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My Other Blogs
So, is anyone else really enjoying watching Sheriff Joe twist in the wind?
Mmmmm, I do so like a fresh Open Thread. Crisp, clean, full of promise and possibility. Ahhhhh.
Mitt outsourced his comments in England, evidently to the Obama campaign.
I am a fan of comeuppance. It is a fault, a pettiness, I should work to lose .. as soon as i find a reason to. đ
For instance, this morning, my pet birther troll was continuing to expound on the elusive nature of the 1961 VSIM, how key it was, how the CCCP definitely had it, and the Obots didn’t, blahblahblah. And then it dropped.
Schadenfreude is one of the most beautiful words in the German language.
According to a 2004 contest, the most beautiful words in the German language are:
1. Habseligkeiten (“petty belongings”)
2. Geborgenheit (“feeling of security”)
3. lieben (“to love”)
4. Augenblick (“moment”)
5. Rhabarbermarmelade (“rhubarb jelly”)
I never really thought about it, so I don’t have a personal favourite. Maybe “Wasserfall” (“waterfall”) or “Meisenkaiser” (a fictitious name from a popular sketch, literally “emperor of the titmice”, figuratively also “king of the loons”).
My favourite English words are “liquid”, “adorable” and “gorgeous”.
No, it’s still like watching a train wreck.
In English, the sound of a hard “C” or K seems to give people pleasure. Advertisers use the “K” sound as often as they can “Hey Kids! Come out of the kitchen and catch the new Woody Woodpecker Show!”
If you’re going by words that are fun to say, I’d go with “crusty” or kerchief” or even “procrastinate”. The Guardian’s list of loveliest English words: rococo, balalaika, beetroot, kecks,
but those words don’t strike me as beautiful so much as nice to say. I’m with you on “gorgeous”. it is a nice word. but, to me, “adorable” sounds like someone falling off a bar stool. How about “porous” or “fleeting”?
A few of my favorite names to pronounce are Ricardo MontalbĂĄn, Zbigniew Brzezinski, Silvia Poggioli, Boutros Boutros-Ghali, Yo-Yo Ma and Engelbert Humperdinck.
What? No Mangosuthu Butelezi?
And then, of course, there is Abhay Charanaravinda Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada.
Good one! But I want to hear you say it three times, fast!
I’ll go with a character from Karl May’s books, Hadschi Halef Omar ben Hadschi Abul Abbas ibn Hadschi Dawud al-Gossarah (and I still know the name by heart ever since I first heard it when I was about 8 years old).
And of course there’s always Julio Iglesias or Aeon Flux (possibly my favourite fictional character name, ahead of January Wayne, Phèdre no Delaunay and April May June).
Often I like words in songs that I didn’t fully understand (the word or the song) at first, such as “Junebug” (from Smashing Pumpkins “1979”) or “synchronicity” (The Police).
(A final anecdote: when “Voyage Voyage” by French singer “Desireless” was a big hit in Germany, announcers always pronounced the artist’s name in French – “deh-seer-less”.)
Possibly “Rhubarb Marmalade” maybe?
Obama Was Right: The Government Invented the Internet
Don’t believe the outrageous conservative claim that every tech innovation came from private enterprise.
the Defense Department had to create the Internet because private enterprise refused to
Yeah, I like Ricardo Montalban too. It just sort rolls off the tongue. But for really cook names, you just can’t beat some of the Afgani-Pakistani names like:
Arheddis Varkenjaab
Aywellbe Fayed
Bybeiev Rhibodie
Aynayda Pizaqvick
Malexa Kriest
Awul Dasfilshabeda
Nowaynayda Zheet
Makollig Jezvahted
Levdaroum DeBahzted
Steelaygot Maowenbach
Tuka Piziniztee
Red Barber’s Marmalade đ
And how can anybody forget Michael William “Mike” Krzyzewski?
Actually, I’d like to forget him , but USA Basketball keeps hiring him.
Okay, but if you’re going this outrageous route – and I really can’t think of a better prank to play on a public address announcer than getting him or her to say Tuka Pizniztee – what about Gladys Panzaroff?
Many items of public good are counter (or counter-intuituve) to private interest.
Potter, J: “Many items of public good are counter (or counter-intuituve) to private interest.”
think of climate change, global warming, wacky weather, etc, – the defense dept/military are way in front of the koch dealers/polluters and their paid whores –
yesterday it was reported that our infrastructure is buckling and “a twin-unit nuclear plant in northeastern Illinois had to get special permission to continue operating after the temperature of the water in its cooling pond rose to 102 degrees”.
insurers, who should know, recently met with congress warning that homes and businesses will be uninsurable leaving debt to the taxpayers
extreme weather is this generation’s tobacco doesn’t cause cancer lie
That and 64-oz sodas … I mean pops đ
Dems to be on Ballot Top
OMG, a 3rd party will be on the ballot in Okieland? Thanks for a 5% signature requirement, tha hasn’t happened in several cycles. Reds will still win, but maybe this will take’em down a notch.
Commenters on right-wing sites have started saying that Corsi is in the UK searching for Obama’s real birth certificate. Apparently Corsi told radio host Peter Boyles that he was on his way to London during an interview yesterday.
Maybe someone here has heard more of the story and can add to it. I’d guess this somehow goes back to the “born in Kenya” theory.
A moderately interesting article by David Maraniss on birfoons and other ODS victims:
Found the Peter Boyles show with the Corsi interview. It’s in the 6AM hour. Corsi goes into his UK visit around the 16 minute mark.
He says that he received a tip that he’d find “interesting information” about the operations of the Kenyan government at the time of Obama’s birth, so off he went. He claims that the paperwork he’s finding points to a Kenyan birth and that Kenyan birth records were destroyed after Obama’s 2006 visit to Kenya. He has daffydavids.
He’ll be back in the U.S. on August 1 and will first share his findings with Arpaio’s CCP. Then they’ll decide what to make public and when.
He never says that he has evidence that Obama had Kenyan birth records and that they were destroyed after 2006–he just says that some Kenyan birth records were destroyed.
Hawaii, UK.. funny how they’ve chosen such nice places to visit and haven’t even bothered visiting Kenya.
I wonder why?
Actually, I think Corsi did go to Kenya a few years back.
But it does seem awfully convenient that the HI trip was over a U.S. Federal holiday (because what better time to find state officials at work?) and that this UK sojourn just happens to coincide with the Olympics.
Actually Corsi was expelled from Kenya.
Reality Check:
corsi and company could interview brit author firstbrook, who spent weeks at a time in kenya over the course of a year and researched obama’s family going back 27 generations
dsouza interviewed him on c-span
Squeeky’s back. Yay for Squeeky!
If you see an amorphous red blob in the stands, you’ll know where Corsi’s doing his research.
I am a baseball fan and one of the local announcers for the Rangers use to like to say:
Shigetoshi Hasegawa
Nicknamed “Shiggy”, he used to play for the Mariners. The announcer said it took him a while to get it right, but once he did, he would use it as often as possible.
Yay, indeed!
Kenya bans toxic waste imports (Bamako Convention) which is why they turned Corsi back already.
Interesting article from the Columbia, Missouri, Tribune:
Links through to:
Disrespect is starting to reek
About the over-the-top, race-based slurring of Obama. Which is my daily experience here in Okieland. Bleh.
Where? I don’t see squeaky here.
The outhouse display in Montana should have been roundly condemned by all real Republicans. It is in poor taste. It shows disrespect for our President.
If those concepts do resonate, one can check out polling data and Intrade to see that our President, who is Black, may be a Muslim, and who has a funny middle name, is likely to re-elected. We might try stressing real issues rather than offensive behavior or tolerating racists. If I were running things (and I’m only on the county committee here) I would attack the Alaska nut by asking Gov. Palin to intervene as a friend of the court and ask the suit be dismissed and the plaintiff sanctioned.
Knowing Corsi, he will visit Kew without calling them beforehand, then spend 15 minutes there to hear they never had Mombasa birth certificates.
And of course, at the next CCCP press conference he will claim that there are no records at Kew for Mombasa births in 1961, which is of course very suspicious.
Remember the claim that the US Immigration records for August 1961 of people leaving for and returning from Kenya were suspiciously missing?
Corsi looked for record in Hawaii. Someone coming from Kenya would have entered the US in New York.
While the flight forms may (and I emphasize “may”) be missing, the 1961 statistical report is not. There were no US Citizens who traveled by air debarking Kenya between July 1 1961 and June 30, 1962. So there.
David Maraniss: What drives the Obama doubters and haters?
2 of my fave lines:
The truth is that Muslims had nothing to do with the rise of the Obamas of Kenya and that conservative evangelical Christians were essential every step of the way.
One can say that President Obama would not exist except for evangelical Christians.
That’s consistent with Corsi’s Law of Evidence, which states that “(Corsi’s) Inability to uncover evidence constitutes evidence.”
Of course.
It is one of the first rules of debate: Absence of evidence is
not evidence of absenceevidence of conspiracy.I always thought that Corsi’s law of evidence was “Whatever I can get my eggplant/human hybrid hands on, regardless of validity, is evidence! Because even if it has already been disproved, my idiot readers will believe whatever I tell them!”
Andrew, I believe that’s Corsi’s First Pustulate.
Rather than come back empty-handed after attending the closing ceremonies at the Olympics, I’d encourage Corsi to do an African safari to capitals cities with names that roll off the tongue easily for light chatter at cocktail parties and Birtherpaloozas. Examples:
“Have you every been to Ouagadougou?”
“When was the last time you were in Antananarivo?”
“I turned up some interesting leads at the Kew that took me to Lilongwe, Bujumbara, Gaborone, and Mbabane.”
“I heard about an Obama cousin in Mogadishu, so I dropped in.”
“Trust me, never go to Harare!”
“I’ve got to go back next month to Abuja, Banjui, Yaounde, and Bamako.”
“I have some hot tlps about documents in Nouakchott, Khartoum, Kigali, Dakar, and Windhoek.”
I’m not sure he should go to Africa. I hear that he resembles the mythical Pamba, and might end up being speared on sight.
I thought birtherism studies had made my face immune to palming. Not so.
Going further into this guy’s blog, it’s entirely possible I just got Poe’d.
…or not.
That analysis would do a birther proud!
Here’s another .. remember the “Ann Dunham has a Black Hand” photo and meme?
It’s incredibly stupid. Troller Jack Osborne is expounding a new level on it, no doubt picked up from who knows where, that Odinga was originally in the photo, because Odinga was seen wearing this:
…. 35 years later!
He swears he’s serious.
Every time I think delusions have limits …. I am proven wrong!
Oh that’s nothing! Give me a weekend, and I can manufacture convincing evidence that HDTVs emit a special radioactive marker that makes humans susceptible to mind control!
What is the funniest/most oogie-boogie birther conspiracy that you’ve come across?
For me it was the “Stanely Ann Dunham was born a man, and therefore can’t possibly be Obama’s real mother!” bit. That one was so crazy that it was dropped by birthers, almost as fast as it appeared.
No fair; how can we compete with that? But…
– Any of the “Obama’s real father was…” ones are way up there.
– Anything that involves flying to Hawaii to personally seal records. Presumably with official White House duct tape.
– “You get a nuke plant! And you get a nuke plant!”
– Similarly, the theory that the Georgia case was thrown in exchange for Obama reducing our nuclear weapons stockpiles.
– Anything that involves Hillary or McCain being “in on it.”
– …and, anything that involves an 18-year-old pregnant impoverished college student traveling from Hawaii to Kenya, without her husband, to hang out with his other wife’s family and give birth.
More action in my neighborhood: Meth lab found in Center City hotel, hundreds evacuated
I can see it from my front door – really.
At least 300 guests were evacuated from the Hampton Inn at 1301 Race Street about 5:30 a.m. as Philadelphia firefighters, and then the Police Department’s Homeland Security and Terrorism unit, arrived to handle volatile chemicals left behind by a would-be meth maker.
Nonsense – it’s fluoride which does that.
“Hey, everyone. I just found Obama’s real birth certificate in the capital of Threenesia, next to Tunisia.”
What is it about Montana? “Richard Cebull, Montanaâs chief U.S. district judge, asked Thursday for a formal judicial review after he admitted forwarding a racist email âjokeâ involving bestiality and President Barack Obama’s mother.
The judge also sent a formal apology to President Obama and his family.”
Banks and brokerages privatize profits, but socialize losses.
How about Ben Dover, or I’bin Farteen?
“Heckling the president in the middle of a Rose Garden speech isn’t holding him to account. It is belittling the presidency, and it smells just as bad as an outhouse in the Missoula summer.”
When Bush said in his January 2003 State of the Union speech, “The British government has learned that Saddam Hussein recently sought significant quantities of uranium from Africa,” no one shouted “You lie.”
@AndrewVrbaPmG: the birther theory that Obama killed his own grandmother to keep her from spilling the beans/garner sympathy votes is high on the list of the most vile and outlandish accusations. I haven’t seen that one raised recently, but it was popular with RWNJ blogs for quite a long time.
I speculate that Bush knew he could get away with a hell of a lot, because it was just two years after 9/11 and we were, as a nation, still feeling very raw. So he pretty much ran with that. It wasn’t until after we cooled down a bit that we went, “…I do believe that we have been had!”
I still think the Obama as secret-agent who was time-travelling on Mars, is one is the funniest and strangest…
Romney Lands in Israel
Hilarious, Misha! My favorite bits were all the cross-outs… LOL!
Here’s the best part. I’m voting for the reelection of the President in November and there’s not a damn thing any delusional and paranoid birther bigot can do about it.
Obama / Biden 2012
– the will of the majority.
Mitt Romney arrives in Israel today as part of a three-country tour which began in, as Romney erroneously called it, “The Nation of Great Britain” â a nonexistent nation.
