Mailbag: DARPA implants

This one arrived through the site’s contact form:

I am implanted by the Antichrist-Invisible Micro Implant From Computer! You Won’t Believe This But It’s True! Howard and thousands of agents install a Darpa Invisible Adv. Alien Tech. micro programs not a real rfid chip in your right eye retina from your computer and believe it or not forms an invisible cell phone connection and an invisible cam that can view you at any angle, record, harass or wifi torture you. Darpa (Defense Advanced Research Project Agency) Invented the internet! Howard is giving me Obama Microwave death threats 3 years. Raymond or Leno uses a jay Leno comedy club Wifi Torture program. Implanting The USA Land Of The Free Citizens For 2 Million A Year for Obama Darpa Gov. The amount of money depends on how many innocent US native citizens they implant and torture for Gov. Darpa Warfare! You are micro implanted and don’t know it! Not a physical visible micro but an invisible internet program stuck in your eye from computer or cell invisibly without your knowledge in 3 seconds! If I stop posting US Gov. Darpa [name redacted, Doc] Darpa wifi expert implanter says I will get 1 million dollars from the President! Howard [mailing address redacted, Doc]. He stated to me [email address redacted, Doc] over and over. He is Obama Immune to All Laws and is Government, loves wifi torture and selling people! A Darpa Gov. Retarded Gay Palm Desert, CA. Waste Water Inspector [name redacted, Doc] son Of [name redacted, Doc] (King Of Porn) said some US Military Bases are being US Darpa certified now, invisible micro implanted-trained, for world and alien microwave war and attacks in progress and Alien colonies now worldwide! Some are not good guys, they don’t like to be shot down by dumb Earthlings for War Technology. esp for retina implanting computers. US Darpa Tech. can’t make their own, too high tech. for Wifi Wizard! Howard said Obama will use a Darpa CA. Military Base for Darpa Microwave Headquarters! US Gov. Darpa Non-Native Criminals Take Over USA Take Away Constitutional Rights And Brand US Citizens Terrorists! Gov. Darpa advanced alien tech. Invisible Micro Right Retina Eye Comp. Implants from Computer and Cells! Butt Wifi Wizard [URL redacted, Doc] Howard’s hate originated as a result of brain damage from his parents drugs habits. He stated maqny times, loves hate and wifi torture because he was hated first for being born gay and retarded by his own mother and father in London that hated each other. Raymond states Jay Leno Fired By NBC For Invisible Micro Retina Eye Chipping US Innocent Citizens And Leasing Obama Gov. Wifi Towers for USA Citizen surveillance, mind control and torture. Leno arrested with Darpa invisible micro human right retina eye implanting computer and drugs. I never voted for nor recognize this USA Criminal Demonic Takeover. [name redacted, Doc] owns [porn URL redacted, Doc] Darpa USA Gov. said uses a Darpa (Defense Advanced Research Project Agency) invisible wifi retina-eye implant installed from his home or site VG. software then forms an Invisible Advanced Alien Tech. cell phone connection and invisible cam from your monitor with no cam of your own view you from any angle and cell talk to, harass or sells and records many [porn URL redacted, Doc] members sex at site! Threaten and harasses you 24 hrs. a day with people’s voices they recorded you know. Howard is selling his porn site members sex like his father did in England for 20 years. Raymond said police and Gov. officials are now Darpa implanted monitored for security and they don’t know it. Constitutional Rights Nullified. Invasion of Privacy, Freedom Of Speech, Demonic micro implants for mind control, surveillance, torture, and harassment for dictatorship!

Here’s a related post, and here.

About Dr. Conspiracy

I'm not a real doctor, but I have a master's degree.
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18 Responses to Mailbag: DARPA implants

  1. CarlOrcas says:

    A relative of Nancy Ruth Owens?

  2. The Magic M (not logged in) says:

    many innocent US native citizens

    He’s not a Vattelist? Stone him! *lol*

  3. American Mzungu says:

    I thought this was common knowledge. 🙂

  4. Bonsall Obot says:

    I will believe anything anyone says about Jay Leno. So I approve this message.

