Judge sentences Fitzpatrick to 3 years

Calls him a “moral coward”

Judge John Blackwell had no sympathy for Walter Fitzpatrick’s claims of defending the constitution, as he sentenced the former Navy Lt. Commander to 3 years in jail with the possibility of parole after serving 30% of the sentence following a June conviction on felony charges of extortion and aggravated perjury.

The judge was quoted by defense attorney Van Irion as saying: “I’m sick and tired of all these people who want to talk about their Constitutional rights.” The context of that remark, if accurate, was not readily available.

According to the Chattanooga Times Free Press, something over 25 people were in the court gallery to support Fitzpatrick. Fitzpatrick was taken into custody following the sentencing. For a first-hand account of the hearing:


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I'm not a real doctor, but I have a master's degree.
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114 Responses to Judge sentences Fitzpatrick to 3 years

  1. realist says:

    “with the possibility of parole after serving 30% of the sentence after a June conviction on felony charges of extortion and aggravated perjury.”

    After he serves his sentence for one of his prior convictions in Monroe County, which runs consecutive to this one.

  2. The Chattanooga Times Free Press could use a little proofreading.

  3. jtmunkus says:

    Idiot must love to be incarcerated. What dumbfuckery.

  4. mimi says:

    via Suranis, WDEF has a facebook post with this question:

    “WDEF News 12
    27 minutes ago · Edited
    Do you think Lt. Commander Walter Fitzpatrick did the right thing by stealing files, breaking into courthouses, and using threats in an effort to prove that President Obama is not a US citizen? #soundoff”



  5. Daniel says:

    Every terrorist is firmly convinced he and his kind are the only patriots left.

  6. Bonsall Obot says:

    Next up for Facebook poll:

    Hitler: Did he go too far?

  7. Bob says:

    I have to wonder if he actually prefers jail.

  8. The European says:

    When I use my European scale – this is way too much for a crazy man, But America loves to send people behind bars,

  9. Egipcios says:

    The European: this is way too much for a crazy man

    Exactly. This is a textbook case of mental illness, easily diagnosed as a form of classic paranoia. It is treated with pills taken twice a day.

    This failure of the health care system for Veterans feeds the pointless and expensive American preference for keeping a major portion of their population on forced free room and board.

  10. Upgradedd says:

    The European:
    When I use my European scale – this is way too much for a crazy man, But America loves to send people behind bars,

    Yes, with 5% of the worlds population we manage to have 25% of the worlds jail population.

  11. Arthur B. says:

    What does the European system do when the patient is convinced that the Enemy is trying to use pharmaceutical means to smother his rightful outrage ?

  12. Bonsall Obot says:

    We’re Number One!
    We’re Number One!
    USA! USA!

  13. Rickey says:

    Has Van Irion ever won a case of any kind?

  14. Egipcios says:

    It is highly commendable of the Americans that they are so horrified at the notion of forcing some person to take their medicine. But they simultaneously think nothing of forcing the same person into a cell or even a death chamber.

    As we have seen once again this very night, if one of these mentally ill individuals (who’s “rights” are such that they cannot be medically treated) should approach a policemen in a frightening manner, they can be shot in the head.

  15. mimi says:

    The European:
    When I use my European scale – this is way too much for a crazy man, But America loves to send people behind bars,

    Idunno. He has the clerks in Monroe County terrified. He’s had numerous restraining orders against him. He’s been in the pokey a few times now, and he comes out and starts again.

    When he comes out this next time, he’ll be on probation. And that will probably temper his desire to stalk the clerks and others.

    I think he might have been looking for a place to have Thanksgiving dinner. This will be his third one at the Graybar since I’ve been following his antics.

  16. realist says:

    I’ve seen nothing to convince me that Walt is mentally ill.

    I think he’s stubborn, refuses to listen and learn, and is just ignorant. And stupid.

    He’s convinced he’s right no matter the facts otherwise. That does not make him mentally ill IMO.

  17. Dave says:

    I’m not happy with this sentence, though I’m not sure my reasoning is close to yours. The sentence is the result of applying our legal procedures to a guy who at every step made seriously bad choices, especially including his choice of lawyer. I would not call the result just, but on the other hand, it’s not clear to me how to craft a set of procedures that would work better.

    And I think at the root of the problem is that we deal poorly with people who chronically make bad choices, but are not what a doctor would call crazy. Would it be better to declare such people legally incompetent against their will, and appoint a guardian? That doesn’t seem like a great idea either.

    The European:
    When I use my European scale – this is way too much for a crazy man, But America loves to send people behind bars,

  18. Crustacean says:

    Egipcios: But [the Americans] simultaneously think nothing of forcing the same person into a cell or even a death chamber.

    I’ll make a deal with you, Egipcios. I’ll not tell you what you think, if you don’t tell me what I think. Deal?

  19. Keith says:

    I’ve seen nothing to convince me that Walt is mentally ill.

    I think he’s stubborn, refuses to listen and learn, and is just ignorant.And stupid.

    He’s convinced he’s right no matter the facts otherwise.That does not make him mentally ill IMO.

    It does if you adhere to the definition of insanity commonly, but incorrectly, attributed to Albert Einstein.

  20. Rickey says:

    It is highly commendable of the Americans that they are so horrified at the notion of forcing some person to take their medicine.But they simultaneously think nothing of forcing the same person into a cell or even a death chamber.

    As we have seen once again this very night, if one of these mentally ill individuals (who’s “rights” are such that they cannot be medically treated) should approach a policemen in a frightening manner, they can be shot in the head.

    Forcing people into treatment for mental illness has its own history of horrific abuses.

    As far as I know, Fitzpatrick has never been diagnosed has having a mental illness, and this is not his first offense. He needs to be disabused of the notion that his oath of office makes him the arbiter of what is Constitutional and what is not. Previous light sentences have not deterred him in the least. Perhaps a year in the pokey will make him sit up and take notice.

  21. Hektor says:

    Keith: It does if you adhere to the definition of insanity commonly, but incorrectly, attributed to Albert Einstein.

