Long memory

I’m starting a new page under the Features menu called “Long Memory.” On it, I want to collect some of the things birthers have said in the past, that didn’t work out as seen in retrospect. I started the collection with a quote from Joseph Farah saying that he thought Obama wouldn’t run for re-election in 2012, and that he was certain Obama wouldn’t win.

What’s your favorite?

About Dr. Conspiracy

I'm not a real doctor, but I have a master's degree.
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88 Responses to Long memory

  1. Thinker says:

    Orly Taitz Claims She Can Have President Obama “Out Of Office In 30 Days”

  2. Rickey says:

    Philip Berg’s claim (repeated by many birthers, notably Mario Apuzzo) that Obama had to have traveled to Indonesia in 1981 on a foreign passport because there was a State Department travel ban which prohibited American citizens from traveling to Indonesia at that time. The claim was thoroughly debunked by contemporaneous newspaper stories and the discovery of a 1981 State Department travel advisory (which was not even a warning, much less a ban). Not that the debunking stopped the birthers from repeating the lie, of course.


  3. nbc says:

    Orly Taitz Claims She Can Have President Obama “Out Of Office In 30 Days”

    Yeah that is still my favorite….

  4. Dave B. says:

    David Farrar:
    “Therefore, if Mitt Romney is nominated for the presidency at the RNC convention, I will be forced to file a challenge against his name appearing on the Georgia ballot; as I did against Barack Obama. Nether one is a natural born Citizen.”


    So much to love there.

  5. aarrgghh says:

    the incredible trump:

    “I’m not convinced that he has one,” Trump said of the birth certificate issue.

    “Today” show host Meredith Vieira asked Trump, “You’ve been privy to all of this to know this?” His response: “Well, I have people that actually have been studying it and they cannot believe what they’re talking.”

    The remarks from the potential presidential candidate prompted Vieira to ask Trump if he had people on the ground in Hawaii searching for proof of the president’s citizenship. He signaled he did, saying, “And they cannot believe what they’re finding. And I’m serious.”

  6. Bob says:

    The Orlytaitz sez:

    ❝I won!!! I won!!! I won!!! Judge Malihi ruled in my favor. Obama’s motion to quash my subpoena is denied! He has to appear at trial and present all the documents that I demanded to produce in my subpoena!❞


  7. Arthur says:

    Sharon Rondeau, Post and Email

    “(Oct. 31, 2013) — Presidential candidate Cody Robert Judy is reporting that a hearing in the House Judiciary Committee to consider Articles of Impeachment against Barack Hussein Obama has been scheduled for sometime in January 2014 at which Judy will be providing testimony.”

  8. But Jerome Corsi, Ph.D. … said, “I think Bauer’s resignation marks the beginning of the Obama eligibility cover-up starting to unwind.”

    “When the White House released to the public the birth certificate in the form of a PDF computer file obviously created on Adobe software and a Xerox copy, Bauer realized the Hawaii DOH had participated in the fraud,” Corsi charged.

    Corsi said he had been tipped off early in February that a long-form birth document for Obama had been forged and that the document was to be released.

    “The information came from a mole within the Hawaii DOH who had been examining the vault logbook for months,” Corsi explained. “Until just prior to February 24, no Obama long-form hospital-generated birth record could be found in the Hawaii DOH.”

    — WorldNetDaily (June 2, 2011)

  9. Arthur says:

    From The Daily Mail, October 22, 2012

    Donald Trump announced today that he has a ‘gigantic’ bombshell about President Obama that he will reveal on Wednesday.

    The billionaire real estate baron told Fox & Friends this morning that he had ‘something very, very big concerning the president of the United States’.

    ‘It’s going to be very big. I know one thing- you will cover it in a very big fashion,’ he added.

    Trump wasn’t giving away any clues, however, but only went on to say that it could ‘possibly’ play a role in the election.

    He said h is waiting to Tweet the ‘large, bordering on gigantic’ news ‘sometime probably Wednesday’.

    Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2221390/Donald-Trump-threatens-drop-gigantic-bombshell-President-Obama-Wednesday.html#ixzz2kxkupOix

  10. Sam the Centipede says:

    I don’t think I had ever actually read the Taitz “I won!!” post before, but I think it reads so much better after the event! I recommend taking a minute or two to skim through it.

