New ad attacks Arpaio on birther investigation

Paul Penzone, Democratic candidate for Sheriff in Maricopa county, has a new 30-second ad out slamming Arpaio for a politically motivated and polarizing investigation of Barack Obama’s birth certificate. Sheriff Joe reportedly has raised $6.8 million dollars for his campaign compared to $148,000 for Penzone.

About Dr. Conspiracy

I'm not a real doctor, but I have a master's degree.
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53 Responses to New ad attacks Arpaio on birther investigation

  1. bgansel9 says:

    Here Doc, you can find more to read about the Cold Case Posse while ignoring Jerry’s press release: (Facebook Group: People Against Sheriff Joe Arpaio)

  2. Montana says:

    Hey maybe Republican Randi Shannon from Iowa can take Joe Arpaio and Willard Mitt Romney with her to her BS “Republic for the United States” what a real traitor.

    Wow, what a surprise, little joe found exactly what he suspected. They are just repeating what other small minded fools have said before, so safe to say no evidence that would stand up in a court of law in the United States. Its upon you to prove to us that what you are saying is true. Take it to court you coward!

    Let me be clear none of these Birther dullards have taken there “Birther Documents of facts, more like lies” and none have won a case in the “U.S. Courts”, maybe in their simple minds (if they have any) but not in our “U.S. Courts”, so unless Birthers/ teabaggers, whatever you want to be called, win a court case, we will continue to see as dullards, liars or racist or maybe all three. Deal with the real truth baby!

  3. LMK says:

    Perhaps folks should send Mr. Penzone a donation. Sheriff Joe is a blight on all of America. Joe makes Americans look like racist loons. He gets a lot of national press. We need Arpaio to be out of office. Now!

  4. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    This one ad will be sufficient to make people drop Sheriff Joe like a hot potato.
    Nothing says “I am SO not voting for THAT nutjob!” quite like a conspiracy theory.

  5. Chef says:

    Is this conspiracy theory or fringe view?

  6. Craig says:

    It’s a conspiracy theory held by a fringe.

  7. JPotter says:

    Chef: Plus when considering the LFBC PDF metadata, forgery is Zebest explanation.

    Sorry, Chef, but those “explanations” are far from ‘ze best’

    Nothing but moldy birther porn, from Israeli wingers and an American wingerette. Get your mind out of the gutter, son.

  8. Craig says:

    I’ll see your Zebest, and raise a rebuttal:

    Plus, and here’s the kicker: the State of Hawaii Department of Health verified directly that the details on the BC are correct, AND that the information displayed by the electronic copy Zebest claims is a forgery correctly matches the information in their records:

    What does this mean? It means it doesn’t matter what was done to any particular layers or bits or object data within the pdf document. It’s a scan of the signed, sealed document they provided to the President. The information it displays is the same as what the HA dept of Health have in their records. That’s it. End game.

  9. Yeah, there’s been birther stuff on that web site for ages. It’s junk science that Woodman refuted months ago.

    Chef: Meanwhile, in science:

  10. Conspiracy theory.

    Chef: Is this conspiracy theory or fringe view?

  11. What a totally excellent suggestion!

    LMK: Perhaps folks should send Mr. Penzone a donation. Sheriff Joe is a blight on all of America.

  12. alg says:

    One hopes that ads like this can make a difference. Unfortunately, Arpaio is extremely well funded and can overwhelm anything the other candidates do. Fortunately, the Arizona media is on to him and may represent the strongest voice for change in the Maricopa County Sheriff’s Office. The pending civil rights and abuse of office litigation in the federal courts may also help Maricopa County voters realize that they’ve been had by this carnival barker.

  13. Jake Adams says:

    I am Paul Penzone’s campaign manager. Thank you for posting our ad. You can learn more about Paul at The effort here in Arizona to defeat Arpaio is one of the most amazing grassroots campaigns I’ve ever seen. We’ve got 200 + people knocking on doors every weekend. I’ve only got 3 paid staffers – the rest are volunteers working full time to defeat Arpaio. I have a blog on Daily Kos under the name jakeadams if you want to follow what’s happening on the campaign. Thanks to the editor of this site for spreading the word. We can beat Joe and his $4 million raised from birthers across the country.

  14. donna says:

    Jake Adams:

    buena suerte!!

    bonne chance!!

  15. bgansel9 says:

    Jake Adams: I am Paul Penzone’s campaign manager. Thank you for posting our ad.