    That’s not a definition of mental illness unless you are talking about the colloquial equation of mentally ill with any bizarre and/or stupid behaviour. Making poor choices and not taking responsibility for them (even repeatedly) is not necessarily caused by a medical condition. People do stupid things all the time. We do a disservice to anyone who has faced the stigma and struggle of an actual illness (and indeed perpetuate ignorance on the subject) if we use it as a catchall explanation for poorly thought out behaviour.

  22. Rickey says:

    Foggy was at the sentencing today and will be interviewed on RC Radio in 40 minutes (9:00 p.m. EDT).

  23. Keith says:

    Hektor: We do a disservice to anyone who has faced the stigma and struggle of an actual illness (and indeed perpetuate ignorance on the subject) if we use it as a catchall explanation for poorly thought out behaviour.

    I agree completely.

    The false Einstein definition (doing the same thing and expecting a different result) is amusing and strikes at a recognizable personality ‘quirk’ for lack of a better term. In doing so, it does tend to trivialize actual illness.

    It is apt for describing birther behaviors in general and Walt’s behavior in particular, but my remark was not meant to be taken in seriousness as a description of ‘insanity’.

    In other words, I meant to indicate that Walt’s behavior can be described as insanity if and only if you accept that definition as ‘the’ definition. As a humorous wise-crack it works; as a medical diagnosis, it is ludicrous.

    (I originally typed humus in that previous sentence. I guess that works too. 😎 )

  24. Benji Franklin says:

    Bonsall Obot: Next up for Facebook poll:

    Hitler: Did he go too far?

    Okay, this is bound to produce more true-to-form responses/entries than the Burma Shave invitational!

    Ludicrous Prospective Facebook Polls:

    Satan: Is he a stinker?

  25. RanTalbott says:

    Egipcios: It is highly commendable of the Americans that they are so horrified at the notion of forcing some person to take their medicine. But they simultaneously think nothing of forcing the same person into a cell or even a death chamber.

    Different circumstances: we recoil from forcing people to take meds because we think they might do something bad.

    We don’t lock them up or kill them unless it’s proven, under a pretty stringent standard, that they did.

  26. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    Judge uses “Judicial Bitchslap”!
    Its super effective!

  27. Bernard Sussman says:

    Fitzpatrick was convicted of only two charges – some others, such as stalking, were dropped or not convicted. The two that got convictions are aggravated perjury (which means perjury in a criminal proceeding such as a grand jury hearing or a criminal trial) and extortion.

    I am truly baffled about the details – what precisely was the perjury and how did the extortion occur?

    Considering that, in 2012, Fitzpatrick was convicted and sentenced to two Months of jail for trying to make a citizen’s arrest of the grand jury foreman, I wonder if this latest conviction arises from the same or a different incident.

    PLEASE please please, if someone can enlighten me, please do.

  28. The European says:

    When I called Mr. FundsFilcher “crazy” I did not mean it as a medical or juridical diagnosis. Luckily I am not a judge and I have very little ventured into criminal law. So I do not really know how our system deals with cases like this.

    I only know that he would not have gotten 3 years behind bars (even partially suspended) for this crazy, nonviolent behaviour.

    OTOH, there would have been a hard monetary sanction – maybe his income of 3 years.

  29. The Magic M says:

    Rickey: Has Van Irion ever won a case of any kind?

    I wonder if he’s losing on purpose to stoke the fires of the crazy (and potentially violent). It’s hard to believe anyone outside the Orly level of bar admission would do the things he did and *not* do it on purpose.

    If Fitzpatrick had gone free, the whole “the entire TN judiciary is corrupt” meme would’ve crumbled and nobody would be convinced it’s time to take up arms against the government.

  30. Bovril says:


    IIRC the perjury piece came about when the Faltering HalfWit swore out an affadavit demanding a restraining order against one of the Grand Jury Foremen which was chock full of nuttines and outright knowing lies and had it thrust at the Grand Jury.

    The extortion piece was around a set of outright libelous and slanderous statements and publications made by Walt about the judge, grand jury foreman, court reporters AG’s, dog catcher, sewer inspecter and Uncle Tom Cobbly and all with the apparent intent to intimidate, coerce or force a positive outcome for Wally.

    I am happy to be corrected, the Walter Mitty show has been going on for so long and at such wild tangents it gets hard to remember all the details……

  31. Bovril says:

    The European:
    When I called Mr. FundsFilcher “crazy” I did not mean it as a medical or juridical diagnosis. Luckily I am not a judge and I have very little ventured into criminal law. So I do not really know how our system deals with cases like this.

    I only know that he would not have gotten 3 years behind bars (even partially suspended) for this crazy, nonviolent behaviour.

    OTOH, there would have been a hard monetary sanction – maybe his income of 3 years.

    I wouldn’t tend to agree, assuming for example we take the UK as an example (arguments about British European’ness aside….)

    Walter has a LONG and rather unpleasant legal history over the last 15+ years, varying from spousal abuse charges, threats and actual violence against the person, theft, assault, attempted false imprisonment, failure to attend probation meetings, has violated probation restrictions etc etc etc, the list goes on. He is STILL on probationary release from his LAST criminal sentence.

    He is a recidivist, has been allowed to skate on serious charges on a number of occassions, has been given every opportunity to moderate his acts and activities, has had his failings patiently and carefully explained to him and still re-offends.

    In the UK he would be lucky to get away with 3 years at this point and I would bet in pretty much any of any of the other EU countries would be lucky to get 3 years at this point.

  32. roboe says:

    Walt’s lengthy criminal history is what dissuades this European from being concerned with the length of his prison sentence. That, and the fact that he won’t serve more than 8-10 months of it anyway.

  33. Thomas Brown says:

    Walt isn’t crazy, but he may have an incurable case of “somebody else must be to blame for my failures.”

    A common malady these days.

  34. Foggy was at the hearing and his interview on RC Radio has been added to the article.

  35. A district attorney called the RC Radio show to thank Foggy for coverage of Fitzpatrick at The Fogbow, which allowed them to document what Fitzpatrick was saying (behind the P&E “firewall”).

    Bovril: The extortion piece was around a set of outright libelous and slanderous statements and publications made by Walt about the judge, grand jury foreman, court reporters AG’s, dog catcher, sewer inspecter and Uncle Tom Cobbly and all with the apparent intent to intimidate, coerce or force a positive outcome for Wally.

