Fox News Host Bret Baier sort of gets “natural born citizen”

Fox News host Bret Baier writing on his site The Daily Bret has a new article titled: “Bret explains ‘natural born citizen’ requirements for president and vice president” and gets it mostly right. We learn that Mr. Baier has been getting emails from his viewers asking about the eligibility of Marco Rubio and Bobby Jindal, both persons born in the United States to non-citizen immigrant parents.

Baier appears to understand the majority legal opinion about who qualifies as a “natural born citizen,” writing:

The law [8 U.S. Code, Section 1401] lists several categories of people who are considered American citizens at birth. … They’re all natural born U.S. citizens.

He is a little mixed up on how the law read in 1961, but since Barack Obama was born in the United States, it’s not important.

About Dr. Conspiracy

I'm not a real doctor, but I have a master's degree.
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64 Responses to Fox News Host Bret Baier sort of gets “natural born citizen”

  1. RuhRoh says:

    The major Birther-friendly websites are completely up in arms over this. Apuzzo even posted a rebuttal at his own blog. Citizen Wells is convinced that Obama threatened Fox News.

    The Birthers have really worked themselves up into a frenzy.

  2. Gary Miller says:

    Birthers have gone ballistic at Free Republic over this. Fun day.

  3. JPotter says:

    Yep, we really are all in on it—uh, in this together. 😉

  4. JPotter says:

    Quoting from Bret:

    “Bottom line… this is obviously getting a lot of attention.. so, we think we should do a full piece on the show about it.. and maybe have a panel of constitutional scholars… and legal experts to discuss this. There is obviously a lot of confusion.. uncertainty and misinformation out there about this topic. And as I wrote in the blog.. there is vigorous legal debate about the term… so we need to talk about it… and we’ll continue to report all sides.”

    Whoo-hoo! Sounds like another event for the birther calendar! 😀 Something the birthers could go nuts over ….. something Ailes will quash. I’d be shocked to see this actually come off.

    I also notice there’s no opportunity to comment on his blog. Heh. What a party that would have been!

  5. sfjeff says:

    Yeah…..what kind of Crazy Ant-Obama stuff is too crazy even for Fox?

    This is too crazy even for Fox.

    Should be a Birther motto.

  6. sfjeff says:

    JPotter: “Bottom line… this is obviously getting a lot of attention.. so, we think we should do a full piece on the show about it.. and maybe have a panel of constitutional scholars… and legal experts to discuss this. There is obviously a lot of confusion.. uncertainty and misinformation out there about this topic. And as I wrote in the blog.. there is vigorous legal debate about the term… so we need to talk about it… and we’ll continue to report all sides.”

    Now…whether their constitutional scholars will all be real ones, or whether they will bring in Conspiracy theorists in order to be ‘fair and balanced’…..

  7. RuhRoh says:

    sfjeff: Yeah…..what kind of Crazy Ant-Obama stuff is too crazy even for Fox?This is too crazy even for Fox.Should be a Birther motto.

    A lot of the Birthers have lost confidence in Fox because they no longer favorably report about the Birthers. In the BirtherBrain, Fox is now just another Obama-controlled-left-wing-lamestream-media outlet.

  8. RuhRoh says:

    sfjeff: Now…whether their constitutional scholars will all be real ones, or whether they will bring in Conspiracy theorists in order to be fair and balanced’…..

    Fox did throw Farah off the air when he said Rubio was ineligible. Farah’s really steamed about it, too! LOL

  9. Here are a few choice comments from the FreeRepublic:

    I used to respect the man. If he’s too stupid to understand that 8 U.S. Code is titled "Aliens and Nationality" then there is no helping him.

    You have to be an Alien first for anything therein to apply.

    The section cited is titled: 8 USC 1401 – Nationals and citizens of United States at birth. How can you be an alien first if you’re a citizen at birth.

    I eagerly await Bret’s explanation on why it’s acceptable for the HOMOPOTUS to have more than one Social Security number.


    Hey Bret. Put down the crack pipe man!

    Absolute amazingly dishonest propaganda to cover for the Usurper And Chief.

    Obama is ineligible. Anyone with common sense knows this.

