and was it a good investment?
In an timing error almost as monumental as that of the release of Jerome Corsi’s Where’s the Birth Certificate?, Lucas Daniel Smith misses April Fools by a scant 3 days with his latest article: “Lucas Daniel Smith arrested (2014) for extradition to Kenya.”
Smith wrote:
On or about the 4th day of February 2014 while I was physically present in the Dominican Republic, the National Police (Policia Nacional) raided my home in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic with an arrest warrant for extradition to Kenya on criminal charges of allegedly bribing government officials in Kenya.
Smith claims to be in the Dominican Republic, free on 250,000 Dominican Pesos (about $5,800) bond, the money provided by birther Bruce Steadman. Smith, known for his documents, provides an image of a complaint (“acta de denuncia”) in Spanish.
Research questions:
- Does the Dominican Republic have an extradition treaty with Kenya?
- Is the “acta de denuncia” authentic?
- Has Bruce Stedman been conned out of $5,800?
I’m still checking on the matter of the extradition treaty. So far I have not found any bilateral treaty between the Dominican Republic and Kenya. The Dominican Republic has an extradition treaty with Commonwealth countries, the United States, Italy, Finland, Greece, Poland, Spain, Peru, Germany and perhaps some others, but if Smith had been sought by Kenya, one would have though that they would be looking in the US, and one wonders how they would have found him in the Dominican Republic. See also, “Foreigners under Dominican Criminal Law.”
Persons familiar with the Spanish language commenting on the Internet and on this blog say that the document is riddled with errors, and not written by a native speaker of Spanish.
When Steadman (pictured right) appears on the Internet, it is often in conjunction with Smith. Steadman is the purchaser of Smith’s painting, “Orly Taitz and her Exhibits” for $350. Sam Sewell at The Steady Drip exhibits the “Declaration of Theresa S. Cao” saying that Steadman had paid Smith $3,000 to cover expenses in the 2010 “Letters to Congress” project. So here, allegedly, Steadman has given Smith another big chunk of change. Steadman had a canned comment that he posted on several Internet sites towards the end of 2011 into 2012, promoting Lucas Smith’s web site and the Lucas Smith Kenyan birth certificate (POSFKBC). Steadman posts as bsteadman on Smith’s blog.1
Birther Report has a big article copying Smith’s own narrative of his latest escapade. Of course, the birther story up until now is that everything to do with Obama’s alleged documents in Kenya is “top secret” and the last thing the Kenyan government would be doing is to go after Smith in public, but consistency of narrative has never been a strong point of birthers. It would be nice, though, if Smith were extradited to Kenya to face charges that he faked official documents, but I don’t think we will get rid of Smith that easily.
Smith obliquely responds to the above in another article, “Extradition to Kenya: Barack Obama startled by sudden discovery of Russell Leslie Oppenheim’s 1963 Kenyan birth certificate,” writing:
It should also be noted that Dr. Conspiracy [creepy stalking stuff redacted] refuses to take notice of and acknowledge, and intentionally disregards, the Russell Leslie Oppenheim document….
What Smith fails to understand is that I don’t read his blog, and unless someone points out something to me that he says (or this case a reference appears in my Twitter feed) I’d never know about something appearing on his blog, and that includes the alleged Oppenheim birth certificate. This new document, which looks very much like the Smith’s Obama certificate, is either authentic, or it is designed to address some of the obvious flaws in Smith’s earlier forgery essay: the full birth date of the father is given and all of the dates are in the correct DD/MM/YYYY format (in contrast to the USA date format on the fake Kenyan certificate for Obama and just a year of birth for Obama Sr.).
This from Smith’s Oppenheim certificate:
and this from Smith’s Obama certificate:
(In the Obama certificate, the date of birth is August 4, which precludes reading the second date as July 8. It has to be August 7.) One can only speculate about the reason for Smith to publish such an obvious contradiction, but to this observer it would seem to be an attempt to engage folks in a battle of “debunk me if you can,” an activity Smith seems to enjoy.
Smith goes on to attempt to refute the objections made on the Internet to his Dominican Republic extradition complaint document. He obviously put quite a bit of effort into that attempt.