  36. A lady named Joyce also called. She said she was the wife of one of the persons whom Walt and Sharon have been calling a criminal. She says Walt has made a lot of people’s lives miserable. For me it shows there are real victims of Walt’s and Sharon Rondeau’s stupid crusade built on lies and misinterpretation of the laws.

  37. I think we really have to be careful making psychiatric diagnoses on the Internet and I think it would be irresponsible for anyone, based on views from a distance, to come up with the conclusion that Walt isn’t crazy.

    Thomas Brown: Walt isn’t crazy,

  38. john says:

    This radio show really makes Walt look bad. Birthers are not that smart. Sharon is an idiot for instituting her PayWall at P&E. It is way too expensive and has eroded support for Walt (Because the story can’t get out. Remember Sharon wants Walt’s story to be told from coast to coast. Really can’t do it if Walt is behind an expensive PayWall) Sharon should have got with Mike Violen last night and had their own show on Walt’s sentence and a birther account of Walt’s sentence. We only have Foggy’s account of what happen and until it is refuted by a birther who was there, it really looks bad for Walt.

  39. Lupin says:

    roboe: Walt’s lengthy criminal history is what dissuades this European from being concerned with the length of his prison sentence. That, and the fact that he won’t serve more than 8-10 months of it anyway.

    I’m inclined to agree with this.

    Here (in France), financial compensation to the victims would be definitely part of the sentence

  40. john says:

    Regarding about what Foggy said on last’s nights show. It look like Foggy has been refuted:

    “Eyewitness reports on Tuesday say that Blackwood banged his fist on the bench repeatedly while exclaiming, “Who cares if the grand jury foreman is serving illegally? So what?”

    Foggy said he didn’t say that. But it looks like he did.

    Still It would be nice if this eyewitness came forward to state that on the record.

  41. john says:

    2 very disturbing comments by the judge:

    “I’m sick and tired of all these people who want to talk about their Constitutional rights,”

    “Who cares if the grand jury foreman is serving illegally? So what?”

  42. john says:

    Reality Check:
    A lady named Joyce also called. She said she was the wife of one of the persons whom Walt and Sharon have been calling a criminal. She says Walt has made a lot of people’s lives miserable. For me it shows there are real victims of Walt’s and Sharon Rondeau’s stupid crusade built on lies and misinterpretation of the laws.

    From the sound of her voice, you just know Joyce wasn’t a supporter of Walter Fitizpatrick.

  43. realist says:

    I’m not even close to making a psychiatric diagnosis.

    What I am doing is forming an opinion of my own based on the information I have available to me.

    I certainly believe he’s not legally incompetent, and he certainly knows the difference in right and wrong and is able to assist in his own defense.

  44. john says:

    This is probably the most disturbing comment by the judge:

    “I’m sick and tired of all these people who want to talk about their Constitutional rights.”

    On appeal, I believe the sentenced could be very well vacated on this statement alone.

    In court, is all about protecting the rights of the accused. In fact, that is why you have 20 years of Due Process for a death row inmate – It’s all about protecting the rights of the accuse.

    That is why courts exist – To Protect the rights of the accused. Remember the 5th Admendment.

    For a judge to ridicule a person who wants to argue about the accused constitutional rights is highly highly egrecious and in my opinion would represent reversal error on appeal.

    Of course an Obot will never understand that.

  45. john says:

    Regarding about what Foggy said on last’s nights show.It look like Foggy has been refuted:

    “Eyewitness reports on Tuesday say that Blackwood banged his fist on the bench repeatedly while exclaiming, “Who cares if the grand jury foreman is serving illegally?So what?”

    Foggy said he didn’t say that.But it looks like he did.

    Still It would be nice if this eyewitness came forward to state that on the record.

    So is Foggy Lying? Well, if the eyewitness will come forward, I think that Foggy has got a problem with credibility.

  46. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    Predictably, Sharon Rondeau is having a litter of cows about this!

  47. Jim says:

    Andrew Vrba, PmG:
    Predictably, Sharon Rondeau is having a litter of cows about this!

    She ought to…according to the DA who called in, she was instrumental in helping them show Walt’s comments. She may have helped to double or triple the original punishment the judge had in mind.

    If Sharon cared a lick for Walt, she’d serve half of Walt’s time for him. She won’t Walt, you’re on your own. 😆

  48. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    Jim: She ought to…according to the DA who called in, she was instrumental in helping themshow Walt’s comments.She may have helped to double or triple the original punishment the judge had in mind.

    If Sharon cared a lick for Walt, she’d serve half of Walt’s time for him.She won’t Walt, you’re on your own.

    She’s probably screaming about how its all Obama’s fault, to some poor random person on the street.

  49. Dave says:

    Is there a credible source for this quote? And, if I’m not asking too much, any context?

    This is probably the most disturbing comment by the judge:

    “I’m sick and tired of all these people who want to talk about their Constitutional rights.”

  50. Sef says:

    john: So is Foggy Lying?Well, if the eyewitness will come forward, I think that Foggy has got a problem with credibility.

    “There is tape in the Oval Office.”

  51. Jim says:

    john: So is Foggy Lying?Well, if the eyewitness will come forward, I think that Foggy has got a problem with credibility.

    BWAHAHAHAHA john! The quote comes from the same source as the non-quote by Obama in the debate with Keyes, and with the same result. It never happened. 😆

  52. CarlOrcas says:

    john: So is Foggy Lying?Well, if the eyewitness will come forward, I think that Foggy has got a problem with credibility.

    But in the meantime you choose to believe some nameless, faceless internet eyewitness. Why am i not surprised?

  53. Bonsall Obot says:


    “Eyewitness reports on Tuesday say that Blackwood banged his fist on the bench repeatedly while exclaiming, “Who cares if the grand jury foreman is serving illegally?So what?”

    Still It would be nice if this eyewitness came forward to state that on the record.

    You realize those two statements are contradictory, right? Sharon claims some anonymous person said something, bit provides no name and no evidence. The judge never said that. People who were there and who HAVE come forward say so.

    john: From the sound of her voice, you just know Joyce wasn’t a supporter of Walter Fitizpatrick.

    Yes,on hearing her voice, you immediately claimed she sounded black and was probably an Obama supporter, because you are a vile racist troll.

