It’s interesting to see a new face once in a while, and Pastor Manning (bless his heart) has come up a new birther of the month in the person of Mia Marie Pope. Pope was interviewed by phone by Pastor Manning in October, and the interview appears on Manning’s ATLAHWorldwide YouTube Channel.
Pope is the 4th woman I know of to relate personal stories of their own role in some part of the birther story. She says is a contemporary of Barack Obama from Hawaii, whom she says she knew as “Barry Soetoro,” describing him as a “cocaine-smoking homosexual.” She describes herself as an “admirer” of Manning. The photo above is cropped from what appears to be a Christmas card photo.
I wondered if this person had a history before birtherism. I found the name “Mia Marie Pope” attached to a expired trade name registration in Hawaii from 2006 and a mailing address in Hawaii (the kind of stuff I don’t publish). Apart from that, and her foray into birtherism, I found no tracks of a Mia Marie Pope from Hawaii on the Internet. Her interview with Manning, however, was on hundreds of web sites.
She says she was born in 1963 in California and moved to Hawaii, spending her summers in the Diamond Head area of Honolulu. She says the met “Soetoro” in 1977 and says he portrayed himself as a “foreign student.” They didn’t associate closely. She says he was very much in the gay community, and not interested at all in women. She said that she didn’t like him because he was a “pathological liar.” She speculates that he got cocaine in exchange for sex with older white guys. She was not a classmate of Obama’s, rather just knowing of him when she spent her summers in Honolulu. She speculates that the CIA or some “shadow government” was responsible for getting Obama into the rather exclusive Punahou Academy (a Christian missionary school).
There are forces in this country that like Barry’s slimy qualities, what he’s doing to our country, and that must be these globalists or the gang banksters. You name it. This secret shadow element of the government that simply wanted to destroy our Constitution and roll us into Marxism.
She identifies herself as a Christian who is angry about Obama “destroying my country” and explains that she is coming forward at this late date because of what Obama is doing. She said that several years ago she called the FBI several times exposing Obama’s use of fake social-security numbers, rather contradicting her evil Obama epiphany now.
None of Obama’s other classmates knew him as Soetoro, or as a foreign student. Her account doesn’t fit the stories of several Obama classmates in the book Our Friend Barry: Classmates’ Recollections of Barack Obama from the Punahou School, nor David Maraniss’ well-researched book on Obama, Barack Obama: The Story. And how would she even know Obama in a town the size of Honolulu when he wasn’t even a classmate? She would have had no personal knowledge of his social-security number except by trolling birther-related web sites. She admits being familiar with the Larry Sinclair claims of homosexuality and cocaine use and could have picked those elements up from him. She repeats the false rumor that “nobody ever saw him at Columbia.” She brings up a fake YouTube photo showing Obama in a sexually provocative outfit. Here’s a video refuting the claim that the President was called “Soetoro” in high school. Here’s another video with a classmate, Sharon Yanagi.
One of the questions raised by Pope in the video is how the Dunham’s who lived in a modest apartment could afford to send Obama to an expensive school. The answer is apparent, the Dunham’s lived modestly, both working, and sacrificing for their grandson’s education. One family friend said that they sent Obama to school rather than buying a house. Also, one of Obama’s Punahou classmates said he was on “financial aid.”
Noting she had to say was new—all coming from prior birther material (except that Obama bummed cigarettes from people). It looks like she cobbled together some of the seamier stories about Obama from the Web and made them her own. Did she ever meet Obama in Hawaii? Maybe, but I doubt it.
It looks like Pope is making the rounds of Birther talk radio:
Okay, birthers don’t like Obama, but are they really this gullible….and desperate!???
Yes, they are.
Without getting into any details, I can tell you that she has a Social Security Number with a California prefix (559), which should make birther heads explode (she was born in California but apparently had moved to Hawaii by 1977). Since she was born in 1963 she probably got her SSN in 1979, when she was 16. So did she really move to Hawaii when she was in high school? If she really met Obama in 1977 she was only 13 or 14 years old at the time.
I see Hawaii addresses for her going back to 1994, but she no longer lives there. She apparently left Hawaii in 2006. “Pope” is her married name.
Apparently some of them are such bitter, pathetic loser wretches that they have to make up their own lives and fill them with tall tales from the bottom of the sewers. That is beyond desperate…hate really does destroy some people’s lives and brains. Absolutely no shame and no integrity at all. The birthers who spread and eat this garbage up…well, all it does is reflect poorly upon themselves.