For the benefit of those who do not speak Spanish (and I am one of them), I ran Smith’s document through Google translate and included the results (slightly altered) in a footnote.2
One interesting item is that the extradition request allegedly comes from the Kenyan National Intelligence Service, which seems odd to me, but would be in line with a series of other fake documents that have appeared attributed to that source, and perhaps Smith is trying to hitch a ride on that narrative. I looked at the Wikipedia article that explains the mission of the Kenyan National Intelligence Service, and it seems to have no role in the prosecution of crimes or extradition. According to an article at The Standard (Kenya), all extraditions are handled by the Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions. They write:
Article 157 of the Constitution, establishes the Office of Director of Public Prosecutions. The DPP has the power to direct the Inspector General of Police to investigate any information or allegation of criminal conduct including those that may lead to a request for extradition through diplomatic channels.
Whenever an extradition request is received the DPP is the one to commence proceedings for extradition orders. In commencing the extradition proceedings, the DPP exercises his constitutional powers under Article 157.
Also note that bit about “diplomatic channels.” The Smith document is Intelligence Service to National Police—no diplomatic channel anywhere. Similarly the laws of the Dominican Republic are not consistent with an extradition request from a foreign country to the National Police. Ley No. 489 sobre Extradición en la República Dominicana deals with extradition, and the relevant Section 6 states (in translation):
Section 6 -. Any request for extradition, as emanating from the Dominican State or either directed to it, shall be processed through the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs.
Read more:
- The Constitution of Kenya
- The Extradition (Contiguous and Foreign Countries) Act Rev. 2010
- Rendition and Extradition in Kenya – EvolutionAfrica
- Ley No. 489 sobre Extradición en la República Dominicana
1In one of those pervasive examples of coincidence, the first instance of the Steadman stock comment I know of appears on the WTPOTUS blog, and it is immediately followed by one from “Miri.” Miri is one of two other people on the Internet that I have been able to find that have posted photos linked to the BadKarmaRoundUp Photobucket account, almost certainly owned by commenter ★FALCON★ at Birther Report.
RECORD OF COMPLAINTIn the city of Santo Domingo Dominican Republic, being 11:25 hours on 01/28/2014, 169 year of Independence and 150 of the Restoration, meeting in our office, PN located on the First Floor of the Palace, PN and in the lawful exercise of my duties as Head of Office of Complaint Investigations Crimes Department, PN by us before, MAYOR LIC. TEODOSO DIFRE SORIANO, P. N. It appeared, MAXIMO NUMOZ WILLIAM DELGADO, National Bureau of Investigation.
The reason for my appearance before this office, PN It is the purpose of REPORT, that at about 13:30 PM on 24/01/2014, while I was in my office received a formal request from Kenya National Intelligence Service extradition of a foreign nationality American, Lucas Daniel Smith, Passport No. xxxxxxx, act of bribing government official of the country Kenya.After hearing the statements above proceeded to write this record for the purposes of relevant law.
Major, P. N.Receiving Complaints 809-682-2151 Ext.: 2332
Well look what the cat dragged in: Lucas Smith, who is claiming he was arrested in the Dominican Republic because the Kenyan government is trying to extradite him to face charges of bribery!
Lucas is lying again. The Dominican Republic doesn’t have an extradition treaty with Kenya,
as someone who reads and speaks spanish every day, i can tell you that paper he claims is real was written by someone to whom spanish is a second language, and their first language is english.
lucas must need some cash for his `defense fund’ obviously
oh, and as a point of interest, the BC lucas claims is a real one to use for control has the british DD/MM/YYYY date format as opposed to the MM/DD/YYYY format on the obama footie.
so one or the other (if not both) must be false by birfoon reckoning.
I thought LDS’ home-away-from-home was Dominica, not Dominican Republic.
I saw the Prime Minister of Dominica, Eugenia Charles, when she visited the US in 1984, and received an honorary degree from Clemson University. I was part of the stage party at the graduation ceremony and got to talk to the Secret Service guys protecting her.
Well, I don’t know, but if Kenya really wants Smith, I think we should make sure they get him.
Not enough underage girls for Smith in Dominica. And the locals know how to deal with scum like him ….
And keep him . . . here:
Kamiti Maximum Security Prison, Nairobi.
Random observations:
Criminal Investigations has its own badge:
The National Police are not on the first floor of the National Palace. They have their own headquarters on Av. Leopoldo Navarro
The DNI is Dominican homeland security and also deals with organized crime.
The Extradition Unit of the Ministry of Justice handles requests in the Dominican Republic
The National Police do not have extensions of 809-682-2151 (the general number) They have their own numbers:
At what time has anyone publicly expressed a fear that LDS would be extradited to Kenya for bribery?
[Any further all-caps comments will be deleted. Doc.]
[Any further all-caps comments will be deleted. Doc.]
