Orly Taitz: It’s a racket

Racketeering seems to be a theme at the Orly Taitz web site these days, exemplified by her latest article: “I need your help in getting names and addresses of the Presidents of the major networks to put them on notice of possible RICO charges against them.” I didn’t hyperlink to the article because there is no article, just the title. RICO is, of course, is the Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act. I can only speculate what Taitz means, but I assume it must have something to do with the media’s criticism of the Arizona Cold Case Posse. She’s going to have a hard time proving that the “media” is an organization, much less a criminal one.

Debbie Wasserman Schultz photoFollowing the racketeering theme, Taitz threatened Democratic National Committee Chairwoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz (pictured right) in an article, “Press release! Chairwoman of the Democratic National committee was put on notice of possible civil racketeering charges.” Taitz sent Schultz copies of her failed pleading in the Georgia case of of Farrar v. Obama and threatens that if she certifies Obama as the Democratic candidate, Taitz will add the Florida congresswoman to her little RICO list as well as sue her for fraud, forgery, wire fraud, Social Security fraud and treason. Gee, I didn’t know you could sue for that?

List song starts at 2:00

I played Pooh-Bah in a concert production of the Mikado.

About Dr. Conspiracy

I'm not a real doctor, but I have a master's degree.
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48 Responses to Orly Taitz: It’s a racket

  1. Stanislaw says:

    Why the State Bar of California continues to let this woman “practice” law I’ll never show. Her law license should’ve been burned in a dumpster on live television years ago.

  2. GLaB says:

    RICO! Youngblood! Wake up!
    Prohibition is over, but the country’s still a mess!
    They need us out there!
    We’ve got some cleaning up to do – especially when it comes to
    THIS GUY . . .

  3. richCares says:

    we haven’t had so much humor since the Rowan & Martin show, but seriosly this madwoman needs to be banned from all courthouse, there is only one house she needs to be in, that’s Bellview Hospital, they have jackets with very long sleeves.

  4. RetiredLawyer says:

    I would love to see Orly attempt to prepare a complaint for civil RICO! One of the most complex and irrational parts of the law.

    I agree that the State Bar is woefully negligent and delayed. The only excuse is that they are delayed in every case they have.

  5. Paul says:

    Maybe, at the end of the President’s second term, she’d going to appear on Fox News, during which she’ll snap her fingers and say, “The Aristocrats!”

  6. misha says:

    richCares: there is only one house she needs to be in, that’s Bellview Hospital

    It’s “Bellevue Hospital Center,” most often referred to as “Bellevue”, founded on March 31, 1736 and is the oldest public hospital in the United States.

    That’s where I was born, buster. You got a problem with that? ‘Cause I got your hospital right here. True story: When the US Mint said they were going to issue quarters for each state, with the state’s motto, I wrote suggesting for New York, the motto should be “I got your quarter right here.” No reply.

    Alert – New York humor.

  7. sfjeff says:

    . “Obama and threatens that if she certifies Obama as the Democratic candidate, Taitz will add the Florida congresswoman to her little RICO list as well as sue her for fraud, forgery, wire fraud, Social Security fraud and treason. ”

    Maybe the lawyers can chime in on this- isn’t telling someone that you will sue them unless they do as you tell them considered blackmail?

    I still get giggles thinking of her running as a Republican candidate in California….

  8. Majority Will says:

    Maybe, at the end of the President’s second term, she’d going to appear on Fox News, during which she’ll snap her fingers and say, “The Aristocrats!”


  9. JPotter says:

    I could suggest some targets for some RICO investigations, based on intent to defraud. 😉

  10. Thrifty says:

    Orly is just weird. I can’t think of any other single adjective that works better. She’s like a child in that she throws temper tantrums every time she can’t get her way. Only in addition to temper tantrums, she uses frivolous and misapplied legal action.

    I won’t say that she precisely understands the law at the same level as a child. She seems to know of the existence of various legal terms, and a vague understanding of what they are (for example she knows that RICO is used to target organized crime), but can’t understand how to apply them. That’s probably one step above a child’s understanding. I remember hearing the term “law suit” for the first time when I was 7 years old. I thought it applied to the clothes lawyers wore in court. Orly at least knows what a law suit is even if she doesn’t know the proper rules for filing them.