Also, Romney arrives in Israel:
Romney would back Israeli strike against Iran, senior adviser says
If you liked Iraq, you’ll love Iran. Choose your vote wisely.
Note: I have been saying this for months.
A little perspective about Obama (Sr.) based on my experience in East Africa back in the the Good Old Days. I will refer to him as Obama
The number of Kenyans born in the same year as Obama was approximately 200,000. The number of Kenyans of that age who went to college or university was less than 200. Think of Obama as a .1 percenter. The educational pyramid was extremely narrow at the top, and only the very able made to that point.
The Royal Technical College, the first higher educational facility in Kenya, was not founded until 1961. In 1959 the higher education facility in East Africa , when Obama started at U. of Hawaii, was located Uganda. Makerere was started in the early 20s to train primarily Ugandans for “trades” such as accounting and surveying. There was a gradual transition to academic education, and an increase in streaming of students from Kenya, Tanganyika, and Zanzibar. When I was there in the mid 60’s, Makerere had fewer than 1000 students, and the student body included not only Africans from East Africa, but also Asians and Europeans. There were the remnants populations of African students from Nigeria, Central Africa, and other countries that had been streamed to Makerere by the British colonial authorities or the newly independent African administrators to make up for the deficiency of higher educational institutions in Africa. I would estimate the number of Africans from Kenya in the mid- 60’s as approximately 25 per year. It was probably even lower in 1959. The students took external exams conducted by the University of London, to validate internationally the quality of the education given at Makerere.
Obama was not part of the .01% that made it to Makerere, but he was part of a small cadre of students who completed secondary education in Kenya and were looking for opportunities to continue higher education. They had to look abroad, including United States colleges and universities. This was done outside the framework of the colonial administration, but it was actively encouraged by rising politicians such as Tom Mboya. Mboya worked with individuals and groups in the U.S. to pay for a charter plane to fly students who had applied and gotten scholarships to U.S. colleges and universities to the U.S. Obama was entrepreneurial beyond the norm, and had gotten funding for his air fare in addition to admission and scholarships which were a prerequisite.
Obama certainly had personal deficiencies that eventually “did him in” both during his stay in the U.S. and his return to Kenya. However, he had risen through and to the top[ of an educational pyramid that could only be done by a person of extraordinary intellectual abilities and motivation.
Questions welcome.
You might be, but I couldn’t care less.
Here’s one for Misha:
Sarah Silverman
has a proposition for Mitt Romneyâs most generous supporter, Sheldon Adelson:
the $100 million man.
I’ve been known to say “Ephrem Zimbalist Junior”, a propos of nothing, because I like the name.
He’s up for re-election. Can anyone here name his opposition? As bad as things may look for Sheriff Joe, his chances at re-election are as strong as any other incumbent in any local race this fall.
justice scalia has been all over the tv pushing his new book – and, even on fox, he hasn’t been asked what a “natural born citizen is” – what do we make of that? is it that it’s NOT an issue for all but the fringe? certainly, a definition would not be violating any future hearing on the matter – he did voice his (ridiculous) opinions on roe, contraception and handheld rocket launchers –
just askin ……
I’ve wound up collecting in my brain various five-syllable names or phrases with the accents on the first and fourth syllables. I then sing these to the tune of “Baby Beluga.”
“Hosni Mubarek, in the deep blue sea…”
I signed the petition. Thanks, and a h/t.
For those inclined towards political humor, check out #RomneyShambles on Twitter.
The author of No Country for Old Men stated that he came up with the name “Anton Chigurh” without having a specific background in mind, simply because he liked how it sounded.
How about place names? Walla Walla, Washington? Maybe Contention, Arizona? I rather like Coalinga, California. I was told the name came from the early days when it was a railroad stop where coal would be replenished. It was “Coaling Station A”, which was later shortened to Coaling-A and eventually Coalinga.
In answer to the question ‘Do you know who is…’, my stock answer is “The Reverend Martin Luther King?’.
Movie buffs will get the reference.
Site Map (abbreviated) feature added to the Visitor Guide menu:
Well there is only one true mother load of great place names, and that is Geoff Mack’s I’ve Been Everywhere Man. Hank Snow (I think) translated the Mack’s original Australian to American.
I’ve been to about a third of those places, maybe. I’ve probably not been to maybe 5 of the one’s in the American list.
I’ve been to all of the places listed in Aunty Jack’s ‘parody version’: I’ve been to Wollongong, Wollongong, Wollongong, Wollongong,…. Aunty Jack is one of Australian comic actor Grahame Bond’s characters. Picture Dame Edna with a mustache and the demeanor of a Hells Angel.
Truth or Consequences, New Mexico.
I’ve had yet another childhood fantasy crushed this morning.
It used to be that ‘running away to join the Circus’ was a romantic fantasy for every kid. Now you gotta have a Bachelor’s Degree to join a Circus. That’s right, a College Degree!
New kid started working at the Newsagent where I do some casual/part time menial tasks for a friend that owns it. He moved to Melbourne specifically to enrol in the “National Institute of Circus Arts” which is a full time, 3 year, University program, funded by the Australian Government.
The guy is ‘majoring’ in Trapeze.
Oh to be 18 again! I suppose I would have had to ‘major’ in Clown, but that would be OK, cause then I’d have an excuse to scare the crap out of little kids.
Well, in case anybody here has missed me, I am back. I was working like THREE jobs all at once all by myself. But here is a poem I just wrote about the July 17, 2012 Sheriff Joe thingie, wherein I muse if Zullo was mesmerized by Corsi during the 16 hour initial meeting. This is a really, really high class poem:
La Mârelle, Jerome Corsi
(Trans: A deadly poison by the name of Jerome Corsi)
by Squeeky Fromm
Oh, what can ail thee, Depâty Zullo
Alone and softly babbling???
The press has gathered in the room
And sniggers teem.
Oh, what can ail thee, Depâty Zullo
So hackneyâd, and yet so nutter???
The squirrelsâ appetite is large,
And moonbats flutter.
I see in thy eyes a dullness
And in thy mien, a blunt affect.
And in thy slideshow, images
Banality reflect.
I met J. Corsi in a room
To heareth all that he had filed.
Banker Boxes didst overflow
And his eyes were wild.
I made some notes and wrote them down
And wrote âtil pencil lead was gone.
I tried to find a ballpoint pen,
Still, on he droned.
He showed me long form images,
And masks and layers all day long.
He sang, in mesmerizing voice,
A pixel song.
Full fourteen hours drag-ged on,
So wearied, daring not to break.
He said in voice, sure and strong,
âThis is a fake!!!â
He took me to the Birfer Grot,
Upon a ukelele strummâd???
At least that is the way it seemâd,
To mind benumbâd.
He said he had a P-H-D,
âSo sleep, and it will be just fine.â
And then I dreamed the latest dream
On the number â9.â
Alas, I saweth postal stamps!!!
And Smiley Faces in a row.
It took a magnifying glass
To see them, though.
Then Mad Hawaiians, laughâd at me,
And said âYou fell, thou Dumb Ha-ole,â
âDown La Morelle Jerome Corsiâs
Birfer Rabbithole!!!â
So that is why I babble here,
And delusionally putter,
While squirrels try to take me home,
And moonbats flutter.
Squeeky Fromm
Girl Reporter
Oh, that’s a cool bit of trivia. We drive by there quite often in our travels, and now I can think of it as something other than “the place where I got that viciously expensive speeding ticket when I was in my teens.”
I would have thought you would have noticed the smell from the Harris Ranch feedlot. I hate it when I forget to hit recirculate before I get there.
You are correct, sir! The song has its own wiki article,with a handy map:'ve_Been_Everywhere
Johnny cash covered it in the mid-90s, and his version has been blasting us nonstop for the past 15 years. Which is perfectly fine … it’s Johnny Cash, man!
Applause for Squeeky!
As a Ranger fans, my husband used to amuse my sons with a loud, off-key version of the Star Spangled Banner, starting off with “Jo-se Can-se-co, by the dawns….” Pre-steroid revelations, of course.
Yes, you were missed!!!
And the summary lesson of the last 2 paragraphs of your poem were my favorite parts…LOL!
Thank you!!! OH, my fingers are like crippled forever from all the typing I was doing. It was just read and think and type for three months straight. Plus, answering the phone, and filing stuff and going to the courthouse and post office. I slept all day yesterday and it will take me months or years to get back to normal. Plus, I have so much to catch up on.
Squeeky Fromm
Girl Reporter
(which I noticed last week has now been altered to DEMOCRAT CREATED DUST BOWL)
Burnt Corn, Alabama
Between, Georgia
Bowlegs, Oklahoma
Big Lick, North Carolina
Big Ugly, West Virginia
and Bagdad, Arizona
latest from birtherstan
Phony document gives birth to a cover-up
Diana West tells story of Sheriff Joe’s men stonewalled by officials in Hawaii
Diana West @ World Net Daily
one paragraph
The bottom line is this: The posse investigation has amassed extensive computer forensics and other evidence that the Barack Obama birth certificate posted on the White House website is a forgery. Again, I urge readers to review the case for themselves. What I want to focus on today is something at least as bad as document fraud. I want to focus on document fraud cover-up.
Why would Hawaii take these fools seriously… It was a boondoggle, with no official actions or support. They got more than the average Joe would have received but still they hit a wall because of privacy laws.
nbc: They got more than the average Joe would have received but still they hit a wall because of privacy laws.
privacy laws? the fools who follow them don’t know about such things – i wish i have a nickel for each time i asked “how much does it cost to keep your records “hidden” … mine are hidden for free”
Arizona has some great place names (as do other state of course). Tombstone is fairly well known. Snowflake is pretty cool. Show Low got its name from a card game. On one side of the state is Quartzite, on the other Peridot.
By the way when you visit Australia, come to Victoria, then if you find yourself in the middle of Nowhere, you are likely to get your feet wet. Or at least damp. Maybe.
I’ve been to Hell, Grand Cayman. Pretty cool rock formations.
I have a feeling that when I finally get to Australia I might not come back.
Just remember, every year Hell freezes over, in Michigan.
The site of the Battle of Burnt Corn, as any good Alabama 6th grader should be able to tell you.
Not far from here is a town called Nowata, which is a great name for the whole state, the whole region. Getting even hotter, up to 111°F. No relief in sight. I hope you are all enjoying less extreme conditions!
Heads up:
Oh noes, racist concern trolls are feverishly working their calculators to determine just how white the president is now.
Or popping a vein when they realize he has more melanin than they were told.
OH, I got really, really busy and made The Obama Forgery Test, which is a pdf thingie wherein I really deconstruct the beejesus out of the long form, and define forgery and stuff, and the Birther who takes it is probably going to blow a gasket. Here it is if anybody can use it, and just feel free to alter it for your own websites and uses.
Sorry, but I couldn’t make the long form image any bigger with my software.
Squeeky Fromm
Girl Reporter
Looks like the Jindal/Rubio birthers are cranking up:
This is a good thing to hit them with, the Mark Levin response:
I have it where I can cut and paste it.
Squeeky Fromm
Girl Reporter
I see that WorldNetDaily has put me in moderation. Just in time.
Sometimes it is just a word or phrase or something that gets you put in moderation there . Try posting again later and it might work. That has happened to me a few times. IIRC (which means “if I recall correctly”) my Die Scheisskopfen poem went over like a ton of poop there and the post disappeared. A few other ones did, too. But I can still post there whenever I feel feisty.
Squeeky Fromm
Girl Reporter
I like it, and would like to help you enlarge that LFBC, would even bubble it (highlight your #’d items if you like!). I can deliver this in whatever format you wish, whatever resolution you wish. email me if I can be of service.
Well they can’t have you posting hard factual data with evidence backing it up, all willy-nilly! It would ruin their reputation as a garbage tabloid, if they allowed the unbiased truth!
Very nice.
One minor nit (or topic for endless rabid debate, I suppose):
In box 21, we know from context that the signature is actually a handwritten “V K L Lee” (although the V is quite rounded, since Verna apparently couldn’t resist giving a pun as her gift to the new parents).
Not that leaving it just the way it is would invalidate the test — in fact, let the respondents bring it up and explain why it’s important, dammit.
Recommended Viewing: zFacts on Controversial Subjects
I have looked at this site briefly from time to time, but I have just spent some time browsing it in more detail. I find it well written and extremely handy to locate facts to backup debates. The author is an economist and a scientist, and doesn’t abide weak political sloganeering as economic policy.
From his ‘about zFacts page’:
Some sample quotes:
I strongly recommend this site to readers from all sides of the political spectrum. It will do wonders helping you sort the smoke from the mirrors in this election year.
I got banned last week (for at least the 2nd time using Disqus). They must long for having their echo chamber back with all “Obots” left outside.
Disqus’ word filter is just that, a stupid plain word filter. Write about “killing time” or “shoot yourself in the foot” and your post lands in moderation. Words like “kill”, “terrorist”, “shoot” etc. are on their ban list.
Heywood Jablomee!
i know it’s wrong, but this is the first time i’ve heard this one and i’m laughing like someone in fifth grade. i’m deeply ashamed.
Keith, thanks. I found zFacts back in about 2003-4 and used to visit it quite often, but through the years, I’ve drifted away and had completely forgotten about that place. I’m so glad you posted this so I can rediscover it. Much appreciated. đ
Heywood plays canasta with Pat and Phil McGroin.
I think it’s from “Shriek If You Know What I Did Last Friday the Thirteenth”.
The funniest German place name is “Petting” (the German loan word for “heavy petting”) near Munich.
…and the nice gay couple from down the hall: Patrick Fitzwilliam and William Fitzpatrick.
This one is real: Ijuana Knutt.
Doc, we were all gathered here at my mother’s house the other day for my uncle’s 90th birthday, and in all the reminiscing the unfortunate case of Fanny Teutsch, who married a man named Butts, came up. The Teutsches pronounce their last name just like “touch”.
