Place your mindful Obama conspiracy comments not related to the current articles here. This thread will close in two weeks (midnight December 26 EST).
And there’s nothing conspiracy minded in my selecting a photo from “The New Illuminati.”
Place your mindful Obama conspiracy comments not related to the current articles here. This thread will close in two weeks (midnight December 26 EST).
And there’s nothing conspiracy minded in my selecting a photo from “The New Illuminati.”
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somebody started a web site that looks like yours but the person keeps saying he or she doesn’t think you are rational.
The quality of birthers at your site has really gone downhill. They used to at least be coherent.
Erik Rush Says Obama Did Navy Yard Massacre So He Wouldn’t Be Arrested For Plan To Nuke DC:
It almost makes you admire Orly’s simple-minded crusade.
Where are all the VIPs that were supposed to be coming out to save America and Z’s crusade?
MIA, so Zullo’s FUBR and birtherism is RIP.
You know what they say: If you don’t mind, it doesn’t matter. Get over it.
Orly “redacts” another Hawaiian LFBC:
*lol* Almost as “good” as her treatment of Obama’s SSN in her filings…
New typography for annotating comments.
Up until now, I have sometimes annotated comments, or redacted them using formatting like:
[I added this. Doc.]
From now on, I will be using the HTML <ins> tag like this:
[I added this. Doc.]
When viewing the HTML source, you can see the date the change was made.
A longer version of the Little Bright Feather quote of the day is in the Quote of the Day Archives, Volume 13.
FWIW, this statement is not accurate. Most obviously, for instance, Section 1 of the 14th Amendment closes with these words: “nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.” (Emphasis mine.)
These words of the Constitution are not written just for American citizens, but for any person.
In case anyone wants to have a conniption fit…
The Constitution is written only for AMERICAN CITIZENS – …
— Little Bright Feather
— Comment at WorldNetDaily
I quite like this notion of reversing prices. Can we perhaps send all the living Presidents back to wherever their ancestors came from? Prices then would revert back to 1976?
I noticed that too. The only thing specifically reserved to citizens in the Constitution is the right to run for federal elective office.
Dr. Conspiracy:
A longer version of the Little Bright Feather quote of the day is in the Quote of the Day Archives, Volume 13.
Everythuing (sic) goes back to how it was before he was placed in the Oval Office. This includes prices !
Would Little Bright Feather like gas prices to return to nearly $4 per gallon? Or perhaps let the auto industry go belly up?
Not so bright…
This week, the Treasury Department announced that it had sold off its last block of General Motors stock.
Gee, that Obama makes a pretty lousy Socialist…
Rolling back prices … oh burudder! … they really are hoping for a time machine!
Such as … the reTARDIS
I’ve been hacking and slashing birthers in comments over at WND:
Why Obama’s Haters Are Worse Than Bush’s
The left’s critics of the Bush presidency are no match to today’s paranoid right, as this week’s insane innuendo—from the Hawaii plane crash to The Handshake—perfectly illustrates.
it ends with: Yes, Obama will be out of office one day—which only raises the question what they might say (that they haven’t already) about Hillary.
And on the same day GM announces they are pulling out of Australia. Holden is dead.
Just a feint, and here you are falling for it. In his third term…
“Socialist” is just one of many terms and words right-wingers like to use, in some ill-thought out attempt to dehumanize the opposition. Such words become “dirty” or “obscene” to them, like “Gay”, “Muslim”, “Liberal”, etc. I’ve yet to see one instance where someone who was called one or any combination of those things replies with “You take that back!”
And on a completely off topic note: Sometimes I look at the original “Operation” board game, and can’t help but wonder if the coroner doing Shemp Howard’s autopsy wasn’t thinking to himself “Boy, this would make a swell game!”
Ways in which I am like Barack Obama:
1. We both makes lists.
And you’re both natural born citizens!
But I’m afraid only one of you wins this year’s “Circa 1960s Burl Ives look-alike contest”.
…Sorry Doc, maybe next year will be your year!
To my untrained, it appears that the world may be about to end. Larry Klayman seems to have won one round of a lawsuit.
“Everybody gets ONE!”, Spiderman.
It was a tiny victory. Klayman got a preliminary injunction to keep NSA from collecting HIS metadata and that of one other defendant, but the judge also decided to STAY his order pending appeal.