  11. BillTheCat says:

    It’s Orlylaw, plain and simple.

    She believes that EVERYONE who is against her and will not listen to her is “in” on the Grand Conspiracy (TM), therefore – they are all eligible to be prosecuted under the RICO law.

    It’s GENIUS, I tells ya!

  12. jayHG says:

    orly, orly, ORLY!!!!!!!!!!! I want to take her by both arms and shake her and say, listen you lunatic…….anyhow, orly is just tiresome. I suppose she’s largely harmless, but who knows with these folks.

    The CA Bar is probably doing exactly what it should not do, and that’s ignore her until she does something egregious and they HAVE to act. What that might be, I have no idea. I guarantee that when they do act, orly will sue them and maybe this is why they just ignore her.

    I can’t believe she’s as stupid as she seems.

  13. misha says:

    Paul: she’d going to appear on Fox News, during which she’ll snap her fingers and say, “The Aristocrats!”

    How about Christine O’Donnell:

  14. misha says:

    jayHG: I can’t believe she’s as stupid as she seems.

    Believe it.

  15. CarlOrcas says:

    Thrifty: Orly is just weird. I can’t think of any other single adjective that works better.

    How about crazy?

  16. Thrifty says:

    Crazy just doesn’t suffice for me, for reasons I cannot really articulate.

    CarlOrcas: How about crazy?

  17. misha says:

    Thrifty: Orly is just weird. I can’t think of any other single adjective that works better.

    Try meshuggah.

  18. Sef says:

    Orly needs an Etch a Sketch.

  19. Thrifty says:

    First time I heard that word I was 10 years old, and it was the season premiere of the 3rd season of The Simpsons. From the context, I thought it meant “sane”.

    misha: Try meshuggah.

  20. bovril says:

    Orly has the mind of a magpie….She sees (or hears) as shiny new magical word or phrase and suddenly she KNOWS if she only repeats it loudly and longly enough it wil work ANY DAY NOW……The fact that the new shiny is intrinsically useless and isn’t ACTULLY what she thinks it is always eludes her.

    Favourites have included “misprision of felony”, “ObamaFraudGate” and “subpoena”…….

  21. Bob says:

    She threatens a lot of things. The threat is the important thing for her. The threat is what gets donations (it certainly wouldn’t be the results she’s gotten).

    Her pointless scheme to send a transcript of the Georgia hearing to all 50 secretaries of state was forgotten when she found out it would cost $23,000. I guess it wasn’t all that important.

    I can’t believe she doesn’t have a personal assistant to do things like take care of her mess of a website. Often the letters from her “supporters” are little more than insults that she doesn’t understand because English isn’t her first language. She seems impossible to work for and her ever having a viable dental practice is unimaginable.

  22. Rob A says:

    Maybe, at the end of the President’s second term, she’d going to appear on Fox News, during which she’ll snap her fingers and say, “The Aristocrats!”

    Bob Saget and Gilbert Gottfried both tell “The Aristocrats” joke beautifully…

  23. G says:


    Sef: Orly needs an Etch a Sketch.

  24. GLaB says:

    misha: True story: When the US Mint said they were going to issue quarters for each state, with the state’s motto, I wrote suggesting for New York, the motto should be “I got your quarter right here.” No reply.

    Heh. They should have used it – but there was probably a competing claim from New Jersey.

  25. Paper says:

    In that whole pile of mess, the strangest thing is she needs help to get the names and addresses of television network presidents! Need I count the ways she could get that information in five minutes tops?

  26. El Diablo Negro says:


  27. Arthur says:

    Rob A: Bob Saget and Gilbert Gottfried both tell “The Aristocrats” joke beautifully…

    Yes, they do, but I think my favorite was George Carlin’s version.

  28. Arthur says:

    Sef: Orly needs an Etch a Sketch.

    According to a Romney spokesman, the Republicans already have one in Mitt.


  29. Sef says:

    Arthur: According to a Romney spokesman, the Republicans already have one in Mitt.


    Therefore the comment.

  30. GeorgetownJD says:

    Orly is just weird.I can’t think of any other single adjective that works better.