    And what about Marco Rubio? Even by Brets literally made up definition, Rubio is NOT a Natural Born Citizen.

    I’m completely losing faith in Fox News.

    Faith in Fox News? Why would anyone ever …


    There can be no explanation other than this is just blatant dishonesty. No mistakes have been made. This is intentional misleading of their audience.

    Fox misleading its audience is new?

  10. JPotter says:

    Dr. Conspiracy: HOMOPOTUS

    His Omnipotent Majest and Otherwise President Of The United States …. I think. *cough*

    Dr. Conspiracy: Usurper And Chief.

    Usurper AND Chief? A recognition of his executive authority? Progress!

    Dr. Conspiracy: I’M DONE WITH FOX NEWS.

    … again? I thought they all promised to boycott Volks News 4eva last year!

  11. ASK Esq says:

    Dr. Conspiracy: The section cited is titled: 8 USC 1401 – Nationals and citizens of United States at birth. How can you be an alien first if you’re a citizen at birth.

    Getting a bit sidetracked here, but this is why I’ve been saying that a proper reading of Minor tells us that we don’t even need to read WKA to see that the SCOTUS considers president Obama to be natural born. The Court differentiated NBC from aliens and foreigners as the possible conditions at birth, and, since you can’t be both an alien and a citizen, Obama must be an NBC.

  12. Northland10 says:

    Birthers have such a short attention spans (see, one just stopped reading). Have they already forgotten that Fox kicked them to the curb in 2009? How could they forget the massive protest Orly/Manning held at Fox News to protest O’Reilly saying mean things about them?

    Oh, only 12 were there. Maybe that is why the rest forgot.

    Note: Orly.. have you considered a RICO case against Bill O’Reilly since he obviously is in on it?

  13. Dave B. says:

    Brett Baier says “so, we think we should do a full piece on the show about it.. and maybe have a panel of constitutional scholars… and legal experts to discuss this.

    Read more:
    (That’s their automatic attribution there, I can live with that)
    I wonder if Mario is going to get to appear as a “constitutional scholar” or “legal expert” just by virtue of being on the wrong side of this question. Who else? Herb Titus? Maybe Leo will make a musical contribution, since he’s left the fray. That would be nice. Real nice.

  14. Bob says:

    The World Nut Daily Bret Baier thread is a miasma of paranoia, denial, and misinformation.

    This comes on the heels of beloved Wingnut evangelical Joel Osteen confirming that Obama is indeed Christian.

  15. Under Minor, the Court had doubts as to whether the children of aliens born in the US are citizens at all. So Obama “could” have been an alien before US v Wong definitively addressed that part of the question.

    ASK Esq: The Court differentiated NBC from aliens and foreigners as the possible conditions at birth, and, since you can’t be both an alien and a citizen, Obama must be an NBC.

  16. The Magic M says:

    Dr. Conspiracy: Under Minor, the Court had doubts as to whether the children of aliens born in the US are citizens at all.

    I never understood the part “these were the natives, or natural born citizens, as distinguished from aliens or foreigners” anyway. Did the Minor dicta completely ignore naturalized citizens? Or why did it lump them together as “foreigners”?
    After all, that oft-quoted part effectively says “either you’re an NBC or an alien/foreigner”.
    The second part “some authorities include…” would then be read as “maybe you’re a naturalized citizen if you’re born in the country, there are doubts about that”?
    And the unspoken part would then be “if you’re born outside the country, you can never be any kind of citizen”?

  17. bovril says:

    For those who wish to further toy with the microcephalic dolts in Birferstan when they squeal that WKA only “at best” makes the Prez a “statuatory” citizen and not an NBC….’cause they didn’t SAY WKA was an NBC…..

    I enjoy dropping in the quote, from the dissent, by the Chief Justice…..

    Considering the circumstances surrounding the framing of the Constitution, I submit that it is unreasonable to conclude that “natural-born citizen” applied to everybody born within the geographical tract known as the United States, irrespective of circumstances, and that the children of foreigners, happening to be born to them while passing through the country, whether of royal parentage or not, or whether of the Mongolian, Malay or other race, were eligible to the Presidency, while children of our citizens, born abroad, were not

    So, yep, the SC not only knew what the consequences were THEY SPELLED IT OUT.

