Orly sues the post office

I guess you can’t be a crusading attorney without an active lawsuit. Orly Taitz isn’t generating much buzz with her languishing case in Mississippi, and her not-so-sexy appeals, so here’s a new shiny object to garner attention, Taitz v. Donahoe et al.

Yes, dear reader, Orly Taitz has sued the Postmaster General. “Why,” you ask, and well you should. What did the Post Office do to warrant a 62-page complaint? They didn’t respond satisfactorily to a Freedom of Information Act request. Taitz had filed a complaint with the Postal Service’s Inspector General, claiming that Obama’s Selective Service registration was faked (these registrations are filed at post offices and received by postal personnel). The IG didn’t respond and Taitz filed a FOIA to find out what happened to her complaint. They didn’t respond to her FOIA request either, she says.

I have a lot of experience with non-responsive government agencies to FOIA requests, and I can appreciate Taitz’ frustration. What I can’t understand, however, is what she expects the Postal Service to do about an encounter between Obama and some unidentified postal clerk 30 years ago, an encounter that the birthers claimed never happened.

Taitz makes lengthy citations from the FOIA statutes and regulations. She then attaches a number of partially-illegible documents (Orly consistently fails to provide legible scanned documents in her court filings). She provides some images, ripped off from the Cold Case Posse, who in turn ripped off the research of Debbie Schlussel.

The problem for the Postal Service is that they apparently didn’t respond to the FOIA within the statutory time limit, which means (if I understand this) that the Court has jurisdiction and may instruct the Postal Service to respond. Their response will likely be,

image I know nothing, nothing.

Read the complaint here (at least the legible part):

USDC DC 2013-07-05 ECF 1 – Taitz v Dohahue Et Al – Appeal of the de Facto Denial Under FOIA by Jack Ryan

About Dr. Conspiracy

I'm not a real doctor, but I have a master's degree.
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42 Responses to Orly sues the post office

  1. Andrew Morris says:

    “De facto denial”? I suppose this translates as failure to respond.

  2. The Magic M (not logged in) says:

    Pages 4-14 cite the law verbatim, another crank MO (real lawyers know that ius novit curia), plus it adds unnecessarily to length, plus she could’ve moved it to an appendix.

  3. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    Her grip on reality is losing its cohesiveness by the minute.
    Next Orly will probably try and sue God, for not smiting her enemies.

  4. Benji Franklin says:

    Andrew Vrba, PmG: Next Orly will probably try and sue God, for not smiting her enemies.

    NO, Andrew, God will have to answer to Treason, nor should we assume that her legal incompetence will peak in the spectacle of a lawsuit launched against ANY particular fictional character. It would not surprise me to see her claim to be protecting the Constitution in a suit naming as co-defendants, the Periodic Table of the Elements, diphthongs, a John Doe amoeba, and the remains of Tammy Faye Baker.

    Charmingly, the only lawsuit her displayed legal skills are likely to let her win, would be the lawsuit she should bring against Howard Taft University for granting her a degree which included no conventionally useful legal skills.

  5. Jim says:

    Benji Franklin: NO, Andrew, God will have to answer to Treason, nor should we assume that her legal incompetence will peak in the spectacle of a lawsuit launched against ANY particular fictional character. It would not surprise me to see her claim to be protecting the Constitution in a suit naming as co-defendants, the Periodic Table of the Elements, diphthongs, a John Doe amoeba, and the remains of [b]Tammy Faye Baker’s eyelashes[/b].

    Charmingly, the only lawsuit her displayed legal skills are likely to let her win, would be the lawsuit she should bring against Howard Taft University for granting her a degree which included no conventionally useful legal skills.


  6. Butterfly Bilderberg says:

    The Magic M (not logged in):
    Pages 4-14 cite the law verbatim, another crank MO (real lawyers know that ius novit curia), plus it adds unnecessarily to length, plus she could’ve moved it to an appendix.

    In her recent FOIA requests Orly spends pages and pages reciting, verbatim, the FOIA statute … as if the FOIA officer of the agency isn’t already familiar with it.

  7. Jim: the remains of Tammy Faye Baker’s eyelashes.


  8. “What I can’t understand, however, is what she expects the Postal Service to do about an encounter between Obama and some unidentified postal clerk 30 years ago”

    Typical refusenik: Licking her wounds, while living in the past.

  9. The Magic M says:

    Benji Franklin: It would not surprise me to see her claim to be protecting the Constitution in a suit naming as co-defendants, the Periodic Table of the Elements, diphthongs, a John Doe amoeba, and the remains of Tammy Faye Baker.

    She hasn’t come full circle until she sues herself while also defending herself and appearing as witness for both plaintiff and defendant.

