No news is good news

It’s been a quiet week in the Birtherverse, my hobby town. That’s a good thing.

I get an email from time to time wondering why the Supreme Court is conferencing on Orly Taitz’ case, Noonan v. Bowen. “It’s just a formality,” I tell them and give them a hyperlink to my article, “Orly Taitz and the Supremes,” for further reading. (I spiffed up that article a little since I refer back to it so often.)

There’s not much on the court calendar upcoming. There’s some sort of mediation conference in Liberty Legal Foundation et. al. v National Democratic Party on Monday, probably working out the fees that LLF is going to have to pay.

Orly is still being Orly: corrupt judges, criminal regime, and so on, and she’s all excited about the about the Bounel guy, born 123 years ago, and who in her mind, is the rightful owner of Barack Obama’s social-security number. Her petition to Congress creeps in its petty pace to the last syllable of obscene prank signer names runs its course, “tomorrow and tomorrow” turning to “any day now.”

The birther blogs are still making stuff up, but nothing particularly interesting. So a quiet week is a good week. The birthers will soon be folding up their tents and going home: any day now.

About Dr. Conspiracy

I'm not a real doctor, but I have a master's degree.
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20 Responses to No news is good news

  1. richCares says:

    about that Bounel guy, Orly says Obama is using his SSN.
    my wife accidently reversed our SSN, she put hers next to my name, and mine next to her name, the Gov returned the 1040 form stating SSN are not correct
    how many times did the Gov return Obama’s tax form since he was using someone elses number
    the only thing any judge would do is laugh at Orly’s SSN fraud story, so why does she keep on with it, hasn’t anyone told her that using someone elses SSN is always caught and not allowed.

  2. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    A quiet day in birther-land can mean only one thing. They’re starting to get sick of hearing themselves talk.

  3. aesthetocyst says:

    richCares: how many times did the Gov return Obama’s tax form since he was using someone elses number

    Never, because Orly has it all wrong. Obama is really a 123-yr old Connecticuter who is using his own SSN. He adopted a whole new identity (“Obama”), a mish mash of diversity in order to cultivate instant cred with bleeding heart liberals:

    • White parent!
    • Black parent … from Africa!
    • From a distant (yet American) birthplace = experience with exotic environments and native peoples!
    • Experience with third-world cultures and multiple religions on multiple continents (other than Europe) !
    • High academic achievements!
    • A lawyer! A community organizer! He’s …. a people’s lawyer!
    • To top it all off, a crrrrrazy name no Real ‘Merican™ could accept, but that bleeding hearts would fawn over.

    It’s a darn good CV Mr. Bounel dreamt up for himself. My only question now is …. is he kept alive by the blood of virgins, or did he steal a body when his original one ran down, say, around 1961 … ?

  4. MattR says:

    aesthetocyst: My only question now is …. is he kept alive by the blood of virgins, or did he steal a body when his original one ran down, say, around 1961 … ?

    Until I see Mr Bounel’s original birth certificate, I’ll continue to believe that he’s a highlander.

  5. justlw says:

    And that’s the news from Birferstan, where all the women are wrong, all the men are recording podcasts without looking at the road, and all the children are quietly filing emancipation petitions.

  6. One thing I have been noticing over the last week or so is now utterly introverted and self-referential the birther community has become, based on an analysis of Twitter data. They all follow each other, link to each other’s tweets, and uncritically re-tweet any claim or posting by Orly and other presumed leaders. Unsurprisingly they mostly ignore any tweets that contradict their “Any Day Now The Usurper Will Be Led Off In Chains” worldview.
    It also seems that if you are a birther on Twitter, you can get somewhere between 1000 and 1500 followers more or less immediately. For half a second I was tempted, since I only have about 40 followers, but then my intellect woke me up again…

  7. Yoda says:

    The biggest thing that birtherism showed me was the fundamental lack of understanding as to how our government and our court system works.

  8. lane says:

    Both Yoda and Graham have honed in on the real issue.

    Ok, Everyone here…

    They Are Maroons.

