Obot Super PAC goes public

Obot cartoon imageI am announcing today a proposal to put forward a feeler to gauge interest in the assembly of an exploratory committee to study the feasibility and desirability of the formation of an Obot Super PAC and its registration with the Federal Elections Commission.

The purpose of the Obot Super PAC would be to collect and spend unlimited amounts of money to inform the public that Barack Obama is currently the President of the United States, to reassure the public that they will not go to jail for voting for Obama in 2012, to influence the public to vote against birther-friendly candidates for political office and to mess with the birthers’ minds making them wonder what the Super PAC will be up to and who’s funding it. One hopes the birthers will focus on the Obot Super PAC and while they aren’t looking Barack Obama could be re-elected.

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About Dr. Conspiracy

I'm not a real doctor, but I have a master's degree.
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14 Responses to Obot Super PAC goes public

  1. Thrifty says:

    Cute drawing. Did you do that yourself?

  2. JPotter says:

    Does said feeler resemble a noodly appendage? I’ll pledge my weight in wooden nickels.

  3. The robot is clip art to which I added the Obama campaign logo.

    Thrifty: Cute drawing. Did you do that yourself?

  4. The hard part is going down to a bank and opening an account in the name of the “Americans to mess with birther minds Super PAC” with a straight face.

    T in Raleigh: Seriously – $25 to start….

  5. The Magic M says:

    “to mess with the birthers’ minds making them wonder what the Super PAC will be up to and who’s funding it”

    Hey, I’m supporting it, so birthers can say “look, the evil socialist Germans are behind it”. 😉

  6. Daniel says:

    I like it. I hereby pledge a yet to be decided amount of my resources to consider supporting your super pac

  7. donna says:

    “Americans to mess with birther minds Super PAC”

    AMBM Super PAC”?

  8. JPotter says:

    donna: AMBM Super PAC

    Sounds like a missile platform!

  9. donna says:

    Sounds like a missile platform!


    not sooo bad, we already have the targets

    i thought it sounded like “morning bowel movement”

  10. ASK Esq says:

    Might I suggest a slogan to be used in the ads (in lieu of a monetary donation)?

    “Well, duh”

    I think that sums up our position vis-a-vis opposing birtherism and proclaiming Obama’s eligibility.

  11. mimi says:

    I love the name. 🙂 It’s a winner, Doc.

    Lemme know when I can promote it on de twitter machine.

  12. Andrew Vrba says:

    The robot reminds me of the “Old Glory – Robot attack insurance” SNL commercial.

  13. RuhRoh says:

    I’m going to vote for Obama, but even I question how far down into the weeds he has gone in catering to special interest groups.

    Doc, you need to submit this Obot image on a t-shirt to thatdesigner contest the campaign is running. You could surely win with an “Obots for Obama” garment!!

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