I’m pretty certain by now that ‘Pastor’ Manning’s Bible has the section on “Thou shalt not bear false witness” permanently excised, bound, sealed in concrete and drowned in the Hudson.
The irony is, even if all this garbage were true (which it clearly isn’t), so what?
If this is true Lupin, the information may (underscore MAY) finally expose Obama for what he is, “The worst President and best liar, of any politician in the past five decades.” There is already plenty of evidence that supports a REAL investigation into this President’s life. His Student ID is enough to make the claim of Obama being foreign born plausible, and his refusal to produce a certified Birth Certificate, adds to the suspicion that he is hiding information about his life before his single term in the Senate.
The American people really know nothing about him, which also the most “mysterious” President ever elected to the Nation’s highest office. Obama isn’t helping to build his own credibility by hiding behind a curtain of mystery. He owes :The People” the facts to put this controversy to rest. If he continues to cover-up his real identity, he shouldn’t be sitting in the oval office.
I looked her name up when the story first broke a few days ago; back then Google only returned half a dozen hits (Manning’s site and a handful quoting it).
I’m not that familiar with the US school system, but would a hypothetical 16-year-old Indonesian call himself a “foreign student”? At high school?
… but she knows he “did cocaine” and “was gay”. Back in a time when nobody would be openly gay. Right. The only thing missing from her stupid tale is “I saw him hanging around with Frank Marshall Davis and Bill Ayers a lot”.
Doc: “Our Fiend Barry: Classmates’ Recollections of Barack Obama from the Punahou School,”
I believe that should be FRIEND. (I’m making a lot of typos these days too.)
The gay obsession is a rather obvious projection, when you consider which administration actually had a gay prostitute visiting the White House frequently disguised as a reporter.
“You’re gay” is, sadly, viewed by certain fundamentalists (the ones who put the “mentalist” in “fundamentalist”) as a perfectly legitimate accusation to be made against those you do not like. And there are also certain of the same ilk who believe that it is quite all right to publish lies about people in order to discredit them so long as the person is an enemy.
This is of course quite simply not Christianity at all, ignoring both “love your enemies” and “You shall not bear false witness”, in other words the ethics of both the Old and New Testaments. The Apostle Paul gives “speaking the truth in love” as a mark of Christian maturity. Speaking falsehood in malice would therefore be a demonstration of being neither Christian nor mature.
So when did you get back to Earth from your 5-year mission to outer space?
Oh, sorry. When did you get out of the institution?
I think she said something about traveling back and forth to California when growing up.
you got suckered by a fake:
Which Student ID? You’re not talking about the “foreign student” one that’s floating on the net? Funny how you people “believe” in random photos on the web yet “disbelieve” an official document with chain of custody…
He did, twice. Were you asleep?
Your personal opinion, unsupported by the Constitution, SCOTUS, 200+ judges and 100% of Congress.
The chance to say “I think he shouldn’t be sitting in the WH” was in November last year. A clear majority obviously disagreed with you.
yep. she said her father was a musician and they’d stay in hawaii during the summer for his work.
What is his “real identity”?
So much for this lady’s claim that Obama was known as Soetoro in 77.
This lady has yearbooks from Obama’s school days
Actually the information provided does nothing of the kind.
Surely, the “title” of “worst” President has to determined by what was sone or not done during his Presidency, not by what he did or did not do umpeentth years ago.
Ditto for “liar”; it doesn’t prove anything because the information is (a) totally ludicrous and (b) easily disproved.
You’re certainly free to think he is the “worst” President of the last 50 years but that crazy woman’s pathetic delusions do nothing to bolster your claim.
You have elections every 4 years. I gather that you lost — twice. Live with it.
How does one go about smoking cocaine?
I mean, if she’s gonna tell slanderous lies about the President, shouldn’t she at least TRY to the small details right?
Well, of course any reasonably well-informed citizen knows that the President has presented not one but two birth certificates. I know birthers call them both fakes. But based on the great departure from reality that you demonstrate in your post, you have zero credibility in asserting this yourself.
