill the same clownish buffoon who claimed the photo of a young Barack Obama and his grandparents in New York was a fake?

  116. Majority Will: Actually, I prefer, lots, of commas, like Orly.

    here’s a dumb question, have you read the books ?

  117. Majority Will says:

    bernadine ayers: i made no endorsement of any kind of malpractice, nice try though.

    You implied it when you posted, “do any other dentists or doctor get sued in america ?”

    There’s that short term memory problem again.

    Why did you get banned from politicalforum.com? Just curious.

  118. Majority Will says:

    bernadine ayers: please show me the list of malpractice suits

    I asked, “Wouldn’t you consider a list of dental malpractice lawsuits against her just more unfair persecution?”

    And you didn’t provide an answer.


    Here are a few more lawsuits but not for malpractice:


  119. Chris says:

    Dr. C:

    One correction to your post. She is asking for a third opinion, not a second opinion. Her case has already been rejected by the district court and a panel of the Ninth Circuit on basically the same grounds.

  120. richCares says:

    bernadine actually believes that sheriff joe is investigating Obama with a cold case posse, that is really silly. is she the alter ego of “john” the OMG believer? What will they think when no report shows up? Birthers, the few, the gullible, the silly!

  121. Majority Will says:

    bernadine ayers: actually will i think it was your claim. i made no endorsement of any kind of malpractice, nice try though.

    Here’s an interesting review of her dentistry skills with a 92 year old patient:

    Little Shop of Horrors
    by joninoc at Citysearch

    Here’s the link:


    Class act.

  122. richCares says:

    type “Orly Taitz Crazy” into google for fun comments
    check wikipedia on Orly http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Orly_Taitz
    Taitz’s other claims,
    Goldman Sachs runs the United States Treasury.
    Baxter International has developed a bird flu vaccine that kills people.
    Representative Alcee Hastings and the House of Representatives are planning to build at least six labor camps.
    Hugo Chávez owns the software that runs American voting machines.
    FactCheck is untrustworthy because of its links to the Annenberg Foundation.
    whaqt a hero

  123. Douglas Wilkie says:

    Just a sidebar: Antonio Villaraigosa (‘Tony Villar’), mayor of Los Angeles, attended the ‘People’s College of Law’ in Los Angeles (non-ABA accredited) and subsequently failed the California Bar Exam four (count ’em!) times. And yet he was elected and re-elected mayor, not to mention the California Assembly (served as Speaker!), as well as the Los Angeles City Council. He was also on the ACLU payroll in Los Angeles and worked for the United Teachers of Los Angeles (UTLA), the teachers’ union for the illustrious Los Angeles United School District (LAUSD) which touts a below-50% graduation rate.

    Before engaging in ad hominem attacks on Dr. Taitz and her law school training (She did, after all, pass the California State Bar!), one might look in one’s own backyard for those ‘progressive’ political icons whom Dr. Conspiracy fans presumably adulate and who are clearly pro-Obama (notwithstanding all the nagging questions regarding his ‘nativity narrrative’).

    Finally, to all of you who might be clamoring for Mitt Romney’s tax returns (and I’m not a Romney supporter), why not demand that Obama (in the interests of ‘transparancy’), release from the proverbial vault his heretofore embargoed personal history? If we knew that Al Gore was a ‘C’ student at Harvard (not to mention having dropped out of both law and divinity schools), or that George W. Bush got better grades at Yale than the brilliant John Kerry, why don’t we know of Obama’s presumed high level of academic excellence to which the political class nauseatingly and unceasingly refer?

  124. richCares says:

    Dear Mr Wilkie
    We know Obama became president of the prestigious Harvard Law Review
    We know Obama graduated Magna Cum Laude from Harvard, which, according to the
    Havard Law School website, is awarded to the top 10% of Harvard Law School students.

  125. Majority Will: I asked, “Wouldn’t you consider a list of dental malpractice lawsuits against her just more unfair persecution?”

    And you didn’t provide an answer.


    Here are a few more lawsuits but not for malpractice:


    your source on that seems a bit tainted, i saw it on fogblow. would you be fair and report the outcome, i think she still has her license though.

  126. Majority Will: You implied it when you posted, “do any other dentists or doctor get sued in america ?”

    There’s that short term memory problem again.

    Why did you get banned from politicalforum.com? Just curious.

    not banned, two day suspension, i thought you read my post. i just never went back, the moderator are heavily biased and when they come down to the other section to move birther posts off the main board they (one in particular) argued and deleted posts they didn’t like, i complained about it and they suspended me for two days, there wasn’t much left to do i figured. i’ve been pushed out of many threads for raising birther issues.
    same for apuzzo, they didn’t like his act.

    to me it’s just another red flag.

  127. Orly has not only accepted the title of Queen of the Birthers. She also suggested that she be queen of the United States. She wrote:

    Through H.R. 3590 Mr. Barack Hussein Obama is made dictator of the United States because it gives him the power of life and death over every American citizen. This is a clear and present danger to all Americans. This law must be annulled and vetoed immediately before time required for declaration of unconstitutionalty by court. As the last attorney with case active in court, and as the people’s leader of the movement to unseat usurper and illegal pretender to president Obama, I am uniquely the person to exercise moral power above government, as in Queen of England.


    Bob J: The most telling thing about Dr. Taitz is anointing herself Queen of the Birthers. Last time I checked we fought a war to get rid of a monarch.

  128. wait, i implied that i endorse medical malpractice…. uh,… if you say so

    are you the guy that said when did i stop beating my wife ?

  129. richCares:
    bernadine actually believes that sheriff joe is investigating Obama with a cold case posse, that is really silly. is she the alter ego of “john” the OMG believer?What will they think when no report shows up? Birthers, the few, the gullible, the silly!

    there will be no report then, ok

  130. Majority Will: Here’s an interesting review of her dentistry skills with a 92 year old patient:

    Little Shop of Horrors
    by joninoc at Citysearch

    Here’s the link:


    Class act.

    how many teeth did 90 year old guy have ? lol this is your complaint about orly going after obama ?

    your other souce is pretty cool, is this where you got it.


    i’ll ask again, have other professionals had malpractice complaints ? or just orly ? this seems like a litigious society.

    did they take her license ? am i missing something, is this all you have ?

  131. An ad hominem attack would be something like “Taitz is wrong because she had an inadequate legal education.” What I’m saying here is “Taitz is wrong because half a dozen federal judges have told her so, and perhaps that is due to her having an adequate legal education.”

    Taitz called one judge “dumb” and another a “traitor.” Given the scrutiny that all federal judges face to get appointed, isn’t it far more likely that Taitz is the flake in the cereal box?

    To be completely honest, I don’t think Orly’s problem is her legal education. One cannot dispute that she passed the bar exam. I think her problem is more her own narcissism and unwillingness to submit to the rule of law, or her inability to distinguish between the rule of law and her own sense of what ought to be. She believes, and has said multiple times, that the United States is hopelessly corrupt and that leads to her dismissal of the legitimacy of all of its institutions, including the courts and the precedents they operate under. While Taitz may know that the Federal Rules of Evidence preclude her submitting the fake Kenyan birth certificate some Obot sent to embarrass her, she submits it anyway because any rule that prevents what she wants is wrong in her view.

    Douglas Wilkie: Before engaging in ad hominem attacks on Dr. Taitz and her law school training (She did, after all, pass the California State Bar!), one might look in one’s own backyard for those progressive’ political icons whom Dr. Conspiracy fans presumably adulate and who are clearly pro-Obama (notwithstanding all the nagging questions regarding his nativity narrrative’).

  132. Majority Will: Isn’t Jack Cashill the same clownish buffoon who claimed the photo of a young Barack Obama and his grandparents in New York was a fake?

    i just heard of cashill a couple of weeks ago. his lecture is what compelled me to get fugitive days and dreams so i could read them together, so far i’m pretty amazed. also compared to the one thing i could find obama wrote (his paper of ftus birth rights).

    obama is such an accomplished writer for a beginner, but the talent seems to ebb and flow (pun intended).

  133. G says:

    Yes, Merry Christmas & Happy Holidays to all!

    Majority Will: Amen.Merry Christmas and Happy Hanukkah to the host and posting denizens here.Maybe we can fish for gold coins in a bucket of chocolate as we spin the dreidel.“Nes Gadol Haya Sham.”

  134. G says:

    LMAO! Oh, the irony!

    Dr. Conspiracy: Orly herself hinted at this when she left out the space in her LinkedIn profile which once read Orly TaitzESQ (now fixed). I see that a poster on Free Republic used the phrase last February:So that shows another usage of the term as a generic negative.http://www.freerepublic.com/focus/f-bloggers/2457491/posts?q=1&;page=1151#1158

  135. Neither Taitz’s medical practice nor her personal life is relevant to the subject matter of this blog, except to note that her practice is named Appealing Dentistry, and she seems to file a lot of appeals. I don’t cover it unless there is overlap with her Obama activities. I did mention her martial arts certification but just because it was interesting.

    bernadine ayers: how many teeth did 90 year old guy have ? lol this is your complaint about orly going after obama ?

  136. Well Cashill is a character who has been promoting a crank theory that Bill Ayers wrote Dreams from My Father. Cashill really made a fool of himself in a WND article (now scrubbed) that I reported here:


    Cashill is supposedly “assisting” Terry Lakin in writing his book.

    Here are articles on this site tagged Jack Cashill:


    If you have any hope of achieving objectivity, avoid Cashill.

    bernadine ayers: i just heard of cashill a couple of weeks ago.

  137. G says:

    Well said Bob! I echo the sentiments you expressed.

    That doesn’t mean that I don’t acknowledge the humanity of the misguided Birthers, just that their words and actions in regards to this silly and made up issue really spit upon everything that the US is supposed to stand for and their hyperbolic accusations against not only the President, but our entire structure and the rest of their fellow American’s is extremely insulting and offensive.

    Such intolerance in service of unfounded paranoia is simply not acceptable and is deservedly countered when it rises its ugly head. I wish they would focus on something productive in their own lives instead of obsessing an a hate-based fantasy crusade of folly. This country and the world is simply bigger than their little self-identified “tribes”. Nobody says they have to embrace that reality, just learn to accept and not fear it.

    Bob J: bernadine, or scott, or wash, or whatever your name may be right now,You wrote earlier about us all being American, and with this being the holidays we should remember that all of this is healthy debate.The birther position is, so profoundly, un-American that to sit by and let it continue unchallenged is not in my DNA.I love my country. I love that people are different, and I truly believe in a melting pot. Is this a perfect Union? Of course not.. But terms like traitor should not be bandied about lightly. If you call someone a traitor, or corrupt, you better have proof. Social programs are not socialism.This issue is not like baseball. I am a Red Sox fan. I hate the Yankees. I can sit with the most pro Yankee fan and watch a game, because not matter who my team is; I love a good ball game. Birthers hold themselves as the holders of a secret truth to show their extreme patriotism. It is all a lie. Birthers are the new McCarthyists, sans the powerful leader and national level paranoia. The most telling thing about Dr. Taitz is anointing herself Queen of the Birthers. Last time I checked we fought a war to get rid of a monarch.Sorry for the ramble. My thoughts are too disjointed to craft straight response to you ( bernadine, et al.) This is more of a stream of consciousness posting. My main point is that you can not be pro birther and pro American. If the system failed to stop an ineligible person from attaining the highest office in the country, then the system is broken.I am an American, and the system is not perfect, but it is not broken.

