Live interview with Birther Report

The birthers are excited about Mike Volin’s Where’s Obama’s Birth Certificate? Blogtalk Radio program tonight, where Volin says that he is going to interview the person behind Birther Report. Well isn’t that special! It’s at 8 PM Eastern time (10 Feb 2014). My suspicious nature tells me that it’s not going happen, but we’ll see.

I personally have a church meeting tonight and will miss the show. My meeting was canceled. Come to think of it, I don’t think I have ever listened to one of Mike Volin’s shows live (and maybe not recorded either).

Because Birther Report is one of the few interesting things still happening in the birther world, I have decided to promote it from a tag to a category here on the blog.


OK, I heard the interview. It was pretty much nothing new. The male interviewee was identified as “Birther Report.” What he had to say was pretty much what he said in the Birther Report article about the vectored malware that got BR shut down. About the only thing new was that the future Birther Report will run under WordPress. What is bizarre is that even though Birther Report both in the interview and on his site made it clear that they went down because of a general problem with an ad company, the commenters were having none of it.

The show in general was a birther celebrity event with Charles Kerchner, Sharon Rondeau and Orly Taitz on. The callers and the chat were really wild.

About Dr. Conspiracy

I'm not a real doctor, but I have a master's degree.
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22 Responses to Live interview with Birther Report

  1. Curious George says:

    Maybe just maybe the owner of BR will identify himself tonight. He/she reminds me of the “Unknown Comic” who would tell jokes with a paper shopping bag over his head. It was a funny routine but not as hilarious as the Birthers.

  2. gorefan says:

    “My suspicious nature tells me that it’s not going happen”

    Why do you suspect that? I think it will happen because Volin is running out of people to interview.

  3. The European says:

    There is a little confusion about the identity of “Gary Wilmot(t)”, who identified himself as “Wilmot” on Orly’s blog and as “proprietor” of BR.

    The paralegal at the LA Family Law Office is a certain “Wilmott”. Until now there is no hint that they are the same persons.

  4. Suranis says:

    I suspect they will have a rpbot voice being anonymous because he “is afraid of retribution from the regime.”

  5. JPotter says:

    I suspect they will have a rpbot voice being anonymous because he “is afraid of retribution from the regime.”

    Same thought here, that the most interesting point to speculate will be the flavor of modulation employed.

    This of course assumes a certain level of technical competence on the part of a birfer, so my interest is somewhat deflated.

    Perhaps the Unknown Birfer will also be in heavy disguise … wig, enormous glasses, and, of course, giant birfer ‘stache. Wouldn’t want anyone to recognize him on the radio 😉

  6. CarlOrcas says:

    The European:
    There is a little confusion about the identity of “Gary Wilmot(t)”, who identified himself as “Wilmot” on Orly’s blog and as “proprietor” of BR.

    The paralegal at the LA Family Law Office is a certain “Wilmott”. Until now there is no hint that they are the same persons.

    If you Google “Gary Wilmott Simi Valley” you will find a number of references that link that Gary Wilmott to birtherism including this letter copied to lawyer Taitz to Federal Judge David Carter in Orange County.

    It is from September 2009 and speaks for itself:

    Here’s more on Wilmott’s birther bonafides:

    There are other places where Wilmott of Simi Valley notes that he has a JD but works for an LA law firm as a paralegal. The firm is then identified on a Linked-In posting.

    Phone listings show only one person with that name and spelling in California and he lives in Simi Valley.

    We report, you decide.

  7. Gary Wilmott (tt) is listed as a board member of the Article II Super PAC. He is the one with the JD degree who works for a family lay firm in LA.

    I wouldn’t believe anything in a comment on Orly’s blog.

    The European:
    There is a little confusion about the identity of “Gary Wilmot(t)”, who identified himself as “Wilmot” on Orly’s blog and as “proprietor” of BR.

    The paralegal at the LA Family Law Office is a certain “Wilmott”. Until now there is no hint that they are the same persons.

  8. Well, my church meeting got canceled because everybody but forgot about it, and the weather is threatening anyway.

    So I have to decide between listening to Volin and reformatting my hard drive. I’m leaning towards the latter.

  9. CarlOrcas says:

    Dr. Conspiracy: So I have to decide between listening to Volin and reformatting my hard drive. I’m leaning towards the latter.

    You’re tough, Doc. You can do both at the same time!

  10. JPotter says:

    Since I’m working late, I gave it a tune …. and JPotter wept. Between the stupid on display, and the excruciatingly bad production value (is someone doing dishes in the background???), how could anyone listen to this? It has a bizarre, religious character to it … and not in a good way.