“The American people really know nothing about him” is one of the most ludicrous statements one could make. I enjoyed a couple of years ago setting an inlaw straight after he alleged this very same thing at a Thanksgiving gathering. I showed him the many documentations of Mr. Obama’s life, including remembrances from teachers and fellow students in kindergarten and at Punahou School in Hawaii, from grades 5-12; his higher education years including the presidency of the Harvard Law Review, his years practicing law in Chicago, his state Senate tenure, and his adjunct teaching at the University of Chicago. If you know nothing about Obama, it’s your fault, not Obama’s.
The student ID you seem to be relying on is a proven fake. I swapped e-mails with the former student whose real Columbia ID number is the same 15-digit number that the photoshopped Obama ID bears. He confirmed that this was indeed his own Columbia ID number.
A mathematical logic question: What are the chances of two people turning up with the same 15-digit ID number? One in one quadrillion. A quadrillion is a thousand trillion, just FYI.
Your non-math logic is similarly shaky. If one applies as a foreign student, wouldn’t one need some kind of evidence, such as a transcript from a foreign school? Obama would have entered Occidental with a transcript from Punahou School, so he couldn’t have entered that college as a foreign student. It’s likely that the transcript from Occidental provided to Columbia would have also noted the high school he attended, so Columbia wouldn’t have admitted him as a foreign student to enable him draw on aid earmarked for such students.
Before handing out large wads of student aid, you think they weren’t going to check?
Birther memes on this subject seem to assume that there existed a vast pot of money that a student could dip into by merely asserting that he was from a foreign country. Taking the student’s word, no questions asked.
You mention that evidence supports a “real investigation” into the President’s past life. Actually, if you have rudimentary skills in Internet research, you can fill in the blanks yourself, as there seems to be a vast amount of information in the public domain about this president, but about which you remain blissfully unaware.
Will Rogers aptly said that we are all ignorant, just about different things. It never ceases to amaze me that so many choose to shout the loudest about the very things they are most ignorant of.
It’s not just that JD but Columbia didn’t start using digital IDs like the one shown until around the 90s
That would explain the SSN with the California prefix.
I’m surprised that he didn’t confide to her that his real father is Malcolm X.
You’ve got to crack it first, silly!
CAUTION: Do not attempt while in a drunken stupor. Crack it first, then commence drinking up all the liquid stupid in sight.
What you should do is go to your Congressperson with your “concerns.”
Crack cocaine. Freebased or cooked cocaine creates the hard rocks that can be smoked.
But it appears Ms. October’s timing is off a bit: According to several sources crack didn’t emerge on the street until the mid-80’s.
The clock is running out quickly on her fifteen minutes.
Yes…he should not waste time here…if he believes in his position, he should give generously to Orly Taitz, Mike Zullo, and Larry Klayman, and even testify in their cases.
All this dealing with birthers has clearly taken its toll on you, Andrew. But don’t do it!! When The Krazy gets you down, don’t self-medicate. Well, maybe a nice glass of wine or a pint of ale, but that’s IT, OK? 🙂
I mean, sure, I could tell you how to smoke cocaine, but then you’ll want to know how to cook meth, and where does it end? Next thing you know, you’ve shaved your head, stolen a barrel of methylamine, and there’s a trail of bodies behind you.
For all the Americans who have spent the past 5 years with their heads in a paper bag and fingers in their ears and hence no nothing about Barack Obama, watch these two videos:
The American people knew enough about Barack Obama to elect him twice, both times with more than 60% of the electoral college vote. Enough people felt comfortable with who Barack Obama is to donate $1.3 billion to his two campaigns.
While you are free to consider him the worst president in American history, his immediate predecessor, George W. Bush got down to 22% in job approval rating in his second term while Barack Obama is currently at 42% in today’s Gallup Poll.
Blahblahblah. Obviously education has failed you.
It means he’s Icky Bad Man. Only icky people like icky people. You’re not icky, are you, Lupin? 😉
This lady lied or she didn’t. We have no record of her lying about anything. We know obama lies.
Then there’s barry’s weird pre-michelle “wedding ring” and ms. obama’s slip about being a “single mom.” And we know the president lies.
So I don’t see how Dr. Conspiracy or anyone else feels the need to even take a position on Pope’s veracity. We know obama lies.
Would a potential president have incentive to lie about gayness when everyone’s supposed to out and proud? I believe one would.
Of course, many american people couldn’t care less about whether someone’s gay or not.
There are, however, enough american people who do care, to the degree that a gay or bi male candidate could not get elected.
So if obama is gay he has very good reasons to lie about it.