  138. nbc says:

    bernadine ayers: she’s my friend because she’s been piled on by the obama mob and she keeps going. she is an american success story and i like that. while you all troll under the pretense of protecting the pure in character obama, a lot of good people are being destroyed and left by the path to socialism. politics is politics, but everyone from nbc to george soros has tried to destroy her, and i’m just trying to find out why. in the mean time i’ve made her my friend. she is a lovely person and a wonderful mother, so again, i have to ask: why are millions on democrats so afraid of her ?

    Orly has placed herself in the position through her ill informed actions. She is an american horror story where incompetence leads to chaos and false hopes. Furthermore Orly’s failures and character have nothing to do with Obama’s.. To claim however that he leads us down a path towards socialism shows a foolish perception on your part.

    Noone is afraid of her… Honestly, we all love her for her incompetence and entertainment value.
    Once you realize these simple facts, you may perhaps recalibrate your ill informed position?

  139. nbc says:

    bernadine ayers: because she told me and i believe her.

    Yes, that’s the foundation for much foolishness, a blind trust… Such should be earned not nilly willy granted… Orly’s previous claims should have caused you some concern. Remember how she still believes Carter promised her a hearing on the merits, bypassing the issue of standing… Orly may believe these things but that does not make them so…

  140. nbc says:

    bernadine ayers: to me it’s just another red flag.

    I wish you were more consistent in recognizing red flags versus red herrings.

  141. nbc says:

    As to Cashill’s hypothesis, Professor Millican has laid to rest any foundation for his claims

    “In view of what I have found, and the intrinsic unlikelihood of the hypothesis, I would be astonished if anything came to light to reverse this verdict,” he writes. “I hope that interested visitors to this site, whether Democrat or Republican or indeed entirely independent of American politics, will be pleased to discover that the probable next leader of the free world did not get his impressive first book written by Bill Ayers.”

    Read more here

  142. nbc says:

    bernadine ayers: there will be no report then, ok

    The report will fail to release anything new. Simple…

  143. G says:

    Scott, please try to use the quote function in referencing other’s statements in your posts. It is very difficult to answer your questions when they are hard to distinguish from the rest of the text you cite.

    Re: Sheriff Joe Arpaio’s promised report: More correctly put, folks here are understandably skeptical whether anything resembling an actual “investigation” or “report” will ever be released at all. This has already been pushed back from early statements promising something before the end of the year, to mentioning January, to now claims of sometime in February.

    So there is valid suspicion that this could be just a blow-off tactic to appease the Birthers & keep them at bay. We would not be surprised if come February, we’re just hearing about some further push back in date.

    We aren’t really claiming that, at some point, he won’t produce some sort of write-up of his “findings” at all; more that whatever “write-up” he gives won’t amount to anything of value and is more likely to be some sort of fluff piece to make it look like they’ve “done something”.

    I mean seriously, they have no real jurisdictional authority to do anything meaningful with this issue. This is just yet another sideshow distraction when it comes down to it. Those pinning their hopes on him being able to “arrest” Obama are completely not being realistic at all. Arpaio’s really put himself in a bad spot by going out on a limb and getting the Birther’s hopes up that they will have some big reveal and that what they are finding is amazing or however he put it.

    Well, we’ve heard that kind of sensationalist talk a number of times before… so far nothing has ever materialized that has lived up to such hype. So yeah, this really sounds like nothing different than Donald Trump claiming he has people investigating the issue in HI and teasing that he can’t believe the shocking things they are finding… yeah…so much for that.

    So yeah, the whole thing comes across as nothing but a dog and pony show – all hype and no substance.

    bernadine ayers:
    i think someone here said that there is no investigation by arpaio, there would be no report (i think it was here). do you guys believe that ?

    That is just Misha being Misha. Misha has a POV and style of expressing himself as well as a sense of humor that might take new readers awhile to get used to.

    bernadine ayers:
    misha, you seem kind of mean to me. do you all know her well enough to call here a bad mother, and third rate dentist. i mean, are your allegations based in truth ?

  144. nbc says:

    bernadine ayers: arduini is to fogbow as ayers is to obama.


  145. Acquaintances?

    bernadine ayers: arduini is to fogbow as ayers is to obama.

  146. nbc says:


    Dr. Conspiracy:

  147. nbc says:

    Let’s ask Bernadine once more…

    nbc: Bernadine, perhaps you could mention one aspect of Orly’s arguments which you believe has some foundation in reality, logic, law or fact?

    Just one…

  148. Thanks for that link. I added it to the Debunker’s Guide.

    nbc: Read more here

  149. nbc says:

    Orly has asked the Court in Georgia to enter default against Kemp (SOS) and the Democrat Party (sic).

    According to the pretrial order of this court (Exhibit 1) the defendants were obligated to respond by December 19th, 2011. Only one defendant, Barack Obama, responded by and through his attorney Mr. Jablonski. Defendants Secretary of State of GA, Brian Kemp (Hereinafter Kemp) and defendant Executive committee of the Democrat party of GA (Hereinfater “Committee”) did not respond and did not file any answer to the complaint.

    But there are some problems.

    1. Orly filed a pretrial order which was signed by the Judge which only mentioned President Obama
    2. She failed to petition the court for leave to update her pretrial order
    3. She failed to understand that the election dispute case only involves the candidate (President Obama) and that one cannot sue the SOS or the Democrat Party (sic).
    4. The Judge has combined the lawsuits and clearly limited the parties to Obama only.

    How incompetent can one get? Could you help us explain Bernadine what Orly may have been thinking?

    And this is but one of her recent failures.

    Butterfly Bilderberg at the Fogbow reminded Orly

    Butterfly Bilderberg at the Fogbow observes:

    Had Orly performed minimal research, she would have found this guide co-authored by the former Georgia Secretary of State and the Elections Division Director.

    [T]he nomination or election of any candidate for federal, state, county, or municipal office can be challenged or contested by any person who was a candidate in the election or “any aggrieved elector who was entitled to vote for such person or for or against such question.” O.C.G.A. § 21-2-521. The only defendants in such a contest are:

    1. The person whose nomination or election is contested;
    2. The person(s) whose eligibility to seek any nomination or office in a runoff primary or election is contested;
    3. The election superintendent(s) who conducted the contested primary or election; or
    4. The public officer who formally declared the number of votes for and against any question submitted to electors for an election.

    O.C.G.A. § 21-2-52(2)(A)-(D). While a copy of any contest petition must be served on the SEB, neither the SEB nor the Secretary of State is a proper defendant in most election contests. O.C.G.A. § 21-2-542(b).

    Election Law In Georgia: What City And County Attorneys Need To Know, pp. 12-13 (emphasis in the original)

  150. nbc says:

    Dr. Conspiracy:
    Thanks for that link. I added it to the Debunker’s Guide.

    You’re welcome, anything to further serve your goal for accuracy… You’re doing a fine job here Doc.

  151. nbc says:

    As to the default. What remedy does Orly propose here? To keep Kemp and the Democrat party from the ballot? What default judgment does she propose?…

    She was foolish to add them after the pretrial order and failed to obtain leave from Court. She now believes that since the Court decided that President Obama had to respond by December 19, that the two parties she added at a later time, and who have nothing to do with her election objection, somehow are in default.

    And what default judgment does she propose…

  152. G says:

    Nobody has taken away your rights. Part of expressing your views in public is that by doing so, you wilfully open yourself to others responding with feedback on what they think of your views. Simply how it works.

    You see clouds and mysteries merely because you are predisposed to expect that they must be there. What you really have is a pre-conceived disposition of suspicion that is nothing more than a personal emotional reaction and not based on any justified evidence. Your mentality is to work backwards, starting with a paranoid conclusion that there “must” be something wrong or suspicious with him, the govt, etc… and then grasp at any straws to support your feelings.

    That is simply backwards to a rational mind. Maybe you are simply not built to understand rational thought or how those processes work and maybe you simply can’t understand why your gut-reactionary statements get push back and generate negative reactions. Maybe you simply cannot comprehend a reality based approach on requiring evidence and proof that a problem actually exists first, then following that evidence to see where it leads, and only in the final step, draw a conclusion based on what is found.

    Nobody has taken your right away to simply dislike whoever you want. But when you go out of your way to make unfounded statements or accusations, you deserve any blowback you get for not having the basis or facts to back them up.

    There is a clear difference between mere opinions of taste (like prefering one color or style of music or sports team or person over another) and spreading unfounded or unverifiable rumours and claiming them as opinions. The first is simply a matter of preference. The latter simply being a mudslinger and wilfull liar and rightly getting called out and held to account for it.

    If you don’t like the results of the last election, so be it. Nobody is making you vote for him or any other candidate that you don’t like. Why are you so obsessed with not respecting the results of our electoral system. The Birther mindset is simply to disrespect the results and rights of others, because you can’t respect our rights to make different choices that what you want.

    bernadine ayers: i don’t like the clouds around obama, and i don’t like the idea that people think this mystery has a time limit. i don’t like the obots (fogbow), the way they operate.
    i don’t like that some people don’t like me to ask questions. i believe there is still a lot about barack and michelle that needs to be discovered, that’s my right, and ability to be the americam i want to be. there’s plenty of room for all of us.

  153. John Reilly says:

    I think the quiestion of whether Dr. Taitz actually passed the bar examination is a fair question. She not only display a complete lack of legal knowledge, she cannot learn from her mistakes. She has been told, time and again, that out-of-state courts have no jurisdiction in a distant state. She had that problem when she tried to use a Washington DC subpoena in Hawaii when all she had to do was to type “District of Hawaii” at the top. How easy can that be? Yet she has now issued two subpoenas to Hawaii from Georgia, and despite being told (by me among others) that the subpoenas are ineffective, she and her followers are bulling forward.

    We ought to demand to see videpotape of her actually taking the examination. Maybe we can check her exams for her fingerprints.

    To me, a lawyer who suggests to a court or other administrative tribunal that if they don’t vote her way they are traitors who deserve to be shot is a lawyer who gets the result one can expect. And a fair number of folks she has called such names are Republicans, like the Judge in Georgia, or decorated war veterans, like Judge Carter. She has also suggested that every judge before whom she has appeared is corrupt, which to me is an accusation that they have taken money for a favorable decision. Of course, she has no proof of any of these wild accusations. The fact that her wild and baseless accusations have not produced any results has not slowed her down in the least. This fits the classic definition of insanity, repeating a behavior in the expectation that the result will change.

    Why Dr. Taitz has not been brought up on charges by the Bar Association is a mystery.

    As to her dental practice, I asked a friend in California about the overall expereience of dentists. He said that the average dentist in California is never sued for malpractice. In other words, more than 50% of all California dentists are never sued. He said he understood the statistic was about the same for doctors and lawyers. Now lawsuits are like arrests, they are merely allegations. But Dr. Taitz seems to be drawing in her short career an inordinate number of such suits.

    Her personal life was, at least for a while, a mess. I understood from an old OC Register article about her that she even sued the religious school her children were attending. For someone demanding perfection from President Obama, she ought to remember the Biblical injunction, “He who troubleth his own house shall inherit the wind.”

