President: wanted for treason

A Wanted poster has surfaced charging the President with Treason. Specific charges: betraying the Constitution and turning the sovereignty of the United States over to other countries. This is a shocking document that was revealed in an official US Government investigation.

I didn’t know anything about this until just now when I saw it on TV.


Warren Commission Report Exhibit #996

That which has been is that which will be, And that which has been done is that which will be done. So there is nothing new under the sun.

Ecclesiastes 1:9

About Dr. Conspiracy

I'm not a real doctor, but I have a master's degree.
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23 Responses to President: wanted for treason

  1. Obsolete says:

    They forgot to mention that he bows to Muslims and apologizes for America. Other than that, much of it is the same RWNJ complaints as always.

  2. An estimated 5,000 of those posters were printed.

  3. Lancelot Link says:

    Those were apparently all over Dallas in late 1963.
    I’ve seen a recent version with the same design but a different President.

  4. misha says:

    Yitzhak Rabin –

    “Rabin accused Netanyahu of provoking violence, a charge which Netanyahu strenuously denied.”

  5. US Citizen says:

    …and just like present-day conspiracy nuts, they couldn’t spell either.


  6. In all fairness, there is some abysmal spelling by non-birthers on this forum that I correct.

    I was poking around at Physics Forums where they had a poll asking:

    Should Europe Be Considered A Seperate Continent?

    One response was:

    Yes this is true. At the same time Middle Eastern culture developed indepentently and is actually closer to European culture than East Asian culture. Should the middle east be considered a seperate culture too?

    You should have counted 3 errors. I don’t understand this myself because I thought browsers all had spell checking. I seldom make a spelling error; my problem is wrong word/ omitted word.

    US Citizen: …and just like present-day conspiracy nuts, they couldn’t spell either.

  7. mimi says:

    Doc, Walter Fitzpatrick used that poster to make one for Obama. He has had it on his website for years. I believe it was on his old site (idunno if it still is), and it’s still at his new site. There is nothing coincidental about it. The headline is exactly the same, and the enumerated items are either exact, or similar.

    Yeah, he copied it from the JFK Handbill.

  8. Keith says:

    Kennedy was attacked for being “not one of us”, “other”, “controlled by foreign influence” too.

    He was a Catholic and obviously at the command of the Pope.

    Is there any doubt that if God intervenes in this election cycle and installs Santorum in the White House that the same folks that are now birthers will end up as anti-Papists?

  9. Bob says:

    Remember this petition?


    It seems to have stalled out at 452 signatures most of which are fake/jokes.

  10. JPotter says:

    Another 1963 classic is Skousen’s list of Communist Goals. It was old and paranoid then as it is now.

    If not familiar with Skousen, his works and his influence, read up!

  11. I didn’t know that. I don’t follow the birther underground very closely. I saw that poster on TV on Storage Wars – Texas and thought it would be a cute spoof. Never did I dream…

    mimi: Doc, Walter Fitzpatrick used that poster to make one for Obama.

  12. AnotherBird says:

    The poster demonstrates that there are nuts for all generations.

  13. US Citizen says:

    Dr. Conspiracy:
    In all fairness, there is some abysmal spelling by non-birthers on this forum that I correct.

    True, however we’re making casual posts.
    I imagine most of us would proof our copy better if we were printing 5000 posters.

  14. Majority Will says:

    US Citizen: True, however we’re making casual posts.
    I imagine most of us would proof our copy better if we were printing 5000posters.

    Or a lawsuit.

  15. misha says:

    Bob: Remember this petition? Charges of TREASON against BARACK HUSSEIN OBAMA It seems to have stalled out at 452 signatures most of which are fake/jokes.

    I signed it Ben Dover, and I’bin Farteen.

    My favorite is the person who signed Ivan Awfulitch.

  16. realist says:

    There are other posters out there similar to the Kennedy one above. This is Walter Fitzpatrick’s rendition from his old website… which is still accessible.

  17. The Magic M says:

    misha: My favorite is the person who signed Ivan Awfulitch.

    Probably a cousin of Ivana Humpalot of James Bond fame (my favourite still being “Pussy Galore” and Teri Hatcher on the Jay Leno Show, claiming her character was going to be called “Vagiselle”).

  18. Dr. Kenneth Noisewater (Bob Ross) says:

    The Magic M: Probably a cousin of Ivana Humpalot of James Bond fame (my favourite still being “Pussy Galore” and Teri Hatcher on the Jay Leno Show, claiming her character was going to be called “Vagiselle”).

    No one signed Dixie Normus?

  19. Dr. Kenneth Noisewater (Bob Ross) says:
  20. Horus says:

    misha: Yitzhak Rabin –

    “Rabin accused Netanyahu of provoking violence, a charge which Netanyahu strenuously denied.”

    Kind of how Gabrielle Giffords accused Sarah Palin of provoking violence with her “Cross-hairs” political BS.

  21. Bob Weber says:

    You have to be an old fart with a good memory to understand the context of “betrayal of our friends…Portugal”. Portugal stubbornly hung onto its tiny India colonies (Goa) after Indian independence until India forcibly expelled the Portuguese in 1961. The U.S. government and what counted as the “mainstream media” at the time sided with the Portuguese, but Kennedy wasn’t eager to send in the Marines to restore Portugal’s colonies and Cane The Bloody Wogs. Right-wingers at the time were sure that another domino had fallen and it was only a matter of time before the Red Army occupied Des Moines.

  22. misha says:

    Bob Weber: Right-wingers at the time were sure that another domino had fallen and it was only a matter of time before the Red Army occupied Des Moines.

    I just found another communist under my bed.

  23. Keith says:

    There is one under my bed too, but I can’t figure out if it is coming or going.

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