You forgot P.S. I AM NOT A CRANK
This guy emails me one or two of his ALL CAPS missives every day.
You’re a better man than I am, Doc.
I didn’t say I read them.
Apparently there’s at least some money in coming up with a fake POS Kenyan birth certificate.
At this point I am pretty beyond any sympathy for any fools who get taken by these grifters.
This is a good time to remind everyone that LDS has never even tried to prove that he’s ever so much as traveled to Kenya, much less bribed anyone, much less that he was provided with the fake POSKBC by anyone but himself. It’s grifters all the way down.
Oddly however, he has gone out of his way to prove that he is a pedophile by publishing photos of himself with (supposedly) underage girls..
That’s okay: the Kenyans will prove it.
Oh, wait: I guess they won’t. Too bad: it would’ve much more wonderfully ironic if he’d beem frog-flown to Kenya because he falsely claimed he’d committed a crime so as to add authenticity to the POSFKBC.
Otoh, there is something to be said for the irony of him being extradited to the U.S. for bilking Steadman out of bail money for an arrest that didn’t occur, for a crime he didn’t commit, but claimed he did to bolster the crime he did commit, but claims he didn’t.
Does Steadman have a reputation for being inclined to (not) forgive easily?
Well, I doubt he moved to the DR because he’s a baseball fan.
That would involve a Birfer admitting error, a heretofore unknown phenomenon.
Must have been scared by e. e. cummings in his youth.
I know the economy has not been great, but you think he could afford a replacement caps lock key. Everywhere he comments, it is all caps. We need some sort of LEED certification for saving caps (and, commas, ORLY).
I see the Mr. Tapp has David Duke as one of his subscriptions on YouTube. Isn’t that special.
If I searched back in Doc’s comments, I imagine there is a large list of people, including myself, who kept asking for LDS to show some sort of proof (and not some lurid story about prostitutes). As he has no issues with fraud and forgery, as shown in his legal record, it is odd he has not at least tried some sort of fake evidence of his travels.
That’s because LDS is a lair, and a really terrible one at that. Not that the bar is set very high, mind you.
LDS is lying. I don’t know about Kenya but extradition is a costly and burdensome process and I can’t imagine any European country (even less so Kenya) moving Heaven & Earth to prosecute a mere felon (ie: bribing officials). The whole story is absurd.
Ii would be “Earth-Shattering News” if Kenya went on an anti-corruption campaign so deep that it included extradition for the petty crime of bribery to get a copy of a birth certificate–extradition from a country of secondary residence, without an extradition treaty. I have seen nothing in Kenyan media that refers to such an “Earth-Shattering Development”.
Probably for the good and simple reason, that he doesn’t want to commit a Federal felony, that they will come after him for. Forging a passport or anything having to do with a passport, like visa stamps, etc, is something they will quickly take serious umbrage at, and I don’t think he wants to do Federal time, and as bad as he is at forging, he’d get caught right off the bat anyway.
This article has an update at the end.
Grifters gotta grift.
Lucas also put in a great deal of effort in his narrative about his brush with an assassin. The ensuing car/motorcycle chase is the stuff of fiction.
“Not yet two full months ago in February, 2012 while in República
Dominicana (the Dominican Republic) I took a polygraph test contracted through an agent of J.A. Lasorsa & Associates and I was nearly killed by agent Tom Worthington after I passed the test proving that Barack Hussein Obama II’s 1961 Coast Province General Hospital (1961) certificate of birth (2009 certified copy) was given to me by Chief Administator Merry/Mary Othigo at CPGH on the 19th day of February, 2009 in Mombasa, Kenya.”
BTW, in this tale the Chief Administrator was “Merry/Mary Othigo” not “Helton Maganga”. IIRC, Smith claims they were co-administrators after it was shown that Dr. Maganga didn’t start the position until after March, 2009.
from someone claiming to be “B. Steadman” on the comments at birther report:
“QUESTION: Could Mike Zullo, Chief Investigator for Sheriff Joe Arpaio’s Cold Case Posse, be of any assistance in getting the Law Enforcement Officials in Santo Domingo to REFUSE to allow extradition of Lucas Daniel Smith to Kenya?
IMO – Lucas is a NATIONAL HERO of the USA.
i’m honestly hoping this is an obot having a laugh.
Here’s an article about life in jail in the Dominican Republic:
I love how he changed his story after we destroyed his original claim. He stuck to the claim originally that it was Dr. Maganga who was the Chief Administrator during the time he went. When we not only showed he had the name wrong but misspelled it, he tried to show us all the times someone else misspelled Maganga’s name. Now he’s adjusting his story to claim it was Othigo. I doubt we’ll ever see this non-existent polygraph.
