[This article originally appeared as a comment at Birther Report.]
On the way back from Philadelphia, I read the exchanges between Foggy and the resident birthers and I wanted to make a few general observations on them.
If you don’t already know, Foggy likes to poke a stick in the birther ant hill. Of course the FBI isn’t tapping Zullo’s phone. What in earth’s name for? A really savvy birther wouldn’t take such things seriously, even for a joke.
What was interesting was that birthers immediately brought forward the contradictory claims that Foggy was disbarred AND that he resigned from the California Bar. It doesn’t seem to bother folks that these are contradictory, not even when they come from the same person!
A reference to my article, "To sue or not to sue: Chapter 2" was made, accompanying the question of what happened to a suggested lawsuit by Foggy against Jerome Corsi for libel. Foggy did consult a defamation lawyer about that case, but the upshot of it was that while Foggy could trivially prove that he was libeled, he could not show that it damaged him.
The most entertaining part of the discussion was the irony found in comments. Foggy made a claim about this FBI intelligence and everybody jumped on him saying that if he had any such transcript or evidence, that he should make it public immediately–and at the same time commenters like Joe Mannix were defending the Cold Case Posse, making equally outrageous claims of universe shattering secret evidence, from having to back up their claims and publish their evidence.
If I were to write all this up as an article on my site, I would title it, "Double Standard."
But the difference, you see, is the Kold Kream Kids are conducting a law enforcement investigation and DERP DERP DERP BENGHAZI USURPER