    This is probably the most disturbing comment by the judge:

    “I’m sick and tired of all these people who want to talk about their Constitutional rights.”

    Please cite your source and the context for this quote. It does not appear in the accounts provided by the actual witnesses to the hearing. (Hint: Sharon Rondeau is not a credible source; she was not at the hearing and she lies constantly.)

    I see you’ve gone back to full-Birfer, john. They’re lucky to have you.

  54. Dave says:

    About the purported quote “I’m sick and tired of all these people who want to talk about their Constitutional rights,” the only source I can find is Van Irion.

    Rondeau, who is not a credible source but is clearly motivated to print every negative thing she can find, notably hasn’t claimed the judge said this. She does quote him saying “I’m tired of these people who say they’re keeping their oath.” Her source for that is an anonymous eyewitness.

  55. Bonsall Obot says:

    In either case, the judge is right to say so, in the context that these people want to whine about their Constitutional rights or keeping their oaths, but twisting the meanings of those rights and oaths so as to be unrecognizable.

    But we still don’t have a credible source nor full context.

  56. Crustacean says:

    john: We only have Foggy’s account of what happen and until it is refuted by a birther who was there, it really looks bad for Walt.

    Nope. It looks bad for Walt either way. The flap of a butterfly’s wing is of more consequence than the refutation of a birther. That’s what you get for years of making stuff up.

    But you’re obviously a tenacious fellow, John, so I’m sure you’ll come up with some unattributed eyewitness account that contradicts Foggy and/or is taken out of context.

  57. Sef says:

    Crustacean: But you’re obviously a tenacious fellow, John, so I’m sure you’ll come up with some unattributed eyewitness account that contradicts Foggy and/or is taken out of context.

    I think the more important point is that if there is ever an unequivocal determination of whether the Judge said this and it is shown that Foggy was wrong he would admit to being wrong. OTOH, if “the tape” shows that the Judge never said it RonDoo and her followers would assert that the evidence is all wrong and that there is a HUGE conspiracy of silence.

  58. Dr. Kenneth Noisewater says:

    Regarding about what Foggy said on last’s nights show.It look like Foggy has been refuted:

    “Eyewitness reports on Tuesday say that Blackwood banged his fist on the bench repeatedly while exclaiming, “Who cares if the grand jury foreman is serving illegally?So what?”

    Foggy said he didn’t say that.But it looks like he did.

    Still It would be nice if this eyewitness came forward to state that on the record.

    So because a birther makes a claim you believe it. I love how anonymous unnamed people claim blackwood said it and you think it must be so.

  59. Dr. Kenneth Noisewater says:

    2 very disturbing comments by the judge:

    “I’m sick and tired of all these people who want to talk about their Constitutional rights,”

    “Who cares if the grand jury foreman is serving illegally? So what?”

    Okay James you know damned well that this is false. You had it corrected for you last night and agreed you were wrong last night. Now you’re repeating it. Like I said last night given the truth or stupidity you choose stupidity every time.

  60. Crustacean says:

    Crustacean: But you’re obviously a tenacious fellow, John, so I’m sure you’ll come up with some unattributed eyewitness account that contradicts Foggy and/or is taken out of context.

    Wait for it…

    john: “Eyewitness reports on Tuesday say that Blackwood banged his fist on the bench repeatedly while exclaiming, “Who cares if the grand jury foreman is serving illegally? So what?”
    Foggy said he didn’t say that. But it looks like he did.

    Ah, birthers never disappoint anyone but themselves. So predictable.

  61. Dr. Kenneth Noisewater says:

    john: So is Foggy Lying?Well, if the eyewitness will come forward, I think that Foggy has got a problem with credibility.

    The birthers have never been correct when it comes to what happened in the courtroom. Why would he have a credibility problem?

  62. bob says:

    Has Van Irion ever won a case of any kind?

    In real life, Irion is a bit of a patent troll. He’s made some notable flubs (like suing the wrong party), but I’m guessing he squeaks by with this legal extortion form of churning.

    Irion’s other attempts at legal exhibitionism have failed horribly. He threw some paper at various Obamacare cases, which were promptly ignored.

    He unsuccessfully sued a school district over students’ “right” to display their “Southern heritage” (i.e., wear Confederate-flag apparel to school).

    There’s still a pending birther appeal. The main issue is whether the court correctly sanctioned Irion (for around $12K, IIRC).

    Irion is a wannabe Kreep.

  63. Bonsall Obot says:

    john, how many times have you claimed that someone (Doc, Foggy, etc.) have a problem with “credibility” when they say something you don’t want to hear, something that contradicts known Birfer liars? (Hint: many times.)

    And how many times have the people you claim to have “credibility” problems ever been shown to be incorrect when they make statements that contradict Birfer liars? (Hint: never. Not once.)

    Do you ever tire of being always wrong?

  64. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    John’s having himself a little temper tantrum. That’s just precious!

  65. gorefan says:

    john: So is Foggy Lying?

    John – before accusing anyone or depending on “eyewitless” testimony wait for the transcript.

    Remember Birther “embarrassment” at the Lakin trial.

  66. Dave says:

    A new article at the Chattanooga Times Free Press quotes the judge: “It’s incomprehensible to me that his constitutional rights allow him to trample on the constitutional rights of others.”

  67. Bonsall Obot says:

    Andrew Vrba, PmG:
    John’s having himself a little temper tantrum. That’s just precious!

    He was approaching sanity in the last week or so… until Sharon sent him running into the Birfer embrace again. All it took was that one manufactured quote from her, and he’s back on board.

  68. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    john: So is Foggy Lying?Well, if the eyewitness will come forward, I think that Foggy has got a problem with credibility.

    You mean the eyewitness some birther, possibly yourself, just made up? Oh, I think Foggy’s credibility will remain just as intact as the birthers’ courtroom loss record.

  69. Dr. Kenneth Noisewater says:

    A new article at the Chattanooga Times Free Press quotes the judge: “It’s incomprehensible to me that his constitutional rights allow him to trample on the constitutional rights of others.”

    Wow so you mean that James lied to us again?

  70. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    Dr. Kenneth Noisewater: Wow so you mean that James lied to us again?

    Well his posts only come in two flavors: Lying, and whining. Sometimes he mixes the two.

