Mississippi investigation

Orly Taitz, who up until now didn’t even acknowledge on her blog the upcoming telephonic hearing in the Taitz v. Democrat Party of Mississippi case, has issued a press release [link to Taitz web site] on the new developments that came out of that hearing.

There was some ambiguity in reports of the hearing on the matter of subpoenas that might be issued to try to find out the identity of the pseudonymous poster at Orly Taitz’ blog, Virgil E. Byrd, who alleged that someone named “Henry” (and by this the reader likely presumes the reference is to Judge Henry T. Wingate) made improper remarks about the case and expressed hostility towards Taitz [link to comment at Taitz web site]:

Virgil E. Byrd: I spoke at some length to Henry at our once-a-year Yale Club (he was class of ’72 and I was ’70) get together in mid-December at the Clarion Hotel in Jackson about you and your shenanigans.

I advised him to throw the book at you. He laughed and told me I have nothing to worry about as “everything is proceeding on schedule. She won’t get away scot-free.” He added, “We’re making the b*tch squirm a little first.”

I thought that Taitz may have understood that she had blanket authority to issue subpoenas for the IP addresses1 of everyone at The Fogbow, the web site that Orly Taitz believes is the source of organized harassment against her; however, that appears not to be the case, as shown in her press release, which says in part:

USDC Judge Henry Wingate, who is presiding over the RICO case, dealing with Obama”s use of fabricated ID’s and a stolen SSN, is consulting with the U.S. attorney and asking U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of MS to open a criminal case against an individual who made a defamatory statement about the judge and about Attorney Orly Taitz. The statement is below. additionally, he intends to serve the Internet provider with the subpoena, issued directly by the court, ordering the provider to release the identity and address of the person, who made this comment.

Taitz, believing that punking her is a crime, is looking back for nasty things said to her online so that she can forward those IP addresses to the US Attorney also. Taitz is asking her readers to scan through the hundreds of articles on her site since July of 2013, combing through all of the comments to find offensive ones, so that she can look up the IP addresses. (While the Virgil E. Byrd comment was dated January 20, 2014, the Taitz article it was attached to was from July 20, 2013.)

Taitz v. The Fogbow

A certain commenter here agrees with Taitz that the online forum “The Fogbow” is the prime suspect in the Byrd comment, as if a web site can be a suspect. This is not new. The Fogbow is mentioned in her RICO complaint filed in Mississippi in this case, and I would direct readers to my article from December, 2012: “Orly’s RICO statement: Fogbow is the enemy” for the details. Here’s how she described them (in part) in her RICO complaint:

“Fogbow”-subversive organization, created with the purpose of aiding and abetting Obama in usurpation of U.S. Presidency with forged IDs and by defaming and slandering civil rights leaders, ike (sic) Plaintiffs herein, who are bringing civil challenges to Obama and destroy their ability to make a living.

Certainly comments at The Fogbow about Orly Taitz are sometimes unkind, and folks at Taitz’ site are clearly anti-Fogbow. Here’s a sample:

Ron Riddle: Paul Jackson is over from Fog Blow Central. Just another clueless Obot with their head in the sand trying to gather inside info. You’ll find out soon enough knuckle head!

Ron Riddle: Do you notice the contrast in the posts from the Fog Blow Hards going back several years compared to nowadays? Even though we all knew their arguments were falsehoods years ago atleast (sic) some of them were amusing I guess. Today, it’s like they have their teenage kids posting on the forum. Just nothing but pure childish stupidity. Nothing remotely intelligent whatsoever!

Orly Taitz (article): Intimidating messages were traced to NY, however they used the name of Kallan Brucker, she is the political director of the Democratic Party of Marion County, Indiana. Please, look at the people posting on her site, do you recognize the names? Any Fogbow people, any working for the US Attorney, Superior Court, AG of Indiana?? I need to get to the bottom of these alleged contacts with employees of the Superior court of Marion county IN

Orly Taitz (article): Kurt Coleman and William Bryan, who are leading an anti-American group “fogbow”, which was aiding and abetting cover up of Obama forgeries, have formed a business venture. Who invested money in this venture, in “Fogbow”, who have been paying Scott J.Tepper, who financed “Fogbow” conference in AZ?