So sort of nothing happened, but hey, it’s the principle of the thing. And I guess this means that I will not be registering the and starting a new career. I only like 100% sure things.
Just how dumb can ★FALCON★ imagine Zullo to be? Can he imagine Zullo to be dumber than I can imagine Zullo to be? I can imagine Zullo to be pretty dang dumb.
Was His Falconness ever on the Zullo bandwagon, or is he the typo that dumps negativity on everyone in a futile attempt to insulate himself?
I would go ask Wingtips directly, but Birf Report doesn’t seem to appreciate my commentary. Too much reality for a Friday.
Or any day.
70 years ago, Congress, declaring the enemy of our enemy to suddenly be our friend, repealed the Chinese Exclusion Act. Not much relevance to birfery that I know of, but, if this anniversary had passed during the WKA-craze, the birfers would have had a field day with this headline (despite the fact that WKA’s troubles stemmed from his being open about his ancestry and birth cirsumstances; birfers be not troubled by facts!)
Chinese-American Descendants Uncover Forged Family History
Hi Doc,
Are you still taking suggestions for names to add to your “Birthers from A to Z” list?
I’m a little disappointed that my personal favorite birther didn’t make the cut: Dr. Eowyn from the Fellowship of the Minds blog. Her blog seems to have a fairly large readership, and she’s a real-life, honest-to-goodness Professor Emeritus.
Or do you only want real names? Since (AFAIK) she only ‘goes birther’ using her pseudonym, I would be violating Rule 14 of your Editorial Policy if I were to disclose that information.
It’s regrettable that she doesn’t have a Rule 14 for her own blog.
I’ll add “Dr. Eowyn” as a pseudonym. It turns out that I had never mentioned Dr. Eowyn on the blog before, although I did talk about an article Eowyn authored. I updated that story, and created a tag for linking by Birthers from A to Z.
Update: Alabama Supreme Court; Obama ID Fraud Case; Nine Months Later
(Dec. 16, 2013) — On Friday, The Post & Email contacted the Alabama Unified Judicial System to obtain the status on a case filed by Atty. Larry Klayman with the Alabama Supreme Court on Obama’s eligibility and documentation.
Alabama Civil Appellate Cases Released December 13, 2013
Posted on December 16, 2013 by Admin
Another blog to debunk birthers, till they can’t stand being correct anymore! hehehe
I am baffled by this guy with his “birthers are back.” Did he somehow not know that this case went down the tubes a year ago?
You know birthers, when they can’t find anything new they recycle old, dead cases to try and keep the wackos happy.
Losing …. it am just like winning on Htrae!*
Ole Adrian is a classy guy, opening his screed with sexist insults re: appearance in an effort to denigrate a young professional. Doesn’t he realize why such a youthful attorney was sent to respond to that particular case? LOL!
Debunking link here:
It’s being going around.
Yup. A google search to double-check my recollections turned up lots of very recent hits. Looks like someone did an email spam, and the sheep are dutifully re-bleating it.
Thanks for bringing it up: it was lots of fun, after he foolishly tried an argument from authority based on his Vast Experience and his Mad Journalistical Skilz, to point out the unmistakable signs that the story wasn’t neither true nor current.
I think we should ask Chevy Chase to reprise his old SNL gag: “This just in: birthers’ hope of vindication in Alabama is still dead”.
Put it on Youtube, and we could post links to it on birfer blogs every Friday evening after the Universe-shattering Ruling is not released.
The Bird-Boy of Birthcatraz had an interesting post at BR:
“Ted Cruz is a scripted memeic nomenclature. So many are fooled by the *words* barfed up by Cruz and rightfully attributed to Reagan’s heart, and Cruz knows it. America is in such peril that good folks are grabbing onto any branch of hope they can.
“These Cruz automatons are no better than the O-Holes. I seriously doubt the true conservatives here are swayed by Cruz’s Levinic situational constitutionalism.”
Scripted memeic nomenclature? Surely he meant “memetic” but what he hell is “nomenclature” dong there? And, “Levinic situational constitutionalism”? Such a phrase-maker! But he really won me over with his imagery . . . Cruz’s barf and Reagan’s heart–now that’s parallelism a birther could sink his teeth into.