    In other words, Dr. Taitz’ behavior as the self-annointed Queen of the Birthers mirrors all other aspects of her life, filled with contention and strife.

    As for me, I wish all here a Merry Christmas and peace in the New Year.

  154. G says:

    Yeah, he’s that pathetic fraud. By that act alone, Jack Cashill has demonstrated that he has no credibility and is not worthy of paying attention to at all. Just like Polarik.

    Majority Will: Isn’t Jack Cashill the same clownish buffoon who claimed the photo of a young Barack Obama and his grandparents in New York was a fake?

  155. G says:


    nbc: I wish you were more consistent in recognizing red flags versus red herrings.

  156. nbc says:

    Orly outlines the questions to be addressed

    A. Whether Barack Obama is eligible for the Presidential Ballot in Georgia.
    B. Whether other candidates should be allowed on the Presidential Ballot in Georgia.

    Question B is answered by the Election Laws of Georgia which outline how candidates may qualify for the presidential preference primary and for the general election. So far there is no evidence that any of the candidates has managed to meet the requirements.

    She requests the following relief

    A. Injunctive Relief
    B. Declaratory Relief
    C. An Order Excluding Barack Obama from the Presidential Ballot in Georgia.
    D. An Order Allowing the Plaintiffs (other than Farrar) to be included on the Presidential Ballot in Georgia

    The objection is filed during the Presidential Preference Primary and the State has no power to determine who is to be excluded or allowed on the ballot of the political parties. So it’s doubtful that the Court will provide any form of relief.

    During the primaries, which are not even elections under GA law, the voters will elect the delegates who will vote during the Conventions. Once the Convention elects its candidate, there will be general elections of the electoral college electors, not of any Candidate. At best, other candidates for the general election for President, could object but I doubt that this is going to be very helpful.

    We shall see how this side show develops but I predict a dismissal for the primary elections, given the precedent ruling in GA Terry v Handel

    The States themselves have no constitutionally mandated role in the great task of the selection of Presidential and Vice-Presidential candidates.[9] If the qualifications and eligibility of delegates to National Political Party Conventions were left to state law “each of the fifty states could establish the qualifications of its delegates to the various party conventions without regard to party policy, an obviously intolerable result.” Wigoda v. Cousins, 342 F. Supp. 82, 86 (ND Ill. 1972). Such a regime could seriously undercut or indeed destroy the effectiveness of the National Party Convention as a concerted enterprise engaged in the vital process of choosing Presidential and Vice-Presidential candidates— a process which usually involves coalitions cutting across state lines.[10]

    Good luck to all involved…

  157. Northland10 says:

    Dr. Conspiracy: To be completely honest, I don’t think Orly’s problem is her legal education. One cannot dispute that she passed the bar exam. I think her problem is more her own narcissism and unwillingness to submit to the rule of law, or her inability to distinguish between the rule of law and her own sense of what ought to be.

    Maybe the recent “birther” and Orly supporter visitors could explain a question I wondered about for some time.

    Regardless of where she received her degree, Orly’s success rate on her eligibility related cases has been 0 wins along with various warnings and sanctions. She has shown she is not interested in following the rules or the procedure for filing and litigating cases. She demonstrates that she is not wiling or is so overextended that she cannot or will not do the research necessary to be prepared to present the case or make a cohesive brief. Any sports team that chose to only follow the rules they wanted to follow would fail to win any games, even if they had to the skill or resources to beat their opponent.

    So birthers, if you feel this is the greatest Constitutional crisis ever, if you feel that this will destroy the America you claim so dear, why do you put your faith and support in somebody who so far has failed at every turn? Don’t you want to win? Is the noise she makes more important the successfully defending the Constitution?

    I ask this, not out of sarcasm or as a snark, but as something I truly do not understand.

  158. richCares says:

    On Taitz, “Yet she has now issued two subpoenas to Hawaii from Georgia”
    One of those is a subpoena to get that dead little girls long form, a COLB was released which does not have the same number as Obama so Orly demands to see the long form. She believes it will reveal Obama’s involement. What a sick person Orly is, harrassing the dead gilrs parents.

  159. nbc says:

    Orly quickly follows with another meritless filing in NH, proposing a stay of ballot placement of President Obama.

    Her major follies involve the lack of direct harm to those requesting the stay, and the reliance on Minor v Happersett while avoiding US v Wong Kim Ark, cited in Ankeny v Daniels as to why President Obama is an NBC, and cited in Keyes/Barnett v Obama 9th Circuit Court ruling.

    Remember that if she wants a stay of the action by the Ballot Commission then she wants nothing since the Ballot Commission’s decision was to reject the arguments, leaving President Obama to be eligible to be on the ballot. She can have their judgment stayed but that would preserve the status quo…

    My goodness… What a legal mess…

  160. nbc says:

    Our friend Butterfly Bilderberg helps out

    Orly may have termed it a “stay” but the relief she seeks is substantively a temporary restraining order. “The issuance of injunctions, either temporary or permanent, has long been considered an extraordinary remedy.” ATV Watch v. New Hampshire Dept. of Res. & Econ. Dev., 923 A.2d 1061, 1063 (N.H. 2007). An injunction should not issue unless there is an immediate danger of irreparable harm to the party seeking injunctive relief … .” Murphy v. McQuade Realty, Inc., 122 N.H. 314, 316 (1982) (emphasis added). The party seeking an injunction also must show that it likely would succeed on the merits of its claims. Kukene v. Genuado, 145 N.H. 1, 4 (2000).

    I’ve read — and re-read — the motion several times. Nowhere do I find these requirements addressed.

  161. there is such a sea of information about this subject and i think it’s growing. i get the feeling that if obama was a republican nyu would be offering a fall class in obama birther studies (they will someday). i asked the president of a smart college after 4/27 to give it to her incoming class (the virtual online copy). to study as a class project (too volatile).

    a lot of us thought, ‘well, it’s odd that he is releasing it this way’ but this should be the end of it. but it was more like gas on the fire. my side says this your side says that.the process.

    i do so enjoy the process, and i try to post as if i am looking at you and having a conversation. it cuts down on some of the frivolous nastyness.
    some of you were surprised that i chose bernadine ayer as a sign in, and was a birther.

    the fact is, we’re all still here. i’m waiting to hear more information, i am utterly fascinated by all of this, probably cause the stakes are so high. there are no higher stakes than the commander in chief, who makes life and death decisions everyday. i need to know that he belongs there. that he never covered up anything about getting there.

    i hope obama is pure in character, but jeff is right, i don’t like the obama’s chicago past.

    the woodman debate is the next big thing, then the posse report. one of the good things about this is the subject matter surrounding. i have really had to deal with some significat spinoffs. talking about race, bigotry, judiciary affairs, politics, media etc.

    sfjeff and i ask each other all the time why are you still here. i say “because i have a gut feeling that obam is corrupt, and arguing this with people likesmart you helps to sharpen my discussion skills… (no i won’t say writing skills, i know…, lol).

    jeff always says “i’m here to root out losers like you”….

    lol, i’m kidding of course. he is a gentleman and i enjoy his discussion, we’ve had some good ones.

    anyway, it’s conspiracy theory, not conspiracy facts, i’ve always said that. but as i have gotten to know the major players in the game, i still find this to be one of my most interesting hobbies.

    anyway thanks y’all, and if the thread is open today and tomorrow i’ll be around. i’ve already had chinese food twice this week, so i won’t be going anywhere.

  162. nbc says:

    richCares: One of those is a subpoena to get that dead little girls long form, a COLB was released which does not have the same number as Obama so Orly demands to see the long form. She believes it will reveal Obama’s involement. What a sick person Orly is, harrassing the dead gilrs parents.

    Orly confuses the subpoena with a court order. The two are very different and thus as in previous attempts to get such a subpoena properly served, the HI DOH responded to observe that her subpoena did not qualify her under HRS 338-18.

    While the little girl is dead, her records are still protected until 75 years after her birth, I believe.
    If Orly wants to get the documents, she should have the parents of the deceased girl ask the DOH for it. But I am not sure that the parents have much interest in opening up these old wounds.
    Sad really… But from a legal perspective the subpoena’s from GA have no relevance and will thus be ignored by the DOH of HI. Orly should have understood by now that they are insufficient.

  163. nbc says:

    bernadine ayers: i’m waiting to hear more information,

    Well, your wish has been granted. Now what?

  164. nbc says:

    Bernadine?… 😉

  165. richCares says:

    “the woodman debate is the next big thing, then the posse report.”
    gullible much, posse report?

  166. Majority Will says:

    bernadine ayers: how many teeth did 90 year old guy have ? lol this is your complaint about orly going after obama ? your other souce is pretty cool, is this where you got it. i’ll ask again, have other professionals had malpractice complaints ? did they take her license ? am i missing something, is this all you have ?

    How many teeth did I have?

    – Enough to need a cleaning, right? Duh.

    “lol”? Are you giggling now?

    Is this a complaint about Orly going after the President?

    – No. Of course not. That would be as asinine as suggesting it.

    Is that the source?

    – No.

    Have other professionals had malpractice complaints?

    – I’ll answer again. That is an asinine question. Look up false equivalence.

    Did they take her license?

    – No.

    Are you missing something?

    – Does a clue count?

    Is this all I have?

    – No.

  167. nbc says:

    Well, the posse must show something for its efforts, but the report will be a dud as the fact of President Obama’s birth in Hawaii has now been well established by the Department of Health of Hawaii and the long form birth certificate.

    No surprise Orly is returning to the dual citizen parent requirement, not found in our Constitution.

  168. Majority Will says:

    (should be) – How many teeth did he have? – correction

  169. nbc says:

    And by the time the report is being released, Arpaio may be further defending himself in Court.
    Of course, some may claim that this is in response to his cold posse actions… Regardless, it’s time that the State/Feds clean up the mess created by this ‘sheriff’

  170. Majority Will says:

    bernadine ayers: your source on that seems a bit tainted, i saw it on fogblow. would you be fair and report the outcome, i think she still has her license though.

    Prove it’s tainted. What is “fogblow”?

    You’re preaching fairness? That’s funny, scott.

  171. Majority Will says:

    bernadine ayers: obama is such an accomplished writer for a beginner, but the talent seems to ebb and flow (pun intended).

    Have you ever heard of confirmation bias?

  172. nbc says:

    In a somewhat funny parallel, the GOP has kept Newt of the ballot in VA

    Presidential hopeful Newt Gingrich’s campaign attacked Virginia’s GOP primary election system on Saturday for keeping him off the state’s March 6 Super Tuesday ballot, a significant setback for a candidate who has surged in popularity but has struggled to organize his campaign. The state party said that Gingrich had failed to submit the required 10,000 signatures to appear on the ballot. Texas Gov. Rick Perry also failed to qualify, the Virginia GOP said.

    The Gingrich campaign responded that “only a failed system” would disqualify Gingrich and other candidates. It said Gingrich would pursue an aggressive write-in campaign in Virginia. “Voters deserve the right to vote for any top contender, especially leading candidates,” Gingrich campaign director Michael Krull said in a statement. “We will work with the Republican party of Virginia to pursue an aggressive write-in campaign to make sure that all the voters of Virginia are able to vote for the candidate of their choice,” Krull said.