I don’t know where obama was born, I don’t know if obama’s birth certificate is a forgery, and I don’t know if obama’s gay or not. I also don’t know why obama being gay is considered outside the realm of possibility by the social scientists who author and flock to this site.
Except, of course, that for whatever reason, they choose to believe a man who has proven to be a liar.
When has Obama every said he isn‘t gay?
Ah, but if she was only in Hawai’i during the summer, that’s when she would have had a student job and needed to get an SSN.
It is also when she would not be in school to meet the future President.Sorry, I don’t see where she said she met him in school, but I didn’t read the whole thing.I don’t believe you.
I don’t believe you.
I don’t believe you, but I will grant there is the possibility that you are telling the truth – this time.
He has a wife and two children. It is not out of the realm of possibility that that is a cover-up or that he has been ‘cured’. The only possible answer to your question is WHO GIVES A SHIT?
If he was gay in the past and he has now ‘repented and been cured’ (what ever that means) isn’t that exactly what all the fundament-alists would want to see? Isn’t that why those fundament-alists run aversion/conversion programs for those sick/sinful/doomed gay folk?
I don’t understand. Is this meant to be an insult to the lawyers, computer programmers, florists, auto mechanics, mathematicians, farmers, etc. that participate in the commentary here?
Actually it would be fair to say that we know more about this President than any other President in living memory.
He has done all he needs to do for “the People” to prove his identity. You are not asking him to present the facts to “the People.” You are asking him to present the facts to “birthers,” who will never EVER accept any facts or information short of what only confirms their already preconceived beliefs. Anything else will be seen as forged, faked, lied about, or part of a greater conspiracy that is ever growing in their eyes. In otherwords, he owes the birther movement nothing. Zip. Nada.
So be prepared to suffer in that dark pit of hate, suspicion, and fear of your own making.
It is certain that she lied about him going by the name of Barry Soetoro. We have at least half a dozen classmates who say he went by the name Barry Obama (Barry being a nickname) and we have his high school yearbooks that say Obama. There is just no room for her to be telling the truth.
The second thing that goes against her story about cocaine use is that folks don’t use cocaine in public. She said that she had just seen him around. The only way she could reasonably have seen Obama use cocaine was to be among the group using it. However, her knowledge of cocaine seems inexpert, suggesting that she hadn’t experience with it. Hence she made up the story.
There are a number of in-depth biographies of Obama from interviews of scores of people who knew him. None of them suggest that Obama is gay, and those biographies mention some girl friends.
The woman is a liar, and there is just no other conclusion to make from her story.
So given that she is a proven liar, there’s no reason to believe anything just because she says so. Her narrative lacks any detailed knowledge to suggest it was true. What she alleges she could have picked up on the Internet.
ALL presidents lie. A few famous proven examples:
“I am not a crook.”–Richard Nixon. He was.
“I did not trade arms for hostages.”–Ronald Reagan. He did.
“Read my lips, no new taxes.”–George H.W. Bush There were.
“I did not have sex with that woman, Ms. Lewinsky.”–Bill Clinton He did.
“Mission Accomplished.”– George W. Bush It wasn’t.
Here’s a link to a you tube video of an Obama high school classmate who got out her yearbooks and walks us through all the yearbook pictures of Barry OBAMA from Freshman year onward:
goalposter/govtrumbull……..who do you think you’re fooling, huh? You’re the same person with the same stupid birfer stuff. So pathetic to go and get another name and post under – this only proves how pathetic birfers are…desparately trying to make it look as if there are lots of folks who actually believe the crap you’re saying…..LOL…….Busted!!!!
That video is a good find, even though the camera doesn’t spend enough time on close ups. What really baffles me is how these birther clowns can watch that and still scream angry denials in the comments and call the lady in the video a liar…
It just goes to show that at this point, any remaining birther is beyond reason or hope and is so broken from reality that we need to view such extreme hate-based denialism as what it is – a form of true mental insanity.
There’s enough people who care about it, that if Obama was a Yeti, he couldn’t get elected, so if he was a Yeti, he’d have every reason to lie about it
But now according to your logic… that means Obama IS a Yeti.
Yeah… sounds pretty dumb when you point it out that way…
Actually he said “sexual relations” not sex. He later said he did not consider a blow job sexual relations.
Spoken like a true politician! 😉
lol he thinks because some people are losing their crappy junk insurance plans means the President is a liar. Good luck with that line when history is written.
