Ted Cruz, Sarah Palin, and birther attorney Larry Klayman, addressed a group estimated at about 200 yesterday, followed by a march to the Capitol. Klayman reiterated his racist and bigoted views, saying:
[Obama’s] not the president of “we the people,” he’s a president of his people.
Media Matters for America observed that the abortive “Ride for the Constitution” trucker strike was also organized by a birther and concluded :
If anyone’s surprised that a proud and unapologetic birther (in 2013!) was front-and-center at a right-wing anti-Obama rally this week, or that the birther charade plays a central role in government shutdown activism, then they haven’t being paying close enough attention to the conservative movement in America.
Media Matters does agree with the birthers on one thing—the mainstream media is not covering the birther insurgency, calling it their “blind spot.”
Amidst the avalanche of news coverage and commentary about the shutdown, the birther strain that runs through important parts of the Republican Party remains essentially off limits for Beltway reporters and pundits. That’s a mistake. I’m not suggesting it’s the dominant story of the day or that it requires constant attention. (Or that birtherism afflicts Senate Republicans.) But it remains a pivotal flash point that provides crucial context for trying to understand the completely unprecedented nature of the current crisis and the mindset fostering it.
While not attributing birtherism to any Senate Republicans, Media Matters notes 8 Representatives who have made pro-birther remarks: Steve King, Mark Meadows, Ted Yoho, Steve Stockman, Jeff Duncan, Blake Farenthold, Richard Hudson, Vicky Hartzler.
I think Media Matters has a point. Anti-birthers routinely marginalize birthers, citing their 205 losses in court, and we gloat when Tea Party Conservatives in the House of Representatives backpedal on their birther-friendly comments. We would say: “you’ve accomplished nothing, and you never will.” Insofar as the birther goal of removing Obama from the White House, that’s a true statement, but I remember that there are millions of birthers. Their irrational hatred of Obama, which shows itself in crazy conspiracy theories, also shows itself in an irrational and self-destructive hatred of the Obama administration and everything it does. It seems that these Tea Party and birther types think that all it takes to govern is to say “no” and if they can’t get Obama out of the White House, they will tear down the White House and the government with it. They are at the most basic level anarchists, hell bent on the destruction of America.
this seems strangely odd, out of place.
I think hatred is too strong a word, like racism, has lost impact and meaning, a pretend/contrived affectation.
i’m sure there are some haters on either side kevin, it simply does not apply to all.
it’s difficult to generalise about any group.
Did Klayman arrive in the Kold Kase Klown Kar? Did the CCCP find the wheels?
Rachel Maddow did a segment on this recently in which she dug up some of the past craziness of some teabagger/birther Congresscritters actually _campaigning_ on a platform of forcing a shutdown:
Doc says: They are at the most basic level anarchists, hell bent on the destruction of America.
Amen! They are political anarchists with no conscience.
No, there is no equivalence. The attacks on Obama go beyond hatred. One doesn’t have to invoke racism to explain conspiracy theories, but Obama has been attacked on his race, his religion, his family and even his parents have been maligned. The hatred of Obama is a consuming passion, and this simply cannot be explained outside of race hatred. I had a visceral dislike of George W. Bush, but I never called his mother a whore.
That is the problem right there – no one on the repub side puts down the birther non-sense once and for all. Its the same excuses scotte uses – its not all of us! Well if its some of you then all of you should shut it up but you dont because bottom line is you are racist towards a black president. You use terms like political correctness or “racism has lost meaning” to justify the hatred.
It is the foundation on which today’s radical right rests.
Sure it can: several years ago, I coined the term “neandercon” to distinguish the dittohead/Savage Nation types from principled conservatives. They have a “tribal” view of politics, rather than an ideological one, and a Neanderthal-like xenophobic hatred of everyone who isn’t part of their “tribe”. The teabaggers and birthers are of the same sort, and many are even the same people.
Certainly there is _some_ element of racism in the attitudes of _some_ of them, but I’ve seen plenty of virulence (and even violence, in cases like the Branch Davidians and the OKC bombing) directed at people simply because they’re “liberals”.
Wrong answer, Scott E.
I have studied history…the hatred of Obama goes beyond any of the abuse that has been inflicted on all presidents since George Washington…he was described, as he wrote to Thomas Jefferson, in terms that would dishonor “Nero, a notorious defaulter, or a common pickpocket.”
