The occasional open thread: I’m right and you’re not edition

Place your Obama conspiracy comments  not related to the current articles here. This thread will close in two weeks.

About Dr. Conspiracy

I'm not a real doctor, but I have a master's degree.
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256 Responses to The occasional open thread: I’m right and you’re not edition

  1. Joey says:

    I am finding the birther Ted Cruz/natural born citizen threads at to be so much fun. The owner of the blog, Jim Robinson has come out as an unabashed “Cruzer,” much to the chagrin of hard-core birthers.
    Right winger cyber cage matches just might become my new favorite spectator sport!

  2. The Magic M says:

    Joey: Right winger cyber cage matches just might become my new favorite spectator sport!

    The pro-/contra Cruz fight isn’t my cup of tea. Just like I don’t watch different breeds of Christian fundamentalists quarrel over which outlandish interpretation of the Bible is correct.
    My only guilty pleasure is watching the pro-/contra Zullo infights. 🙂

  3. Punchmaster via mobile says:

    Birther in-fighting is just another thing in the list of life’s simple pleasures.

  4. BatGuano says:

    didn’t see this mentioned before but here’s the latest on mark kessler:

    pretty disturbing.

  5. Bob says:

    Mara Zebest posts articles on Gatewaypundit but she must not be allowed to go birther there. Yesterday she posted this story and in the headline blames Obama for a mentally ill person’s actions:

    “It’s An Obama World . . . Black Teen Rapes 93-Yr-Old White Grandmother”

  6. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    didn’t see this mentioned before but here’s the latest on mark kessler:

    pretty disturbing.

    There are easier ways of saying “No, really. I don’t want my job back. Give it to someone who isn’t likely to snap and kill a bunch of people.”

  7. BatGuano says:

    Andrew Vrba, PmG: There are easier ways of saying….

    not to mention the fact that he’s the poster child for gun control legislation.

  8. Dave says:

    I don’t recall Robinson ever being a birther, though he tolerates them on his blog. Perhaps it’s significant, though, that he tolerates birthers when there was a time that he would ban people for expressing support for Romney (that only lasted about a day).

    The owner of the blog, Jim Robinson has come out as an unabashed “Cruzer,” much to the chagrin of hard-core birthers.

  9. M Heuss says:

    I don’t recall Robinson ever being a birther, though he tolerates them on his blog. Perhaps it’s significant, though, that he tolerates birthers when there was a time that he would ban people for expressing support for Romney (that only lasted about a day).

    I remember the Romney ban lasting pretty much throughout the time the republicans were doing the whole primary thing. Jim swore he’d never support Romney – until he did.

  10. justlw says:

    Well, it’s taken a lot of time, a lot of money, and a lot of sweat equity, but I’ve finally cleaned up the mess from all those exploded irony meters, so to give myself a reward, I spent what frankly is a small fortune on this new set of jewel-encrusted, auto-calibrating Irony Master 3001s!

    Yep, I hear they’re a little finicky, but man do they look good in the ol’ irony console. I just hope I can get through what the manual calls the “mandatory break-in period.” It’s OK, though; says here that only the most ridiculous, non-self-aware, full-on mad crazy spittle-flecked irony incidents during this short couple of hours could cause them to go up in an unprecedented nuclear-style conflag… conflag… no. No. NO! Noooooooooooooo

    Black Parents Need to Get it Together, Says Former Tea Party Congressman Sued Over Child Support

  11. JPotter says:

    QotD Nomination from ‘john’, posted at NBC’s blog:

    So what. “American” means the United States not North America or South America.


  12. sfjeff says:

    A guilty pleasure- since I read the Politicalforum-

    Scott E is the only Birther still birthering there- there are some half closeted Birthers who will eagerly jump in if there is a mainstream thread but Scott is posting in 4 different threads a day- all of which he started, and which almost no one responds to- promoting his own very particular schism of Birtherism.

    Its like he has a job of going around and posting his latest antiObama birthery musings in 4 threads and then goes off- probably to other forums to do the same thing.

  13. Dr Kenneth Noisewater says:

    sfjeff: A guilty pleasure- since I read the Politicalforum- Scott E is the only Birther still birthering there- there are some half closeted Birthers who will eagerly jump in if there is a mainstream thread but Scott is posting in 4 different threads a day- all of which he started, and which almost no one responds to- promoting his own very particular schism of Birtherism.Its like he has a job of going around and posting his latest antiObama birthery musings in 4 threads and then goes off- probably to other forums to do the same thing.

    Not just that but I’ve noticed him bumping old threads he started when no one responds.

  14. “American” means the United States not North America or South America.”

    According to Cruz fans, America refers to Canada as well as the States. Get your terms correct for a Canadian to run for prez.

    Not valid in Kenya Illinois.

  15. Matt says:

    Another QotD candidate from john:

    “NBC has yet to produce any PDFs. The ones he has produces are lousy and don’t capture the elegance of Obama’s PDF.”

  16. RanTalbott says:

    A few weeks ago, I came across a comment someone had posted on one of Carl’s many “BREAKING!! NEW!! DEVELOPMENT!!” videos expressing frustration at the lack of real progress, and a platitudinous “any day now” reply from Carl.
    I responded that the OP had a point, and the CCP really needed to lay out an actual proposed “indictment”, listing the specific statutes they claim were violated, and what specific evidence they had to present in court. Especially since the score in court so far was about 200-0.
    I got an email notification that Carl had replied, in part:

    “Oh my word. What ignorance. OBAMABOT MUCH? The current score is because of ORLY Taitz, et. al. Zullo, et. al. have NEVER filed a ‘court case.’ They are going for a congressional investigation. Arpaio ( A 50 year law man – 30 years at the fed level) has always said that)”

    It appears that Carl realized that he had spilled some beans that he shouldn’t have: when I went to reply, I discovered that his comment had been deleted.

    Let’s assume, arguendo, that this is true: that the objective from the git-go (or, at least, for a while) has been to get Congress to hold hearings, rather than go to court. This would explain some puzzling things, like why they don’t worry about their “evidence” being crap that would have to be picked up using a vacuum cleaner with a HEPA filter after cross-examination, or the Maricopa County Attorney saying they had no case, or about Zullo and Corsi profiting from the exclusive sale of what was presumed to be the findings of an official investigation.

    But it might also mean that Arpaio misappropriated funds when he sent a deputy along on the Hawaii junket, and that Zullo misused his deputy badge while engaging in private political activity.

    So, is it possible thsat Arpaio and Zullo are running a scam on the taxpayers, and not just the CCP’s donors?

  17. Foggy says:

    So, is it possible thsat Arpaio and Zullo are running a scam on the taxpayers, and not just the CCP’s donors?

    The last few times that Zullo and/or Gallups have been on the air, they haven’t asked for money. I think they’re seriously worried about Doc C.’s letter to the IRS. There are an increasing number of people on ORYR who are calling them Team Turncoat and want results, not more promises that are never kept. I think their grift is coming to an end.

  18. gorefan says:

    Foggy: I think their grift is coming to an end.

    That may be premature.

    IMO, they have set the stage for being able to keep it going until after the new year. By the spring, it will be obvious that Congress is not going to do anything and then they can start laying the groundwork for the summer release of the e-book. I give them another six or seven months of Congressional grifting before they convert to e-book grifting which could add an additional three or four months.

    Of course, they may be stupid enough to think that the e-book could impact the 2014 election in which case it’s release could be put off until September.

  19. CarlOrcas says:

    RanTalbott: So, is it possible thsat Arpaio and Zullo are running a scam on the taxpayers, and not just the CCP’s donors?

    They’re running a scam on everyone!

  20. Xyxox says:

    I don’t recall Robinson ever being a birther, though he tolerates them on his blog. Perhaps it’s significant, though, that he tolerates birthers when there was a time that he would ban people for expressing support for Romney (that only lasted about a day).

    Oh Robinson definitely went full metal Birther and banned a boatload of Freepers who knew the birther crap was just that. HE dumped on donating Freepers who had been there since the beginning because they didn’t buy into the Birther line. Different story now that a white guy is targeted with the baloney.

  21. richCares says:

    my wish for Orly
    I would love to see nasty Orly led out of court in a straight jacket shouting “Lemme Feenish”, that would be great!

  22. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    my wish for Orly
    I would love to see nasty Orly led out of court in a straight jacket shouting “Lemme Feenish”, that would be great!

    Nah, they should go full Hannibal on her ass. Muzzle and all.
    Though to be honest, and I know this will come off as harsh, but if the Bailiff mistook her for an armed perp, or some kind of yeti, well that’d be fine too.

  23. richCares: Orly led out of court in a straight jacket

    Butterfly net

  24. JPotter says:

    RanTalbott: So, is it possible thsat Arpaio and Zullo are running a scam on the taxpayers, and not just the CCP’s donors?

    Are you referring to Arpaio’s entire post-DEA career in self-promotion and cronyism, or just the CCCP shuffle part of it?

    For Arpaio, the grift is in the extra outrage channel connected to an enlarged donor base. Last election, 80% of his cash was from out-of-state. I think he’s got Zullo working for tips … and the free travel 😉

  25. Keith says:

    CarlOrcas: RanTalbott: So, is it possible thsat Arpaio and Zullo are running a scam on the taxpayers, and not just the CCP’s donors?

    They’re running a scam on everyone!

    Except, reportedly, Mitt Romney. 😉

  26. Keith says:

    A little bit of fun: Pew Center: Science and Technology Knowledge Quiz. I find the comparison results unsurprising, but disturbing.

    Perhaps Doc could use it as a kind of ‘entrance exam’. If you can’t achieve some arbitrary score on this test, say 13 out of 13 then you can’t post on the board or are restricted. Miss one and you can post, but you are on probation moderation until evidence of thoughtfulness is provided. Miss two and you can post, but you are on permanent moderation. Miss three or more and you are banned.

  27. jayHG says:

    I am finding the birther Ted Cruz/natural born citizen threads at to be so much fun. The owner of the blog, Jim Robinson has come out as an unabashed “Cruzer,” much to the chagrin of hard-core birthers.
    Right winger cyber cage matches just might become my new favorite spectator sport!

    I’m enjoying it, too. I was surprised to see jim what’s his name come out and say he is a Cruz supporter, but I think that he was getting the SUPER purist on there and they were running folks off, his money dried up because of his disdain for Mittens and so I think he said he’s not getting caught up in that this time. His new attitude is all about the money.

  28. RanTalbott says:

    CarlOrcas: They’re running a scam on everyone!

    In the collooquial sense, yes, but I’m talking about the legal, “indict and perp walk the bastards” sense.

    Much as I dislike Arpaio’s grandstanding, and _some_ of his policies, I’ve never seen any evidence that he’s dishonest. So, I’m prepared to give him the benefit of the doubt, and believe that he’s not techno-savvy enough to see that the CCP’s technical “evidence” is crap, and let them continue their investigation because he thought there might be something to it (though this belief is somewhat strained by his giving them a pass on not finding out about Hawaii’s coding and processing procedures before they made public fools of themselves).

    Otoh, if it really was political from the start, or switched to being political after the criminal case fell apart, then it’s graft, and he and his posse should be prosecuted.

    But, not being like the CCP, I’m not prepared to base a “Breaking!! Political!! Scandal!!” on a single, possibly false, bragging statement, so I put it out there to see whether others have seen statements or actions that corroborate it.

  29. CarlOrcas says:

    RanTalbott: In the collooquial sense, yes, but I’m talking about the legal, “indict and perp walk the bastards” sense.

    You’re right about Arpaio. Until they make being arrogant in public a crime in Arizona he’s okay. He may end up with some civil liabilities in the current federal lawsuit but that’s about it.

    Now… far as the posse is concerned I think there could be some real problems there. Potentially you’ve got everything from impersonating police officers to misuse of funds in a non-profit corporation, misuse of a non-profit status and then the bizarre relationship between the private entity and the county.

    At some point cooler heads in the county are going to look at all it and reign in the craziness……..I hope.

  30. RanTalbott says:

    At least one of the “cooler heads” already has: the county prosecutor told the teabagger who requested it, in writing, that it would be a violation of legal ethics to try to turn the CCP’s steaming pile of “evidence” into a prosecution.
    Although one could argue that all he effectively achieved was to pull the hitch pin and release the reins so the stampeding team wouldn’t drag the county stagecoach over the cliff with them 😉

  31. At least I could keep posting 😉

    I suspect most of the regular anti-birthers here would get them all right–it was a pretty easy test. The kids on “Are you smarter than a 5th grader?” would get all these right.

    Only 31% of college graduates (and a smaller percentage of others) knowing that Nitrogen was the major component gas in the atmosphere was surprising. At least most folks know what sunscreen does.

    Keith: Perhaps Doc could use it as a kind of ‘entrance exam’. If you can’t achieve some arbitrary score on this test, say 13 out of 13 then you can’t post on the board or are restricted.

  32. JPotter says:

    Dr. Conspiracy: At least most folks know what sunscreen does.

    Well, it was a phone survey. A bit of a put-on-the-spot factor. Nobody expects the Pew Center Inquisition? Taking it online is bound to be easier.

    Even on the phone, 48% got 9 or more right. Good enough for a ‘C’!

    Now how did 1% get only 1 of the 13 right? As with birthers, it must be intentional … it’s statistically impossible to be that wrong that much of the time, on a multiple choice test!

  33. CarlOrcas says:

    RanTalbott: At least one of the “cooler heads” already has: the county prosecutor told the teabagger who requested it, in writing, that it would be a violation of legal ethics to try to turn the CCP’s steaming pile of “evidence” into a prosecution.

    Of course the previous county attorney was anything but cool and we know what that cost him.

    Elected officials in Arizona have a proud history of doing incredibly stupid stuff. Stay tuned!

  34. Thomas Brown says:

    Keith: If you can’t achieve some arbitrary score on this test, say 13 out of 13 then you can’t post on the board or are restricted.

    At the very least, anyone who gets less than 12/13 right shouldn’t be allowed to talk about Global Warming.

  35. The European says:

    I take the chance to change the subject a bit:

    Today Dr. Taitz asks:

    “Is Obama the godfather of the Islamic revolution?” and cites an insane Israeli. He is of course not. So she has not found a truffle, but there is something strange:

    Why does Pres. Obama continue the failed politic of regime-change in North-Africa and the Middle East ? Why continues he Bush’s politic to bring down secular dictators and helps to install far worse religious dictatorships ? I do not get it.

  36. Thomas Brown says:

    “Why continues he Bush’s politic to bring down secular dictators and helps to install far worse religious dictatorships ?”

    Nobody, certainly not the President, is trying to “install” religious dictatorships. We have been trying to promote representative democracy, where all sectors have a place at the table of governance. What Bush et al didn’t address was the possibility that Islamists could be democratically elected.

    That’s why we have stayed out of Syria thus far: how would it look to help replace Assad with al Qaida? In Egypt the Muslim Brotherhood, on winning election, promised to be fair to all religions, ethnic sects, etc. But they just couldn’t help themselves, and started acting like the dictators they claimed to despise.

  37. CarlOrcas says:

    The European: I do not get it.

    Neither do a lot of us on this side of the pond.

  38. The European says:

    Thomas Brown:
    “Why continues he Bush’s politic to bring down secular dictators and helps to install far worse religious dictatorships ?”

    Nobody, certainly not the President, is trying to “install” religious dictatorships.We have been trying to promote representative democracy, where all sectors have a place at the table of governance.What Bush et al didn’t address was the possibility that Islamists could be democratically elected.

    That’s why we have stayed out of Syria thus far:how would it look to help replace Assad with al Qaida?In Egypt the Muslim Brotherhood, on winning election, promised to be fair to all religions, ethnic sects, etc.But they just couldn’t help themselves, and started acting like the dictators they claimed to despise.

    Thomas, all Religions “can’t help themselves”. Calvin had Michael Servet burned in Geneve for his “blasphemous” religious teachings. The Catholic Church would install the Inquisition again if we gave them the chance. So Pres. Obama could have known what happened after the Brotherhood came to power.

    Irak would still be a place to live peaceful for people of all faiths with Saddam as ruler. Syria was a place where people of all faiths could live peacefully. If the US weakens the Assad regime to the breaking point, Al-Quaeda will – with the help of Saudi-Arabia – kill everybody who is not Sunni and install a Sharia-regime.

  39. Kiwiwriter says:

    Kessler found himself an ally: the gun guy in Tennessee who posted a Youtube video calling for armed revolt against the US government, then backtracked a day or two later.

    Here’s the link, courtesy of Southern Poverty Law Center’s “Hatewatch” weblog:

  40. Majority Will says:

    “Obamacare Myth Inspires Conservative To Post ‘Shoot The Ni**er’ On Facebook”

    (excerpt) “It’s not a threatening statement, in my opinion. People take it out of context as a threat.” Marsters maintains his comment isn’t racist, because “white people are ni**ers, too.” In addition to subscribing to the conspiracy that Obama faked his birth certificate, Marsters has pushed for a town law to require a gun in every house.

    Charming. Maybe the birther bigots can help the Democrats win back the House.

  41. Keith says:

    Dr. Conspiracy: Only 31% of college graduates (and a smaller percentage of others) knowing that Nitrogen was the major component gas in the atmosphere was surprising.

    That surprised me as well.

  42. Nancy R Owens says:

    Obama’s travels from Clewiston, Florida to Chicago, Illinois via judge. Obama’s travels from Clewiston, Florida to Chicago, Illinois via judge.

    [Moved to the open thread. Doc.]

  43. Monkey Boy says:

    Keith: A little bit of fun: Pew Center: Science and Technology Knowledge Quiz. I find the comparison results unsurprising, but disturbing.

    Are you kidding me? This HS dropout is in the 93 percentile grouping.

  44. Majority Will says:

    “Birther John Philip Sousa IV Wants a Tea Party Darling to Run For President”

    (excerpt) Sousa is an immigration hardliner who notes on his personal web site that “I am tired of pressing one for English, I am tired of looking for the English instructions on boxes. If you don’t speak English or you are not willing to learn English, I would strongly suspect that you should not be a permanent resident in the United States of America.”

    In Arpaio, Sousa found an anti-immigration champion who’s not afraid to stand up for what he believes. “We had read lots about [Hispanic civil rights group] La Raza going after Sheriff Joe, about George Soros going after Sheriff Joe, about Eric Holder going after Sheriff Joe, about Obama not liking Sheriff Joe and wanting him replaced,” Sousa says in an interview, explaining the genesis of his PAC.

  45. Monkey Boy says:

    Dr. Conspiracy: Only 31% of college graduates (and a smaller percentage of others) knowing that Nitrogen was the major component gas in the atmosphere was surprising. At least most folks know what sunscreen does.

    I am certainly in favor of education, formal and otherwise, but the mere possession of a college degree does not presume either scientific or cultural literacy.

    I know college graduates–my children included–who have no idea who Thomas More, Jan Hus, Harriet Tubman or Chaka Zulu was or what they were about. They can’t factor a third degree equation, or even find the North Star.

  46. While I don’t always do this, I try to use the title and alt attributes for images in the articles. With some browsers, hovering the mouse cursor over the image will cause the title to be displayed. For example, in the article:

    The title “Get out of jail free card” is attached to the image. The alt text isn’t displayed by browsers usually, and you would generally have to refer to the HTML code to see it. These are placed there for the benefit of visually-impaired persons who use screen readers that will repeat the alt text. The card alt text is “Get out of jail free card from Monopoly board game.”

    I don’t know if any visually-impaired readers use these features. If there are any, I would like to know how I can improve your experience with the site.

  47. I know those, but recently I had to ask whether Britney Spears was one of the Spice Girls or not (she’s not).

    I must also confess that although I knew that oxygen was second, the percentage is higher than I thought, and I would have placed carbon dioxide 3rd and argon 4th, when in fact argon is 3rd.

    Monkey Boy: I know college graduates–my children included–who have no idea who Thomas More, Jan Hus, Harriet Tubman or Chaka Zulu was or what they were about. They can’t factor a third degree equation, or even find the North Star.

  48. RanTalbott says:

    Are you sure? I could’ve sworn Spears was “Crotch Spice”…

  49. Paul Pieniezny says:

    Dr. Conspiracy:
    I know those, but recently I had to ask whether Britney Spears was one of the Spice Girls or not (she’s not).

    Oh dear, Britney Spears. “Can’t sing. Can’t act. Slightly stupid. Can dance a little.” And you thought she was one of the Fab Fem Four? Seriously.

    Of course, we all agree on Orly Taitz. “Can’t plead. Can’t drill. Slightly blonde. Can bore a little.”

    (For those who do not get it, do not worry, it proves you were born after 1980.)

  50. Curious George says:

    At least one of the “cooler heads” already has: the county prosecutor told the teabagger who requested it, in writing, that it would be a violation of legal ethics to try to turn the CCP’s steaming pile of “evidence” into a prosecution.
    Although one could argue that all he effectively achieved was to pull the hitch pin and release the reins so the stampeding team wouldn’t drag the county stagecoach over the cliff with them

    And not a word from Arpaio and Zullo that their evidence went down in flames. No wonder they’re trying to jettison this to Congress. It’s really too bad the birthers still think the Dynamic Duo’s evidence is “court ready.” They’re absolute ding-bats.

  51. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    Oh, John didn’t use a workstation.

    “I did in fact scan Obama’s birth certificate on a Xerox Color Copier. (it wasn’t a WorkCenter) The results weren’t even remotely like Obama’s birth certificate.”

    No kidding, John! You used different equipment and got radically different results?! Wow. Who woulda thunk it.
    Also, I call bull on you scanning the birth certificate, considering it’s in Hawaii. What, did you print the PDF and scan that? Could you really be that stupid?

    How do you manage to NOT drown yourself, when you go to use the bathroom?

  52. Arthur says:

    Andrew Vrba, PmG: Oh, John didn’t use a workstation.

    john also said this at ORYR:

    “Even the Obot NBC has not produced any PDFs and will not release them even though he has been asked repeatedly.”

    Is john accurate, or has NBC uploaded images of his work?

  53. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    I’d take any claim made by John, with a salt-lick.

  54. NBC has published some images, for example:

    It’s important to level set expectations. No one in the anti-birther community is going to produce a perfect long form birth certificate PDF that matches what the White House released. We can’t do this because we don’t have Obama’s birth certificate to test with. Also, two scans of the same document on the same machine won’t produce identical results due to minor imprecision in the hardware. Close, but not perfect.

    Eventually, the anti-birthers will settle on a very good approximation of the birth certificate and scan that and release the PDF. But even if we do a YouTube video of the document, and the process, and open it in Adobe Illustrator and show the isolated elements that can be moved around, the birthers can’t replicate it because they won’t have the test document we used. A picture of the test file could be released, but printing that wouldn’t be the same thing as the original.

    I hope the results will be easy enough to replicate and convincing enough to persuade some birthers and perhaps create a tipping point where they will start looking at the Cold Case Posse more critically and with less blind trust. Right now, birthers ought to be doing the same experiments as NBC. Birthers are herd animals, and it shouldn’t take much to turn them. Maybe I can one day write an article titled: “Birther stampede.”

    Arthur: Is john accurate, or has NBC uploaded images of his work?

  55. JPotter says:

    Dr. Conspiracy: Also, two scans of the same document on the same machine won’t produce identical results due to minor imprecision in the hardware. Close, but not perfect.

    Not to mention you would also need to perfectly replicate the alignment of the document with the scanning elements. As this is essentially physically impossible … not two scans are ever alike.

    This goes infinituply so for the LFBC PDF, which was likely feed through a feeder.

    Dr. Conspiracy: start looking at the Cold Case Posse more critically and with less blind trust.

    But it isn’t simple trust. It’s ideology powered faith, childlike want-to-believe, magical, preferred, projected unreality.

  56. The Magic M says:

    Previously, Farah claimed the “hewn stones prophecy” was related to 9/11 (I guess this is what the “Harbinger” book is about). Now he’s applying it to another case. Well, yawn. Birtherism was fun, but religious wingnuttery is not my cup of tea.

  57. The Magic M says:

    Dr. Conspiracy: No one in the anti-birther community is going to produce a perfect long form birth certificate PDF that matches what the White House released.

    Even if we could, it wouldn’t convince birthers the BC wasn’t manually forged anyway. It’s just like the proof the BC in the vaul is legit doesn’t convince them the data on it are legit. They will simply move from “prove that a process other than forgery can create the WH PDF” to “prove that the WH PDF could not have possibly been created by a human” which is of course impossible (someone could have created it pixel by pixel in 3 years’ work).

  58. Ted Nugent’s wife Shemane Deziel was just arrested at an airport in Dallas, Texas and sources tell us it was because she brought a gun into the terminal.


    Read more:

  59. The Magic M says:

    Obviously not the tough-talking “I’m-a shoot any Fed who tries to take muh gunz!” type…

  60. Dave says:

    ORYR has a post that implies that the Fogbow crowd are now “suspects” in the CCP’s “ciminal investigation”. Has something to do with their work on the Xerox scanner — which proves they forged Obama’s BC? I confess I’m guessing from reading the comments — what ORYR posted is a 15 minute recording of a Simmons radio show, and listening to the whole thing seems like too much of a waste of time even for me.

  61. The Magic M says:

    Dave: Has something to do with their work on the Xerox scanner — which proves they forged Obama’s BC?

    Either that or the general “everybody who debunks us is a traitor”. The usual lovely Stalinist crowd.

  62. The Magic M says:


    Just to address that particular piece of batshootery:
    Am I right in the assumption that a US passport file would not have *any* information regarding “former citizenships”? Because that was always my impression, leading me to believe that the claim anything related to “Kenyan birth” or “Indonesian citizenship” could’ve been “sanitized” is a red herring from the get-go.

  63. Dr Kenneth Noisewater says:

    The Magic M: Just to address that particular piece of batshootery:Am I right in the assumption that a US passport file would not have *any* information regarding “former citizenships”? Because that was always my impression, leading me to believe that the claim anything related to “Kenyan birth” or “Indonesian citizenship” could’ve been “sanitized” is a red herring from the get-go.

    I’ll let you know after my wife goes through with her naturalization and gets a US passport.

  64. Sef says:

    Majority Will: (excerpt) Sousa is an immigration hardliner who notes on his personal web site that “I am tired of pressing one for English, I am tired of looking for the English instructions on boxes. If you don’t speak English or you are not willing to learn English, I would strongly suspect that you should not be a permanent resident in the United States of America.”

    He obviously doesn’t travel much outside the country, Believe it or not, but there are some places in the world where knowing another language might be of use. Like knowing where to find the loo.

  65. richCares says:

    I”’ll let you know after my wife goes through with her naturalization and gets a US passport.”
    my wife recently became a US Citizen and applied for US Passport, the Passport shows her a US Citizen with place of birth “Okinawa, Japan.

  66. Rickey says:

    Farah and WND have moved on…

    Joseph Farah Shows No Fact Safe When Standing Between Him and a Dollar

    Jerome Corsi’s latest, published by WND Books, is “Who Really Killed Kennedy?: The Ultimate Guide to the Assassination Theories–50 Years Later.” A blurb for the book says ” Fifty years after this epic American tragedy, there’s still a gunman on the loose.”

    Of course, if there is a JFK gunman “on the loose” he probably is at least 75 years old.

    According the index (which can be viewed at Amazon), Corsi wrote the entire book without once mentioning Barack Obama.

    Prepare for a tidal wave of new JFK assassination books as the 50th anniversary approaches.

  67. RanTalbott says:

    Dave: ORYR has a post that implies that the Fogbow crowd are now “suspects” in the CCP’s “ciminal investigation”.

    I listened to parts of Carl’s babblings (you can skip the first few minutes: it’s just self-aggrandizing claims of audience size).
    He carefully qualified his statement as his own, and not “official”. In a nutshell it was “If _I_ were in charge, anyone putting out false statements claiming I was full of shit would become my prime suspects”. This was accompanied by a bunch of bolder-than-usual crap claiming that the Xerox evidence is “false” and no one has ever refuted any of the CCP’s nonsense.
    He also announced the latest move of the goalposts: if you can’t identify a _single_ machine that produces _all_ the “anomalies” with a _single_ button push, it doesn’t count.

  68. Kiwiwriter says:

    ORYR has a post that implies that the Fogbow crowd are now “suspects” in the CCP’s “ciminal investigation”. Has something to do with their work on the Xerox scanner — which proves they forged Obama’s BC? I confess I’m guessing from reading the comments — what ORYR posted is a 15 minute recording of a Simmons radio show, and listening to the whole thing seems like too much of a waste of time even for me.

    Well, if they try to “investigate” me, they’ll have to deal with my employer first, who is ALSO int he public sector, and they won’t take too kindly to private harassment of a valued 15-year (as of today, as a matter of fact) employee.

  69. Jim says:

    ORYR has a post that implies that the Fogbow crowd are now “suspects” in the CCP’s “ciminal investigation”.

    Well, since all lawyers are “Officers of the Court” and we have many that post here and foggy’s…we have an “Official Court Investigation” of the CCP that has been going on for the whole time since Sheriff Joe’s announcement. And when we find the possibility of a crime being committed, we don’t do radio programs and hide evidence. It’s all out in the open and we report their crimes to the proper authority, in Zullo’s case that would be the IRS. I think we’re much more “Official” than Mr Zullo and Rev Gallups. 😀

  70. Cute article at the Columbus Ledger-Enquirer. It starts:

    How Ted Cruz might react to Ted Cruz’s Canadian origins if Ted Cruz wasn’t himself Ted Cruz:

    Read more here:

  71. G says:

    And of course, David Farrar was the first to rush in and comment. He may be a doofus birther, but at least he’s a consistent doofus birther. He seems adamant to deny Ted Cruz NBC status… at least at this stage in the 2016 predictions. Let’s see how many of these birthers stick to that tale if Cruz actually runs and starts to do well in the GOP primaries… (not that he has any chance in the GE at all – because he’s too far out of the mainstream, not because serious people are concerned about his birth situation…)

    Dr. Conspiracy:
    Cute article at the Columbus Ledger-Enquirer. It starts:

    How Ted Cruz might react to Ted Cruz’s Canadian origins if Ted Cruz wasn’t himself Ted Cruz:

    Read more here:

  72. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    Satire is, of course, lost on people like David Farrar.

  73. RanTalbott says:

    If you’re worried about the CCP tracking you down, just disguise yourself as an ass: they’ve repeatedly demonstrated that they’re unable to find one, even using both hands.

  74. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    Failing that, a hole in the ground! As they’ll just mistake you for their own ass! …Wait, no. That might be the worst idea of all time.

  75. Arthur says:

    Interesting story about a racists Teabagger who is also — surprise! — a birther:

    “Maine Teabagger Gets Visit From Secret Service After Posting ‘Shoot the N*****’ to Facebook”

    From the article:

    “I fought 30 years for this f*****’ country,” he said “I’m not gonna let him take it away!”

    Marsters commented on Facebook that “(Obama) is not a legal president.” Marsters was adamant that Obama’s birth certificate was a fraud.

    “They’ve shown us how it’s done,” he said. “It’s all done in layers on computers. How come nobody from his school’s come forward to say, ‘Oh, I know him.’ How come people from his family never say, ‘I know him. I went to his wedding; I was his best man?”

    Nobody’s saying, ‘I’m a friend of his.’”

    Marsters believes Obama was placed in power by people Marsters wouldn’t name.

  76. Some posters here believe we blindly accept and acquiesce to everything Obama does. I let Obama have it for imitating Shrub:

  77. Steve says:


    Marsters believes Obama was placed in power by people Marsters wouldn’t name.

    In his defense, it’s kind of difficult to come up with the names of all those 10s of millions of people.

  78. Keith says:

    If you’re worried about the CCP tracking you down, just disguise yourself as an ass: they’ve repeatedly demonstrated that they’re unable to find one, even using both hands.

    What is this ‘disguise’ of which you speak?

  79. The European says:

    I continue on Syria:

    looks like Pres. Obama found his senses just in time ……

  80. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    Yeah, I for one am tired of “Oh, there’s a problem in some country! Time to go play G.I. JOE!/Team America: World Police!”

  81. CarlOrcas says:

    The European:
    I continue on Syria:

    looks like Pres. Obama found his senses just in time ……

    Great line from David Axelrod on the domestic politics of the situation:

    “Congress is now the dog that caught the car. Should be a fascinating week!”

  82. CarlOrcas says:

    Andrew Vrba, PmG:
    Yeah, I for one am tired of “Oh, there’s a problem in some country! Time to go play G.I. JOE!/Team America: World Police!”


  83. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    All Obots are anti-birthers, but not all anti-birthers are Obots.
    You can be against the President’s policies, but still show the man proper respect.
    You can be in favor of the President’s policies, but have no respect for the man.
    These are concepts that cause many a birther’s head to short circuit.

  84. The European: I continue on Syria: looks like Pres. Obama found his senses just in time ……

    Andrew Vrba, PmG: Yeah, I for one am tired of “Oh, there’s a problem in some country! Time to go play G.I. JOE!/Team America: World Police!”

    As I posted above, Bush or Obama?

    Idi Amin was 10x worse. Amin was an international criminal. He planned and gave haven to hijackers, and his thugs murdered Dora Bloch, a grandmother. Ford did not send in the Marines. No oil.

    Syria and Iraq are about oil.

  85. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    Yeah, it really does seem like the same crap in a different candy bar wrapper, don’t it? It even smacks of The Gulf War/Desert Storm. Even as a kid, I was like “Why are we there?! They didn’t attack us!”

  86. RanTalbott says:

    Well, no, it doesn’t: in 2003, there was no proffered _evidence_ of WMD, and the UN inspectors were finding none.
    This time, we have real, live and formerly-live victims of what appear to be actual chemical attacks, and UN inspectors who will, in all likelihood, be presenting hard evidence that they weren’t killed and injured by someone burning plastic trash.

  87. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    Well, no, it doesn’t: in 2003, there was no proffered _evidence_ of WMD, and the UN inspectors were finding none.
    This time, we have real, live and formerly-live victims of what appear to be actual chemical attacks, and UN inspectors who will, in all likelihood, be presenting hard evidence that they weren’t killed and injured by someone burning plastic trash.

    Its tragic, but we don’t need to go in guns blazing.

  88. Andrew Vrba, PmG: Even as a kid, I was like “Why are we there?! They didn’t attack us!”


  89. RanTalbott says:

    Andrew Vrba, PmG: Its tragic, but we don’t need to go in guns blazing

    Right. We could watch and do nothing, like we did in Rwanda. Or we could create a world-class clusterfuck like we did in Iraq.
    Or, we could have a serious adult discussion, and try to find a course of action that makes the situation better.
    Playing juvenile word games is not part of that process.

  90. The European says:

    Well, no, it doesn’t: in 2003, there was no proffered _evidence_ of WMD, and the UN inspectors were finding none.
    This time, we have real, live and formerly-live victims of what appear to be actual chemical attacks, and UN inspectors who will, in all likelihood, be presenting hard evidence that they weren’t killed and injured by someone burning plastic trash.

    You have ever heard the name “Agent Orange” ?

  91. The European: You have ever heard the name “Agent Orange” ?

    Agent Orange is dioxin, a defoliant used in Vietnam. Could you explain further?

  92. Will it kill crabgrass, and where do I get some?

    misha marinsky: Agent Orange is dioxin, a defoliant used in Vietnam. Could you explain further?

  93. Dr. Conspiracy: Will it kill crabgrass, and where do I get some?


  94. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    I wager Canada will respond with a resounding, “meh…”

  95. G says:

    Agreed. Sadly, I’m a bit pessimistic about how this is all playing out, including how the Obama administration is handling things. Bravo for agreeing to go before Congress. Boo for tarnishing that sensible step immediately by sending signals that the Obama administration seems determined to pounce on taking some sort of “go it alone” strike action, even if Congress replies with an overwhelming “NO!”…

    I’m certainly not a pacifist, but I’m no neo-con alarmist bully either. I’m merely a pragmatist who realizes that we live in a complex world with difficult choices and that while we might certainly be the most capable and powerful nation and military on the planet, we certainly need sensible planning AND sound justification for interfering in external conflicts. That most certainly includes indicating what the goal and outcome would be and how that would actually address the problems at hand and not just make them worse.

    I don’t see what the rush to any action is here at all, when the UN weapon’s inspector’s findings report is supposedly only a matter of weeks away. Nor have I heard any reasonable answer on what a “limited strike” could actually accomplish in preventing further chemical attacks or deaths from happening. Nor do I see how any simple-minded concept of “moralistic punishment for bad actions” will do a darn thing in regards of those lives tragically already lost. Nor do I have any real confidence in our current Congress acting like adults, instead of each playing this for merely scoring their own petty political (and lobby-driven) talking points.

    I fear that all we are seeing is a build-up of pressure for rash behavior and political posturing, instead of rational patience and analysis to get towards the bottom of what actually happened and what, if anything, can be done by us or the rest of the world to try to prevent it from happening again…

    RanTalbott: Right. We could watch and do nothing, like we did in Rwanda. Or we could create a world-class clusterfuck like we did in Iraq.
    Or, we could have a serious adult discussion, and try to find a course of action that makes the situation better.
    Playing juvenile word games is not part of that process.

  96. G says:

    More likely, they’ll have cause to celebrate by breaking out a bunch of Molsen’s, if he succeeds in fully removing his Canadian citizenship. Lucky them. We’re stuck with him…

    Andrew Vrba, PmG:
    I wager Canada will respond with a resounding, “meh…”

  97. RanTalbott says:

    Okay, here’s a fun new conspiracy theory to start spreading among your friends (and foes 😉 ).
    If you read Zullo’s affidavit carefully, you’ll notice something odd in the quote from Hayes’ (at least, we have to presume it’s Hayes, since he’s not named) report:

    “…based on my observations and findings, it is clear that Certificate of Live Birth I examined is not a scan of an original paper birth certificate”

    [missing “the” before “Certificate” Zullo’s mistake. Tsk, tsk. Does that make his affidavit “perjury”? 🙂 ]

    What’s odd about this? The man is “a forensic expert” with “20 years’ experience” etc., etc., etc. Would someone accustomed to testifying, and writing reports to be used as legal evidence, write an affidavit in which he said he examined a “Certificate of Live Birth” when what he actually examined was a PDF?

    Also note that it doesn’t say _which_ COLB he examined. Wouldn’t one expect the conclusion to identify it? Granted, it may just be a matter of style, since it would have to be identified elsewhere in the report, but aren’t conclusions normally written so they can be used without the need for the entire document?

    Is Commandante Zullo hiding the affidavit because it’s about something other than Obama’s LFBC?

  98. RanTalbott says:

    G: I don’t see what the rush to any action is here at all

    I’m guessing you’re not one of the Syrians wondering whether the atmosphere in your neighborhood will suddenly turn into agonizing poison in the middle of the night.

    Nothing we can do will do a damned thing for the dead, though it might provide some cold comfort for those mourning them.

    Otoh, if Obama went on TV Monday night, and said “Here’s a satellite photo of what used to be the HQ and barracks of ‘xxxx’ Division of the Syrian army, which launched the rockets”, the next unit asked to indiscriminately slaughter civilians by remote control might suddenly discover that they all need emergency root canals that day.

  99. Keith says:

    Dr. Conspiracy:
    Will it kill crabgrass, and where do I get some?

    You hate your children that much?

    I just got back from Vietnam s where the effects are still being felt. Most of the trinkets we bought to hand out to
    friends back home, we bought at workshops staffed by AO and landline victims.

  100. G says:

    Don’t misunderstand me here. I am certainly both sympathetic and concerned for the plight of the Syrian civilians. I realize that there is a fear that more such attacks could take place…

    …but then again, I still have yet to hear any convincing and thought through argument about how a limited strike will actually prevent further such attacks… instead of potentially just escalating reprisals, regional hostilities, etc. From what has been “surmised” in the take-what-you-can-from-it “intelligence” reporting, Syria is estimated to have at least 50 such sites to launch chemical weapons from.

    I’m highly skeptical that such a regime will really simply “think twice” in the event of an attack by us…as opposed to doubling-down on the stupid. Sure, there will continue to be defections, as there have been over these past 2.5 years…which is how long this civil war there has been going on. But the kind of sickos that can launch weapons on their own people…I don’t think we can count on them being rational thinking minds in the first place. We could simply represent a new motivating “threat” to their own paranoid minds that they rally around… I think Syria and their “masters” in Iran will just be emboldened by any “limited strike” and I seriously doubt that limited actions will sufficiently decimate their ability to cause further harm to their own people.

    Plus there are always concerns of “collateral damage” (more civilian casualties) and political recriminations from such fallout. There are also concerns about the effect of possible accidental dispersal of chemical weapons, should we simply try to “bomb them” out of existence.

    There are a lot of suspicions about what happened in those strikes and who actually carried them out, who authorized them and why…as well as clear-cut confirmation of what exactly was used. I’d like to first hear the weapons report as well as a serious international discussion of what can be done to address, punish, and prevent before questionable hasty actions are taken.

    Without a clear-cut strategy, goal and end-game, I don’t see how we end up with anything other than escalation and increased casualties….

    RanTalbott: I’m guessing you’re not one of the Syrians wondering whether the atmosphere in your neighborhood will suddenly turn into agonizing poison in the middle of the night.

    RanTalbott: Nothing we can do will do a damned thing for the dead, though it might provide some cold comfort for those mourning them.

    Otoh, if Obama went on TV Monday night, and said “Here’s a satellite photo of what used to be the HQ and barracks of ‘xxxx’ Division of the Syrian army, which launched the rockets”, the next unit asked to indiscriminately slaughter civilians by remote control might suddenly discover that they all need emergency root canals that day.

  101. Lupin says:

    The best analysis I’ve read on the Syrian issue is on THE ONION:,33662/

    That said, speaking purely as a lawyer who believes in international treaties, etc. the international ban on chemical weapons goes back, believe it or not, to 1675.

    Our societies routinely arrest and imprison criminals not because we think they’re going to change their ways, but simply because, well, laws must be enforced.

    (As an aside, one of the greatest ills of the recent years in US society has been its uneven enforcement of its own laws, with your elites becoming increasingly “untouchable” — not so much here — but I digress.)

    If the intl., community does NOT sanction Assad in some form or another, it is a huge setback for international order.

    I realize this is a purely legalistic viewpoint.

  102. The European says:

    The best analysis I’ve read on the Syrian issue is on THE ONION:,33662/

    That said, speaking purely as a lawyer who believes in international treaties, etc. the international ban on chemical weapons goes back, believe it or not, to 1675.

    Our societies routinely arrest and imprison criminals not because we think they’re going to change their ways, but simply because, well, laws must be enforced.

    (As an aside, oner of the greatest ills of the recent years in US society has been its uneven enforcement of its own laws, with your elites becoming increasingly “untouchable” — not so much here — but I digress.)

    If the intl., community does NOT sanction Assad in some form or another, it is a huge setback for international order.

    I realize this is a purely legalistic viewpoint.

    So were the US sanctioned for the use of Agent Orange ? Some hypocrisy somewhere ? Or is killing slow somehow less worse than killing immediately ?

  103. JPotter says:

    The European: So were the US sanctioned for the use of Agent Orange ?

    Is the US ever sanctioned for anything? Actually, quite often in trade disputes. But for violating int’l norms re: weapons? Landmines? Depleted uranium?

    Was the US sanctioned for the use of defoliants, particularly Agent Orange? In the form of litigation, and lots of it. And ongoing medical costs for American military personnel exposed to it. You’re employing hindsight bias. The effects of dioxin on human health were not understood; Agent Orange was used as a herbicide in Hawaii, Canada, Brazil, Korea. It is now known to be a terrible, persistent environmental poison.

    Your position is ridiculous, “The European”. Are you also suggesting that the countries that employed gas in WWI have no moral standing on the issue of chemical weapons, either? That is the Germans, British, or French, object to the use of chemical weapons, they are hypocrites? It is their experience with chemical weapons that informs their objections to their use.

  104. Majority Will says:

    “Tea Party Leader [Jerome Corsi] Says ‘Sex Is Not About Fun’”

    (excerpt) Yes, World Net Daily contributor and Tea-Nut activist Jerome Corsi really did say that at a conservative event in Oregon in early August. In those exact words. He elaborated.

    “Sex is about the pro-creation of children. It’s a sacred responsibility and is meant by God for men and women to commit their lifetime to children.”

    . . . How does Mr. Corsi think we should have fun? Well….

    “If you want to have fun, read a book, go to a movie.”

  105. CarlOrcas says:

    Majority Will: “Tea Party Leader [Jerome Corsi] Says ‘Sex Is Not About Fun’”

    I suspect Mrs. Corsi agrees, but it would be wrong for me to say that.

  106. Monkey Boy says:

    The European: So were the US sanctioned for the use of Agent Orange ? Some hypocrisy somewhere ? Or is killing slow somehow less worse than killing immediately ?

    Not to mention the use of phosphorous munitions in the horrific subjugation of Fallujah–or, the poisoning of Iraq by the use of depleted uranium.

  107. Rickey says:

    The European: So were the US sanctioned for the use of Agent Orange ? Some hypocrisy somewhere ? Or is killing slow somehow less worse than killing immediately ?

    The obvious difference is intent. Agent Orange was intended to destroy crops and defoliate, not to kill people. That doesn’t excuse the indiscriminate and excessive use of Agent Orange in Vietnam, but it is an important distinction from the situation in Syria.

  108. I see that NBC posted a docket update on the Appeal of the case of Sunahara v Department of Health in Hawaii.

    Sunahara is trying to get access to the original birth certificate for his deceased sister, born about the same time as President Obama. I have some sympathy for his claim, rejected by the lower court.

    Some birthers believe that the Obama certificate doesn’t exist in the DOH files, and that all his certificates are modern creations. If that were to be true, then the certificate number, part of a sequential numbering system, on the Obama certificate must appear on some other “authentic” certificate in the files. Some think that the infant Sunahara has the Obama number on it. If Duncan Sunahara were to examine his sister’s original certificate, then he would no doubt find that the number matches the short form certificate for her that he already has.

    This would have no long-term significance because birthers would just say that the original and the microfilm are fake and demand carbon dating, which they would never get. And even if they did get carbon dating. they would find a way to deny that result too.

  109. I’m staying out of this discussion about Syria because I don’t consider myself wise enough to have an opinion.

    I will observe that in hindsight, horrific things have happened in the past, and we asked ourselves how we could have let them happen. (Genocide in Rwanda comes first to mind.) I hope we find approaches and protocols that reduce horrific things happening in the future.

    Lupin: Our societies routinely arrest and imprison criminals not because we think they’re going to change their ways, but simply because, well, laws must be enforced.

  110. CarlOrcas says:

    Dr. Conspiracy: I’m staying out of this discussion about Syria because I don’t consider myself wise enough to have an opinion.

    You are wiser than you think.

  111. Plantmaster says:

    Andrew Vrba:

    “I did in fact scan Obama’s birth certificate on a Xerox Color Copier. (it wasn’t a WorkCenter) The results weren’t even remotely like Obama’s birth certificate.”

    No kidding, John! You used different equipment and got radically different results?! Wow. Who woulda thunk it.
    Also, I call bull on you scanning the birth certificate, considering it’s in Hawaii. What, did you print the PDF and scan that? Could you really be that stupid?

    How do you manage to NOT drown yourself, when you go to use the bathroom?


    How does John even remember to go the bathroom?

  112. RanTalbott says:

    G: I still have yet to hear any convincing and thought through argument about how a limited strike will actually prevent further such attacks

    Well, you won’t get one from me, because I haven’t thought it through.
    What I’m saying is that we have to _think_ it through, not _emote_ it through, and that there are credible possibilities between “inaction” and “Armageddon” worth considering.
    In addition to the high risk of collateral damage, merely attacking possible launch sites lacks deterrent effect. The only people who would lose much sleep over the destruction of relatively-inexpensive (as wars go) property paid for by taxpayers would be the rocket crews who might have the bad luck to be assigned there at the moment destruction dropped out of the sky. By itself, it would have almost zero effect on the top tier of the regime.
    But attacking the troops in their bases would reduce the sense of impunity that’s usually important to people committing war crimes. If the colonels and the 1-stars feel like they’re _personally_ at risk, any pressure from the political level to commit more massacres will meet with resistance.

  113. The European: Some hypocrisy somewhere?

    Yeah: ‘Use of chemical weapons crosses clear red lines’

    Like this:

  114. G says:

    We are in agreement on these points. I don’t have the answers to this complex problem either. I simply also want more analysis and evidence based thinking and debate on the issue before any emotional gut-based action is taken.

    As mentioned before, I’m not a pacifist, I’m a pragmatist. When a cause/effect scenario presents itself that makes sense for things like limited air strikes or even military intervention to be a viable and sensible “do more good than harm” solution that has a reasonable likelihood to accomplish some sufficiently defined deterrent or preventative goal, I can get behind it. So far, I haven’t heard anything proposed that sounds sensible for addressing this Syrian crisis yet.

    I very much agree about credible possibilities between “inaction” and “Armageddon” worth considering.There are always non-military options (increased types of sanctions, diplomatic pressures, international monitors, war crimes tribunals, etc.) which can be considered and brought to bear, when more facts are known. I’m fairly confident that the UN weapon’s inspector’s findings will identify any specific chemical agent(s) that were deployed…and that information might even give a good indication of where and how they were made.

    Then there is the bigger issue of trying to get more proof and clarity on who actually carried out and authorized those attacks, which is necessary to bring the proper parties to whatever justice is appropriate. If we simply act rash and bomb first and ask questions latter, we might end up with the wrong “targets” and cause inadvertent “distractions” for the real guilty parties to take advantage of…

    RanTalbott: Well, you won’t get one from me, because I haven’t thought it through.
    What I’m saying is that we have to _think_ it through, not _emote_ it through, and that there are credible possibilities between “inaction” and “Armageddon” worth considering.
    In addition to the high risk of collateral damage, merely attacking possible launch sites lacks deterrent effect. The only people who would lose much sleep over the destruction of relatively-inexpensive (as wars go) property paid for by taxpayers would be the rocket crews who might have the bad luck to be assigned there at the moment destruction dropped out of the sky. By itself, it would have almost zero effect on the top tier of the regime.

    That all depends on first successfully identifying and eliminating the “right” targets…

    But then again, direct attacks on another nation’s troops or generals, as opposed to facilities, is pretty much an act of war between nations. I don’t see us being able to justify calling that simply a “limited strike” and not truly a much bigger commitment and escalation. Heck, I’m pretty sure some of that is tantamount to targeted assassination and could easily turn international sentiment against us…

    RanTalbott: But attacking the troops in their bases would reduce the sense of impunity that’s usually important to people committing war crimes. If the colonels and the 1-stars feel like they’re _personally_ at risk, any pressure from the political level to commit more massacres will meet with resistance.

  115. The European says:

    Dr. Conspiracy:
    I’m staying out of this discussion about Syria because I don’t consider myself wise enough to have an opinion.

    I will observe that in hindsight, horrific things have happened in the past, and we asked ourselves how we could have let them happen. (Genocide in Rwanda comes first to mind.) I hope we find approaches and protocols that reduce horrific things happening in the future.

    I admit being thankful for not having to decide these things. But as a general observation: If you are not sure if acting or non-acting is better – don’t move !

    Concerning the killings of the Tutsi-part of the Rwandan population there is one fact which is very little discussed and makes the whole tragedy a little more understandable: The Huti majority was dominated – you may say enslaved – by the Tutsi minortiy for centuries. That had ended through elections. A Tutsi militia tried to gain control again and very probably killed the Hutu president.The rest is known.

    Would you call the rebellion of the slaves of San Domingo / Haiti – who tried to kill each and every white person – a Genocide ?

    Life is complicated.

  116. Just stumbled on The Great Birther Debate Facebook group. Nothing terribly exciting. Nancy Owens is commenting there.

  117. The way I use the term, yes.

    The European: Would you call the rebellion of the slaves of San Domingo / Haiti – who tried to kill each and every white person – a Genocide ?

  118. The European says:

    Changing topics again:

    I guess that not everyone here follows Dr. Taitz on her website So just to inform you about the latest headlines:


    Federal Reserve act of 1913

    Can someone send me the full test of the Federal Reserve Act of 1913? I do not see the actual document anywhere.

    Federal Reserve act was indeed signed on December 23, 2013, but the full text of the act is not being quoted. We get a response “This page is not available”. Maybe the government and the Fed do not want people to know that the Federal Reserve Charter expires onDecember 23, 2013

    Where does Chapter 3 states that federal Reserve chapter was extended to exist in perpetuity, forever? I do not see it


    Federal Reserve charter is similar to the charters of Hong Kong and Macau


    She seems to have given up her “Obama Elegibility Challenge” and tries to catch some other fish. Looks like a whale to me. Where is Captain Ahab when you need him ……….

  119. Monkey Boy says:

    For all those that recoil in pretend horror that the Syrian government MIGHT have used chemical munitions–but, might not have, since the US/Israeli axis is capable of false flag operations.

  120. I’m nominating “false flag” as the trendy phrase of the year.

    Monkey Boy: false flag

  121. justlw says:

    A bit of graffito from teh Facebook this morning:

    When you are dead, you don’t
    know that you are dead. It is
    difficult only for the others.

    It is the same when you are

  122. G says:

    ROTFL! Love it!

    A bit of graffito from teh Facebook this morning:

  123. Dave says:

    Dr. Kate has been using this phrase heavily for years, before it was cool.

    Dr. Conspiracy:
    I’m nominating “false flag” as the trendy phrase of the year.

  124. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    I discovered the phrase “False Flag Operation”, from Dr Kate’s blog-o-cat vomit. I think it was hers, they all kinda run together to me.
    Anyway, the blog used that phrase to describe the Sandy Hook shooting, and claimed all the people involved were actors. Made me sick to my stomach.

  125. The European says:

    Dr. Conspiracy:
    I’m nominating “false flag” as the trendy phrase of the year.

    Special alert from the Gulf of Tonkin: “Seit 5:45 wird zurĂźckgeschossen”

  126. Arthur says:

    Speaking of not being right:

    In a recent speech, Corsi argued that “Sex isn’t about fun.” He continued, “If you want to have fun, read a book, go to a movie. Sex is about the procreation of children. It’s a sacred responsibility that is meant by God to have men and women commit their lifetime to children.”

    This is standard conservative Roman Catholic b.s. God, I despise this kind of talk. The R.C.s have done their best to turn a marvelous gift of nature into a perversion.

  127. The European says:

    Speaking of not being right:

    In a recent speech, Corsi argued that “Sex isn’t about fun.” He continued, “If you want to have fun, read a book, go to a movie. Sex is about the procreation of children. It’s a sacred responsibility that is meant by God to have men and women commit their lifetime to children.”

    This is standard conservative Roman Catholic b.s. God, I despise this kind of talk. The R.C.s have done their best to turn a marvelous gift of nature into a perversion.

    In German “Liebe ist das Brot der Armen” – Love is the bread of the poor …

    In French it is “Le cafĂŠ des pauvres” – when you can’t afford a coffee after your meal you still can make love to enjoy life. Like you say – a gift of nature to mankind. And fortunately the French were never so Catholic that they forgot that.

    And you, Jerome, go f…. yourself.

  128. Arthur says:

    The European: And you, Jerome, go f…. yourself.

    Well said; however, I’m sure he’s too old to do it . . . at least without the help of a hand pump or a prescription. And besides, in Corsi’s world, f’ing yourself is a sin, as is telling the truth.

  129. John Reilly says:

    Speaking of not being right:

    In a recent speech, Corsi argued that “Sex isn’t about fun.” He continued, “If you want to have fun, read a book, go to a movie. Sex is about the procreation of children. It’s a sacred responsibility that is meant by God to have men and women commit their lifetime to children.”

    This is standard conservative Roman Catholic b.s. God, I despise this kind of talk. The R.C.s have done their best to turn a marvelous gift of nature into a perversion.

    As a fellow Roman Catholic, I think what Dr. Corsi meant to say is that sex with him is not fun. I’m not about to try it, nor is Mrs. Reilly.

  130. By the way, they finally did find evidence of weapons of mass destruction in Iraq:

    The European: Special alert from the Gulf of Tonkin: “Seit 5:45 wird zurückgeschossen”

  131. Arthur says:

    John Reilly: As a fellow Roman Catholic, I think what Dr. Corsi meant to say is that sex with him is not fun. I’m not about to try it, nor is Mrs. Reilly.

    Never thought of it that way, but it makes perfect sense!

  132. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    Had a shufti at Birther Report today. My, my. Two Sibley stories in a row!
    The birthers are sure loving them some disbarred ex-attorney!
    Predictably they’re leaving out the “ex” part.
    Gotta love how birthers do stuff like that, in an attempt to add weight to what one of their heroes is saying.
    They still call Lakin, and Fitzpatrick by the ranks they were rightly stripped of, they still refer to former judges as “The honorable -name-“, etc.

  133. Dave says:

    Actually, it’s two posts about one Sibley story. And, not surprisingly, it’s a story that makes little sense. On his blog Sibley posts two documents from 2009 in the criminal case against Elizabeth Anna Duke, in which a DoJ attorney asks for the case to be dismissed and the magistrate judge issues an order to that effect. Although Sibley notes that Duke is still on the FBI’s most wanted list, he still feels that this indicates that Obama is all soft on communist terrorists.

    I confess I do not know what the order he posts is all about, but it is equally clear that Sibley doesn’t know what it’s about, and made no attempt to find out before leaping to conclusions.

    If anyone has a Pacer account it might be interesting to take a look at the docket for 1:88-cr-00145 in DC, because that is one thing notably missing from Sibley’s blog posts.

  134. Benji Franklin says:

    Carl Gallups, Sheriff Joe Arpio, and Field Marshall Mike Zullo are sitting at a bar. Carl is broadcasting live from the bar via his PeePee Summons blog, but hits the mute button when Arpio mutters to Zullo, “I’m tired of you making me look like an idjit’ – if you don’t come up quick with chargeable evidence of Obama committing fraud with this so-called ‘forgery’, I’m going to cut loose and announce you guys lied to me and everybody! Hear me?”

    Gallups lets up on the mute button and Field Marshall Zullo wearing an over-sized cardboard likeness of a Police Badge, and after deftly pulling a Monkey out of his ass says, ”There’s your evidence, Sheriff!”

    Gallups begins squealing, “there it is, Listeners! – a major breakthrough in the Obama Forgery Case! Oh, the Obots must be GOING WILD! And Mike Zullo, before we forget it, let’s remind our listeners who haven’t contributed money to this cause yet, that these monkey’s don’t come flying out of Mike Zullo’s ass cheap, – am I right about that, Mike?”

  135. Not much there. In 2009 the Government moved to quash the arrest warrant and to dismiss the charges. The Court agreed.

    In 2013 there were some motions to intervene, but they are restricted.


    Dates Description
    Filed: 04/20/1988
    Entered: 06/21/1993

    Docket Text

    Set/Reset Deadlines
    Filed: 04/20/1988
    Entered: 06/21/1993

    Docket Text

    Miscellaneous Document
    Filed: 04/20/1988
    Entered: 06/21/1993

    Docket Text

    DOB and PDID
    Filed: 06/02/1988
    Entered: 06/21/1993

    Docket Text

    Bench Warrant Issued
    Filed & Entered:   08/13/1993

    Docket Text

    Filed: 01/09/1997
    Entered: 01/15/1997

    Docket Text

    Miscellaneous Document
    Filed & Entered:   05/29/2009

    Docket Text

    Notice of Fugitive Calendar Call Hearing
    Filed: 06/17/2009
    Entered: 06/18/2009

    Docket Text

    Dismissal of Counts on Government Motion
    Filed: 06/17/2009
    Entered: 06/18/2009

    Docket Text

    Filed & Entered:   06/22/2009

    Docket Text

    Warrant Quashed
    Filed & Entered:   06/13/2013

    Docket Text

    Leave to File Denied
    Filed & Entered:   06/13/2013

    Docket Text

    Leave to File Denied
    Filed & Entered:   06/13/2013

    Docket Text

    Filed: 06/20/2013
    Entered: 06/24/2013

    Docket Text

    Leave to File Denied
    Filed & Entered:   07/05/2013

    Docket Text

    Filed: 07/30/2013
    Entered: 07/31/2013

    Docket Text

    Leave to File Denied

    Dave: If anyone has a Pacer account it might be interesting to take a look at the docket for 1:88-cr-00145 in DC, because that is one thing notably missing from Sibley’s blog posts.

  136. Dave says:

    That’s too bad.

    Well, the wanted poster for Duke refers to an arrest warrant issued in Eastern Pennsylvania, and the court case Sibley is referring to is in DC. I also note that the order Sibley posts is a dismissal without prejudice. So it seems clear that whatever the reasons were for this dismissal, it is still true that 1) the FBI still has a warrant to arrest Duke, and 2) the DC case that was dismissed can be refiled later.

    Dr. Conspiracy:
    Pacer seems to go just back to 2004. That case was from 1988.

  137. RanTalbott says:

    Duke is 72 years old. My guess is that the DOJ said “Even if she’s still alive, and we catch her, we’re unlikely to prosecute”.

  138. Dave says:

    Since Duke is still on the most wanted list, what you suggest is pretty improbable.

    Duke is 72 years old. My guess is that the DOJ said “Even if she’s still alive, and we catch her, we’re unlikely to prosecute”.

  139. CarlOrcas says:

    Since Duke is still on the most wanted list, what you suggest is pretty improbable.

    It looks to me like an Obama Derangement Syndrome tempest in a teapot….a Kenyan teapot, of course.

  140. RanTalbott says:

    Is there a (linkable, preferably) document that that establishes that Hawaii was _not_ coding for the feds on their BCs in 1961?
    I know Doc has mentioned that based on his personal experience, but I’d like to have a URL I can point to and say “See? Zullo is unquestionably lying”.

  141. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    So its just another case of a birther name-dropping Obama onto something that he had nothing to do with. Just a typical day in Birtherstan.

  142. Suranis says:

    Actually, I think you will find that its more like pretty standard Presbyterian bullshit. 😀

    Speaking of not being right:

    In a recent speech, Corsi argued that “Sex isn’t about fun.” He continued, “If you want to have fun, read a book, go to a movie. Sex is about the procreation of children. It’s a sacred responsibility that is meant by God to have men and women commit their lifetime to children.”

    This is standard conservative Roman Catholic b.s. God, I despise this kind of talk. The R.C.s have done their best to turn a marvelous gift of nature into a perversion.

  143. Kiwiwriter says:

    Speaking of not being right:

    In a recent speech, Corsi argued that “Sex isn’t about fun.” He continued, “If you want to have fun, read a book, go to a movie. Sex is about the procreation of children. It’s a sacred responsibility that is meant by God to have men and women commit their lifetime to children.”

    This is standard conservative Roman Catholic b.s. God, I despise this kind of talk. The R.C.s have done their best to turn a marvelous gift of nature into a perversion.

    Sounds like Mr. Corsi ain’t getting much action. Statements like these usually come from people who are angry and depressed about their own lack of a sex life, and cloak their desire to make everyone else as miserable as they are with grandiose political statements.

  144. charo says:

    A detailed discussion of the meaning of natural born citizen, very lengthy, taking into account just about every aspect I’ve seen.

  145. Benji Franklin says:

    Kiwiwriter: In a recent speech, Corsi argued that “Sex isn’t about fun.” He continued, “If you want to have fun, read a book, go to a movie.”

    Sounds like Mr. Corsi ain’t getting much action.

    i agree. A more forthcoming (sic) Corsi would have confessed that for him, “Sex isn’t MUCH fun.” and “If you want to have sex, read a book, go to a movie.”

  146. Dr Kenneth Noisewater says:

    Another Phoenix New Times article from Today

    I guess Carl Gallups claimed the New Times was behind the forgery?

  147. G says:


    Dr. Conspiracy:
    By the way, they finally did find evidence of weapons of mass destruction in Iraq:

  148. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    Well, if Birther Report is anything to go one, Zullo and company are just sidestepping the Xerox thing completely and going after a new angle “We got dirt on all these vips!”

  149. The Magic M says:

    Dr Kenneth Noisewater: I guess Carl Gallups claimed the New Times was behind the forgery?

    Every birther eventually comes full circle. Now Zullo/Gallups are back at “if there were no forgery, Obots wouldn’t protest so much”. I guess next we’ll see them ask their followers to flood their “VIP’s” with angry letters (another 2009 favourite).

  150. RanTalbott says:

    Andrew Vrba, PmG: “We got dirt on all these vips!”

    Is that “We” as in “the CCP”? Or as in “The Eevul Obots”?

  151. Northland10 says:

    RanTalbott: Is that “We” as in “the CCP”? Or as in “The Eevul Obots”?

    What week is it?

  152. JPotter says:

    Who are the VIPs in questions? Elected reps?

  153. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    Who are the VIPs in questions? Elected reps?

    Probably just names that Zullo’s mustache picked at random.

  154. Jim says:

    Andrew Vrba, PmG:
    Well, if Birther Report is anything to go one, Zullo and company are just sidestepping the Xerox thing completely and going after a new angle “We got dirt on all these vips!”

    Yep, that’s another sign of a scam…when your scam starts to go south, blame someone else. How long before the birthers realize they’re being taken for a mustache ride? 😀

  155. JPotter says:

    Andrew Vrba, PmG: Probably just names that Zullo’s mustache picked at random.

    Just wondering if he had made a serious mistake—like including private persons on his enemies list—yet.

  156. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    Oh, I think it goes without saying that Zullo has made a serious mistake…or twelve.

  157. Lupin says:

    Armed-to-the-teeth- hunchback leper, er, excuse me, birther fascist calls for a military march on DC and gives Obama 48 hours to step down:

    I know you guys love your First Amendment, but honestly, this guy should be behind bars.

  158. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    Armed-to-the-teeth- hunchback leper, er, excuse me, birther fascist calls for a military march on DC and gives Obama 48 hours to step down:

    I know you guys love your First Amendment, but honestly, this guy should be behind bars.

    I can picture it now.
    If he actually does manage to not get himself arrested in the next two days, he and his band of maybe a couple dozen people will arrive in D.C., only to discover that there will be no “millions and millions” coming it his aid. There will be a poignant moment as he looks on, realizing that there will be no military coup. Not today, not tomorrow, not ever. He will then sulk back into obscurity, to possibly start working on his suicide note. I’m perfectly fine with that, so long as he doesn’t take any innocent people with him, tbqh.

  159. JPotter says:

    Lupin: Armed-to-the-teeth- hunchback leper, er, excuse me, birther fascist calls for a military march on DC and gives Obama 48 hours to step down:

    This guy is the chief of police somewhere?!?

    Thanks for the link, Lupin, it was a good laugh. Of course, if he isn’t reeled in, peacably, it won’t be funny much longer.

    … Kessler’s “potty-mouth” language and his fascination with anal sex.

    We’ve got to get a psychologist or two to check this hilariously consistent, persistent pattern, linking paranoia to anal fixations, out.

  160. He was suspended, but the suspension might be over. He posted a video on YouTube machine gunning a clown, with the same first name as the head of the town council that suspended him.

    JPotter: This guy is the chief of police somewhere?!?

  161. CarlOrcas says:

    Dr. Conspiracy:
    He was suspended, but the suspension might be over. He posted a video on YouTube machine gunning a clown, with the same first name as the head of the town council that suspended him.

    The last story I saw indicated he had been suspended indefinitely.

    He is a one person police force with a 100 person mouth.

    It will be interesting to see if the state takes any action vis a vis his peace officer certification.

  162. RanTalbott says:

    Dr. Conspiracy: He posted a video on YouTube machine gunning a clown

    When the Booth character on “Bones” shot the clown decoration on an ice cream truck, I got introduced to Stephen Fry (who played the shrink who had to clear him to return to duty), so maybe some good will come of it 😉

    I also got introduced to the horribleness of the YouTube search, trying to track down and watch all the episodes of “Qi”, though, so it was a mixed blessing…

  163. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    Dug around in some of Orly’s mad scrawlings. Came across a recent bit where she is crowing about how man people visit her page, and how that accounts for something.
    Yeah, being popular on the internet isn’t a sign of intelligence or quality. The popularity of “Youtube Poop” is proof of that!

  164. Keith says:

    RanTalbott: When the Booth character on “Bones” shot the clown decoration on an ice cream truck, I got introduced to Stephen Fry (who played the shrink who had to clear him to return to duty), so maybe some good will come of it

    I also got introduced to the horribleness of the YouTube search, trying to track down and watch all the episodes of “Qi”, though, so it was a mixed blessing…

    He’s also played a small town lawyer (“Kingdom”) and driven his London cab around America.

    Oh, and also played Oscar Wilde on stage and movies. He’s quite an admirer of Wilde.

    Apparently QI can’t be shown in the USA because of copyright issues with the photos they show on the backdrop.

  165. Daniel says:

    Dr. Conspiracy:
    He was suspended, but the suspension might be over. He posted a video on YouTube machine gunning a clown, with the same first name as the head of the town council that suspended him.

    Suspension extended indefinitely

  166. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    NICE! Now that’s how you stick it someone! He can’t even try to sue for wrongful termination, as he’s technically not fired.

  167. Arthur says:

    Dr. Conspiracy: Article of note on presidential eligibility:

    A thoughtful, well reasoned article by a professor of law. I was drawn to his easy to follow advice, “If you don’t trust the loyalty of a candidate because of how he or she became a ‘natural born Citizen,’ don’t vote for the person.” If I recall correctly, the poster “Scientist” was a proponent of this approach.

  168. G says:

    I suspected that his continuing actions would lead to an extension of that suspension…so I definitely think they did the right thing here. From the comments section of the article, it seems like that very small town doesn’t have that much need for his position anyways and could simply call in state police if they really needed something done in the interim.

    Daniel: Suspension extended indefinitely

  169. JPotter says:

    Dr. Conspiracy:
    He was suspended, but the suspension might be over. He posted a video on YouTube machine gunning a clown, with the same first name as the head of the town council that suspended him.

    Wow. Thanks for bringing this nut to my attention. Having sampled his wares, all I can say is …. give that man a dome and start filming!

    I hope the town council has checked up on its propane supply.

  170. G says:


    JPotter: Wow. Thanks for bringing this nut to my attention. Having sampled his wares, all I can say is …. give that man a dome and start filming!

  171. Curious George says:

    Dr Kenneth Noisewater:
    Another Phoenix New Times article from Today

    I guess Carl Gallups claimed the New Times was behind the forgery?

    Isn’t It’s time to get out the straight jackets and ready the padded rooms?

  172. justlw says:

    Dr. Conspiracy:
    Article of note on presidential eligibility:

    Charo posted a link to this earlier in this thread.

    I’ve seen this guy before, but after a cursory search here it doesn’t look like you’ve written about him yet. He seems to be seriously anti-Obama, but not an (outright) birther.

    …and oh, by the way, he strenuously objects to the term “birther”, because it “was used as a pejorative as part of a deliberate Obama campaign strategy to shut down debate on his issue.”

    And yes, “debate” means that he is, or at least was, actually somewhere in the birther-curious and/or concern-troll camp, saying in 2010 that he believed the “circumstantial evidence” (you know, like Obama’s freaking birth certificate) points to Obama being born in Hawaii, but wouldn’t it be better if he just released his records (you know, like the freaking birth certificate he had already released)?

    He also points to Scott Brown being accused of being a birther (by whom, it’s not clear) as proof that “birther” is just a pejorative being scattered about will-nilly to obfuscate the issue, when all Brown really said was merely that he wasn’t sure that Obama’s mother was married at the time Obama was born.

  173. Suranis says:

    May she rest in peace, and condolences to her family.

  174. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    Hold up! Let me do my give-a-damn roll.
    ..rolled a 1.
    Lemme do a saving throw.
    …rolled another 1.
    Well there you have it. Extreme indifference it is./

  175. Arthur says:

    You recall Rep. Yoho who flirted with birtherism at his town hall meetings? Here he is interviewed by Chris Matthews and not quite able to allow that Obama is legitimate. Relevant section begins @ 7:20.

  176. Daniel says:

    May she rest in peace, and condolences to her family.

    Hopefully she finds in passing, the peace she did not know in life.

  177. In Heaven, everyone is an immigrant.

    Daniel: Hopefully she finds in passing, the peace she did not know in life.

  178. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    Dr. Conspiracy:
    In Heaven, everyone is an immigrant.

  179. Dr Kenneth Noisewater says:

    You recall Rep. Yoho who flirted with birtherism at his town hall meetings? Here he is interviewed by Chris Matthews and not quite able to allow that Obama is legitimate. Relevant section begins @ 7:20.

    Not exactly the stupidest thing he said there. He claimed Germany was our ally in WW2

  180. Greenfinches says:

    Dr Kenneth Noisewater quoting Arthur: Germany was our ally in WW2


    How do you get old enough to be a congressman without the knowledge about WW2? And without AIPAC talking to you about the Holocaust?

    I am nonplussed!

  181. RanTalbott says:

    Dr Kenneth Noisewater: He claimed Germany was our ally in WW2

    Yeah, and Obama “claimed” there are 57 states.
    Let he who is without gaffes cast the first stone.

  182. Arthur says:

    Greenfinches: How do you get old enough to be a congressman without the knowledge about WW2?

    He said, “My comeback to that is, we entered WWII because we got attacked at Pear Harbor, our allies, Germany and France, were attacked, we had no options.”

    I think it was just a slip of the tongue. He seemed a bit nervous when he was speaking; after all, until he got elected last fall, he’d been a vet for most of his life and spent his time talking to animals.

  183. Dr Kenneth Noisewater says:

    RanTalbott: Yeah, and Obama “claimed” there are 57 states.Let he who is without gaffes cast the first stone.

    There’s a difference between being in 57 caucus, primaries and saying states and confusing our enemy during WW2 with our friend.

  184. Steve says:

    Dr Kenneth Noisewater: Not exactly the stupidest thing he said there.He claimed Germany was our ally in WW2

    During my senior year of college, 25 years ago, the school newspaper quizzed random students about their knowledge of history. A fairly large percentage, perhaps a majority, thought that the Russians fought on the Germans’ side and the Japanese were on our side.
    I wonder how many of those people are in the Tea Party now.

  185. CarlOrcas says:

    RanTalbott: Yeah, and Obama “claimed” there are 57 states.

    No, he didn’t claim there were 57 states. During a campaign stop in Beaverton, Oregon in May 2008 he mistakenly said the had visited 57 states. He corrected the slip at a later stop:

    I can’t find a source for Yolo’s comments but it sounds like the same sort of thing….an inadvertent slip of the tongue.

  186. Arthur says:

    CarlOrcas: I can’t find a source for Yolo’s comments but it sounds like the same sort of thing….an inadvertent slip of the tongue.

    He said it during an interview with Chris Matthews:

    And yes, it was probably a slip of the tongue–just like my slip of the keyboard when I mistakenly typed in a previous post, “Pear Harbor,” for “Pearl Harbor.”

  187. donna says:

    Birtherism, cont.: Florida Rep. Yoho isn’t sure Obama is American

    Hardball host asked if Yoho was a birther.

    “No comment,” said Yoho.

    Earlier this month, the congressman told constituents he’d support a bill to investigate the authenticity of Obama’s birth certificate but said bitherism was largely a “distraction.”

  188. justlw says:

    CarlOrcas: No, he didn’t claim there were 57 states.

    I think that was Ran’s point.

    I always like to point out to people who still trot out the “57 states” thing that their math sucks. His slip of the tongue made it sound like he was saying there are 60 states.

    I also point out that if they have to reach back to 2008, he must actually be doing a pretty good job as president.

  189. Kiwiwriter says:

    Steve: During my senior year of college, 25 years ago, the school newspaper quizzed random students about their knowledge of history. A fairly large percentage, perhaps a majority, thought that the Russians fought on the Germans’ side and the Japanese were on our side.
    I wonder how many of those people are in the Tea Party now.

    The colossal ignorance of Americans about their own history is staggering. I’ve met New Zealanders who know our history better than Americans.

    Dick Winters, the central figure of “Band of Brothers,” went to talk to a high school history class some years ago in his home town in Pennsylvania (he has since died), and was furious that the kids in the class knew less about American history than Dutch kids he would meet on his annual voyages to The Netherlands to mark the anniversary of Operation Market-Garden, in which he fought to free that country.

    Winters was enraged, and challenged the kids to learn their own history.

    It is staggering…I have met people who cannot tell me who Winston Churchill is. I deal with reporters who know every move Kim Kardashian makes, but cannot name a single American who earned the Medal of Honor at Pearl Harbor…or what happened there.

    Then we have the spectacle of Holocaust deniers, who manipulate and lie to grind their hatred of Jews and adulation of Hitler.

    I have also dealt with people who think we have “nothing to learn” from history, and they were greatly surprised on 9/11, wondering why our nation was under attack, our biggest buildings destroyed, 3,000 dead. I was greatly amused that for a few days, “Nostradamus” replaced “sex” as the number one search on the Internet. I have news for those ignorant folks: Nostradamus couldn’t predict the weather, let alone 9/11.

    I tell people who think that history is stupid and that we have nothing to learn from it a quote from George Orwell: “Who controls the present controls the past. Who controls the past controls the future.”

  190. Dr Kenneth Noisewater says:

    Steve: During my senior year of college, 25 years ago, the school newspaper quizzed random students about their knowledge of history. A fairly large percentage, perhaps a majority, thought that the Russians fought on the Germans’ side and the Japanese were on our side.I wonder how many of those people are in the Tea Party now.

    You ever see the old SNL skit with Jerry Seinfeld where he’s a history teacher and he asked the students who does Indiana Jones fight in the Raiders of the Lost Ark other than the snakes.

  191. JD Reed says:

    donna: Birtherism, cont.: Florida Rep. Yoho isn’t sure Obama is AmericanHardball host asked if Yoho was a birther.“No comment,” said Yoho.Earlier this month, the congressman told constituents he’d support a bill to investigate the authenticity of Obama’s birth certificate but said bitherism was largely a “distraction.”

    And did you catch him on C-SPAN during the House committee debate on striking Syria, where he was caught flatfooted on his ignorance of the current situation with Syria? And realized it?

  192. Steve says:

    Dr Kenneth Noisewater: You ever see the old SNL skit with Jerry Seinfeld where he’s a history teacher and he asked the students who does Indiana Jones fight in the Raiders of the Lost Ark other than the snakes.

    Never saw that one but this one about the JFK assassination is one of my favorites:

  193. The Magic M says:

    Dr. Conspiracy: In Heaven, everyone is an immigrant.

    And only widowers are married to angels. (Al Bundy)

  194. justlw says:

    As I bumped into some new (to me) birther emissions, I was reminded once again that their record on rallying cries is impressive. In that I’m not sure that I’ve ever seen one instance of them correctly quoting a historical figure. Three I saw in the space of just a few hours (one is a repeat from Doc’s earlier article about the phenomenon):

    “When the people fear the government there is tyranny. When the government fears the people there is liberty.”
    — Not Thomas Jefferson

    “You cannot escape the responsibility of tomorrow by evading it today.”
    — Not Abraham Lincoln

    “It does not require a majority to prevail, but rather an irate, tireless minority keen to set brush fires in people’s minds.”
    — Not Samuel Adams

    If you were judging by this list, you would have to conclude that our forefathers were kind of paranoid, cranky and simplistic. Funny how birthers would choose these as their faux watchwords.

  195. RanTalbott says:

    justlw: If you were judging by this list, you would have to conclude that our forefathers were kind of paranoid, cranky and simplistic

    Well, they were: they revolted over a tax less than what we pay today on a bag of Cheetos (except, of course, in California, where junk food has constitutional rights).

    They were insanely suspicious of government power. Which has mostly been a huge benefit to us in reining in those who want to grab more than they need/deserve.

    And, when it was needed, as when creating inspiring slogans, they had the ability to shed the complexity needed to create systems that can cope with the real world, and come up with battle cries that people could actually yell in battle (Imagine the 1st Madisonian Brigade charging up a hill: “The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, pap…” BANG! Thud.).

  196. Paper says:

    Look who has a new bone.

    Anyone have a reliable perspective on Corsi’s latest here?

  197. Lani says:

    As I bumped into some new (to me) birther emissions, I was reminded once again that their record on rallying cries is impressive.

    Well, we can look at the their beloved Boston tea party, for example. England was reducing taxes, which current US residents prefer to forget. England was increasing penalties for smuggling. The Tea Act made legally imported tea cheaper. But, hey, facts are stupid…

  198. Paper says:

    Cut out middle men, cut the tax *on the English side,* thus indeed reducing the total cost of the tea, but tax was still to be collected *in the colonies,* per the remaining unrepealed Townsend Acts (sugar, tea).

    Besides helping the British East India Comany, the point was to get the colonies to accept the principle that they could be taxed at all in the first place, if not internal taxes then external taxes such as duties, without representation in Parliament.

    It didn’t matter to the ironies that the tax load was reduced. The tax itself was the problem. In for a penny, in for a pound.

    On top of that, the tax was intended to be used to pay the governors and judges of the colonies, taking that practice out of the hands of the colonial assemblies and putting it into the hands of Parliament.

    Lani: Well, we can look at the their beloved Boston tea party, for example.England was reducing taxes, which current US residents prefer to forget.England was increasing penalties for smuggling.The Tea Act made legally imported tea cheaper.But, hey, facts are stupid…

  199. Paper says:

    Colonies not ironies, though I remember at the time we discussed the idea of having the colonial ironies retaliate with a tax on starch for stiff upper lips.

  200. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    So, the latest bunch of Birther Report poopies amount to a bunch of angry stomping, and them claiming Gallups as a member of the CCP.
    You can always tell when the birthers are at their most hopeless, as that is when they roll out the angry name calling and outright threats “You obots are on notice! Your suspects in the investigation…honest!”

    When I picture a birther getting mad, I see some pasty man-child smashing his fists on the keyboard, screaming the N-word repeatedly. Meanwhile his mother is outside the basement door wondering if sniffing all that airplane glue while pregnant might have been a factor.

  201. CarlOrcas says:

    Andrew Vrba, PmG: You can always tell when the birthers are at their most hopeless, as that is when they roll out the angry name calling and outright threats “You obots are on notice! Your suspects in the investigation…honest!”

    It appears one of them has told Senator McCain he should be charged with treason.

    It is fascinating to watch them soar like Icarus with every new “revelation” only to see it melt away as they fly too close to reality.

  202. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    CarlOrcas: It appears one of them has told Senator McCain he should be charged with treason.

    It is fascinating to watch them soar like Icarus with every new “revelation” only to see it melt away as they fly too close to reality.

    Yeah, and nothing says classy journalism, quite like crappily made Photoshopped “shame” pics. Honestly, the only time birthers will ever see Obama behind bars, is if someone Photoshops him behind some. Oh wait, they already did that. Quite poorly I might add.

  203. Steve says:

    I’m having an argument with some people about the publisher’s bio.
    They claim that the fact that Obama let a mistake go uncorrected so long means that it could not have been a mistake.
    Yes, the person who wrote the bio said it was her mistake, but they claim she’s lying. That someone would let a mistake about where they were born go for 17 years doesn’t pass the sniff test, they say.
    Could it be possible they’re right about this one and we may have to concede that maybe Obama was trying to pass himself off as foreign-born even if he wasn’t?

  204. justlw says:

    Steve: Could it be possible they’re right about this one

    Well, no, Steve. But thanks for asking!

    The most likely reason that Obama let the mistake go for so long is that he had no idea the mistake was out there.

    The original blurb was used in a promotional brochure that went out to a very small target audience of publishers. No one in that audience would have noticed the mistake at the time — because no one had any idea who Barack Obama was and where he might or might not have been born.

    Later, the contents of that brochure were repurposed as content on a web site that was obscure enough that no one interested in Obama saw it for, what, twenty years?

    Meanwhile, just before that brochure was created, Obama himself had given interviews with several national publications where he said, and they reported, that he was born in Hawaii.

    And shortly after that, Obama published his memoir, where he said that he was born in Hawaii.

    If this were something that Obama was aware of at all, he clearly would have had it corrected long before. Even if, per one theory that’s out there, he was only saying he was Kenyan to people he was trying to sell his book to, that’s a pretty clumsy lie, since again he was on record with major publications that he was not. You would think he’d clean up the evidence with his publisher as quickly as he could.

    Given all of the above, the most obvious scenario, as is so often true, is the simplest: intern at publisher put together a bio based on info she got from Obama, added a mistaken impression she got from his life story (“Barack Obama was from Kenya” — she just missed that this was Obama Senior), and he never knew this happened.

    Hope this helps, Steve! Let us know what happens when you share this with those people!

  205. The brochure was for a book that was never written. More reason for it not to be noticed, and if noticed, not corrected. I mean, you don’t recall brochures unless there is a serious problem and it’s not like they were reprinting the brochure year after year; they’re what you call ephemeral.

    I have a 100-year-old book that has a typo in it. Does that mean that for 100 years no one noticed the mistake? Say then that I take that book and scan it and put it on the web. Does that mean that for 100 years nobody noticed the mistake?

    Steve: Yes, the person who wrote the bio said it was her mistake, but they claim she’s lying. That someone would let a mistake about where they were born go for 17 years doesn’t pass the sniff test, they say.

  206. Rickey says:

    I’m having an argument with some people about the publisher’s bio.
    They claim that the fact that Obama let a mistake go uncorrected so long means that it could not have been a mistake.
    Yes, the person who wrote the bio said it was her mistake, but they claim she’s lying. That someone would let a mistake about where they were born go for 17 years doesn’t pass the sniff test, they say.
    Could it be possible they’re right about this one and we may have to concede that maybe Obama was trying to pass himself off as foreign-born even if he wasn’t?

    I personally know guitarist Duane Eddy, who is a member of the Rock ‘n’ Roll Hall of Fame. Over the course of his career he has had numerous factually incorrect things said about him – not malicious things, but incorrect things. Even his own record label published incorrect information about him in the liner notes of one of his albums. One record producer put his name on a recording which was actually recorded by some else.

    But he didn’t bother to correct those things, because they were too trivial for him to care. He wasn’t about to ask his record label to recall his album and revise the liner notes (the label probably would have made him bear the cost). The record which incorrectly labeled him as the artist didn’t sell well, so he ignored it.

    Why would Obama care about an error in a biographical sketch which was written for a book which was never published? The reality is that it would have been suspicious only if Obama had demanded that a correction be made, considering that only a few people actually saw it. In fact, there is no reason to believe that Obama ever saw it.

  207. BatGuano says:

    I’m having an argument with some people about the publisher’s bio.

    couple points:

    – the same blurb was carried over to support “dreams from my father”, a book that specifically talks about obama being born in hawaii.

    – the same brochure got the year wrong that tip o’neal became speaker of the house in his bio. another factor pointing to sloppy fact checking.

    – obama had just been mentioned as “born in hawaii” in a new york times article about him becoming president of the harvard law revue. highly unlikely that he’d be trying to pull some ruse ( what exactly would be the benefit to people thinking he was born in kenya? ) since his birthplace was already featured in a high profile publication.

  208. gorefan says:

    Steve: I’m having an argument with some people about the publisher’s bio.

    Point them to this reprint of a 1990 LA Times article (actually published on March 12th, 1990 not March 19th)

    The life narrative is the same one in 1990 as it is today.

    His own upbringing is a blending of diverse cultures. Born in Hawaii, where his parents met in college, Obama was named Barack (blessed in Arabic) after his father. The elder Obama was among a generation of young Africans who came to the United States to study engineering, finance and medicine, skills that could be taken back home to build a new, strong Africa. In Hawaii, he married Obama’s mother, a white American from Wichita, Kan.

    Two years later, Obama’s parents separated and he moved to a small village outside Jakarta, Indonesia, with his mother, an anthropologist. There, he spent his boyhood playing with the sons and daughters of rice farmers and rickshaw drivers, attending an Indonesian-speaking school, where he had little contact with Americans.

    Every morning at 5, his mother would wake him to take correspondence classes for fear he would forget his English.

    It was in Indonesia, Obama said, where he first became aware of abject poverty and despair.

    “It left a very strong mark on me living there because you got a real sense of just how poor folks can get,” he said. “You’d have some army general with 24 cars and if he drove one once then eight servants would come around and wash it right away. But on the next block, you’d have children with distended bellies who just couldn’t eat.”

    After six years in Indonesia, Obama was sent back to the United States to live with his maternal grandparents in Hawaii in preparation for college. It was then that he began to correspond with his father, a senior economist for the Kenyan finance ministry who recounted intriguing tales of an African heritage that Obama knew little about.

  209. gorefan says:

    Steve: I’m having an argument

    Tell them they can even buy a copy of the 1990 LA Times article real cheap;

    March 12th 1990 LA Times – Harvard Law Review

  210. Steve says:

    gorefan: Tell them they can even buy a copy of the 1990 LA Times article real cheap;

    March 12th 1990 LA Times – Harvard Law Review

    I brought up all the articles where it mentioned that he was born in Hawaii and I got this bit of goalpost moving:

    “Different audience, different message.

    Is this hard to understand?

    He may not have ever pushed the idea that he was born in Kenya, but he certainly didn’t make sure it was corrected when others presented him in that manner.”

    This is a tough one to win.

  211. Steve says:

    I think the thing they had a hard time believing was that he didn’t actually check the brochure before it was published.

  212. JPotter says:

    Steve: Different audience, different message.

    The audience that can be properly addressed only via unused marketing material for an unpublished book must be a narrow audience indeed. And yet, if concern troll is alleging that “born in Kenya” is the truth, then concern troll is alleging that this narrow “target audience” is the only audience interested in the truth. Apparently.

    Since concern troll further alleges that Obama had direct creative control over this brochure*, concern troll is alleging that Obama believed that only this “audience” was interested in the truth of his Kenyan birth.

    An audience of, at the time, one. A copy-editor. Weird.

    Or, of course, maybe Obama used his dark powers to foretell the future, and foresaw that eventually, this brochure would find a wider audience interested in the “truth” of his Kenyan birth …. birthers! 😉


    * Having worked in book publishing, the idea that a novice author would have any say regarding marketing, is ludicrous. They may have run this by Obama as a courtesy, once publishing was a go. “Here’s your book, here’s how we’re pushing it…” etc. Since the book wasn’t published, there was no need to correct, whether or not it was noticed by anyone, or everyone. Then or now.