The whole story only makes “sense” if you accept the mutually exclusive theories that “everybody was in on it” (i.e. Columbia played along knowing Obama was/wasn’t a foreign student), yet Obama “deceived everyone” (by tricking Columbia into believing he was/wasn’t a foreign student). By now, birthers have no problem at all in openly admitting to believe in such incompatible theories at the same time, just like many believe Obama was both born in Kenya *and* the son of either Frank Marshall Davis or Malcolm X.
So that means once I’ve proven you lied (and *everybody* lies a *lot* in his life, and those who claim they don’t are lying ;)), there’s good reason to believe you’re a pedophile because (a) you’re a proven liar and (b) if you *were* a pedophile, you’d have good reason to lie about it? Is that your “logic”?
Honestly, I don’t give a hoot about anybody’s sexual orientation (except my girlfriend’s ;)). If, arguendo, Obama were gay and chose to lie about it, so what? It’s still not something somebody can be open about in your country (Germany’s former Foreign Secretary and the mayor of Berlin are openly gay) without severe repercussions. I certainly wouldn’t cast the first stone. (Same with Muslim BTW.)
Show me one politician who hasn’t been “proven to be a liar”. This doesn’t mean magically everything the person ever said is a lie (now that would be convenient, Obama would just have to tell you he wasn’t born in the US and you would immediately believe he is eligible ;)).
Insufficient data. I also don’t have a record of you ever bonking a sheep, doesn’t mesan you never did it.
I think Miz Mia is beginning to sound a awful lot too much like the other crazy out there who claims to be one of Obama’s relatives and knew him growing up, and has this alternate genealogy for him, and her claims are all hooey too. If Miz Mimi was in school with Obama, where is she in the year books?
She doesn’t claim to have been in school with Obama. She visited Waikiki in the summer and said she knew him from that, even though she also said that she and “Soetoro” didn’t hang out in the same groups.
That’s a hoot, a birther complaining about somebody lying.
As a “child” of the 60s (or DFH for atrios readers) I was very icky and proud of my ickiness. I’m still quite icky according to my wife. 🙂
To quote Dr. House: EVERYONE lies.
And I hope your President lies. A lot. Can you imagine negotiating with Putin or Iran without lying?
Lying is part and parcel of the job. And lying about his personal life, which is no one else’s business except his family, is especially encouraged.
No one except some insiders knew about Kennedy’s many affairs and yet, he & his brother (and a Russian submarine captain) probably saved the world.
Can you prove that the President has lied? You’re the one making the case. You’re the one who has to prove it. Not me. I’ve already done my Master’s Thesis. I don’t have to do your GED.
Does anyone have a source that authoritatively shows whether Ann Dunham was in Hawaii (on a visit) between 1977-1979? There are photos of her in Hawaii with Obama and the Dunham family, but I don’t know when they were. I don’t have a copy of her biography.
Not every false statement is a lie, and it appears that commenter Goal Poster is not that sophisticated. A lie requires an intent to deceive. There are any number of ways that a statement could be false, but not a lie:
1) Not knowing what is true
2) Speaking in a context where something has to be simplified
3) Saying something that could be misunderstood
4) Misspeaking
On the other hand, I think that some technically true statements are designed to deceive, and those I would consider the equivalent of lies. (E.g. when Clinton said “there is no sexual relationship.”
We know that she was in Hawaii for his high school graduation in 1979.
From her Wikipedia bio:
In March 1977, Dunham, under the supervision of agricultural economics professor Leon A. Mears, developed and taught a short lecture course at the Faculty of Economics of the University of Indonesia (FEUI) in Jakarta for staff members of BAPPENAS (Badan Perencanaan Pembangunan Nasional)—the Indonesian National Development Planning Agency.
From June 1977 through September 1978, Dunham carried out research on village industries in the Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta (DIY)—the Yogyakarta Special Region within Central Java in Indonesia under a student grant from the East–West Center. As a weaver herself, Dunham was interested in village industries, and moved to Yogyakarta City, the center of Javanese handicrafts.
In May and June 1978, Dunham was a short-term consultant in the office of the International Labour Organization (ILO) in Jakarta, writing recommendations on village industries and other non-agricultural enterprises for the Indonesian government’s third five-year development plan (REPELITA III).
From October 1978 to December 1980, Dunham was a rural industries consultant in Central Java on the Indonesian Ministry of Industry’s Provincial Development Program (PDP I), funded by USAID in Jakarta and implemented through Development Alternatives, Inc. (DAI).