    Newt could file a lawsuit but he probably realizes that the National Parties are allowed a lot of leeway in the manner in which they place their candidates on the ballot. An issue which will also continue to undermine the pre-primary objections filed against President Obama. The problem is that after the primaries, there will be few who may have hope of standing against Candidate Obama. At least the voters will lack such standing and can at best object to the electors for the Candidate…
    There is a reason why issues of Qualifications of our President are left to Congress…

  173. Majority Will says:

    bernadine ayers: i’ve been pushed out of many threads for raising birther issues.


  174. Northland10: Maybe the recent “birther” and Orly supporter visitors could explain a question I wondered about for some time.

    Regardless of where she received her degree, Orly’s success rate on her eligibility related cases has been 0 wins along with various warnings and sanctions.She has shown she is not interested in following the rules or the procedure for filing and litigating cases.She demonstrates that she is not wiling or is so overextended that she cannot or will not do the research necessary to be prepared to present the case or make a cohesive brief.Any sports team that chose to only follow the rules they wanted to follow would fail to win any games, even if they had to the skill or resources to beat their opponent.

    So birthers, if you feel this is the greatest Constitutional crisis ever, if you feel that this will destroy the America you claim so dear, why do you put your faith and support in somebody who so far has failed at every turn?Don’t you want to win?Is the noise she makes more important the successfully defending the Constitution?

    I ask this, not out of sarcasm or as a snark, but as something I truly do not understand.

    good question, i admire her tenacity. i think she’s gathering support. i don’t really know what she does, i don’t have the patience to learn the most tecnical aspects and details of the law. but she sees something, same as me, enough to keep me going (interested)

    i love the constitution, but obama people tell be that “natural born” is settled law defined, others disagree.

    mostly i just wonder why obama himself doesn’t just end it. open the vault. i think his plan is going to come back to bite him.

    why doesn’t orly give up ? i’ll ask her for you. she is willing to take that case, a lot of lawyers don’t want to (it’s a pretty big fish afterall). i think money is an issue.

    i think she thinks she’s right, i do too. i think we all agree we have the right to excercise our doubts, to challenge and question authority, and to use the available avenues of the law. she and i agree that the courts are corrupt too.

    i hope this helps a little northland.

  175. nbc says:

    The most relevant lawsuit was filed by orly against three chiropractors who have defaulted on their lease. Any guesses on how she did on her approximately $300,000 case? (no peeking…)
    It’s a story well worth telling… Would Bernadine be interested?

  176. Bob says:

    The only question the posse’s investigation will answer is:

    “How many paid vacations to Hawaii can Arpaio get out of the Birthers for nothing in return?”

  177. nbc says:

    bernadine ayers: i don’t really know what she does, i don’t have the patience to learn the most tecnical aspects and details of the law. but she sees something, same as me, enough to keep me going (interested)

    i love the constitution, but obama people tell be that “natural born” is settled law defined, others disagree.

    Yes, if one is lacking the patience to learn the technical aspects and details of the law, then one may draw some foolish conclusions about Orly’s quixotic quests, but I find it fascinating how you so quickly abandon interest when it gets to the meat of Orly’s failures.

    Both sides apparently claim that the issue was settled. One side claims it was settled in Minor v Happersett, which refused to address the explicit issue. The other one is the later ruling in US v Wong Kim Ark where the Judge observed that the Court in Minor remained silent on the issue at hand in his court and ruled that birth on soil, owing allegiance, is sufficient for one to be natural born. Owing allegiance excludes with fewest words, children born to ambassadors or invading military, who, by common law, were excluded.

    If your level of interest ends when you can claim there is a ‘controversy under law’ and yet lack the patience to properly inform yourself, then you have basically conceded the argument. Ignorance now becomes a defense for a failure to have informed oneself properly.


  178. nbc says:

    bernadine ayers: mostly i just wonder why obama himself doesn’t just end it. open the vault. i think his plan is going to come back to bite him.

    He did open the vault to the extent he can do under the rules of law but that somehow did not satisfy the birthers. Of course, they did quickly move back to the ‘two citizen parent’ requirement, not found in our Constitution.

    President Obama presented his COLB, which was not enough for the birthers, who wanted to see the long form, as it would show some embarrassing facts. When President Obama released a copy of his long form, certified by the Department of Health in Hawaii, the birthers again were not satisfied.

    Any reasonable person would have given up on the foolish notion that our President was not born on US soil, given the wealth of evidence but that would not stop the conspiracy minded who are convinced a-priori that our President must be ineligible.

  179. Majority Will says:

    bernadine ayers:
    wait, i implied that i endorse medical malpractice…. uh,… if you say so

    are you the guy that said when did i stop beating my wife ?

    Stop twisting and spinning, scott. You have a distinct problem owning up to the illogic in your posts.

    It’s an annoying weasel move typical of many birthers and trolls.

    Twice you have asked if other professionals are sued for malpractice as well.

    That’s a fallacy and not a justification for any one person’s wrongdoing.

    No, I did not ask if you have stopped beating your wife. Another poster was probably implying that your posts ask loaded questions. Many birther myths are spread through loaded questions.

    This is what that means:

    You might want to learn more about logical fallacies and why your posts reek of them.

  180. Observer says:

    “bernadine ayers: mostly i just wonder why obama himself doesn’t just end it. open the vault. i think his plan is going to come back to bite him.”

    There is no need for you to wonder.

    The answer is: Because it will not end anything, because the birthers will claim that everything in the vault is forged.

    There were written predictions nearly 3 years ago that, when the long form was released, the birthers would claim that it is a forgery.

    Obama released it. They claimed forgery. Prophecy fulfilled.

    If Obama “opened the vault,” whatever that means, they would say the vault is a forgery.

    Nothing will ever satisfy the birthers.


  181. Dr. Conspiracy:

    right, “just some guy in the neighborhood”, their kids go to school together.

    foggy is a piece of work.

  182. Majority Will says:

    The only question the posse’s investigation will answer is:

    “How many paid vacations to Hawaii can Arpaio get out of the Birthers for nothing in return?”

    He’ll probably tell his birther bigot faithful that he’s also going to Hawaii to secure their borders.

  183. GeorgetownJD says:

    And by the time the report is being released, Arpaio may be further defending himself in Court.

    Maybe that report will find its way to the document shredder, like all those emails and patrol records that were destroyed by Arpaio’s office, prompting U.S. District Judge G. Murray Snow to sanction the Sheriff’s Department by drawing incriminating conclusions of fact against the agency in the upcoming litigation.

  184. GeorgetownJD says:

    bernadine ayers: i don’t have the patience to learn the most tecnical aspects and details of the law.

    Neither does Orly.

  185. nbc says:

    bernadine ayers: right, “just some guy in the neighborhood”, their kids go to school together.

    Well, is it not up to those who argue otherwise, to present some supporting evidence? I am sure that there are many parents who have kids going to school who do not have much of any relationship with the other parents.

    Well Bernadine Ayers, you claim that ‘where there is smoke, there must be fire’.. Show us some of your best efforts and provide the links.

  186. nbc says:

    GeorgetownJD: Neither does Orly.

    Ain’t that the truth… 😉

  187. nbc says:

    bernadine ayers: right, “just some guy in the neighborhood”, their kids go to school together.

    You are now quoting Axelrod. The reality is that their children do not really overlap in age… Have you done your research?

  188. Majority Will says:

    GeorgetownJD: bernadine ayers: i don’t have the patience to learn the most tecnical aspects and details of the law.

    Neither does Orly.


  189. nbc says:

    Or do you not really have the patience to do the necessary research that would help support or disprove your assertions? Could you please inform us as this would be helpful in determining the best manner to approach your ‘questions’

  190. nbc says:

    Ayers explained the relationship as follows

    The week after the 2008 presidential election, Ayers himself acknowledged in an interview that he hadn’t known Barack Obama all that well:

    Vietnam-era radical Bill Ayers said he doesn’t know President-elect Barack Obama any better than “thousands of other Chicagoans” and the two never talked about Ayers’ anti-war activities. In a television interview on ABC’s “Good Morning America,” the college professor disputed the contention that in the new afterword of a paperback edition of his 2001 memoir “Fugitive Days” he describes himself and Obama as “family friends.”

    “I’m describing there how the blogosphere characterized the relationship,” Ayers said. “I would really say that we knew each other in a professional way, again on the same level as say thousands of other people.”

    In fact, Ayers said he didn’t even know Obama when he hosted a coffee early in Obama’s political career at Ayers’ home in the Chicago neighborhood where the two live. Ayers added that he agreed to have the meet-the-candidate event after a state senator asked him to.

    “I think he was probably in 20 homes that day as far as I know,” he said. “But that was the first time I really met him.”

    Ayers and Obama also served together on a Chicago school reform board and a foundation board, but their discussions were limited to the issues before those boards.
    “The truth is we came together in Chicago in a civic community around issues of school improvement, around issues of fighting for the rights of poor neighborhoods to have jobs, housing and so forth,” Ayers said.

    And he elaborated on those issues in a December 2008 newspaper piece:

    The dishonesty of the narrative about Mr. Obama during the campaign went a step further with its assumption that if you can place two people in the same room at the same time, or if you can show that they held a conversation, shared a cup of coffee, took the bus downtown together or had any of a thousand other associations, then you have demonstrated that they share ideas, policies, outlook, influences and, especially, responsibility for each other’s behavior. There is a long and sad history of guilt by association in our political culture, and at crucial times we’ve been unable to rise above it.

    President-elect Obama and I sat on a board together; we lived in the same diverse and yet close-knit community; we sometimes passed in the bookstore. We didn’t pal around, and I had nothing to do with his positions.

  191. The Birther mindset is simply to disrespect the results and rights of others, because you can’t respect our rights to make different choices that what you want.

    please elaborate G…

  192. nbc: Well, your wish has been granted. Now what?

    i don’t follow…

  193. richCares says:

    the birther says:
    please elaborate G…
    i don’t follow…
    whatever, forget about it
    time to ignore is here!

  194. nbc:
    Or do you not really have the patience to do the necessary research that would help support or disprove your assertions? Could you please inform us as this would be helpful in determining the best manner to approach your questions’

    i’m saying i’m not a lawyer. which assertions ?

  195. richCares:
    the birther says:
    please elaborate G…
    i don’t follow…
    whatever, forget about it
    time to ignore is here!

    it was your use of the word “rights” i was interested in…

  196. nbc: You are now quoting Axelrod. The reality is that their children do not really overlap in age… Have you done your research?

    how old are ayers’ kids now ? i did find a piece on the web a couple of weeks ago mentioning how hard it was to determine their ages…

    It is difficult to find their exact ages but according to NPR, all of Ayers children are adults. So Senator Obama’s children do not go to school with Ayers children, they go to the same private school that Ayers children went to years ago. Obama’s Links To Ex-Radical Examined : NPR

    Read more: What are the ages of bill ayers’ children

  197. Majority Will says:

    the birther says:
    please elaborate G…
    i don’t follow…
    whatever, forget about it
    time to ignore is here!

    I think you’re right.

  198. Majority Will: Stop twisting and spinning, scott. You have a distinct problem owning up to the illogic in your posts.