    Awesome! I’m going to be contacting your website and volunteering for your campaign. Thank you so much for commenting Jake.

    Doc, thank you for posting this thread. 🙂

  16. Jim says:

    Jake Adams:
    I am Paul Penzone’s campaign manager.

    Best of Luck to Mr Penzone! Good luck getting the word out on the cost to taxpayers of all of Arpaio’s costs to the taxpayers of suits and how bad of an investigation he’s running! Plenty of ammo here and on the other sites listed below.

  17. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    Jake Adams:
    I am Paul Penzone’s campaign manager.Thank you for posting our ad.You can learn more about Paul at effort here in Arizona to defeat Arpaio is one of the most amazing grassroots campaigns I’ve ever seen.We’ve got 200 + people knocking on doors every weekend.I’ve only got 3 paid staffers – the rest are volunteers working full time to defeat Arpaio.I have a blog on Daily Kos under the name jakeadams if you want to follow what’s happening on the campaign.Thanks to the editor of this site for spreading the word.We can beat Joe and his $4 million raised from birthers across the country.

    Good luck, though I’m sure Mr. Penzone will win by a wide margin!

  18. Thomas Brown says:

    Jim: Best of Luck to Mr Penzone!Good luck getting the word out on the cost to taxpayers of all of Arpaio’s costs to the taxpayers of suits and how bad of an investigation he’s running!Plenty of ammo here and on the other sites listed below.

    To say nothing of exposing Arpaio as a renegade flea-brained nut-job. The more people who see that, the better.

  19. JPotter says:

    Andrew Vrba, PmG: Good luck, though I’m sure Mr. Penzone will win by a wide margin!

    I fear you’ve overestimated the voting public.

  20. john says:

    If Penzone is elected, it appears he intends to ignore the concerns of the citizens he has jurisdiction over. Sheriff Jeo Arpaio certainly has not ignore his citizens and listens to his people.

  21. G says:

    WIshing you the best of luck!!! Keep the pressure on and hopefully enough voters in Maricopa County will finally realize that such change is long overdue…

    Jake Adams:
    I am Paul Penzone’s campaign manager.Thank you for posting our ad.You can learn more about Paul at effort here in Arizona to defeat Arpaio is one of the most amazing grassroots campaigns I’ve ever seen.We’ve got 200 + people knocking on doors every weekend.I’ve only got 3 paid staffers – the rest are volunteers working full time to defeat Arpaio.I have a blog on Daily Kos under the name jakeadams if you want to follow what’s happening on the campaign.Thanks to the editor of this site for spreading the word.We can beat Joe and his $4 million raised from birthers across the country.

  22. bgansel9 says:

    If Penzone is elected, it appears he intends to ignore the concerns of the citizens he has jurisdiction over.Sheriff Jeo Arpaio certainly has not ignore his citizens and listens to his people.

    As a member of that constituency, I think you should stay out of it, pea brain.

  23. Jim says:

    If Penzone is elected, it appears he intends to ignore the concerns of the citizens he has jurisdiction over.Sheriff Jeo Arpaio certainly has not ignore his citizens and listens to his people.

    Would you ask the hundreds of rape victims who were ignored by the Sheriff’s office if they feel they were listened to?

  24. AnotherBird says:

    If Penzone is elected, it appears he intends to ignore the concerns of the citizens he has jurisdiction over.Sheriff Jeo Arpaio certainly has not ignore his citizens and listens to his people.

    Joe Arpaio’s birther obsession is an embarrassment, and is only a political motivated. Also, here is a lawsuit against him for racial profiling. So, it does not seem particularly out of character for Arpaio to engage in activities for political reason, against those same people he is suppose to listen to.

  25. linda says:

    Good luck! The people of Maricopa County, and Arizona, deserve better than Arpaio.

    Jake Adams: I am Paul Penzone’s campaign manager.

  26. Lupin says:

    john: If Penzone is elected, it appears he intends to ignore the concerns of the citizens he has jurisdiction over. Sheriff Jeo Arpaio certainly has not ignore his citizens and listens to his people.

    Arpaio is a felon who should be behind bars; hiding behind his badge will only work for so long.

  27. JPotter says:

    If Penzone is elected, it appears he intends to ignore the concerns of the citizens he has jurisdiction over.Sheriff Jeo Arpaio certainly has not ignore his citizens and listens to his people.