We also know she signed her divorce petition on June 15, 1980 but that doesn’t necessarily mean that she was in Hawaii at the time. Her attorney could have mailed the papers to her for her signature. I don’t see any indication that the signatures on the divorce papers were notarized.
Was that “Goal Poster” or “Goal Post Mover”?
everyone has a story, here’s mine. I attended U of H summer session, I knew a black African exchange student, he had a white wife that gave birth in August, he had no car so he asked us (2 of us) to drive him to the hospital, we went in with him and saw a cute little black baby. I don’t remember any names, but who could it have been.
My wife insists it was Obama.
By now you’ve seen tons of pix of Obama’s mother and father. Do they look familiar to you or your wife?
“By now you’ve seen tons of pix of Obama’s mother and father. Do they look familiar to you or your wife?”
my wife recognized Obama’s mother, she met her
It’s just in case the Twenty-second Amendment didn’t give us enough reason not to reelect Obama.
I just got in a copy of “Our Friend Barry.” The book was from 2008, before the election. The editor is Constance F. Ramos, who appeared in the same video that contained the Kapi’olani souvenir birth certificate.
I have already decided not to vote for Obama in 2016.
I think I missed that video. Link?
Don’t count your presidential terms before they’re hatched. Lookie what I found today:
Where did you get it? I think I’ll put my money on it being a phony.
The chances of Obama supporting something like this are slim……almost as slim as it being passed and enacted in 12 months.
Just did some checking: Resolution was introduced in January. It went nowhere. I believe there have been a number of these over the years and they have all gone the same place.
Yes, that was in 2013. But in 2015, we have a new Congress 😉
It’s an edited version of an email I got from OFA today.
Didn’t even notice the year. That makes it doubly irrelevant today.
I’m not a big fan of the 22nd Amendment but this effort isn’t going anywhere….now or in 2015.
Did I mention “edited?”
LOL! Cloudy day here. Brain on “slow”.
Crosby, Stills and Nash – Almost Cut My Hair
I’m currently on a campaign to look like Crosby. My hair is the longest its been since about 1970. 😎
Yesterday my wife told a couple of friends that my “look” was “clochard chic”. 🙂
It doesn’t really matter as to the timeline or who was where when.
As clearly shown in the last elections, times and events can now be considered “retroactive.”
By applying this new-found aspect of “retroactivity”, one can solve almost any question asked or theory imagined about Obama.
One can even suggest that Obama has already lied about things he’s not yet said.
I have it under good authority that Obama sank the Lusitania, but cannot prove it.
As for this Pope lady, who is she?
What do we even know about her?
It is widely known that the correct answer to “is the Pope Catholic?” is “yes”, so does this mean she has actually been involved in the many well-publicized homosexual affairs associated with the Catholic church?
She didn’t deny involvement with 23 other subversive groups either.
What is she hiding?
I think it’s very telling that she never once denied killing a college student at a midwest campus in the year 1994 too.
She didn’t deny a word about this very particular issue, nor issue any denial about her own connections within the mafia.
She did however admit her own knowledge about freebasing cocaine.
By not saying anything about Benghazi, she surely implicated herself too.
How could she recall such miniscule details about Obama decades ago, but fail to remember anything about her own recent possible involvements in questionable issues she deliberately never mentioned?
I think that this Ms. Pope, if that’s her real name, has a lot of questions to answer about why she’s hiding so much about her past.
We can only speculate about her future too.
Will she kill more college students than were killed in ’94?
In what year will she finally deny communism?
There’s so many unanswered questions and possible involvements she’s hiding or covering up.
Is she even from the Vatican?
It looks like the video has been restricted from embedding, so I now just link to it.
Let’s see how quickly birthers scrub it. 🙂
Call me crass, for judging a book by it’s cover, but look at her!
She looks crazy. Birthers don’t seem to notice that their “facts” keep coming from people who look like they need medicated.
Almost all of these birther fantasies come from crazy-looking, middle-aged(in some cases, elderly) white people.
We know that she’ll be the only participant in Manning’s Million Pope March on the White House and will not be a participant in Manning’s Million Manning March on the Ponderosa Steak House!
What more do we need to know about these freaks?
look at the picture of her, and then this
She is the internet meme trollface!
