
I failed to note two important anniversaries yesterday. I was reminded of the first by Bill Bryan via Twitter. It was the 6th anniversary of the first birther Obama eligibility lawsuit, Berg v. Obama, filed August 21, 2008.

The second is the 55th anniversary of statehood for Hawaii, admitted to the union August 21, 1959. I remember the year well because as a child I had a phonograph record titled “59 Anthology” from the Longines-Wittnauer company. Alaska became a state that year too. It was also the year the Russians crashed a rocket on the Moon, and when the Dali Lama fled Tibet.

About Dr. Conspiracy

I'm not a real doctor, but I have a master's degree.
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19 Responses to Anniversaries

  1. Foggy says:

    Well, there’s no excuse for it, so I’ll ‘fess up that I missed it just like Gerbil Report missed it. Folks here, too.

    Yesterday was the 6th anniversary of Berg v. Obama, filed Aug. 21, 2008.

    It’s been a fun ride. I’d like to thank Phil and all the little birthers for the memories.

  2. Curious George says:

    Tucked away somewhere, I have a 49 star American flag. One doesn’t see many of them, that’s for sure. Hawaii suddenly made my flag obsolete.

  3. Lupin says:

    Here it’s August 22 already.

    Here are a few other Birther-related historical anniversaries for that date (courtesy of wiki):

    — In 392 AD, Arbogast has Eugenius “elected” Western Roman Emperor. So-called “Nativitators” protest but are soon crucified (Blessed times!)

    — In 565 AD, Columba reports seeing a monster in Loch Ness, Scotland. With no birth certificate. Medicus Coniurationis state that this is a flash in the pan conspiracy with no legs (literally) that will soon vanish from history.

    — In 1654 AD, Jacob Barsimson arrives in New Amsterdam. He is the first known Jewish immigrant to America. There goes the neighborhood.

    — In 1791 AD, Beginning of the Haitian Slave Revolution in Saint-Domingue. The French had it coming. Slavery advocate Vattel totally blindsided.

  4. Bonsall Obot says:

    Here it’s August 22 already.

    Here are a few other Birther-related historical anniversaries for that date (courtesy of wiki):

    – In 392 AD, Arbogast has Eugenius “elected”Western Roman Emperor. So-called “Nativitators” protest but are soon crucified (Blessed times!)

    – In 565 AD, Columba reports seeing a monster in Loch Ness, Scotland. With no birth certificate. Medicus Coniurationis state that this is a flash in the pan conspiracy with no legs (literally) that will soon vanish from history.

    – In 1654 AD, Jacob Barsimson arrives in New Amsterdam. He is the first known Jewish immigrant to America. There goes the neighborhood.

    – In 1791 AD, Beginning of the Haitian Slave Revolution in Saint-Domingue. The French had it coming. Slavery advocate Vattel totally blindsided.

    If Taitz cites even one of these, you win the internet forever.

  5. Joey says:

    I consider Hollander v. McCain (filed on March 14, 2008) to be the first birther lawsuit and what grates on the birthers even more about that particular civil action is that McCain and co-defendants, the Republican National Committee got the lawsuit dismissed on grounds of lack of standing!
    Hollander v. McCain & The Republican National Committee even comes with a fake Republic of Panama birth certificate for Senator McCain having been entered into evidence.

  6. That certainly qualifies as earlier. I’ll adjust the article’s language.

    Joey: I consider Hollander v. McCain (filed on March 14, 2008) to be the first birther lawsuit

  7. Foggy says:

    I’m having MySQL problems on Fogbow. My hosting company is working to resolve them by running a script that fixes most errors. Then they’ll reboot MySQL and we’ll be offline for less than a minute. I can see some things, but none of the topics. If worse comes to worse, I may have to ask them to restore from a backup. I doubt that will be necessary. I’ll stay on top of it until the problem is resolved.

  8. Elwood P. Suggins says:

    Moar ebidences that your site is being tampered with by the Ebil Rejeem! Treason! RICO!

    I’m having MySQL problems on Fogbow. My hosting company is working to resolve them by running a script that fixes most errors. Then they’ll reboot MySQL and we’ll be offline for less than a minute. I can see some things, but none of the topics. If worse comes to worse, I may have to ask them to restore from a backup. I doubt that will be necessary. I’ll stay on top of it until the problem is resolved.

  9. Slartibartfast says:


    How are we possibly supposed to panic and flee the country if you give us timely and informative updates like this?