  71. Bonsall Obot says:

    So, between Foggy and reporter Ben Benton of the Chattanooga Times Free Press (a REAL journalist working for a REAL newspaper,) we now know the ACTUAL statements from Judge Blackwood that Sharon Rondeau (not a real journalist) twisted to her own ends on the Post & E-Mail (not a real news organization.)


    What Judge Blackwood said:
    “It’s incomprehensible to me that his constitutional rights allow him to trample on the constitutional rights of others,”

    What Sharon twisted that into:
    “I’m sick and tired of all these people who want to talk about their Constitutional rights,”

    What Judge Blackwood said about “constitutional rights” is true and proper; what Sharon dishonestly twisted it into is inaccurate, inflammatory and libelous.

    What Judge Blackwood said:
    “All he (Walt) can say is that the grand jury foreperson is not being chosen properly. So what? So what?”

    What Sharon twisted that into:
    “Who cares if the grand jury foreman is serving illegally? So what?”

    There is a WORLD of difference between Walt not liking the perfectly legal way the grand jury foreperson is selected, and Sharon’s untrue characterization of that selection as “illegal,” much less her outright lying about the judge himself calling it illegal.

    You hanged your hopes on the wrong person, john; Sharon is dishonest and not a journalist.

  72. OllieOxenFree says:

    “john, how many times have you claimed that someone (Doc, Foggy, etc.) have a problem with “credibility” when they say something you don’t want to hear, something that contradicts known Birfer liars?”
    Bonsall Obot

    I remember when Brian Reilly was first reported by Doc to have come out with statements about Arpaio and the CCP “investigation.” John, was convinced that the whole thing was a sham, the Brian Reilly would never have turned like that nor accepted the verification to Ken Bennett, and Doc’s reputation was forever shattered for having posted what he believed to be a fraudulent story.

  73. Bonsall Obot says:


    John, was convinced that the whole thing was a sham, the Brian Reilly would never have turned like that nor accepted the verification to Ken Bennett, and Doc’s reputation was forever shattered for having posted what he believed to be a fraudulent story.

    And that’s just one of the more recent ones; literally dozens of times, some Birfer will say something which contradicts reality, and john will proceed to extemporize about how the advocates of reality now have “credibility” issues. He seems utterly incapable of learning, no matter how many times he’s humiliated.

  74. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    “john, how many times have you claimed that someone (Doc, Foggy, etc.) have a problem with “credibility” when they say something you don’t want to hear, something that contradicts known Birfer liars?”
    Bonsall Obot

    I remember when Brian Reilly was first reported by Doc to have come out with statements about Arpaio and the CCP “investigation.” John, was convinced that the whole thing was a sham, the Brian Reilly would never have turned like that nor accepted the verification to Ken Bennett, and Doc’s reputation was forever shattered for having posted what he believed to be a fraudulent story.

    John just loves him some of that humble pie!

  75. Dr. Kenneth Noisewater says:

    Andrew Vrba, PmG: John just loves him some of that humble pie!

    Like I said last night no matter how many times John seems like he’s seen the light he’s like an addict. He gets outside his comfort zone and can’t quit birtherism. He’s done this time and time again. Like when the Long form came out and he said he was done with birtherism only to come back a month later falling back into birtherism. He did it with the Xerox information only to fall back with the march pronouncements. He’s addicted.

  76. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    Dr. Kenneth Noisewater: Like I said last night no matter how many times John seems like he’s seen the light he’s like an addict.He gets outside his comfort zone and can’t quit birtherism.He’s done this time and time again.Like when the Long form came out and he said he was done with birtherism only to come back a month later falling back into birtherism.He did it with the Xerox information only to fall back with the march pronouncements.He’s addicted.

    I actually look forward to the “He got away with it!” meltdown John is going to have on inauguration day 2017.

  77. Jim says:

    Dr. Kenneth Noisewater: He’s addicted.

    So am I…for an entirely different reason. 😀

  78. Bonsall Obot says:

    Andrew Vrba, PmG: I actually look forward to the “He got away with it!” meltdown John is going to have on inauguration day 2017.

    Birfers are in the process of transforming into SovCits; john will have at least eight more years of buying any lie told him, but they’ll be a different flavor of lies, since they can’t even try to smear President HRC the same way they’ve tried to smear President BHO.

    President Obama will be 63 at the end of President Clinton’s second term; I devoutly hope that she nominates him to the Supreme Court before then.

  79. john says:

    Latest new report indicate what Blackwood said:

    “All he can say is that the grand jury foreperson is not being chosen properly. So what? So what?”

    Boy! Let me tell you that is disturbing to hear from a judge. The Grand Jury is FUNDAMENTAL DUE PROCESS component afforded to citizens to protect the innocent and accused. If the Grand Jury Foreperson is UNLAWFUL (ILLEGAL) then the entire process is very well corrupted.

    In fact, given this this may ground for appeal and vacate of Walt’s sentence (The Foreperson was chosen properly)

    So even if Walt did was wrong, it may clear the Walt’s fundamental due process rights where violated.

    Sharon Rondaeu may right after all.

  80. Most folks aren’t fans of people who tell lies about and defame them or their husbands..

    john: From the sound of her voice, you just know Joyce wasn’t a supporter of Walter Fitizpatrick.

  81. Dr. Kenneth Noisewater says:

    Bonsall Obot: Birfers are in the process of transforming into SovCits; john will have at least eight more years of buying any lie told him, but they’ll be a different flavor of lies, since they can’t even try to smear President HRC the same way they’ve tried to smear President BHO.

    President Obama will be 63 at the end of President Clinton’s second term; I devoutly hope that she nominates him to the Supreme Court before then.

    I could imagine the conspiracy theory that would arise. He was appointed so that he could redefine what Natural born citizen means!

  82. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    Bonsall Obot: Birfers are in the process of transforming into SovCits;

    Maybe the lot of them will file onto the mother ship and head to parts unknown…

  83. Bonsall Obot says:

    I should live so long.

  84. Egipcios says:

    The “rocking motion” of Mr. Fitzpatrick has been described by several eyewitnesses.

    You see it here a few seconds into the video:


    As a medical doctor, this causes me some concern. To my American Friends who regard “Health Care” to be fully equivalent to “Communism” and hence to be the Ultimate Horror, I hasten to say that I would not impose it on anybody.

