After a relentless onslaught of lawsuits1 against him by Orly Taitz, the longest-serving Republican commissioner of Social Security, Michael Astrue, called it quits and is retreating to his home in Massachusetts.
Giving voice to the immense pressures of the job as he was dogged by Orly Taitz, Astrue said:
I consider it a great privilege to have led this remarkable agency for six years.
Awards received by Astrue include:
- Humanitarian of the Year Award from the Alzheimer’s Association
- Public Health Leadership Award from the National Organization of Rare Disorders
- VIDA Award from the National Alliance for Hispanic Health
- The Traitor and Usurper Enabler Award from the Confederate Birthers of America2
1Including, but not limited to Taitz v. Astrue, Taitz v. Sebelius, Taitz v. Democrat Party of Mississippi and Judd v. Obama.
2Not really.
Astrue resigned in January.
The birthers will claim this as a “glorious victory,” and start houding him at home to reveal the “truth.”
Your sarcastic headline, ” Astrue flees Taitz onslaught”, could have instead ironically read, “Astrue slays flea Taitz”.
I’m left to ponder whether Michael Astrue’s statutory term of six years being up might have something to do with his decision to resign?
Nah, it had to be Taitz driving a Bush appointee out of his position in an independent federal agency during the Obama Administration.
Maybe the blonde wigs reminds him of Barry Saetoro at the gay men’s club.
Do you have a bet running on who sets the birther meme density record? Don’t challenge me, dude…
I’ll have to defer to your expertise, never having been to a gay men’s club myself.
Barry SAETORO? Who is Barry Saetoro?
So what do you wear to gay men’s clubs? A black lace teddy and “do-me” pumps? I bet you tell all the black men you left your catcher’s mitt in your van and need help finding it.
That’s a WIG?! Why would anyone buy something that looks like THAT?
I don’t get it. Is this a reference to Orly Taitz looking like a transvestite because she’s gaudy and big-boned? Does this Mr. Saetoro of whom you speak have an affinity for gaudy, big-boned transvestites who hang out at gay men’s clubs? What does this have to do with Michael Astrue–who is bald, BTW–leaving his position as the head of the Social Security Administration?
Been hanging out with that noted opponent of liberals, J. Edgar Hoover, again, I see.
How do you know that I am an expert? I just wrote that off the top of my head (no pun intended). It actually shows how familiar you are with it, Dr. Ignorance.
There are reports that Barry Saetoro went to old white gay men’s club and use to like going there. Whether that is true or not I don’t know. But I wouldn’t be surprised if it isn’t.
He just looks like the type, and he went on a date with his personal handler Reggie White without MEchele. Hmmmmm…..
Ask Dr. Ignorance. Though he feigns expertise on this subject, I don’t believe him.
Barry Saetoro is the name of one Barack Insane, er, Hussein Obama <- a stage name. That is his legal name that people so far allude to. Though he used a Connecticut SS number of a another person though Barry never resided in Connecticuit.
Doesn't this guy sound like he is hiding his ass, er pass?
“Meme” reminds me of MEchele Saetoro. The wife of Barry Saetoro, aka, Barack Obama, aka Harrison J. Bounel, aka Barack Hussein Obama Soebarkah, aka (you can insert any name here, even your own) and still count Barry as your phony president for life.
Which makes it no different than everything else birthers say.
Uh, Connecticut doesn’t issue Social Security Numbers.
An element of a culture or behavior that may be passed from one individual to another by nongenetic means, esp. imitation.
An image, video, etc. that is passed electronically from one Internet user to another.
Your ignorance is almost as vast as your stupidity.
Maybe this birther bigot is Fred Phelps. That would explain the obsession with homosexuality and the illiteracy.
Well, homophobic bigots of a feather hate together.
Oh, you mean Barry SOETORO. I forgot that you birthers have trouble with spelling.
What is the name of the person that the Social Security Number belongs to?
Doc, can we have the IP for this a$$hole, please??
Need sunlight to disinfect.
You “wouldn’t be surprised if he isn’t?” Did you drop out of grade school?
That’s the only thing liberals understand. I dare go no further! Even hollow brains are sacred to me. LOL!
