New Years resolution

O wad some Power the giftie gie us
To see oursels as ithers see us!
It wad frae monie a blunder free us,
An’ foolish notion:
What airs in dress an’ gait wad lea’e us,
An’ ev’n devotion!

To A Louse
Robert Burns

I had a rare experience of that gift today when a curious combination of events led me to read the most recent crop of articles here at Obama Conspiracy Theories as if I were a serious academic viewing the site for the first time. It wasn’t a pretty picture.

What I found was straight-up news stories infected with snide little jabs at the birthers. Now don’t get me wrong: I find nothing wrong with making snide jabs at birthers. What was wrong was mixing snide and news in the same article. If I want this site to be taken seriously, I need to do a better job controlling snide side.

For 2012 I resolve to do a better job of separating straight-up news from commentary. It’s a timely resolution because we can expect a good deal of news in 2012 coming out of the Presidential Election.

About Dr. Conspiracy

I'm not a real doctor, but I have a master's degree.
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29 Responses to New Years resolution

  1. richCares says:

    It is well know that banging your head against the wall causes severe pain, However there is strong evidence, published in medical news, that when you stop banging your head against the wall the pain stops. This is valuable news that could end their pain, Birthers need to be made aware of this.

  2. misha says:

    richCares: However there is strong evidence, published in medical news, that when you stop banging your head against the wall the pain stops.

    You know the best thing about banging your head against a brick wall, is it feels so good when you stop.

  3. G says:

    UGH! That guy definitely deserves a visit by the Secret Service to wake him up to how irresponsible his ugly assassination threats are!

    Even more disturbing is realizing how widespread some of the ugliness of threats, racism and bigotry is out there and being “openly” tweeted and posted.

    I’m glad these sites are also out there monitoring this stuff and I’ll probably add them to my list to keep an eye on as well…although I definitely feel I need a shower after reading some of that:

    It was the host of who first discovered that ugly assassination threat, which is covered in the article you provided.

    What really disturbs and saddens me is that there are at least 2 other similar calls for assassination from other tweeters in recent days also identified on that site. They deserve similar scrutiny and visits from the Secret Service.

    Even worse, the volume of tweets with blatant bigotry and racism is truly vile! Seems like a lot of these bigots are quite open with using the N* word via twitter and openly referring to the President that way. Ugh! The amount of harsh anti-semitism on display disturbed me as well….

    …It is disturbing stuff to see, but also important that it is being monitored and captured and that you can go to those links and see it, because it is important to reveal the truth out there and just how bad it is. Next time some Concern Troll comes here and tries to deny that there is a strong undercurrent of racism out there, I’m just going to post the link to in rebuttal…

    Have you all seen this idiot’s NY’s resolution?!

  4. bernadineayers says:

    for me ?

    happy new year you guys… ready for battle ?

  5. Arthur says:


    I went to the site, and the text of the article was interesting, but the images didn’t appear because something about bandwith exceeding photobucket’s whatchamacallit. What does that mean anyway?

    Sef: Have you all seen this idiot’s NY’s resolution?!

  6. Sef says:


    I went to the site, and the text of the article was interesting, but the images didn’t appear because something about bandwith exceeding photobucket’s whatchamacallit.What does that mean anyway?

    I couldn’t see the images either. Not sure what it means. Maybe too many people going to the site?

  7. NBC says:

    bernadineayers: happy new year you guys… ready for battle ?

    Battle? With whom? Your inability to do any research hardly amounts to a battle, not even a skirmish, it’s mostly a yawn and a shrug.

    Welcome back though. I thought you had learned an important lesson…

  8. G says:

    The original site that Sef linked to was having some issues with Photo bucket loading.

    The author has his own site with pretty much the same info, where the images come up right away. Try this link instead:


    I went to the site, and the text of the article was interesting, but the images didn’t appear because something about bandwith exceeding photobucket’s whatchamacallit.What does that mean anyway?

    Sef: I couldn’t see the images either. Not sure what it means. Maybe too many people going to the site?

  9. G says:

    My reaction too. This is a place for adult discussion, not childish “games”.

    So if Scott can handle an honest and sincere adult discussion, he’s more than welcome to post.

    But if he tries to pull more tricks or speak without having his facts and sources straight, then he richly deserves getting smacked around for it. Simple as that.

    NBC: Battle? With whom? Your inability to do any research hardly amounts to a battle, not even a skirmish, it’s mostly a yawn and a shrug.

    Welcome back though. I thought you had learned an important lesson…

  10. NBC says:

    G: But if he tries to pull more tricks or speak without having his facts and sources straight, then he richly deserves getting smacked around for it. Simple as that.

    It’s a learning experience. If not for Scott then for those who are foolish enough to want to step into his footsteps.

  11. Arthur says:


    Thanks for the link to the alternative site; Taylor Huffman (a.k.a. “Tbone”) looks like slightly less intelligent version of Stifler from “American Pie.” By the way, I learned that before he went to Tarleton State University, Tbone flunked out of Quendelton State University. A television ad for Quendelton can be found here:

    Also, an ad for QSU’s graduate school:

  12. Daniel says:


    happy new year you guys… ready for battle ?

    There is no battle. Birthers lost years ago…. the day they started.