Thanks for reminding me. I’ll buy it later with my Coinstar coupons.
What do you think of this:
I think “compelling” is one of many, many words that does not mean what WND thinks it means.
Obamaâs purported link to early American slave is latest twist in family tree
You realize, I hope, that anyone can rent a room at the National Press Club and give a “press conference.” Even Orly Taitz did it once.
Of course, if Frank Marshall Davis was in fact Obama’s birth father, even Vattelists would have to concede that he is a natural born citizen, since Davis was a U.S. citizen.
But I’m confused, because birthers also claim that Malcolm X was Obama’s birth father.
So many tangled lies!
People like chef could care less about logic, facts and consistency. All negative things about Obama are true. His father was both Frank Davis and Malcolm X, and he didn’t have a citizen father, and he was born in Kenya.
And he’s black. Don’t forget that, It’s Obama’s one truly unforgivable sin in the eyes of birthers.
More interesting: What do you think of it and why?
In the 3-book prequel to the awful Left Behind series, it’s stated that the antichrist was made from some sort of genetic combination of 2 men, one being a homosexual scientist. The genetically constructed sperm was implanted into some woman who was married to the homosexual scientist. So the antichrist had 2 fathers, but one mother.
My point is that I wouldn’t put it past Birthers to think that something like this had been done with the sperm of Malcolm X and Frank Marshall Davis.
The #1 rule of National Press Club events: the number and prominence of mentions of “National Press Club” in the press release is directly proportional to how worthless loser kooks the perpetrators are, just trying to squeeze a milligram of credibility from using the name.
I could make fouler suggestions, but leave it at suggesting they explain it as an assertion that Obama had numerous ideological fathers, all of whom happened to be African American.
Which in no way makes him ineligible but definitely undesirable. Clearly. Anyone can see that. Right? …. right? It’s so obvious. What do you mean you don’t get it? All Real Americans–⢠can see it, plain as day.
They’ve been stuck there for more than 4 years now …. 4 loooooong years.
I’m sorry, but the anti-Christ will be Jewish. Hagee and Falwell, among others, have flatly stated so.
Also, I’m sorry we have been absolved of killing the Christian lord. Being known as a Christ killer gave me street cred.
A sidebar in the current (Aug 2012) issue of Esquire:
Note the dismissive nature, “some guy” named Farah published a book … no mention of author, no mention of title, no indication that the event was of any wider interest, but rather an isolated oddity.
And it’s appropriate. The public-at-large doesn’t care.
Who’s on first?
No, What’s on second. Who’s on first.
OMG!!! I just saw this commercial on FOXNews!!!
Squeeky Fromm
Girl Reporter
Squeeky, you’re saying you just saw said commercial live on Fox?
Yes. There I was, surfing the net on my laptop, with the news in the background, and then KERBLAM!!!, I heard some of the words, and I almost spilled my glass of Franzia White Zinfadel wine!!! It was running as a commercial, not as a story.
Sooo, I found the commercial on youtube and did a short Internet Article on it, then posted the video here. It has been out like 5 or 6 days from what I read.
Squeeky Fromm
Girl Reporter
Will The Real Mitt Romney Please Stand Up (feat. Eminem)
Some choice comments from waypasthadenough on the comments section for the commercial on YouTube:
“Liberal”(commie) scum are not American but amerikan and should be hunted and killed in sufficient numbers to restore Liberty here.”
“Disqualify??? He should be removed from office immediately!!! By force if necessary. If the primate’s riot, shoot the hominid’s down in the street and bury their carcasses in a goddamn landfill.”
Interesting. We’ve discussed the Conservative Majority’s here, but no one was stating that they were actually on air. And I’ll never know. No live TV for me!
Give the number a call. It’s a blatant grab at birfer bux! LOL!
misha :Iâm sorry, but the anti-Christ will be Jewish. Hagee and Falwell, among others, have flatly stated so.
i don’t know, misha – bachmann’s preacher bradlee dean, hagee and other evangelicals compare the Catholic Church to the “whore of Babylon” and identifying the pope with the Antichrist.
in fact, bill donohue of the catholic league said
“If someone said to me: who is the biggest anti-Catholic bigot in the evangelical community, I would say hands down, John Hagee.”
I kept waiting for them to throw in a set of steak knives.
You’re mistaken. I had a vision. Falwell WAS the anti-Christ, but he screwed up getting tangled in Clinton conspiracy theories.
I sort of covered this early on in my article:
My research is extensively hyperlinked.
Thank you very much for your comments here. The are informative and greatly appreciated.
Every Sperm is Sacred –
That is still my favorite one to date! đ
My reaction too. Thanks Squeeky for letting us know that. Not only have we discussed that very issue here, but also at the BadFiction blog. We’ve been trying to track down if there were any actual confirmed “sightings” of real commerical play on TV/cable and not just on the internet.
Fox News…not too surprising. Again, pretty much preaching to the choir over at ODS central, there.
In exchange for a minimum consideration ($100), the steak knives are free.
As a bonus, you get the satisfaction of ‘signing’ a worthless petition. You are empowered by the sweet assurance that you have Done Something. Done something about that Ebel, Ebel Man. Without even get up from your idiot box. You know, that one that revealed to you that He was Ebel. The same glorious friend box that alerted you to your chance for salvation from The Ebel, the chance to Do Something!
[ I am wondering why they don’t encourage repeat calls … why not, right? ]
You’re welcome. I also just found the commercial over at ORYR, where it has been up since 7-24. Actually, it is a pretty clever production, and the 100% Birther stuff is kinda hidden in with all the other documents they want. That way the viewer starts watching it, and is half way thru it before the crazy Birfer stuff hits the screen.
The truth is, there are also a slew of democrats who wish Obama wasn’t the nominee. The progressive wing is slamming Obama like crazy. For the opposite reasons of the conservatives, that is that Obama is “Bush Lite” and a Wall Street tool.
Here is a good sample from a very progressive oriented site, and I have seen the “Obama Enabler” meme pop up lately:
I think we are in for some interesting politics over the next 10 to 12 years. I anticipate political fury from all corners that will make the Birfers seem sane in comparison.
Squeeky Fromm
Girl Reporter
More on the deranged birther bigots’ commercial on The Atlantic Wire:
Birthers Get Their Own Campaign Ad
(excerpt) The Effect: This is hard to say. The ad is cheap and features the fast-talking narrator you usually find in one of those “male enhancement” supplement ads. But then, somebody out there buys those pills. Perhaps that is the target audience. If the goal is to excite birthers, we give it a B+. If it’s to have any ties to reality, then of course, the grade is F.
I do love me them folks at Factcheck.
David Maraniss: Yes, birthers deserve contempt
(excerpt) In the introduction to my book, I took note of a sick political culture where âfacts are so easily twisted for political purposes and where strange armies of ideological pseudo-historians roam the biographical fields in search of stray ammunition.â That sentence is now cited on right-wing websites as evidence that I hold them in contempt. True enough, one of the few accurate things that Iâve read from them. I do hold some of them in contempt, not because of their politics, nor because of their dislike of Obama. Political debate and disagreement are the lifeblood of American democracy.
No, I hold them in contempt for the way they disregard facts and common sense and undermine the role of serious history as they concoct conspiracy theories that portray the president as dangerous, alien and less than American.
What drives them? Some of it can be attributed to the give-and-take of todayâs harsh ideological divide. Some of it can be explained by the way misinformation spreads virally to millions of like-minded people, reinforcing preconceptions. And some of it, I believe, arises out of fears of demographic changes in this country, and out of racism.
(emphasis added)
Only if the crazy religious join the party.
Baptism records? WTF? Do baptism records even exist? What possible bearing could baptism records have on anything, anywhere, ever? I am literally rubbing my forehead and groaning trying not to scream out of the pain inflicted by this toxic level of stupid. I thought demands for Kindergarten records were stupid. I think the bottom of Birther stupidity is like the concept of infinity… you can keep moving towards it but you’ll never reach it.
Baptism records??? BAPTISM RECORDS???? For Christ’s sake.
I haven’t read the rest of the Factcheck piece, but only because Birther Stupidity Poisoning has now hampered my ability to read. I need to lie down for a while.
They do. But they’re catch-as-catch-can. Small country churches that go down to the river probably aren’t keeping records. There is no record of mine. Long established, more formal churches would have them.
But so what? All it would prove is that someone was baptized in a particular time and place. Might do something for some voters, but, unless the time and place of baptism is key to some personal narrative, who cares? Other than biographers and church historians?
I never understood that particular anti-Semitic slur anyway. If Jesus “died for our sins as he was destined to”, why was killing him a bad thing? It was just helping him fulfill his purpose.
And “you killed my imaginary friend’s son” must rank among the top three of any “stupidest reason to hate someone” list.
Indeed. Even if there was a record “Barack Hussein Obama II. was baptized on Aug 4th, 1961, in the … church in Honolulul, Hawaii”, birthers would simply claim Obama was born in Kenya a couple days before that and shipped over. Or that his mother brought another black baby to the ceremony to fraudulently obtain a baptism record for her Kenyan baby. (“Why doesn’t the priest who performed the baptization step forward? Why won’t the Pope confirm Obama was baptized?” or simply their current “The records say he was baptized, but how can we know that is true?”)
No it wouldn’t. Forging a Baptismal Record would be trivial compared to forging a Birth Certificate.
Presumably A) to pad out the list, and B) because it’s one of the proofs of Amurricaness that some of the birther bills call out. I’m surprised the list doesn’t ask about his “circumcision certificate.” Oy vey.
He was actually baptized in Chicago as an adult, by the Reverend Wright. So that, like most everything else in their list, is already a known quantity. Do they think he had his fingers crossed during the ceremony or something?
Maybe he held his nose.
Oh, hell. đ
In a cauldron of white infants’ blood no doubt. I don’t know or care, but if he was baptized by Wright, the birfers will go nuts. As if they wouldn’t go nuts anyway. Why haven’t they seized on this yet?
Heh! I always thought….wait, it’s a baptism. Can’t we just trust God on this one? Isn’t a snootful of holy water a good thing? Should be great for sinus infections. *cough*
Rep. King Goes Birther: Suggests Obamaâs Parents Telegrammed Fake Hawaii Birth Announcement From Kenya
During a tele-townhall meeting late last week, King was asked about his views on whether President Obama is a natural-born American citizen. The Iowa Congressman noted that his staff had investigated the matter and found birth announcements in the two Hawaii newspapers the week after Obamaâs birth. However, King went on to float the absurd notion that his parents âmightâve announced that by telegram from Kenya.â
KING: We went down into the Library of Congress and we found a microfiche there of two newspapers in Hawaii each of which had published the birth of Barack Obama. It would have been awfully hard to fraudulently file the birth notice of Barack Obama being born in Hawaii and get that into our public libraries and that microfiche they keep of all the newspapers published. That doesnât mean there arenât some other explanations on how they mightâve announced that by telegram from Kenya. The list goes on. But drilling into that now, even if we could get a definitive answer and even if it turned out that Barack Obama was conclusively not born in America, I donât think we could get that case sold between now and November.
Dr. C:
I think I have a very good idea about something, but it would probably work better at your website than mine because of the number of readers you have. Sooo, here it goes. Maybe there needs to be a “Birther Olympic Games” to take place during the real Olympics. People could submit ideas for the “sport”, and then “judges” could award Gold, Silver, and Bronze medals.
Here is what I had planned for my first Internet Article. In Synchronized Spinning, the gold goes to Dianna “The Dianna” Cotter for publishing in Pravda, followed by Silver to Diana West, and Bronze to Jeffrey Kuhner.
Then the next day I was going to report the results for “Incomprehensibility” .
Then Heavy Brief Lifting, and then one for Freeping, and Idol Worship, and Delusional Thinking, and Fabrication, etc.
But then I got to thinking the idea would get more attention here, plus you have a much larger reader base to provide ideas for the games, and plus you have a lot more hits from people who are trying to figure this stuff out.
Sooo, I thought I should run this by you, This could be a really, really good way to reach people, and have a lot of fun in the process. And with the “Olympics” tag, a bunch of new readers.
Are you interested???
Squeeky Fromm
Girl Reporter
Who’s this ‘we’? That a Congressman would supposedly do this, evan task a page to do so, tells you all you need to know.
Hopefully for him he’s bloviating (well, somewhat hopefully) or referring to a Congressional going through the motions to placate our nutty Constituents exercise. But if they did that, wouldn’t that have been announced or entered into the record … somewhere?
His entire statement is CYA BS, trying to please the nuts without appearing to be nuts. He failed on both accounts!
Potter, J:
if you have followed congressman king and his views, he IS NUTZZZZ
Disappointing news from Progress Island:
Shortly after Barack Obama tweeted that Michelle Obama’s birthday was coming up, Heidi Wys, an adviser to Puerto Rico’s House of Representatives President Jenniffer GonzĂĄlez, wrote in response,
I’m not normally one to comment on someone’s personal appearance or eating habits, but a quick Google image search shows that Heidi “Take her to Burger King, buy her a sundae” Wys may know her way around a fast food menu herself.
Paraphrasing Dean Wormer: Vicious, birther, and stupid is no way to go through life, Heidi.
Other notable Wys tweets:
“I fight Obama with all the strength in my heart and passion as a descendant of germans!!”
“Wah! Wah! I feel like vomiting! Dinner with a guy borned in Kenya and claims he was borned in Hawaii!”
Mark Hatfield, Georgia Birther And GOP State Lawmaker, Demolished By Primary Challenger
Birthers are getting crankier! Fred Thompson has an article on his blog saying Rubio is eligible to be vice president/president. The comments are birth-tastic. Mario Apuzzo says he tried to post his classic explanation, but has been put in moderation.
linda-one has to look at original intent. When the Constitution was written, the Republican Party did not exist. Therefore, Republicans are not eligiible.