    Particularly since that might deprive them of the pleasure of seeing somebody punished, and for growing their already respectable population of captives that must be fed and boarded from the public purse.

  85. realist says:

    The “rocking motion” of Mr. Fitzpatrick has been described by several eyewitnesses.

    You see it here a few seconds into the video:


    As a medical doctor, this causes me some concern.To my American Friends who regard “Health Care” to be fully equivalent to “Communism” and hence to be the Ultimate Horror, I hasten to say that I would not impose it on anybody.

    Particularly since that might deprive them of the pleasure of seeing somebody punished, and for growing their already respectable population of captives that must be fed and boarded from the public purse.

    Your remarks re out view if medical care are complete horse manure.

    In addition, no one… No one has ever deprived Walt of any medical or psychiatric care. He has full access to whatever he needs.

  86. Bonsall Obot says:

    At the risk of sounding like those #notallmen jackasses… this site is unlikely to attract a significant percentage of those who want to deny their fellow citizens access to health care or who want to see their fellow citizens harshly punished or put to death. Rather the opposite, I should think.

    You’re preaching to the choir.

  87. nbc says:

    For a judge to ridicule a person who wants to argue about the accused constitutional rights is highly highly egrecious and in my opinion would represent reversal error on appeal.

    Of course an Obot will never understand that.

    Unlikely since the ‘error’ has no impact on Walt’s conviction as Cunningham was not part of the deliberations.

    Poor John, totally clueless when it comes to legal understanding.

    Do you even know how appeals court look at such issues?

    Furthermore, you are still speculating, based on hearsay, as to what the judge did or did not say.

    You keep getting your hopes up, only to have them squashed by the facts.

    It’s quite enjoyable to see you go through these cycles time after time.

    One would expect John to eventually learn from his mistakes, so either he is a troll, or he is unable to observe his own shortcoming.

  88. nbc says:

    Rickey: As far as I know, Fitzpatrick has never been diagnosed has having a mental illness, and this is not his first offense.

    He was evaluated during a previous case if I recall correctly. Walt showed up and walked out.

  89. nbc says:

    Andrew Vrba, PmG: John just loves him some of that humble pie!

    Yes, there have been so many instances where John embarrassed himself. I guess having problems with short term memory is a benefit?

  90. nbc says:

    john: So is Foggy Lying? Well, if the eyewitness will come forward, I think that Foggy has got a problem with credibility.

    Hahaha, John is quick to accuse but always light on supporting with facts.

    Will he spend the money to get hold of a transcript? Or is it enough for him to cast a cloud over Foggy, who attended this hearing?

    Poor John, so powerless.

  91. Bonsall Obot says:


    This is probably the most disturbing comment by the judge:

    “I’m sick and tired of all these people who want to talk about their Constitutional rights.”

    Then you must be pleased to learn that the judge never said that. Right?


    On appeal, I believe the sentenced could be very well vacated on this statement alone.

    See above, dimwit.


    For a judge to ridicule a person who wants to argue about the accused constitutional rights is highly highly egrecious and in my opinion would represent reversal error on appeal.

    Your legal opinion has been noted and will be given all the consideration it merits.

    Now, pay attention, son: the judge didn’t “ridicule” Wally. Ridicule when you make fun of someone. The judge was furious with Wally for repeatedly trampling on the rights of the citizens of McMinn County, and rightly so. The prosecution demonstrated, and the jury agreed, that Wally has been terrorizing those citizens, particularly the people who work at the courthouse. You have gone on record as agreeing with that verdict. Now, Sharon (WHO WASN’T THERE) comes up with a pack of lies about statements the judge NEVER MADE, and you buy her story hook, line and sinker. Because you are stupid. Because you are evil., Because you are racist. Because you will believe anything and everything that, even in a tangential way, promotes your racist and hateful heroes, and can be seen as a “victory” against the President you despise for being a black man.

    You are a despicable human being, john. You are consumed by your hate.

    Go away, punk.

  92. john says:

    Bonsall Obot: Then you must be pleased to learn that the judge never said that. Right?

    See above, dimwit.

    Your legal opinion has been noted and will be given all the consideration it merits.

    Now, pay attention, son: the judge didn’t “ridicule” Wally. Ridicule when you make fun of someone. The judge was furious with Wally for repeatedly trampling on the rights of the citizens of McMinn County, and rightly so. The prosecution demonstrated, and the jury agreed, that Wally has been terrorizing those citizens, particularly the people who work at the courthouse. You have gone on record as agreeing with that verdict. Now, Sharon (WHO WASN’T THERE) comes up with a pack of lies about statements the judge NEVER MADE, and you buy her story hook, line and sinker. Because you are stupid. Because you are evil., Because you are racist. Because you will believe anything and everything that, even in a tangential way, promotes your racist and hateful heroes, and can be seen as a “victory” against the President you despise for being a black man.

    You are a despicable human being, john. You are consumed by your hate.

    Go away, punk.

    I’m not saying what Walt did was right. It was very wrong. Walt sounds so creepy and harassing on the phone calls. And I’m not saying Walt is right about the Jury Foreman being illegally appointed. The most troubling thing about this whole situation was the Judge’s suggestion that if the Grand Jury Foreman is Illegal it is of no concern. That is a completely egrecious statement for a judge to even suggest that and the judge should be impeached and thrown off the bench in disgrace. The Grand Jury is a FUNDAMENTAL DUE PROCESS component to our legal system. If the Grand Jury foreman has been unlawfully, illegally or otherwise improperly appointed, the entire system has been corrupted. And if that is so in Walt’s case, his sentence should be vacated and he should be released.

  93. Egipcios says:

    nbc: He was evaluated during a previous case if I recall correctly. Walt showed up and walked out.

    Yes. Precisely. After his first Monroe County arrest, he was ordered to an evaluation but he walked out. So there was no evaluation at that time.

    So far as I know, this matter was never again pursued, despite his showing clear evidence of compulsive recurring thoughts and paranoia which have been occurring for some years. The apparently uncontrollable compulsive body motion seems to be a more recent development.

  94. nbc says:

    Foreperson ineligible due to prior conviction, Appeals court addresses the relevance of an ineligible foreperson.


