No, Barack Obama will leave office peacefully in 2017, but not until having been sworn in 4 times. Recall that he was sworn in 2 times in 2009, and apparently he will be sworn in 2 times in 2013, once officially on the Constitutionally mandated date of January 20 (a Sunday), and once ceremonially on January 21.
The first two oaths were and presumably the second two oaths will be administered by Chief Justice of the United States Supreme Court John Roberts. Now we presume that Justice Roberts has an opinion about what it takes in the way of constitutional qualifications for someone to be President.
The web site WorldNetDaily is hoping that Chief Justice Roberts will exercise his right to remain silent come Inauguration Day 2013, writing in an open letter to Roberts:
When you administered the oath of office to Barack Obama for his first term as president, you could have been excused for believing that Mr. Obama was qualified under the Constitution to hold the office of president, which he had sought and won. After all, Obama’s opponent, John McCain, never raised the issue of Mr. Obama’s qualifications. …
If you choose the easy course of ignoring our Constitution, it does not change the fact that Mr. Obama is barred by that same Constitution from acting as president. I am sure that if you turn your judicial mind to the ramifications of this fraud, both foreign and domestic, you will understand that the harm you will have done insures your impeachment and eternal dishonor at some point down the road: If not this House of Representatives, then the next, or the next, or the next.
So there you have it. If Roberts administers the oath of office to Obama, he’s rendering his decision that Obama is eligible. No escaping it this time.
“So there you have it. If Roberts administers the oath of office to Obama, he’s rendering his decision that Obama is eligible. No escaping it this time.”
But the birthers will say they no longer respect his opinion after he ruled in favor of Obamacare.
And if Roberts refuses to administer the oath?
What then, the country is held hostage by one man’s silence?
The gov’t is forced to get rMoney out of bed and hustle him to DC?
We have to hold a special election?
We have to swear in Biden?
Biden is somewhere skipped in favor of the Speaker? (what the heck, it’s a winger fantasy after all)
No, no, nope, nuh-uh, nada.
After an awkward moment, another federal judge would be found to administer the oath. Conveniently, I hear there will be a justice or two on hand.
On at least 8 occasions, Presidents have been sworn by a judge other than the Chief. Coolidge was sworn by his own father, a mere justice of the peace! And yet, the republic functions. Miracles.
there’s more trivia about the multiple oaths
Historical Perspectives on the Inaugural Swearing in Ceremony
Presidential Electors who have defected in the past
(nbc’s chuck todd predicts at least two (2) today)
Faithless Electors, and More from CRS
Why does he have to “predict?” All the votes are on the Internet.
Come on, guys, you’re going to give Orly ideas here! Keep talking about this, and she’ll try to get a TRO against the inauguration ceremony itself!
That would be awesome!
In truth, we wouldn’t even have to suffer the awkward moment. Roberts is a conscientious, consummate professional. He would make his decision known, and a replacement queued up. The inauguration would proceed without a hitch.
Now, let’s talk about how many Presidents opted not to be sworn using a bible …. Muahahaha. Thankfully, I’m not the President-Elect. I couldn’t resist the temptation to go with a quran, or Quotations from Chairman Mao, or maybe A People’s History of the United States.
Good questions, all the votes are cast and posted. If there were any excitement, someone would have noticed by now, I trust. *cough*
The conspiracy runs deep and wide. 😉
Why must there be an oath on the 20th? The President becomes the President at noon on the 20th totally independent of an oath. (check your handy dandy Constitution). The oath, while a Constitutional requirement, is NOT a requirement for the President to actually BE the President. This is like saying that during the time between JFK’s last heartbeat and LBJ’s swearing-in on the plane we didn’t have a President.
I wonder if Roberts will get it right this time?
3rd times a charm?
What, no Necronomicon? Me, I’d use a Denny’s menu.
yeah the Obamacare ruling was a godsend to Birthers.
Before whenever I raised the question about Roberts swearing in Obama even though his daddy was from Kenya, they rather hemmed and hawed.
Now they just point to the Obamacare ruling as evidence that that Roberts is of course corrupt.
