Running scared

The Obots are scared spitless, and now they will be attacking like wounded animals.

— Freeangel (September, 2008)

The Obots are running scared.
Shoot on sight.

Geir Smith (December, 2013)

It’s obvious to rational people that liberals are running scared. They now resorting to histrionics like screaming banshees..

cajun_2 (September, 2013)

Could the following be a possible trigger mechanism for Obots running scared and starting to cover up, edit, and scrub?

Charles Kerchner (January, 2014)

Listening to the Mike Volin show last night, and watching his chat room, enforced an observation I made earlier reading Birther Report: there is a lot of fear language in birtherism.

There are two conflicting birther eschatologies. On the one hand, birthers are running scared before the coming end of America as they know it. They believe that the President, with just a whisper to an aide, can have any birther web site shut down (even though they all come back up after they fix their technical problems), and any birther taken into custody and “disappeared” into an internment camp, although none have been. They are convinced that Obama is well on his way towards accomplishing a plan to destroy the country by the end of his term. A vision like that believed, is enough to scare anybody.

On the other hand, the birthers hold a vision of salvation and vindication. Along with vindication, the birthers also paint a pretty scary vision of what it means for them to win, as we see in this comment, again at BR:

It’s not just dr. commie’s articles that we’re interested in preserving for future prosecution: it’s all the comments left by his ass-kissing fellow Obots that need to be cataloged for investigation. For years, these enemies of freedom have done all they could to discredit birtherism and the eligibility movement. They mocked and ridiculed true Americans while they hid behind internet anonymity growing fat on money supplied by Soros and other NWO stooges. However, after the fall-out from Mike Zullo’s revelations in March, we’ll likely see citizen posses assigned to seek out and “interview” these traitors. If some of them don’t survive our questioning, America can count itself the better.

This vindication is not seen in some distant future, but to use a well-worn phrase, “any day now”–again from Birther Report:

There is no-chance-in-hell that Obama will see 2016 as the pResident – he’ll be lucky to last 6 more weeks. As a side item – Democrat Communist party faces extinction and a lower tier on the ash-heap of history.

It is likely that the timeframe in that comment is set to match a March, 2014, date when Cold Case Posse commander Mike Zullo says he will release universe-shattering evidence. (Recently, Zullo is suggesting that it might take a little longer.) Birthers repeat over and over that the Obots are running scared and quaking at every word from Mike Zullo. It’s the fear theme again, only projected onto others. Here’s another typical comment, from a year ago (again at  BR)

If he (or/ they) were “Impeach or Arrest proof” they would not be running scared, HOAXING an elementary shooting,(FAKE), and trying to take our guns away. They are thoroughly scared, and very much afraid of True AMERICAN Wrath. besides that, he is a Criminal commiting (sic) an ongoing CRIME, and needs to be arrested, (tried?), and executed. PERIOD.

Another putative birther savior is Larry Klayman, according to a December 2013 YouTube video from the Western Center for Journalism that says: “Obama’s handlers are scared of Larry Klayman.” The video about Arpaio and Klayman is full of misrepresentations, but its slick production and  mani­pula­tive style is quite a persuasive package.

Yanking the birthers back and forth between heaven and hell must keep them anxious, and I cannot help but believe that this vulnerable state is intentionally cultivated by people with monetary or political agendas.1

But is anyone really afraid?

There is no reason whatever to believe that either of the birther scenarios has any chance of coming to pass. Even if Obama were the malevolent character the birthers imagine, no one would follow him to actually implement the dark dystopia the birthers fear. The Congress is hardly going to pass his legislative agenda, even if they agree with it. The very fact that the birthers were not muzzled back when it could have made a difference before the last election, is persuasive evidence that it won’t happen in the future’’; indeed, I doubt that Obama has given much thought at all to the birthers since he released his birth certificate in 2011, and pretty much winnowed the field down  to extreme conspiracy theorists. I’m not anxious, and and I don’t know anyone who is.