    Petitioner, Kenneth Dewayne Johnson, pled guilty to aggravated assault in Davidson County on November 17, 2011. On June 10, 2013, Petitioner filed a pro se petition for post-conviction relief, alleging that the trial court lacked jurisdiction because the foreman of the grand jury that issued the indictment was ineligible to serve for being a convicted felon. Petitioner also asserted that he received ineffective assistance of counsel and entered an unknowing and involuntary plea. The post-conviction court dismissed the petition as untimely. On August 16, 2013, Petitioner, with the assistance of counsel, filed a second petition for post-conviction relief, arguing that the statute of limitations should be tolled in his case because the ineligibility of the grand jury foreman was not made public knowledge until after the statute of limitations had expired and was, therefore, a “later-arising” ground for relief. The post-conviction court dismissed the petition, finding that the ineligibility of the grand jury foreman did not divest the trial court of jurisdiction and that Petitioner was not denied effective assistance of counsel. Petitioner appealed. Upon a thorough review of the law and the facts in this case, we affirm the decision of the post-conviction court.

  95. nbc says:


    Moreover, the historic doctrine of aider by verdict stands for the proposition that any defects in the indictment are cured if the jury reaches a verdict. See, e.g., Kimbro v. Bomar, 333 F.2d 755, 757 (6th Cir. 1964); Allen v. State, 288 S.W.2d 439, 440 (Tenn. 1956); Jones v. State, 277 S.W.2d 371, 372 (Tenn. 1955); Driscoll v. State, 232 S.W.2d 28, 29 (Tenn. 1950); Pope v. State, 258 S.W.775, 776 (Tenn. 1924); State v. Smith, 7 Tenn. 165 (Tenn. 1823). In this case, the jury deliberated and returned a verdict of guilty of second degree murder and, by doing so, cured any defect in the indictment. The defendant is not entitled to relief.


  96. nbc says:

    Egipcios: So far as I know, this matter was never again pursued, despite his showing clear evidence of compulsive recurring thoughts and paranoia which have been occurring for some years. The apparently uncontrollable compulsive body motion seems to be a more recent development.

    It would be too late to use that as an excuse.

  97. Keith says:

    Bonsall Obot:President Obama will be 63 at the end of President Clinton’s second term; I devoutly hope that she nominates him to the Supreme Court before then.

    I know Obama is a Constitutional Expert and undoubtedly qualified, perhaps more so than many current Judges, but I’m not convinced his CV ‘qualifies’ him for the SCOTUS. I think he should have a few successful years on the Federal Bench before that would happen. I have no knowledge of his post-Presidential plans, but it doesn’t seem to me that that would be on his list of plans.

  98. Ghost Prime says:

    You people are truly pathetic excuses for Americans. While you do have the right to denigrate whomever you choose, your machinations, lies, and distortions of LCDR Walter Fitzpatrick are so disgusting as to be sad, were they not totally reprehensible. Of course what should anyone expect from insane liberals who will never admit to anything that violates their precious ideology.

    So tell me, how does your insane ideology deal with the FACT that your so called “insurgents” or “freedom fighters” beheaded one of your own in Syria? Do you not recognize that your beloved Palestinians, Hamas, ISIS, and other murderous muslimes will gladly behead ALL liberals when they are ready?

    For the record, Americans from all socio economic groups are awakening to the FACT that Liberalism is a mental disorder, my thanks to Dr Michael Savage for pointing out this disease. We will no longer tolerate your insanity, nor will we allow you to spew your hate openly without challenging you.

    Just remember that you have been warned. When the mooslimes come to kill you, we Patriots will NOT stand in their way for you will be getting the just rewards for your treason.

  99. Bonsall Obot says:

    Keith: I know Obama is a Constitutional Expert and undoubtedly qualified, perhaps more so than many current Judges, but I’m not convinced his CV ‘qualifies’ him for the SCOTUS. I think he should have a few successful years on the Federal Bench before that would happen. I have no knowledge of his post-Presidential plans, but it doesn’t seem to me that that would be on his list of plans.

    No, I don’t think we’ll ever see a former President on the bench again, in any capacity. There’s too much money to be made.

    But I can dream. Absence of previous service as a judge only makes Obama’s CV look thin if it’s his 2008 CV. His service since then pretty much qualifies him for the job.

  100. Ghost Prime says:

    I will wager that not one of you who have denigrated LCDR Fitzpatrick know him personally or have ever even spoken with him. On the other hand, I know him personally and have had the privilege to speak with him on numerous occasions during which I have learned that he is in complete control of his faculties, unlike most of you here who spew monotonous, idiotic statements which are not only internally illogical but are way beneath the limits of intelligent discourse.

    I expect that you will attack me which is typical for insane liberals who never let facts interfere with their ideology. So go ahead and spew your hate. Just remember that the Nazi’s sent liberals, artists, homosexuals, and other deviants to the gas chambers along with the Jews. If the criminals and traitors in government have their way, you liberals will be among the first to feel the wrath of the current socialist/communist power mongers currently occupying the WH, albeit illegally. When that day arrives, you will recall that you were warned but in your infinite “superiority” you denigrated the messenger who warned you of your peril, rather than to attack the real threat which is the very tyrants you support. What pathetic creatures you are, for you will praise the murderers who kill your enemies right up to the very moment those same murderers place your head on the chopping block.

  101. Northland10 says:

    nbc: Yes, there have been so many instances where John embarrassed himself. I guess having problems with short term memory is a benefit?

    His behavior last night was nearing the level of his Lakin Court Martial meltdown. I suspect if Judge Blackwood had been female, we might have had a return to the “judge needs a spanking” pout.

  102. The Magic M says:

    john: Sharon is an idiot for instituting her PayWall at P&E.

    Well, since she’s got about 100 readers, why don’t you flush out the $2,400/year so Sharon lets everybody read her stuff?

  103. Typical non-specific complaint. If you have something you actually think is illogical, argue to the contrary. Generalized insults communicate nothing.

    Ghost Prime: he is in complete control of his faculties, unlike most of you here who spew monotonous, idiotic statements which are not only internally illogical but are way beneath the limits of intelligent discourse.

  104. I notice that in your two long comments you fail to cite any lie or distortion. Unless you get specific, there is no area for discussion.