    It’s an annoying weasel move typical of many birthers and trolls.

    Twice you have asked if other professionals are sued for malpractice as well.

    That’s a fallacy and not a justification for any one person’s wrongdoing.

    No, I did not ask if you have stopped beating your wife. Another poster was probably implying that your posts ask loaded questions. Many birther myths are spread through loaded questions.

    This is what that means:

    You might want to learn more about logical fallacies and why your posts reek of them.

    would you like me to hold back? i think you and nbc are pretty rude. can you argue without hostility ?

  199. richCares says:

    time to ignore is here!
    Majority Will: I think you’re right.
    no question about it, it’s a total waste of time!

  200. Daniel says:

    bernadine ayers: mostly i just wonder why obama himself doesn’t just end it. open the vault

    And that…. dear bernadine…. is where you problems lay.

  201. Daniel says:

    Sorry folks, misquoted.

    My response above was meant to point to Bernadine’s response of:

    “bernadine ayers December 24, 2011 at 4:07 pm (Quote) #

    nbc: Well, your wish has been granted. Now what?

    i don’t follow…”

    And that…. dear bernadine…. is where you problems lay.

  202. Daniel says:

    bernadine ayers: would you like me to hold back? i think you and nbc are pretty rude. can you argue without hostility ?

    If you don’t wish to be ridiculed, stop being ridiculous.

    You’ve already tried the concern troll route, and failed miserably when you got testy enough to reveal your true agenda. To think you can go back to being the concern troll without anyone remembering is ingenuous as it is ridiculous.

  203. nbc says:

    bernadine ayers: i don’t follow…

    You wanted more information. I provided you some. Is it time to ignore it? I would understand.

  204. nbc says:

    bernadine ayers: would you like me to hold back? i think you and nbc are pretty rude. can you argue without hostility ?

    I am rude? Please elaborate? One may confuse accuracy, especially when uncomfortable, with rudeness but really Bernadine, I am presenting you with the facts and observe how you fail to deal with it in any relevant manner.
    That you accept Orly’s legal musings as ‘interesting’ even though you do not have the patience to learn much about their legal relevance, is quite helpful in understanding how you may have reached your position. You take arguments, when helpful, at face value while doubting them when uncomfortable to your position. I believe people already mentioned the concept of confirmation bias.
    It’s not my intention to be rude to you, just to get to the facts. Does that bother you?

  205. nbc says:

    bernadine ayers: So Senator Obama’s children do not go to school with Ayers children, they go to the same private school that Ayers children went to years ago.

    Wow… yes that is quite devastating evidence…

    Ayer’s son Malik should be around 30, Zayd is three years older and his foster child Chesa Boudin was born in 1980. It took me less than 3 minutes to find the relevant information.

  206. nbc says:

    bernadine ayers: i’m saying i’m not a lawyer. which assertions ?

    No you said something more interesting: That you do not have the patience to familiarize yourself with the legal issues.

    I am just talking about some of your assertions about Obama or his children, or much anything you appear to be claiming. My question to you is, as with your lack of patience towards learning much about the law, do you have a similar lack of patience when it comes to supporting non-legal claims?

  207. nbc: i don’t have the patience to learn the most tecnical aspects and details of the law.

    i couldn’t find where i said that. here is what i meant to say:

    “i don’t have the patience to learn the most tecnical aspects and details of the law.”

    i don’t recall ever saying:

    i don’t have the patience to familiarize myself with the legal issues.

    are you a lawyer too?.

    you asked me if i did the research about the ages of ayers children and i had, a few weeks ago:


    now, if you have a link to a definitve answer, please share it with the crowd.

    unless they are talking about the ayers grandchildren i’m sticking with”they didn’t go to school together, and i’m wondering why david axelrod said they did ? if that’s un reasonable, i’m sorry, and i really don’t like your tone.

  208. nbc says:

    now, if you have a link to a definitve answer, please share it with the crowd.

    I did.
    I understand your back pedaling, nothing wrong with that.

    As to your patience comment, it was in response to:

    So birthers, if you feel this is the greatest Constitutional crisis ever, if you feel that this will destroy the America you claim so dear, why do you put your faith and support in somebody who so far has failed at every turn?Don’t you want to win?Is the noise she makes more important the successfully defending the Constitution?

    You appear to ‘wash your hands’ in lack of patience to properly inform yourself. If I misunderstood and you do understand issues of law, could you then explain as to why you would still support Orly’s follies?

  209. nbc: Wow… yes that is quite devastating evidence…

    Ayer’s son Malik should be around 30, Zayd is three years older and his foster child Chesa Boudin was born in 1980. It took me less than 3 minutes to find the relevant information.

    you’re a very excellent googler.

    “Bill Ayers lives in his neighborhood. Their kids attend the same school,” Obama senior strategist David Axelrod told the Politico. “They’re certainly friendly, they know each other, as anyone whose kids go to school together.”

  210. nbc says:

    Oh, and no I am not a lawyer but I do have the patience to inform myself of issues of law, even the ones you consider to be ‘technical’ or ‘details’.
    It’s not that hard to figure out how the law works, it’s even more trivial to see why Orly continues to fail as she shows no significant level of understanding of the law, the procedures, the details, the rules of evidence, how to properly serve, how to properly file motions and how to amend… Just to mention a few recurring themes. Her latest attempt to file a motion for default is just another example of how clueless she is. Of course, all in my humble opinion.

    Look, it does not take a genius to realize how poorly equipped Orly is to present her arguments, and how poorly her arguments are supported by evidence or logic and reason. Just look at her arguments about the Social Security Number… Totally outrageous… No foundation… Just pure speculation

  211. nbc says:

    bernadine ayers: you’re a very excellent googler.

    “Bill Ayers lives in his neighborhood. Their kids attend the same school,” Obama senior strategist David Axelrod told the Politico. “They’re certainly friendly, they know each other, as anyone whose kids go to school together.”

    Yes I already noticed the Axelrod reference. Anyone who would have attempted to verify the comments would have realized that the conclusion you drew however

    their kids go to school together

    was not supported by the facts and in fact contradicted.

    Obama’s kids may go to the same school that was attended by Ayers kids some years ago, but they did not go to school together…

    See how easily you jump to conclusions that you believe support your position? And when provided with the actual quote that confused you, you still do not notice…

  212. Daniel: If you don’t wish to be ridiculed, stop being ridiculous.

    You’ve already tried the concern troll route, and failed miserably when you got testy enough to reveal your true agenda. To think you can go back to being the concern troll without anyone remembering is ingenuous as it is ridiculous.

    what’s the concerned troll everyone talks about ? i’ve never heard “concerned” troll before

    is that poe’s inversion or something.

  213. Majority Will says:

    bernadine ayers: would you like me to hold back? i think you and nbc are pretty rude. can you argue without hostility ?

    Can you stop asking loaded, asinine rhetorical or completely nonsensical questions, princess?

  214. Majority Will says:

    bernadine ayers: what’s the concerned troll everyone talks about ? i’ve never heard “concerned” troll before

    is that poe’s inversion or something.

    Be an excellent “googler”.


  215. Majority Will: Can you stop asking loaded, asinine rhetorical or completely nonsensical questions, princess?

    princess… wow.

    didn’t you just post about what a waste of time i was ??

    you guys probably won’t get/goat me to engage in name calling at this point.

  216. Majority Will says:

    bernadine ayers: princess… wow.

    didn’t you just post about what a waste of time i was ??

    you guys probably won’t get/goat me to engage in name calling at this point.

    No, I said, “I think showing you anything is a waste of time”.

    Do you understand the difference?

    And the word is goad:


    verb [ trans. ]

    provoke or annoy (someone) so as to stimulate some action or reaction : he goaded her on to more daring revelations.
    [ trans. ] drive or urge (an animal) on with a goad.

  217. nbc says:

    It’s so cute, “Bernadine” playing the victim while avoiding to address any real questions or issues.


  218. richCares says:

    it’s really obvious

  219. Majority Will says:

    bernadine ayers: princess… wow.

    didn’t you just post about what a waste of time i was ??

    you guys probably won’t get/goat me to engage in name calling at this point.

    P.S. Thanks for answering my question. Was that too rude for your sensitive nature?

  220. Rickey says:

    bernadine ayers: how old are ayers’ kids now ? i did find a piece on the web a couple of weeks ago mentioning how hard it was to determine their ages…

    It is difficult to find their exact ages but according to NPR, all of Ayers children are adults. So Senator Obama’s children do not go to school with Ayers children, they go to the same private school that Ayers children went to years ago. Obama’s Links To Ex-Radical Examined : NPR

    Read more: What are the ages of bill ayers’ children

    To add to what NBC has said, Bernardine Dohrn will be celebrating her 70th birthday next month. Even if she gave birth as late as age 40, the youngest Ayers child would be about 30 now. The oldest Obama child (Malia) is 13. When they lived in Chicago the Obama girls attended the University of Chicago Laboratory Schools, rated by the conservative Wall Street Journal as one of the top schools in the country.


    Now to address two other things which you have questioned.

    1. Sheriff Joe may issue a report, but if so it will be less than worthless. Even if Obama’s birth certificate were a forgery, the “posse” has neither the expertise nor the authority to make such a determination.

    2. Dentists, doctors and other professional people rarely lose their licenses simply because they have been sued for malpractice. Typically such licenses are revoked because of gross negligence, gross incompetence, moral turpitude, or felony convictions. The fact that Orly still has a license to practice dentistry does not mean that she is a good dentist, anymore than the fact that she still has a license to practice law means that she is a good attorney. However, it is fairly unusual for general dentists to be sued for malpractice. Dental malpractice suits are much more common in certain specialties, such as oral/maxillofacial surgery and periodontics.

  221. Bob says:

    Relax. Your life will continue after your Birther period.

  222. merry christmas you guys.

  223. Majority Will says:

    bernadine ayers:
    merry christmas you guys.

    Here’s some fun holiday reading for you:

  224. US Citizen says:

    Bern, you seem to ask many questions and answer very few. So here’s one you can try answering…

    Does the name Charles Edward Lincoln III mean anything to you?
    If you don’t know his name, Orly does. Ask her.
    He’s a lawyer and birther too.
    He spent some time with Orly and wrote about it online.
    Specifically, he accused Orly of engaging in some less than moral and professional conduct in her dentist chair with him.
    Namely, she was accused of committing adultery in her own dental office.

    Yet of all the people Orly has tried suing for even the most minor slight, she never sued CEL III for libel or slander.
    This is one of the the many things we here find interesting about Orly: not just who she attacks and why, but also who she doesn’t attack and why.

    Finally, Orly showed a Tae Kwon Do certificate stating she was a 1st degree black belt, but later claimed she was a 2nd degree black belt.
    Why have we never seen that 2nd degree certification?
    What is she trying to hide?

  225. nbc says:

    Majority Will: Here’s some fun holiday reading for you:

    Tim Adams. Is that not the person who claimed that there was no long form on file. Proven wrong by the events…

    Funny people…

  226. nbc says:

    bernadine ayers:
    merry christmas you guys.

    And to a hilarious 2012 where the birthers will manage to get the count above 0-100.

    There is no end to the entertainment provided…

  227. Keith says:

    nbc: Newt could file a lawsuit but he probably realizes that the National Parties are allowed a lot of leeway in the manner in which they place their candidates on the ballot.