Last night on the Volin show, Orly Taitz called in while Charles Kerchner was on the line, jumping on the Obama victim list with her latest problem with identity theft through a fraudulent tax refund. Taitz blames the Obots. Kerchner believes that the recent outage at Birther Report was engineered by the Obots (or the administration) who apparently must have hacked an ad company and taken down thousands of web sites across the Internet for the purpose of keeping BR off the air for a few hours. Kerchner asserted that someone needs to file a class action lawsuit on behalf of all the birther web sites taken down by the administration, and suggested that Taitz might want to lead the effort. The problem there is that this mass extinction Kerchner imagines is attrition, to the extent that it exists at all and the major birther web sites are still running. I don’t think such a lawsuit would get any plaintiffs, and if it did, they would come off as silly.

In contrast, the anti-birthers do not have a clue what they are supposed to be afraid of. Making fun of birthers is not a crime. Punking Orly Taitz, whether morally justified or not, is not a crime. The Cold Case Posse is batting zero so far. If there were a crime, the CCP would bungle the investigation. Larry Klayman, for all the birther hopes, hasn’t won any case against Obama’s legitimacy. His NSA communications surveillance lawsuit, as much targeted at Bush as Obama in principle, is not going to discomfit the President, even if Klayman is lucky enough to win something for being in the right place at the right time.
The very fact that we are having this discussion proves that we are in a free society and have nothing to fear.

The only thing we have to fear, is fear itself.

— Franklin D. Roosevelt

1I’m currently reading a biography of Roger Ailes, titled The Loudest Voice in the Room, that talks a lot about the shaping of public perception for pay.

About Dr. Conspiracy

I'm not a real doctor, but I have a master's degree.
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72 Responses to Running scared

  1. Randy Morrison says:

    I have not commented here in quite a while, though I am a rabid reader. That said, I still want to be included on the list of “ass-kissing fellow Obots.” Thank you.

  2. GLaB says:

    I don’t ever go to any of the birther sites – I read about them here. But despite the limits of my experience, I’m convinced that 80% or more of their crap is just trolling. They don’t believe any of it – it’s just tall-tale-telling and whoppers in the grand old American tradition. Zullo is Maricopa Mike, second cousin to Paul Bunyon and bastard son of Pecos Bill.

    Bellying up to the monitor replaces gathering at the bar as a new form of socializing for the anti-social.

  3. sfjeff says:

    The only thing we have to fear, is fear itself.

    – Franklin D. Roosevelt

    I keep waiting for some Birther to claim that FDR was responsible for starting the claims that Obama was born in Kenya- with their penchant for inflation, claiming Hilary did it is just not a big enough falsification.

  4. BatGuano says:

    this comment i found funny on the topic at birther report:

    “Pam Barnett · 14 hours ago
    Bold? Are you suggesting that the Obots are not afraid of Sheriff Arpaio’s press conferences? Every Obot I know goes into shutdown mode whenever Sheriff Arpaio holds a presser. …..”

    if there’s any time that the obots/anti-birthers become vocal chatty-cathies it’s during the time of an arpaio press conference.

    i wonder how she defines “shutdown mode”?

  5. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    That a was a great read, Doc.
    I have but one nit to pick!
    I believe the famous FDR quote is supposed to read:
    “The only thing we have to fear, is fear itself…and spiders!”

  6. Joey says:

    this comment i found funny on the topic at birther report:

    “Pam Barnett · 14 hours ago
    Bold? Are you suggesting that the Obots are not afraid of Sheriff Arpaio’s press conferences? Every Obot I know goes into shutdown mode whenever Sheriff Arpaio holds a presser. …..”

    if there’s any time that the obots/anti-birthers become vocal chatty-cathies it’s during the time of an arpaio press conference.

    i wonder how she defines “shutdown mode”?

    I think Ms. Barnett is saying that when we Obots/anti-birthers are in Arpaio Press conference shutdown mode, we magically transform into Chatty Cathies!!! 🙂
    Makes a lot of sense to me {NOT}.

  7. HistorianDude says:

    Regularly in other online venues I have been asked by birthers, “So what are you afraid of?” My answer has been consistent for at least the last three years.

    A: A birther with a gun.

  8. Arrogantlyignorant says:

    Miki Booth in an interview with David Manning uploaded today, said that Obots are running scared because Mile Zullo was on freedom Fridays last week and linked Obots to the White House.

    (Twilight zone music)

  9. CarlOrcas says:

    Nice thoughtful piece, Doc.

    What strikes me is that birtherism is a pretty classic case of rumor driven mass hysteria. In another place and time some of these folks would be more than happy to put a noose around the President’s neck and a pitchfork to our backsides.

