Maricopa Sheriff’s posse member shot—thank God it wasn’t Zullo

A 63-year-old ex-Army Sheriff’s Posse member raced to aid a Phoenix police officer struggling with a suspect who had gotten control of the officer’s gun. Both the policeman and the posse member were shot and remain hospitalized in critical condition. The posse member’s name has not been disclosed but the age tells us that it isn’t Mike Zullo. This is the first ever shooting of a Maricopa Sheriff’s Posse member, according to the Arizona Republic newspaper.

Thank God it wasn’t Zullo! I don’t think I could deal with the wailing and gnashing of teeth from the birthers if it had been Zullo, not after Loretta Fuddy’s recent death. Of course I wouldn’t want this to happen to anybody.

About Dr. Conspiracy

I'm not a real doctor, but I have a master's degree.
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20 Responses to Maricopa Sheriff’s posse member shot—thank God it wasn’t Zullo

  1. Joe Acerbic says:

    You know what other thing than age tells it wasn’t Admiral General Zullo?

    “raced to aid a Phoenix police officer struggling with a suspect who had gotten control of the officer’s gun”

  2. Daniel says:

    You have to know the birthers are going to turn this into

    “Obama hires a thug to send a warning to Zullo by shooting a member of the posse. ‘Back off Zullo, or you’re next'”

  3. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    Either way, it’ll have the birthers good and spooked.

  4. CarlOrcas says:

    You have to know the birthers are going to turn this into

    “Obama hires a thug to send a warning to Zullo by shooting a member of the posse. ‘Back off Zullo, or you’re next’”

    I love the contradictions inherent in all this nonsense: Obama can’t put together a birth certificate that passes muster with a 12 year old kid playing on his grandfather’s old Commodore but they probably can manage to get all these folks to the corner of 56th St. & Thomas Rd. at just the right time.

  5. gorefan says:

    OT – Freedom Friday with Carl Gallups gives an update.

  6. Bernard Sussman says:

    It turns out that this shooting was part of an armed robbery with multiple robbers:

    Evidently the posse member’s name is being kept under wraps at the request of his family, but it is not clear if he was a member of Arpaio’s “Cold Case posse” – which is the one dealing with the Obama birth certificate. Anyway, it’s laudible that this guy actively got involved to try to help a policeman – hardly a calculated assassination attempt.

  7. CarlOrcas says:

    Bernard Sussman: Evidently the posse member’s name is being kept under wraps at the request of his family, but it is not clear if he was a member of Arpaio’s “Cold Case posse” – which is the one dealing with the Obama birth certificate. Anyway, it’s laudible that this guy actively got involved to try to help a policeman – hardly a calculated assassination attempt.

    According to an AP story the posse member belongs to one of the search and rescue posses and became involved when the suspect’s vehicle crashed into his pickup while it was being pursued by the Phoenix officer.

    Other stories indicate both men remain in critical condition but are improving.

  8. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    The after-scenario as I see it. Gets a little out there, but hear me out!
    The CCP member is interviewed, and doesn’t mention anything about Obama or Obots being involved in the shooting. That’s when the birthers, who stand behind Zullo and pals, freak the hell out. Why you ask? Because if one of the “champions” they are pinning all their hopes and dreams on, is denying Obama’s involvement in the shooting…then CCP has been “gotten to”, and that Zullo has been in Obama’s pocket this whole time.

  9. Curious George says:

    Speaking about Arpaio, Actor Steve Seagal has been consulting with Arpaio about Seagal’s prospects for running for governor of Arizona. Ya just can’t make this stuff up.

  10. Curious George says:

    Freedom Friday:

    The birth certificate is done and has been proven to be a 1000% forgery and Zullo and Arpaio are going deeper and deeper into universe shattering evidence to be released in March, well maybe April, May or June. Doug Vogt’s information is said to be erroneous. ( That may let Jane Does 1&2 off the hook.). Gal-Loops catches himself several times wanting to say “Lieutenant” Zullo. A demotion in rank perhaps? More hokum for the birther faithful.

  11. gorefan says:

    OT: This isn’t exactly breaking news but Carl Gallups said today that the CCP will release their conclusions in March.

  12. CarlOrcas says:

    gorefan: OT: This isn’t exactly breaking news but Carl Gallups said today that the CCP will release their conclusions in March.

    Yawn. Wake me up when the earth stops shaking or shattering or whatever.

  13. Arthur says:

    gorefan: OT: This isn’t exactly breaking news but Carl Gallups said today that the CCP will release their conclusions in March.

    Gallups, who runs a “mega popular” radio show and is not at all a deranged egomaniac, sounds super serious!! Dr. C better get in touch with Comrade Soros in order to let him know that Mike Zullo should be Breitbarted before he can spill the beans about Dear Leader’s real identity! I mean, if the truth came out that Dear Leader is really the reincarnated thetan of L. Ron Hubbard, the blacks would be rioting in the street and Sheriff Arpaio might lose his testicles!!

  14. JPotter says:

    OT:This isn’t exactly breaking news but Carl Gallups said today that the CCP will release their conclusions in March.

    You mean … he said that again?

    He must mean it this time.

    I am sure he has the straight dope, right from the western mustache brother himself.

    Or maybe Galloops is plugged right into the WND mainframe, and get Zullo’s prepared talking points before Zullo does!

    Or maybe he’s talking out of his arse.

    I’ve already forgotten …. did Zullo promise to shatter the universe in March? Did he put a timeframe on our doom?

  15. It is of no concern.

    Arthur: Dr. C better get in touch with Comrade Soros in order to let him know that Mike Zullo should be Breitbarted before he can spill the beans about Dear Leader’s real identity!

  16. gorefan says:

    JPotter: You mean … he said that again?

    A couple of days ago he sent up a trial balloon to gauge the reaction if the CCP doesn’t release anything until April, May or June. I assume they got a fairly negative result and so this might be damage control.

  17. Keith says:

    Arthur: I mean, if the truth came out that Dear Leader is really the reincarnated thetan of L. Ron Hubbard, the blacks would be rioting in the street and Sheriff Arpaio might lose his testicles!!

    Speaking of which: L. Ron Hubbard’s Great-Grandson Spills The Family Secrets On How Scientology Started. Eek.

  18. The Magic M says:

    Curious George: Freedom Friday:

    The birth certificate is done and has been proven to be a 1000% forgery

    Which would lead a serious investigator to checking his percentage meter. How can anything be more than 100% of anything? I mean, I know sometimes 100g of sausage contain 130g of meat, but those exceptions are limited to the bratwurst dimension.
    Besides, I think the birth certificate is medium but birtherism is definitely still rare (interestingly, the German translation of “rare” in this context, translated back, is “English” – Monckton comes to mind ;)).

  19. JPotter says:

    Curious George: The birth certificate is done

    Just now “done”? Is that a ‘delayed’ BC or what? 😉

    Curious George: has been proven to be a 1000% forgery

    Damn! WND is right! The metal-shillers on eBay were right! Crazy runaway inflation is here to stay!

    Keep hoarding silver dollars while you still can! Gotta collect’em all (ha!) !

  20. RanTalbott says:

    The Magic M: How can anything be more than 100% of anything?

    It’s actually quite easy, if you eat a typical American diet and maintain a typical American physical activity level. Just ask Chris Christie 😉

    Birthers could argue that it’s got to be at least a “500% forgery”, because Obama has released 5 different BCs. But they won’t, because they’re not smart enough to think of that, themselves, and too paranoid to use it if an Obot says it (justifiably so, considering the number of times they’ve been suckered).

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