That’s the only thing liberals understand. I dare go no further! Even hollow brains are sacred to me. LOL!
That’s exactly what I meant! Grrrrr… idiot!
Wonder how he knows this?
And uhh, Barry is president for life, right?
Yep, I dropped out of Punahou the same school Barry Sateoro supposedly graduated from. He did fine! He went on to be a phony president of some country last I heard.
It’s all over the news. How did Barry end up with a Connecticut SS. Never lived there. More importantly how did he end up as phony president?
OK, let me see if I got this right.
“Barry” is President of the United States, lives in the White House, flies around in a huge jet, can eat anything he wants, go anywhere he wants, talks to world leaders anytime he wants, and is pretty much the most famous and powerful man in the world…
and you post anonymous messages on blogs, you think you are hot sh!t, and you make jokes about “Barry” because he is a nobody compared to you.
Did I leave anything out?
Hello all, you may want to remember the sign on the right:
Do not feed the troll.
Desperately lonely, semiliterate meth addicts must crave attention.
Such things apparently aren’t all that uncommon. At least they weren’t in the past. For some years now the number requests are automatically transmitted to SSA from state Electronic Birth Registration Systems (EBRS), thereby eliminating most chance for clerical error. Today, of course, the number prefix of a social-security number has no geographic significance.
Are you teasing the birthers again? 😉
I don’t publish commenter IP addresses.
You know, now that SCOTUS has upheld Obamacare, you can get help for your Obama Derangement Syndrome.
He doesn’t have a “Connecticut” Social Security number.
He is not a “phony” president, having been elected twice by landslides. Sorry you’re having problems.
Oh! So he IS THE PRESIDENT. I did not know that. Next time I’ll use liberal logic to solve the world’s problem, if that’s ok with you?
There is evidence of voter fraud everywhere. I mean how could he win a district 110%? So immature, so childish thinking of liberals.
That didn’t happen.
And I’m being very mature here by not pointing out that you’re an ignorant dickhead. You’re welcome!
Care to give some details of which district he won 110%? Would you by any chance be referring to areas where each voter had to complete two ballots, leading to some idiots claiming over 100% turnout? There were dozens of districts where the number of ballots exceeded voter turnout, yet the republicans didn’t demand an investigation because they know it had nothing whatsoever to do with voter fraud. Even the knuckle draggers at Free Republic making this claim realised after a few hours what a stooopid mistake they had made and backtracked. Congratulations – you are one of the few people on this earth worse informed than Freepers.
It’s entirely possible he himself has no idea what he’s referring to. But let’s see what he comes up with, shall we? [adopts Jon Stewart chin-on-hands pose]
Well, yeah, there’s evidence of REPUBLICAN voter fraud, but i haven’t seen any by Democrats. Oh, and there is no district were Obama won 110%. You’re just lying, like Obama Derangement Syndrome victims must do to get through their day.
I couldn’t care less if you jump off a bridge, drink rat poison, or stab your eye with a sharp pencil. So you can imagine how much I care about anything else.
I’ve never understood these drive-by nut cases who think they are something more valuable than pig vomit.
Sorry lol.
We’ve addressed your stupidity before he didn’t win a district with 110%. The ballots had two cards to them thus you were reading the card total instead of the actual vote totals. This would mean 55%
You didn’t answer my question. You said that this “Saetoro” person stole someone else’s SSN. So who did he steal the SSN from? Why is that birther private investigators haven’t been able to identify that person?
My ex-wife has a Social Security Number with a Pennsylvania prefix. She has never lived or worked in Pennsylvania. How did that happen?
So next time, you will show how you care for all people. You will protect all life from cradle to the grave. You will argue strenuously for the equality of opportunity for everyone, no matter the race, religion (or lack thereof), or orientation. You will show your concern for the weakest among us and be offended when a single child goes hungry. You will look forward to that day when we judge someone on the content of their character and not the color of their skin. You will show in a great outburst that humans have evolved and moved beyond survival of the fittest.
I suspect there are a few conservatives here who might also agree with the list above. Too bad you ain’t anything like them.
Hear, hear!
The conspiracy is bigger than you ever imagined.