    I think John is on to something here. If anyone other that Arpaio is elected, and a citizen calls/emails the office to say, “Brown people are hanging out at X and Y Sts”, a Sheriff other than Arpaio will not respond personally. Someone other than Arpaio is not likely to be as nearly concerned with creating the illusion of a lily-white paradise in the desert.

    Someone other than Arpaio will be more likely to be concerned with the concerns of ALL the citizens of his jurisdiction. Horrors.

  28. Thrifty says:

    Jim, are you implying that, for a county sheriff, investigation of rapes should take precedence over investigations of the President of the United States? Preposterous!

    You know, I think that even if there were strong evidence that Obama were guiltier than sin, a county sheriff would have no business investigating. During the Watergate investigation, I seem to recall the business of investigating the crimes was left to the special prosecutor and Congress.

    Jim: Would you ask the hundreds of rape victims who were ignored by the Sheriff’s office if they feel they were listened to?

  29. bgansel9 says:

    AnotherBird: Joe Arpaio’s birther obsession is an embarrassment, and is only a political motivated. Also, here is a lawsuit against him for racial profiling. So, it does not seem particularly out of character for Arpaio to engage in activities for political reason, against those same people he is suppose to listen to.

    Plenty more evidence of Joe engaging in activities for political reasons. Just look up the history of stories over the last several years between Arpaio and former City of Phoenix Mayor Phil Gordon. A lot of bad blood there. Arpaio got his best friend (a county prosecutor named Andrew Thomas) involved in an unholy political war here (Andrew Thomas and one of his aides were recently disbarred over some of this activity) and created complete havoc with the city officials: (article from April) Also see:

  30. bgansel9 says:

    Thrifty: You know, I think that even if there were strong evidence that Obama were guiltier than sin, a county sheriff would have no business investigating.

    Absolutely, but, of course, in birther conservative minds, states trump federal power, counties trump states, cities trump counties, towns trump cities… blah, blah, blah…

  31. bgansel9 says:

    Arpaio had enemies at both the city and county level. I should have added that.

  32. Jane says:

    You know why the short joe arpaio will not take his so called evidence into a US court, even in Arizona, is because the judge would first laugh at it and throw him out on his behind.

  33. JPotter says:

    bgansel9: Absolutely, but, of course, in birther conservative minds, states trump federal power, counties trump states, cities trump counties, towns trump cities… blah, blah, blah…

    … and every citizen is a soveriegn 😛

  34. donna says:


    ole joe is currently in court in az

    perhaps his defense counsel can use his birther insanity as a affirmative defense

  35. nbc says:

    Jane: You know why the short joe arpaio will not take his so called evidence into a US court, even in Arizona, is because the judge would first laugh at it and throw him out on his behind.

    Or worse, he may have to testify under oath to the findings, and then be exposed to cross examination.
    Will Arpaio and Zullo represent their findings in a court? Orly Taitz is certainly interested and would provide them with such a forum.

    So Joe, Mike, what’s holding you back? We all want to hear more about that 1961 manual.

  36. donna says:

    NBC: So Joe, Mike, what’s holding you back? We all want to hear more about that 1961 manual.

    IF ONLY orly knew the rules regarding a subpoena

    another topic not taught in her non-aba approved, online “law school”

  37. Mark Sutherland says:

    Regardless of whether or not we like Sheriff Joe’s politics, a serious allegation has been made by a law enforcement body. These allegations are grounds for a Congressional investigation. If these allegations are found to be baseless, then Sheriff Joe can go before Congress and explain himself. Everyone wins. Investigate! Do your job, Congress!

  38. JoZeppy says:

    Mark Sutherland: Regardless of whether or not we like Sheriff Joe’s politics, a serious allegation has been made by a law enforcement body. These allegations are grounds for a Congressional investigation. If these allegations are found to be baseless, then Sheriff Joe can go before Congress and explain himself. Everyone wins. Investigate! Do your job, Congress!

    And the State of Hawaii has officially stated the documents are legit. Full faith and credit wins over a crackpot sheriff recycling long since debunked internet rumours.

    And I think Sheriff Joe already has his hands full explaining himself to a judge. But by all means, take the word of an office that has been implicated in abusing its power to attack political opponents.

  39. Scientist says:

    Mark Sutherland: Regardless of whether or not we like Sheriff Joe’s politics, a serious allegation has been made by a law enforcement body.