  10. Interesting trivia about Hogan’s Heroes, “I know nothing, nothing.”


    The actors who played the four major German roles—Werner Klemperer (Klink), John Banner (Schultz), Leon Askin (Burkhalter), and Howard Caine (Hochstetter)—were Jewish. Furthermore, Klemperer, Banner, Askin, and Robert Clary (LeBeau) were Jews who had fled the Nazis during World War II. Clary says in the recorded commentary on the DVD version of episode “Art for Hogan’s Sake” that he spent three years in a concentration camp, that his parents and other family members were killed there, and that he has an identity tattoo from the camp on his arm (“A-5714”). Likewise John Banner had been held in a (pre-war) concentration camp and his family was killed during the war. Leon Askin was also in a pre-war French internment camp and his parents were killed at Treblinka. Howard Caine (Hochstetter), who was also Jewish (his birth name was Cohen), was American, and Jewish actors Harold Gould and Harold J. Stone played German generals.

    As a teenager, Werner Klemperer (Klink) (son of the conductor Otto Klemperer) fled Hitler’s Germany with his family in 1933. During the show’s production, he insisted that Hogan always win over his Nazi captors or else he would not take the part of Klink. He defended his playing a Luftwaffe Officer by claiming, “I am an actor. If I can play Richard III, I can play a Nazi.” Banner attempted to sum up the paradox of his role by saying, “Who can play Nazis better than us Jews?” Ironically, although Klemperer, Banner, Caine, Gould, and Askin play stereotypical World War II Germans, all had actually served in the U.S. Armed Forces during World War II — Banner and Askin in the U.S. Army Air Corps, Caine in the U.S. Navy, Gould with the U.S. Army, and Klemperer in a U.S. Army Entertainment Unit.

  11. The Magic M: She hasn’t come full circle until she sues herself while also defending herself and appearing as witness for both plaintiff and defendant.

    You just made me dizzy.

  12. Dr Kenneth Noisewater says:

    The Magic M: She hasn’t come full circle until she sues herself while also defending herself and appearing as witness for both plaintiff and defendant.

    I would definitely book a ticket to be boots on the ground for that one.

  13. ASK Esq says:

    The Postal Service has already come out ahead. After all, Orly had to mail out a 62 page complaint, and that postage on that had to be hefty.

  14. y_p_w says:

    ASK Esq:
    The Postal Service has already come out ahead. After all, Orly had to mail out a 62 page complaint, and that postage on that had to be hefty.

    There is the chance that she used a package delivery service other than USPS. Do federal courts accept delivery via FedEx?

    In any case, what the hell does she expect is going to happen? Someone at a post office stamped it, put it in the mail, and it became the Selective Service System’s problem. Does she expect that there’s video somewhere? Or that this post office would keep a record of every transaction?

  15. realist says:

    She has also sued Colvin, Commissioner of SS, in MD Dist. Ct.


  16. Jim says:

    She has also sued Colvin, Commissioner of SS, in MD Dist. Ct.


    That one’s generated a lot of anti-birther buzz at TFB. The dismissal should make for great reading!

  17. Rickey says:

    She has also sued Colvin, Commissioner of SS, in MD Dist. Ct.


    And of course there is no evidence that the “Harry Bounel” who is listed in the 1940 census is the same person as “Harrison J. Bounel.” Orly also claims that Bounel was born in 1890, but all we know for certain is that he was 50 in 1940. He would have been born in 1889 if his birth month was later than April.

    Nor is there any evidence that “Bounel” (if that is the correct spelling of his name) ever applied for a Social Security Number.

    Apart from that, Orly has fashioned her usual airtight case.

  18. The Magic M says:

    Rickey: And of course there is no evidence that the “Harry Bounel” who is listed in the 1940 census is the same person as “Harrison J. Bounel.”

    According to birthers, we’d first need proof Harrison J Bounel ever legally changed his name to Harry L Bounel before we could even begin to think about the two being identical. (Remember they think “Barry” and “Barack” are two different legal names for Obama.)

  19. Benji Franklin says:

    y_p_w: In any case, what the hell does she expect is going to happen? Someone at a post office stamped it, put it in the mail, and it became the Selective Service System’s problem. Does she expect that there’s video somewhere? Or that this post office would keep a record of every transaction?

    You severely underestimate the certainty which which Orly resolves wild speculation about the improbably unlikely but remotely potential criminality of everything Obama has done, is doing, or ever will do! She’s lost all contact with reality in that regard.

    Read her site. Almost every day she posts an appeal to her fans that goes something like this:

    “VERY IMPORTANT! I need everyone who has ever read a newspaper to call me, at home and read out loud while I attempt to sketch Eric Holder.”