    This isn usually followed by squawks then desperate attempts to say it wasn’t dicta etc etc (usually by the same folks who regularly misquote dicta and dissents…..)

    p.s. Darling Marion the Putz won’t allow any Obot to post this on his site…..qu’elle suprise

  18. Not 100% true. I got a comment published:

    bovril: p.s. Darling Marion the Putz won’t allow any Obot to post this on his site…..qu’elle suprise

  19. bovril says:

    My apologies Doc I should have been clearer, it appears to be an exercise in futility in that The Putz won’t allow that specific item from the dissent in WKA to be published…. 😎

  20. dunstvangeet says:

    ASK Esq: Getting a bit sidetracked here, but this is why I’ve been saying that a proper reading of Minor tells us that we don’t even need to read WKA to see that the SCOTUS considers president Obama to be natural born. The Court differentiated NBC from aliens and foreigners as the possible conditions at birth, and, since you can’t be both an alien and a citizen, Obama must be an NBC.

    I agree with you, but for a different reason. Minor, even in the quote that the birthers love to pull out of their butt, says that the proper place to find these definitions is the Common Law. English Common Law (the common law of the United States at the time) diirectly says jus soli.

  21. realist says:

    Apparently the birther “constitutional law expert” is crazy-ass Herb Titus, and some wish to bring in another wacko, Viera, and of course Donofrio and Apuzzo, who Fox would be remiss not to include.. LOL

    It’s all in the Bible.

  22. clestes says:

    Having lost over 120 court cases, having their ballot challenges booted from court, and now even Fox saying being born in the country makes one a NBC, the birthers are on the way out.

    They have had their say in court and it has been found wanting. Wanting in standing, and wanting in evidence. both of which are necessary to even be heard, much less win a court case.

    And now this. Fox is agreeing that both Marco, Jindal and by default President Obama must all be NBC.

    Birthers are on their way into the footnotes of history books. Books written that cover the President’s amazing first term will undoubtedly refer to the Birther crusade, but it will be a most brief mention. Not worthy even of a chapter. After his re-election, all this is going to go away. Judges won’t even give them the curtesy of a hearing.

    I expect that from here on out, sanctions will become much more likely and the words “frivolous lawsuit” more common too.

    I wonder what will become of Orly, deprived of her grifter income of bilking the birthers. While the President was in his first term, she and the other grifters could always milk the ignorant of a few dollars, but once he is re-elected that won’t be a sales pitch, since he is limited to 2 terms?

    Anyone have any ideas of what will become of the birthers?

  23. bovril says:

    Oh clestes…..

    Our little angels of delusion and folly will NEVER go away, sure, due to the demographics, more and more of them will be shuffling off this mortal coil but THAT will then become the new meme.

    “Obama and the NWO/Commie/Illuminati/CIA/UN are knocking off octogenarians and making it look like old age ’cause they have the REAL dirt on the Reptilian/Grey plan to take over the world.”

    If you want to see the devolution in action simply wander over to Dr K(H)ates….

  24. clestes says:

    I just went to the Free Republic site, never being there before, and I must say it was the messiest, most confusing site I have been to in many a day. I can’t even find the stuff on Bret Baier’s Fox segment.

    I must say that if that site is an example of the level of education, experience and talent of the rightwing, it is no wonder to me why they are going down in flames!

    It is a complete mess. Just a lot of red, never a good web color, and way, way too much data thrown at one. My first thought and I am convinced most people will agree, was “nothing here I want to read bad enough to wade through all this garbage” and i would think that even if I didn’t know what the site was about!

  25. clestes says:


    thanks for the response. I am new to this site so I am guessing here that ” “NWO/Commie/Illuminati/CIA/UN” is short for
    New World Order/Communist/Illuminati/Central Intell Agency/United Nations and that somehow these agencies are all in league to kill off the birthers.

    Now birthers and Baggers are mostly, but not all, old, white, scared of the coming white minority time, and southern.

    But still, they are dying off. By 2016 40% of American voting population will be Millinuems. I have 2 myself.

    It is inevitable that these people will become totally irrelevent and probably way before 2016.