My comment is still in moderation, too along with David Farrar’s. Here is what I said, and I kept from mixing metaphors!!!
Well, good luck trying to talk any sense into the two-citizen parent Birthers. I am not just being mean to them. But, when someone seriously tries to trump a 1898 SCOTUS decision (WKA) with an out of context snippet from an 1875 Scotus case (Minor), you have to figure logic ainât their strong suit.
Squeeky Fromm
Girl Reporter
That would have meant no Nixon, no Agnew and no Shrub. I’ll drink to that.
Clueless and smug birther bigots infest internet discussion threads on eligibility like cockroaches.
“What drives them? Some of it can be attributed to the give-and-take of todayâs harsh ideological divide. Some of it can be explained by the way misinformation spreads virally to millions of like-minded people, reinforcing preconceptions. And some of it, I believe, arises out of fears of demographic changes in this country, and out of racism.
– David Maraniss
So that’s how Lincoln got away with it!
Yeah but the Tea Party did. đ
That was great!
Please, post away on Fred Thompson’s site. He is getting hammered by birthers for being knowledgeable and reasonable (gasp!).
Teddy Bears Fall From Sky, and Heads Roll in Minsk
The plane crossed stealthily into Belarussian airspace and headed for the capital, Minsk. At the appointed moment, the cargo doors opened, and an invasion force of tiny plush freedom fighters parachuted to the ground. Belarus was under attack â by teddy bears.
In Russian, with videos – виВоО:
Is Harry Reid using birther tactics? Is this clever? Ironic? Theater? Silly?
Chances for a backfire?
I just hammered back. Politely, of course.
Exactly the same reason why the right-wing cranks in my country make up convoluted arguments about why the current German state allegedly is not “the” legitimate German state (since 1949 or since 1990, depending on the subgroup), that therefore all nationalized foreign-born people are “legally” still foreigners and the offspring of anyone naturalized since … are also not legal German citizens (and therefore have no right to vote etc.).
Of course they only care about those foreigners from the South (Turkey, Greece, former Yugoslavia etc.). You never see them complain about all those naturalized French or Dutch or Swedes taking away our precious bodily fluids…
It doesn’t look like Fred or his web team is allowing anything but birther b.s.
ASU Professor Finds U.S. Flags on the Moon, Conspiracy Theorists Still Not Convinced
They shot me down? Imagine that. I was nothing but complimentary to Fred, and it’s his site! Durn!
I loved this:
I think it was just a delay in approving comments. Several of mine are now posted as well as other sensible remarks from others.
Good to know. Thanks.
As Doc said, more posts are there now including yours. Quite entertaining!
Yeah, there are a lot of what I call “emo-progressives”… the never-happy, always whining, unicorn-demanding crowd that stomps its feet and threatens to cut off their noses to spite their faces.
It is simply the flip-side of the unrealistic spoiled entitlement fantasy-based thinking of the RWNJ, except mostly without the threats of violence attatched. As a pragmatic and realist, I have very little tolerance for the lazy-thinking tantrum notions of either extremes.
I put a lot of blame of the “emo-progressives” for staying home to pout and letting the Tea Party wave of 2010 to happen. They are nothing but a bunch of immature preening babies and the only thing that results from them carrying out their “threats” is a world that is even more opposite to their personal desires and more hostile to their views. They are fools and part of the problem.
Further proof of how tightly the delusional will cling to their delusions, no matter what….
Wow the wingnuts really are swarming on ‘poor’ Fred:
Fred, Nice trial balloon to see how we Constitutional Conservative, Tea Party members would react! We believe in following the Constitution so Rubio and Governor Jindal are not eligible to become President!
It would be very useful if you pursued Speaker Boehner to form an investigative committee in the Judiciary Committee, under Chairman, Lamar Smith to demonstrate Obamaâs illegality and remove him from office!
For your information, Obama is not going to leave office even when he loses the election! His supporters, George Soros, the Russian KGB, the Democratic Socialists of America (Communist Party USA), the communist leaning unions and the Saudi Arabian Monarchy are not going to allow Obama to leave the office. They are at the peak of their power and are lawless. âThe law only stops the law abiding,â Rush Limbaugh.
My favorite part is ‘to form an investigattive committee ‘to demonstrate Obama’s illegality and remove him from offfice’.
Why bother to call it an ‘investigative committe’ if you have the conclusion beforehand?
Well, in some ways it is a “trial balloon” to see how the wingnuts will act.
The GOP has for years cultivated a culture of RWNJ delusional thinking and spent way too much time paying lipservice and winking at its tin-foil hat wearing constituency.
So, they created their own monsters…and now those mobs of village idiots are turning on them, when they try to finally explain reality to them…
Poetic irony.
Conclusion: Yes, the GOP will have its own “Birther problem”, if it dips its toe into “brown” candidates. That is because Birtherism mainly lives within and infects the GOP “base”. But it will still appear absurd and silly to almost everyone else. Nothing but the brainwashed delusionals within the GOP eating their own…
It is Patrick McKinnion’s fourth year of fighting Birthers:
Sooo, everybody should tell him Happy Fourth year because it is obvious he puts a lot of hard work and time into his Internet Articles. Here is a poem I wrote for him:
He Was Once A Callow Youth
(Dedicated To Patrick McKinnion
On The Occasion of His Fourth Year
Of Fighting Birthers)
by Squeeky Fromm, Girl Reporter
Four years ago, a callow youth
Set out to have some fun.
To tweak the nose of idiots,
And hush them one by one.
And yet it seemed, the more the tweakâd
And skewered with his wit,
The more arose to take their place.
There was no end to it.
From out of evâry Bedlam cell,
From under evâry stone,
From evây sewer overflowed,
The manic horde, full blown.
Both on the left and right of him
Both in the front and back
He swung the Mighty Sword of Truth
In furious attack!
And over time, the callow youth
Became a warrior bold.
The stories of his victories
Around the campfires told.
He took his rightful place among
The Satirists of yore.
A full-grown soldier on the line,
He is a youth, no more.
And yet, could eâer have been a doubt
That this is what would be?
When what was once a choice became
Squeeky Fromm
Girl Reporter
G: Nothing but the brainwashed delusionals within the GOP eating their ownâŚ
they just can’t believe they are down to what …. a code …. and from the wrong manual no less?
Patrick monitors the odious birth blogs so we don’t have to!
It was good of you recognize him.
I’m still mad at Fred. I asked if I could borrow that red pickup since he wasn’t using it any more. Said I’d put gas in it and everything. The so-and-so never got back to me.
Patrick McKinnon and the Goblet of Fire
And now one of them is actually citing Larry Klayman as an expert on the definition of nbc.
Oy vey.
There has been a hearing schedule in the second Voeltz case. The Leon County high profile case site seems to be down, so I can’t see when the hearing has been scheduled.
I love the smell of napalm in the morning…Smelled like… victory.
The only thing Klayman is an expert at is suing his mother.
Monty Python and the Holy Grail
Fred will not allow my post. I tried to be helpful to the
DenialistsConstitutionalists there, by letting them know I found Obama’s Kenya BC, but he won’t take my advice.He should go back to acting, like Arnold. Do you think Fred is schtupping the maid? Do you think Romney has a
mistressplural marriage? He never denied it.Help me help Mitt, to get the dog off the roof:
Dogs Volunteer to Help Mitt Romney Find His Tax Returns:
I just saw him hawking reverse mortgages. He was acting like he gave a rat’s ass.
the HucksterHuckabee hawks Goldline. Seems to be a pattern…Sure is. Pickpocketing is best preceded by a lulling to sleep.
Romney just took the bait like fish! HuffPo: Romney to Reid: put up or shut up
Reid is staying in character.
Roger Ebert tweeting about it is hilarious!
Romney is not going to be able to pull off Nixon’s “I am not a crook” routine very well. His explanation, that his opponents would just use them against him, doesn’t exactly allay suspicions!
Wonderful, Rambo Ike has found his way, stumbling, bumbling, to Fred Thompson’s post about Rubio being eligible.
So Romney is blaming it on the Whitehouse?
“It’s untrue, dishonest, and inaccurate. It’s wrong. So I’m looking forward to have Harry reveal his sources and we’ll probably find out it’s the White House. Look, the Obama campaign is going to do everything in its power to try and talk about anything besides the president’s record.
While Reid is doubling down:
“UPDATE: 8:46 p.m. — Reid is not backing down. He put out a statement Thursday night declaring that his source at Bain (who he said told him about Romney not paying taxes) is “extremely credible” and insisted that the one way to clear up the matter is for Romney to be more transparent.”
there are bain employees who are donating to obama – why do you suppose that is?
“Most of the donors are senior executives who were with Bain when it made all of those allegedly controversial decisions from 1999 to 2002 that the Obama campaign is so focused upon.”
“Obamaâs donors include managing director Joshua Bekenstein (at Bain since it began, including the Romney years); chief compliance officer Alan Halfenger; managing director & chief investment officer Jonathan Lavine (an Obama âbundlerâ of large donations from multiple donors), who has been with Bain since 1993; managing director Seth Meisel (began in 1999); managing director Mark Nunnelly (began in 1993); managing director Stephen Pagliuca (began in 1989); deputy general counsel Ranesh Ramanathan; and managing director Ted Berk (joined in 1997).”
the national review is making it appear that obama is a hypocrite for accepting the money from bain employees
MY thought is why are they donating to obama at all? perhaps they really know romney and would prefer obama as president – perhaps they know romney is lying about his involvement at bain from 1999 – 2002
Perhaps they know Romney has a plural marriage – he never denied it.
OM! ORYR has a story about Mario Apuzzo’s response to Fred Thompson’s article. I am convince the Birthistani are just not happy folks.
Another birferstan meme bites back: Mitt Romney’s Mexican Roots; His Father Was Born In Mexico, Could Choose Dual Citizenship
Yep…..and following that incident it’s not beyond the realms of possibility that he has a Kenyan stamp on his passport saying something along the lines of “not to return” or a file entry which would deny him a future entry visa.
Arpaio’s racial profiling trial ended yesterday. The verdict will not be reached prior to August 16th.
Expect the no doubt “breathtaking” and “earth shattering” results of Corsi’s UK visit to be released immediately prior to Judge Snow’s verdict.
The plural of mouse is mice.
Is the plural of spouse, spice?
Haven’t been able to read this entire Arpaio piece yet, but it looks interesting:
Obama’s not allowed to talk about Romney’s record? That’s really odd.
THanks for the tip, will have to add a copy to my collection! đ
Remember, Pawlenty is a born again evangelical, and is pro-life without compromise:
Complete story:
Tim Pawlenty faces tax return scrutiny as Romney VP choice nears
Democrats have been digging into a web of allegations from nine years ago which involved Pawlenty’s use of a shell corporation to shield $60,000 in payments from a telecommunications group during his election campaign that were not declared to the state’s campaign finance board. The money came from a firm run by a prominent Republican strategist. Pawlenty had until recently been a board member.
No, but the opposite of progress is Congress.
Is Chick-fil-A turnout a preview of November?
Writing as a European, this story combines two of the things we most readily associate with America: Jesus Christ and fast food. It certainly reflects a uniquely American phenomenon.
Time will only tell whether or not this is an important moment in the revival of conservative religious activism. However, it does offer two immediate warnings about the November election.
Read on:
OMG!!! Did Apuzzo weigh in on the Obamacare Ruling???
The legal people here may enjoy this.
Squeeky Fromm
Girl Reporter
Question: If your favorite singer is leaning birther on his personal twitter, do you cut loose?
‘Cause my favorite singer just went birther on his freakin’ personal twitter. Cutting him loose and not buying the CDs and not going to concerts will really, almost physically injure me. Not kidding. But I can’t separate his ridiculous politics from the music. G-Dammit!
His record company MADE him get two twitters precisely because of this problem. Alas, I know both of his twitter names and I am totally disgusted.
If anyone here might want a lot of gently used Marc Broussard CDs, let me know. I’m letting them go cheap!
Never mind that. Jemma Jameson has just endorsed Romney.
Now what the heck am I gonna do with those 432 DVD’s in the bottom of my sock drawer.
Oh… Wait…
What did I say?
They were for an article I was researching.
Yeah, thats it… an article.
“When you’re rich, you want a Republican in office.” – Jenna Jameson
I am not kidding. If someone wants Marc Broussard’s albums: Momentary Setback; Carencro; signed EP Must Be The Water; S.O.S.; Keep Coming Back; Marc Broussard; and one in-concert CD of a Manhattan gig in 2004–let Dr. Conspiracy know. I will gladly send this tainted crap to you for shipping fees only just to get it out of my house.
I know that art and politics should be separate, but he jumped in with both feet on his personal twitter and now I can’t listen to him without wanting to hit someone. His record company was right–he should have stayed out of politics.
Anyway, I’m giving his (actually very good ) music away just to get it out of my house and my annoyance. Let Doc C. know and I’ll ship it to you for shipping costs only. Can’t be more than about $5 if you are in the U.S.
That was from the HuffPo article, I neglected to include the link.
HuffPo: Romney to Reid: put up or shut up
The Leon County Clerk has this posted on this on the docket:
Why would the Plaintiff want to stay discovery?
I like Marc Broussard. I think I have one of his CD’s somewhere around that I bought at Starbucks maybe along with a Madeline Peyroux one. And I love, “Home” by Marc Broussard. Plus, since we are talking music, here is somebody most of you have probably never heard of named Lindi Ortega, and she is very good:
Squeeky Fromm
Girl Reporter
It IS a freakin bummer. You have no idea how hard I have worked to promote this guy over the last 10 years. Now he is just embarrassing to me as I learn his politics. Even though his music isn’t political, it’s just tainted for me now. đ
I will definitely check her out! Thanks for the recommendation!