  9. John Reilly says:

    I read Dr. Taitz’s recent posting about her search for Harry Bounel, which has now expanded, apparently, into trying to contact the descendants of his neighbors to get information about him. Dr. Taitz has constructed a whole story about Mr. Bounel’s life, apparrently with no factual basis for most of it. What I was most struck by, as a Hoosier Roman Catholic, is her spelling of “Rosh a Shana” and “bar mizvas.” I know Dr. Taitz sometimes mis-spells her own name. Are these acceptable variant spellings? Or has Pres. Obama scrubbed the web of spell checkers?

  10. Norbrook says:

    John Reilly:
    What I was most struck by, as a Hoosier Roman Catholic, is her spelling of “Rosh a Shana” and “bar mizvas.”I know Dr. Taitz sometimes mis-spells her own name.Are these acceptable variant spellings?Or has Pres. Obama scrubbed the web of spell checkers?

    He had a spare few moments in between scrubbing the web of her google results and causing her e-mails to go missing. 😉

  11. Rickey says:

    about that Bounel guy, Orly says Obama is using his SSN.

    And the database printout which Orly filed with the court shows that Bounel was first reported using that SSN in 2009 – which means that if any identify theft took place, it was Bounel who stole Obama’s SSN.

    Of course, what most likely happened is that somebody took Obama’s SSN – whether intentionally or by chance – and applied for credit under the name Harrison Bounel. We all remember that the first database results which Orly lput in her “dossier” contained a number of ridiculous entries, many with non-existent addresses, all which began to appear after Obama announced he was running for President in 2007.

  12. Scientist says:

    John Reilly: as a Hoosier Roman Catholic, is her spelling of “Rosh a Shana” and “bar mizvas.” I know Dr. Taitz sometimes mis-spells her own name. Are these acceptable variant spellings?

    When transliterating from another alphabet, multiple spellings are possible, but I have never seen those before. Then again, when someone misspells their own name, all bets are off.

  13. Paul Pieniezny says:

    John Reilly:
    I read Dr. Taitz’s recent posting about her search for Harry Bounel, which has now expanded, apparently, into trying to contact the descendants of his neighbors to get information about him.Dr. Taitz has constructed a whole story about Mr. Bounel’s life, apparrently with no factual basis for most of it.What I was most struck by, as a Hoosier Roman Catholic, is her spelling of “Rosh a Shana” and “bar mizvas.”I know Dr. Taitz sometimes mis-spells her own name.Are these acceptable variant spellings?Or has Pres. Obama scrubbed the web of spell checkers?

    Orly’s first language is Russian – she can speak it without any accent (except when tired and/or manic as happened two years ago when she was interviewed by a Russian TV channel on the Lakin affair, an interview that was shown almost one year later). I suspect that she actually sometimes depends on Russian-American news sources for her daily news, which explains the sometimes erratic spelling of family names with her – she transposes from the Cyrillic version of those names.

    I also strongly suspect her using a double keyboard – one with both latin charcters and cyrillic letters on the keys. It would explain some funny mistakes she makes – like typing “h” when she needs a “p” or an “r”. Russian cyrillic “P” is on the same key as American “H”. Since the American keyboard outlay for letters (but not for commas, dots, diacritics…) is exactly the same as the Dutch keyboard outlay (secret: I bought a Dutch+Russian keyboard rather than a Belgian+Russian keyboard because Polish diacritics are simple to type on a Dutch keyboard), I often understand Orly’s misspellings before anyone else.

    Oh, and we do not know how Jewish Orly really is. The only indication that her mother might have been Jewish too, is an obscure claim by Orly that her maternal grandparents spoke German and taught her the language (but when she actually wrote something in German on her website, it turned out to be Yiddish).

  14. John Reilly: What I was most struck by, as a Hoosier Roman Catholic, is her spelling of “Rosh a Shana” and “bar mizvas.”…Are these acceptable variant spellings?