    This is what I think. Republicans are going to lose the Whitehouse, senate and probably most of their majority in the House. I am still not sure democrats will take back the House. I think we will keep the senate. But the many of the Baggers are going to be voted out. Republicans are in serious trouble as a party. They are offending so many demographics and depending too heavily on a shrinking demographic. They are going to be in for some serious losses this year and in 2014.

    Until they get rid of the righties that currently control their party, they will not will not have a majority. Now sure they still have plenty of money and business still controls things, BUT and this is important, you know the Montana Supreme Court ruled against them and they have appealed to the Supreme Court and there will be another chance to hear the Citizens United case.

    It will be different this time too. The Citizens case is unpopular across all parties. It has been a couple of years and there is plenty of evidence that ruling a corporation is a person has been a disaster for political campaigns.

    That will be next year, not in time to make a difference this year.

  26. clestes says:

    Also Bovril, what is dr (h)Kates?

  27. donna says:

    an interesting article by a conservative about conservatives

    the 2nd one down

    fox geezer syndrome

    when bret was on with jon stewart he said:

    “we respect the viewers’ ability to discern the difference between the two (news & opinion). I’m a news guy. I do news.”

    discern the difference?



  28. El Diablo Negro says:


    Dr. Kates (Hates) View


    Not a place I visit, but view at your own risk.

    Don’t Hate the Player…Hate the Game.

  29. jayHG says:

    Dr. Conspiracy: Under Minor, the Court had doubts as to whether the children of aliens born in the US are citizens at all. So Obama “could” have been an alien before US v Wong definitively addressed that part of the question.

    But President Obama’s mother was not an alien. She was a natural born citizen. I read Wong as the question being to children born to both parents (in Wong, these were aliens who had a child born in the United States). This is the category where I think they meant there were questions.

    I don’t think natural born citizen and alien having a child as being “questioned” was what was meant in Wong. If so, then the NBC parent would be discounted entirely.

  30. Sef says:

    jayHG: But President Obama’s mother was not an alien. She was a natural born citizen.

    But could she, in fact, prove that ALL her ancestors who were born in the U.S. had citizen parents. That’s what the 2-citizen parent hypothesis actually comes down to, since a person is either NBC, naturalized or an alien. Probably the only people who can provide this level of proof for themselves are 2nd or 3rd generation recent immigrants. (Unless all her immigrant ancestors were here by 1775.) Sort of leaves out a whole segment of our population. Not everyone naturalizes after they immigrate. Even Minor said there were only 2 types of citizens. Proof that the 2-CP stuff is hogwash,

  31. CarlOrcas says:

    Dr. Conspiracy: Here are a few choice comments from the FreeRepublic:

    It’s hard to beat FreeRepublic but the birthers on WND are just going nuts. Fox, Baier – virtually everyone but them – are now Communists, Marxists, Fascists, Vegetarians, whatever and Fox has gone over to the dark side.

  32. clestes says:

    Well El Diablo, I left a message on Dr. Kate’s site under her “Warning to republicans” whereby she says that by choosing Mitt over Ron Paul she is dooming republicans to lose.

    I agreed with her wholeheartedly, but pointed out that the monied established republicans have always intended Romney to be their nominee. They bought him ages ago, I said. Ron Paul is an independent and cannot be controlled.

    I also said he would lose to the president as well, but at least it would be interesting. The post above mine had the President having murdered someone who supposedly met Mohammed Atta, but what that had to do with anything I can’t imagine. Just as I can’t imagine why the President would care one way or the other about this unknown person who was supposedly murdered.

    Look, I know the birthers are whacky, but are they accusing the president of planning 9-11?

  33. bovril says:


    Usually the 9/11 unpleasantness is blamed on Bush Senior and Junior who it appears are really a family called Schurf and are Nazi’s (I jest not)

    The Nazi’s are all in collusion with the CIA who are in bed with the UN, Illuminati etc

    The current gubmint are all using HAARP to cow the worlds countries, by causing the tsunami in Japan, tornado’s in the heart lands etc

    The gubnmint is also spraying “chemtrails” over the USA to poison all good patriots as well as feminize and control the population

    Said populace will all be culled with sooper-dooper bird flu to attain various NWO/UN agenda’s

    The Ebil Obamcare bill requires us all to have chips implanted which are in fact the mark of the beast and will hasten hell on earth etc

    I think that covers the highlights

    Oh, Dr Kate, who used to be an actual hydrologist of some worth was let go from her job not because she started telling her clients that water has memory, all the above points and Obama is an Usurper but because she is a staunch godly patriot and Obama is askeered of her.