I was a bit hasty writing that. While people don’t smoke powered cocaine, there was freebasing in the late 70’s not involving crack. It’s still wildly implausible that Obama could have come up $2500 a day to support a freebasing habit.
No kidding, when I was in college, I could barely afford to stay in Ramen noodles.
Two words: coco puffs.
[Hey, don’t look at me; I don’t touch the stuff, but I’ve seen it done].
The eminent Ms. Pope’s brother, Darren, appeared on Fogbow, spewing juvenile vitriol, some of it directed at me, personally.
Other folks rose to defend me, and Darren did the usual tap-dance of someone who has been nailed, loudly proclaiming victory and that he was leaving the forum.
I knew there was something wrong with that bird!
Yeah, but Obama-bashing Birthers casting blame and conclusary allegations of criminal behavior, or just allegations which they believe will be widely viewed as socially repugnant, are not constrained by any sensible analysis of plausibility.
An odious smear directed at the President is self-proving in their judgment and need not be evidenced, proven, likely, plausible, or EVEN POSSIBLE, for them to accept the truth of it, embellish it to make it worse, and search for some demographic which might be outraged enough by believing the charge to donate money or also become malignantly Birther.
At the Birther Bar of Justice, if it’s bad for Obama, any gossipy hearsay Tim Adams declares represented facts which “everybody knew” about what, for “everybody”, would have actually been inaccessible vital records in the State of Hawaii, must dispositively prevail over the officially Birther overruling outcome of over a hundred legitimate court supervised Birther case dismissing rulings.
These anarchistic tantrum bound Birther crybabies are what the Framers, if they were alive today, would probably have derisively called, “anarchistic tantrum bound Birther crybabies”.
Why do you think that Darren Pope is Mia Pope’s brother?
Because it keeps us from tuning into morons like you, who uncritically believe the most ludicrous bullshit imaginable if it conforms to your preconceptions.
You should try it. Skepticism is the reason we’ve developed a technological civilization, instead of continuing to huddle in caves, learning the correct rituals for worshipping trees from the clan shaman.
We all are liars to some extent so the question really is the following, are these lies relevant to the issue at hand and do the claims make sense in light of what is known.
Obama may have lied but on the issue of the birth certificate, all points to him having told the truth. As to being gay, it really is of no relevance, even if he were a closet homosexual.
Claiming that Obama is a ‘known liar’ does not relieve you of a responsibility to use logic, reason and evidence to draw conclusions. So far, you have shown yourself less than interested in pursuing such a path.
Fwiw, crack and freebase are the same thing.
Cocaine is technically cocaine hydrochloride.
That hydrochloride component means its derived using hydrochloric acid.
It’s why noses get holes burned through them and razors blades used rust.
Freebasing is simply adding a base (opposite of an acid.)
Be it standard household ammonia or baking soda, that’s all that’s needed to make crack or freebase from cocaine.
Crack is just a word used later for freebase. Same thing.
As for smoking cocaine without first removing the acid, good luck.
Only a very small amount is converted and it’s a waste of time and money.
Not that doing coke or crack isn’t a waste of money in the first place, but it’s very unlikely the president was smoking powdered cocaine.
That’s like saying he was snorting LSD or smoking mushrooms.
(tho the former would probably work, I’ve never heard of anyone doing this.)
Birther reply: “It proves again how incompetent Obama is in everything he does.” 😉
Some of the other posters indicated that he was on the thread.
I actually did a search through some of the background check services it does not appear to have a relation even through her husband.
New interview on Jeff Rense
Haven’t had a chance to listen but looks like the same nonsense.
She’s now integrated the photoshopped Obama in drag picture into her story claiming that she had seen him dress in similar clothing.
Well I claim to have seen her eating lead paint chips by the bucket full!
Somehow my baseless claim seems more valid than hers…strange that!
It’s not an unreasonable explanation for her demonstrated mental state.
I’m fairly certain that it’s just a coincidence that they have the same last name. As far as I can determine, Darren Pope has never lived on or near the west coast.
It would fit with the general anti-Hawaiian notion in Birtherstan. I mean, which place except Sodom itself would’ve allowed someone to be black, coke-addled, gay and flashy – all out in public – back in the 70’s? Basically she claims Obama was a cross of Freddie Mercury and Lady GaGa but decades ahead of their time. Birthers love it because it also reinforces their twisted (racist) view of Hawaii as “not really American”.
I sit corrected.