If you visit Phil Berg’s web site these days and right-click on some blank white space in the middle of the main body of text, you may see some Internet traffic and a pause before the menu pops up. If you have Firefox you may briefly see “http://tr.trafficfacts.com” appear on the status bar at the bottom of the browser. If you have certain security plug-ins you may see something like a “redirection alert” warning pop up. What’s going on? Should you be concerned?
Any time your browser warns you of something, you should be reasonably concerned. It looks like ObamaCrimes.info is using GoDaddy.com’s feature called “Traffic Facts“.
Traffic Facts helps you gather, manipulate and report the make-or-break data crucial to your site’s success. Eliminate costly errors that might otherwise go undiscovered. Focus your offerings. And target new customers with a laser-like certainty.
Traffic Facts is the right tool at just the right time! Here’s just some of what you get:
- Get separate statistic reports for each Alias and Subdomain assigned to your primary domain–”simply add them as separate Traffic Facts accounts.
- Real Time Stats means you’ll stay in-the-know with stats that update every 30 minutes.
- Conversion Tracking helps you determine if your online marketing efforts are giving you the proper return on investment.
- Site Summary Information assembles your most critical Web statistics in one place for quick review.
- Export the data you capture to Microsoft® Excel®
- Get fast, easy access to your raw log files – and manipulate data for revealing results.
- Choose from three graphing options: Bar, Area, and Line for at-a-glance conclusions.
- Visit-path reporting tells you how customers navigate through your site.
- Custom date ranges gives you down-to-the-minute answers.
- And much, much more!
Now me, I get uneasy when a web site is scripting under me in ways I don’t quite understand, but in this case, it’s mostly harmless.
The kinds of web sites that use traffic analysis like this are typically ones that are trying to sell you something and want to see how people move from page to page, and measure which page results in the most revenue (which page gets people to click on the BUY NOW or DONATE button). “Conversion” refers to turning a visitor into a customer.
[ObamaCrimes.com is essentially a frame that displays the contents of ObamaCrimes.info. Both sites have the tracking scripts.]