But better than spending time in the slammer in Kenya.
Maybe LDS should take his chances on jail in the Dominican Republic.
Thus puppy has gotten a big Update # 2.
Why, I am beginning to doubt this fellow, Smith.
This article has been updated to add:
the laws of the Dominican Republic are not consistent with an extradition request from a foreign country to the National Police. Ley No. 489 sobre Extradición en la República Dominicana deals with extradition, and the relevant Section 6 states (in translation):
In light of the odor of make-believe that pervades this escapade, is there any particular reason to believe that $5,800 has been paid by anyone to anyone else? Aside, of course, from the inherent credibility of the notion that a birther is likely to be credulous.
Doc, the link to the Facebook picture of Steadman isn’t working.
Even though my Spanish is sub-par, one thing that struck me as odd was “Inteligencia Nacional Kenia” (which IMHO should read” … de Kenia”) – I could not find a single instance of “Inteligencia Nacional [COUNTRY]” anywhere.
The half-sentence starting with “acto de sobonar” also sounds strangely disconnected to me.
I do read Spanish and the document is pure b*llsh*t. Certainly not emanating from an authentic Spanish-speaking source.
LDS is again revealed to be an incompetent forger. Color me surprised.
It works for me, but not if I log out from Facebook.
All I gots left is orange. Surprise is the same color as orange, right?
So what comes next from LDS is obvious:
1. He will claim his document was partly a faithful Spanish translation of a Kenyan document written in poor English (the “formal request …” part).
2. He will post 20 examples of other Spanish documents that are missing a “de” or use strangely detached sentence parts.
3. He will post photos from Taco Bell to prove he really was in the Dominican Republic.
I wonder if Mr Steadman is going to independently verify that LDS was actually detained by DomRep police based on the reported allegations.
Maybe not because marks tend to close their eyes when faced with situations that would force them to admit they’ve been conned.
I’m just curious under which circumstances the bond would be paid back – will LDS just stay in the US and claim the bond was therefore forfeited?
A double whammy for LDS – with one swift con job, he cheated one guy out of several grand *and* provided “proof” he actually was in Kenya and bribed someone there (not that it would prove he bribed someone with regard to the BC).
And since there is no extradition agreement between Kenya and DomRep, he can follow up with “Kenya didn’t follow through which proves the conspiracy wants to cover it up”.
Could I get a wrapper from a Gordita Santa Fe and prove I was in Santa Fe?
Smith already posted a video to prove he is in DR.
Is it the same video he used to claim he was in kenya?
LDS’s true home seems to be Nigeria.
Works for me now too. Must have been a late-night glitch.
The notion that the Kenyan officials are going to go to the trouble of extradition for common-place bribery to obtain a birth certificate needs some context.
The estimate is that the typical urban dweller in Kenya resorts to bribery 16 times per month. There wouldn’t be anyone left on the street if they prosecuted every petty bribe. They don’t even do much with the big-time bribes, so it seems.
I must be missing something. Can someone explain the significance of a BC from 1963? Maybe its a template for the fake Kenyan BC from 4 years ago? Was Obama somehow complicit in forging a fake BC to cover his tracks? Oh, that’s right. It can’t be. He just ‘discovered’ it earlier this year, didn’t he?
Looks like all birth certficates can be faked, I guess
Who will be extradited next!
Does travelling to another country count as extradition…? In which case it’s meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
(Returns to poolside, orders fresh drink, sits in the sunshine in Sao Paulo, looks at the pretty-pretty’s. Sao Paulo where the heels are higher, the hemlines shorter and the tops tighter…..dirty job but someone has to do it…. 😎 )
To Smith, the significance of the 1963 birth certificate is that it is in the same format as the 1961 “birth certificate” that he’s been peddling. (Minus the differences in date formats.) Smith is trying to bolster the accuracy of the 1961 certificate with its similarity to the 1963 certificate.
I just wonder if Smith is really facing extradition, only not to Kenya. Is there any way to check outstanding arrest warrants for the guy?
Probably facing extradition to the US for something he did here.
Or even something he did there. Traveling abroad for the purposes of having sex with children can be prosecuted back in the U.S., no matter where one committed the crime.
That’s speculation, of course; Smith’s behavior is indicative of a pedophile, but we don’t know for sure that he is one. We don’t know what the government knows.