Well, here’s an email and a half:
I think I’ll ignore the demands.
Isn’t that what Jonah said? You better watch it! Also, if a whale knocks on your door, don’t answer.
Copernicus …. Galileo …. Doc Conspiracy. Setting aside that you appear to have been accosted from a seat nowhere near Rome, you are in wonderfully “scientifically illiterate” company!
Inside ain’t any better.
No one expects a swifter arrival of condemnation…
That’s not what Pope Francis seems to say. Maybe this is really from a bona fide heretic?
I realize the American right-wing is in a state of perpetual cognitive dissonance but even I was struck by this recent love letter from Pat Buchanan to Vladimir Putin:
At which point should the Right stop to worry about Obama being a Marxist or pinko commie lover when one their most respected icons proclaims his man-love for the Red Tsar?
Should someone tell Orly?
It seems many of them prefer a white Russian over a black American any day of the week (though I must admit I’m rather fond of a White Russian or two after a stressful week myself ;)).
Also, Putin appears to be more of a right-wing dictator (or, in the RWNJ’s eyes, Slayer of Gays and Preserver of the Holy White Race) than a textbook Red Soviet.
I guess it won’t be long until the wingnuts openly call for Russia to bring down the US government. Some birthers would probably gladly enroll in the KGB if it helped oust the black guy.
Birther tea party rep. refuses to stand near Obama photo, moves away U.S. flag
Rep. Vicky Hartzler (R-MO):
told a group of people at a town hall that she had “a lot of doubts” about Obama’s birth certificate.
“But I don’t understand why he didn’t show that right away. I mean, if someone asked for my birth certificate, I’d get my baby book and hand it out and say ‘Here it is,’ so I don’t know,” she said.
she had “doubts that it is really his real birth certificate, and I think a lot of Americans do, but they claim it is, so we are just going to go with that.”
NOW she had some difficulty locating the perfect spot for a press conference following her tour of Truman Memorial Veterans Hospital on Tuesday.
Predicted reactions:
WND commentor: “She should run for President, I would vote for her.”
ORYR commentor: “She must be careful she won’t be Fuddied.”
Pest & eFail commentor: “Send her a sheriff’s kit!”
Orly: “Everybody call her and ask her to join my case as plaintiff, she has standing, snargle bargle argle.”
Land Shark…
The folks at the barber shop probably wondered what brought on my outburst of laughter.
Shut up and take my money!
How did they decide you weren’t Catholic?
First off, I didn’t publish the original email that arrived out of the blue, but suffice it to say that it was pretty nasty and bigoted, but with Catholic references. I replied that a Christian wouldn’t write that way.
Then I got the cease and desist order, describing my web site as “atheist.” Well then, I replied that I was a Christian, and the reply was that I was a “Heretic.” Then I replied that I didn’t have the professional skills to help with his problems, and he then asked him why I was pestering him.
The question, though, is how he decided I was an atheist.
This guy has emailed a bunch of other bloggers as well. Rather nasty bigot.
edit to add link to some of his rantings:
Birthers really are living in another reality. Apparently this completely unrelated thing = Birthers are winning!
To that I say “…Huh?”
Far as I can tell, the connection in their minds works something like this. In their parallel universe, judges and congressmen all know that the birthers are right but pretend the birthers are wrong because of threats, bribes, all those black people will riot, for whatever reason Obama has some hold over everyone that nobody dares defy him. (At this point you have to not think about what House Republicans have been doing for years.) But, in this fantasy, Obama’s hold will slip as soon as anyone does. Hence the word “cracks” in the title. Once that happens, everyone will admit that the birthers were right all along, and they can go ahead and execute all the people who ever disagreed with them.
Really all the birthers are accomplishing in this, is making people like me very wary of the mentally disabled.
New candidate for “The Bad” list — the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette. They currently have an article by Jack Kelly, Barack Obama’s past as murky as his word which is a jumble of miscellaneous birther stuff we’ve heard before.
Yes, it was a sad day when the Pittsburgh Press died, leaving only the Post-Gazette.
Obama’s Half Brother, Mark Ndesandjo, Writes About Childhood Abuse In New Autobiography
new to me:
Like the president, Ndesandjo also has a white American mother, Ruth Ndesandjo, a Jewish woman who was Barack Obama Sr.’s third wife.
