… to last
With 100% of the vote counted, Attorney General Candidate Orly Taitz came in next to last with 3.1% of the vote. In the field of 7 candidates, incumbent Kamala Harris has a commanding lead with 53.1% followed by Republican Ronald Gold at 13.2%. Libertarian Jonathan Jaech holds last place with 2.4%.
For full results, check the LA Times.
Taitz this morning (June 4) posted a strange headline:
According to the SOS of CA so far only 18.1% of the ballots of the registered voters from 98% of all of the precincts were counted and I have so far 92,763 votes, ballot count will continue until July 4th, certified total tally will be on July 11th
She seems to be hoping for a landslide in the late write-in vote.
In 2010, Orly ran for California Secretary of State and got over 217,000 votes.
Reacting to that, Lupin was appalled, fearing that at least 200,000 voters thought Orly could do the work of that office.
I responded to his post with the story below, which I think bears repeating on this occasion :
Growing up in the U.S. Midwest, I had an English teacher who opined about the U.S. electorate, that if we could have a Presidential election running Adolph Hitler against Our Lord, Our Lord would immediately be heavily favored to win, and WOULD win on election day, but only by about 7%.
Well, I don’t know. In a 1991 electoral experiment in Louisiana, a crook beat a Nazi by 22 points. Seems to me that Jesus could pull a bigger margin than a crook.
On the other hand, I am pleasantly surprised that the California electorate recognizes that even someone as batshit insane as Orly is better than a Libertarian.
Actually, Taitz got 508,455 in that 2010 election. Here are the final results. http://www.sos.ca.gov/elections/sov/2010-primary/pdf/2010-complete-sov.pdf
LA Times results updated automatically.
Everyone who did better than she did, will be named as co-defendants in her REEEEKO case.
As my sticker says: T’i Dã Bỏ Phiếu!
…but not for Orly. Sorry, Bonsall Obot.
I’m still appalled.
I think the lawsuit coming out of this election will be against Google. She posted a few times today about how Google is blocking her. And she’s been increasing her focus on Google-based conspiracy theories for the past several months. I would like to see her branch out into more private sector defendants who will go after her for fees and sanctions. I suspect Google’s legal department has a lot of experience dealing with lunatics who sue over search results. Hopefully, they don’t have much patience for the behavior. Even if her lawsuit against them doesn’t happen as a result of this election, it will happen some day.
I’m up early, like I do.
With 98.8% of precincts reporting, it’s Taitz by a mudslide with 92,478 votes (3.1%).
Still beating Jaech, though. Boy, there’s one you won’t want to tell the grandkids about … the time I got my ass kicked by Orly Taitz. Ignominious cubed, that.
Still appalled.
As someone said, how must it feel to be beaten by Orly Taitz?
Jaech couldn’t compete with the Schadenfreude vote.
As someone said, how must it feel to be beaten by Orly Taitz?
Ask her husband, he MUST be a masochist..
When you read her post modem on he election, it appears that she was never a serious candidate. She heralds how many voter guides were published with her diatribe than actual positive statements for the job. She has a mental condition, in my opinion, that is attracted to being in the spotlight. I said months ago she would file a lawsuit about the results and she’s already suggested a Rico lawsuit against Google (she doesn’t know who she’s taking on, they will run her sorry ass to Arizona. She’s been chumming with gun lobbyists and don’t be surprised if her second amendment remedies become focused on the president and if he is shot at or injured, Orly’s suggestions about removing the president in a junta or Arab Spring is treasonous of itself.
How does it feel to be beaten by Orly Taitz?
Feels wonderful.
Sharon angle
I believe that I have figured out Orly’s strange headline.
The 18.1% figure which she references is the statewide voter turnout (which has been updated to 18.3%). She doesn’t seem to realize that people who didn’t turn out to vote don’t get to vote.
Technically all of the precinct totals are partial totals because there are still absentee ballots and provisional ballots to count, but of course those will not make any difference. The SOS website says “Many ballots are not counted on Election Day; county elections officials must report final official results to the Secretary of State by July 4.” Orly is using that to pretend that there is still hope for her.
Taitz predictably will, as absentee ballots are counted, periodically post her updated total vote count. She’ll likely end up with around 125K votes by the time the results are certified.
She’ll still be second to last.
Is it time for her husband to talk her down off of the Birther Ledge? He’s got to be embarrassed.
So, what happens when she figures it out?
File RICO lawsuits?
Take a new paralegal lover?
Go into an everlasting depression where all she does is complain about America and our government on her blog daily?
Give up lawyering and apply for a brokerage license? (she seems to have a knack for holding multiple high profile jobs, whether she’s good at them or not is another story)
Drink Heavily?
Go into a manic episode where she screams at people incoherently on the street and is found half naked and disheveled in the rain and in immediate need of psychiatric care?
Hmmmmm! The possibilities are endless.
90,000 Californians Voted For Birther Queen Orly Taitz As Attorney General
Orly Taitz didn’t come remotely close to advancing her bid for California attorney general in Tuesday’s open primary, finishing second-to-last in a crowded field of seven candidates. Incumbent Kamala Harris (D) easily prevailed over the competition with 53 percent of the vote.
But the “Birther Queen” famous for challenging President Barack Obama’s eligibility to serve as president did get about 3% of the vote, or 92,995 votes, to be exact.
Taitz similarly won 3 percent of the vote when she ran for the U.S. Senate in 2012, where she failed to advance in the state’s primary against Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.).
Orly did slightly better in Orange County, her home county, where she won 3.5% of the vote.
I see it more like her husband(who is portrayed by James Mason, in this head picture) telling her “Orly, I’ve found someone new!”, then presenting a Cockatoo that is perched on his arm. “She’s younger, prettier, and far far less insane than you!”
Yikes, that must feel AWFUL, to know that you did worse that the single craziest person in all of California.
I’m just picturing Orly, on election night, making her acceptance speech to the bewildered staff and customers of her local Denny’s (Do they have Denny’s out there?).
That’s a great Denny’s, for what it’s worth.
probably something you’d want to leave off your application for Denny’s.
The Denny’s just down the 405 in San Clemente was always our late night stop of choice, coming back from concerts and whatnot in LA.
Yes, that one is great too, and super-convenient, though that’s still I-5, not I-405.
Er… why, yes. Yes, it is. Oops.
I tend to blend I-405 and I-5 together in my mind for LA/SD trips, since “the 405” is always what we started out on, which then of course turns into “the 5”.
… the merge being right around Lion Country Safari, my brain is noting, which tells you how long my brain and I have been making that trip… 🙂
They might give you an all bacon Grand Slam out of sympathy.
My minds eye keeps reading ‘805’ when what you typed is ‘405’. I couldn’t figure out what you were talking about, none of that stuff is in San Diego.
My mind’s eye keeps reading “LSD trips” where he typed “LA/SD trips”. 😉