Washington’s successors faced all kinds of abuse — Jefferson for his relationship with Sally Hemings, Jackson accused of drinking and monarchist pretensions, Pierce of cowardice, Lincoln of being black, Garfield of hanging kittens, Cleveland of fathering a child out of wedlock, Hoover of kicking dogs, Roosevelt of syphilis, Eisenhower of being a Jewish Communist, Kennedy of having a pipeline to the Vatican, Johnson of enjoying sending men to their deaths, Clinton of orchestrating murder. Every time, the level of vitriol and abuse was ramped up.
But I have never seen anywhere NEAR the kind of attacks being inflicted on Barack Obama. The level of hatred for him exceeds all of the above incidents I have mentioned. They go beyond the pale and into realms of insanity: suggesting his father was Malcolm X, that he is really Osama Bin Laden, a Pakistani Muslim Jihadist, a practicing homosexual, and so on.
It’s disgraceful.
Indeed it is and, you are absolutely correct, it is unprecedented in American history.
The history books will not treat these times well.
“I think hatred is too strong a word, like racism, has lost impact and meaning, a pretend/contrived affectation.”
Most often the people who complain about the “race card” or try to minimalize the degree of racism as being hyperbolic, are those who dislike that the label of racist actually and justifiably applies.
I never called anyone’s mother a whore, nor would I need/want to. it’s not necessary.
hate is a word that leaves no where to go. I just don’t feel the hate, i’m sure some do. it’s a generalization of a bigger group.
i’m simply saying we don’t all look or act alike kevin.
i’m not quite sure what this means… please elaborate ?
I agree, it’s disgraceful. but it doesn’t apply to us all. believe me, I have been a target long enough to say this, and know it’s ramifications.
well as I say, I am not a racist or a bigot. it’s not my problem if I don’t fit into your paradigm. others must speak for themselves.
I did find this http://www.nationalreview.com/corner/187096/now-wait-just-one-minute/victor-davis-hanson
A while back I pointed you to Patrick McKinnion’s blog, Bad Fiction, where a few times a week he would point out the vile, hateful, racist, and dishonest comments about Obama which regularly appear on birther blogs. I don’t know if you ever took a look at them, because as usual you never responded.
Whether you want to admit it or not, this is the type of person you have chosen to associate yourself with.
Scott, if you didn’t want the stink of birtherism all over you, then you shouldn’t have cast your lot with them! Birthers scream pretty loudly that Obama should be judged by the recent actions of people he knew years ago, but hasn’t seen or spoken to in decades. So why shouldn’t you be judged by the actions of people you’ve been supporting in there here and now?
Well then it must be subconscious for you. It’s the only reason you still doubt that the President is the President.
Then you should not become what you behold, and connect yourself with people who behave in a disgraceful and dishonorable manner…and these disgraceful and dishonorable behaviors and attitudes are at the essential core of all “birther” arguments.
It has nothing to do with the technical specifications of a photocopying machine, nor on his political policies. This insane hatred of President Obama and the vicious personal attacks on him are solely based on his ethnicity, and are rooted in ghastly racism.
You have earlier said that this controversy is a “game.” It is not. There is nothing funny about this wholly-manufactured controversy. Not only has it forced our government agencies and courts to waste valuable time and money addressing these idiotic claims, this “debate” has corroded an already frayed body of political discourse, divided a nation at a time when unity is needed, and empowered fanatics, cynics, confidence men, psychotics, and egotists.
It contributes…nothing. It pollutes…everything.
And as Rickey above suggests, you should read the comments of your like-minded colleagues in their own words, with their furious mix of utter racism, homo-erotic homophobia, misogyny, and seditious calls for insurrection. Such views and rhetoric do not address the very serious acute and chronic problems this country and world face.
In short: You can do better than “birthing.”
Class dismissed. You get a D-minus.
perhaps I am a rare exception. but I don’t think so.
one day we will come full circle, this process of governing, and there will be a black or hispanic (or any person of ethnic origin/belonging. man or woman) resident who isn’t a democrat, and your generalisations will be equally irrelevant as/when applied to me.
I simply don’t fit your mold. I think the persecution of herman cain, whom I like and respect very much, was a harbinger of the future turn around.
and I would never be in your class, that’s for certain.
well Kenneth, is it subconscious for you ?
I am being judged, but only by people like you, i’m fine with that. I respect that you should have an opinion, that’s why we’re here. otherwise we’d be doing something else.
isn’t guilt by association the very thing you are complaining about right now ? I don’t know you’re mckinnion…
once again, I work alone.