    If Newt can’t get 10,000 signatures to qualify for the party to justify spending money putting him on the ballot and counting his votes, that is his problem, and his problem alone.

    That is what he hires a Campaign Committee to do, and if he is that effective organizing his campaign what a useless twat he’d be as President.

    There is an appropo Aussie phrase: he couldn’t organize a pissup in a brewery.

    Alternatively: he couldn’t figure out how to pour water out of a boot if the instructions were written on the heel.

  228. Keith says:

    bernadine ayers: mostly i just wonder why obama himself doesn’t just end it. open the vault.

    For the 100 bazillionth time: It isn’t his vault to open.

  229. Majority Will says:

    nbc: Tim Adams. Is that not the person who claimed that there was no long form on file. Proven wrong by the events…

    Funny people…

    And featured by “bernadine ayers” (scott) as an expert on his website:

    Tim Adams: natural born american patriot

    More interesting information on Not So Tiny Tim:

    “I am, among other things, an ex-convict and murderer.”

    “All of your, both McCain and Obama supporters are filth, civil war now, kill them all.”

    “I believe Pres. Obama was born a United States citizen, and is eligible to hold office, I find the idea that because he was probably born outside of the U.S., he must be some kind of alien to be basically racist.”


    Funny, funny people.

  230. Thrifty says:

    bernadine ayers: mostly i just wonder why obama himself doesn’t just end it. open the vault. i think his plan is going to come back to bite him.

    Why, so you Birther fools can say “the Hawaii DOH planted a false birth certificate in the vault!”? You people already claim the Hawaii DOH is complicit in the conspiracy.

    A year ago, the cry was “Obama can end this, just release the long form birth certificate!”. It surprised nobody when he released the long form and you just shifted the goalposts. Instead you claimed it was a forgery, and found suspicion in mundane things (like it being released in PDF format).

    I’ve said it before, but the only way Obama could end it once and for all would be to have all the Birthers executed. Of course, this is grossly illegal, and unlike Birthers, the president respects the Constitution.

  231. JD Reed says:

    It seems to be a recurring theme of birthers that just because some people are curious or doubtful about President Obama’s citizenship status, they have a legal right to have their curiosity or doubts satisfied.
    Not so!
    That would be totally unworikable. We’d first have to determine how many people’s doubts or curiosity would trigger an obligation on the president’s part. One person? A thousand? A million? A majority?
    The alternative is to have a clear set of legal guidelines to follow. This would involve each candidate satisfying state-by-state ballot placement laws, the states counting their presidential ballots by clearly defined laws and procedures, and with Congress the final arbiter of who has been legally elected president.
    For anyone to contest the process at any stage would require meeting a very heavy burden of proof, not the mere presentation of any nebulous doubts or curiosity.

    Nearly all who express doubts or curiosity have done so in bad faith. They’re not looking for information to consider in weighing whether to support Mr. Obama; they know they’d never support him and are looking for anything to deligitimize him.
    So he owes such people not even the time of day. He’s entirely justified to make the political calculation that those who demand further proof of his legitimiacy can be ignored with no damage to his standing or chances for re-election.

    Of course he takes the chance that some people might vote against him for failing to satisfy their curiosity. The voters are sovereign; they can vote for or against anyone for any reason whatsover.
    Now as to Bernadine — you say you don’t have patience to research the technicalities. To me, you’re really saying, “Don’t confuse me with the facts, my mind’s made up.” That being the case, can you provide one reason why anyone should consider you a source of enlightenment?

  232. RuhRoh says:

    Keith: .

    That is what he hires a Campaign Committee to do, and if he is that effective organizing his campaign what a useless twat he’d be as President.

    You kiss your mother with that mouth?

    Why do you find it necessary to degrade all women on the planet, living or deceased, with that sort of language?

    Is your problem actually with Gingrich or with women? You seem to emulate the man you attempt to disaprage (Gingrich) with your vehement disrespect of women. the language you have used here says to me that you have a very low opnion of women, period, and have attemtpted to disparage Gingrich by association.

  233. RuhRoh says:

    I am capable of proper spelling, though it might not be apparent from the post above. 😉

    I do find it absolutely breathtaking that people still see fit to use words like *twat* in polite conversation, however, and was a bit thrown.

    I had actually though this site was something akin to rational discussion. Not so much, I see.

  234. Majority Will says:

    RuhRoh: Is your problem actually with Gingrich or with women? You seem to emulate the man you attempt to disaprage (Gingrich) with your vehement disrespect of women.

    Ask Newt’s ex-wives.

  235. Rickey says:


    Is your problem actually with Gingrich or with women? You seem to emulate the man you attempt to disaprage (Gingrich) with your vehement disrespect of women. the language you have used here says to me that you have a very low opnion of women, period, and have attemtpted to disparage Gingrich by association.

    You should try to learn something about the person you are speaking to before accusing him of disrespect for women..

    Keith lives in Australia where, as I understand it, “twat” is slang for “a contemptible and stupid person, an idiot.”

    Chill out. It’s Christmas Eve.

  236. Majority Will says:

    RuhRoh: You seem to emulate the man you attempt to disaprage (Gingrich) with your vehement disrespect of women.

    Isn’t Fib Newton the same hypocrite who was cheating on his wife while accusing a former President of infidelity?

    (“In the mid-1990s, Gingrich began an affair with House of Representatives staffer Callista Bisek, who is 23 years his junior. They continued their affair during the Lewinsky scandal, when Gingrich became a leader of the investigation of President Clinton for perjury and obstruction of justice in connection with Clinton’s alleged affairs.”

    source: “Gingrich admits having an affair in Clinton era”. Associated Press. msnbc.com. June 7, 2009. Retrieved December 16, 2011.)

  237. Feinne says:

    It’s really hilarious that Orly thinks that pancake painting was commissioned by George Soros (and would amuse the actual people responsible for it I’d wager). Dan Lacey, the artist responsible, was taking requests for things to paint on the somethingawful.com forums and someone asked for the thing in question to be painted for whatever reason. I’ll try to scare up an image of the request.

  238. misha says:

    Feinne: Dan Lacey, the artist responsible, was taking requests for things to paint on the somethingawful.com forums

    I sent him a request for a painting of Orly, covered in latkes.

  239. Keith says:

    RuhRoh: I am capable of proper spelling, though it might not be apparent from the post above. 😉

    As am I.

    I meant “twit”. I apologize unreservedly to anyone offended my mistake.

    However, in my further defense, in Australia, where I have lived for 25 years now, the word “twat” is a synonym for “twit” and the two words are used interchangeably even in ‘polite’ company, though “twit” is still considered the more polite.

    Lest you think that that is a ‘cop out’, I am not offering it as an excuse, only an aside. I am fully aware that “twat” is still offensive to many in the USA and that the readership here is mostly in the USA. My mistake was just that, a typographical mistake.

  240. Feinne says:

    misha: I sent him a request for a painting of Orly, covered in latkes.

    Taking anything done by Lacey seriously is really hilarious.

  241. Rickey says:


    However, in my further defense, in Australia, where I have lived for 25 years now, the word “twat” is a synonym for “twit” and the two words are used interchangeably even in polite’ company, though “twit” is still considered the more polite.


    Anyone who doubts you needs only to Google “twat Australia” and they will see multiple examples of the word being used to describe people (mostly men) who have done or said idiotic things.

  242. Keith says:

    RuhRoh: Is your problem actually with Gingrich or with women?

    Neither. I have no problem with women (or at least not in the way you are attempting to imply).

    I also have no problem with Gingrich, he is who he is. Of course who he is is a poor candidate, an incompetent organizer, and a man with a weak sense of personal responsibility. He is a philanderer, vindictive, and a hypocrite. None of these attributes are Presidential.

    Like I say; I have no problem with Gingrich, but I do have a big problem with the concept of a President Gingrich.

    He is blaming the system for his failure. Make no mistake, it is his failure and his failure alone. Just like any failures a President Gingrich would make. If he hires the wrong people or can’t even inspire a few volunteers to stand in a mall during the Christmas buying season to get a trivial number of signatures on a ballot what does that say of his abilities to manage the Executive Branch of the most powerful nation on earth?

    If he can’t understand the process necessary to get onto the ballot, and he can’t even hire people to explain it to him and make sure the process is followed, how in heaven’s name can the American people expect him to understand the consequences of having access to the nuclear arsenal?

    Are you kidding me? You are criticizing a spelling error but defending the most fundamental error a candidate for any office can commit (figuring out how to get on the ballot)?

    Like I said, Newt obviously couldn’t figure out how to pour water out of a boot even if the instructions were written on the heel.

    Not Presidential material.

  243. misha says:

    bernadine ayers: i don’t like the obama’s chicago past.

    I detest Sarah Palin’s past: Why Do the Jews Hate Sarah Palin So Much?

    i don’t like the obama’s chicago past.

    Sarah Palin used AK tax dollars to fund dominionist churches

    i don’t like the obama’s chicago past.

    Sarah Palin: Base law on the Bible – http://theweek.com/article/index/202838/sarah-palin-base-law-on-the-bible

    i don’t like the obama’s chicago past.

    Palin’s Father: She Left Hawaii Because Asians Made Her Uncomfortable

    i don’t like the obama’s chicago past.

    At Palin Church, Jews For Jesus Head Says Terrorism vs Israel Is God’s Punishment

    i don’t like the obama’s chicago past.

    Palin’s New Jewish Problem: Pastor Says Take Banks from Jews

  244. G says:

    That was me who said that. And yes, Majority Will, you are spot on to what I was implying. It was a “loaded question” being used as a retort to one of his loaded questions, with the hope that by throwing one back towards him, he would be able to grasp why his own question was an unfair premise in the first place. Obviously, it went over his head. Hopefully, these further examples of what a loaded question is will sink in…but then I won’t get my hopes up too high.

    Majority Will: No, I did not ask if you have stopped beating your wife. Another poster was probably implying that your posts ask loaded questions. Many birther myths are spread through loaded questions.
    This is what that means:
    You might want to learn more about logical fallacies and why your posts reek of them.

  245. G says:

    By not accepting the will of the voters in the 2008 election. We are all Americans. We are diverse and are not going to often disagree. Hence our political process and why we have elections. In that process, someone wins, the rest lose. The point is that a decision is made and regardless of whether you are happy with who won or were on the losing side of that equation, you need to not be a sore loser about it and accept that the process was followed and the collective “will of the people” sided towards one choice over the others.

    All this “ursurper” nonsense is just that. Our election process was followed, as it always has. The results were not even close and the margin was decisive by all applicable measurements – electoral college votes and the popular vote. Such false charges to try to invalidate the majority choice through our official and valid process is sore loserism at its worse and utterly disrespectful of accepting all those in the majority opinion that willfully made that choice happen.

    That is just one example. The way the Birthers treat the courts and other officials by calling them “traitors”, etc. when they ARE given answers is extremely disrespectful, to put it mildly. Sorry, but NO is a valid answer. The Birthers attack and insult every official authority that tries to explain to them why they are wrong. A humble and honest man learns to listen instead of pulling childish tantrums and sling unfounded mud. Just because an answer or choice isn’t what you wanted to hear doesn’t make it any less valid.

    bernadine ayers: The Birther mindset is simply to disrespect the results and rights of others, because you can’t respect our rights to make different choices that what you want.please elaborate G…

  246. G says:

    Excellent post! Well said on all points!!!