  5. Upgradedd says:

    Disturbing revelation… they made me pay for my invisible implant…. I was given choice of eyes though and opted for it to be installed in my left eye

  6. Notorial Dissent says:

    I haven’t seen so much crazy in one spot in a long time. Any particular reason you’ve been favored with this?

  7. Bob says:

    I would put that in the Dr. Kate category of Wingnut paranoia.

    Birther Report has entered the Lame Cherry level of craziness where ugly, personal comments about the first family are held up as the highest form of patriotism.

    And Orly’s posts are a window into her fantasy world where she is a super busy lawyerdoctordentistintellectual frequently asked to speak at meetings of other important professionals.

  8. brygenon says:

    It is disturbing, and I suggest drawing a clear line between debunking cranks and making fun of the mentally ill.

  9. Thomas Brown says:

    It is disturbing, and I suggest drawing a clear line between debunking cranks and making fun of the mentally ill.

    I see nothing wrong with poking her (not ‘his,’ I think) gently for believing that stuff, but that’s not really the issue. She didn’t make that stuff up. At least, not all of it. The real heart of the problem is the purveyors of this irresponsible, ugly-minded nonsense… and it is no accident that “the internet” is sprinkled through her ravings.

    I save my top-shelf loathing for those who spread this sort of garbage. It is tantamount to a website telling people “There will be a complete reversal of gravity at noon on Dec. 31st. So at that moment you can jump off tall buildings and float gently to the ground.”

  10. BillTheCat says:

    It is disturbing, and I suggest drawing a clear line between debunking cranks and making fun of the mentally ill.

    I think that every time Nancy posts here.

  11. Dave says:

    I agree with this sentiment, but to me the line between cranks and those who would benefit from psychiatric care is not that clear. For example, I have long ago stopped visiting or making fun of Dr. Kate’s blog because I got the vibe that most on that site are in the “mentally ill” category — but I am in no way certain that is correct.

    It is disturbing, and I suggest drawing a clear line between debunking cranks and making fun of the mentally ill.

  12. Dave B. says:

    “Howard and thousands of agents install a Darpa Invisible Adv. Alien Tech. micro programs not a real rfid chip in your right eye retina from your computer and believe it or not forms an invisible cell phone connection and an invisible cam that can view you at any angle, record, harass or wifi torture you.”
    Actually, it’s called the “Individual Darpa Invisible Optical Technology” implant.

  13. Majority Will says:

    Dave B.:
    “Howard and thousands of agents install a Darpa Invisible Adv. Alien Tech. micro programs not a real rfid chip in your right eye retina from your computer and believe it or not forms an invisible cell phone connection and an invisible cam that can view you at any angle, record, harass or wifi torture you.”
    Actually, it’s called the “Individual Darpa Invisible Optical Technology” implant.

    That’s from a secret 1980s program known as the Mission Operatives Reconnaissance Optimization Network.

  14. CarlOrcas says:

    It is disturbing, and I suggest drawing a clear line between debunking cranks and making fun of the mentally ill.

    In my experience some of them manage to spend their lives wandering back and forth across the line.

    Many years ago when I was younger and newsrooms didn’t have security guards we used to see these folks all the time. They just wandered into the newsroom.

    They always had a pile of papers with them which they really wanted to share with you. Usually you could politely explain you were on deadline and if they wanted to leave a couple things you’d be happy to take a look at them. That was fine………………..

    Until the next time they wandered in yelling and screaming about all the evil and wrong that only they could see.

    There is nothing new under the sun…..except the internet has replaced the mimeograph machine.

  15. CarlOrcas says:

    Majority Will: That’s from a secret 1980s program known as the Mission Operatives ReconnaissanceOptimization Network.

    Very good!

    A new quote of the day candidate.

  16. Majority Will says:

    CarlOrcas: Very good!

    A new quote of the day candidate.


  17. Keith says:

    Far out! I wanna smoke some of whatever it is he/she/it is mainlining.

  18. Thomas Brown says:

    I bet it’s good she/it.

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