Yeah, I still LOVE Marc Broussard’s music. His politics are getting in the way for me lately though. So I am on a big giveaway-clearout. Anyone who could seriously entertain that Obama was not born in the U.S is not worthy of my time, money or praise. Buh-bye, Marc.I’ll miss ya!
Squeeky-you have hit my sweet spot. The intersection of pop, soul, country and jazz. Please feel free to give me more music recommendations! đ
I am beside myself waiting or the new Joss Stone album which hits stores next week!!
Question: is the use of “United Statesian” a telltale sign of a particular ideological strain, or just random pedantry?
I’ve acquired yet another sparring partner on Huffpo, and they love tossing this term out there from time to time. Otherwise the rants are classic hardcore “Obama is a Saudi Muslim Kenyan.”
Oh, if you like intersections, try this:
Squeeky Fromm
Girl Reporter
Squeeky Dear-
Remember when we all that that Norah Jones was just “easy listening” or “over 40 jazz”?
Give this one a listen!
Is a threadjack about music really a threadjack in the “Open thread”? Dunno.
If you also like “intersections”, try this one:
I grew up singing competitively. Did well in that actually, right through college. So when I heard “Home” on the radio, I just about died. Didn’t even know Marc was 17 or 18 when it was recorded. Just knew he had THAT VOICE!
I do absolutely love his voice. It’s worthy of any praise one can produce. But his far right wing politics, which he readily espouses on his personal twitter–yeah, made me hate him. I know it shouldn’t matter, but it has. I just don’t like him as a person now, so I can’t enjoy his music.
He’s a great technician, musically. But now that I know he and I are basically complete political opposites, I don’t enjoy his work. Music is somewhat personal and he and I are on different planets personally. I have to say GoodBye.
I really do miss him. But I can’t listen to ANY of his music without thinking of his lunatic far right wing nut beliefs! It’s been ruined for me.
I spent so many hours getting everyone I ever knew on his side, going to his concerts and buying his CDs. Now, I feel ashamed that I did that. He’s a fucking wing nut!!
UGH. It’s a very bad day at RuhRoh’s house. Someone I have respected and promoted for years has proven to be a RWNJ. đ Live and learn!!
That is pretty cool. I have to fix my downloader button thingie so I can get them. If you have NPR, you might try Blues Before Sunrise. I stay up all night long on Saturday nights so I can listen to it.
Realplayer and youtube have been very flaky lately.
Squeeky Fromm
Girl Reporter
You will have to ask the plaintiff.
So is Ted Nugent and
Cat StevensYusuf Islam.
“The singer attracted controversy in 1989, during an address to students at London’s Kingston University, where he was asked about the fatwa calling for the death of author Salman Rushdie. The media interpreted his response as support for the fatwa. Yusuf released a statement the following day denying that he supported vigilantism, and claiming that he had merely recounted the legal Islamic punishment for blasphemy. In a BBC interview, he displayed a newspaper clipping from that period, with quotes from his statement. Subsequent comments made by him in 1989 on a British television programme were also seen as being in support of the fatwa.”
Birther Group Launches National Ad Campaign Seeking To Disqualify Obama From Reelection
Who is Barack Obama? We know less about this man than any other President in American history. Whatâs he hiding? His autobiography is full of fictional characters. But thereâs a lot more than that. If you try to look into his past, you run into a brick wall.
His college records at Columbia, sealed! His college records at Harvard, sealed! We donât know what his thesis papers were about because those are sealed too. He Selective Service record is sealed. His records as an attorney are sealed. He has a Connecticut Social Security number and we canât get answers about that either.
And no one â I mean no one â has seen an actual physical copy of Barack Obamaâs birth certificate.
The fact is, if we donât know who Barack Obama is, we shouldnât even have him as a candidate for president. Letâs disqualify Obama before the Democratic National Convention. Call today to sign the demand to disqualify Obama. . . . We need 10,000 signatures from every congressional district to boot this guy off the ballot and have the Democrats nominate someone else.
Their birther petition calling for Congress to âinvestigate Barack Obamaâs forged birth certificateâ prominently features anti-immigrant Sheriff Joe Arpaio.
The Conservative Majority Fund only filed its initial papers with the Federal Elections Commission a month ago, and has not yet disclosed the extent of its spending on this ad. Their spending is significant enough, however, that the ad ran simultaneously on both CNN and Fox News this morning, and it is twice the length of a normal campaign ad.
“If you try to look into his past, you run into a brick wall.”
Yeah, and I run into a brick wall every time I try to find out the truth about Glenn Beck, and the demise of that poor girl.
It’s all here:
I think that one’s just a random nut. Sure doesn’t make much of a sparring partner for you.
I’ve found that the word “goofy” almost always get past moderation over there, when words like “nut” won’t, by the way.
You mean … The South might not go for Obama?
Color me stunned.
And no. It’s a disproportionate example of groupthink in action. Unopposed to boot. How to judge the significance of that? That a chunk of the American public is mindless is, sadly, not news.
…. is pointless, and, oh yeah, if you want to ‘sign’ it (the worthless petition), you have to pony up some (not worthless, no matter what Paulites say) American dollars. An interesting self(?)-funded model. The more birfer bux they grab (assuming it works that well), the more ads they can run, the more ads they run, the more bux they can grab, reiterate ad nauseum.
Can’t see the video “in my country”. I’ll have to
stalkfind a sample some other way. Ruh Roh makes it sound like I’d like it too.I’m in, Ortega is quite good.
Check out Lanie Lane: (MAKE SURE you spell her name properly if you do a search or you will get the WRONG ‘artist’).
Lanie Lane: What Am I Gonna Do this was a big hit in Aussieland because it got used as the title on a slick lawyer drama.
And another: Lanie Lane: Gold on the Ceiling
If you like it a little ‘stronger’ try Abbe May Abbe May: Gonna Put My 25-55 In Your 7-17-24 This is the performance where I first heard of her, she killed me immediately. RockWiz is a great little Rock Trivia show in Australia.
This is her being rough Abbe May: Howl and Moan
Here’s Abbe in a bit more mello mood Abbe May: Disney on Acid
Top stuff.
Flies looking toward the clouds keep hitting glass.
You can open the window for a birther, but you can’t make them leave.
If only they’d try the door clearly marked “push,” the brick walls would be safe from abuse.
Happy Birthday President Barack Obama!
I use Trotsky because it rattles right wingers down to their marrow, and everyone knows I love theater.
I have been warning readers that birthers and evangelicals/fundies are fascists at their core, and that what fundies have accomplished in Israel is a dress rehearsal for the States.
Here it is, from an Israeli: Israelâs Fading Democracy – Israel arose as a secular, social democratic country inspired by Western European democracies. With time, however, its core values have become
entirely different. Israel today is a religious, capitalist state.
If this trend continues, all vestiges of democracy will one day
disappear, and Israel will become just another Middle Eastern theocracy.
Complete story:
You don’t by any chance sing opera do you??? Because I would love to hear the Lakin’s Lament aria I wrote performed and a person could get really, really famous on Youtube doing in. Even more famous than Rudy1776.
Squeeky Fromm
Girl Reporter
A decidedly unbirther thought, from a very interesting year.
Everyone knows that partisan 21st-century web personalites know far more about typer-writin’ than mid-20th century novelists.
And they are BABIES! High school kids! Who knows what they’ll go on to produce, but I have my eye (ear?) on them….;)
Sooo..took all these tainted Marc Broussard CDs down to the local record store. I have no idea, actually, what a used CD should give me. But I got $6 per CD, $7 for the signed EP and $10 for the concert recording. I hope I got a good deal, but mainly I have all birther crap out of my house and got cash for it, so I’m happy.
If this seems high, well, I do a lot of negotiating as part of my day job. If it seems low, well, I made a big mistake in not researching the value before I went to the store. I think it’s probably fair as the MSRP for these would be around $12 (excepting the concert recording).
Anyway, they are gone, which was my primary goal. Buh Bye Marc Broussard, you birther idiot!
I’m also completely blown away by Lennon and Maisy Stella.
There was a certain point many years ago where I realized that with people like that around I wasn’t going to be “first call for studio gigs” as much as “second shift at Denny’s.” So, change of career plans.
I am really on tenterhooks waiting for Joss Stone’s new album. Yes, it seems as though we’ve heard about her forever, but that’s only because she was 15 or 16 when we first heard of her.
Any day now!
Thanks for sharing that, Misha. I very much enjoyed reading and reflecting upon it.
I no longer can carry a tune, since I developed asthma. All of the inhalers and nebulizers have destroyed my voice.
Yeah, they’re wonderful. ‘Course, their parents are both musicians and that helps a lot.
Yep — doesn’t seem to have given my kids quite the same boost… maybe the next generation.
So what’s the story with the Taalbi brothers? All I was able to find in a cursory search was “Born and raised in Madison, Wisconsin, Bronson and Preston Taalbi (ages 17 & 15 respectively) are the youngest of a family in love with music.”
Just my opinion: What McCartney and Lennon produced together, was far better than what was produced independently. I also believe, if the Beatles did not break up, Lennon would have stayed in England and lived.
Yoko Ono was 7 years Lennon’s senior, and convinced him to strike out on his own. She did all of them a terrible disservice.
Oh, I am sooo sorry to hear that. If you know a male opera singer who wants to put on a clown suit and sing my “Divesti la Giubba” aria, (aka Lakin’s Lament) on youtube please let me know. It might land them a part in REAL opera because I am sure a lot of talent scouts scour youtube videos.
Plus, for your asthma, have you just tried some simple chicken soup??? You can get some of those ramen soup thingies petty cheap, and use your coffee maker to fix them in a hurry. Something about the chicken and the hot water cures a lot of stuff. Plus, if you buy something called Yukon Jack at a liquor store, it might help. It is petty high proof, if you know what I mean, but the thickness of it kinda coats your throat, and it will really open you up.
Keep it in the freezer and all you need is like a table spoon full at a time. Don’t drink very much of it at one time, or it will knock you for a loop. I have a pretty high tolerance for a girl, but about three shots of Yukon Jack is all it takes to make me rubbery-lipped and woozy.
Squeeky Fromm
Girl Reporter
That may be true, but George was more than ready to pack it in before Yoko came on the scene, and I think Ringo had quit a couple of times before being talked into coming back.
Be careful about taking Squeeky’s advice about self-medication, Misha. Wild Turkey is the go.
Personally I think you should have a ‘discussion’ with your wife about your asthma. One of my best friends in High School/College had really really bad asthma. He was cured almost overnight the first time he got to know his girlfriend in the ‘Biblical’ way (if you know what I mean). YMMV đ
…and Maisy Stella. Check ’em out. You might enjoy them.
But yeah, that John Lennon lad was pretty good, too, tho. And yes, the synergy between his cynical streak and what he called Sir Paul’s tendency toward “granny songs” made for something that was a step beyond what their undeniably great individual talents would also produce.
Funeral director: “We are gathered here…”
Woman: “Give him some chicken soup.”
Director: “It wouldn’t help.”
Woman: “It wouldn’t hurt.”
Thank you. I’ll be here all week.
When my wife is out of town, I swing with the studio owner. She’s 10 years younger, and the asthma almost reverses. The same thing happened when I had a fling with this studio model:§ion=&global=1&q=ubereye
Just wanted to say that being able to write or perform music does not mean you are the world’s best arbiter of musical taste. I’m seeing the conversation here move more into who can and can’t produce music, which is worrisome.
I am truly, truly sorry to hear that anyone (like Misha) who used to be able to perform has found that ability robbed from them over the years as health declined. It is rather distressing and, in some ways, a reorientation of your sense of self. Very, very difficult to bear and work through.
But anyone with ears can be a music critic. If you have been a student of music or composition, or a performer yourself, perhaps you understand a little more about the technicalities in producing the music you love or dislike. But anyone can give a valid opinion on music as we’re all capable of responding to it and relating our opinions. The most important thing about any art is that it hits you in the gut. If you understand the technical prowess that achieved that effect, well, icing on top. But understanding how the sausage is made is not essential to appreciating the end result. That understanding might increase your respect, but it wouldn’t change the visceral impact of the art when you first encounter it. ;0
This is Jeanne in my loft. When the cat’s away, the mice will play:§ion=&global=1&q=ubereye#/dp6kfx
One of the more scurrilous bits of longstanding anti-Obama rhetoric is misquoting him as saying in “Dreams of My Father“,
What he actually said, not in Dreams From My Father, but The Audacity of Hope, was,
Whenever I see this bit of smear, I think of an employee of mine who told me, not long after 9/11, that his mother-in-law could no longer leave their house in her preferred attire, a sari, because people would give her dirty looks.
This, of course, is exactly what Obama was really talking about, and it’s much on my mind today.
Huh, you can’t edit in the new comment system! Sure it says you can. but you actually can not.
I hope everyone here will join me in saying “We stand with the Sikhs of Wisconsin”
I certainly will. Just heard about that latest tragic mass shooting event…so saddened by these recent spates of senseless violence onto innocent people.
Everyone except the Westboro Baptist Church:
Westboro Baptist Church Responds To Congress: ‘Let’s See Where God Takes This, K?’
Between the abysmal weather in Okieland (finally got some rain last night …. and it already burned off), and the abysmal, endemic bigotry, my twin practicality and contrarian streaks both urge me to dress like a sterotype, for comfort and in solidarity.
Man, this stuff looks so comfy …. in terms of fashion, we Westerners are fools!
Indeed, we are all Sikhs now. Yes, even Misha.
Sign me up. The gunman may have neo-Nazi ties.
Am I imagining stuff, or has World Net Daily tuned down the Birther stuff??? Used to be, there was some new piece of crap Internet Article there daily.
Squeeky Fromm
Girl Reporter
The latest reports say that he was a white supremacist but they aren’t releasing his name yet.
Yes, society as a whole suffers from this.