  13. Very nice, Doc.

    And speaking of new years…

    Happy New Year my dear birther-debunkers!

    I have published a revealing and informative new blog report at the WOBIK Blog!

    “Happy New Year 2012! Where’s the kidney? And what’s the business with Kenyan doctor Mary/Merry Othigo?.”

    Please exercise your free speech in the comments section below the blog report. Speak your mind, give us your thoughts, both objective and subjective. Share your ideas, hunches, inklings or your expertise. Please provide recommendation and corrections if you spot errors in fact within the blog report. Lastly, remember that posting a comment is much like casting a vote, so please do so!

    Thank you and a first-rate & prosperous new year to you!

    Lucas D. Smith

  14. Majority Will says:

    for me ?

    happy new year you guys… ready for battle ?

    bernadine ayers December 26, 2011 at 8:52 pm (Quote) #

    “you guys take care, it’s nice meeting you all, i won’t bother you again”

    Do you ever tell the truth, scott?

  15. bernadineayers says:

    it was nice to meet all of you. if you are bothered now i’ll disappear, it’s your call alone will. do you speak for the group ?

  16. Majority Will says:

    bernadineayers: if you are bothered now i’ll disappear


    Why would I believe anything you post? You’ve already lied repeatedly.

    I don’t think you understand the difference between a lie and the truth.

    Do you always ask leading, pointless and asinine questions?

  17. Arthur says:

    You can go away, you can stay; you can lurk or bloviate. Who cares?

    This is the comment section of a blog, not the Oxford Union–do the hell what you want, but stop acting like some simpering high school girl who’s desperate for attention: “I’m going way. Now I’m back! Should I go away again? I don’t know . . . Majority Will, what do YOU think I should do?”

    Man up, Bernadine.

  18. bernadineayers says:

    Majority Will: scott:

    Why would I believe anything you post? You’ve already lied repeatedly.

    I don’t think you understand the difference between a lie and the truth.

    Do you always ask leading, pointless and asinine questions?

    show me

  19. bernadineayers says:

    You can go away, you can stay; you can lurk or bloviate. Who cares?

    This is the comment section of a blog, not the Oxford Union–do the hell what you want, but stop acting like some simpering high school girl who’s desperate for attention: “I’m going way. Now I’m back! Should I go away again? I don’t know . . . Majority Will, what do YOU think I should do?”

    Man up, Bernadine.

    that’s pretty funny…

  20. richCares says:

    that’s pretty funny…
    YAH, I laughed at that one! Shows Bern’s silliness.

  21. Daniel says:

    if you are bothered now i’ll disappear, it’s your call alonewill. do you speak for the group ?

    You can stop the “poor me I’m just trying to be reasonable” act any time now. Nobody is buying it.

  22. Majority Will says:

    bernadineayers: show me

    What’s the point, scott?

  23. bernadineayers says:

    Majority Will: What’s the point, scott?

    you call me a liar, show me

  24. Majority Will says:

    bernadineayers: you call me a liar, show me

    I already did, silly bonny bernadine. You implied you weren’t returning when you posted your tearful goodbye on 12/26. Also, being a birther by definition means being a liar. You knew that.

    Hey, do you also dress up as Bernardine Dohrn when you post?

    Who knows how committed you are?

  25. bernadineayers says:


  26. G says:

    Happy New Year Lucas!

    While I very much enjoyed the festive pictures, your article was a disappointing start to the New Year for you. Frankly, as someone who is rooting for you to eventually find peace and escape your past demons, it was disheartening to see you start off a New Year with such sour grapes over not making an eBay sale and then devolving into nothing but juvenile lashing out. I hate to tell you, but I seriously doubt that any of the “Obots” you’re taunting with your “street” trash talk will care.

    To a broader audience on the internet, you’ve now committed words to a realm where they never disappear and anybody over the age of perhaps 12 will only see this as an embarrasing public tantrum by someone uncomfortably unable to act their own age.

    At least it looks like your celebrations down there were happy. May you spend some time looking inward in 2012 and find ways to overcome always being your own worst enemy. I really think you’ve got talent and good qualities, if only you could figure out how to put them to more honest and productive use. I still have faith that you have it in you to become more than just a scarred product of your past.

    Lucas D. Smith:
    Very nice, Doc.

    And speaking of new years…

    Happy New Year my dear birther-debunkers!

    I have published a revealing and informative new blog report at the WOBIK Blog!

    “Happy New Year 2012! Where’s the kidney? And what’s the business with Kenyan doctor Mary/Merry Othigo?.”

    Please exercise your free speech in the comments section below the blog report. Speak your mind, give us your thoughts, both objective and subjective. Share your ideas, hunches, inklings or your expertise. Please provide recommendation and corrections if you spot errors in fact within the blog report. Lastly, remember that posting a comment is much like casting a vote, so please do so!

    Thank you and a first-rate & prosperous new year to you!

    Lucas D. Smith

  27. Majority Will says:

    bernadineayers: if you are bothered now i’ll disappear, it’s your call alone will.

    O.K., scott. Go away.

    If you don’t, then does it prove you lied?

  28. Majority Will says:

    P.S. Disclaimer. Only the site owner, Doc C. calls the shots on his site.

    Here are the rules:

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