  34. clestes says:


    Dear God, did she really say that? That the Bush’s are actually Nazi’s and the federal governent is spraying chemicals to poisen US citizens, has caused all these tornados, plus the earthquake and tsunami in Japan. (Does she ever explain HOW this is done?)

    Water has memory? I would like to hear that explained as well.

    If she is blabbling that kind of crap, it is no wonder she lost her job. From just this little bit I would hazard a guess that the woman suffers from schzoidphrenia, paranoia and probably needs to be on meds to control her delusions.

  35. bovril says:

    Not a word of a lie…

    Nazi/Scherf scherf

    HAARP haarp

    Chemtrails chemtrails

    Ebil cabal cabal

    Illuminati illuminati

    NWO nwo

    Luciferian Ebil Bankers luciferian

  36. RuhRoh says:

    CarlOrcas: It’s hard to beat FreeRepublic but the birthers on WND are just going nuts. Fox, Baier – virtually everyone but them – are now Communists, Marxists, Fascists, Vegetarians, whatever and Fox has gone over to the dark side.

    They probably recycle, too! The horror!

  37. RuhRoh says:

    Clestes, that’s really the most disturbing thing about the birthers. They attract the mentally unstable and many prominent hate groups. Everything from militias, Aryan Nation types, anti-Islamists, anti-Semites, Seditionists, Sovereign Citizens, etc.

  38. CarlOrcas says:

    RuhRoh: They probably recycle, too! The horror!

    I bet there’s flouride in their water too.

  39. Dave B. says:

    I always figured the “doubts” referred to by Chief Justice Waite in Minor referred not to the native-born children of aliens, but to the native-born children of slaves and other non-white persons; which certainly puts a certain historical perspective to the application of that particular argument.

  40. bovril says:



    I posted a set of google search links to Dr K(H)ates site that show the insanity, either the Inter-Tubes ate it or it got held up in moderation

    Go to google and type the search striing xxxxxxxx

    Replace xxxxxx with the word to search for such as virus, luciferian, scherf, HARRP, nwo, cabal, illuminati etc and revel in the insanity

  41. clestes says:

    RuhRoh and Bovril

    You are both correct. That IS the scary thing here. All this birther nonsense does attract the really dangerous crazies. Orly isn’t dangerous as I don’t think she would walk into a courtroom and start shooting. But attracting and keeping stirred up the real crazies who would kill is why I am glad to think that this birther stuff is dying.

    Now I know that others do not believe me, but I think it is. Several years ago, before all these cases were tossed out of court or lost in court, the birthers were taken sort of seriously by people like Grassley and Boehner.

    Now, having a record of what 123 loses and 0 wins, fines, sanctions they have lost the respect or interest of a Senator Grassley. And that is why I think after the President wins his second term, they are going to simply become a small side show.

    The Aryans and other violent extremists are going to drop their interest in them because they cannot produce anything close to a victory. The only reason these other groups were interested in the Birthers is because they thought the Birthers might be a way for them to become more legit. More access to the corridors of power.

    That dream is dead or in its last stages of life. No Aryan group or hate group is going to continue association with such characters as Orly. They want to be taken seriously and they want a way into power. Birthers have proven to be a lost cause. Interest in them will continue to flag and although no doubt they will continue to publish articles, they no longer have either the power or access to power they did in 2009.

  42. misha says:

    Dr. Conspiracy: Fox misleading its audience is new?

    Everything I know, I learned at Walgreens – just like Fox and Friends said.

  43. misha says:

    Bob: The World Nut Daily Bret Baier thread is a miasma of paranoia, denial, and misinformation.

    I posted this on another thread. This blog post from WND, along with the commenters, is a catalog of every bigotry in the catalog. Have your barf bag ready:

  44. JPotter says:

    donna: “we respect the viewers’ ability to discern the difference between the two (news & opinion). I’m a news guy. I do news.”