    The comments are filled with ecstatic birthers joyously proclaiming that their racist dreams will be fulfilled (and thanking their god for it, hypocrites that they are), blissfully unaware that those drops of happiness would turn into tears of disappointment and frustration.

    How could they ever believe that the President would turn up to their juvenile seditionist attempt at tarring and feathering? Surely nobody with a toehold in the real world would expect someone with the energy and determination to become President to demean himself by responding personally to a bunch of racist lunatics screeching “show us your papers boy!!.?

  11. Arthur says:

    Jerome Corsi, writing in WND, October 10, 2012

    NEW YORK – As a student at Harvard Law School, then-bachelor Barack Obama’s practice of wearing a gold band on his wedding-ring finger puzzled his colleagues.

    Now, newly published photographs of Obama from the 1980s show that the ring Obama wore on his wedding-ring finger as an unmarried student is the same ring Michelle Robinson put on his finger at the couple’s wedding ceremony in 1992.

    Moreover, according to Arabic-language and Islamic experts, the ring Obama has been wearing for more than 30 years is adorned with the first part of the Islamic declaration of faith, the Shahada: “There is no god except Allah.”

    Read more at http://www.wnd.com/2012/10/obamas-ring-there-is-no-god-but-allah/#ceKBRsIqjDptF5QA.99

  12. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    My favorite was how Falcon was claiming that the November 7 2012 would be the day that birthers would be vindicated, and that Obama and everyone who voted for him would be in deep s–t.

  13. CarlOrcas says:

    nbc: Yeah that is still my favorite….

    Did she ever say when the 30 days would be up?

  14. RanTalbott says:

    I’m sure it originated somewhere else, but I came across this one in the uploader comments for a youtube video at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LkqCxzkMNbM

    Inside sources tell Arpaio’s investigators that an “original” is being created from 1961 materials, which will match the PDF released in 2011. They are billing the “original” an “October Surprise,” as the source states Obama is planning to release this so-called original right before the presidential election.

    No mention of what those “sources” (note the plural that mysteriously changes to a singular in the second sentence) were “inside”, but I suspect it was a place with many doors that have knobs on only one side, and many staffers wearing white coats…

    Too bad the source is unnamed: it would have been interesting to ask it whether the “October Surprise” was going to have haloed text, substituted characters, and a “TXE” in the stamp 😉

  15. nbc says:

    Andrew Vrba, PmG: My favorite was how Falcon was claiming that the November 7 2012 would be the day that birthers would be vindicated, and that Obama and everyone who voted for him would be in deep s–t.

    Honestly most anything Falcon says is worth an honorary mention…

  16. Thinker says:

    They certainly expected Darrell Issa to start a birther investigation when the GOP took over the House in 2011. Remember that fake list of his investigation priorities? I know they still haven’t given up on a Congressional investigation, but most have accepted that it won’t be initiated by Issa. http://web.archive.org/web/20111122114912/http://ohforgoodnesssake.com/?p=15754

  17. Dr Kenneth Noisewater says:

    Corsi when describing the Georgia case claiming that essentially there was a default and that this would require Obama to leave office.

    Or many of the birther claims where this case in x would be the end of Obama.

  18. aarrgghh says:

    Andrew Vrba, PmG: My favorite was how Falcon was claiming that the November 7 2012 would be the day that birthers would be vindicated, and that Obama and everyone who voted for him would be in deep s–t.

    was there some birfer somewhere who wasn’t saying that?

  19. justlw says:

    Thinker: They certainly expected Darrell Issa to start a birther investigation when the GOP took over the House in 2011

    Maybe this is too vague, but wasn’t there an ongoing meme that once Pelosi was out, there was a literal safe full of stuff that the new Speaker would then have access to, the contents of which would blow everything wide open?

  20. alg says:

    Carl Gallups said that the pressure was mounting and that Congress wouldn’t certify Obama’s re-election.

  21. Daniel says:

    “Any day now”

    Every birther ever.

  22. aarrgghh says:

    A Battle Plan Based on Political Statistical Realities
    By Dr. Jerome Corsi and Brad O’Leary

    Discount Price: $0.99

    still available from WND!