    What bothers me from time to time as these folks get really wound up is how little it would take to tip just one sad, demented soul over the edge.

  10. CarlOrcas says:

    Regularly in other online venues I have been asked by birthers, “So what are you afraid of?” My answer has been consistent for at least the last three years.

    A: A birther with a gun.

    Amen! I didn’t read your post until I wrote mine to Doc…..right above this one.

  11. Publius says:

    It’s not just dr. commie’s articles that we’re interested in preserving for future prosecution: it’s all the comments left by his ass-kissing fellow Obots that need to be cataloged for investigation. For years, these enemies of freedom have done all they could to discredit birtherism and the eligibility movement. They mocked and ridiculed true Americans while they hid behind internet anonymity growing fat on money supplied by Soros and other NWO stooges. However, after the fall-out from Mike Zullo’s revelations in March, we’ll likely see citizen posses assigned to seek out and “interview” these traitors. If some of them don’t survive our questioning, America can count itself the better.

    The total, whacked-out, upside-down goofball, certifiably-committable, record-breaking nutjob insanity is strong with this one.

  12. CarlOrcas says:

    Andrew Vrba, PmG: “The only thing we have to fear, is fear itself…and spiders!”

    And snakes. Definitely snakes.

  13. Crustacean says:

    HistorianDude: A birther with a gun

    Unfortunately, in the phylum Birphora, by far the most common species is the Lunaticus Tormentum. In other words,

    CarlOrcas: one sad, demented soul…

  14. Arthur says:

    Publius: The total, whacked-out, upside-down goofball, certifiably-committable, record-breaking nutjob insanity is strong with this one.

    But wait, there’s more!

    “So you think nothing is going to happen in March? You’re a fool. We have multiple assurances that Mike Zullo, the CCP, and the MCSO are all working hard on the finishing touches of a report that will bring Obama to his knees. To think otherwise is unacceptable and proof positive of traitorhood. All patriots have full confidence in Zullo and company, and I’m certain that by their efforts (and the blessings of God), Obama will be out of office any day now. To think otherwise is unacceptable; only a filthy Obot questions Zullo’s integrity, evidence, or prediction of a universe-shattering result.”

  15. JPotter says:

    Arthur: But wait, there’s more!

    Truly, the voice of dystopia! Newspeak, through and through. Just sprinkle in a few superlatives, and use of generic fraternalisms (“citizens”, “comrades”, etc), and its ready for transmission to the brainsubmitted.

  16. There is a tendency to believe that the other side is insincere, that they couldn’t REALLY think that way. Birthers believe that we all know Obama’s not eligible, but cover it up for some reason. As I was writing this article I resisted expressing the same kind of sentiment towards the birthers, which I certainly was thinking.

    I didn’t say it because I don’t have any evidence to support it. Your point about the social aspects of birthering is interesting.

    GLaB: I don’t ever go to any of the birther sites – I read about them here. But despite the limits of my experience, I’m convinced that 80% or more of their crap is just trolling. They don’t believe any of it – it’s just tall-tale-telling and whoppers in the grand old American tradition. Zullo is Maricopa Mike, second cousin to Paul Bunyon and bastard son of Pecos Bill.

    Bellying up to the monitor replaces gathering at the bar as a new form of socializing for the anti-social.

  17. justlw says:

    BatGuano (quoting Pambly): “Every Obot I know goes into popcorn mode whenever Sheriff Arpaio holds a presser.”


  18. bob says:

    Miki Booth in an interview with David Manning uploaded today, said that Obots are running scared because Mile Zullo was on freedom Fridays last week and linked Obots to the White House.

    (Twilight zone music)

    This is a bit meta, but I wish someone would ask Gallups for the proof that links the Obots to the White House — without referencing what Zullo said.

  19. Dr. Kenneth Noisewater says:

    Arthur: So you think nothing is going to happen in March? You’re a fool. We have multiple assurances that Mike Zullo, the CCP

    Yeah we had plenty of assurances last year when they missed their previous deadlines in April and June and to the best of anyone’s knowledge Mike Zullo is the CCP

  20. Paul says:

    Regularly in other online venues I have been asked by birthers, “So what are you afraid of?” My answer has been consistent for at least the last three years.

    A: A birther with a gun.

    Exactly. The only thing that scares me about Birthers is the thought that one of them might find out my real name and show up at my house with a can of kerosene and a Zippo.