Here’s one Conservative who strongly agrees.
And you are correct. John is not a Conservative, not the least in that he has no respect for the rule of law, or the Constitution.
Hey, SOLS,
Here’s a chance to redeem any intellectual honesty bona fides you claim. You’re the one who brought up the supposed 110 percent vote, presumably in regard to Florida..
I looked at all 12 counties in Florida that Obama carried. All 12 had fewer than 100 percent of registered voters casting ballots in the presidential race. As well, in all 12, the breakdown in the Democratic and Republican vote for president was rathery close to the breakdown in registration between the two parties.
In most instances, you can find the voter registration breakdown on the website of the supervisor of elections for that county.
For instance, to find Palm Beach County’s registration totals, google “Palm Beach County” “supervisor of elections”, and at the very top you will find:
03/17/2013 REP: 249,182 DEM:388,293 Other:238,840. Do your math and you’ll come up with 868,265. The presidential vote was REP 247,398, DEM 349,651 and other, 3,672. Total 600,721.
The other counties Obama carried are Alachua, Broward, Gadsden, Hillsborough, Leon, Miami-Dade, Monroe, Orange, Osceola, Pinellas and St. Lucie.
If there were ballot stuffing by the Democrats, surely the counties they carried would be the likely locations. But you’ll find none of these vote totals out of the ordinary.
Just a suggestion, SOLS. Check my facts here. and if you find them accurate, you might want to back off your 110 percent assertion, and admit you were wrong. The ability to admit mistakes – and we all make them – is one of the hallmarks of good character.
Here’s where you can find Florida presidential vote by county:
Just watched Total Recall (the 2012 remake) yesterday. You are lucky you came out alive. 😉
Why you copied and paste so much? I don’t usually bother reading comments from liberals. Most are deranged, almost all are hypocrites, and every one of them liars!
So I guess you don’t read your comments since you just admitted to being a liberal
Go away.
How do you know they are deranged, hypocrites and liars if you don’t read them?
So you can’t bring yourself to admit that you were wrong about a turnout of 110%? You apparently have an aversion to facts.
If you isolate yourself from reality, that’s entirely your problem, not ours. And if you’re not willing to read answers and are just here for the hit-and-run, you should go looking for
greenerredder pastures. You know, those where only people following the party line are allowed.SOLS, you’re entitled to your own opinions, but not your own facts.
And have you got evidence for that last statement? Besides your own hatred and hysteria, that is?
Shame’s lack of any sort of cognition leaves him with only a Pavlovian response to the word “liberal.” He does not know what it means but instead, has an automatic reflex to the word itself. It does make him a useful pawn of others.
Then maybe you’ll listen to a comment from me, a conservative.
Birthers are liars, seditionists, and anti-American.
Sounds like the “Susquehanna Hat Factory” defense, made famous by three great legal scholars….Larry, Curly, and Moe.
Anybody else notice that these guys aren’t even trying anymore?
Because, it’s what they DO not what they say! Savvy?
Calling others “birthers” makes you the “liar, seditionist, and anti-American” idiot!
Dr. Ignorance should start paying me for otherwise starting up his dead board! Why don’t you cheap liberals chip in, huh? Cheap, cheap, – is that a liberal parakeet I hear?
Birther bigots are definitely running out of steam. Only the truly demented paranoiacs are still chasing shadows.
Who is the liar who made the bogus claim about 110% turnout?
Oh yeah, that would be you.
We’ve seen much, much better. By that I mean worse. Er, better. Better at being worse.
Proves the guy is just a troll, not the typical “but I am right dammit” birther.
Typical birther, a grifter until the end.
Where do I send the Monopoly money? Please give us an address.
Shame On Liberals Shame:
i have a forged pay paypal button on my computer screen and will send you a $3 bill
No, that’s your untreated dementia getting worse.
So the Birther Report, aka Obama Release Your Records, is a liar, seditionist, and anti-American idiot blog? I may have to agree with you on that one.
Did they call anyone a “birther” like you idiots???
You’re a case study on overestimating one’s value. And you smell really bad. Dude, try getting away from your keyboard once in awhile. Maybe even go outside from time to time, instead of remaining locked in your mama’s closet because of all the scary black and brown people outside.