The depths of hatred which the Birthers demonstrate that they feel for Obama is ironically exemplified in their sophomoric, lie-ringing, gratuitous declarations that they don’t dislike him, or are merely trying to clear up allegations against him.
Those declarations seem as genuine as a statement from Kenneth Starr would have seemed if he had come out and claimed that he really pursued the Monica Lewinsky matter in an attempt to clear President Clinton of all charges associated with the so-called Whitewater scandal, the White House FBI files controversy, and the White House travel office controversy!
How many other President’s have you been “birther” about? None? Why just this one? I wonder what’s different about this President that you would single him out when you never even thought to bother about asking about the eligibility of all the others? Hmmmmm…..
“….not necessary”? Interesting choice of words. Why didn’t you say it was inappropriate?
So….let me get this straight…..you think a four year old column written during the first seven or eight months of the President’s first term is relevant to what has happened since?
Stockman got his hands on 435 copies of a World Net Daily book titled, Impeachable Offenses: The Case for Removing Barack Obama From Office. He’s going to give a copy to all his colleagues. “Enforcing the Constitution and preserving limitations on executive authority aren’t just mainstream, they’re the law,” he told World Net Daily on Wednesday.
Talk Therapy with the GOP
hmmmm what are the WND sales numbers for that book ?
well carl, because it was I to whom the question was first asked. if someone had asked you the question, perhaps I would have said inappropriate, which of course it is.
that rhetoric isn’t necessary
CarlOrcas: 436.
BEST roar of the day!!!!!!!
People like me, are level-headed human beings. And yeah, that’s exactly who is judging you.
Doc didn’t ask you a question. He made a statement in which he noted his visceral dislike for George W. Bush and noted he had never called his mother a whore.
You responded to that with your “not necessary” statement.
As Doc noted many of the things said about Obama and his family are incredibly vile and foul and for you to describe them as “not necessary” is pathetic.
I’m glad I could bring a smile to this bizarre day.
Sooooo … take the sign off your back.
Brains light as a feather, flocking together. 😉
There’s an ancient, primeval divide at work here, all right, the divide between magic and reality, between wish and reason. Between those fumbling in the dark, scared of he light, dreaming in denial, and those who are in the light. Checkers and chess, childhood and adulthood. Too many fools refusing to grow up.
How about “inaccurate”, “offensive”, “counterproductive”? Those terms didn’t occur to you?
So .. you don’t see a need to repudiate “such rhetoric”, you simply finding it “not necessary” … because it strikes you as stating the obvious?
Sick puppy.
Absolutely not. I didn’t accuse you of anything, except your repeated failure to give substantive answers to questions posed to you.
I never accused you of being a racist. What I said is that you have chosen to associate yourself with birtherism, a movement which is large fueled by irrational, racist hatred of President Obama. Not all birthers are racists, but if someone is a racist there is a good chance that he/she is a birther.
it is one thing to object to Obama’s policies. That is fair game. It is quite another to continue calling into question his legitimacy. There is overwhelming evidence that he was born in Hawaii in 1961 and there is ZERO evidence that he was born anywhere else.
When are you going to ask Zullo to tell you what Arizona statute was violated when Obama released the PDF of his birth certificate?
Rickey, if you won’t call Scott a racist I will. All birthers are racists.
… is unmitigated nonsense.
Yes, Cain’s ideas got ridiculed, because they _were_ ridiculous. He may have been a great pizza chain manager, but he knew nothing about governing, foreign affairs, or economics. He was a joke, just like Sarah Palin.
But the neandercon notion that calling someone on the looniness of their policies or proposals constitutes “hatred” or “persecution” is just insane.
I’m just a lurker whose posts number less than half a dozen, but the comments I see on this thread particularly lead me to question for the folks like scott e who resent being painted with the same brush as every other birther:
Do you take all Muslims to task on the grounds that the good, moderate, peaceful ones are still complicit in the violence for not standing up to the extreme nutbars?
Just curious to see how the shoe fits here.
Nicely put.
Herman Cain’s propensity for extra-marital affairs (or “open marriage” perhaps) was exposed during the primaries most likely by Romney.
You’re seriously comparing Islam to birtherism? A religion to a collection smear memes?
Is this meant as an insult to Islam, or a very undeserved compliment to birtherism?
In the case of Islam, Islam is not the problem. In the case of birtherism, birtherism itself is the problem.
