Clearly I spend too much time on this Obama conspiracy business, because the title of this article is what I read when I glanced at the hymn “Peace, to Soothe Our Bitter Woes.”
But things do seem a bit peaceful, with nothing on the Birther Calendar this week. Most of the birther lawsuits are on their way to the bottom of the Marianas Trench. My search engine alerts came up dry. Orly Taitz seems to be focusing on her Senate campaign now that her Mississippi lawsuit is destined for a long hold. Joe Arpaio hasn’t been indicted. I even mowed the grass and this is the best article I could come up with.
Birtherstan is fairly boring at the moment, yes. There’s the infighting for Birther Bucks, which is never new news.
The most interesting thing not yet reported here is the myth that Obama’s attorney supposedly admitted that Obama’s BC is a forgery in the Purpura/Moran NJ ballot challenge. It’s completely false, but it’s moved from the original errant story in The Daily Pen throughout the birthersphere and into mainstream political sites in the comment sections. As we all know, that means it is now a “fact” to RWNJs.
In further Boss Hogg news, the fine Shurrif has had a video surface from 2009 which shows what happens when anyone has the temerity to DARE challenge his “anti-immigration” posses storm trooping…..
It seems the Shurrif was so peeved that the Federal authorities would DARE to investigate his racially based anti-immigration sweeps he was doing that after one meeting he stated.
In the September 2009 speech in Houston, Arpaio boasted that he arrested hundreds of illegal immigrants after politicians and federal investigators started to pick apart his patrols. He said he wouldn’t cooperate with the inquiry, but said he would tone down the patrols — if he was proven wrong.
“But I’m not. After they went after me, we arrested 500 more just for spite,” the self-proclaimed “America’s toughest sheriff” said, pausing for laughter and applause.”
So we have an individual who, for shits and giggles as well as to show the finger to law enforcement decided to sweep up and violate the civil rights of several hundred individuals for the crime of being dusky hued.
“But things do seem a bit peaceful, with nothing on the Birther Calendar this week.”
You’re just not looking hard enough!
Got to agree with, Doc, it’s a beautiful spring with much going on in the wider, off-screen world. I spent the weekend literally workingon curb appeal, rebooting the grass along the sidewalk, paving a new path. Also noticed 3 bushes that had appeared dead (and were summarily decapitated by …. uh …. someone), have decided to make a comeback. That made my day! …. and I will not compare their incessant rejuvenation to that of birthers … willnotwillnotwillnot)
And I came in to find a funny note from Gillar! Heh. Glad I had better things to do. So much beauty for the righteous. It is well settled … as ashes in the mouths of the hateful.
Both Worldnetdaily and the birtherreport are featuring an article on a Michigan college that has invited Pat Boone to be their commencement speaker and Boone plans to take up the Sheriff Arpaio cause in his speech. The faculty association has asked that Boone be replaced as speaker and not receive an honorary degree from the school but Boone will be speaking the birther line to the graduates.
I feel sorry for teh students of Adrian College!.
Goes to:
Which reads:
Published: 04/06/2012 at 11:28 AM
0 others have already signed this petition. Sign now to show your support!
Purchase the hardcover version of Jerome Corsi’s New York Times bestseller “Where’s the Birth Certificate” and receive the updated e-book, titled “Where’s the REAL Birth Certifcate,” ABSOLUTELY FREE!
Surprise! It’s another commercial!
0 signers?
Groupon promotes torture porn … the UN is invading my home …. Ted Nugent is our Shiniest Martyr …. And that’s my WND for the week. Can’t work while laughing.
Both the greatest strength and the most insidiously pervasive weakness of civilization will always be its civility. Society requires for minimal prudence that, we constantly assess the intelligence and informational awareness level of persons with whom we interact. But it’s pointless to try to assign dimensions or degrees to willful irrationality, and it’s an exercise in futility to embrace as legitimate questions, every doubt about Obama’s eligibility which Birthers can manufacture.
World Nut Daily is capable of retreating now to a claim that the fact alone that the specific gravity of water is 1 makes Obama Constitutionally ineligible to the Presidency, and tomorrow, in the face of irrefutable evidence that such a value would instead make Obama eligible, that crowd is capable of reasserting their declaration of his physical-constant derived Constitutional Presidential ineligibility by saying that the specific gravity of water is not, has never been, and will never be, 1.
They are intellectual anarchists, trying to wound meaningful discourse when public opinion disagrees with them.
I may the only one who, after reading this post, found something in the post to research. However, it was not regarding Obama eligibility.
Meeeee toooooooo!!!!!!! In a good way……….
BTW, I went back and tagged all the articles I have written that mention mowing grass.
But have you tagged all the ones that mention specific gravity?
He’s being held down by that one.
Breakingt news,
Sheriff Joe is preparing to hold a second earth shaking, ground breaking press conference that will expose startling new information about Barack Obama’s ineligibilty.
(or not!)
This is actually funny to watch and read the comments. The birthers actually believe that somehow this proves their case, when in reality the judge was basically laughing at them (on the inside, of course, he is a professional after all). The lack of logic in the birthers minds is just too much for me to take sometimes.
My guess is this will be about the SSN and Susan Daniels will be part of it.
They probably needed another two months to figure out how to (ab)use e-Verify themselves.
But since I usually go against the grain, I’ll put my money on “more BC issues”, specifically “registration number out of sequence” and “the COLB is forged, too”.
Second dibs on an additional reference to unnamed “internal Hawaiian sources” (read: Tim Adams) that “confirm” that “there is no birth certificate”.
@James: I got a chuckle out of both WND and ORYR using the word “explosive” when describing Arpaio’s planned presser. I thought Orly had some sort of trademark on that word! 😉
Based on previous evidence, the whole presser will be another Pamphlet O’Cack by Zullo and Corsi with a mass of copy n’ pasted quotes from previous Corsi “reports” and “WND” articles along with a big old beg for Birfer Bux.
You weren’t a LOST fan, I take it. 😉
Birthers of a feather, hyperbole together!