ORYR and the people who comment there regularly call people birthers, and do so with approval. For example, a recent headline declared that James Carville was playing the “Birther Card,” and under an article about the recent CPAC convention there are these comments from readers:
“JohnDoeSr. 5 days ago
I am happy to be called a birther, and I hope those who keep saying they are not “a birther” begin to think more about the charges of treason they may soon have filed against them for the misprision of treason that have and still are committing.”
:AR925 5 days ago
What kind of blind fool thinks “birther” is a smear?? Hey Joel, wake up and join the real world. Until then, I don’t want to hear another word you say. Idiot.”
“M.B. 4 days ago
‘What kind of blind fool thinks “birther” is a smear?? Hey Joel, wake up and join the real world. Until then, I don’t want to hear another word you say. Idiot.’
“Well said! I feel the same way when someone criticizes me for being a “homophobe,” or a “fundamentalist” or a “racist.” When did it become a bad thing to say that being gay is unnatural and creepy, or that there is only one God, and his name is Jesus, or that there are obvious difference among races, and each one is gifted by The Creator with certain gifts and certain handicaps. It’s just common sense and based on the same natural laws that under gird the Declaration of Independence.”
“Commykiller 5 days ago
Isn’t that nice the little H*mmo’s concerned he’ll be mistaken for a Birther. As if he had the BALLS to be one. Don’t sweat it “F*ggy”… “P*SSIES” can’t be Birthers.”
“”Judge Roy Bean 4 days ago
Smear? Smear? Hows about being a communist, I mean a demorat? Now, that’s a smear.”
“Julio schwartz 4 days ago
…from Orlytaitzesq 3/17/13………”I talked to Zullo and Carl Gallups at the CPAC and we all believe that there will be movement by the members of Congress in the near future. ” GO BIRTHERS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”
“R rusty 4 days ago
Birther=Good, Truthful,Lawful,Constitutional,Pro-American
Anti-Birther=Liar,Evil,EnemyofUSA,Anticonstitutional,Criminal, TREASON”
Q: What does a Birther have in common with a beer bottle?
A: They’re both empty from the neck up.
Q: If you’re paddling upstream in a canoe and a wheel falls off, how many pancakes will fit in your dog-house?
A: Ask the Birfers. That question would make perfect sense to them.
Q: Why do birthers pee their pants at their tiny outdoor rallies?
A: They’re afraid the porta-potties are FEMA camps.
Q: What swivels around, moves up and down, and has a smelly top?
A: Orly Taitz’s dental chair.
Q: What skill must be learned for a Scout to earn a Birther Merit Badge?
A: The Scout must demonstrate the ability to tie the United States Constitution into a hangman’s noose.
Q: What did the Birther girl say while having sex?
A: Get off me, Dad… you’re crushing my smokes!
An Obot walked into a bar and asked the bartender, “Hey, have you heard the latest Birther joke?” The bartender replied coldly, “No. And I’ll have you know I’m a Birther.” That’s OK,” said the Obot. “I’ll talk slowly.”
As a matter of fact:
Did you hear about the Birther who broke his leg? He tripped over his cordless phone.
How can you tell which Birther is the groom? He’s the one wearing a clean wifebeater.
Why did the Birther keep staring at the can? Because it said “CONCENTRATE.”
Did you hear about the Birther who drove his car into a swimming pool? He saw a notice at work “Please car pool.”
Q. What’s the solution to the Birther problem?
A. Live ammo for Civil War reenactments.
Q. What do you call 100 Birthers at the bottom of the ocean?
A. A good start.
Q: What’s wrong with Birther jokes?
A: Birthers don’t think they’re funny and other people don’t think they’re jokes.
Q:What does it say on the bottom of Coke bottles sold at Birther meetings?
A:”Open other end.”
Q: How do you drive a Birther mad?
A: Put him in the oval office and tell him the President’s Kenyan Birth Certificate is hidden in the corner.
No, it’s the delirium tremens.
There are reports that Jerome Corsi went to old white gay men’s club and use to like going there. Here’s the true story:
Love your “bathouse”.
That is the least surprising thing I’ve heard all week.