But hey, nice try tho.
see carl, we agree on some things.
examples ?
I think I resented at first, also a bit indignant.
this comes back to my point of desensitizing. what will the liberals call it when the shoe is on the other foot. it has just become part of the package.
the racists are ugly, but easy to identify. racist and birther are not the same thing.
you can have one without the other. there are some who have both.
I think that Ben attempted to show that even from scott e’s point of view, according to which birtherism is legitimate in itself, scott e still employs double standards.
My take on Ben’s comment was that he was pointing out the right wing’s, and Birthers’, tendency to paint Islam with the single, all Muslims are evil brush, yet they complain when the same type of brush is used on them.
Scott has used the same method on Obama with his Chicago thug comments and sitting on the same board as Ayers makes you a radical terrorist obsession. When the same brush is used on Scott and the Birthers, he whines like a child.
CarlOrcas: I’m glad I could bring a smile to this bizarre day.
you did and this day has certainly been “bizarre” – in fact, it’s since boeher took over as speaker –
Since boehner has been elected speaker, we have had TWO BRUSHES with default, ONE shutdown, NO LEGISLATION of any significance, and he’s been UNABLE to roll-back ANY dem accomplishments
NOT TO MENTION the over 40 obamacare repeal votes and his fighting FOR DOMA
give the guy a case of merlot and a carton of cigarettes!!!!!!!!!!
Ah, I see. I took it as a question to the board regarding the broadbrushing of birthers.
But I still take issue with the comparison … assuming your take is what Ben P. meant, it’s still overly generous to birtherism! Again, Islam itself is not evil … it’s the misuse of ideas, not the ideas themselves … but birtherism is in itself evil.
Hmmm …. how could one be “appropriately” generous to birtherism …. by maintaining an utter lack of generosity for birtherism.
You see something wrong with the “Look Ma, no hands” utter lack of leadership?
Excellent article on the GUARDIAN:
JPotter : You see something wrong with the “Look Ma, no hands” utter lack of leadership?
these are supposed to be “christians”, “patriots” and those who are “better than” the kenyan, muslim, socialist, communist, doomed for impeachment president elected by “stupid” liberals
which demographic do they have? old white males who agree with them
Amen. Boehner stands for nothing. His refusal to take a stand enables anarchy in the House. I would joke it’s a daycare, but that’s an insult to properly run daycares. Would you trust your kids to a negligent lackadaisical who let the kids literally do whatever, and didn’t even bother to secure a perimeter?
And every time they invoke “The American People” I want to scream. That verbal idol is their brain dildo. Not this American Person, thanks!
Same here! Really angers up the blood. “We the people” implies everyone. And I can guarantee that only a scant minority stands with those nut jobs.
Basically, yes. Check out this interview with Theda Skocpol (“The Tea Party and the Remaking of Republican Conservatism”) for some revealing information about who the Tea Partiers are: http://www.salon.com/2013/10/17/tea_partiers_grave_fear_why_they_disdain_young_people_even_their_own/
Of course the implication of their use of “We the People” is that THEY are true Americans, and everyone else is trying to steal their privileged position.
JPotter: And every time they invoke “The American People” I want to scream.
who the he!! do they think they are? i am a patriot, a christian, i believe in the rule of law, i have never voted a straight ticket in my life, i didn’t support clinton (because of his character) but i would vote for him if he ran today (republicans are no better), i am what most of us are ……… the 51% who are in the center as shown by esquire and i supported obama twice
i can’t believe what these republicans have WASTED while saying they are “fiscal conservatives” …………. over $43 BILLION and counting
why cause he (obama) wants to cover the uninsured? poor people? kids, working women, etc?
why am i mandated to pay for them???????
and the minimum wage? why are we supporting companies who can afford to pay more so that we don’t pay more for social services?
i recall a walmart worker being asked by david frum if he would give up his EITC – he said gladly and if he were paid more he would buy his son an xbox at walmart – he is currently paid minimum wage
it’s disgusting and who the he!! do they think they are?
But you have failed to answer what I am saying.
And you are no exception. You are just another dud intellectual following a dud idea, contributing nothing.
And you are definitely NOT in my class. You don’t have any.
Whats that phrase? There’s no such thing as a true Scotsman?
thanks for the great article – i think things will not change until the old people die, the next census in 2020 and/or a computer program to pick the districts in each state
have you seen the insipid marsha blackburn’s district?
seriously??? she has the rich, white and churches in her convoluted district – the median income is $50,090 while the median income of her state is lower
The moment you can show me that you demanded of, or even cared enough to think about asking about, any past white President, what you now demand of the first black one, you can make that argument.