  23. Slartibartfast says:

    I think my favorite was drk(H)ate praising Judge Carter’s patriotism in a post she made on her blog in the early am of the day he dismissed Orly’s case. Unfortunately, I believe that she scrubbed the article from her website which is really too bad because in retrospect it was hilarious. Early on, Judge Carter was one of the first to be the birthers’ “Great White Hope”.

    There was also David Farrar’s promise to accept the ruling of the court… at least until the court ruled against him.

  24. gorefan says:

    There is this Free Republic article about how President Obama was going to cancel the 2012 Presidential election. The article is from April, 2009.


  25. sactosintolerant says:

    I’m still waiting for Corsi to give forger Mike’s last name.

  26. Thinker says:

    This is exactly what I was thinking of but I wasn’t able to find anything specific either. I do remember, though, around the summer of 2011 when birfers realized that the GOP-led House was not going to be conducting a birfer investigation, their outrage was hilarious. That’s when they starting cooking up the theories about how the teabagger Republicans who don’t overtly support birferism secretly support them but are afraid to address the issue because they don’t’ want to start race riots.

    justlw: Maybe this is too vague, but wasn’t there an ongoing meme that once Pelosi was out, there was a literal safe full of stuff that the new Speaker would then have access to, the contents of which would blow everything wide open?

  27. Whatever4 says:

    That’s when they starting cooking up the theories about how the teabagger Republicans who don’t overtly support birferism secretly support them but are afraid to address the issue because they don’t’ want to start race riots.

    I’m not sure that’s correct. Some of the Tea Party congress members wouldn’t mind race riots. Their districts would likely be safe, and it would be great ammunition for anti-gun control and anti-poverty program arguments.

  28. brygenon says:

    Arthur: Sharon Rondeau, Post and Email

    “(Oct. 31, 2013) — Presidential candidate Cody Robert Judy is reporting that a hearing in the House Judiciary Committee to consider Articles of Impeachment against Barack Hussein Obama has been scheduled for sometime in January 2014 at which Judy will be providing testimony.”

    Rondeau called it a “bombshell”, which is just about the last term anyone with a long memory would use to promote the efforts of Cody Robert Judy.

  29. aarrgghh says:

    by virtue of the wayback machine, an early pronouncement by wnd, one they’d prefer remain entombed a memory hole:

    “A separate WND investigation into Obama’s birth certificate utilizing forgery experts also found the document to be authentic.”

  30. Thinker says:

    That article is awesome! It debunks all the bullshit claims that WND now makes on a regular basis about Obama’s birth, birth certificate, and citizenship. It looks like when that article was published in Aug. ’08, they were trying to play up the controversy as a dispute between factions of the Democratic Party.

    by virtue of the wayback machine, an early pronouncement by wnd, one they’d prefer remain entombed a memory hole:

  31. aarrgghh says:

    Thinker: That article is awesome! It debunks all the bullshit claims that WND now makes on a regular basis about Obama’s birth, birth certificate, and citizenship.It looks like when that article was published in Aug. ’08, they were trying to play up the controversy as a dispute between factions of the Democratic Party.

    and birfer bucks had yet to be coined.

  32. Chris Borthwick says:

    Still, when you hear a Birther claim that something will happen in thirty days remember that there’s an overlap with creationists, when seven days sufficied to make an entire world.

    I always liked that samuel Beckett joke – “Sir, god made the world in seven days – seven days! and you have taken more than three months to make me a pair of trousers!”

    “Yes, sir; but look at the world…. and look at my trousers.”

  33. Bovril says:

    Joe Arpaio

    “I’m not going after Obama, I’m just doing my job.”

    “When I took this mission on, I took it on to possibly be able to clear the president I was doing him a favor. We’ll see what happens.”

    “Upon close examination of the evidence, we are prepared today to say that we believe probable cause exists indicating that forgery and fraud may have been committed, not only in President Obama’s long-form birth certificate, but more disturbing evidence that another fraud may have been committed regarding his Selective Service Administration Registration card. At the very least,

    I can tell you this: Based on all of the evidence presented, and investigated, I cannot in good faith report to you that these documents are authentic. My investigators believe that the long-form birth certificate was manufactured electronically and that it did not originate in the paper format as claimed by the White House.”

    “I don’t care about the politics, that has nothing to do with it.”

    Little Mikey Zullo

    “We didn’t make a mistake the first time. We’re not making a mistake this time,”

  34. Yoda says:

    Orly Taitz Claims She Can Have President Obama “Out Of Office In 30 Days”

    That is mine as well.