    The posse is not a law enforcement body. They say so themselves. As for the allegation, I ‘m not sure that alleging something on a web site is false is serious at all. In fact, there are web sites that have nothing on them that is true (WND, comes to mind). And that’s all the posse has alleged-that a pdf is supposedly forged, not that the actual birth certtificate is.

    Besides, have you seen Congress’ approval #s. They are as popular as Jerry Sandusky. No, the only thing Congress should be investigating is itself.

  40. Mark Sutherland says:

    JoZeppy: And the State of Hawaii has officially stated the documents are legit.Full faith and credit wins over a crackpot sheriff recycling long since debunked internet rumours.

    And I think Sheriff Joe already has his hands full explaining himself to a judge.But by all means, take the word of an office that has been implicated in abusing its power to attack political opponents.

    I don’t know how to argue with someone who is averse to information. If you do not support a Congressional investigation into this matter, I don’t know why you’re posting on here at all. Obviously this is a polarizing issue. Congress has done nothing. Why not ask them to do a full investigation into this? With a grand jury and witness testimony all accessible to the American people. What is wrong with that?

  41. Paper says:

    Witch hunts are immoral, for one thing.

    Mark Sutherland: I don’t know how to argue with someone who is averse to information.If you do not support a Congressional investigation into this matter, I don’t know why you’re posting on here at all.Obviously this is a polarizing issue.Congress has done nothing.Why not ask them to do a full investigation into this?With a grand jury and witness testimony all accessible to the American people.What is wrong with that?

  42. Arthur says:

    Mark Sutherland: I don’t know how to argue with someone who is averse to information. If you do not support a Congressional investigation into this matter, I don’t know why you’re posting on here at all. Obviously this is a polarizing issue.

    Concern troll is concerned.

  43. Scientist says:

    Mark Sutherland: Why not ask them to do a full investigation into this? With a grand jury and witness testimony all accessible to the American people. What is wrong with that?

    What is alleged? As far as I can tell, it is that some intern in the White House hit the scan button and made a pdf. Are you seriously telling me that should have a Congressional investigation at a cost of $ millions to the taxpayer? Are you saying that should occupy Congress, rather than jobs, taxes, Medicare, Social Security, the crisi in Syria and about 1,743 issues that are more important?

    You are joking, right?

  44. JoZeppy says:

    Mark Sutherland: I don’t know how to argue with someone who is averse to information. If you do not support a Congressional investigation into this matter, I don’t know why you’re posting on here at all. Obviously this is a polarizing issue. Congress has done nothing. Why not ask them to do a full investigation into this? With a grand jury and witness testimony all accessible to the American people. What is wrong with that?

    Perhaps because Congress has better things to do with its time and our money than to investigate conspiracy theories proffered by a bunch of quacks?

    While we’re at it, perhaps Congress should investigate the claims of flat earthers and those that claim the moon landing was faked?

  45. Paper says:

    To foreigner in general and Mark Sutherland in particular, the answer to your question(s) lies in another Congressional investigation you may have heard of: the McCarthy Hearings.

    “Have you no sense of decency, sir? At long last, have you left no sense of decency?”

    From Wikipedia…

    On June 9, 1954, the 30th day of the Army–McCarthy hearings, McCarthy accused Fred Fisher, one of the junior attorneys at Welch’s law firm, of associating while in law school with the National Lawyers Guild (NLG), a group which J. Edgar Hoover sought to have the U.S. Attorney General designate as a Communist front organization. Welch dismissed Fisher’s association with the NLG as a youthful indiscretion and attacked McCarthy for naming the young man before a nationwide television audience without prior warning or previous agreement to do so:

    Until this moment, Senator, I think I have never really gauged your cruelty or your recklessness. Fred Fisher is a young man who went to the Harvard Law School and came into my firm and is starting what looks to be a brilliant career with us. Little did I dream you could be so reckless and so cruel as to do an injury to that lad. It is true he is still with Hale and Dorr. It is true that he will continue to be with Hale and Dorr. It is, I regret to say, equally true that I fear he shall always bear a scar needlessly inflicted by you. If it were in my power to forgive you for your reckless cruelty I would do so. I like to think I am a gentle man but your forgiveness will have to come from someone other than me.

    When McCarthy tried to renew his attack, Welch interrupted him:

    Senator, may we not drop this? We know he belonged to the Lawyers Guild. Let us not assassinate this lad further, Senator. You’ve done enough. Have you no sense of decency, sir? At long last, have you left no sense of decency?