You’re right about this. By keeping the minimum wage low, companies encourage their employees to rely on social services provided by state and federal programs. As a result of the money corporations save by moving costs to the government, they can increase payments to executives and share holders. It’s another example of corporate welfare.
Gerrymandering at it’s finest.
McGreggor: No Scotsman puts ketchup on his haggis.
McAndrews: Well, I’m Scottish, and put ketchup on my haggis.
McGreggor: Aye, but you’re not a TRUE Scotsman.
McAndrews: Shut yer geggie, ya minkie bampot!
What are birthers about, scott? If Obama’s race isn’t a factor give us the top five reasons why any rational person should be concerned about it.
I have challenged Scott to this before.
Scott has been Birthering since around April 2011.
Last year we had a Presidential race between Mitt Romney and Barack Obama.
Of the two, Scott has questioned the place of birth of only one of them.
Scott never demanded from Romney what he continues to demand from Obama.
Birtherism is Obama specific.
It isn’t always racial.
But it is always true that they are demanding from the black candidate, what they have never demanded from any white candidate.
I adore the way people from the UK swear. I really do!
for five years wingnuts have had but one obsession and one goal, damn the rest:
Ran, no one knows if our ancestors (partly), the “Neanderthaler”, were xenophobic or the kindest people who ever lived.
aarrgghh: for five years wingnuts have had but one obsession and one goal, damn the rest
it makes me SICK when i think of the kids and poor, working people (including the military families & vets) who could have used that $43 BILLION +
What You Can Get For The Price Of A Shutdown
The Hill broke down Standard & Poor’s analysis of the cost of the shutdown:
The government shutdown cost the nation’s economy at least $24 billion and shaved 0.6 percent off the nation’s economic growth, according to new analysis from Standard & Poor’s.
“The bottom line is the government shutdown has hurt the U.S. economy,” the firm said.
I know I probably won’t want to know once I know, but WTF is TOTUS?
Teleprompter of the United States. Its a right-wing jab at how Obama supposedly can’t publicly speak unless he’s got what he wants to say in front of him on a teleprompter.
Oh, well that wasn’t sooooo bad. I expected something much more offensive/stupid! Damn wingers can’t even get that right. *grumble*
I called one of them out on that with “At least Obama can pronounce ‘nuclear’.”
Andrew Vrba, PmG : I called one of them out on that with “At least Obama can pronounce ‘nuclear’.”
oh my god-dess – i thought i was the only one who “missed” NUKE-YOU-LAR for 8 years
now if they could just learn the difference between a noun and an adjective ….. democrat party ………. democrat candidate, etc
Well, birthers lose again. The government is back open and Congressional approval in one poll dropped to 5%.
I don’t understand why birthers lose (because of this). please elaborate.
I have to agree with you on this. I never understood that, but I noticed people saying it afterwards, because they thought is was right. it will always be a political historical blooper. did jimmy carter say it that way ? cause he was a nukular sub commander. and ….as I just found out today, apparently an alinsky enthusiast…
hi jeff, I was trying to remember today whether or not you ever called me racist or bigoted. I think you suggested that I was an iran operative, or some nonsense… do you think i’m a racist, you have known me longer than anyone here…
also let me proclaim here and now, I hope they vet Rubio Jindal and cruz as much as they do Hillary… you know, equally.. but I don’t yet know to whom I am asking. it comes back to the vetting process itself. who are the vetters j. ?? us ?? is there a legal prescribed vetting outlet, or end all… or overall ??
And some of them are talking about doing it again.
What was that definition of insanity????
I knew they could break the single-digit barrier! Keep the faith brother, they can do it again!
Sorry if this web site is over your head.
Congrats on your continual success in learning nothing.
I love that you capped that with an ellipsis, like you made an insult there, one that is self-explanatory! So cute.
I suspect you’ll find plenty of “alinsky enthusiasts” here. We could number off, I’ll start: “1”!
I’m just amazed that scott can use the toilet without drowning himself.
Speaking of ….