“Barack thought I was too white and I thought he was too black,” Ndesandjo said. “He was an American searching for his African roots, I was a Kenyan, I’m an American but I was living in Kenya, searching for my white roots.”
The 500-page book includes an appendix listing a number of alleged factual errors in Obama’s 1995 memoir, “Dreams from my Father,” such as quotes incorrectly attributed to Ndesandjo’s mother.
“It’s a correction. A lot of the stuff that Barack wrote is wrong in that book and I can understand that because to me for him the book was a tool for fashioning an identity and he was using composites,” Ndesandjo said.
Ndesandjo was brought up in Kenya but moved to the U.S. for college, earning a bachelor’s degree in physics at Brown University, a master’s in the same subject from Stanford University and an MBA at Emory University.
new to birthers: Obama Sr. had earlier divorced President Obama’s mother, Stanley Ann Dunham, after Obama was born in Hawaii in 1961.
The conspiracist explanation for that cognitive dissonance is that everything we see it just a choreographed play, just like pro wrestlers don’t actually try to hurt one another.
I was going to write an article, but decided not:
“Obama Conspiracy Theories seconds demand for autopsy report”
Press Release;
The Obama Conspiracy Theories blog today demanded the release of the autopsy report of Orly Taitz. The blog, known for its opposition to the so-called birther movement, urged its over 1000 readers to phone and write to the Orange County medical examiner, demanding that the autopsy of Orly Taitz (whether she agrees or not) be performed and the results released. It is a matter of vital public interest as to why she does the crazy things she does.
Nice suggestion Doc. How often does an autopsy require the services of an anesthetist?
On second thoughts, no anesthetist required, just sharp scalpels and ear plugs.
Another Friday, and another “no opinion” from the Alabama Supreme Court in the McInnish case.
That’s for Orly…we won’t mention what we’ll do to her once she’s under…
I’d suggest a full lobotomy, but her head is full of spiders.
This blog will again this year participate in a Christmas Truce with the birthers for December 25.
Season’s Greetings everyone!
A Christmas Song
But really….it’s not about race
Don’t truces only work if BOTH sides participate?
Depends on whether your objective is to stop the shooting, or simply to demonstrate graciousness and/or moral superiority.
Well, that rules birthers out.
Interesting read over at Salon: How the GOP became the “White Man’s Party”
Don’tcha know, they’re waiting for March, right after Zullo has released his universe-shattering everdunce! Any decade now!
Yes, that was interesting, and some interesting comments on the article as well. It think, though, that the change was more about the Civil Rights Act than anything the Republicans did.
To me, this is the money quotation:
As the conservative journalist Robert Novak reported after attending a meeting of the Republican National Committee in Denver during the summer of 1963: “A good many, perhaps a majority of the party’s leadership, envision substantial political gold to be mined in the racial crisis by becoming in fact, though not in name, the White Man’s Party.”
Sebelius has 20 days to reply: “Per 5 USC 552 response is required within 20 days from the receipt of this request, failure to do so will be seen as a refusal to provide information and will entitle the petitioner to seek a redress in the US District Court.”
Press Release: FOIA demand for explanation and records sent to Sebelius: how did Obama sign up for Obamacare with a CT Social Security number which failed E-Verify and SSNVS
Further, Hon. Kathleen Sebelius is placed on notice that lack of action and resolution in this matter may be seen as complicity on her part in the cover up of Obama’s use of fabricated IDs and a stolen Social Security number and it might expose Ms. Sebelius to liability in both Civil and Criminal RICO causes of action.
/s/ Dr. Orly Taitz ESQ.
i can HARDLY control my laughter!!!!
Okay guys, Doc is gonna be super busy tomorrow night. So don’t expect to see him on much.
The President signed up for Obamacare (which he doesn’t need.)
The salient quote?
But they do try. Lordy, how they try.
Ho, ho, ho!
Doc, thanks for another year of interesting coverage of the activities and anti-thought processes of the Birthers!
Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to all!
She is a bit clueless is she not?…
“a bit”, NBC?????
she is a disgrace to the legal profession and especially to women
I’d say that qualifies for ‘a bit’