    Bizarre. Grotesque.

  31. J. Potter says:

    Bob: Her pointless scheme to send a transcript of the Georgia hearing to all 50 secretaries of state was forgotten when she found out it would cost $23,000.

    WHOOOOOOOA. She gave up on something?

  32. Arthur says:

    Sef: Therefore the comment.


  33. I’ve long suspected, but now I’m certain.

    Orly is on Obama’s payroll.

    Nothing else makes sense.

  34. G says:

    Well, I’ll take your Rico Suave and your Mitt Romney Etch-A-Sketch Gaffe and see you with this:

    Will the Real Mitt Romney Please Stand Up?



    Arthur: According to a Romney spokesman, the Republicans already have one in Mitt. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1tcJ6b84sHY

    El Diablo Negro: oops forgot the linkhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nx64_N4AA04

  35. SluggoJD says:

    Folks, why not call her and have a chat. I called her when he, Lying Lucas Smith, and Charles Lincoln, the guy who supposedly but not really had an affair with her, teamed up to go after her.

    I’ve done it before, phone number is easy to find, not sure if Dr. C will post it or allow me to post it.

    [Thank you for not posting the number. Doc]

    I assure you, if you call her, it will be interesting.

  36. Arthur says:

    G: Will the Real Mitt Romney Please Stand Up?

    Too slow! Misha posted a link to that video this afternoon. You got to get up pretty early in the morning to beat ol Misha to some Romney ridicule. It’s that dog in a box, on a roof, thing.

  37. Arthur says:

    SluggoJD: Folks, why not call her and have a chat. I called her when he, Lying Lucas Smith, and Charles Lincoln, the guy who supposedly but not really had an affair with her, teamed up to go after her.

    Oh, come on Uncle Sluggo! Tell us the story of your Orly call!

  38. SluggoJD says:

    Uncle Sluggo? WTF?

  39. misha says:

    Arthur: Oh, come on Uncle Sluggo! Tell us the story of your Orly call!

    Here’s a better story: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3VMSGrY-IlU

  40. misha says:

    SluggoJD: Folks, why not call her and have a chat.

    – “Why are you calling me?”
    – “Why shouldn’t I?”
    – “What’s this about?”
    – “Is it safe?”

  41. Arthur says:

    misha: “Is it safe?”

    “What’s the frequency, Kenneth?”

    Is there a video? There’s ALWAYS a video.


  42. J. Potter says:

    misha: Here’s a better story

    Hey, Misha, Letterman made a ton of hay out of the Romney Roof Dog story with Gail Collins tonight. Hope you caught it. If not, look up second guest of 3/21/12 show. It was hysterical–makes a National Lampoon road trip look tame!

  43. J. Potter says:

    Argh, sorry, 3/20/12 episode from last night. DVR outwitted me again.

  44. Lupin says:

    Wouldn’t it be easier for her to list the people who are NOT part of the conspiracy, and them just attach phone books as her exhibits?

  45. Majority Will says:

    Wouldn’t it be easier for her to list the people who are NOT part of the conspiracy, and them just attach phone books as her exhibits?

    Wouldn’t that be her list of deranged sycophants who give her their Social Security checks?

  46. Sef says:

    Orly has finally sued in the wrong state. The attorney for the Democratic Party defendant in Mississippi has filed a Motion in Limine seeking to charge her with the Champerty, Maintenance and Barratry statute in MS. Fun, fun, fun should come of this. See: http://www.thefogbow.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=88&t=7097&start=462 Who was supposed to get the popcorn?

  47. J. Potter says:

    Sef: Orly has finally sued in the wrong state. The attorney for the Democratic Party defendant in Mississippi has filed a Motion in Limine seeking to charge her with the Champerty, Maintenance and Barratry

    OH SNAP! THat is hysterical!!! Just when I was thinking the birther calendar had thnned back out to watery gruel!

    Barratry … champerty …. holy crap, birtherism has worked miracles for the zombie trade. The last (only?) time I came across those arcane terms was in a Dickens novel. OK, not really, but dang, them words is dusty.

    This the same day that those lawyers suing their law school in NY got bounced. Heh.

    Here’s hoping this goes the distance.

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