Maybe the anti-birthers should be demanding that Obama release Smith’s schoolchild records.
User names and email addresses can be faked too.
helen, cavitekid, How b, hy low, solidbrainman, et al. strikes again.
Anything can be faked, that’s a truism. Seems in Birtherstan, nothing ever has any value (birth certificates, driver’s licenses, passports, money) because it “can be faked”.
So I’m supposed to believe that he had no problem finding Obama’s BC 4 years ago, but it took another 4 years for him, and all of birther nation, just to find a single similar looking document. And he had to bribe some official to get that.
And one that undermines the authenticity of his “Obama BC”. And one that suddenly causes him to be “wanted in Kenya” when nobody there cared about him plastering his “Obama BC” and associated bribery claims all over the Internet.
LDS wants you to believe much more. He wants you to believe that Obama is terrified by this “discovery”. He wants you to believe that he is now threatened with retribution by Kenya for his political entrepreneurship but he is resisting with the help of his friend, Bruce. However, if you reread the account of events on his blog, it is never explicitly stated that he obtained the second birth certificate through bribery. It is merely implied. He said he obtained it through contacts and then he jumps to this story about getting his house searched, arrested in the provinces, held for some time, transported back to the capital, held in jail/prison until he was bailed out. For some reason LDS never revealed the “bombshell” second birth certificate until after he arrested and threatened with deportation back to Kenya. He reveals in this same blog posting a scan of a redacted document from the police, but he gives us no explanation about how he managed to obtain this document in its redacted form. I’m leaning toward explaining all this as an April Fool’s Day prank that LDS drafted and inadvertently posted a few days early.
What does it say when all it takes is the feeble, half-assed efforts of a semiliterate, incompetent and convicted con artist to scam a bunch of birther bigots?
This goes to my point of why folks with a modicum of intelligence would believe Mr. Smith over Pres. Obama or the State of Hawaii. There has to be something seriously wrong with you to believe this guy.
The difference is the average mark needs to be convinced (although it helps if he’s already invested in the “get rich quick” idea) whereas the birthers already *are* convinced and will believe anything that seems to reinforce that.
Just remember how quickly unsourced claims of “Kenyan Intelligence reports” and “British birth records” and “several ex-CIA agents confirmed” became absorbed in the “established fact” category.
Or how quickly Mitt Romney’s “tiny blurry Internet image” was accepted as “showed his BC”, or that guy on YouTube who held some unreadable document in front of 4 unknown people in a basement and then quickly put it away was accepted as “showed his BC”. *facepalm*
Or how Mara Zebest, et al. are readily accepted by birther bigots as unimpeachable forensic document analysis experts without regard to political or personal motive or actual field and level of expertise.
They are either willfully ignorant or in on the scam.
For some people the person who says what you want to hear is always more reliable than the expert who disappoints you.
I’m actually surprised by Zebest’s lack of knowledge of PDF structure and how high-end scanners work. If I were coming to the subject cold, I would expect someone with her experience, who had been hired by Adobe to write tech books on their software, to have first-hand knowledge of what kinds of file you get from a high-end scanner. One needs to know that sort of thing to be able to warn readers that they might get files they can’t easily edit, or have been distorted by various types of optimization, if they don’t set the scanner options correctly.
Every time you guys use LDS for his name, I think of Mormons, heh.
DItto. I argued about Mormons long before Obama.
as i seem to remember, he openly admitted taking the virginity of his neighbours 15 year old daughter, supposedly with their consent.
the more i’m thinking about this, the more i’m getting a feeling that steadman is either…..
a) a fabrication of smith’s, and used to salt the pot in the same way buskers will put some of their own change in the hat to attract more – he’s goin to be asking for money to fight his exradition, i’d take odds on it.
b) steadman exists, and he’s in on the same game as mentioned in `a’.
either way, there’s a scam going on there
Would be legal in Germany unless the minor was mentally underdeveloped (meaning less mature then their real age) or paid money in exchange.
Even real experts sometimes only see what they want to see, especially if they have some stake in the game. Back in my time at university, I’ve seen mathematicians (good ones) who refused to accept the rejection of their paper because they were so invested in the idea that they had solved what nobody had been able to solve before. They didn’t go full-tilt conspiracy nut, but they kept insisting they were right and peer review was wrong.
It’s possible the same thing can happen out of political motivation. After all, contrary to what birthers claim, Ms Zebest is not “putting her reputation on the line” because nobody except birther echo chambers know of her “analysis”.