Orly Taitz (article): in their threads on “Fogbow” pro Obama operatives admit to interfering with my cases

Orly Taitz (article): Please, write to Congress, demand hearing and investigation of members of antiAmerican subversive groups “Fogbow” and “Politijab”

Orly Taitz (article): Pro Obama operatives on “Fogbow”, such as “Foggy”, aka disbarred CA attorney Bill Bryan, as well as other “fogbow” attorneys, who hopefully wil (sic) be disbarred very soon, are harassing assistant US attorney Patrick Nemeroff in order to derail my Obama SS Fraud and Forgery case Taitz v Astrue

Orly Taitz (article): Fogbow “Obama brown shirts” video is back

Orly Taitz (article): Please, write to the university of Connecticut and report Richard C Rockwell (sic). Provide them with all of his inappropriate speeces (sic) on his RCR radio and his coments (sic) of Fogbow. Our children should not be exposed to his influence

Orly Taitz (article): A member of “fogbow” is threatening my life by ending his National examiner despicable slanderous article about me with words “we know how to lock and load”

Orly Taitz (article): Did Politijab’Fogbow attorneys harass Constitutional Law Professor Ron Rotunda and Chapman university? who is pressuring the Third Circuit Court of Appeals to change their ruling on jurisdiction in my case against Berg and his felon paralegal Lisa Liberi?

Orly Taitz (article): More on attorneys from Politijab and Fogbow, who slandered me and filed false complaints about me. Some of these attorneys are believed to be employed by the department of Justice and High Courts.

Orly Taitz (article): Murderer of the judge and shooter of congresswoman Giffords was a crazy Communist-Socialist, Jew hater. Look at his info on my space: favorite books “Communist Manifesto” and Hitler’s “Mein Kampf” . He is just like those communist antisemites from “politijab” and “fogbow”, who claim to be attorneys and attack me, like scum who tampered with my car, like some criminals in courts who destroy the evidence and rape the law and the Constitution.

Maybe Orly will subpoena this:

1I looked up the Byrd IP address ( and am pleased to report that no comment here has ever come from it.

About Dr. Conspiracy

I'm not a real doctor, but I have a master's degree.
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40 Responses to Mississippi investigation

  1. DaveH says:

    I don’t know how familiar Judge Wingate is with the internet or how it works. Maybe he knows a lot and maybe he knows nothing.

    I can see the possibility of this being investigated simply to rule out that the comment came from anyone within his office or staff. Other than that, the end result could come up empty and Orly will have to do some screeching.

    What if the person that posted that was using a wireless hotspot? There wouldn’t be anyway to determine who left the comment.

  2. I think that’s exactly the purpose, for the US Attorney to investigate an allegation of impropriety by the Court, not criminality on the part of the commenter. Whether they will locate the commenter is a toss up in my opinion.

    DaveH: I can see the possibility of this being investigated simply to rule out that the comment came from anyone within his office or staff. Other than that, the end result could come up empty and Orly will have to do some screeching.

  3. Jim says:

    I don’t think the Judge really wants to go after TFB…can you imagine all the lawyers over there filing briefs pointing out Taitz’ shorcomings! 😆

  4. ArthurWankspittle says:

    I don’t think the Judge really wants to go after TFB…can you imagine all the lawyers over there filing briefs pointing out Taitz’ shorcomings!

    Well, first thing I’d do (and IANAL) would be go through Orly’s blog noting all the judges she’s marked down as traitors, harassed personally or through FMs, and threatened to include in RICO actions. Then we can move to discovery if there is a case.

  5. J.D. Sue says:

    Dr. Conspiracy: I think that’s exactly the purpose, for the US Attorney to investigate an allegation of impropriety by the Court, not criminality on the part of the commenter.

    I agree.