    Ghost Prime: You people are truly pathetic excuses for Americans. While you do have the right to denigrate whomever you choose, your machinations, lies, and distortions of LCDR Walter Fitzpatrick are so disgusting as to be sad, were they not totally reprehensible. Of course what should anyone expect from insane liberals who will never admit to anything that violates their precious ideology.

  105. Dave says:

    John, you need to recognize that the sources of the quotes that have you mad at the judge are people who want you to be mad at the judge. They may have adjusted or even manufactured those quotes, and it is certain that they are presented out of context. If you want a source that is authoritative and in context, it is likely an official transcript could be obtained from the courthouse.

    Van Irion has said he will appeal, partly based on his allegations of what the judge said. If he does, he will have no choice but to present the transcript, and then we’ll see how accurate his characterization of the judge’s comments was. I suspect his claims will not stand any scrutiny.

  106. y_p_w says:

    Bonsall Obot: No, I don’t think we’ll ever see a former President on the bench again, in any capacity. There’s too much money to be made.

    But I can dream. Absence of previous service as a judge only makes Obama’s CV look thin if it’s his 2008 CV. His service since then pretty much qualifies him for the job.

    It’s been noted that the Supreme Court doesn’t really exist to rule on cases, but to settle matters of law. It’s more like the ultimate law school classroom. It’s more political than judicial. And as a matter of law, there’s no requirement that a Supreme Court Justice be an attorney. There’s been talk that it could be good for there to be a non-attorney on the Supreme Court.

  107. Dave B. says:

    Having said which, “Ghost Prime” proceeds with a generalized hate-spewing.

    Ghost Prime: So go ahead and spew your hate.

  108. Arthur says:

    Dave B.: Having said which, “Ghost Prime” proceeds with a generalized hate-spewing.

    Took the words out of mouth. I guess if hypocrisy grows on the tip of your tongue, it’s very difficult to perceive.

  109. nbc says:

    Ghost Prime: We will no longer tolerate your insanity, nor will we allow you to spew your hate openly without challenging you.

    ROTFL… You are not challenging anyone here my friend, you are spouting off nonsense and non-sequiturs while failing to provide any relevant examples.

    Look, Walt holds some ideas about how a foreperson of the Grand Jury in TN SHOULD be appointed/selected and his ideas conflict with the laws, and the history of how TN has done this. Because of his unwillingness to accept being wrong, he has caused much grief to himself.

    In the end, the only one to find fault with is Walt and those who so unfortunately egg him on and call themselves his friends.

  110. nbc says:

    Ghost Prime: So tell me, how does your insane ideology deal with the FACT that your so called “insurgents” or “freedom fighters” beheaded one of your own in Syria?

    Huh? It’s outrageous whenever anyone is being killed, especially in this case. What has that to do with our ideology? Are you not placing the blame with the wrong people, or is “black and white” thinking with limited logic the best you can offer?

    I’d love to hear more from you but you sound a bit like a bully, lots of words, no depth.

  111. nbc says:

    Dave: John, you need to recognize that the sources of the quotes that have you mad at the judge are people who want you to be mad at the judge.

    John is extremely easily manipulated by others when such people confirm his biased beliefs. This has made him quite a tool and thus fool in the hands of others and explains why it is so trivially easy to put his hopes to rest.

    I showed him just yesterday why an illegal foreperson of the Grand Jury has no relevance to Walt’s convictions after he had tried to support his position with limited success. A simple Google search showed two recent court rulings in cases in which the foreperson of the Grand Jury had been ineligible due to a criminal conviction. The courts ruled as expected…

    John’s “response”: Well this shows how corrupt the courts must be….

    Such shallowness…

  112. The Magic M says:

    Ghost Prime: You people are truly pathetic excuses for Americans.

    I take pride in the words: “Ich bin kein Amerikaner”. 😉

    Ghost Prime: are awakening to the FACT that Liberalism is a mental disorder

    Interesting you bring this up because it means if people like you had the power, you’d send us all to “correctional facilities” like in Soviet Russia. Last I checked, that is not constitutional.

    Ghost Prime: On the other hand, I know him personally and have had the privilege to speak with him on numerous occasions

    Sharon, are you bitter your father figure won’t be visiting you for a long time now?

  113. Bovril says:

    Poor old Casper the Unfriendly Number,

    So exactly how, p[rya tell, are yiu going to prevent the wicked evil Obots from smacking your sad andf irrelevant arse..? If you no longer “tolerate” us…a word Birfoons like you don’t actually understand the meaning of I might add, whast are yiu going to do..?

    Drive by drivel, generic “You’re a poopyhead” posts, holding your breath until you turn blue…? What are you capable of that will have a single solitary insighnifcant impact on me..?

    As for the Walt the Faltering Halfwitz, your hero is a cashieried felon with charges and/or convictions varying through theft, assault, wife battery, perjury, violation of probation, stalking etc etc.

    These are all in the public record even for someone as publind as you to read.

    Anyway, do feel free to pop back and scream like a little girl again, I could do with the giggle

  114. jtmunkus says:

    Ghost Prime:
    I will wager that not one of you who have denigrated LCDR Fitzpatrick know him personally or have ever even spoken with him. On the other hand, I know him personally and have had the privilege to speak with him on numerous occasions during which I have learned that he is in complete control of his faculties, unlike most of you here who spew monotonous, idiotic statements which are not only internally illogical but are way beneath the limits of intelligent discourse.

    I expect that you will attack me which is typical for insane liberals who never let facts interfere with their ideology. So go ahead and spew your hate.Just remember that the Nazi’s sent liberals, artists, homosexuals, and other deviants to the gas chambers along with the Jews. If the criminals and traitors in government have their way, you liberals will be among the first to feel the wrath of the current socialist/communist power mongers currently occupying the WH, albeit illegally.When that day arrives, you will recall that you were warned but in your infinite “superiority” you denigrated the messenger who warned you of your peril, rather than to attack the real threat which is the very tyrants you support.What pathetic creatures you are, for you will praise the murderers who kill your enemies right up to the very moment those same murderers place your head on the chopping block.

    Hahahaha! Communists! That’s a good one!

    What happened to you, that bred such a hateful soul? (No soul?)

    Best of luck to you – we’ll see you in the FEMA camps!

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