    JD Reed: It seems to be a recurring theme of birthers that just because some people are curious or doubtful about President Obama’s citizenship status, they have a legal right to have their curiosity or doubts satisfied.Not so!That would be totally unworikable. We’d first have to determine how many people’s doubts or curiosity would trigger an obligation on the president’s part. One person? A thousand? A million? A majority?The alternative is to have a clear set of legal guidelines to follow. This would involve each candidate satisfying state-by-state ballot placement laws, the states counting their presidential ballots by clearly defined laws and procedures, and with Congress the final arbiter of who has been legally elected president.For anyone to contest the process at any stage would require meeting a very heavy burden of proof, not the mere presentation of any nebulous doubts or curiosity.Nearly all who express doubts or curiosity have done so in bad faith. They’re not looking for information to consider in weighing whether to support Mr. Obama; they know they’d never support him and are looking for anything to deligitimize him.So he owes such people not even the time of day. He’s entirely justified to make the political calculation that those who demand further proof of his legitimiacy can be ignored with no damage to his standing or chances for re-election.Of course he takes the chance that some people might vote against him for failing to satisfy their curiosity. The voters are sovereign; they can vote for or against anyone for any reason whatsover.Now as to Bernadine — you say you don’t have patience to research the technicalities. To me, you’re really saying, “Don’t confuse me with the facts, my mind’s made up.” That being the case, can you provide one reason why anyone should consider you a source of enlightenment?

  247. G says:

    Yes, it is a strong sign of campaign incompetence for one of the main Primary candidates to fail to get onto a state ballot.

    It should be emphasized that Newt isn’t the only one to fail to accomplish this in Virginia. As noted, both he *and* Rick Perry failed to get enough valid signatures on the ballot. For candidates with their prominent profiles and time put in towards pursuing this race, to fail to meet a 10,000 valid signature requirement by this deadline is quite an embarrasing sign of incompetent campaign organization.

    Further, what has been left out of a lot of reports on this story is that several of the other major campaigns didn’t deliver ANY filing for VA by the deadline at all!

    Not Santorum. Not Bachmann. Not Huntsman.

    Only Mitt Romney and Ron Paul will appear on the VA ballot.

    While one can argue that it is most certain that the field will have winnowed considerably by the time th VA Primary takes place (“Super Tuesday”, 3/6/12), it is folly for any major campaign to not pursue all state primary filing deadlines seriously, until the point that they actually end their campaign. This is simply another demonstration of the pathetically weak field competing for the 2012 GOP nomination.

    Keith: If Newt can’t get 10,000 signatures to qualify for the party to justify spending money putting him on the ballot and counting his votes, that is his problem, and his problem alone.That is what he hires a Campaign Committee to do, and if he is that effective organizing his campaign what a useless twat he’d be as President.There is an appropo Aussie phrase: he couldn’t organize a pissup in a brewery.Alternatively: he couldn’t figure out how to pour water out of a boot if the instructions were written on the heel.

  248. Northland10 says:

    bernadine ayers: she and i agree that the courts are corrupt too.

    This is probably the most telling line. The excuse for failure is now not on the skill of the attorney but the corruption of the court. Using this logic, she need not bother with doing any proper work since, to her, it is already corrupt so she is will lose anyway (though, in reality, the loss would be due to silly things like the law and Constitution).

    It is human nature to find an excuse for our loss/failure, and when some continuously lose, they increase the blame on others. Around this area, failure is usually blamed on a goat.

  249. Thrifty says:

    bernadine ayers: she and i agree that the courts are corrupt too.

    Kinda reminds me of that standard retort a slimy guy will use when he hits on a woman but she spurns his advances. “Pfft. She’s probably a lesbian.”

  250. nbc says:

    While it is easy to accuse the Court of being corrupt when they disagree with your claims, Orly has so far failed to provide any evidence of such corruption.

    Some people may be predisposed to these believes but as one of the Judges observed ‘saying it does not necessarily make it so’. Orly’s abilities to support her claims are almost non-existent and she fails to understand for instance that Judge Carter had not choice but to reject subject matter standing after he had finally helped Orly resolve the personal standing mess she had created by incorrectly serving her complaint.

    It appears to me that Orly cannot accept that she continues to fail because of her own ignorance and follies.

  251. John Reilly says:

    Ms. Ayers: Now that you agree with Dr. Taitz that the Courts are corrupt, kindly list your evidence to that effect.

  252. Judge Mental says:

    John Reilly:
    Ms. Ayers:Now that you agree with Dr. Taitz that the Courts are corrupt, kindly list your evidence to that effect.

    They don’t need no sitinkin evidence.

  253. Paul Pieniezny says:

    Majority Will: Are the new NWO uniforms ready? I’ve heard they are AWESOME!

    Must be why Napoleon Solo now works for HUSTLE, Him not being a friend of Obama, Soros had him fired.

    Taitz should contact him ASAP and file suit for wrongful dismissal, She will get DISCOVERY,

  254. misha says:

    Paul Pieniezny: Must be why Napoleon Solo now works for HUSTLE, Him not being a friend of Obama, Soros had him fired.

    As an officer in the IJC™, I can confirm that Napoleon Solo now works for H.U.N.C.L.E.

  255. Keith says:

    Paul Pieniezny: Must be why Napoleon Solo now works for HUSTLE, Him not being a friend of Obama, Soros had him fired.

    Ilya Kuryakin has also had a rather checkered career since U.N.C.L.E. He got sent to prison for a couple of years, then sort of wandered in time for a year or so before putting his forensic expertise to use with the U.S. Navy.

  256. misha says:

    Keith: Ilya Kuryakin has also had a rather checkered career since U.N.C.L.E.

    Actually, Kuryakin worked for the К“‘ until 1989. I don’t know what he has done since the USSR breakup.

  257. BatGuano says:

    John Reilly:
    Ms. Ayers:Now that you agree with Dr. Taitz that the Courts are corrupt, kindly list your evidence to that effect.

    orly’s claims of corruption usually come after she is denied what she wants. judge carter is an excellent example. orly had nothing but praise for carter…….. until he dismissed her case.

    i’m curious if ms ayers ever considered paying for an hour worth of an attorney’s time to find out if carter’s judgement was sound. because i’d want to be damn sure before i gave my support to someone who called a decorated combat marine and purple heart recipient a traitor.

  258. Obsolete says:

    BatGuano: orly’s claims of corruption usually come after she is denied what she wants. judge carter is an excellent example. orly had nothing but praise for carter…….. until he dismissed her case.

    i’m curious if ms ayersever considered paying for an hour worth of an attorney’s time to find out if carter’s judgement was sound. because i’d want to be damn sure before i gave my support to someone who called a decorated combat marine and purple heart recipient a traitor.

    Needs repeating…

  259. Keith says:

    misha: Actually, Kuryakin worked for the К“‘ until 1989. I don’t know what he has done since the USSR breakup.

    It may be that he was undercover with the KGB as you say, but it is documented that he spent much of the 70’s in prison, after which he mostly disappeared and just played with time for a few years in the late 70’s and early 80’s. Between 1982 and 2003 he seems to have had mostly odd jobs, but some time during that period, (perhaps, as you suggest, the KGB cut him loose after 1989?). It is likely that during this time he was working his way through Medical School because he is now an expert in forensics and in 2003 was employed by the U.S. Navy as a Chief Medical Examiner.

  260. nbc says:

    BatGuano: orly’s claims of corruption usually come after she is denied what she wants. judge carter is an excellent example. orly had nothing but praise for carter…….. until he dismissed her case.

    Yes, rather than writing off her failures to her own ignorance of law, procedure, etc etc, Orly has no choice but to blame the Court of being corrupt.
    Orly will never understand that her failures are all her own. For goodness sakes, she filed the lawsuit a few hours late, forgot to properly serve the President until 6 months later, and then failed to understand that the Court cannot waive, and neither can either party, subject matter standing.

    And I am not even a lawyer and I fully comprehend the extent of her lack of legal acumen.

  261. nbc says:

    Oh Bernadine you also made the following claim

    did you know about or see the painting george soros had commisioned then sent to her children ? where’s the outrage as a mother ?

    Any evidence that Soros commisioned (sic) the painting or are you just believing what dear Orly is telling you…

    Have you no concern for the accuracy of your comments?

  262. Majority Will says:

    Keith: It may be that he was undercover with the KGB as you say, but it is documented that he spent much of the 70′s in prison, after which he mostly disappeared and just played with time for a few years in the late 70′s and early 80′s. Between 1982 and 2003 he seems to have had mostly odd jobs, but some time during that period, (perhaps, as you suggest, the KGB cut him loose after 1989?). It is likely that during this time he was working his way through Medical School because he is now an expert in forensics and in 2003 was employed by the U.S. Navy as a Chief Medical Examiner.

    Well done.

  263. BatGuano says:


    Any evidence that Soros commisioned (sic) the painting or are you just believing what dear Orly is telling you…

    dan lacey is the artist who created the “orly with pancakes” painting. his claim to fame has been a whole series of pop culture notables with pancakes on their heads. he’s also done several comically unflattering portraits of the president.

    i’d be curious to know how orly can form a direct link to soros.

  264. John Reilly says:

    Ms. Ayers: You have made two claims here recently, one, that the courts are corrupt, and the other that George Soros commissioned an unfavorablr portrait of Ms. Taitz. Several of us have asked for your evidence of these assertions and you have not provided any evidence. When do you think it would be convenient for you to do so?

  265. Keith says:

    John Reilly:
    Ms. Ayers:You have made two claims here recently, one, that the courts are corrupt, and the other that George Soros commissioned an unfavorablr portrait of Ms. Taitz.Several of us have asked for your evidence of these assertions and you have not provided any evidence.When do you think it would be convenient for you to do so?

    Careful John, while Bernie has asserted that she is capable of handling two questions at once, giving her a third might be stretching her capabilities.

  266. John Reilly says:

    Ms. Ayers: I trust you are out looking for facts, and that accounts for your silence in the face of my challenge. You did respond on another thread that a judge once rebuked Dr. Taitz, the implication being that such a rebuke proved corruption. Is that all you have? Accusing a judge appinted by President Reagan as corrupt because he had the audacity to “rebuke” Dr. Taitz?

  267. Majority Will says:

    John Reilly:
    Ms. Ayers:I trust you are out looking for facts, and that accounts for your silence in the face of my challenge.You did respond on another thread that a judge once rebuked Dr. Taitz, the implication being that such a rebuke proved corruption.Is that all you have?Accusing a judge appinted by President Reagan as corrupt because he had the audacity to “rebuke” Dr. Taitz?

    She/he is probably too busy as Orly has instructed her flying monkeys to wage an all-out attack

    Posted on | December 26, 2011

    (excerpt) For example, my opponent in the current election is Senator Diane Feinstein. I traveled to DC and forwarded to a number of congressmen and senators info on ObamaFraudGate. They chose to be complicit. You can write an open complaint to CA bar and demand sanctions against her and even disbarment for being complicit and aiding and abetting all of the criminal acts, committed by Obama. If you are a resident of AZ, you can write an open complaint, demand for disbarment of Janet Napolitano.