    Orly’s gall never ceases to amaze. She constantly defames federal court judges and their employees with accusations of unethical and corrupt behavior. Here, she simply has seized upon an anonymous posting to again bring accusations against a federal court judge and his staff.

    It will interesting to see the response brief in two weeks. It would be nice if the defendants’ attorneys see fit to point out that Orly’s site is a hotbed of defamation against the courts.

  6. AGROD says:

    If the IP address comes from a work place – would the work place give up the employee name? Just curious how IP addresses work and why would an ISP give up a name so quickly if no crime has been committed – I guess a federal warrant would do it – but what is the crime?

  7. DaveH says:

    I suppose if someone left a comment on a blog that seemed like a legitimate threat, then an ISP would probably hand over the information relatively easily.

    For something like the comment at Taitz’s blog, there may be a small legal battle as I’m sure they want to protect their subscribers.

    If it came from a workplace, then they’re all sharing an IP with a router. It would require someone in the company’s tech support to go through all of the computers and try to find where someone used their browser to visit Taitz’s website.

    If the IP address comes from a work place – would the work place give up the employee name?Just curious how IP addresses work and why would an ISP give up a name so quickly if no crime has been committed – I guess a federal warrant would do it – but what is the crime?

  8. Thinker says:

    That isn’t what happened in this instance. When she let the Virgil Byrd comment through moderation, she responded to it by saying she didn’t believe the story. For this particular comment, there is no dispute about whether the judge actually said what Virgil claimed he said. The judge says he didn’t say it and Taitz says she doesn’t believe he said it.

    J.D. Sue: —
    Here, she simply has seized upon an anonymous posting to again bring accusations against a federal court judge and his staff.

  9. A quick lookup of the current use of the IP address reveals an address allocated to Verizon…best of luck finding out who was posting from that address on the posting date. Orly and her flock of echo-chamber sycophants clearly have a rather superficial and deficient view of the Internet and how IP adddressing really works on a day to day basis.

  10. J.D. Sue says:

    Thinker: That isn’t what happened in this instance.

    I understand the nuance here. My point is simply that it is Orly’s MO to slander the courts, and she has just found a new way to play the same old ugly game.

  11. Joey says:

    Poor Orly’s going to have a nervous breakdown. The US Attorney is an African American and a Democrat who was nominated by Barack Obama.

    Gregory K. Davis serves as United States Attorney for the Southern District of Mississippi. President Barack Obama nominated Mr. Davis on June 29, 2011. He was confirmed by the United States Senate on March 29, 2012, and entered duty on April 11, 2012.

    As U. S. Attorney, Davis serves as the chief law enforcement officer for the Southern District of Mississippi. He is responsible for prosecution of all federal crimes, the defense of the United States in civil cases, and the collection of debts owed to the United States. The district he serves includes 45 counties and more than 2 million people.

    Davis is a native of Utica, Mississippi, where he attended public school. He attended Mississippi State University and received a degree in chemical engineering in 1984. He continued his studies at Tulane Law School, where he graduated cum laude in 1987. He was admitted to the Mississippi Bar in October, 1987.
    From 1987 through 1989, Davis served as an associate attorney with Stamps & Stamps law firm in Jackson, Mississippi. In 1989, he co-founded Davis, Goss & Williams, PLLC law firm. There, he handled a wide range of civil litigation cases.

    Mr. Davis and his wife Daphne have three daughters, Gwendolyn, Kailyn and Kamryn.

  12. Joey says:

    There are 93 US Attorneys. 92 of them are Obama appointees. The other one was originally appointed by George W. Bush and held over by President Obama at the request of Maryland’s Senators in order to keep that person from becoming a federal judge.
    Elections have consequences and birthers are clueless.

  13. Yoda says:

    Good luck identifying the poster, not that it matters anyway. That IP address belongs to a business in Virginia at an address with multiple businesses.

  14. Your IP tracing skills exceed mine.

    Yoda: Good luck identifying the poster, not that it matters anyway. That IP address belongs to a business in Virginia at an address with multiple businesses.