  35. Yoda says:

    I’m still waiting for Corsi to give forger Mike’s last name.

    I thought it was Zullo

  36. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    Ya know, I think it would really stick in the admin’s craw at BR, if those able, to would post some of these gems in the comment sections.
    Yeah, the posts would get deleted eventually, but it would be some nice salt in the wound of birthers who’d rather forget their repeated embarrassments.
    A sort of a “Remember these, the next time you go to open your trap about how birthers are winning”.

  37. Bob says:

    I got a kick out of a rank-and-file Birther named Duh_swami on WND who repeatedly insisted that Sheriff Arpaio’s live-streamed Cold Case Posse press conference was going to leave Obama supporters “breathless.”

  38. Jim says:

    I got a kick out of a rank-and-file Birther named Duh_swami on WND who repeatedly insisted that Sheriff Arpaio’s live-streamed Cold Case Posse press conference was going to leave Obama supporters “breathless.”

    Well, come on…it DID! I was laughing so hard at their stupidity I had a hard time catching my breath! 😀

  39. Rickey says:

    Flash back to November, 2008 when Pamela Gellar (and others) put her ignorance on display by claiming that Obama had until December 1, 2008 to produce the vault copy of his birth certificate.


  40. Bovril says:

    Some wicked Obot put a selection of the points up on Birther Report, lasted all of 30 seconds….

  41. Joey says:

    Some of my SCOTUS favorites:
    Every Justices’ conference at the Supreme Court was going to result in Obama being declared ineligible.
    The Supreme Court would conduct “trials on the merits” with testimony and witnesses!
    Justice Thomas said that the Supreme Court is avoiding the issue of Obama’s eligibility.
    Justices Kagan and Sotomayor will be forced to recuse themselves from Obama eligibility appeals.

  42. Kiwiwriter says:

    Orly Taitz Claims She Can Have President Obama “Out Of Office In 30 Days”

    My favorite, too.

  43. I think it’s a toss up between “Linda Starr” telling everyone at Berg’s original site in 2008-09 that she had inside information that insured that there was no way that Senator Obama would be sworn in, and Thomas “One Pissed-Off Vietnam Vet” MacLeran’s promise that President Obama’s name would absolutely be off the ballot in all 50 states in 2012.

  44. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    Bovril: Justices Kagan and Sotomayor will be forced to recuse themselves from Obama eligibility appeals.

    Of all the times I chose to blink! 😉

  45. Curious George says:

    July 17, 2012.

    Zoo-Lowe claims the word “African” to define race of father on the Obama birth certificate is proof of forgery. They show bogus race code chart and claim it’s for 1961, but in reality is for 1968. How’s that working for you Mikey?

  46. RanTalbott says:

    Curious George: How’s that working for you Mikey?

    Not too well, apparently: both the “African Anachronism” and the “coding conflict” are conspicuously absent from his daffydavit.

    One gem I found while confirming my recollection:

    When investigators put his theories into practical application, they could not successfully reproduce any of the anomalies found in the White House document by automated computerized process. Therefore Mr. Woodman’s work was dismissed as irrelevant and offering zero evidentiary value.

    Otoh, their testing, which also “could not successfully reproduce any of the anomalies”, was deemed “beyond a reasonable doubt” evidence of forgery.

    It’s amazing that none of them has been found dead of spontaneous cerebral explosion.

  47. nbc says:

    RanTalbott: When investigators put his theories into practical application, they could not successfully reproduce any of the anomalies found in the White House document by automated computerized process. Therefore Mr. Woodman’s work was dismissed as irrelevant and offering zero evidentiary value.

    If only they had done more diligence as the basic explanations by Woodman were spot on…

  48. justlw says:

    Joey: Every Justices’ conference at the Supreme Court was going to result in Obama being declared ineligible.

    Ah yes, good times. The Alabama Friday Frogwatch is but a pale shadow of the “Berg’s gone ALL THE WAY TO THE TOP with this one!” days.

  49. justlw says:

    So should this only be “pure” birtherism, or is generic ODS applicable, too?

    I’m thinking of the claims, started when Obama gave a campaign speech in July ’08, that he wanted to create an army of Obama Youth. (What he said was that he wanted more funding for organizations like the Foreign Service, the Peace Corps, and AmeriCorps.)