    • “Ann” speaks about BR in the possessive (“us”, “our site”, etc.), denies malware, alleges Obama shut down BR.
    • Mike Volin alleges connection between Zullo “tracing Obots to White House” and BR’s failure.
    • BR says will port to WordPress.
    • BR alleges ‘Obots’ spend “hours and hours every day”, trolling BR (and other sites), posting under multiple alliases, from multiple IPs.
    • Volin says, every day it gets bigger and bigger, judges and Congress are waiting for the “right moment” [any day now!]
    • BR alleges the Google TOS violation was “targeting” Obama … then states the interruption was the result of a coordinated attack by Obots.
    • BR admits this is “all really over my head” …. “start giving me code and it’s over my head”.
    • Vague, nonspecific discussion of “costs” gives way to call for donations (“If every reader gave a dollar …”)
    • Dredged up Lakin in the 3rd person …. expressed longing for the day when all is ‘rectified’, when those who have ‘sacrificed’ have theiur ‘losses’ restored.
    • Numerous, repeated references to looking forward to announcements in March.
    • Marco(?) says he asked a Congressmen, “What are we still talking about this?” Congressman replied, “We’re not, but you are” … then Marco admits he was talking to a Senator’s “staffperson”. [That poor staffperson.]
    • Kerchner conspiracizing rabidly, alleges Obots attacked the ad server, as an indirect means of ‘getting to’ BR … it’s all a CPUSA operation, he says!

    … and that’s just the first 40min …

    And then Orly called in. Right at the 40min mark. 80min left … I bet she takes all of it. She’s winding up …. rambling about the IRS / identify theft bit already…

  11. CarlOrcas says:

    CarlOrcas: … and that’s just the first 40min …

    Thank you for keeping us posted. My wife and I are fighting the bug that’s going around and I’m not sure my system could survive a close encounter with this stuff.

    *FALCON* is also listening and posted this on BR:

    ★FALCON★ 137p · 1 minute ago
    BR – very good interview. However, you did not share the entire site overall viewership numbers per month. You did share those numbers with me – I would be willing to post those approximate numbers with your consent to give the posters and viewers an overall look at the power of this informative independent site.

    The number will astound everyone.

    I find it strange that he did this publicly when it’s obvious he has private access to BR or ORYR as Doc now likes to call him.

  12. I guess I’ll have to start calling him BR.

    CarlOrcas: I find it strange that he did this publicly when it’s obvious he has private access to BR or ORYR as Doc now likes to call him.

  13. Oh, and it’s all a plot by DARPA.

  14. CarlOrcas says:

    Dr. Conspiracy:
    Oh, and it’s all a plot by DARPA.

    I particularly liked the posts from the lady about Obama’s time travel to Mars. Kind of charming, in a old fashioned way.

  15. CarlOrcas says:

    Dr. Conspiracy:
    I guess I’ll have to start calling him BR.

    Another night like this and you can call him and all the birthers Out Of Luck.

    Can’t wait to see how they spin the “two detectives” faux pas.

  16. Dr Kenneth Noisewater says:

    Lots of nutty stuff tonight the one thing I found offensive was his lack of respect for history. He claimed tonight the last time he remembers a huge protest was by veterans during FDR (as if he was old enough to remember) and they were gathering regarding WW2 and pay and they were shot and that’s what FDR did to them.

    The problem being 1. The event was with veterans from WW1, 2. The event happened in 1932, 3. Herbert Hoover was President. This was the bonus army march.

    When I pointed it out to him Kerchner tried to hedge saying he was wrong it was Herbert Hoover that the bonus army marched but that there was another one under FDR and he never said FDR had them shot.. Um yes you did Kerch.

  17. Arrogantlyignorant says:

    Funny how Gallups and Zullo made it very clear on multiple occasions that “Obots are of no concern”, yet these morans sure spend a lot of time focusing on Obots.

  18. Curious George says:

    “Funny how Gallups and Zullo made it very clear on multiple occasions that “Obots are of no concern”, yet these morans sure spend a lot of time focusing on Obots.”

    After today’s fiasco, Gallups and Zullo “are of no concern.”

  19. The Magic M (not logged in) says:

    JPotter: Mike Volin alleges connection between Zullo “tracing Obots to White House” and BR’s failure.

    This has been mentioned quite often over at ORYR. I wonder if this is Zullo’s shattering everdunce – “we can prove some people posting anti-birther stuff come from the Obama administration, therefore Kenyan”.

  20. I actually wasn’t reformatting my hard drive, but rather cloning it to a SSD, which is now complete, with underwhelming results.

    Dr. Conspiracy: So I have to decide between listening to Volin and reformatting my hard drive. I’m leaning towards the latter.

  21. JPotter says:

    Dr. Conspiracy:
    I actually wasn’t reformatting my hard drive, but rather cloning it to a SSD, which is now complete, with underwhelming results.

    No gains in speed? Are you now booting from the SSD?

    My tech issue was a minor mobo issue (allowing PCs with Gigabyte mobos to hibernate tends to result in corrupted BIOS).

    Just had to rearrange the entire living room to get to it, which is my fault.

    Searching online for resolution lead to a very birfer-like experience. Numerous thread on the company support site, reporting the same issue, all responses the same “You should not be experiencing this issue.”

  22. I have some gains, but not anywhere like the “instant boot” in the sales literature. It’s about 110 seconds from the initial appearance of the Windows logo until the Dell Dock appears on the desk top. And yes, I am booting from the SSD (as the old hard drive wasn’t installed for the first few boots).

    My setup loads a lot of stuff, 3 different cloud drives, two Magic ISO drives, all sorts of Nuance stuff from my last printer install, and on and on.

    Now I’m fighting a virus on the wife’s computer. It just won’t stay killed.

    JPotter: No gains in speed? Are you now booting from the SSD?

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