Registered forensic document examiner reviews Arpaio investigation

Obama Conspiracy Theories exclusive!

Today right here on the Obama Conspiracy Theories blog, Monckton of Brenchley, hereditary peer of Britain, reports:

The pseudonymous “Scientist” says the sheriff’s [Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio] investigators are not qualified. He is entitled to his opinion. Whether he knows it or not, their work has been reviewed by at least one registered forensic document examiner.

This is a remarkable piece of information and those of us who have followed the Arpaio investigation from the beginning are anxious for more. Who is the forensic document examiner? Where is he registered? What did he say? How long did it take him to stop laughing?

Document Forensics for Dummies

About Dr. Conspiracy

I'm not a real doctor, but I have a master's degree.
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19 Responses to Registered forensic document examiner reviews Arpaio investigation

  1. JPotter says:

    Well, I certainly recall what happened the last time WND commissioned some opinions. They foolishly announced the order, gleefully anticipating the character of their unhatched eggs … and then promptly tried to shove them down the memory hole…

    … only to have 1 of the three published via another channel to much, predictable, hilarity.

    Monckton is talking from his bum, or mischaracterizing the work of a bifer’spurt. I’d love to see another opinion. Weekends are for entertainment!

  2. Just another birther who fell for Joe Farah’s conspiracist crap. It’s a common problem.

    I hereby nominate Monckton for the Royal College of Charlies.

    JPotter: Monckton is talking from his bum, or mischaracterizing the work of a bifer’spurt. I’d love to see another opinion. Weekends are for entertainment!

  3. JPotter says:

    Dr. Conspiracy: Just another birther who fell for Joe Farah’s conspiracist crap. It’s a common problem.

    The Brits do love their tabloid journalism. There is an excess amount of crankery in those isles. I am sure that Monckton sees in Farah a kindred soul. What an unholy alliance!

  4. LW says:

    In Lord Harvey Manfrenjensenden of Brenchley’s defense, “reviewed” does not mean the same as “reviewed and found to be not at all hilarious.”

    Thanks bringing this thread forward — man, you miss a day or two on this site and you miss everything!

  5. LW says:

    Oops — signgenerator is freaking out at your hotlink. Mmmm, hotlinks…

  6. Razzle Fraka. I fixed it three times already.

    LW: Oops — signgenerator is freaking out at your hotlink. Mmmm, hotlinks

  7. I’m thinking that Monckton has no clue who this document examiner is; he’s just mindlessly parroting Mike Zullo from the first news conference.

  8. JPotter: gleefully anticipating the character of their unhatched eggs

    Don’t count your boobies before they hatch. – James Thurber

  9. Dave B. says:

    Doc, I took another look at what Chris said over there:
    “The pseudonymous “Scientist” says the sheriff’s investigators are not qualified. He is entitled to his opinion. Whether he knows it or not, their work has been reviewed by at least one registered forensic document examiner.”
    Now, granted, in context, it would appear that “he” would refer to Scientist. But how much confidence can we have on normal conventions of communication like contextual clues when dealing with birthers? Perhaps this “he” refers to that “registered forensic document examiner”, who is yet unaware that he has reviewed the Cold Case Posse’s work.

  10. Thomas Brown says:

    LW: Loved the “A Fish Called Wanda” reference.

  11. LW says:

    Thomas Brown: LW: Loved the “A Fish Called Wanda” reference.

    Otto: Don’t call me stupid!
    Wendy: Why on earth not?

  12. Slartibartfast says:

    Calling Mr. Manfrenjensenden stupid would be an insult to stupid people.


  13. I’m disappointed no one got the Goon Show reference to “sixth in succession to the Muswell Hill Tube Station”.

  14. donna says:

    Monckton inserts himself into lots of areas in which he has no expertise

    5/2010 GOP Chooses Non-Scientist Lord Monckton as Sole Expert Witness at Climate Change Hearing

  15. jtmunkus says:

    Why doesn’t His Royal Highness Monckton figure out the statistical probability of courts ruling 167 times in a row against the idiot birthers?

    Let’s see the arithmetic, Lord of the Dance.

  16. JPotter says:

    jtmunkus: Why doesn’t His Royal Highness Monckton figure out the statistical probability of courts ruling 167 times in a row against the idiot birthers?

    Based on the cases being presented, the causes of action stated, relief sought, theories employed, that easy. Multiply unity as often as you like, it always yields 100%.

  17. donna says:

    speaking of Monckton,

    Lord Monckton evicted from UN climate summit after challenging global warming — ‘Escorted from the hall and security officers stripped him of his UN credentials’

    “In the 16 years we have been coming to these conferences, there has been no global warming,” Monckton said as confused murmurs filled the hall and then turned into a chorus of boos.

    The stunt infuriated negotiators and activists here who gather every year to address what they believe is one of the world’s top threats, the steady rise of man-made global warming.

    As Monckton was escorted from the hall and security officers stripped him of his U.N. credentials, several people noted that just a few hours earlier a group of young activists had been thrown out of the convention center and deported. Their crime: unfurling an unauthorized banner calling for the Qatari hosts to lead the negotiations to a strong conclusion.

    By late today, several activists attending the conference had posted calls to “deport Monckton” on their Twitter feeds.–Escorted-from-the-hall-and-security-officers-stripped-him-of-his-UN-credentials

  18. JPotter says:

    donna: “In the 16 years we have been coming to these conferences, there has been no global warming,”

    No warming in such a miniscule time frame LOL

    Dare I ask who granted him “UN credentials” …. ?

    Seriously, they’ll let anyone in these days.

    And noe thought to frame him up for an accidental murder while he was there, a l North by Northwest ?

  19. Dave B. says:

    donna: speaking of Monckton,

    Lord Monckton evicted from UN climate summit after challenging global warming — ‘Escorted from the hall and security officers stripped him of his UN credentials’

    with video, even:

    but not of the actual eviction, unfortunately.

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