Maybe Reid’s ‘birfering’ of Romney’s tax returns has them rethinking their strategy?
Yeah well, a guys gotta dream doesn’t he?
Perhaps. Maybe they finally realized the fill of the CCCP (Hell, even my blasted CCCP avatar doesn’t work reliably!), and decided to redirect.
Today’s big story there:
Feisty music legend worries after November, ‘America will never be America again’
Other stories coincide with more generic, “muslim”, “socialist”, “evil” charges. Birthers forum on the more neutral forums I visit has dwindled.
A temporary lull no doubt!
Farah is whining, and pushing that gay marriage should be THE issue the election is decided on. Really? Are the social fearbuzzers still effective?
And Vox Day is telling The Faithful that Romney is EVEN WORSE than Obama.
They’re already setting the stage for staging a backlash no matter who wins. Still trying to take the entire Republican party down into the Deep Red mire.
Here’s my take on Romney and the birthers’ endorsement:
The reports that the gunman was a white supremacist have been confirmed. Some notable excerpts:
“Michele Bachmann Thankful No Americans Died In Sikh Shooting”
The Onion scores.
That woman is Poe made flesh. Until i saw the Onion, I wasn’t sure!
My greatest desire is to write for The Onion. I practice satire and sarcasm every chance I get. My wife told me I’m the most sarcastic person she ever met. Mission accomplished.
Stanley Dunham left Hawaii a few days or weeks after giving birth to Barack jr…she enrolled in college in the Washington state, the father was left behind. They never did live together as husband and wife , as far as we can tell with any certainty, they never shared a common address, that we know.
INS was investigating Obama SR. for various offenses here in the US, and suspected that his marriage to Dunhan was a sham.
These things run back to the idea -predominant now within the so called “birther” community- that Baracks father was Frank Marshal Davis is the real father, and not Obama sr…. ( Barack looks nothing like his alleged father or the alleged fathers known sons, but does resemble Davis)….Davis was a pornographer and communist.
Barack’s grandfather in Hawaii sent Barack to spend time with Davis once or twice a week for a spell, for no real known reason, except maybe because Davis was the real father.
There are nude pics of a woman alleged to be Dunham supposedly taken in relation to Davis, ( when this issue was dealt with by Snopes, they said the pics were of another woman, but the pics were clipped as to obscure part of the body- this obscuring buttressed the snopes argument, but when the pics are viewed unblacked- out, then they appear to be that of Dunham, thus showing Snopes to be a fraud too.
Joel Gilbert just released his movie, “Dreams from my real father” I was hoping you would do an article on this…
The WH could have released a BC that is fraudulent yet able to pass most scrutiny. In other words, unless we have the microfiche tape as requested,, and denied…. fraud will be be suspected, and a large swath of the public will remain convinced that Obama is phoney baloney.
If you go by just the psychology of the Obama team in how they have handled all of this- total stonewalling and name calling- then one has to say the guys all fake, like his autobiography and law reviews.
Example of right place at right time:
That’s just fricking amazing
I like this part:
“HiRISE targeted to the expected location of Curiosity about one minute prior to landing. …This means that the rover was a bit further east or downrange than predicted.”
I wonder how good they are a picking NFL games?
Unfortunately sports leagues are far more chaotic systems … and parity in the NFL is pervasive. College is where the oportunity is at (right now).
Err …. not that I have put any effort into such endeavors. *ahem*
Here’s a great shot of the rover program:
Superb photo. I think I’m going to go looking for a print of that one to go with my “earthrise from the moon” photo on my office wall.
Woo-hoo! I’m still in celebration mode from Curiosity’s successfull landing!! Wow, just wow! Watched all of the coverage live yesterday…and couldn’t believe how quickly those first few pictures came back!
I’m just in total awe of the sheer technological achievement behind the design of that precision landing!!
That’s a good comparison shot of the different mission vehicles. That shot probably belongs next to this bit of video from the moon landings
I think you are Onion ready!
On no! There is a clip from FOX on ORYR, an interview with Trump where he repeats how Obama is spending millions to keep his records sealed. He even said other presidents have released their college grades and applications….Groan.
And it is not the first time they were in the right place at the right time.
Thank you. Flattery will get you everywhere.
Incredible sad. Especially following on the slaughter of the Sikhs. I blame Bachmann, among others.
“JOPLIN, Mo. (AP) â A mosque in southwest Missouri burned to the ground early Monday in the second fire to hit the Islamic center in little more than a month, and investigators spent the day combing through the wreckage searching for evidence of arson.
… It was the second time this summer investigators had been called to the Islamic center, located in a former church on the outskirts of Joplin. A fire reported around the same time on July 4 has been determined to be arson, but no charges have been filed. The FBI has released a video of a suspect caught on surveillance video and offered a $15,000 reward for information leading to an arrest in that fire.
… About 50 families belong to the Islamic Society of Joplin, which opened in 2007 as a mosque and community center. The FBI led an investigation in 2008 when the mosque’s sign was torched. That crime also remained unsolved.”
And I am sick & tired of hearing how Sikhs aren’t Muslims, as if someone just made a booboo and shot the wrong people.
A good bit of what you say in your comment is false or unsupported speculation. You treat allegations as truth and this is the essential flaw in your reasoning, and in that of the birther movement as a whole.
I have already addressed the “real father” issue in another article briefly, and that’s all the smear deserves.
For Pete’s sake, the President is named “Barack Hussein Obama, II,”. No one names a kid II unless I is the dad. Anyway, regardless of who is the biological father, married women always list their husband (even if the relationship is on the rocks) as the father. Your “Dreams” regarding anyone else being listed on the b.c. will only bring you disappointment.
He’s a siitting President. If you guys can’t beat him on his record in office and have to go back to things from 50 years ago, Rmoney is toast. Which he may be anyway.
Why are you accusing the state of Hawaii of fraud? Do you have credible evidence Hawaii committed fraud? Does the Constitution grant the state of Hawaii Full Faith and Credit?
“Full faith and credit shall be given in each state to the public acts, records, and judicial proceedings of every other state. And the Congress may by general laws prescribe the manner in which such acts, records, and proceedings shall be proved, and the effect thereof.”
What microfiche? I think you made that up.
I agree with you. In fact, I found Obama’s Kenya BC that is what you are looking for.
I was reading this thread:
there were many comments, I didn’t read them all.
I confirmed the match by zooming with sumatraPDF
(not an Adobe product)
My first idea was, that the compression algorithm
would compare letters or boxes of pixels and if one is sufficiently
similar to a former one, it is replaced by the former almost-match so to
reduce size, since now you just only need the address to the match.
Was this mentioned/discussed ?
I’m also interested to get exact bitmap exports of the layers.
Dr. Conspiracy July 4, 2011 at 12:29 pm #
The Bs are the same because the optimization severely reduces the resolution, removing the differences, and the viewer interpolated the display version when blowing it back up, making it appear that there is more resolution than is really there.
Flate is a complex âalgorithm of algorithmsâ, that breaks an image into zones and selects an approach (one of several compression algorithms) to each based on Flateâs own criteria. Flate may also decide to leave a zone, or by extension an entire object, uncompressed.
When I export the images out of Acrobat Standard, it does not ask me for a resolution, but appears to use the internal resolution of the original. When I exported, I got three images and each at a different resolution. If you follow my link in the main article tomy exported image, you can see the actual resolution. A next step for someone with a copy of Illustrator would beto export the object at exactly the same resolution and compare.
A whole bunch of meaningless crap. She didn’t leave for washington state a few weeks. The earliest birthers can put here there is Spring of 62. The transcripts show she was enrolled in correspondance courses which are done through mail and don’t have to take place physically on campus. Who cares if they lived together as husband and wife? It’s that he was the father regardless of how you try to swing it. If the marriage was a sham then this would kill birther reasoning. It would be as if he was born of a single mother. The whole 5 years residency after the age of 14 for the mother would no longer apply. She would have only needed one year residency. She could have given birth to him overseas at that point and he still would have been a citizen at birth.
I’ve seen pictures of Frank Marshall Davis’ son. Obama looks nothing like him. He looks nothing like frank marshall davis and this ridiculous notion that we could just pick a random black guy and claim he’s the father is just as ridiculous as birthers claiming it was Malcolm X. This line of reasoning from the birther community is downright bigoted and is a way to try to pass off racial stereotypes onto Obama that as a black man he doesn’t know who his father is.
Where did you get the claim that he sent Obama to stay with Frank Marshall Davis for a while?
The pictures look nothing like Ann Dunham and at the time would have been too young to appear. It was also at a time when she didn’t even know Frank Marshall Davis back when she lived in Hawaii. There’s nothing fraudulent about the BC.
Very disturbing to see yet another religious hate-crime take place…
I can only hope that the investigators will eventually find a lead and be able to catch and persecute the arsonists. Glad to hear that nearby churches are sharing their facilities to compensate for the loss of the mosque by its members.
This is NOT a joke. It shows that the GOP really believes the Denialists are useful:
Donald Trump to get ‘Statesman of the Year’ award just before GOP convention
CONCORD, N.H.– On the eve of the Republican National Convention this August, real estate mogul and reality TV star Donald Trump will accept an accolade of his own just an hour south of Tampa as he receives the 2012 “Statesman of the Year” award from the Sarasota Republican Party.
and Politico:
Real estate mogul. Political pundit. âApprenticeâ host. Birther. Sometime presidential candidate teaser.
Also: âStatesman.â
What are you trying to say?
When I smack a mosquito it is not because i think it is stalking me. It is irritating. Most birthers are not at the level of annoying mosquito.
Do you get that?
Birthers are flies on a turd.
I’d say even that is giving Birthers too much credit.
Birthers are probably closer to being Fly Turds themselves. In other words, they are the most worthless parts of a turd that even turd eaters will turd out…
Another shout-out to John Woodman in the Arizona press.
New video, 6-year-old says he doesn’t know where Obama was born, but points to South America on the map.
Dear Doc and other friends at Obama Conspiracy Theories!
For your personal review I have published these two blog reports:
“Lucas Daniel Smithâs property (Wellington Heights) and the Tax Sale Certificate have now been redeemed!”
“Why I support US Congressman Steve King (R-Iowa)”
Please exercise your free speech in the comments section below. There are no stipulations of political correctness on this blog. Speak your mind, give us your thoughts, both objective and subjective. Share your ideas, hunches, inklings or your expertise. Please provide recommendation and corrections if you spot errors in fact within the blog report. Lastly, remember that posting a comment is much like casting a vote, so please do so and thank you.
If birther con artists are going to drop advertisements in your discussion threads, you should charge them rent.
Just a suggestion. đ
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Here’s my take on TN Rep. Kelly Keisling. Warning NSFW:
something new?
Op-Ed: The Obama âScandalâ Is At Columbia
Nothing new at all. Again, nothing more than the same Birther players trotting out the same moldy dead horses over and over again…
Wayne Allyn Root is an infamous Libertarian conspiracist nutjob who tried making this very same spurrious accusation several years ago.
There are plenty of articles and photos that came out after he tried this claim last time, which proved that numerous other people who also attended Columbia, remember Obama when he was there.
Just a few examples:
Here’s Obama’s college roommate from there talking about their time together:
Here’s another good article:
So again. This is NOT a new claim at all. Just the same failed desperation tactic of Birthers to recycle their long debunked old claims as if they are suddenly “new again”.
…Hence why we are also again wasting time re-debatting meaningless and irrelevant PDFs lately. Rinse and repeat every few months…
There is a small contingent of Jews who feel Obama is bad for Israel, and they are trying to wreck his presidency. Berg started the ‘born in Mombasa’ meme.
OT note: the banners are in Yiddish, not Hebrew.
misha: did you see this one?
Romney: The United States isn’t like a Kibbutz
Speaking at a Chicago fundraiser, the Republican candidate evoked the Jewish collectives in comparison to American individualism.
Doc C had a thread about this topic last week–August 2. You might want to catch up and leave a comment.
Just read his WP article. His children are named Dakota, Hudson, Remington Reagan, and Contessa. There’s a great “Carnac the Magnificent” joke in there somewhere.
So much for “superior culture.” Just like birthers’ racism, Romney’s crowd eventually shows their basic contempt for us. I’m waiting for a “Judeo-Christian” moment from him, to put the icing on the cake.
Here’s the quid pro quo –
Report: Adelson asked Romney to publicly demand release of Jonathan Pollard
Wasn’t he just busted for praising Jewish culture while denigrating Palestinian culture, denying it, and then editorializing the same meme?
Soooo …. Jewish culture is good, but not good enough?
Oy. So hard to keep up. đ
Obama possibly received student aid as a foreign student, going back to the idea that he lost whatever US citizenship he might have had during his stay in Indonesia, mainly from being adopted by his step dad (Mr. Soetero, the thug-enforcer who worked for the military dictatorship there, in these activities he was much assisted by his wife),,,,Non Indonesian citizens could not attend school there, yet Barack did… Where is the record of Obama being processed by Hawaiian immigration when he returned? ( at the time, you could not be both a US and a Indonesian citizen). Did Obama regain US citizenship?
Obama absolutely does look like Davis, and Obama 100% does not look anything like one of Obama Sr.s sons- not even close. . INS was all over Obama sr. , they themselves seem to have thought that Barack wasn’t his, at one point.
Young Obama was sent by his grandfather to spend time with Davis once or twice a week. Why? This makes sense only if it was known that Davis was the father. (This was the same grandfather whose furniture business only existed on paper, there never was a brick and mortar store at all…he also seems to have been in Lebanon at one point for intelligence work)
Interestingly, if Davis was the father, then Barack is more white than black, genetically. ( Davis has some white ancestry, its not much, but more than Obama Sr….Dunham would contribute 50% to add to the white from Davis, and so Barack Obama is now white, sort of. ( he never really met a black person until he was about 13 or 14)… I’m more interested in his law reviews than his transcript from Columbia, they should make for great reading. Dr., do you have any for us?