    I knew this had had a minor resurgence recently, but I hadn’t realized until I looked around again today that there’d been a more notable outbreak about a year ago, when AmeriCorps created a new group called the “FEMA Corps” (yeah, you can hear the sh*t immediately being lost when “FEMA” gets mixed in there…), which has the horrible horrible charter to… well, to help people when they get hit by hurricanes and the like. Yes, you may gasp now.

    But this of course got mutated to “they’re armed! And they’ve got uniforms!” Well, no, not armed, but yeah, they actually do have uniforms. Don’t click here unless you’ve steeled yourself to see the most terrifying uniforms ever.

    And why would we ever want to provide more funding for the Foreign Service?

  50. Bob says:

    Here’s one from Larry Klayman you can add to the list on November 20, 2013:

    ❝ On November 19, 2013, a day that will hopefully live on in the history of our once great republic, I call upon millions of Americans who have been appalled and disgusted by Obama’s criminality – his Muslim, socialist, anti-Semitic, anti-Christian, anti-white, pro-illegal immigrant, pro-radical gay and lesbian agenda – among other outrages, to descend on Washington, D.C., en masse, and demand that he leave town and resign from office if he does not want to face prison time. ❞

    . . .

  51. donna says:

    this is a NEW one: This Conservative History Book Will Make You Stupider

    “I’ll just focus on the section that purports to teach us about Barack Obama.”


  52. Rickey says:

    Here’s one from Larry Klayman you can add to the list on November 20, 2013:

    ❝ On November 19, 2013, a day that will hopefully live on in the history of our once great republic, I call upon millions of Americans who have been appalled and disgusted by Obama’s criminality – his Muslim, socialist, anti-Semitic, anti-Christian, anti-white, pro-illegal immigrant, pro-radical gay and lesbian agenda – among other outrages, to descend on Washington, D.C., en masse, and demand that he leave town and resign from office if he does not want to face prison time. ❞

    Per the conservative Washington Times:

    It’s unclear how many people will participate in the demonstrations. Groups slated to participate include the 2 Million Bikers, who streamed into the city on Sept. 11 in droves, and organizers of an October trucker rally whose pledge to clog the Beltway fizzled. In an application permit filed with the National Park Service, the group estimated 500 people will attend Tuesday’s rally


  53. justlw says:

    Rickey: In an application permit filed with the National Park Service, the group estimated 500 people will attend Tuesday’s rally

    So, at *least* four million, then.

    I’ve got my Wallace-fingers wriggling in anticipation.

  54. aarrgghh says:

    let’s not forget joe farah’s yet-to-be-fulfilled pledge to kapiolani hospital:

    $10,000, no $15,000 for proof of Obama’s birth hospital
    WND founder offers donation to facility on presidential records
    Published: 01/09/2010 at 12:00 AM

    The WorldNetDaily founder who launched a campaign to post billboards asking “Where’s the birth certificate?” now has upped the offering for a charitable donation to the hospital that is listed on President Obama’s long-form birth certificate.

    That is, if that information ever becomes available.

    Joseph Farah, in his Between the Lines column today, noted he had been amused to see Hawaii’s many plans for honoring the first American president to claim the island state as his birthplace.

    “More than five months ago now, around Obama’s alleged Aug. 4 birthday, I stepped out publicly and offered a $10,000 charitable gift to the hospital found on his long-form birth certificate. All he or the hospital or the state of Hawaii would have to do to claim the prize is show the American public the document that should have been produced long ago to claim the presidency as a natural born citizen,” he wrote.

    “Obama has said he was born in Kapi’olani Hospital in Honolulu. He participated in a fund-raiser for the medical center in January. WND will send a check to whatever birth hospital is listed on his long-form birth certificate. All Obama has to do to see that donation made is to release it publicly.”

    Farah said that offer now is being amended.

    “Since politicians in Hawaii are so interested in honoring Obama, why not use their influence on him to produce the proof that will lead to a cash contribution – no strings attached – to a worthy charity. In fact, I’ll make it $15,000!” he wrote.

    He said those who are concerned about the issue also can help raise that amount even higher by donating to a kitty that will either go directly to the charity or to raising the visibility of this all-important eligibility issue.