  21. I heard that birthers found some anti-birther comments that had an IP addresses at the White House and DARPA. I don’t know all that much about IP addresses, but I think DARPA is the agency that manages all the Internet IP addresses. Given the the general birther ineptitude, the DARPA linkage might be spurious.

    As for an Obot in the White House? Who knew?

    bob: This is a bit meta, but I wish someone would ask Gallups for the proof that links the Obots to the White House — without referencing what Zullo said.

  22. Thanks. I keep plowing the same ground in hopes of finding something.

    CarlOrcas: Nice thoughtful piece, Doc.

  23. Soduko says:

    Thanks, Doc. Always puzzles me when the birth brigade thinks Obots are on the run. From what? For what?

    I have to keep telling myself, “Irrational people aren’t rational. Irrational people aren’t rational… “

  24. Northland10 says:

    I’m afraid…

    I’m afraid I have gotten busy with other reading (and other projects) and find myself falling behind here. I’m afraid I’m going to get a thumb cramp from flipping quickly through a hundred comments.

  25. Rickey says:

    Dr. Conspiracy:
    As for an Obot in the White House? Who knew?

    The White House offered me a position, but Soros pays better.

  26. dunstvangeet says:

    Andrew Vrba, PmG:I believe the famous FDR quote is supposed to read:“The only thing we have to fear, is fear itself…and spiders!”

    Nobody expects the spanish inquisition. Our one weapon is suprise, suprise, suprise and fear…

    Our two weapons are suprise and fear… and a fanatical devotion to the pope…

    Our three weapons are suprise, fear, and a fanatical devotion to the pope, and shiny red uniforms…

    Out of our many arsonal of weapons…

  27. Publius says:

    Dr. Conspiracy: There is a tendency to believe that the other side is insincere, that they couldn’t REALLY think that way.

    I think some “birthers” are con men, playing the gullible rank and file for whatever they can get out of them.

    Some “birthers,” imo, are liars.

    Both of those situations necessarily imply insincerity.

    Others are sincere, gullible rubes who put their faith in the wrong people (the con men and liars).

  28. aarrgghh says:

    i see most birfers as “liars for jesus”.

    they sincerely believe, while also believing that lying is necessary for a noble cause, and what cause more noble than wresting the soul of a once-proud god-fearing nation from the evil clutch of a usurping mongrel gay antichrist and his zionist paymasters?

  29. BillTheCat says:

    I was on last night as well… They love to fantasize, that is for sure.

    And it is so true Doc – It is not illegal to say mean things on the internet. Nor is it illegal to mock people who openly promote seditious acts and despicable disrespect for the President.

    There will never be any trials for Soros, democrats, Doc, Foggy, or any “obot commie commenters”. Obama will serve out his term and will most likely become a great statesman, and sadly for the birthers, he will be viewed by history as one of our greatest presidents. 🙂

  30. Joe Acerbic says:

    My name is Joe Acerbic, my home address is 550 West Jackson Street,
    Phoenix, AZ 85003 and I welcome any and all birfoons to come and try to “interview” me.

  31. Lupin says:

    Speaking as the resident Frenchman, I was wondering if any of you knew if any right-wing lunatic had been construing President Obama’s very friendly meetings with French president Hollande as further proof of something evil — or they just don’t care?

  32. Krosis says:

    I am surprised that CPUSA’s endorsement of Obama is a relatively marginal meme among the US right-wing.

  33. There is a scripture, usually misread by opponents of Christianity, but sometimes by Christians too, that if parsed badly sounds like lying is justified.

    5 But if our unrighteousness serves to show the righteousness of God, what shall we say? That God is unrighteous to inflict wrath on us? ( I speak in a human way.) 6 By no means! For then how could God judge the world? 7 But if through my lie God’s truth abounds to his glory, why am I still being condemned as a sinner? 8 And why not do evil that good may come? —as some people slanderously charge us with saying. Their condemnation is just.

    — Romans 3: 5-8 ESV

    aarrgghh: they sincerely believe, while also believing that lying is necessary for a noble cause, and what cause more noble than wresting the soul of a once-proud god-fearing nation from the evil clutch of a usurping mongrel gay antichrist and his zionist paymasters?