Gilberts film is out and thousands are watching it, so I’m hoping for a post on it here soon.
PS Romney is going to go down in flames, he wont even know what hit him , after election day.
Note: there is an urban kibbutz in Philadelphia:
It gets better: “Romney Sista Souljah’s Israel, suggests Israeli Jews are socialists like Obama”
[The kibbutzim are the foundation of Israel. They willingly shared, because there was not enough to go around.]
“Mind you, these are the same Israeli Jews who Romney was crowing about just a few days ago during his visit to Israel. You’ll recall that during the trip, after embarrassing himself in London, Romney praised what he claimed was Jews’ innate ability to succeed at business (he apparently also liked their horns).
And now, after all that gushing, Romney takes a potshot at Israel. Is this guy on meds or something? Because this is downright erratic behavior.
And don’t let anyone claim that Romney didn’t just accuse Israel Jews of being socialists, aka communists, aka Soviets. He tied Israel to his standard attack on President Obama in which he insinuates that the President is a socialist, aka a communist, aka a Soviet. Yeah, I mean what do those commie Israelis know about people pursuing their dreams?”
Complete story:
(I keep my horns well clipped, and my tail always tucked in. No one has ever seen it, including my wife.)
another obama reference mentioning wayne root
“As with the ‘birther’ movement’s obsession with the veracity of Obama’s birth records, occasional hoaxes and misinformation are promulgated surrounding his time at Columbia or a fictitious “thesis” written while a student”
Good enough for Israel: Romneyâs nice words about single-payer health care–Romney%E2%80%99s-nice-words-about-single-payer-health-care?instance=home_opinion
Ed Koch, Former Mayor, New York City:
Support for Jews, Israelites, All People, Translates Into Support for Obama
Oh ….. the places you could go with that one! đ
Thanks, Misha!
At ORYR they’ve announced, “Breitbart Reporter in Indonesia Has Documented Proof Obama is Indonesian Citizen.” The story comes, of course, in the form of a video. I refuse to watch those things, but if anyone wants to wade through it and describe what this “reporter” has to say, it might be interesting.
It’s more continuation of the Wayne Allyn Root campaign, pushing his article on The Blaze. Which is a rehash of his 2008 “No one at Columbia remembers Obama” campaign.
This spiel asserts he was an Indonesian citizen while in school there. And “forgot to change his citizenship back” LOL.
And went to college as a foreign exchange student.
Root says he got a call from guy in Indonesia that said he was in Indonesia, looking at proof that Obama was adopted by Soetero.
Soooo, that’s it. Hearsay evidence that backs erroneous understanding of citizenship and minors.
Here’s what I’ve been looking for
A genuine copy
Of a fake Dior – Allan Sherman
According to Indonesian Law, Obama could not have become an Indonesian citizen, even if he were adopted, which the US State Department has said in court filings didn’t happen.
And I am pouring gasoline on the flames, with gusto:
You probably think Jesse Jackson looks like Eric Holder. They both have mustaches.
Only if I totally run out of anything else to talk about.
It’s quite popular in barns and outhouses.
not nearly as luxurious as Zullo’s and Farahs’ …
LOL! Quite worrisome, in a country of 330M. You need a few more order of magnitude.
How are these ‘thousands’ seeing it? Checking (Screenings? Real movies have SHOWTIMES! Snuff films have screenings!) …
His ‘press’ page is a useful roadmap to the winger media underground:
Even if he were adopted, and he wasn’t, and even if Indonesian law allowed for him to become a citizen, which it didn’t (see Doc’s posts on both), the US does not allow parents to renounce the citizenship of their American born child. So…no.
Wasn’t he a thug-surveyor? I hear he wielded a mean theodolite.
That is disgusting.
Thanks for wading through it. Sounds like a typical birther OMG headline without any evidence to back it up.
And to whom, other than racists like yourself, would this make any difference?
Posted on Mario’s site today by “jayjay”
“My suspicion is that once Obama realizes his chances of being elected by the voting process (no matter that he’s rigged it as much as possible to do so) have failed completely it’s my bet that “our guy” will go into full dictator mode ala Hugo Chavez to stay in power as dictator forever.
After all he’s got a high-maitenance lifestyle for both himself and his li’l wifey and fMILY and his arrogance demands no less. In his mind he deserves it.
He’s already implemented most of the dictatorial powers (implanted czars, weak-minded communist media, and his ever-loving Executive Orders) he’ll need to kick thins off and get things rolling. Maybe he’ll even appoint an executions czar since there are so many “undesirables” about.
If he does take this path, we’ll never see any real elections again in my lifetime … or yours most likely.
Something to think on …”
I think someone has missed their meds.
Not as disgusting as the entire GOP. I would not vote GOP for dog catcher.
How can they disavow his crazy birther antics when they give him an award? It is not as bad as I thought at first though. It is the Republican Party of Sarasota, FL that is giving him the “honor”, not the national party. Still…
Certainly not- it appears they like to torture dogs- see Romney and Rep. King. Sad to see Lucas Smith supports someone who would legalize animal torture.
wink wink nudge nudge:
Don’t forget about David Huckabee:
(Miller County, Arkansas) Two boy scout counselors, 17 year old Clayton Frady and 18 year old David litickabee [sic], the son of Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee, have admitted to catching a stray dog during their summer session at Camp Pioneer in Hatfield, AR, and hanging the dog by his neck, slitting his throat and stoning him to death.
selective outrage
more with wayne root, college transcripts, passport, etc
Just listened to the Root interview on ORYR. They are adamant that foreigners in Indonesia were not able to go to school, so Obama had to be adopted. As we know at least one American who did indeed go to school in Indonesia at around the same time, that’s bunk. Can we prove it?
Root also bet $1 million that if Romney said he’d disclose everything if Obama disclosed his academic records, Obama would slink away.
I hate these people.
These kind of bullpucky ‘awards’ are paid for by the recipient. Surprised? I think not.
Nobody knows just what a paraphernalia is, but what is half a pair of scissors? Do they call it a single sciss?
Gilbert? You mean the guy whose previous “documentaries” claim that Elvis is alive and that Paul McCartney was killed in an auto accident in 1966?
One of those might be true, but not both, according to the Jedi Pauly exclusion principle for conspiracy theories. đ
Have you stopped beating your wife? Same category.
So the basement keyboard warriors and basement keyboard forensic document analysts are now basement keyboard genetics experts? What a surprise!
The last time I read something about what percentage of a race was part of a person’s genetic makeup (and making a point of it) was when I found my father’s Aryan Certificate. I don’t think anyone sane would really want to discuss whether Obama is 50%, or 52%, or 30% black or not. Whatever society cares about such issues is one I would not want to live in.
Arthur, I’m not saying it “makes a difference” The name calling is an admission of a surrender, you are better than that.
Jpotter, don’t you know that an election can hinge on a few votes sometimes? ( the US population is about 311 million, not 330 mil , and about 23 mil of the 311 are not citizens)
I haven’t read this , its here just to show how Barack does look like Frank Marshal Davis
Thank you. Anything else is a dog whistle.
Dr C: This may be apropos, and perhaps a related article –
Romney is erratic with campaign statements. First, he praised Israel’s culture and universal healthcare, then slammed it for having a socialist foundation. In fact, the kibbutzim are pure communism.
Perhaps this is why Romney is erratic: Mormon missionary Mitt Romney almost died in 1960s French horror crash which killed one of his passengers
A policeman who first responded wrote âIl est mortâ, or âhe is deadâ, in Mr Romneyâs passport. But at hospital he came out of a coma.
Complete story:
The center comparison photo of Obama looks doctored. I’ve seen Obama in person, and shot many photos of him myself. That photo doesn’t look like him.
So the real Mitt Romney died in the crash and a French communist look alike took his place and is running for US President. Shocking!
Jewish Dems To Adelson: âWe Will Not Be Bulliedâ
Excellent spin.
Will the real Mitt Romney please stand up?
This is one labor Zionist who will vote for Obama, again.
I am NOT calling Glenn Beck a rapist and murderer. I’m just asking questions.
Here’s Hardcore Birther David Farrar’s latest birthery claim in a discussion thread:
“Ob/Gyn notes, natal hospital invoices, and hospital registration would be independent, corroborative proof substantiating Obama’s birth certificates, which is what we are trying to do here.”
ex animo
From: Self-Proclaimed Non-Birther Hannity Promotes Another Birther-Related Conspiracy
much like the flying dutchman of legend, the flying goalposts of birfistan aren’t allowed to touch down on solid land anywhere — ever.
i guess hannity et al keep their flock of fools in the dark regarding hospitals and birth records
as the spokesperson (Michael Hinck, Jamaica Hospital Medical Center) from trump’s hospital said at the time trump raised the issue: “It’s unlikely that the information will still exist.” the hospital destroys the records when the person reaches 21
And what about details such as the doctor who delivered Trump and the room number where he and his mother stayed? Even if that information still existed, Hinck said, “We wouldn’t be able to give any details. And that’s according to HIPAA.”
And the same applies to other hospitals, including Kapi’olani where Obama was born.
Hmm. I cropped out the image and used it for a Google image search. The first thing that struck me is that it would appear one only finds that image on hardcore anti-Obama sites.
So I found a higher res version of it here: Johnsonville Press
Comparing it to the official White House portrait, it certainly looks tweaked. At the very least, the jawline has been made much wider.
If the father was Davis, then why would Ms Dunham have gone to Kenya? Not that she had any reason to go if Obama Sr were the dad, but wouldn’t she have had even less if the father wasn’t Kenyan?
Scientist: “why would Ms Dunham have gone to Kenya? ”
you do not expect birthers to connect the dots? nothing they have asserted thus far has made sense
if “a” then “b” never occurs in birtherstan
dontcha know, his mother went to kenya so she could send a telegram to hawaii saying obama was born in hawaii?
I promise not to take sides in the 2012 election on this blog, but I don’t promise that on my other blog:
For the purpose of raising doubts, it’s possible for Obama to be BOTH born in Hawaii of an alleged Communist father AND born in Kenya of a foreign alleged anti-colonialist father.
Apparently, it’s also possible for us to know nothing — nothing — about Obama’s youth, but to also definitively know where he went once or twice a week.
Thanks for finding that, and I updated your hyperlink to the right image instead of the thumb. The higher-res image looks more believable, but the main problem is that Obama is pulling his face to the side and distorting his features. I have a large number of photos I took of Obama from the right side and the thing that stuck me is that in the birther photo the area above his upper lip is much thicker than what I took, but this could just be because he’s pulling his face.
The photo doesn’t appear to be altered to me, at least not beyond forcing the aspect ratio to fit their “lineup”.
I’ve noted many time that the most misleading part of their ‘comparison’ is the omission of who Obama most resembles: his mom.
Further does not help reality that Obama, Sr is wearing glasses and looking down to the right. Davis is looking to the left. There are limited photos of both, but 1000s of Obama. To stack the deck as much as possible, they chose the photo most similar in angle to the Davis photo.
Gosh! Look at the resemblance!
You could throw my whitebread face in there at that angle, and disingenuously state I resembled Davis more than Obama Sr., too!
Scientists, Donna, LW… “Birthers” who uphold the Kenyan birth scenario and now say Davis is the father say this: Stanley Dunham was sleeping around with several men that yr…she was dating or had recently met Obama sr. and then found herself pregnant by Davis. She wanted to make the relationship with Obama work out, he seemed to be the best prospect,, he was led to believe he was the father… ( he was projected to be Prime Minister of Kenya one day, but his love of whiskey derailed that) so she went to Kenya to try to be part of the family and then gave birth there, but the family didnt really take to her…soon after the birth , Obama sr abandoned the family, he was already married to at least one or two other women during this time…. its all really very simple.
Wow, just their pictures convinced me further that Barack looks nothing like Davis except some pigmentation. Could they at least try to not sound like “all black men look alike?”
They talked about commies everywhere and all of examples in that part were, black. Is the point, anybody with a dark complexion that attempts to help out the people in their local community is a communist. Oddly, when people help out the town folk in other towns, they are revered.
I freely admit there may be confirmation bias on my part.
But yeah, the strongest part of the resemblance here is “two black guys with their heads at the same angle.”
Taking a look, I think his ears look more like Barack Obama Sr., but absolutely you can see his mother in his face. I was just thinking that myself.
Which is why I am glad to hear some birthers say that Romney is also just part of the NWO conspiracy and that they aren’t going to vote for him either. That particular branch of birthers live in Florida, so that’s particularly beneficial to Obama, if they stick to their guns. Maybe they’ll write in Ron Paul, maybe they won’t vote.
this guy may cause a few problems for mittens and help obama
Virgil Goode: Constitution Party Candidate for President
The Issues
So what besides your own dirty mind makes you think this is true?
Gary Johnson is the Libertarian candidate, and I think will definitely draw votes from Mittens. I don’t know if enough to hurt.
Well there was certainly something that was ‘simple’ about that post….
Reminds me of the fictional “Simple Jack”…..
The only word I can come up with for that fairy tale is ludicrous. In 4+ years, you guys haven’t come up with a story that makes even a modicum of sense. It’s really sad. The “moon landing was faked” folks have a more coherent narrative. I mean you actually think that’s plausible?
Oh boy, just what we need for this election…another “They all look alike” bigot.
First, Ann Dunham – ע××× ×׊××× – is dead.
Second, were you intimate before you married?
Since you brought in Obama’s mother, I’ll see you Dr. Dunham and raise you Sarah Palin.
Like the typical conservative, she preaches abstinence only, and ends up with a bastard grandchild, whose father abandoned them for Playgirl.
Herd goats? Learn to cook ugali? Gather firewood? Learn the Luo family history? Tend the maize plot? What exactly is she supposedly doing to fit into the family?