    … “Why is the medical establishment he was born in still a better kept secret than who ghost-wrote his autobiography?” Farah asked. “With all the hoopla over Obama in Hawaii, why is no institution willing to come forward and proclaim, with pride, that Obama was born there – and provide some evidence while it’s at it,” he wrote.

    “Obviously, Obama is not going to produce the birth certificate just to satisfy an overlooked, obscure constitutional requirement. But I thought, given his compassionate concern about health care and charity, that he might be persuaded to end this national mystery with a significant cash pledge to the hospital in which he entered the world,” he continued.

    “Think about it. Obama claims to have been born in Honolulu Aug. 4, 1961. His entire constitutional claim to the presidency rests on this premise. Yet, he refuses to release a copy of his long-form birth certificate – the only document that could possibly corroborate his claim. Instead, he has released to select news organizations and posted on the Internet a document that could never serve as proof he was born in the United States – a so-called ‘certification of live birth,’ a digital document that could, can and has been obtained by people who were actually born outside the country.”

    “I’m sure the hospital would love to get a quick $15,000,” he said.

    [blah blah blah …]

    farah was never one to ever let a good grift go to waste …

  55. ZixiOfIx says:

    I have three that I’m partial to:

    1. The Michelle Obama “Whitey” tape, where it was claimed that Mrs. Obama made nasty comments about white people; and the subsequent claims by Chief editor Korir of “African Press International that he had the tape where she’d said it and would release it. Birthers went wild and many went out on a limb to say that they “knew” this was true.

    It has been five years and counting since the tape was supposed to be released. President Obama has been elected twice since this rumour first surfaced. Tick tock… tick tock…

    Rational Wiki: Whitey Tape

    2. Barack Obama tells Egyptian Foreign Minister Ahmed Aboul Gheit that he’s Muslim, and Gheit repeats it on Nile TV. Spread by birthers, and Pamela Geller, the tape of the Nile TV show will be available directly. Maybe. Or not.

    More than three years and ticking…

    Media Matters: Right-wing runs with dubious claim that Obama admitted “I am a Muslim”

    3. Lucas Smith went to Kenya and bought President Obama’s birth certificate. Birthers are still pushing the Smith BC, in spite of the total and complete lack of proof. Asking him to provide his passport or visas as proof that he actually went to Kenya results in Smith disappearing…


  56. The Magic M says:

    My favourite claims are still the 2011/2012 ones where birthers said “He’s going to resign”, “He won’t run again”, “He knows he’s busted” etc., along with the “Romney landslide” peeps who suddenly disappeared for two months after Obama’s re-election, then denied they ever said “just two more days and you all will be going to jail”.

  57. Joey says:

    Where is Orly Taitz’ “whistleblower” with the definitive “proof” that Barack Obama registered as an Indonesian international student and received financial aid available for foreign students?

  58. Suranis says:

    “Obama can end this tomorrow by just releasing a Birth certificate/Long form birth certificate/Birth certificate authenticated by the state of Hawaii/Certified copy of his long form Birth certificate.”

    Various birthers for 4 freaking years.

  59. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    Weren’t there also panicked claims of “We’ll all be in FEMA concentration camps, if Obama gets reelected!”?

    Another claim was that if Obama got reelected, everyone who spoke against him would disappear/wind up dead.

  60. The Magic M says:

    Andrew Vrba, PmG: Weren’t there also panicked claims of “We’ll all be in FEMA concentration camps, if Obama gets reelected!”?

    Crank solution: “The entire country is a FEMA camp now!” 😉

  61. BatGuano says:

    Rickey: … the group estimated 500 people will attend Tuesday’s rally

    i’m guessing that we are currently at 50 from the few photos popping up. 14 of those from “2million bikers” plus chunky captain america in slacks.

  62. RanTalbott says:

    There’s a live video feed of the podium:


    From the volume of the crowd sounds, there could be more than 50, but you can’t really tell without some reaction shots to see what percentage of the audience is responding. A true conspiracy theorist would say this is by design 😉

    One birther prediction is actually sort-of coming true: I thought google news might have a local story or two while the event is happening, but nothing turned up. So the MSM definitely isn’t giving them the coverage they think they deserve.