  34. Dr Kenneth Noisewater says:

    Speaking as the resident Frenchman, I was wondering if any of you knew if any right-wing lunatic had been construing President Obama’s very friendly meetings with French president Hollande as further proof of something evil — or they just don’t care?

    Well yeah every red blooded, steak eating, bible thumping, gun toting, flag waving American knows the french are evil… or was that the dutch?

  35. In the article, I touched on the idea that birthers are projecting their own fears onto the Obots. I also think that they project their own anger and vindictiveness onto Obama. I am reminded of the book, The Roots of Obama’s Rage, which is in sharp contrast to the remarkably not-enraged Obama portrayed in the book Double Down: Game Change 2012 about the 2012 election. I get the impression that Obama is almost an anti-Nixon.

  36. I saw one somewhere, but I really didn’t pay much attention.

    Lupin: Speaking as the resident Frenchman, I was wondering if any of you knew if any right-wing lunatic had been construing President Obama’s very friendly meetings with French president Hollande as further proof of something evil — or they just don’t care?

  37. Northland10 says:

    Dr. Conspiracy:
    There is a scripture, usually misread by opponents of Christianity, but sometimes by Christians too, that if parsed badly sounds like lying is justified.

    – Romans 3: 5-8 ESV

    People do like to pull text out of context and make it say whatever they want it to say.

  38. Andrew Morris says:

    Interesting but not surprising that they take the 2nd. Amendment as having no limits whatever, and the 1st Amendment has having no meaning whatever.

  39. Yoda says:

    Clearly, the idea that anyone is scared of anything that the birthers have to say is based on their own inflated idea of their influence and power. It is based on pure arrogance.

    Those of you who know who I am, know that I have been involved in the anti birther movement for years. And I have played it mostly for laughs. I give props to those who have been in it and deeper much longer than I have–Foggy, Historiandude, Dr. C., RC and others. Although most of my angle has been humor and the frequent argument about the law and the definition of NBC, I have repeated historiandude’s comment about a birther with a gun as the only thing to fear, always giving him credit , of course.

    I sincerely do not believe that there are many birthers left, but those that remain are certainly hardcore. I have no doubt that if they had the ability to organize that they would be dangerous. I know we make fun of them, but they truly are trying to overthrow the government and I believe that they are criminals as much as I believe that they are buffoons. They have crossed the line that exists between free speech and sedition.

    My approach to dealing with birthers is going to change. I am not sure how yet, but it will.

  40. Curious George says:

    from BR

    “So you think nothing is going to happen in March? You’re a fool. We have multiple assurances that Mike Zullo, the CCP, and the MCSO are all working hard on the finishing touches of a report that will bring Obama to his knees. To think otherwise is unacceptable and proof positive of traitorhood. All patriots have full confidence in Zullo and company, and I’m certain that by their efforts (and the blessings of God), Obama will be out of office any day now. To think otherwise is unacceptable; only a filthy Obot questions Zullo’s integrity, evidence, or prediction of a universe-shattering result.”

    “We have multiple assurances that Mike Zullo, the CCP, and the MCSO are all working hard on the finishing touches of a report that will bring Obama to his knees.”

    It’s called book number 2. The first one did nothing. The second one will do nothing.

    “All patriots have full confidence in Zullo and company,”

    That is because they have been manipulated by the deceptions. Their confidence is misplaced.

    “only a filthy Obot questions Zullo’s integrity, evidence, or prediction of a universe-shattering result.”

    Decades of law enforcement experience. Not! A law enforcement investigation. Not! The race coding is proof of forgery. Not! Zullo is a sworn law enforcement officer. Not! Zullo doesn’t lie. Not! Zullo didn’t make a dime on the sale of his first book. Not! (He donated the book funds he RECEIVED to his church. It was more than a dime.) The investigation is unbiased. Not! Birthers are misled fools. Yes!

    “and the blessings of God”.

    God is not be honored by lies and deception. The effort is DOOMED!

    I feel sorry for those who have been misled in Birtherville.

  41. Majority Will says:

    “Obama will be out of office any day now.”

    That is absolutely true.

    At noon on January 20th, 2017, President Barack Obama leaves office.

    WOW! A birther bigot finally got something right!