    “Bombshell! Obama must still be a Citizen of Indonesia because he has never mentioned seeing a hook-shaped cloud. I need anyone in the United States who might have seen, or ideally, at least thinks they might have seen, a hook-shaped cloud over Connecticut anytime from 1960 on, to call every member of Congress, and demand that they resign and hold full scale hearings”

  20. ASK Esq says:

    The Magic M: According to birthers, we’d first need proof Harrison J Bounel ever legally changed his name to Harry L Bounel before we could even begin to think about the two being identical. (Remember they think “Barry” and “Barack” are two different legal names for Obama.)

    No, that would mean having the birthers apply the same standards as they apply to President Obama to anyone else, including themselves. How it works is simple: If the birthers say something, it is true. If President Obama or any anti-birther says something, even if it is supported by verifiable evidence, it is a lie.

    Hope that helped.

  21. Benji Franklin: “VERY IMPORTANT! I need everyone who has ever read a newspaper to call me, at home and read out loud while I attempt to sketch Eric Holder.”

    Inspector: (Michael Palin) “Morning, madam, I’ve come to read your poet.”

    She: (Terry Jones) “Oh yes, he’s in the cupboard under the stairs.”


  22. jayHG says:

    Hello everyone,

    I saw this over on free republic posted by Sven – the one who claims to know all sorts of things about President Obama, but never shows any proof. Here’s what he posted: To: WildHighlander57

    In reviewing the trashy comments Orly made about on her blog, it sounds as if she received something from Sven Magnussen. I do not think she received what I sent her, though. Apparently, what I sent her was intercepted and replaced with a forgery.

    Orly should ask the post office to deliver all correspondence intercepted. There may be other potential clients who have sent her information and she never received it or it was replaced with a forgery.

    Obama fights dirty.

    90 posted on Monday, July 08, 2013 1:44:37 AM by SvenMagnussen (1983 … the year Obama became a naturalized U.S. citizen.)”

    When the other nutters ask him about it, he says that he can’t contact Orly because anything he sends is intercepted or if it goes through, they forge it to make him look like a nut.

    All I can say to birthers is, please………don’t ever change…..

  23. jayHG: All I can say to birthers is, please………don’t ever change…..

    Please, oh please.

  24. MattR says:

    jayHG: When the other nutters ask him about it, he says that he can’t contact Orly because anything he sends is intercepted or if it goes through, they forge it to make him look like a nut.

    So wait, does this mean that his 1:44 am comment to free republic was intercepted/forged to make him look like a nut?

  25. jayHG says:

    MattR: So wait, does this mean that his 1:44 am comment to free republic was intercepted/forged to make him look like a nut?

    Lol….Hard to tell what Sven means. He’s a SPECIAL kind of birther. Seriously, I think Sven is a guy who’s getting a kick of this. He says all sorts of things with ABSOLUTE certainly and the birthers eat it up. Then, when one temporarily semi-sane birther asks him for some proof or a link, he comes back with more of the same.

    I think he’s just someone getting a kick out of getting a rise from them because he knows he can…..

  26. ArthurWankspittle says:

    ASK Esq:
    The Postal Service has already come out ahead. After all, Orly had to mail out a 62 page complaint, and that postage on that had to be hefty.

    Can the postal service deny receiving Orly’s complaint due to insufficient postage on the package?

  27. aarrgghh says:

    jayHG: Seriously, I think Sven is a guy who’s getting a kick of this. He says all sorts of things with ABSOLUTE certainly and the birthers eat it up…

    actually i’ve not found much love in birfistan for ol’ svenster. he’s worn out his welcome with his snide refusal to share any of his “proof”. i can’t remember any birfer that wasn’t a sock puppet come to his defense much less tout his theories.

  28. aarrgghh says:

    … meanwhile sven’s all but completely given up pretending he’s more than who we always knew him to be.

  29. Crustacean says:

    No doubt, Sven is a piece of work. But what I REALLY loved, aarrgghh, is your little animated icon: “Reinstalling ACORN.app…. Erasing Amendment2… Installing Soros.sys…” that’s just priceless. I wonder how many birthers have seen that and then ripped their computer’s power cord out of the wall in a panic.

    aarrgghh: … meanwhile sven’s all but completely given up pretending he’s more than who we always knew him to be.

  30. MattR says:

    aarrgghh: … meanwhile sven’s all but completely given up pretending he’s more than who we always knew him to be.

    I think my favorite part of that is that while Sven is convinced the goverment and its agents are currently doing all sorts of nefarious things to his communications with Orly, he also thinks that that sending a “demand letter” to the US Postmaster General to deliver all intercepted correspondence to Orly will magically fix things.