Is there no sordid depth to which you birthers will not go?
If Stanley Ann was sleeping around with several men, how would she know that Davis was the father?
And you really believe that an 18-year-old woman, pregnant for the first time, would travel halfway around the world to a third-world country to give birth? And do it by herself? We know from the State Department records that Barack Obama never left the United States during his stay here, so he didn’t go with her. Who paid for this round-the-world jaunt?
Yes, it’s really very simple – if you are a simpleton.
It’s really very simple. Stanley Ann Dunham invented DNA testing about 25 years before everybody else and used it to determine the father.
That by the way is no more ridiculous than David’s story.
Perhaps you could suggest some further reading on this scenario by “birther” experts. A few links to authoritative works would be greatly appreciated.
You make it sound as if the baby Obama was the wedge that came between Ann and the family. I thought birthers believe that Sarah was with her at the birth in Mombasa, suggesting she was bonding with Ann and the baby. And certainly the family was extremely receptive to Barack II when he returned on several occasions. Help me understand how the dots connect.
Sounds about right.
Even supposing your fevered hallucinations were true, that would make Obama:
1) born on U.S. soil
2) with two U.S. Citizen Parents
So that kills the 2 Citizen Parent requirement objection (that was never alive in the first place, but you will take my point).
Futhermore, BHOjr. would have absolutely no way of knowing BHOsr was not his father. His mother acknowledged BHOsr was the father and BHOsr acknowledged BHOjr was his son.
There would be no hint of lying, misleading, or defrauding the public by BHOjr or anyone else that relies on that acknowledgment.
Birtherism ties itself in knots again.
And then there is this:
They have solid evidence: One small step…
“Possibly?” Unless you have acceptable evidence on which to base this claim, it will not be considered “possible.”
Then why did you bring up the issue of Obama’s race in your post? You raised an issue that only a racist could love, my question was “why?” For what reason? Groom’s still waiting for the answer.
No, its all really very silly and stupid. That’s all.
You’re sick and bizarre obsessive speculations only speak volumes about yourself, and nothing more than that.
Yes, it will be interesting to see what impact and influence, if any, the 3rd party candidates have this cycle.
After Labor Day (once the focus of both major party’s conventions have completed), it will be interesting to see if these other contenders begin to make a blip on various state and national radars…
I agree that both Virgil Goode & Gary Johnson would be the leading 3rd-party contenders to watch and have any possible impact this cycle. Personally, I’d love to see them get enough attention and traction to appear on the national Presidential debate stages. I think that would make the debates a lot more interesting to watch.
Other than that, I don’t see the Green Party getting much attention this cycle. Then there was that American’s Elect effort, which was able to get registered on a lot of state ballots, but hasn’t put forward any candidates at all…so unless they come up with something at the 11th hour, they’ve pretty much fizzled out for this cycle.
For those that are interested, a simple overview of these options can be found here:,_2012#Third_parties,_2012
David: Obama possibly received student aid as a foreign student
how could he possibly receive student aid as a foreign student when 9 were indicted/convicted in iowa for illegally accessing his student loan records? they were employed by a dept of education contractor and the loans were only available to AMERICANS
Just so you know, the pool of potential voters in the USA is a much smaller percentage than that. You’ve forgotten to exclude both the portions of the population that are not of age to vote, as well as those that aren’t registered.
Historical data gives a fair clue as to this population size:
So, expect a turnout of voters to only be somewhere between the 100 million to 150 million range, which are still significant numbers.
It is extremely unlikely that such a large voting base will end up being so close as to just “hinge on a few votes”. Possible, but not very probable in this upcoming election. The data to support such a close call projection is simply not there. Further, the Presidential Election is decided by EVs (Electoral College Votes) and NOT the “popular vote” totals. The existing data does not support much of a horse race there either.
Face it, Romney is simply an extremely weak and uninspiring candidate. There would have to be an extreme change in his fortunes in order to shift enough momentum for him to significantly overcome the electoral math deficit he is currently facing. Other than lots of money and mere support from people who don’t like Obama, there simply isn’t much that is propping up his flailing campaign at all…
No, you see, birthers want to eat the cake and have it, too. So they’ve already convinced themselves that even if FMD was Obama’s biological father, he’s still not an NBC because the BC determines his legal father (and they are quick to forget they’ve just declared it a forgery a minute before).
So they get the best of all worlds – “he’s legally ineligible” *and* “he’s the offspring of some evil Marxist dude” *and* “he forged his documents” at the same time!
Don’t ever expect a conspiracy believer to switch to a new theory while giving up the previous one. They don’t think like we do.
I don’t know if this has been posted before:
I love the wingers whining about ‘name-calling’. When I call my refrigerator, “refrigerator”, am I surrendering to it? No, I am recognizing the nature and purpose of the entity, refrigerator.
Of course elections can turn on, say 0.1%. Birtherism will not even have that effect. As G noted, had you correctly stated the size of the voting population, even better noted typical turnout, you’d have a better case. There will be ~140M votes cast in November, tops.
I like his “differences” …. briliant LOL!!
David, with so many posts to respond to, I hope you won’t feel so overwhelmed that you become paralyzed and fail to respond to any and all. Please start with mine—they are the easiest. Then work your way through the list.
1920 Ku Klux Klan application:
Note Question #7.
Telling, isn’t it?
I wouldn’t put much hope in David giving a satisfactory resonse to anyone’s posts. My experience on this blog has been that someone like David is only interested in dumping comments.
Or #17. I wouldn’t wonder if any “two Christian parents” birthers come up – if not about Obama, then maybe about Romney (still waiting for the first faither).
I’m new around here and I defer to your experience in these matters. However, wouldn’t it be a tacit admission by David that his views were indefensible?
Hang around WND long enough, and you’ll see such demands. Go to any “religious right” hive, and you’ll eventually come across calls to deport all “non-Christians” and/or those that “cannot demonstrate Christian heritage”.
QOTD nominee — a Marshall McLuhan quote I just ran across.
“I wouldn’t have seen it if I hadn’t believed it.”
A walk through the comments at ORYR reveals, among other things, considerable examples of paranoid thinking, which Wikipedia describes as cognition “influenced by anxiety or fear, often to the point of irrationality and delusion” and that these thoughts often lead paranoid thinkers to embrace conspiracy theories, make false accusations, and distrust others.
I bring this up because of a new study from the London Business School that examined how paranoid thinking affected employee performance. In a paper called, “Do I want to know? How the motivation to acquire relationship-threatening information in groups contributes to paranoid thought, suspicion behavior and social rejection,” researchers found that, “self-conscious, paranoid people are more likely to be gossiped about behind their backs, because theyâre so insanely self-conscious and paranoid.”
It’s rather a commonsense bit a research, but it helps explain why active birthers self-report problems with family, friends, and coworkers.
Yes, but birther enthusiasts often display a remarkable ability to vanquish cognitive dissonance through powerful doses of rationalization, moving the goal-posts, and magical thinking.
JPotter: ” youâll eventually come across calls to deport all ânon-Christiansâ and/or those that âcannot demonstrate Christian heritageâ.
i think you have to further qualify that one – the right wing religious freaks only USE catholics for their anti-gay/abortion/contraception support – they could care less that republicans do not support the church’s views on over 21 other issues i can name – one more recent …… the “IMMORAL” ryan plan –
the republican religious right support preachers like hagee & bradlee dean –
catholic league’s donohue said:
“If someone said to me: who is the biggest anti-Catholic bigot in the evangelical community, I would say hands down, John Hagee.”
and regarding mormons being christian, “I’m a Mormon, Not a Christian”
” This is the so-called Mormon Moment: a strange convergence of developments offering Mormons hope that the Christian nation that persecuted, banished or killed them in the 19th century will finally love them as fellow Christians.”
“I want to be on record about this. Iâm about as genuine a Mormon as youâll find â a templegoer with a Utah pedigree and an administrative position in a congregation of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. I am also emphatically not a Christian.”
“For the curious, the dispute can be reduced to Jesus. ”
would the evangelicals support israel and the jews were it not for the rapture?
i would LOVE to have them all on a dais and cite their hypocrisies
if the pope sat in a room with obama and santorum, he would have more agreement with obama
Romney: Obama has declared war on religion
US Constitution, Article VI, paragraph 3: ââŚno religious test shall ever be required as a qualification to any office or public trust under the United States.â
Hitchens was right.
Evangelicals love Israel, but hate Judaism and Jewish culture. Romney called our culture “superior,” and then slammed the kibbutzim, which are the foundation of Israel. He praised Israel’s universal health care, and then slammed it back in the States.
If Romney is elected, reproductive freedom will be criminalized, the 1st Amendment will be subverted and Israel will attack Iran, and the US will get sucked in.
It’s your vote. Choose wisely.
everything you said is true – i’m catholic, but as my rabbi says of me ” a practicing jew” – it DISGUSTS me how the evangelicals use the jews/israel – fortunately, jews, some of the smartest people on the planet, are aware of the hypocrisies – pathetic palin, etc think they can put on a star of david and “become jewish” – seriously, how many jews would wear a crucifix and take “jesus as their savior”? i find it ALL appalling!!!!!
there is no religious test in this country and JFK expressed my views of religion, politics and the separation of church and state on Sept. 12, 1960:
por ejemplo: For while this year it may be a Catholic against whom the finger of suspicion is pointed, in other years it has been, and may someday be again, a Jewâ or a Quaker or a Unitarian or a Baptist. It was Virginia’s harassment of Baptist preachers, for example, that helped lead to Jefferson’s statute of religious freedom. Today I may be the victim, but tomorrow it may be you â until the whole fabric of our harmonious society is ripped at a time of great national peril.
regarding the “crucifix”, since mormons don’t believe in the holy trinity (“father, son and holy ghost”) they would never wear a crucifix
I concur.
a good article: “Romney Throws Wife and Father under the Bus”
it ends with: Romney went on to explain the consequences (loss of license and possible prison time for doctors, though not patients) of his new found anti-abortion views. But he never did get back to his relative.
That’s because the tragic story of “dear, close family relative” Anne Keenan wouldn’t have been very popular with conservative Republican primary voters. Like Mitt’s father, mother and wife (and even their horse Rafalca), she became political road kill on Romney’s road to the White House. And that public mistreatment of his loved ones says an awful lot about the character of the man. After all, if there’s anything worse than being strapped to the roof of Mitt Romney’s car, it’s being thrown under the bus.
It’s sad we get George Romney’s son who doesn’t have any of the character or class that George Romney had
Dr Kenneth Noisewater:
TRULY sad!!! i wonder what his mother and father would say of him if they were alive today
Probably something along the line of what Bush41 thinks about Bush43: “Goshdarnit, Bar, it was supposed to be Jeb!”
From The Onion: “Romney Murdered JonBenet Ramsey”, New Obama Campaign Ad Alleges.
Even though it’s a satire, it makes perfect sense when I put my Birther hat on. After all, Romney has not proven that he didn’t kill Jon Benet Ramsey. How can we trust him?
This has got to be a fake story because it contains the implied satire safeword: ‘ASU’.
Not in my experience.
Were the Sikh Temple Killings Preventable?
They are fascinated with the idea, with the symbol.
Hell, they want to go to the Holy Land and find it perfectly preserved.
Since reality disappoints, they made their own fantasy-made-reality version in FL …. and call it the freakin’ Holy Land ( LOL!! )
Google “The Holy Land”, and Holy Disney Land is the #2 hit, behind only the Wiki article on the historical concept of “Holy Land”.
The #3 is to buy tix for fantasy Holy Land.
Is that what that channel is about?
Oh, you could further break it down into various classic hatreds and common meme and various variations. A lot of the commentary I have heard and come across are blurts repeated sans thought. The type of tropes people launch fully confident that they will go unchallenged.
Yeah, you are correct. I heard plenty of condemnations of papists in church. When you do hear a religious nut spout fascist, you can be sure that by “christian” they mean “their kind of”.
Ry Cooder: ‘Mitt Romney is a dangerous man, a cruel man’
The veteran guitarist on his new album of protest songs, Election Special, and how the Republican party is out to destroy America and Barack Obama’s presidency
Extra! YouTube video – dog on the roof singing about the car trip:
Every time I hear “Judeo-Christian,” I want to reach for my Uzi.
Ted Haggard: He moved the church to a strip mall. There was a bar, a liquor store, New Life Church, a massage parlor. His congregation spilled out and blocked the other businesses. He set up chairs in the alley. He strung up a banner: SIEGE THIS CITY FOR ME, signed JESUS. He assigned everyone in the church names from the phone book they were to pray for. He sent teams to pray in front of the homes of supposed witchesâin one month, ten out of fifteen of his targets put their houses on the market. His congregation âprayer-walkedâ nearly every street of the city.
The mastermind behind the coup was Ralph Reed, once of the Christian Coalition, who had been reborn as Georgia’s Republican chairman. Reed remains a fundamentalist, the same man who once tested employees’ commitment to âChristian valuesâ by asking them if they supported the death penalty for adultery …
T.J. doesn’t meet many girls. He is homeschooled, his âhobbyâ is reading, and most of his out-of-the-house hours are dedicated to the Rangers, an all-male organization. T.J.’s purity ring, which he wears on a delicate silver chain, is a symbol of his commitment to virginity until marriage. It was given to him two years ago by Commander Tom on the occasion of T.J.’s bar mitzvah.
The bar mitzvah was Commander Tom’s idea. A heavyset man with glasses and a mustache, Commander Tom decided his son deserved a ritual to mark his entrance into manhood, just like the Jewish people have. T.J. took as his text not a portion of Torah but the song âShine,â by a Christian rock band called the Newsboys. Dull as dirt / You can’t assert/The Kind of Light/That might persuade/A strict dictator to retire/Fire the army/Teach the poor origamiâunless, the song goes on to say, you âshineâ with Holy Ghost power.
Complete story: