Zullo is coming for RC (in some alternate universe)

Please don’t make me do this! You know how upset I get when I have to listen to Mike Zullo or Carl Gallups.

One commenter at Obama Release Your Records got all excited:

Falcon: Zullo seems to have probable cause to have search warrants issued for specific computers after the allegations that a digital recording appears to have been made – and he knows the person and their phone number due to his own phone records.

Recording interstate phone conversations is a tricky legal subject, and it depends on the laws in the states on both ends of the call. If Zullo knew the state RC was calling from, then perhaps he might be able to draw a conclusion, but he probably doesn’t know that. We presumably do know where Zullo was, in Arizona, and Arizona doesn’t require all parties to give consent for a conversation to be recorded. If RC made a recording, then he has his own consent. The Wikipedia has a list of “all party states” for telephone recording.

Falcon doesn’t explain exactly who is going to issue that warrant and who is going to serve it. It’s especially tricky since Zullo doesn’t have a clue who RC is, despite Falcon’s imagined name in the phone records. He’d probably need a federal warrant to get that information, and on what basis? Pretty sorry stuff.

Gallups, who claims that he is on a first name basis with God (I didn’t even know God had a first name), suggests that they know who RC is:

One of the Obots who had your phone number through a connection in the past, and I’m not gonna say his name because I don’t want to give him any credit or any undue publicity…

I think Gallups is lying about knowing who RC is. Gallups then made it clear that he is just a radio host, and NOT a spokesperson for the Cold Case Posse. Now that really undermines the story at ORYR on September 6, “Team Arpaio: Obots persons of Interest in Obama ID Fraud Case.” They want Gallups to be the Cold Case Posse “shock jock” but give themselves plausible deniability with it hits the fan.

Zullo then said:

“I just refused to give him any information. … He didn’t like the answers that I was telling him.” 😯

Which was it?

I quit after 6 minutes.

About Dr. Conspiracy

I'm not a real doctor, but I have a master's degree.
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46 Responses to Zullo is coming for RC (in some alternate universe)

  1. (I didn’t even know God had a first name)


  2. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    That’s gotta be some primo dope Falcon is smoking.

  3. RanTalbott says:

    “I quit after 6 minutes”
    Skip ahead to about 10:00. Zullo reveals the new strategy.
    Unless you give them a sworn affidavit (i.e., real identity), SSN, _and_ permission to run a background check on you, they’re not willing to look at your evidence.
    IOW: if you’re not willing to have your personal information revealed to a bunch of anonymous crazies who routinely call for violent revolution and summary executions, as well as some grifters who’ve already been caught committing fraud and/or identity theft, we’re going to pretend your evidence doesn’t exist.

  4. CarlOrcas says:

    Andrew Vrba, PmG:
    That’s gotta be some primo dope Falcon is smoking.

    They’re all smoking something….that’s for sure.

    Doc is a better man than I am; I couldn’t get past three minutes of Gallups pontificating….so to speak.

    As usual FALCON is just making stuff up and Zullo lives in a fantasy world. Cops (which Zullo isn’t) don’t issue search warrants and if Zullo went to a judge to try and get one based on this nonsense he’d be laughed out of the building.

  5. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    If he went to a judge, We’d end up with something akin to “Trippin’ in Court”.
    People like Zullo are like the mentally ill, except that it’s socially acceptable to make fun of them.

  6. Curious George says:

    It looks like more smoke being blown up the kilts by Gallups and Arpaio & Co. RC and NBC are dangerous because they are rocking the S.S. Fantasy and Rear Admiral Z’s reputation. He has two years of his life vested in this nonsensical, rudderless sea voyage. Z has no sufficient evidence to prove a forgery crime has been committed, no jurisdiction and no PA that will put his reputation on the line for this birther nonsense. But, he certainly can attack a messenger under his volunteer Posse membership. Provide him with all your personal information that he seeks in an affidavit and you will become the target. Your evidence will be roundfiled. The CCCP is not interested in anything that is contrary to the predetermined outcome. Just say ‘n.

  7. gorefan says:

    “I quit after 6 minutes.”

    Then you missed the part where Gallups says that the Xerox theory fails because it doesn’t involve just pushing one button.

    @13:00 they start to discuss it.

    Gallups actually says, “…pushing the button once which is all anybody would do.”

    They know that most of their listeners are ignorant so they can say anything they want.

  8. RanTalbott says:

    CarlOrcas: Cops (which Zullo isn’t) don’t issue search warrants

    Um, he did say “have search warrants issued”, not that Jefe Z would issue them, himself.

  9. CarlOrcas says:

    RanTalbott: Um, he did say “have search warrants issued”, not that Jefe Z would issue them, himself.

    Um, real police officers can’t “have search warrants issued”.

    Real police officers can present their case to a judge and request that a warrant be issued.

    Since Zullo is not a certified police officer and since he doesn’t have a case the chances of him getting a search warrant are zero, zip, nada.

  10. Lupin says:

    Zullo is behaving like any crooks do when their scam threatens to fall apart: vituperating, accusing others, being bombastic, etc, etc.

    If his real victims (the birthers) found the common sense of going after him, he’d likely be put out of commission. But of course they won’t — and Zullo knows it.

  11. train!!! says:

    I’ m in first name basis with God.
    His name is Andy.

    Remember the song:

    Andy walks with me
    Andy talks to me
    Andy tells me I am his own…..

    Bada boom!!

    I’ll be here all week folks

  12. alg says:

    Listened to the whole thing. Clearly the nature of the commentary is designed to retain the interest of a fading audience and little else. Assure the true believers that the debunking by Xerox is the last gasp of the Obots on the cusp of seeing their “libtard” dream come crashing down around them 🙂 A new world order is just around the corner. It is of no concern- any day now…

    If anything, birthers must be paragons of patience. 😀

  13. Smirk4Food says:

    I’ m in first name basis with God.
    His name is Andy.

    Remember the song:

    Andy walks with me
    Andy talks to me
    Andy tells me I am his own…..

    Bada boom!!

    I’ll be here all week folks

    Train, you’ve won the Internet. Stop by the main office to claim your prize…

  14. Dave B. says:

    Brian Reilly thought he had a direct line to God, too.


    “This project came about because of an idea that the Lord provided to me…now, for the first time in U.S.history, a county sheriff is investigating a sitting president. The Lord’s hand is in this project.
    “The point of the story? This project came together flawlessly because it truly was the Lord’s will. I give Him all the glory.”

    I wonder what he thinks about that now?

  15. Dr Kenneth noisewater says:

    Well Gallups thinks RC is a certain UCONN Professor. CT is a two party consent state. So if he bases everything on that misconception about RC this will get pretty interesting.

  16. CarlOrcas says:

    Dave B.:
    Brian Reilly thought he had a direct line to God, too.


    “This project came about because of an idea that the Lord provided to me…now, for the first time in U.S.history, a county sheriff is investigating a sitting president. The Lord’s hand is in this project.
    “The point of the story? This project came together flawlessly because it truly was the Lord’s will. I give Him all the glory.”

    I wonder what he thinks about that now?

    I particularly like the passage he used to close that two year old posting:

    Ephesians 5:11-12 “And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove them. For it is a shame even to speak of those things which are done of them in secret.”

    Any day now!

  17. justlw says:

    alg: the debunking by Xerox is the last gasp of the Obots

    I’m pretty sure the last gasp of the Obots is coming around noon on Friday, January 20, 2017.

    …until the dual Barack and Michelle SCOTUS appointments, that is. 😈

  18. RanTalbott says:

    Dave B.: I wonder what he thinks about that now?

    Which one? Brian? Or Andy?

    (Actually, I probably shouldn’tcall him that: unlike Pastor Peepee,we’re not really on a first name basis)

  19. Curious George says:

    CarlOrcas: I particularly like the passage he used to close that two year old posting:Ephesians 5:11-12 “And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove them. For it is a shame even to speak of those things which are done of them in secret.”Any day now!

    Let’s see what has been exposed. On the dark side, the rabid birthers and their dishonesty have been exposed. Sheriff Arpaio has been exposed. Kommandant Zullo has been exposed. Carl Gallups has been exposed. On the light side, the validity of the long form birth certificate has been exposed. The so called PDF anomalies and their creation by a Xerox WorkCentre have been exposed. On the dark side, the sham investigation has been exposed. Tons of misinformation and outright lies have been exposed. On the light side, the excellent work of Dr. C, NBC and RC have been exposed. God sometimes works in mysterious ways.

  20. Arthur says:

    Dr Kenneth noisewater: Well Gallups thinks RC is a certain UCONN Professor

    That’s ridiculous! Based on an analysis of his voice, it’s clear that R.C. is a cowboy who herds cattle in Big Springs, Montana. In addition, the moniker “R.C.” is obviously a reference to his hero, movie cowboy, Rory Calhoun.

  21. Dr Kenneth Noisewater says:

    Arthur: That’s ridiculous! Based on an analysis of his voice, it’s clear that R.C. is a cowboy who herds cattle in Big Springs, Montana. In addition, the moniker “R.C.” is obviously a reference to his hero, movie cowboy, Rory Calhoun.

    I thought it stood for Richard Chamberlain?

  22. Dr Kenneth Noisewater says:

    “I quit after 6 minutes.”

    Then you missed the part where Gallups says that the Xerox theory fails because it doesn’t involve just pushing one button.

    @13:00 they start to discuss it.

    Gallups actually says, “…pushing the button once which is all anybody would do.”

    They know that most of their listeners are ignorant so they can say anything they want.

    Gallups relies on the stupidity of his listeners. Can Gallups name a single process using a computer that takes one push of a button? I’m sure broadcasting his radio show takes more than one push of a button.

  23. CarlOrcas says:

    Curious George: God sometimes works in mysterious ways.

    God also has a sense of humor. The joke is on the birthers.

  24. Curious George says:

    Dr Kenneth Noisewater: Gallups relies on the stupidity of his listeners. Can Gallups name a single process using a computer that takes one push of a button? I’m sure broadcasting his radio show takes more than one push of a button.

    I heard the push of a button comment by Gallups. They continue to move the goal post and replant it into another empty hole of nonsense. They know that they are rapidly being exposed for what they are and they realize that their house of cards is beginning to collapse. Hopefully, the gullible birthers are starting to see that they’ve been had. The Congressional VIPs are not quite as willing to go along with such nonsense.

  25. Curious George says:

    CarlOrcas: God also has a sense of humor. The joke is on the birthers.

    Yes, God does have a sense of humor. However the dishonesty that permeates this birther investigation will not be honored. Are you listening Rev. Gallups?

  26. Keith says:

    Curious George: Hopefully, the gullible birthers are starting to see that they’ve been had.

    Yeah, good luck with that. The most technical question many in Gallups audience has ever had to ask is “Do you want fries with that?”. How are they going to grasp that it might take 2 or 3 button presses to produce an internet ready image?

  27. RanTalbott says:

    Curious George: The Congressional VIPs are not quite as willing to go along with such nonsense.

    Oh, I can easily see Bachmann, Broun, Gohmert, or Steve King jumping on board so fast they’d threaten to swamp the boat. They’ve all been caught being even loonier on more than one occasion. And I’m sure there are many birthers among the recently-elected in the Tea Party Caucus.

    Boehner will try to keep them reined in, but he’s about to the point where he’s going to have to issue real whips to his whips. He can keep it off the floor, but there _might_ be some committee where the loons have enough clout to get a hearing going.

  28. Bovril says:

    Well Bachmann has too much on her plate currently what with SwissiePassportGate, the ongoing investigation into her campaign finances etc

    Broun aims to grab the Senate seat vacated by Saxby Chambliss (crazy name…crazy guy….) so will want to avoid anything that would interfere with that, Of course the Ebuil Regime would pounce on him and I’m fairly sure ther is ample dirt on a man who is currently on his 4th wife…….Go Family Values !!!

    Louie “Terror Baby” Gohmert is crazy enough but doesn’t seem to have any real clout in fact if he started babbling he would go so far into ODS that he would probably sink himselff without trace

    King is a definite feckwit but seems to be very focussed on getting the pork into his state and whilst he may mouth off probably won’t do anything that could affect his ability to keep his seat or his committee’s.

    Not saying one or all of the above wouldn’t do something, just think it unlikely there would be any actual traction…..

  29. The Magic M says:

    RanTalbott: Unless you give them a sworn affidavit (i.e., real identity), SSN, _and_ permission to run a background check on you, they’re not willing to look at your evidence.

    Which is of course standard law enforcement procedure for anyone handing in evidence in a criminal investigation.


  30. CarlOrcas says:

    The Magic M: Which is of course standard law enforcementprocedure for anyone handing in evidence in a criminal investigation.


    Of more concern is the fact that the posse members are not peace officers which means they have no authority to access any of the databases that real police officers would use in the course of a real investigation.

  31. Daniel says:

    CarlOrcas: Of more concern is the fact that the posse members are not peace officers which means they have no authority to access any of the databases that real police officers would use in the course of a real investigation.

    I’m sure they have access to the “fan fiction” databases, which is really all they need.

  32. CarlOrcas says:

    Daniel: I’m sure they have access to the “fan fiction” databases, which is really all they need.

    LOL!! Not sure they even need that since they just make stuff up anyway.

  33. RanTalbott says:

    RanTalbott: Skip ahead to about 10:00. Zullo reveals the new strategy.

    Now here’s a weird and ironic coincidence. ORYR has been recycling old videos recently (hey, if network TV can do summer reruns, why can’t loons?). Today they featured one from a couple months ago, in which Jefe de Oro de Tonto Zullo reveals that Obama was never actually born (or something like that).

    At almost exactly the same point in that interview (start at about 9:40 to get the context) Zullo reveals that he gets “a lot of information” from people who refuse to sign affidavits, consent to background checks, and/or be strip-searched by persons of a non-appropriate gender.

    A big tip o’ the old chapeau to ORYR for juxtaposing two mutually-exclusive statements that would probably otherwise have been missed.

  34. Kiwiwriter says:

    Hey, God’s first name is Mariano. Last name: Rivera.

    I was there at Yankee Stadium yesterday when he said farewell to America, and they retired his number.

    It was like dying a little death.

  35. Crustacean says:

    As a Giants fan, I wish the G-men had chosen a different game in that series to win…

    All this talk of God’s first name made me think of a sci-fi short story I loved as a kid: “The Nine Billion Names of God,” by Arthur C. Clarke.


    So Kiwi, (SPOILER ALERT IF YOU HAVEN’T READ THAT STORY BUT WOULD LIKE TO), when they retired Mariano’s number, did the stars overhead start going out?

    Hey, God’s first name is Mariano.Last name: Rivera.

    I was there at Yankee Stadium yesterday when he said farewell to America, and they retired his number.

    It was like dying a little death.

  36. Kiwiwriter says:

    As a Giants fan, I wish the G-men had chosen a different game in that series to win…

    All this talk of God’s first name made me think of a sci-fi short story I loved as a kid: “The Nine Billion Names of God,” by Arthur C. Clarke.


    So Kiwi, (SPOILER ALERT IF YOU HAVEN’T READ THAT STORY BUT WOULD LIKE TO), when they retired Mariano’s number, did the stars overhead start going out?

    Hey, the Giants are my second favorite team, too. That game was very tough for me.

    My family started rooting for the Giants in 1908, the Yankees in 1920.

    Haven’t read the story, so I have no clue about the stars going out. But they were at the game in force: David Cone, Bernie Williams, Jorge Posada, Paul O’Neill, John Wetteland, Joe Torre, Tino Martinez, Rachel Robinson, and Sharon Robinson.

    Anyway, back on topic…this guy Gallups is such a hoot…investigation by Internet webstreaming. It’s such a con game, and he has so many people on the hook. In-bloody-credible.

  37. Dr Kenneth Noisewater says:

    Well Doc C it’s expanded now. Foggy offered to go on new Zullo mouthpiece Mike Vollin’s show as himself and after consulting with other birthers he declined saying that multiple obots are now under criminal investigation by Zullo. Apparently they’re no longer investigating any crime whatsoever but now a fake cover-up of a fake crime.

  38. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    CarlOrcas: God also has a sense of humor. The joke is on the birthers.

    That or he’s face palming, going “Free will…seemed like such a good idea at the time…”

  39. Keith says:

    Hey, God’s first name is Mariano.Last name: Rivera.

    I was there at Yankee Stadium yesterday when he said farewell to America, and they retired his number.

    It was like dying a little death.

    Bull pucky.

    IF God ever wore a Giants uniform, then its name was Willie Mays.

    But he didn’t anyway. The only uniform God ever wore was a Tigers uniform and it called itself Al Kaline.

    So there.

  40. Kiwiwriter says:

    Keith: Bull pucky.

    IF God ever wore a Giants uniform, then its name was Willie Mays.

    But he didn’t anyway. The only uniform God ever wore was a Tigers uniform and it called itself Al Kaline.

    So there.

    Keith, the Giants are my second favorite team, so I had a tough time this weekend, with my two favorite teams facing off. As a Giants fan, I would agree with you. As a Yankee fan, it’s Mariano Rivera.

    His cutter was the single most devastating weapon in the history of major league baseball.

    I had the good fortune to have breakfast with Willie Mays and the Giants owners along with a pile of aging New York Giants and young San Francisco Giants fans and the 2012 World Championship trophy at the Westin Hotel in New York when the Giants brought it to New York on their victory tour. That was a great thrill. No other team has brought its World Championship trophies BACK to its former cities. The Dodgers, Athletics, Twins, Braves, and Rangers have never brought their championship hardware back to Brooklyn, Kansas City, Philadelphia, Washington, Milwaukee, Boston, or Washington, respectively. The Giants did. I was awed.

    And Willie is going blind from glaucoma and deaf…but his brain still works. He rattled off stories from the 1950s with ease, telling us he had little trouble batting against Don Newcombe, but did have trouble with Koufax and Gibson. I didn’t get a chance to ask him who was the best center fielder — besides himself — that he ever saw. (Yogi Berra said the best catcher defensively after him was his contemporary Mike Hegan)

    Al Kaline was a hell of a great player, and he didn’t know he could have been the first American Leaguer to have 400 HRs and 3,000 hits when he retired with 399 HRs. Pre-SABR stat-keeping is the reason.

    The whole question of “Who are the greatest ballplayers of all time” is kind of silly. Larry Ritter, of “Glory of Their Times” fame, told me that if people make lists, the first 75 are usually the same guys: Ruth, Gehrig, Wagner, Cobb, Koufax, Mathewson, Johnson, Ripken, and so on. It’s the final 25 that get people to start screaming at each other. Some of these arguments are like deciding who is the better artist: Beethoven or Cezanne.

    But sitting there at the ceremony for Mariano…and then seeing Andy Pettitte make his last start in Yankee Stadium…it was like dying a little death for me. I thought about Lou Gehrig and Mickey Mantle hanging up their mitts. And Willie Mays, too. It was time to “say goodbye to America.”

  41. Keith says:

    Kiwiwriter: The whole question of “Who are the greatest ballplayers of all time” is kind of silly. Larry Ritter, of “Glory of Their Times” fame, told me that if people make lists, the first 75 are usually the same guys: Ruth, Gehrig, Wagner, Cobb, Koufax, Mathewson, Johnson, Ripken, and so on. It’s the final 25 that get people to start screaming at each other.

    Yes, of course. That is the whole idea of lists.

    Every list of top guitarists start out with Jimi, Eric, and Jimmy. No problem. But a top ten without Carlos Santana or Buddy Guy? Frank Zappa not in the top 20? Who could imagine such a thing? (a: Rolling Stone). 2 Women in the top 100 and Bonnie Raitt 14 places below Joni Mitchell? WTF? (Rolling Stone again). And that’s just for starters. Argue, argue, argue.

    Some of these arguments are like deciding who is the better artist: Beethoven or Cezanne.

    Ansel Adams

  42. Rickey says:


    But sitting there at the ceremony for Mariano…and then seeing Andy Pettitte make his last start in Yankee Stadium…it was like dying a little death for me. I thought about Lou Gehrig and Mickey Mantle hanging up their mitts. And Willie Mays, too. It was time to “say goodbye to America.”

    I went to my first two major league baseball games in 1956, when I was eight. I saw the Dodgers play the Cardinals at Ebbets Field in Brookyn and the Yankees play the Red Sox at Yankee Stadium. The four teams which I saw that year had 13 future Hall of Famers on their rosters:

    Stan Musial
    Red Schoendienst
    Roy Campanella
    Pee Wee Reese
    Duke Snider
    Jackie Robinson
    Don Drysdale
    Sandy Koufax
    Whitey Ford
    Yogi Berra
    Mickey Mantle
    Phil Rizzuto
    Enos Slaughter
    Ted Williams

    Not a bad way to start my life as a baseball fan.

  43. The Magic M says:

    Rickey: Red Schoendienst

    That’s “pretty service” in German. 😉

    While I don’t get to watch a lot of baseball over here, I can proudly say that my lifetime included most of the best players in every sports – Wayne Gretzky, Michael Jordan, Joe Montana, Pete Sampras, Steffi Graf, Usain Bolt, … (soccer’s a grey area, Pele was out slightly before I was born, Franz Beckenbauer played during my early childhood and Ronaldo (the Brazilian, not the Portuguese) or Messi are disputable choices).

  44. Crustacean says:

    I’m envisioning Doc getting exasperated and moving these OT comments to the Open Thread article, so apologies in advance, Doc… 😉

    I studied a little German in high school, but over the decades forgot just about all of it (“use it or lose it” is a solid aphorism, I’ve learned). A couple years ago a buddy of mine (who was actually in the same high school German class) attended an NBA basketball game in which the Dunkin’ Deutschman, Dirk Nowitzki, was playing for the opposing team.

    We wanted to heckle him in German, but we could only remember little shards of dialogue we had learned so many years ago. So Nowitzki would rumble down the court, and we’d shout, “Hey Dirk, Ich habe dir ein paar Bilder mitgebracht!!” or “Hey, Nowitzki, du bist so rot wie ein Krebs!”

    I’m sure he had to recalibrate his understanding of just how stupid Americans can be.

    The Magic M: That’s “pretty service” in German.

  45. Crustacean says:

    Dang, Rickey, that makes me want to ask you for YOUR autograph!!

    Rickey: Stan Musial
    Red Schoendienst
    Roy Campanella
    Pee Wee Reese
    Duke Snider
    Jackie Robinson
    Don Drysdale
    Sandy Koufax
    Whitey Ford
    Yogi Berra
    Mickey Mantle
    Phil Rizzuto
    Enos Slaughter
    Ted Williams

  46. Rickey says:

    Dang, Rickey, that makes me want to ask you for YOUR autograph!!

    My next-door neighbor was an advertising account executive for the company which handled Rheingold beer, one of the television and radio sponsors of the Dodgers. He took his son and me to the Dodgers-Cardinals game, and before the game we got to meet and shake hands with Roy Campanella.

    The Yankees-Red Sox game was a Friday night game, and I got to go only because my mother wasn’t feeling well and I got to use her ticket.

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