A day that will live in infamy

December 7 is the anniversary of the Japanese surprise attack on Pearl Harbor. I pause to remember those persons, both victims and survivors, who went through that horrific day, many heroically.

I call special attention to one survivor, Dr. Rodney T. West, who treated the wounded at Pearl Harbor, and eventually ended up at the Kapi’olani Maternity and Gynecological Hospital in Honolulu the day Barack Obama was born. I remind readers of my article about West and his military service: “Honolulu remembered.”

Sailors assigned to ships based at Pearl Harbor bring the flag to half-mast over the USS Utah Memorial on Ford Island

About Dr. Conspiracy

I'm not a real doctor, but I have a master's degree.
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5 Responses to A day that will live in infamy

  1. Paul says:

    …my Dad’s birthday. He turned 18 that day. ZOOOOM! He was overseas so fast his head was spinning

  2. US Citizen says:

    One of my old friends (now deceased) was on the Arizona when it was attacked.
    He had to swim underwater for many feet repeatedly with only rising for a breath of air because of all the burning oil and fuel on the surface.
    He made it out with only minor burns and loss of hair.

    He intended to go back to the Arizona later via smaller boat to help rescue others, but by the time he had a chance to obtain a boat, the Arizona was mostly underwater.

    Despite being awarded some high honors, he ended up as an appliance salesman who refused gov handouts.

    Google Earth has some great shots of the Arizona and Utah, btw.
    (go back in history on GE to find the clearest satellite photos.)

  3. Steve says:

    Has anyone else heard about the conspiracy theory that FDR had advance knowledge of the attack and allowed it to happen to drag the country into the war?
    Are there any good debunking sites for that theory?

  4. Paul Pieniezny says:

    Has anyone else heard about the conspiracy theory that FDR had advance knowledge of the attack and allowed it to happen to drag the country into the war?
    Are there any good debunking sites for that theory?

    Well, you asked for it:


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