  42. roadburner says:

    Dr Kenneth Noisewater: Well yeah every red blooded, steak eating, bible thumping, gun toting, flag waving American knows the french are evil… or was that the dutch?

    if you really want to get a birfoon foaming at the mouth, just remind them that independence day could also be named `thank you france’ day.

    they really ain’t keen on that button being pushed 😀

  43. Arthur says:

    In a video posted at B.R., David Manning interviewed Miki Booth. During the interview, Manning said that Mike Volin “has got information that can trace many of these Obots right back to the White House” and that they are “pay-rolled by the White House,” which Miki Booth adamantly confirmed. Booth went on to identify the top paid Obots as, “that R.C. guy, there’s Fogbow, and there’s Dr. Conspiracy.” She continued, “A couple of these guys, we know who they are . . . and among these top three, they traced one guy all the way to the Department of Defense . . . in the division called DARPA.” Booth asserted that DARPA was responsible for, among other things, “psychological warfare” and that “one of the main Obots works there.”

    I guess this explains why birthers seem to have a mental condition—it’s all due to DARPA’s efforts to wage war on their brains.

    P.S. Booth also alleged that Zullo knows who forged Obama’s B.C. and when it was done. Moreover, she said, “they’ve got all of the who, what, why’s, when’s, and where’s . . . so this means they’re going to have indictments, because these crimes, you know, people are going to be arrested, so I believe that’s the news they are going to be announcing.”

    Booth went on to explain that the investigation of Obot IP addresses “created new leads” and led to “a second criminal investigation and this one is being conducted officially by the Maricopa County Sheriff’s Office, and there are a couple of seasoned detectives working with Detective Zullo . . .”

  44. Majority Will says:

    In a video posted at B.R., David Manning interviewed Miki Booth. During the interview, Manning said that Mike Volin “has got information that can trace many of these Obots right back to the White House” and that they are “pay-rolled by the White House,” which Miki Booth adamantly confirmed. Booth went on to identify the top paid Obots as, “that R.C. guy, there’s Fogbow, and there’s Dr. Conspiracy.” She continued, “A couple of these guys, we know who they are . . . and among these top three, they traced one guy all the way to the Department of Defense . . . in the division called DARPA.” Booth asserted that DARPA was responsible for, among other things, “psychological warfare” and that “one of the main Obots works there.”

    I guess this explains why birthers seem to have a mental condition—it’s all due to DARPA’s efforts to wage war on their brains.

    P.S. Booth also alleged that Zullo knows who forged Obama’s B.C.and when it was done. Moreover, she said, “they’ve got all of the who, what, why’s, when’s, and where’s . . . so this means they’re going to have indictments, because these crimes, you know, people are going to be arrested, so I believe that’s the news they are going to be announcing.”

    Booth went on to explain that the investigation of Obot IP addresses “created new leads” and led to “a second criminal investigation and this one is being conducted officially by the Maricopa County Sheriff’s Office, and there are a couple of seasoned detectives working with Detective Zullo . . .”

    And this type of blatant paranoia, fear mongering and delusional stupidity is why people are led to wonder if birther bigots are seriously mentally ill.

  45. sfjeff says:

    Dr Kenneth Noisewater: Well yeah every red blooded, steak eating, bible thumping, gun toting, flag waving American knows the french are evil… or was that the dutch?

    Those of us in the know, know it is the Belgians….

  46. Arthur says:

    Curious George: I feel sorry for those who have been misled in Birtherville.

    The people who post at B.R. have not been misled by bitherism; from what I’ve learned by reading their comments, they eagerly embraced conspiratorial thinking long before Obama ever came along (NWO, 9/11, UFO’s, Kennedy Assassination, Chemtrails, to name a few). They are the working crazies, people who believe in things that would lead a rational person to conclude they’re mentally ill; nevertheless, they somehow keep it together enough to have some semblance of a normal life.

  47. Benji Franklin says:

    Yoda: I sincerely do not believe that there are many birthers left, but those that remain are certainly hardcore. I have no doubt that if they had the ability to organize that they would be dangerous. I know we make fun of them, but they truly are trying to overthrow the government and I believe that they are criminals as much as I believe that they are buffoons. They have crossed the line that exists between free speech and sedition.

    I too worry about the very existence of an even loosely connected Birther culture, increasing the probability that a dedicated shooter would be misled into thinking they were behaving patriotically if they actually tried to harm the President.