    Is this why newspaper have “EDITORIAL” pages?

  45. JPotter says:

    misha: Fox and Friends

    The name says it all. Luckily, Superfriends was already taken.

  46. James Fox says:

    You people are fucking wack jobs. Communist Obummer Ass kissers. Move to Cuba with your communist in the white house, just as soon as we kick his ass out.

  47. Thanks for sharing.

    James Fox:
    You people are fucking wack jobs.Communist Obummer Ass kissers.Move to Cuba with your communist in the white house, just as soon as we kick his ass out.

  48. misha says:

    James Fox: Move to Cuba with your communist in the white house, just as soon as we kick his ass out.

    Could you recommend a travel agent?

    Also, do you know where Robert Vesco’s Havana grave is? I’d like to pay my respects.

    Jesus, Mary, Joseph and Castro!

  49. bovril says:


    I agree all dual nationals should be barred from all public office…particulalrly if they are swearing allegainace to dodgy tax havens without strong extradition treaties… Switzerland for example……

    Like, I don’t know, Michele Bachman for example whio just took up dual Swiss citizenship during her GOP run……….

  50. Lupin says:

    James Fox:
    You people are fucking wack jobs.Communist Obummer Ass kissers.Move to Cuba with your communist in the white house, just as soon as we kick his ass out.

    What I find interesting here is that the entire rest of the world virtually look at President Obama as being, shall we say, right of center politically speaking (how much right depends on the issues)

    You guys are about the only ones on the planet who somehow think he is a lefty.

    What I’m saying is easy to check. Ask anyone foreign or lefty.

  51. CarlOrcas says:

    James Fox: Communist Obummer Ass kissers

    Shouldn’t “kissers” also be capitalized?

  52. Thomas Brown says:

    James Fox:
    You people are fucking wack jobs.Communist Obummer Ass kissers.Move to Cuba with your communist in the white house, just as soon as we kick his ass out.

    Awww. poor widdle Jimmy. Him not like big scary man in hims White House? Too bad, so sad; no cookie for you. We’re going to re-elect our fine capable natural-born intelligent President to another term, and you can just cry widdle baby Birther tears and stamp yer widdle feet and hold yer bref ’til you turn blue.

    The sane world will just walk on around you.

    Then we will go on defending the American Way and the Constitution against treasonous lug-nuts like you, Joe Arpaio, Orly, and all the rest of the Birfoons for at least four more years. America is great just the way she is, and we’re not gonna let Conspiracy Theorists drag her through the mud because they didn’t get their way and throw public tantrums like three-year-olds.

  53. bob j says:

    I just went to the Free Republic site, never being there before, and I must say it was the messiest, most confusing site I have been to in many a day. I can’t even find the stuff on Bret Baier’s Fox segment.

    I must say that if that site is an example of the level of education, experience and talent of the rightwing, it is no wonder to me why they are going down in flames!

    It is a complete mess. Just a lot of red, never a good web color, and way, way too much data thrown at one. My first thought and I am convinced most people will agree, was “nothing here I want to read bad enough to wade through all this garbage” and i would think that even if I didn’t know what the site was about!

    I would never judge a site by its layout. Althought I think it is funny how clean the Lucas Smith site is; as compared to Dr. Taitz’s site. Even though the muddled messages and half truths are the same.

  54. Arthur says:

    Isn’t it nice when birthers drop by?

    James Fox: You people are fucking wack jobs

  55. misha says:

    James Fox: Communist Obummer Ass kissers.

    You mean where Bibi and John Hagee kiss each other?

    I have a message from Seamus: Intrade has Obama at 59.8%; Willard Mitt Romney at 36.5%.

    Intrade has an accuracy of 95%. The only times they were wrong recently was Sharron Angle and Tom Tancredo.

    “What’s that, Seamus? You got down from the car roof, and have a message for James Fox? OK”

    “Woof, woof, arf, arf.” [Someone forgot his thorazine.]

  56. Keith says:

    James Fox: You people are…

    Golly gee whiz. Do you kiss your mother with those lips?