  213. sfjeff says:

    Steve: I think the thing they had a hard time believing was that he didn’t actually check the brochure before it was published

    Well we have seen it all before. For Birthers any trivial blip on the radar is a smoking gun to them.

    I have yet to see one provide an honest answer that can rationalize how Barack Obama would tell national audiences in several major publications in 1990 that he was born in Hawaii, but secretly tell the world the truth in an obscure brochure in 1993 or whatever, and then in 1995 tell the whole world in his bio that he was born in Hawaii.

    But Birthers do not, will not and cannot trust anything other than their undying certainty that there must be some reason that that son of an African could not possibly really, truely be our President.

    Just stop arguing with them- either tell them they are idiots, or if they are just idiot friends tell them to stop talking to you about this idiotic stuff, because you don’t want to harm your friendship by calling them idiots.

    If they are your grandparents, just smile and be polite.

  214. gorefan says:

    Steve: This is a tough one to win.

    There are always going to be people who refuse to face the truth and fall back on convoluted, illogical arguments. The 9/11 Truthers, the Fake Moon Landing believers for example.

    Why tell an audience of eight or ten publishers one story but tell the much wider public audience a different story? You can see how illogical it is?

  215. Bovril says:

    This is a perrenial shibolleth with a couple of the mouth breathers over at Freak Rethuglic.

    Basically, stupid is as stupid does, they cannot grasp that the blurb was never reviewed by Obama, the person who wrote it admits it was their fault, it was never an issue and has exactly zero probative value.

    But, hey, let them fixate on it, it’s not as if anyone actually cares what they think.

  216. Northland10 says:

    gorefan: There are always going to be people who refuse to face the truth and fall back on convoluted, illogical arguments.The 9/11 Truthers, the Fake Moon Landing believers….

    …Altar Guild.

    Oops, did I say that out loud?

  217. Arthur says:

    OMG! I just remembered that today is the day! It’s finally come! Today “We the People,” led by uber-patriot Bobby Powell, are taking back our government!

    Remember what the Western Center for Journalism said about this day?

    “Ordinary citizens are not the only people up in arms over the tyrannical policies of the Obama administration. Members of law enforcement – Police Chiefs and municipal police, Sheriffs and their deputies, and State Troopers from around the country – plan to take a message of dissatisfaction to Washington D.C. on September 9th and redress their Congressmen with a list of grievances.”

    And of course, you remember what Bobby Powell himself predicted on July 27 about this historical event:

    “On September 9th millions of Americans will gather in Washington D.C. to let their Congressmen and Senators know that they are sick and tired of the crimes being committed by the Obama administration, that they have had enough of the coverups, lies, and scandals that are endemic in the Executive Branch, and that they want their elected Representatives to take immediate action to Impeach – and imprison – Barack Hussein Obama and his Attorney General Eric Holder.”

    So all you Obots, I hope you are enjoying your last day of freedom! The day of reckoning is at hand! Tremble and be afraid!

  218. justlw says:

    Steve: “Different audience, different message.

    …where one audience is “English-speaking people” and the second audience is “book publishers who don’t read the LA Times, Boston Globe, Chicago Tribune, New York Times, or Vanity Fair.” (These being the five major publications he was interviewed by in 1990, all of whom mentioned he was born in Hawaii.)

    Given that Sarah Palin has never been reported as being in any position of influence in the book trade in the early ’90s, the second audience would seem to be the empty set.

    I addressed this in my earlier reply. If this was intentional, or even a sin by omission, he’d have made sure it was cleaned up long before he published his memoir where he said that he was born in Hawaii. This is the Luthor/Howard conspiracy model yet again.

    Steve: I think the thing they had a hard time believing was that he didn’t actually check the brochure before it was published.

    It wasn’t a brochure specifically about him. It was a brochure about the PR firm’s roster of several dozen authors.

    I do public speaking-ish gigs from time to time, and I’m often asked to supply a bio. I’m never asked to check the copy they produce from it, and I’ve often found mistakes in what is released.

  219. Kiwiwriter says:

    OMG! I just remembered that today is the day! It’s finally come! Today “We the People,” led by uber-patriot Bobby Powell, are taking back our government!

    Remember what the Western Center for Journalism said about this day?

    “Ordinary citizens are not the only people up in arms over the tyrannical policies of the Obama administration. Members of law enforcement – Police Chiefs and municipal police, Sheriffs and their deputies, and State Troopers from around the country – plan to take a message of dissatisfaction to Washington D.C. on September 9th and redress their Congressmen with a list of grievances.”

    And of course, you remember what Bobby Powell himself predicted on July 27 about this historical event:

    “On September 9th millions of Americans will gather in Washington D.C. to let their Congressmen and Senators know that they are sick and tired of the crimes being committed by the Obama administration, that they have had enough of the coverups, lies, and scandals that are endemic in the Executive Branch, and that they want their elected Representatives to take immediate action to Impeach – and imprison – Barack Hussein Obama and his Attorney General Eric Holder.”

    So all you Obots, I hope you are enjoying your last day of freedom! The day of reckoning is at hand! Tremble and be afraid!

    That’s today? I better put my gold bars, AK-47s, canned tuna fish, and copies of “J. Edgar Hoover on Communism” in my bunker, to wait out the apocalyptic domestic war.

    Oh…wait, the Yankee-Red Sox series in The Bronx just finished. I guess we’re okay.

  220. justlw says:

    justlw: …who don’t read the LA Times, Boston Globe, Chicago Tribune, New York Times, or Vanity Fair.

    For the sake of completeness: I just noticed that has a link to a sixth story from the same time: a May 1990 Associated Press article by Allison J. Pugh, “Harvard Student Tackles Racism At Core”:

    His passion is rooted in his background. He was born in Hawaii, his father an Oxford and Harvard-educated economist from the African nation of Kenya, his mother a white anthropologist from Kansas.

  221. Arthur says:

    Kiwiwriter: That’s today? I better put my gold bars, AK-47s, canned tuna fish, and copies of “J. Edgar Hoover on Communism” in my bunker, to wait out the apocalyptic domestic war.

    Oh…wait, the Yankee-Red Sox series in The Bronx just finished. I guess we’re okay.

    Oooooooo! You Obots and your ridicule make me SO MAD!!! The world would be such a better place if Sol Alinskey hadn’t invented sarcasm.

  222. justlw says:

    Kiwiwriter: I remember when I was a kid, there was a nutter named William Depperman…

    So I of course googled — and this pops right up:


    …a page built with what I can only assume is the widely-available PARANOIDSCHIZO template, beamed to the appropriate web designers via their fillings.

    It’s so weird when ranters rant about other ranters.

    As near as I can tell, and I honestly chose not to look too closely, ranter #2 believes Depperman has been a plant for the last 40 years, sent to make the “real Left” look bad.

  223. People have accused me of being an Obama worshipper.

    Not true. Has Obama become Bush lite?

  224. Silent treatment:

    I made a number of comments at ORYR on this article:

    Nobody is making replies to them. Before everything I said evoked a barrage of replies full of homoerotic imagery, predictions of my health failing, and calling me names.

    This new phase can’t be just chance.

  225. CarlOrcas says:

    Dr. Conspiracy: Silent treatment:

    They must like you. After my third message I never emerged from moderation no matter what I said.

  226. G says:

    Is that really a new phase, or simply the status quo for their level of maturity and commentary…? Seriously, those folks are just a bunch of bitter, basement dwellers with juvenile potty-mouth temperaments and nothing more. Since when has there ever been much serious discourse over there at all? They’ve had nothing to go on for a long, long time now…

    Dr. Conspiracy: Nobody is making replies to them. Before everything I said evoked a barrage of replies full of homoerotic imagery, predictions of my health failing, and calling me names.

    This new phase can’t be just chance.

  227. Crustacean says:

    Dr. Conspiracy: Silent treatment:

    To be fair to our confused friends at ORYR, the comments you left for that article didn’t really give them much traction; you just laid out straightforward information, upon which they could find no purchase for their usual false-flaggin’, usurperin’, traitorin’ balderdash.

    By the way, didn’t you just LOVE the comment where the guy says to unplug your appliances at night to prevent them from talking to each other? I suggested a better thing to do would be to torture them and make ’em sing – y’know, blow the lid off the whole toaster-oven conspiracy.

  228. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    By the way, didn’t you just LOVE the comment where the guy says to unplug your appliances at night to prevent them from talking to each other?

    “Cocaine is one HELL of a drug!”, Rick James

  229. sfjeff says:

    From Foolardi

    No that’s entirely Yer game,yer Agenda.Just like the way you totally dismiss
    anyone who even slightly questions Obama as some Birther.
    When anyone with half a brain knows Obama is a full monty,flaming pathological
    Liar,the likes of which this country has never seen nor heard.

    I have never seen a Birther so clearly point out that they consist of those with half a brain.

    The most clear and concise self description yet.

    And this guys PF name- Foolardi? Amazingly descriptive.

  230. Anybody else having problems with comment subscription emails?

  231. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    Gonna leave this here.
    Now if you’ll excuse me, I’m gonna go laugh myself stupid.

  232. CarlOrcas says:

    Dr. Conspiracy:
    Anybody else having problems with comment subscription emails?

    Me, too. Haven’t gotten any since midday Monday.

  233. CarlOrcas says:

    Andrew Vrba, PmG:
    Gonna leave this here.
    Now if you’ll excuse me, I’m gonna go laugh myself stupid.

    The ever present FALCON has it figured out:

    ★FALCON★ 134p ˇ 12 minutes ago
    Is the biggest Obama scandal yet about to hit?

    Translation = O-hole arrest warrants have been issued. Indictments unsealed.

    Any day now, FALCON, any day now.

  234. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    Falcon and DWD seem to be the only takers this time! LOL.

  235. CarlOrcas says:

    Andrew Vrba, PmG:
    Falcon and DWD seem to be the only takers this time! LOL.

    Just posted in response to FALCON:

    guest ˇ 19 minutes ago
    Did anyone notice this article was from July 10th, 2013.

    Almost two month ago. Before Zullo screwed up the Woodall phone call.


  236. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    CarlOrcas: Just posted in response to FALCON:

    guest ˇ 19 minutes ago
    Did anyone notice this article was from July 10th, 2013.…

    Almost two month ago. Before Zullo screwed up the Woodall phone call.


    Rofl! I wonder if the ORYR admin will begrudgingly scrub this one too!

  237. Does anybody know where I can get the audio files from the Peter Boyles KHOW show, February 25, 2011, the day he interviewed Jerome Corsi?

  238. I mean BESIDES you .

    CarlOrcas: Me, too. Haven’t gotten any since midday Monday.

  239. Dr Kenneth Noisewater says:

    Dr. Conspiracy: Does anybody know where I can get the audio files from the Peter Boyles KHOW show, February 25, 2011, the day he interviewed Jerome Corsi?

    Unfortunately when he got fired the files went kapput. I wish we would have backed them up. For instance when he called Kapiolani hospital and they confirmed Obama was born there

  240. CarlOrcas says:

    Dr. Conspiracy:
    I mean BESIDES you .

    LOL!! I kind of wondered but decided to answer anyway.

    Is it just me, again?

  241. justlw says:

    Andrew Vrba, PmG:
    Gonna leave this here.

    That scandal, too, is about to break wide open, according to investigators working within Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio’s Cold Case Posse. They say some new earth-shattering developments will soon be announced.

    Omigod omigod omigod this is great! This is IT!!!!!1!!one!!!

    But, but, is there anything that I — the little guy — can do to help them in this rilly rilly important thing that the Cold Case Posse investigation, headed by Sergeant (“Lieutenant!“) Mike Zullo, is doing!?

    ***But the Cold Case Posse investigation, headed by Mike Zullo, desperately needs financial support to complete its work. ***

    Well then! This is so out of the blue that WND, er, the CCP would ask for money, but sure! Let me empty out the ol’ trust fund for ya!

  242. Rickey says:

    I think the thing they had a hard time believing was that he didn’t actually check the brochure before it was published.

    I have a hard time believing that Obama ever saw the brochure. Ask the birthers if they have any evidence that he saw it.

  243. justlw says:

    Dr. Conspiracy:
    Does anybody know where I can get the audio files from the Peter Boyles KHOW show, February 25, 2011, the day he interviewed Jerome Corsi?

    If you’ve got the original URLs, the Wayback Machine?

  244. JPotter says:

    justlw: If you’ve got the original URLs, the Wayback Machine?

    Page cannot be crawled due to robots.txt ….. boo. …… yields file not found. Bummer.

    Searching for the file, 02252011PETE8A.mp3, yields nothing but links. No one bothered to rehost … ?

  245. My priority, of course. was to listen to RC’s radio show, so I had to catch up on the President’s address on Syria afterwards:

  246. Great minds fail alike.

    JPotter: Page cannot be crawled due to robots.txt ….. boo.

  247. Oral arguments in Taitz v. Obama Appeal in California state court scheduled for Wednesday, 10-23-13 at 9:00 a.m.

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