    To sustain their Usurper narrative, Birthers like John, must rely on the power of the lunatic to transcend the logic that betrays their constant error, and they must rely on the power of the lunatic, as it also allows them to win an hopeless argument prospectively, as they arm themselves with wild threats of predicted eventual vindication and vengeance upon anyone disagreeing with or opposing them.

    In our civil society, we commonly make some attempts to reason with lunatics, hoping to render them harmless by modeling the merits of embracing reality. That’s why we painstakingly try to reason with lunatics like John.

    We just need to recall that in the instant, lunacy always prevails over reason and sanity. And where the eligibility of the President is concerned, that means episodes of lunacy provide Birthers with their only perceived moments of power, because it takes the accompanying gushing and threatening predictions of prospective victory over the Obots to give Birthers any sense of winning, in the face of the unbroken series of defeats they have engineered in reality.

  48. Curious George says:

    Majority Will

    P.S. Booth also alleged that Zullo knows who forged Obama’s B.C.and when it was done. Moreover, she said, “they’ve got all of the who, what, why’s, when’s, and where’s . . . so this means they’re going to have indictments, because these crimes, you know, people are going to be arrested, so I believe that’s the news they are going to be announcing.”

    Doug Vogt would disagree with her assessment. Indictments? In what jurisdiction? Hawaii, Washington D.C., or Arizona?

  49. CarlOrcas says:

    Arthur: They are the working crazies, people who believe in things that would lead a rational person to conclude they’re mentally ill; nevertheless, they somehow keep it together enough to have some semblance of a normal life.

    I suspect they’ve been around since the beginning. In my life they’ve gone from the crazies with a mimeograph machine whose reach was limited to today when the internet provides them a worldwide stage.

  50. Arthur says:

    CarlOrcas: I suspect they’ve been around since the beginning.

    Yes, you’re probably right. I can imagine that around a Stone-Age campfire, crazies told the most entertaining stories.

  51. Curious George says:

    Majority Will
    “Booth also alleged that Zullo knows who forged Obama’s B.C.and when it was done. Moreover, she said, “they’ve got all of the who, what, why’s, when’s, and where’s . . .”

    What real detective would provide the facts of a criminal investigation with a civilian? If what Booth allegedly said is true, once again it shows there is no real law enforcement involved and therefore no real criminal investigation taking place. Falcon and the other bird brains over at BR need to step back, take a deep breath and look at what their birther leaders are saying. Is Miki Booth now a spokesperson for the MCSO or the non-profit Cold Case Posse?

  52. Arthur says:

    Curious George: What real detective would provide the facts of a criminal investigation with a civilian?

    Good point–Miki Booth is coat-tailing, making up stuff in order to sound important.

  53. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    Arthur: Good point–Miki Booth is coat-tailing, making up stuff in order to sound important.

    Not only that! She gives the rest of us Winchester rifle owners a bad name.

  54. gorefan says:

    ” so this means they’re going to have indictments, because these crimes, you know, people are going to be arrested, so I believe that’s the news they are going to be announcing.” Miki Booth

    I heard that and for the first time felt kinda sorry for her. There aren’t going to be any indictments, no arrests, no congressional investigations, no impeachment absolutely nothing. I can only imagine how disappointed people like her are going to be when nothing comes of all this. It’s going to be 1000% worse than waking up on Christmas morning and there is no pony under the tree.

  55. Arthur says:

    Andrew Vrba, PmG: She gives the rest of us Winchester rifle owners a bad name.

    I’ve always assumed that her rifle was a prop, something she was given at one of those studios that specialize in creating old-time photographs.

  56. Curious George says:

    February 12, 2014
    Andrew Vrba, PmG: She gives the rest of us Winchester rifle owners a bad name.

    I’ve always assumed that her rifle was a prop, something she was given at one of those studios that specialize in creating old-time photographs.

    They look real to me. I’ll bet she also has two 45 autos on her hips as well.

  57. Daniel says:

    Dr Kenneth Noisewater: Well yeah every red blooded, steak eating, bible thumping, gun toting, flag waving American knows the french are evil… or was that the dutch?

    Is it Wednesday or Thursday?

  58. Arrogantlyignorant says:

    In a reply to Stiggo629, Annie Okole (Miki Booth) wrote:

    “Annie Okole
    1 hour ago
    Don’t care about me? Sounds like you can’t get enough of me. Whatsamatter stiggot, still crying over getting banned from my youtube channel? LOL”

    Interesting how she admits to using censorship, and gloats about it.
    Some “Constitutionalist”.