    I’m having MySQL problems on Fogbow. My hosting company is working to resolve them by running a script that fixes most errors. Then they’ll reboot MySQL and we’ll be offline for less than a minute. I can see some things, but none of the topics. If worse comes to worse, I may have to ask them to restore from a backup. I doubt that will be necessary. I’ll stay on top of it until the problem is resolved.

  10. alg says:

    Looking forward towards celebrating the three year anniversary of the commencement of the Cold Case Posse “Investigation.”

    Anybody here got any idea about how long the average forgery investigation takes to conduct?

  11. Dave B. says:

    Well, for what it’s worth, John Lee Hooker would’ve been ninety-seven years old today. Here he is, bestowing natural-born sendership on an appropriate recipient:

    And a little more natural-born soul-sending:

    On a personal note, it’s three years today since my dear old daddy died.

  12. Foggy says:

    Fogbow is back **knocks on wood**. But I’ve decided the forum has grown too large to be stable and I’ve decided to convert it to better software by, which runs right now. I’m going to scrap the Birther Debunkers forum, which I only used for a chat room. I’m going to move my IP Board installation to the Fogbow URL, and convert all the posts, users, private messages, smileys, and whatever else to the new software. Still working on the timing. This will be minimally disruptive, but there will be a learning curve while we all figure out how the new software works. On the bright side, it’s a more stable bulletin board system and I get paid support with it, so any problems will be dealt with in short order by people far more expert than I am.

  13. Foggy says:

    Dave B.:
    On a personal note, it’s three years today since my dear old daddy died.

    I’m sorry to hear that, Dave B.

  14. So you’re not going to bet the farm on Concrete 5? 👿

    Good luck on the conversions.

    Foggy: Fogbow is back **knocks on wood**. But I’ve decided the forum has grown too large to be stable and I’ve decided to convert it to better software by, which runs right now.

  15. Crustacean says:

    Dave B.: Well, for what it’s worth, John Lee Hooker would’ve been ninety-seven years old today. Here he is, bestowing natural-born sendership on an appropriate recipient:

    Thank you, Dave! JLH was just amazing. I’ve always loved the look and sound of a good hollow-body electric, too. I’m finally getting one (for my birthday tomorrow), and I can NOT wait to plug that thing in. Now I think learning Solid Sender might have to be the first project I do with my new baby.

    Here’s to your daddy, Dave. May your memories be as sweet as Johnny Lee’s riffs.

  16. Arthur says:

    Regarding anniversaries, Birther Report has removed the search feature that allows one to look back on specific months and years, but I believe it was exactly nine months ago that Mike Zullo announced on a Freedom Friday radio program that he had “universe-shattering information” that would bring down Obama.

  17. Arthur says:

    Indeed, from Nov. 22, 2013: Lt. Zullo Interview: Universe Shattering Evidence In Obama ID Fraud Investigation

    Thanks for the link, Dave. The comments are hilarious. Of course, all the birthers howl that Obama will soon be forced out of office and arrested:

    “O-Holes – Get ready to kiss this entire fraudulent five years good bye.”

    “‘Universe shattering, and beyond the Pale’ Hang on for the ride, it looks like Arpaio and Zullu have hit PAY DIRT.”

    “When Zullo says it might be “a few months” before this evidence is released, that doesn’t mean it won’t be MUCH SOONER. Personally, I think there is a small, but significant chance for civil unrest and subsequent gubmint overreaction in the near future. Toward that end, I have armed up and changed the safety and security protocols for everyone in this household. While I’m not overly-susceptible to paranoia panic, I’ll be damned if I let my (much!) loved ones be terrorized by street thugs and gubmint goons.”

    And then there is this prescient Obot:

    “It’s now 5 years since Pres. Obama was first elected. For 11 months, Zullo has been talking about evidence without providing even a stick of it. Forget that he’s not a law enforcement officer and has no legal authority, how could you all be suckered in for so long? If he had something, and if he were real, he wouldn’t be talking about anything publicly unless there were charges to file. You all want it to be true, but I’d bet anything that he still will have done zip six months from now and using the Nov. 2014 elections as an excuse.”

    For five years, the predictions of birthers have failed–with that track record, they should start their own religion.

  18. RanTalbott says:

    Arthur: For five years, the predictions of birthers have failed–with that track record, they should start their own religion.

    They have: I often refer to birferism as a “cult”, complete with articles of faith, a (quite dystopian) worldview that doesn’t match reality, and warring sects. Heck, some of them even worship a messiah. Who just might get crucified if the Phoenix New Times story of him blowing taxpayer money on hiring a con man proves out 😉

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