    I see that a number of people are frustrated with corruption in the judiciary. Don’t get frustrated and don’t just vent on the blogs or blogtalkradio, do something productive: you can file complaints citing judicial misconduct of corrupt judges and demand removal of those judges from the bench.

    (source: http://www.orlytaitzesq.com/)

    P.S. Orly’s website has just now removed the excerpt of her article I referenced. She’s censoring herself.

  268. John Reilly says:

    I do not believe that Senator Feinstein is an attorney.

    Can you disbar someone who is not an attorney?

  269. Rickey says:

    John Reilly:
    I do not believe that Senator Feinstein is an attorney.

    Can you disbar someone who is not an attorney?

    You are correct. Feinstein has a B.A. in History from Stanford, but no law degree.


    Another Orly fail.

  270. Daniel says:

    Maybe she can petition the bar to change history?

  271. Northland10 says:

    Majority Will: do something productive: you can file complaints citing judicial misconduct of corrupt judges and demand removal of those judges from the bench.

    P.S. Orly’s website has just now removed the excerpt of her article I referenced. She’s censoring herself.

    Maybe she realized that the Constitution states that Federal Judges can only be removed by impeachment. I know… that is a rather implausible reason.

    It would be interesting to watch her try to get the Congress (especially the current house) to impeach a judge appointed by Reagan (Lamberth) or one appointed by Bush (Land). It probably does no help that she is accusing most of them of being complicit.

    I am noticing that the judges appointed by Reagan and Bush seem to be the Federal Judges that are hardest on her (including Guilford in Liberi v. Taitz).

  272. Majority Will says:

    Northland10: Maybe she realized that the Constitution states that Federal Judges can only be removed by impeachment.I know… that is a rather implausible reason.

    It would be interesting to watch her try to get the Congress (especially the current house) to impeach a judge appointed by Reagan (Lamberth) or one appointed by Bush (Land).It probably does no help that she is accusing most of them of being complicit.

    I am noticing that the judges appointed by Reagan and Bush seem to be the Federal Judges that are hardest on her (including Guilford in Liberi v. Taitz).

    Her reasoning abilities and directives seem more like a plastered rugby team throwing darts and hitting each other more often than the dartboard.

  273. John Reilly says:

    And yet her supporters believe that any day now she will bring down the President, he will be in chains, and after a brief trial sent to prison.

  274. Northland10 says:

    Majority Will: Her reasoning abilities and directives seem more like a plastered rugby team throwing darts and hitting each other more often than the dartboard.

    LOL. However, even the plastered rugby team might hit the dartboard once or twice, if only by luck. She has yet to be so lucky. A broken clock may be correct twice a day but Orly’s is digital.

  275. Majority Will says:

    Northland10: LOL.However, even the plastered rugby team might hit the dartboard once or twice, if only by luck.She has yet to be so lucky.A broken clock may be correct twice a day but Orly’s is digital.

    I picture her reading this thread and howling, “YOSEF! Where I find dis rugby team?”

  276. Arthur says:

    John Reilly: And yet her supporters believe that any day now she will bring down the President, he will be in chains, and after a brief trial sent to prison.

    Or, as Orly might put it:

    L’shanah haba’ah birushalayim!

  277. Sef says:

    Northland10: LOL.However, even the plastered rugby team might hit the dartboard once or twice, if only by luck.She has yet to be so lucky.A broken clock may be correct twice a day but Orly’s is digital.

    Except Orly uses an hourglass sans sand.

  278. misha says:

    Arthur: L’shanah haba’ah birushalayim!

    Actually, I wish Orly would go back to Jerusalem, and take Sarah Palin with her.


  279. Arthur says:

    misha: Actually, I wish Orly would go back to Jerusalem, and take Sarah Palin with her.ירושלים

    Good God, Misha, there are already plenty of lunatics in that part of the world, and you want to send over two more? That doesn’t make– Ohhhhhh wait . . . now I get it. You’re trying to hasten the Rapture and End of Times. How very John Hagee of you!

  280. Paul Pieniezny says:

    Rickey: You are correct. Feinstein has a B.A. in History from Stanford, but no law degree.


    Another Orly fail.

    I think Orly is misinterpreting Feinstein vs Kinde Dirkee. She probably thinks the Senator is also the lawyer there.

  281. Paul Pieniezny says:

    Googling, I discovered my mistake.It is Durkee and stalled at this moment

  282. thisoldhippie says:

    Dr. Conspiracy: California is the only state where someone from an online school can take the bar exam.The elementary mistakes Orly has made, e.g., filing in the wrong jurisdiction, improper service and filing lawsuits called by the courts “frivolous” has been a cause for wonder here. How could she have passed the admittedly stringent California Bar Exam and still be so clueless? There is a long list of conduct by Taitz that is contrary to the Bar rules. I can’t help but think that if she had gone to a bricks and mortar law school, the give and take of the classroom might have help work out some of the kinks.Because Orly Taitz is such a public figure, appearing on national TV, running a web site, running for office in California, she is a figure in the news and as such she has gotten a lot of ink on this web site. In fact she’s been identified as a category in 203 of the 1,704 articles published here. You can read them all through this link:http://www.obamaconspiracy.org/category/whoswho/orly/While I have tried to play it straight, Taitz’s antics incite a response of scorn and I have fallen prey to that incitement on more than one occasion.

    One thing I’ve learned from my 20+ years as a paralegal, having a JD and passing the bar does not prepare one for practicing law. Orly makes procedural errors because she doesn’t have the common sense to learn the Civil Procedure or local rules of the locations in which she is filing. She never worked in a law firm with seasoned attorneys and paralegals who could teach her how to actually practice law and she is too egostistical to accept that she doesn’t know what she is doing.

  283. Majority Will says:

    thisoldhippie: One thing I’ve learned from my 20+ years as a paralegal, having a JD and passing the bar does not prepare one for practicing law. Orly makes procedural errors because she doesn’t have the common sense to learn the Civil Procedure or local rules of the locations in which she is filing.She never worked in a law firm with seasoned attorneys and paralegals who could teach her how to actually practice law and she is too egostistical to accept that she doesn’t know what she is doing.

    Apparently and not surprisingly, she’s just as inept as a dentist as well.

  284. misha says:

    thisoldhippie: she is too egostistical to accept that she doesn’t know what she is doing.

    I have a paralegal cert. from Old Dominion University in Norfolk.

    “she is too egostistical to accept that she doesn’t know what she is doing.”

    That is a common trait of refuseniks, like Lieberman, the former bouncer: “Israel does not need lessons in democracy from Europe, not even Britain.” http://mobiletrunk.jpost.com/HomePage/FrontPage/Article.aspx?id=97250869&cat=1


    “Does Israel still need democracy? The individual has ceased to be at the core of Israel’s democracy, with the right-wing majority aggressively pursuing legislation that turns the country’s non-Jews into second-class citizens.” http://www.haaretz.com/black-flag-over-israel-s-democracy/does-israel-still-need-democracy-1.396093

    Orly is not clinically insane. This is what motivates her.

  285. Keith says:

    misha: “Israel does not need lessons in democracy from Europe, not even Britain.”

    Democracy is, after all, a Greek ‘invention’ and Israel has been fighting Hellenization for over two thousand years.

    Is Chanukkah over yet? I’ve lost count.

  286. G says:

    Misha, I don’t disagree that is one of her key motivations. I’ve always thought you were really onto something about the “refusenik” angle on Orly.

    However, I would like to argue that regardless of her motives, I still feel she is *also* clinically insane on top of that. Maybe she was sane at one point…but that ship seems to have sailed off the cliff at least a few years back…

    misha: Orly is not clinically insane. This is what motivates her.

  287. Bob J says:

    This is an exchange from Dr. Taitz’s site, which goes a long way to proving her insanity.

    Supreme Court Justice Breyer”
    December 27th, 2011 @ 9:18 am

    I hate to say this but give this up and concentrate on your Senate run. You have done enough, let someone else carry the load and see how far they get. You deserve a break.

    2.orly taitz
    December 27th, 2011 @ 9:34 am

    If I take a break, we’ll be all taking a break in a FEMA camp, in between Koran studies and hard labor

    December 27th, 2011 @ 9:37 pm

    Thanks for keeping me out of the FEMA camp, Orly. I appreciate it!

    4.orly taitz
    December 27th, 2011 @ 10:41 pm

    any time

    I think she shows her insanity; A) by thinking she is keeping anyone out of anything, except fits of laughter. B) the idea that running for U.S Senate would be a break from the wndmill tilting gig.

    Her approach to running for office reminds of people who feel like they can run a marathon because they have driven 26 miles. And that is crazy.

  288. G says:

    LMAO! Wow… I’d hate to live in the bizarre fantasy fear-based hellscape in these folks heads! Their lives must really be miserable if they constantly torment themselves with such warped nightmare fantasies…

    Bob J: If I take a break, we’ll be all taking a break in a FEMA camp, in between Koran studies and hard labor

  289. misha says:

    Keith: Is Chanukkah over yet? I’ve lost count.

    Lewis Black – Hanukkah Sucks:

    The 28th was the last night. I’m still burping latkes: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Latkes

  290. JPotter says:

    a Senate run? I learned today Craig James is running for Senate as well. I appreciate the nutty efforts at classing up that joint.

    Strangely, googling “Senate run” did not produce any image results of Senators running. Just various people blathering into microphones.

  291. Keith says:

    misha: Lewis Black – Hanukkah Sucks:

    Sorry the video takes too long to load. Its unwatchable as far as I’m concerned. I’m sure its funny though.

    The 28th was the last night. I’m still burping latkes:http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Latkes

    I like latkes. My wife makes them, not great but quite edible. She is getting better each time.

    I represented my Croquet Club at the “Jewish Community Council of Victoria” celebration on night two. The Croquet Club is geographically right in the middle of the biggest Jewish community in Australia and doesn’t have one Jewish member (there was one but he left a couple of years ago). I’m really trying hard to reach out to the community because we are really hurting for members. Met a lot of interesting people, some maybe even interested in Croquet. The JCCV reaches out to Christians, Hindus, Moslems, and Sufis for interfaith cultural cooperation and all were present on the night. It was the second night of Chanukkah, but even the emcee couldn’t get it right – she kept saying they were going to light 4 candles (but only lit 2 as was correct).

    But I also met a lot of “raving lunatic Zionists”. I don’t mind ‘normal’ Zionists, I’ve known a lot of them and I think I understand their point of view – no problem. But not all are “raving lunatic Zionists” as I call them, and they can be almost as ignorant of the world as birthers seem to be.

    One once cornered me in a newsagent having ID’s my American accent. She gave it too me a mile a minute straight from the Faux News playbook and how her daughter just got back from 6 weeks in the USA so she KNOWS what she is talking about. According to her, what kind of President could personally dream up “Fast and Furious”! She would not listen to me explaining to her that while F&F occured on his watch, the President didn’t dream it up, and the departmental mind set that made it possible was put in place during the Bush administration. She believed only what the “raving lunatic Zionists” told her about America, that Obama is anti-Israel and probably a secret Moslem tool of Hamas, and hes probably running guns to them too.

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