    Also, “Okole” means butt/ass in Hawaiian.

  59. Dr Kenneth Noisewater says:

    Arrogantlyignorant: In a reply to Stiggo629, Annie Okole (Miki Booth) wrote:“Annie Okole1 hour ago Don’t care about me? Sounds like you can’t get enough of me. Whatsamatter stiggot, still crying over getting banned from my youtube channel? LOL”Interesting how she admits to using censorship, and gloats about it.Some “Constitutionalist”.Also, “Okole” means butt/ass in Hawaiian.

    Are you saying she’s an asshaole?

  60. Arrogantlyignorant says:

    “Are you saying she’s an asshaole?”

    Perfect! She definitely is one! 😀

  61. Majority Will says:

    Dr Kenneth Noisewater: Are you saying she’s an asshaole?

    Instant classic. Well done.

  62. RanTalbott says:

    Paul: The only thing that scares me about Birthers is the thought that one of them might find out my real name and show up at my house with a can of kerosene and a Zippo.

    I had the same concern when I was living in Silicon Valley, and occasionally getting death/violence threats due to my role in managing the political and religious forums on CompuServe.

    Now that I live in gun-happy AZ, not so much: if someone shows up at my house with a can of kerosene and a Zippo, I can just shoot him. I would certainly try to avoid that, because of my own ethical standards. But I’m not legally obligated to, and there are many people that wouldn’t. So it’s highly unlikely that anyone would be stupid enough to try it around here.

  63. gorefan:
    ” so this means they’re going to have indictments, because these crimes, you know, people are going to be arrested, so I believe that’s the news they are going to be announcing.” Miki Booth

    I heard that and for the first time felt kinda sorry for her.There aren’t going to be any indictments, no arrests, no congressional investigations, no impeachment absolutely nothing.I can only imagine how disappointed people like her are going to be when nothing comes of all this.It’s going to be 1000% worse than waking up on Christmas morning and there is no pony under the tree.

    I agree although it’s not because of the forgeries. Gotta protect that cocaine gold. I forged all three of his documents in 1985 for the Medellin Cartel as the mailman can tell you if he’s honest. http://WWW.IFORGEDOBAMASBIRTHCERTIFICATES.COM

  64. Majority Will says:

    Nancy R Owens: I agree although it’s not because of the forgeries. Gotta protect that cocaine gold. I forged all three of his documents in 1985 for the Medellin Cartel as the mailman can tell you if he’s honest. http://WWW.IFORGEDOBAMASBIRTHCERTIFICATES.COM

    That’s just really stupid.

  65. Dr. Kenneth Noisewater says:

    Nancy R Owens: I agree although it’s not because of the forgeries. Gotta protect that cocaine gold. I forged all three of his documents in 1985 for the Medellin Cartel as the mailman can tell you if he’s honest. http://WWW.IFORGEDOBAMASBIRTHCERTIFICATES.COM

    All 3? It’s funny how with each retelling of the story you change your claims. Back when you called into Reality Check Radio you claimed you only forged the short form. Now you claim the long form. What’s the 3rd document you’re adding to the story now?

  66. Dr. Kenneth Noisewater says:

    Majority Will: That’s just really stupid.

    Just as stupid as her claim that the Medellin cartel was running drugs in submarines in Lake Okeechobee, FL which has an average depth of only 9 feet.

  67. aarrgghh says:

    Dr. Kenneth Noisewater: All 3? It’s funny how with each retelling of the story you change your claims. Back when you called into Reality Check Radio you claimed you only forged the short form. Now you claim the long form. What’s the 3rd document you’re adding to the story now?

    the color form, natch.

  68. CarlOrcas says:

    Dr. Kenneth Noisewater: Just as stupid as her claim that the Medellin cartel was running drugs in submarines in Lake Okeechobee, FL which has an average depth of only 9 feet.

    I found the submarine they used……pretty cool:

    Notice it can dive down 4-feet deep….has dual motors.

    What else would the Medellin need???

  69. Dave B. says:

    I got one of them diving cereal-box submarines myself fifty years ago or so. I was as disappointed as Ralph was when he found out what his decoder ring was for.

    Dr. Kenneth Noisewater: I thought it was one of these:

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