  15. nbc says:

    Orly is an easy target for ridicule as she shows limited understanding of how to analyze facts, apply logic and understand evidence.

    For example, even though President Obama has used his SSN as early as 1981 when he registered for Selective Services, she somehow believes that the SSN was ‘stolen’ from someone who was, like countless others, linked to president Obama’s SSN, in noisy databases.
    Thus, unless Orly wants to argue that there are tens of people whose names traced back to President Obama’s SSN, there is no foundation for her claims that President Obama’s SSN is ‘fake’ or ‘stolen’.
    She believes that because his SSN ‘failed’ e-verify, his SSN was not assigned to him but that conclusion again, cannot be reached from what we know.

    Orly, convinced by faith, that President Obama is a ‘fake’ and ‘usurper’ has shown how this bias influences her abilities to analyze data, and apply logic and reason.

    I believe this is called confirmation bias. The lack of any real evidence has not stopped her in the past, and judges have observed how her ‘evidence’ amounts to little.

    Which makes her a fascinating topic for further study and yes, ridicule when appropriate.

    As to the person(s) who are insinuating that the Judge has been/can be bought, these trolls are not even believed by Orly herself. However, the judge may ask the AG to further investigate, although it is not clear if there are grounds for such an investigation. Still, a fascinating distraction in a case Orly was surely going to lose, again…

  16. CarlOrcas says:

    Dr. Conspiracy:
    Your IP tracing skills exceed mine.

    That makes two of us!

    My IP address comes back to a router 90 miles from where I live. The reason? Because that’s where my ISP puts the data up on its own undersea fiber and/or microwave to get it to the island where I live.

  17. Roadscholar says:

    The IP address lookup is unhelpful: Verizon, Philadelphia, etc. However, the coordinates given are smack dab at City Hall in Philly (39 57’ 8”, -75 9′ 50″). Which could mean nothing… just the default figures for Philly. To Taitz, though, it may well mean it was DEFINITELY, undoubtedly, someone who works in that City Hall.

  18. DaveH says:

    Orly and her ‘tech support minions’ are convinced those geolocators can pinpoint the exact street address where an IP is tracked. If I put in the coordinates given when I enter my IP address into one of those web apps, the location is no where near where I live. She and her flying monkeys have harassed many an innocent individual using this process.

    I have a customer in San Antonio whose external IP address shows that it is located somewhere in MInnesota.

    The IP address lookup is unhelpful: Verizon, Philadelphia, etc.However, the coordinates given are smack dab at City Hall in Philly (39 57’ 8”, -75 9′ 50″).Which could mean nothing… just the default figures for Philly.To Taitz, though, it may well mean it was DEFINITELY, undoubtedly, someone who works in that City Hall.

  19. The particular IP address is on Verizon’s fiber optic (ish) network called FiOS. It is available both for business and home customers, but I’m guessing here that most are business customers. And a tiny sampling of Verizon FiOS customer comments leads me to think that business customers get static IP addresses with this service. As someone else commented, it may be pretty hard, once the business customer is located, to track it past the NAT router to a particular employee–unless it’s the one with the Orly Taitz Voodoo doll on their desk.

    Now might be a good time to clear the browser cache, eh?

    Graham Shevlin: A quick lookup of the current use of the IP address reveals an address allocated to Verizon…best of luck finding out who was posting from that address on the posting date.

  20. Normally I wouldn’t engage in the following because of privacy concerns, but for a couple of reasons that I won’t trouble readers with, I decided to disclose it.

    I searched the January, 2014, raw access logs for this site for the IP address of “Virgil E. Byrd” and found it, just once, on January 21, the day after the comment was left on Orly’s site. The referring site, the site that linked to this site, was:


    Intense debate handles the comments on a couple of blogs where I have commented, specifically birtherreport.com and impeachobamacampaign.com.