  31. aarrgghh says:

    Crustacean: No doubt, Sven is a piece of work.But what I REALLY loved, aarrgghh, is your little animated icon: “Reinstalling ACORN.app….Erasing Amendment2… Installing Soros.sys…”that’s just priceless.I wonder how many birthers have seen that and then ripped their computer’s power cord out of the wall in a panic.

    just wait til nov 2016. i have a feeling obama v3.0 is gonna really flip them out. 😉

  32. aarrgghh says:

    MattR: I think my favorite part of that is that while Sven is convinced the goverment and its agents are currently doing all sorts of nefarious things to his communications with Orly, he also thinks that that sending a “demand letter” to the US Postmaster General to deliver all intercepted correspondence to Orly will magically fix things.

    i have a theory sven believes nothing of the sort and is actually engaging in passive/aggressive antagonism of birfers who won’t take his bs theories at face value and run with them. sven’s problem (that is, other than being a birfer bullsh*tter) is that he’s unwilling to lift a finger to actually help them, which would require his eventually giving up or losing his anonymity. he’s seen what’s happened to polarik/ron pollard.

  33. bob says:

    Taitz on her site says she got a response: Her original complaint was forwarded to the mail-fraud division.

    Asked and answer, counsel.

  34. Here’s a graphic debunking of the Selective Service card: http://obamabc.files.wordpress.com/2012/05/ss-postoffice-stamps.jpg

    Let your own eyes and reason be your guide in drawing conclusions.
    It’s a screen capture from my monitor after the program I was producing it on crashed right near completion, -a one third size view that I enlarged 50% after cropping the screen image.

  35. You obviously haven’t looked at many postage cancellations. Pathetic.

    h2ooflife.wordpress.com/: Let your own eyes and reason be your guide in drawing conclusions.
    It’s a screen capture from my monitor after the program I was producing it on crashed right near completion, -a one third size view that I enlarged 50% after cropping the screen image.

  36. h2ooflife.wordpress.com/: Here’s a graphic debunking of the Selective Service card: http://obamabc.files.wordpress.com/2012/05/ss-postoffice-stamps.jpg

    Here’s Obama’s Kenya BC:


    Let your own eyes and reason be your guide in drawing conclusions.

  37. I am not giving away his identity because h20oflife is posting the same nonsense at my blog as Adrien Nash and links back to his blog. He is really crazy with the conspiracy nuttery. I convinced him that the AP JPG cannot have been derived by printing or scanning the LFBC PDF so he moved the goal posts and claims there is a never seen master PDF that was reduced in size to post on the internet because things have to be made small to post on the internet.

    Most of his comments are on this article Blogger NBC Identifies the “Forger” for the CCP: Grande Commandante Zullo – Better Go Slap the Cuffs on the Xerox Machine.

  38. Jim says:

    Here’s a graphic debunking of the Selective Service card: http://obamabc.files.wordpress.com/2012/05/ss-postoffice-stamps.jpg

    Let your own eyes and reason be your guide in drawing conclusions.
    It’s a screen capture from my monitor after the program I was producing it on crashed right near completion, -a one third size view that I enlarged 50% after cropping the screen image.

    Let me ask you hoof’nmouth, when you enlarge a graphic image 50% or more, what percentage of the image is the actual image and what percentage of the image is computer generated by the software to fill in the holes and create the enlarged image you are now looking at?

  39. bovril says:

    I love the extra chewy nuttiness of “Are theses horns” and “Are these fertility symbols..?”

  40. Jim: Let me ask you hoof’nmouth, when you enlarge a graphic image 50% or more, what percentage of the image is the actual image and what percentage of the image is computer generated by the software to fill in the holes and create the enlarged image you are now looking at?

    I’m tired of you libruls and yer book learnin’. I’m gonna write usin’ the real mail not that there electronical stuff, to Sheruff Joe and tell him to stop listenin’ to those lawyers and there fancy degrees, and just arrest that colored marxist and put a real murican in that white house.

    We got a conspiracy with those hawaii guys and dont you tell me their isnt. Sheruff Joe is the only one to stand up to that colored marxist and his chicago thugs and you cant tell me different.

    Mrs Billie Ray Simkins, with help from Srah Palin

  41. Keith says:

    Jim: Let me ask you hoof’nmouth, when you enlarge a graphic image 50% or more, what percentage of the image is the actual image and what percentage of the image is computer generated by the software to fill in the holes and create the enlarged image you are now looking at?

    Its all gen-you-wine photograph. Just like the expanding universe.

  42. nbc says:

    Jim: Let me ask you hoof’nmouth, when you enlarge a graphic image 50% or more, what percentage of the image is the actual image and what percentage of the image is computer generated by the software to fill in the holes and create the enlarged image you are now looking at?

    Normally speaking nothing, at least not if you use the correct software. The pixels just become larger.

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