  57. Sef says:

    James Fox:
    You people are fucking wack jobs.Communist Obummer Ass kissers.Move to Cuba with your communist in the white house, just as soon as we kick his ass out.

    fap fap fap (def. 3)

  58. Amending our Manners says:

    Have you heard about the new 28th amendment? It stipulates that if a citizen tells another citizen to leave the country, that second citizen gets extra social security benefits, until the first citizen leaves the country first. The intent of this amendment is that the only people who don’t belong are the ones telling other citizens they don’t belong.

    James Fox:
    You people are fucking wack jobs.Communist Obummer Ass kissers.Move to Cuba with your communist in the white house, just as soon as we kick his ass out.

  59. misha says:

    Amending our Manners: Have you heard about the new 28th amendment? It stipulates that if a citizen tells another citizen to leave the country, that second citizen gets extra social security benefits, until the first citizen leaves the country first.

    Can I play?

    Pastor Dennis Terry Introduces Rick Santorum, Tells Non-Christians To ‘Get Out’ Of U.S.

    “Terry is tired, he told his audience, of not being able to say that the United States is a nation founded on Christian principles. He is tired of not being able to pray in public. “Listen to me,” he continued. “If you don’t love America and you don’t like the way we do things, I have one thing to say… GET OUT!”

    “The church needs to be the conscience of the nation,” he added, before denouncing abortion and same-sex marriage. The solution to curbing these? “Put God back in our state house,” he advised.”

  60. linda says:

    Next up, or out, Rep. Allen West.

    “We need to let President Obama, Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi, (audience boos) and my dear friend the chairman of the Democrat National Committee, we need to let them know that Florida ain’t on the table,” West said. “Take your message of equality of achievement, take your message of economic dependency, take your message of enslaving the entrepreneurial will and spirit of the American people somewhere else. You can take it to Europe, you can take it to the bottom of the sea, you can take it to the North Pole, but get the hell out of the United States of America.”

  61. Amending our Manners says:

    No doubt this will have to be adjudicated by the Supreme Court. Most cases involving the 28th amendment so far have been about individuals rather than whole groups. Given the size of the group, I would suspect it ends up getting divided up, like in a class action suit, so that each non-Christian, in this case, gets a nominal sum individually.

    But on the plus side, it may take awhile before such people learn to amend their manners, so in the end it may add up to a tidy sum. Of course, there will be the “ambulance-chasers,” but this was already debated by Congress, with the majority believing it was worth the probable short-term rise in “speed traps” (I mean, “get out of the country” traps).

    Quoting Senator MK Beale-Veeh (R, Missouri):

    “I come from the Show-Me state, and I’ve become known affectionately by my state as Senator Put-Up-or-Shut-Up. I am honored to have been one of the sponsors of this amendment. I am a conservative, and I have no sympathy for these people telling other American citizens to get out. All I have to say to them is ‘put up or shut up.’ I have said that phrase for thirty years in office, and never has it been more appropriate or heart-felt. This is America, and I want the liberals to stay right here, so that we can beat them, and then it’ll be their turn to play with their own tea parties and pander to their own crumb-bums.

    “This amendment springs from the deepest of conservative values, self-sufficiency. If you yourself want to leave, then feel free to pick yourself up and go of your own volition, that’s you taking your own stand. But don’t bother telling others to leave. This is not a dictatorship. You will note that this amendment does not penalize anyone for using their free speech. Talk all you want. And now with this amendment, your enemies will want you to keep talking, too. That’s what liberals call a win-win. The only people who lose are the whiners who can’t, you got it, put up or shut up.”

    misha: Can I play?

    Pastor Dennis Terry Introduces Rick Santorum, Tells Non-Christians To ‘Get Out’ Of U.S.

  62. linda says:

    I’m lost. What is this from?

    Amending our Manners: No doubt this will have to be adjudicated by the Supreme Court. Most cases involving the 28th amendment so far have been about individuals rather than whole groups.

  63. Amending our Manners says:

    It’s from a famous thought experiment called, I just made it up..

    I’m lost.What is this from?

  64. linda says:

    Whew, thank you! No such proposed amendment, which means there are no cases, couldn’t find even a state senator by that name and I didn’t recognize any anagrams or movie plots/quotes. Color me at first confused, now relieved!

    Amending our Manners: It’s from a famous thought experiment called, I just made it up..

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