I think it’s one of those just in case type things. Cover all the bases. Head off any unreasonable objections (*wink, wink*). His term expires at noon on the 20th. The nuts would cry out we don’t “really” have a President for 24 hours, even though the “Sunday Exception” is nothing new.
Heck, Coolidge was sworn by his dad, in his family home, after Harding died. He was later re-sworn the next day by the Chief, just so no one could say a state official wasn’t good enough / didn’t count.
Not sure if it’s such a good idea for Roberts to be the one administering the presidential oath this time around. He did a lousy job last time around. Last time around was four years ago. He fumbled the oath and Obama made him come to the White House to get it right. If Obama had any respect for the chief justice, he would have gone to him, at the Supreme Court, instead of making the chief justice come to the White House.
Roberts must be spending countless hours practicing the oath so that he doesn’t make any mistakes this time around. But it is not purely a matter of practice and learning. Even if he is well rehearsed, he could still fumble again. This is a high pressure situation. The whole world is watching and the pressure on the two men is enormous. So if Roberts can’t handle the pressure, it doesn’t matter how well rehearsed he is. He will buckle under the pressure once again and humiliate himself.
So it is not about how much practice time you put in. It is about how well you can handle the pressure. The chief justice, it seems, doesn’t have nerves of steel. And messing up two times in a row can be very costly for John Roberts: he will be labeled a racist. When you fumble twice and twice it is the same Negro, you have a problem. There is enormous pressure on Roberts to get it right this time. But it is precisely this kind of pressure that caused him to falter last time around. This time the pressure is far greater.
But I do hope that Roberts fumbles again. Or maybe it would be Obama who fumbles this time. We desperately need either or both to fumble. We desperately need something to talk about in social media and in prime time.
The smart choice for the presidential oath would have been Elena Kagan. A woman with nerves of steel who would not let the pressure get to her. We’ve seen how well she handles herself in public, even before she became a justice on the Supreme Court. A woman who knows how to handle the pressure and how to relax in front of millions. For the presidential oath, she would be sufficiently relaxed to do a great job. She would not let Obama down. Or the nation.
Elena Kagan would be perfect. It would be so appealing to watch the most powerful woman in the judiciary administer the oath to the most powerful man in the executive. He placed her on the Court and he made her powerful. By giving him the oath, she would be reciprocating and making him powerful once more. If the bond between them now is tight, it would have become even tighter. It would have become the tightest bond ever between a man and a woman.
I see what you’re doing there. You’re trying to unleash Gozer the Gozerian again. Not on my watch!
If you want to see some more of Arshad Sherif’s bizarre and sometimes disturbing thoughts, check out his Facebook page. His comments about the Steubenville rape controversy and Jenna Bush’s pregnancy are particularly troublesome coming from someone who has a degree in school counseling.
Nah… right after the oath Obama will tear off his mask and reveal that he’s actually Vigo.
Obama does not make house calls.
1949 called. It wants “negro” back.
The time has come
The walrus said
To speak of many things
Of shoes, of ships, of sealing wax
Of cabbages and kings
And why the sea is boiling hot
And whether pigs have wings.
Attention Hugh Hefner.
OK, LW, I’m not gonna go overboard here and say that’s the funniest comment I’ve ever seen or anything, but that one is right in my funny bone’s wheelhouse. Today if I am feeling stressed, I shall think upon it and smile…
Have you thought of it this way?
Obama: a man so nice, he was sworn in twice.
I agree, because there is nothing more important to talk about in the whole wide world.
We might need some help with this one. But who we gonna call?
How are you so sure he will leave in 2017? Chavez and the president of Argentina had or are planning on running more than the constitutional time… all friends with Obama.
How can you assure he will (hopefully) leave?
Easy, peasy. Unlike the birthers, Obama and his band of Obots have actually read the Constitution. Obama is not considering staying past his 8 years in office and the Democratic Party is not considering nominating him for a third term.
Because the President has sent each one of us a personal note and an nice invitation to stay with him in Hawaii when his term is up. You didn’t get one?
Because Michelle will grab one arm and Hillary will grab the other and Bill grab the legs.