    Who was it who asked, back in the 1960s, “What if they gave a revolution and no one came?”? We may be finding out the answer now…

  63. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    Now a rational person would say to themselves, “We couldn’t even muster a hundred. Perhaps it is WE who are in the wrong. You know, I don’t think we represent “We the people” after all!”

  64. BatGuano says:

    RanTalbott: A true conspiracy theorist would say this is by design

    the problems with the live feed are already being blamed on the government by the birthers.

  65. CarlOrcas says:

    BatGuano: the problems with the live feed are already being blamed on the government by the birthers.

    Birther Report has something it is calling a live stream but that says “Recorded Live” in the lower right hand corner of the screen.


    There are quite a few people visible in the video but it’s hard to tell how many are participants as opposed to observers or tourists.

  66. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    BatGuano: the problems with the live feed are already being blamed on the government by the birthers.

    Wow…talk about predictable responses! They’re like Pavel’s dog!

  67. gorefan says:

    CarlOrcas: Birther Report has something it is calling a live stream

    That’s a replay of the earlier two hours of UStream video. It is off the air.

  68. CarlOrcas says:

    gorefan: That’s a replay of the earlier two hours of UStream video.It is off the air.

    Indeed it is. According to commenter on DC Clothesline – http://dcclothesline.com/2013/11/19/watch-larry-klaymans-reclaim-american-live-video/ – it’s the government…..jamming the signal. Of course!

  69. Rickey says:

    Did Klayman bring his pup tent and sleeping bag?

  70. Jim F says:

    That’s what he gets for not inviting Orly. The crowd would easily have topped the million if her followers had turned up.
    I hope the weather doesn’t turn too cold for Larry’s camp-out . We look forward all month to seeing millions and this is all we get.

  71. The Magic M says:

    Jim F: The crowd would easily have topped the million if her followers had turned up.

    “It is of no concern.” *lol*

  72. dunstvangeet says:

    Some of my favorites I’m not sure truly fall into this category, but they’re hilarious never-the-less.

    My personal favorite…

    Sharon Meroni insisting in court that we Obots stole her mail, and she knew it was an Obot, because they dressed up as an Door-to-door meat salesman, and everybody knows that she’s a vegetarian. (No, I’m not kidding either. She testified to this in open court.)

  73. Kiwiwriter says:

    I also like Ted Nugent saying that if Obama got re-elected, he’d be in prison by now.

    Last I looked, Nugent wasn’t in clack.

  74. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    It was actually that he would either be in prison or dead.
    He failed to deliver on either promise.

  75. Dave B. says:

    There are more than a few little nuggets along this stream:


    “None of the Cold Case Posse members assigned the Obama investigation will receive any personal compensation, and all expenses incurred in their investigation will have to be derived from funds raised through contributions from the public received by the Cold Case Posse 501(c)3 organization. ”

    “Brian Reilly, a spokesman for the Surprise Tea Party, told WND he is pleased with Sheriff Arpaio’s decision to assign the investigation to the Cold Case Posse and he and the other members of the Surprise Tea Party are looking forward to cooperating with the sheriff’s investigation.
    “I believe Sheriff Arpaio and his Cold Case Posse will be thorough and complete in their investigation,” Reilly said…
    “I am confident that this investigation will be professional and unbiased,” Reilly said, “and I am certain that the highly distinguished Cold Case Posse appointed by Sheriff Arpaio will seek to discover the truth in the matter.” ”

    Then there’s the part about how Arpaio said “I will have the ultimate authority to decide…I gave the Cold Case Posse the authority to investigate, but the results of their investigation ultimately come to me and I will then decide how best to proceed from there.”

  76. Dave B. says:

    More from Brian Reilly, before good love went bad:

    “…Sheriff Arpaio will be forever known as the first county sheriff to ever ask Congress to Impeach a sitting U.S. President. Does it get any more courageous then that?
    At 80 years of age, “the Toughest Sheriff in America” taking decisive action, may well be the chink in Obama’s armor and bring this nightmare to an end. ”


  77. RanTalbott says:

    Here’s a gem from that CCP announcement:

    The identities of the five individuals assigned to the Cold Case Posse investigation of the Obama birth certificate are being withheld from the public, in order to protect the individuals involved from both public reaction and from questions that are certain to arise from the media

    Yeah, questions like “Why assign this collection of inept clowns to what you claim is an important case?”.