    McCarthy tried to ask Welch another question about Fisher, and Welch cut him off:

    Mr. McCarthy, I will not discuss this further with you. You have sat within six feet of me and could have asked me about Fred Fisher. You have seen fit to bring it out. And if there is a God in Heaven it will do neither you nor your cause any good. I will not discuss it further.

    The gallery erupted in applause.

    Mark Sutherland: I don’t know how to argue with someone who is averse to information.If you do not support a Congressional investigation into this matter, I don’t know why you’re posting on here at all.Obviously this is a polarizing issue.Congress has done nothing.Why not ask them to do a full investigation into this?With a grand jury and witness testimony all accessible to the American people.What is wrong with that?

  46. sfjeff says:

    Mark Sutherland: Regardless of whether or not we like Sheriff Joe’s politics, a serious allegation has been made by a law enforcement body. These allegations are grounds for a Congressional investigation. If these allegations are found to be baseless, then Sheriff Joe can go before Congress and explain himself. Everyone wins. Investigate! Do your job, Congress!

    And why do you think no one in Congress is taking Sheriff Joe’s show seriously?

    Seriously- Michelle Bachmann is willing to accuse a Senate Staffer as being connected to terrorists- yet even she is not crazy enough to sign on with Sheriff Joe.

    What does that tell you that Michelle Bachmann finds this too batshit crazy for her?

    There is no polarizing issue- most Americans haven’t even heard of Joe’s posse and don’t care. Americans care about the economy and the election.

  47. nbc says:

    Mark Sutherland: Obviously this is a polarizing issue. Congress has done nothing. Why not ask them to do a full investigation into this? With a grand jury and witness testimony all accessible to the American people. What is wrong with that?

    Cool, can we have one on the fake Iraq war and WMD’s?

    I can imagine quite a few issues that are polarizing. Should our nation waste time, money and resources on such foolishness?

  48. We are awash in information. There is no shortage. It is not the role of Congress to settle bets or decide the truth for the country. Congress investigates when it relates to their legislative function.

    Do you want Congress investigating whether there are witches or not? Whether God exists? The Loch Ness monster and Sasquatch? How about them Yankees? Maybe they should take another look at who shot JFK since that issue just won’t go away.

    Mark Sutherland: I don’t know how to argue with someone who is averse to information. If you do not support a Congressional investigation into this matter, I don’t know why you’re posting on here at all. Obviously this is a polarizing issue. Congress has done nothing.

  49. Majority Will says:

    Mark Sutherland: With a grand jury and witness testimony all accessible to the American people. What is wrong with that?

    Sure, if you agree to pay for it. Cash only and up front.

  50. Scientist says:

    Dr. Conspiracy: How about them Yankees?

    Nice of you to ask, Doc. They just picked up Ichiro.

    Dr. Conspiracy: The Loch Ness monster and Sasquatch?

    The Loch Ness falls more in Parliament’s turf. There is Champy in Lake Champlain, though Canada gets a crack at that also.

  51. JPotter says:

    Mark Sutherland: Congress has done nothing.

    Quite to the contrary good sir concern troll sir. They passed a resolution recognizing Obama’s Hawaiian birth. What was the vote? 378-0. 10 Reds not present, 45 Blues not present. More importantly, they certified the votes of the presidential electors on January 8, 2009.

    Now, before you whine, “That was before the birthers had a reasonable chance to invent a load of hooey!” let me remind you that was after a solid 8 months of hardcore birfin’. Corsi stirring the pot on FOX in primetime, noise and a resolution over McCain’s eligibility, the release of Obama birth certificate in June 2008, a case that went all the way to the Supreme Court, and don’t you know a ton of ticked off wingnuts were on the phone to their Congressman daily from Election Day through the New Year. Justice Roberts swore him in … twice. (Please, no conspiracizing about the “do over”)

    Yet Congress has unanimously, and multiply, confirmed Obama as being eligible. Your concerns were addressed long ago, and laid to rest on Jan 8, 2009.

  52. Keith says:

    Majority Will: Mark Sutherland: With a grand jury and witness testimony all accessible to the American people. What is wrong with that?

    Sure, if you agree to pay for it. Cash only and up front.

    And now we know how much it costs when Congress dithers over something everybody already knows the answer too.

    A STAGGERING amount of money

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