Ignore the naive liberals here. I read that Obama is using these shootings as an excuse to confiscate everyone’s guns. Then he’s going to arrest all the people in Congress, and maybe the Supreme Court.
That Muslim Marxist is never going to leave office. He’s not even an American citizen.
I found that Marxist’s real Kenya birth certificate. Fireworks!!
Because Chavez and Obama have agreed to switch places.
Well, now that Chavez is ill, he may not be able to hold up his end of the deal and come here to become President of the United States. So, they’ve decided to move up Cristina Fernández de Kirchner’s turn. After Obama leaves, she’ll come here, and become President here. It’s undecided right now if Obama will run Argentina or Venezuela.
Hillary Clinton will be given control of the new and improved European Empire. Biden gets Canada.
I have discovered that Obama will NOT be leaving in 2017. Due to extreme solar storm activity, my TV picked up a speech Obama will give in the future (don’t ask; it’s complicated physics involving four-dimensional eigenvalues of skew-Hermitian matrices). Here’s what Obama said:
“It is with great reluctance that I have agreed to this calling. I love democracy… I love the Republic. The power (of Supreme Leader) you give me I will lay down when this crisis has abated. And as my first act with this new authority, I will create a Grand Army of Obots to counter the increasing threats of the Separatists.”
Sounds bad, huh? Before this happens, I’m moving my family to someplace far, far away…
Hey! I thought that that was Christina Applegate!
I’m not so sure I would have agreed to the deal had I known they were going to pull a bait and switch on me.
I seem to have misplaced Soros’ complaint line phone number. Can anybody help me out here?
It seems that some serious research was done on me! Are those two comments of mine your favorite? I appreciate all the attention!
Don’t flatter yourself. It took me five minutes to find those comments.
I hope that your current employment (if any) does not permit you to work in close proximity to young women.
You can cut out the middle man and complain to our beloved Alien Overlords (who took over control on December 21st) directly: 00000452-689-291827362718-393847-39238129 ext. 90928172. Ask for Gsh’dreex’nargh and tell him I sent you. Note that AT&T does not support dialing Betelgeuse directly, you have to call the Galactic Operator at 00000111-0100111011111000111111000.
Obviously, he will run the South American Union. 😉
Remember what to answer when being asked “Are you a god?”. 😉
On the last conference call, though, discussions returned to setting him up with a caliphate. You’re probably right that he’ll end up with South America, because the big bosses think the caliphate has to wait for the next generation. Obama wants to do it, but the bosses are unconvinced by his “we are not Shia, we are not Sunni” speech.
It’s probably going to end like the “The Omen” franchise. First they make you believe the devil will bring the end of the world, then you gotta stop his son, then you gotta stop his son’s son (who will bring the apocalypse, for real this time, we swear).
So maybe Obama’s grandson will end up caliph of the world, who knows. It’s not like Obama’s in a hurry. After all, RWNJ’s predicted he’d destroy the US and declare himself dictator for life in his first term already, now it’s postponed to sometime near the end of his second, and that will probably not be the last of it.
(Kinda reminds me of the new Berlin airport, first planned to open in fall 2012, then postponed to fall 2013 and now they’re talking about “some time in 2014″…)
But to keep on topic, the big conversation on that call was about whether or not now is the time to promote Roberts to administering the oath to all the new world puppets. One oath to bind them, but repeated to remind them who’s the real boss.
He will if he refuses to do it.
Obama’s 2nd term commences, according to our Constitutional laws, regardless.
Yeah, I’d be tempted to go with something like Douglas Adam’s Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy…or maybe a good softcover Farside cartoon compilation…
…or does it even *have* to be sworn on a book or device with words in it at all? Hmmm…maybe GNR’s “Appetite for Destruction” CD…
…or even on a Yoda bobblehead doll…
Ah, all the truly FUN choices are endless!
Do you expect that Roberts will have an ‘oops’ moment and think:
“Hey- when I swore him in the first two times I just forgot what the Constitution said…..luckily all of those Birthers know the Constitution better than I do and pointed it out…..”
How about a rolled up copy of ‘the’ Pogo poster: We have met the enemy and he is us.
An excellent choice! 😉