    Damn! I just figured it out: Arpaio wanted them to fail. He put people who couldn’t successfully investigate a bicycle theft in charge of a highly-complex computer forensics case because he knew that they’d produce results so lame that only people who risk their very lives by trying to walk and chew gum at the same time would believe them.

    Arpaio is part of the coverup!

    Spread the word.

  78. Dave B. says:

    I’m a little stuck on the spectacle of Brian Reilly’s crumbling certainties today, so here’s another one:


    “So now, for the first time in U.S.history, a county sheriff is investigating a sitting president. The Lord’s hand is in this project.
    The point of the story? This project came together flawlessly because it truly was the Lord’s will. I give Him all the glory.
    Ephesians 5:11-12 “And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove them. For it is a shame even to speak of those things which are done of them in secret.””

    Ooooh. Unfruitful works of darkness. Unfruitful…

  79. Keith says:

    RanTalbott: Arpaio is part of the coverup!


    He was just running for re-election and needed to shore up part of his crumbling constituency.

    No need to go looking for convoluted conspiracies everywhere. 😎

  80. The Magic M says:

    Dave B. (quoting Brian Reilly): This project came together flawlessly because it truly was the Lord’s will.

    His “Lord” must be quite weak if he can’t even get a single guy out of a simple house within several years… 😉
    “Creating the world in 6 days – no biggie. Getting the black guy out of the White House – may take a little longer.” *lol*

  81. The Magic M says:

    Kiwiwriter: I also like Ted Nugent saying that if Obama got re-elected, he’d be in prison by now.

    I kept reminding him once a week on Twitter (which* I’ve now quit to free up some time).

    * Twitter, not reminding him. 😉

  82. Suranis says:

    I cant remember who said it first, but for a short while one of the birther lines was a really interesting one. it was their response to “Anyone born in the US can be president” The answer; “So your saying that if James Bond had a kid in the us, the kid could be president”

    That was a very clever question, whether intentional or unintentionally by the birthers. And the answer, of course is no. James Bond’s child could not be president, because James Bond is covered under diplomatic immunity. He is a diplomatic agent of the British government, which is where the “License to Kill” comes from. He has a license to kill as he has diplomatic immunity.

    Very good example by the birthers, but not the way they probably meant.

  83. Dr Kenneth Noisewater says:

    I think one of my other favorites is that Senator Obama admitted he wasn’t born in the US during the televised debate between Alan Keyes in Illinois. When no proof surfaced birthers claimed it had been scrubbed.

  84. Kiwiwriter says:

    The Magic M: I kept reminding him once a week on Twitter (which* I’ve now quit to free up some time).

    * Twitter, not reminding him.

    I actually do hope that many people continue to remind him of that idiocy…so that he knows the public has not forgotten that appalling extrusion.

    It’s sort of like how every time “John” shows up, I remind him about his plan to metal detect among the graves at Arlington.

  85. Dave B. says:

    For a while I made it a point to remind David Farrar of this:


    every time he popped up, and ask him whatever became of that promise. He finally replied:

    “Actually, Mitt Romney’s case is far more interesting than even I had speculated. If I had the financial means to do the proper discovery, I believe there would have been grounds to challenge Mitt, had he won the presidency.”

    Of course, he never responded to questions about what he found so interesting about it. And I don’t think impecuniousness was all that stood between David Farrar and “the proper discovery.” Understanding what “discovery” is in the first place might have helped. But what can you expect from a guy who substitutes the word “excreta” for “et cetera”?

    Kiwiwriter: I actually do hope that many people continue to remind him of that idiocy…so that he knows the public has not forgotten that appalling extrusion.

    It’s sort of like how every time “John” shows up, I remind him about his plan to metal detect among the graves at Arlington.

  86. The question about Romney was whether or not his father George was a US citizen (or perhaps a Dual US/Mexican citizen). For Farrar, paternal citizenship is paramount.

    I touched on this in my articles:


    Dave B.: Of course, he never responded to questions about what he found so interesting about it.

  87. Dave B. says:

    Well, yeah, but that already sounds a lot more interesting than anything David could’ve “discovered.”

    Dr. Conspiracy:
    The question about Romney was whether or not his father George was a US citizen (or perhaps a Dual US/Mexican citizen). For Farrar, paternal citizenship is paramount.

    I touched on this in my articles:


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