    It is therefore plausible that the person who tried to punk Orly Taitz is a reader of these anti-obama hate sites and it seems to me implausible that any Fogbow regular would arrive at this site by looking up the Dr. Conspiracy profile at Intense Debate. And I will repeat that no comment from that IP address has ever appeared here.

  21. Jim says:

    keep working on it folks…save the Judge a subpoena. 😀

  22. Yoda says:

    This is what I got:

    OrgName: Verizon Online LLC
    OrgId: VRIS
    Address: 22001 Loudoun County Parkway
    City: Ashburn
    StateProv: VA
    PostalCode: 20147
    Country: US
    Updated: 2010-08-17

    I then did a reverse look up of the address on Whitepages.com

    Another search engine put it in Reston, Va.

  23. Yoda says:

    Another 3 websites put it in Philadelphia.

  24. Northland10 says:

    This is what I got:

    OrgName:Verizon Online LLC
    Address:22001 Loudoun County Parkway
    City: Ashburn
    PostalCode: 20147

    I then did a reverse look up of the address on Whitepages.com

    Another search engine put it in Reston, Va.

    Verizon is just the network provider. Ashburn was the home of the old UUNET which, through MCI and Worldcom eventually became Verizon. Reston is home to many internet and tech companies such as Time-Warner/Roadrunner and Lucent. It is difficult to to trace a network provider, without having Reston pop up somewhere (and it is down the street from Ashburn).

  25. CarlOrcas says:

    This is what I got:

    OrgName:Verizon Online LLC
    Address:22001 Loudoun County Parkway
    City: Ashburn
    PostalCode: 20147

    I then did a reverse look up of the address on Whitepages.com

    Another search engine put it in Reston, Va.

    Google or Bing the address and look at the earth view. It’s a huge facility that’s smack dab in the middle of the Dulles Technology Corridor and I believe it is the former headwuarters of MCI WorldCom. Today Bing says the following businesses are located at the address:

    Businesses at this address

    Verizon Business
    UUNET Technologies, Inc.
    Concert Technologies Inc
    MCI Telecommunications
    Tsr Alarm
    TSR Inc

    Looks like a giant router/server farm to me.

  26. Northland10 says:

    And if you must know, the IP address is from a pool for Verizon’s FOIS product in the Philadelphia area. It is most likely dynamic so not traceable to any single user. Orly only needs to check every customer for this Verizon product in the greater Philly area. I am not sure how wide an area that covers.

  27. Yoda says:

    Northland10: Verizon is just the network provider.Ashburn was the home of the old UUNET which, through MCI and Worldcom eventually became Verizon.Reston is home to many internet and tech companies such as Time-Warner/Roadrunner and Lucent.It is difficult to to trace a network provider, without having Reston pop up somewhere (and it is down the street from Ashburn).

    Thanks, I didn’t know that.

  28. JPotter says:

    Checking the satellite view, I caught a beautiful site …. a blizzard of inbound subpoenas! Like a Flying Monkey powered, ticker-tape parade!

    I hear Xerox’s print the best subpoenas.

  29. Keith says:

    Orly and her ‘tech support minions’ are convinced those geolocators can pinpoint the exact street address where an IP is tracked. If I put in the coordinates given when I enter my IP address into one of those web apps, the location is no where near where I live. She and her flying monkeys have harassed many an innocent individual using this process.

    I have a customer in San Antonio whose external IP address shows that it is located somewhere in MInnesota.

    Of course you can track an IP address to within just a few meters. It works just like the phone tracker. Here’s a sample, try it yourself.

  30. roxy7655 says:

    Checking the satellite view, I caught a beautiful site …. a blizzard of inbound subpoenas! Like a Flying Monkey powered, ticker-tape parade!

    I hear Xerox’s print the best subpoenas.


  31. justlw says:

    Northland10: Ashburn was the home of the old UUNET

    Ah, memories. I remember when the goal of any sufficiently hip sysadmin was to get a USENET (dialup) connection to UUNET’s precursor, the Bell Labs computer system ihnp4 (Indian Hills network processor 4). The site I was at at the time got finally got its coveted ihnp4 connection shortly before it was retired in the late ’80s (presumably when someone higher up in AT&T realized they were subsidizing a free computer network that pretty much competed with themselves).