You have unquestionably shown yourself to be prejudiced against President Obama (for whatever reason), therefore you are, by definition, a bigot. While you may not be a racist, you, like all other birthers, seem unconcerned that many of your fellow travelers are unrepentant racists who say despicable things about the president and his family. I would not choose to keep company with such vermin and would make it clear that I didn’t agree with their views, but I guess they don’t bother you…
To me, that lame “teleprompter” attack has always been another sign of thinly veiled racism in those who glom onto it as an attack on Obama. They simply can’t accept a world in which a very intelligent, well-spoken black man is in charge. Especially coming right after the plethora of misspoken blunder embarrassments by GWB.
Let’s get serious here: EVERY major politician, media personality and professional speaker uses scripted speeches and devices like teleprompters to deliver them, whenever possible. THAT is what successful and smart speakers do. Even GWB used a teleprompter…he just had a heck of a lot of gaffes on top of that.
Besides, Obama has delivered numerous, very detailed off-the-cuff answers and explanations over the years that demonstrate his detailed understanding of issues, his ability to think for himself and to think in critical and complex terms and communicate them proficiently.
So to attack his intelligence, his education or his ability to communicate is pure nonsense and nothing but an empty chair argument with a fictional bogeyman version of Obama that doesn’t exist, except in jealous and insecure little racist’s minds, where they simply can’t accept the reality of an intelligent and articulate black man.
I just had to click on that before going to bed. LOL.
Sorry, Scott, but some of us have to work during the day.
Scott, you are a racist.
And yes Scott, there is a legal vetting process to be President.
First you get nominated. OK, Obama did that. Not in the Constitution, but that’s what we do.
Second, you get more electoral votes than the other guy. That, actually, is in the Constitution. Obama did that. Did you miss that? It was even on Fox News.
Third, Congress meets and counts the votes. Just as predicted, Obama had more each time than the other guys. (I voted for the other guys; don’t blame me.)
Fourth, any member can object. No one did. So Dick Cheney and then Joe Biden announced that Obama won.
Fifth, then the Chief Justice stops by and swears you in. Roberts that 4 times for Obama. It was actually in the papers. Did you miss that?
And that’s the legal vetting process.
But you are a racist and you hate our Constitution. Go crawl under your rock.
“Media Matters notes 8 Representatives who have made pro-birther remarks: …Blake Farenthold”
Anyone here remember Sissy Farenthold? She ran for vice-president on an anti-abortion platform.
“Her step-grandson, Blake Farenthold, elected in 2010 to the US House of Representatives as a Texas Republican, is a member of the Tea Party Caucus.”
These people are neo-Confederates, hence the willingness to burn down the government. They WANT the US to default, with the resulting chaos.
Here’s Bush with his two teleprompters:
Perfect example!
I read both of his books in college Sociology. They were on the required reading list.
I was also a kibbutznik, so you may call me a socialist. Some have called me a communist and a Marxist. Golda Meir was a Marxist when she first went to Palestine.
On the kibbutz, I got to be a crack shot with an Uzi, so don’t call me a push-over.
How ’bout I call your Mr. Marinsky?
I’m astounded that 5% of your people are approving of Congress right now. Who are those deluded fools? 🙂
You can call me anything you want except ‘hey, you.’
Tea baggers.
Aw, heck, you can call me anything you like as long as you don’t call me late for dinner.
This is a good example of why I banned scott e and should shut him down again. A. article about the government shutdown turns into a discussion about scott e and whether he is a racist or not.
The Onion had a headline, something like: Psychiatrists deeply concerned over 5% of Americans who support Congress.
So speaking of recent elections do you feel Romney was properly vetted? What in your mind constitutes a proper vetting?
Not to worry. They’ll get all the help they need at their assigned FEMA camp.
No kidding? Great minds etc. (I suppose it is a rather obvious quip.)
Works for me.
No kidding.
And here is another from the Onion that you could have written:
Link to breakdown of the AP Poll with the “5% approval” stat:
The polling moving average at RCP:
On that subject, this video, which I stumbled on yesterday thoroughly sickened me.
Of course, I already knew that the Right Wing adherents are generally pirates and brigands, but this is surprising for its audacity. These cruds think that they are authorized by God to steal the labor, wealth and other resources of unbelievers, heretics, lesser peoples and the plain unfortunate. What an odd and twisted Calvinism fueled by simple brigandage. This demented thinking was the defense of slavery.
That’s one interpretation. When he said God wants the righteous to “Go into the marketplace and take dominion”, I thought it meant that God endorses Dodd-Frank 😉
Ahh yes the book of 2nd Cruz, Chapter 11, Verse 666. Straight from the mouth of the God Cruz pretends to worship.