A handful of unruly New Hampshire state legislators shouted insults and threats at the State Ballot Commission who rejected their demands to throw Barack Obama off the ballot last November. One Board member feared for his life and locked himself into a room for protection. Did I mention: Orly Taitz was involved?
One of the legislators, Harry Accornero was quoted:
"Saying a treasonous liar can go on our ballot?" Rep. Harry Accornero, a Laconia Republican, yelled at the commission. "You’re going to have to face the citizens of Laconia. You better wear a mask."
Today, the Concord Monitor reports that following an investigation ordered by House Speaker, Republican Bill O’Brien, it was determined that the legislators “did not violate any laws or legislative ethics.”
Saying a slanderer will go unpunished? Why – that is…. TREASONOUS. They are going to have to face the citizens @ obama conspiracy! All I am saying – They better wear a face mask.
Well, politics and ethics are somewhat mutually exclusive… I am not surprised.
I didn’t really expect any more from the antiquated Party of Fear.
The modern GOP has an extremely lousy record of weeding out their bad apples. No surprise here.
It is just another reason why the GOP is in constant decay. They lost the real moral high ground years ago.
They may not have violated any laws or legislative ethics, but they sure as hell behaved like spoiled, pissant child-like wankers.
If Laconia is full of birther turds, I’d wear a mask too.
modern GOP has an extremely lousy record of weeding out their bad apples
weeding out the good apples, on the other hand…
Good point… yes, they’ve kept the bad and pushed out the good…. very sad indeed.
And a friend of mine actually says New Hampshire is smarter than Massachusetts…
“And a friend of mine actually says New Hampshire is smarter than Massachusetts…”
nh REPUBLICAN bettencourt wrote to the ditz:
“Please, Dr. Taitz, go away and leave New Hampshire alone.”
Actually, it might be a politically sound decision. Had they been sanctioned in any way, it would’ve allowed them to make a spectacle out of it, either by fighting such sanctions in court (if that’s possible) or styling themselves as martyrs or whatnot.
Ignoring the idiots is always the better choice, compared to elevating them.
No real winners in birther’ probe
(excerpt) In a statement issued Monday, Accornero said the attorney general owes him an apology for, among other things, attempting to “malign representatives’ characters.”
“Myself, and others, simply were doing what we felt was right in standing up for the New Hampshire Constitution and, while our opinions and beliefs can differ, there is no excuse for such intentional malice,” he wrote.
From Birther Harry’s FB page:
“Questions I would like to ask Mr. Obama.
Why do you hate Christians?
Why do you want to punish the wealthy who, have worked hard all their lives and achieved the American dream?
In light of your “African’s for Obama”, why do you turn your back on White, Black and Hispanic people many of whom voted for you in 2008?
Why do you want to keep minorities and poor people from succeeding?
Why have you turned your back on Dr. King and his dream for all people Black and White?
If Mr. Romney launched a voter drive” White for Romney”. What would you, Al Sharpton, Jessie Jackson and members of your Party have to say?
Why are you dividing our Country by Class and Race?
Finial, why are you trying to destroy America and our Constitution?”
And a separate post:
“I was very disappointed in Sheriff Arpaio’s so called cold-case investigation. It took him six months to find out what most of America already knew. I would suggest he and others focus on the fact that Mr. Obama by his own admission is not a “Natural Born” Citizen, and therefore he should be escorted out of office, and he and his administration face charges of “Fraud and Treason” just for starters. It should be obvious to most American’s that our Representatives in Congress , both House and Senate do not have the courage to stand up and take any action against Mr. Obama, that leaves it up to us. It is time all conservative come together. Put aside any differences and stand as one for the good of our country. May I be so bold as to suggest that all groups trying to get Mr. Obama out of office come together for that one purpose? Then maybe we can achieve our goal and have Mr. Obama removed from all primary ballots in America and finally take our country back.”
I surfed on over to Harry’s Facebook page. The guy’s racism is only thinly disguised, and working on the principle that you can judge a man by the company that he keeps, a lot of the company he keeps on FB are not even closet racists – it’s right out in the open. I left a note asking him if he has remembered Article VI of the Constitution (you know, the one about no religious test being required of a candidate for federal office), since he appears to think that Obama is not a Christian, which is a Big Deal for him.
I looked for your note but didn’t see it.
My note is still there…some way down in his FB page. Harry seems to have bit on the latest recycling of stuff from ObamaSnippetsDotCom now…another birther sent me a link to that gem also. Her fallback is always to claim that “natural born” means “two citizen parents”, I ask her if she has ever bothered to look at Wong Kim Ark, and then she changes the subject, usually to a variant of “but he has divided loyalties”.
And when challenged to show the 2 citizen parents requirement in any U.S. history, law or civics textbook, they also abruptly change the subject.
New Hampshire did produce Adam Sandler and Seth Meyers, so…
I’ll take Steven Wright over either of them.