    UUNET was the for-profit company set up to fill the rather substantial void left by ihnp4‘s disappearance.

  32. Slartibartfast says:

    While I don’t think this “investigation” will amount to anything, much less the witch hunt that Orly envisions, I would absolutely love to see selected entries and comments from Orly’s (moderated) blog be entered into the court record, not to mention whatever she might unknowingly open to discovery…

    I don’t think the Judge really wants to go after TFB…can you imagine all the lawyers over there filing briefs pointing out Taitz’ shorcomings!

    ArthurWankspittle: Well, first thing I’d do (and IANAL) would be go through Orly’s blog noting all the judges she’s marked down as traitors, harassed personally or through FMs, and threatened to include in RICO actions. Then we can move to discovery if there is a case.

  33. DaveH says:

    Sorry, Keith. That isn’t what I am referring to. I have software that can pin point the exact location of a mobile device provide the person is carrying that mobile device. If I use it here on my computer, it will provide my exact address.

    What I am referring to is when Orly gives these IP numbers out to her “supporters” and they enter it into a geolocator which in turn then provides the GPS coordinates. If I use one of those, it doesn’t provide the exact coordinates to where I live so the address returned is no where near I live.

    PS. Ha ha ha! Seen that before somewhere else. And most likely, that particular website is used by Orly’s flying monkeys to get their information.

    Keith: Of course you can track an IP address to within just a few meters. It works just like the phone tracker. Here’s a sample, try it yourself.

  34. DaveH says:

    Even if an IP is assigned via a DHCP pool, they can still find out who was using that IP through their log files provided they know the time that the comment was left. Not as easy as tracking a static IP but still doable.

    Seems to me that the folks at Birther Report provided the IP of that guy that left the comment against Sheriff Joe. I don’t know if he was on a static or dynamic but they got him.

    And if you must know, the IP address is from a pool for Verizon’s FOIS product in the Philadelphia area.It is most likely dynamic so not traceable to any single user. Orly only needs to check every customer for this Verizon product in the greater Philly area.I am not sure how wide an area that covers.

  35. JPotter says:

    roxy7655: Flirt!

    What can I say, Roxy? Day after day of dealing with Lanier POS 5000’s, I curl up at night and dream of you. Once you go Roxy, you never go back 🙁

  36. I searched the RC Radio Blog and no one using IP address “” has ever left a comment. It appears there is no evidence to support John’s conjecture that a Fogbow member is “Virgil”.

  37. DaveH says:

    In the end, I don’t think this investigation will amount to anything more than making sure that none of Judge Wingate’s staff was involved in writing that comment.

    On another note, I find it extremely strange that this particular comment shows up just the day before the hearing and then it basically de-railed the whole show. Anyone that follows Orly and is not a birther knows that she has no case in MS and can easily predict the outcome.

    With this IP showing up based on someone following Doc’s profile on Intense Debate and then here a Doc’s where they might have found out about the hearing and then having that comment appear at Orly’s the day before… I find odd. It is almost like the person was trying to help Orly and for the time being, it worked because it has given her more time before the inevitable end where everything will be denied.

    I just hope the court won’t somehow blame the defense for part of this to where he doesn’t grant them as much in attorney fees as he would have had this not happened.

  38. Jack Ryan has posted the Mississippi Democrat’s response:


    Taitz is wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong, and she ought to know better.

    Can you find a typo?

  39. CarlOrcas says:

    Dr. Conspiracy: Can you find a typo?

    The President’s first name jumps right off the title page along with the normal “Democrat Party” nonsense.

    Question: Is that from the original filed by Taitz? I assume so since the response is from the defendants and cleans it up.

  40. CarlOrcas says:

    Dr. Conspiracy:

    Can you find a typo?

    Oh my….found another one: Laura Fuddy?

    Is that from Taitz or the respondents?

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