    Orly is using the same spelling as Michelle Bachmann. [bada-bing]

  15. Majority Will says:

    Paul Pieniezny: Orly’s first language is Russian – she can speak it without any accent (except when tired and/or manic as happened two years ago when she was interviewed by a Russian TV channel on the Lakin affair, an interview that was shown almost one year later). I suspect that she actually sometimes depends on Russian-American news sources for her daily news, which explains the sometimes erratic spelling of family names with her – she transposes from the Cyrillic version of those names.

    I also strongly suspect her using a double keyboard – one with both latin charcters and cyrillic letters on the keys. It would explain some funny mistakes she makes – like typing “h” when she needs a “p” or an “r”. Russian cyrillic “P” is on the same key as American “H”. Since the American keyboard outlay for letters (but not for commas, dots, diacritics…) is exactly the same as the Dutch keyboard outlay (secret: I bought a Dutch+Russian keyboard rather than a Belgian+Russian keyboard because Polish diacritics are simple to type on a Dutch keyboard), I often understand Orly’s misspellings before anyone else.

    Oh, and we do not know how Jewish Orly really is. The only indication that her mother might have been Jewish too, is an obscure claim by Orly that her maternal grandparents spoke German and taught her the language (but when she actually wrote something in German on her website, it turned out to be Yiddish).

    Interesting. Thanks.

  16. Paul Pieniezny: Oh, and we do not know how Jewish Orly really is.

    Refusenik – check
    Meshugge – check

    She read the manual:

  17. ZixiOfIx says:


    It’s a darn good CV Mr. Bounel dreamt up for himself. My only question now is …. is he kept alive by the blood of virgins, or did he steal a body when his original one ran down, say, around 1961 … ?

    You’re close, but… you know how President Obama has a thing for Abraham Lincoln? President Obama has said before that he’s read all of Lincoln’s writing, and many books about President Lincoln. Or at least that’s what Mr. Obama says. In actuality, he has another reason for knowing so much about President Lincoln.

    President Obama is President Lincoln.

    You see, when President Lincoln was fighting zombies (they recently made a documentary based on that part of his life), he was bitten by a vampire, rendering him immortal.

    Mr. Lincoln, suddenly immortal, and knowing that he had a lot of work left to do as a zombie hunter, fake his own death (see: Ford’s Theatre), and laid low until he was “reborn” as Harrison Bounel in the late 19th century.

    “Harrison Bounel” spent most of the 20th century laying waste to the zombie horde, saving humanity on more than one occasion. Eventually, knowing that his advanced (supposed) age would begin to arouse suspicion, he went on vacation in Hawaii, and again faked his own death. Abraham Lincoln said aloha to Harrison Bounel, and “fell” into the Kīlauea Volcano in mid-July, 1961.

    Just a few short weeks later, he was “reborn” as Barack Obama, and the cycle began again.

    A brave young Barack Obama, under the guise of following his mother & step-father, once went to Indonesia to destroy Jenglots and Lang suirs (what they call vampires in that part of the world).

    Which brings us to Orly Taitz. As you know, Orly was born in Moldavia, which, as a eastern European country, has a long history of interaction with and fear of, vampires. Moldavian vampires, called moroi or strigoi can be dead or un-dead, and are a source of extreme fear to this day.

    Is it possible that Orly, as a Moldavian, is keying on Lincoln/Bounel/Obama’s vampire-ness?

    I’d say it’s at least as likely as any other birther theory we’ve see to date.

  18. aesthetocyst says:

    ZixiOfIx: went to Indonesia to destroy Jenglots and Lang suirs

    This is the only point you lost me on …. why the switch from zombie- to vampire-hunting? Vampire hunting vampires? Just cleaning up on the competition? Is this sort a combination Highlander / vampire plotline?

    Lincoln / Bounel / Obama …. “There can be only one!” LOL

  19. ZixiOfIx: Orly was born in Moldavia, which, as a eastern European country, has a long history of interaction with and fear of, vampires

    Dracula: “I Have HIV” –

  20. dunstvangeet says:

    ZixiOfIx: I’d say it’s at least as likely as any other birther theory we’ve see to date.

    Sad thing is that this makes more sense than any of the birther theories.

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