Can we call this a “September Fools” joke? Good satire is fun to read, and the September 1 article at National Report, “Obama To Resign January 1st Amid New Benghazi Revelations,” certainly qualifies in my opinion as good satire, but it’s disappointing when something like this gets legs and runs off on its own. You might want to read the National Report article at this point for context of what follows.
I saw it in a chain email from Sentinel Intelligence Services’ Lyle J. Rapacki, Ph.D. (member of the august Birthers from A to Z list), there attributed to a “serious writer,” Devvy Kidd, herself a birther. Here’s Rapacki’s repackaging of the story:
Devvy Kidd is a serious writer whose articles and commentary I have enjoyed reading these past few years. My communications with Devvy have proven her to be kind and considerate, most helpful and willing to stand and assist in the fight to maintain sovereignty and the freedoms we have been gifted by our Forefathers, and by God. The article below is eye opening to say the least. Shocking is more like it! Devvy is not a conspiracy theorist nor a reactionary. She is a thoughtful professional which makes her article all the more critical to read and ponder.
Yeah, right.
Whatever Devvy Kidd put on her web site, it’s gone now, with only this tantalizing remnant left in Google search (but not its cache) containing exact wording from the spoof article:
The story has been forwarded and reposted on social media sites, reports
Stupid, stupid, stupid.
OMG……Birfoons are stupid, gullible and never check information so long as it supports their hate….say it’s not true…../snarc
Nail, meet head.
Wow, so President Obama is really quitting? He’s probably just afraid of what Mike Zullo and Joe Arpaio were going to say. Benghazi is a pretext.
This! I firmly believe that you can get birthers to believe literally anything, at least for a little while, so long as its anti-Obama.
Of course, when you got nothing, just make things up.
Rapacki is a piece of work. The Ph.D. he likes to flaunt was received from a “distance learning” college in Birmingham, Alabama that is now out of business:
On his own website he says he specialized “in the treatment of psychological disorders with natural medicine.”
You just can’t make this stuff up.
Before I looked into this obviously false story and found out that it originated in a spoof, I was inspired to write my own spoof about Sheriff Joe ordering the Cold Case Posse to stand down–Arpaio as a patriotic American preferring to let Obama resign quietly rather than being forced from office and precipitating a race war.
I wanted to write a story about how Obama’s Occidental College roommates testify that he was uncircumcised, and that Hawaiian hospitals had a policy to circumcise babies during Obama’s supposed birth without exception.
The thought is that Birthers would file motions to have the president drop his drawers to prove his, um, “long form” was legitimate, providing endless birther amusement to normal folks.. I can imagine them staring at his crotch, freeze framing and posting it analyzing his bulge…
Ahhhh, One can dream.
That pretty well sums up Devy, and if he thinks so highly of her doesn’t say much for his smarts either.
actually, you might be onto something here
Kenya was a british colony at the time, and in the 60’s circumcision was very rare in the English health service.
likewise, muslim children are not circumcised at birth.
we may yet see birfoons screaming that they want to see the presidential pullover 😀
Ah yes, what’s old is now new again.
Since they have the memory of a fruit fly larvae, you can recycle almost any story multiple times and they will still fall for it. When November-December come upon us, we will once again here that seasonal favorite, “Obama will go to trial in January.”
Dr. C:
“I was inspired to write my own spoof……”
I think you should do it. Let’s see how really stooopid these people are.
I guess somewhere in the depths of Twitter, some birthers are still posting “Judge Roy Moore will rule on Obama’s eligibility next Friday” every week. 😉
I see Tracy Fair has the first comment on the article–a link to her web site. She apparently didn’t realize it is satire. Personally, I’m not a fan of the National Report. Their stories are too believable and the site is not labeled as satire. Lots of wingnuts fall for it.
Well, that is what the best satire is all about. Labeling kills all the fun. And to restrict your art because a lot of people are so dumb ? Nah !
Well there you go…..January 1, 2015 is….. any day now!
Yeah, sure: it’s perfectly normal for mainstream news outlets to run stories on how to sucker mentally ill people into decoying the police away from your bank heist or the upcoming Ray vs Janay Rice charity cage match.
I think they’re doing a great public service by providing a supply of URLs that can instantly identify the people who use them as idiots.
(And, as if to prove my point, there’s another one of their stories linked to as “proof” in today’s comments at Gerbil Report)
22tula215 over at BR in their most recent thread posts the following evidence which is right up there with Shurf Joe’s evidence.
Reallllly stoooopid.
Hilarious! That kind of satire is comedy gold. Because something like that could never happen in real life.
I saw that article this morning and figured something like that would happen.
And then there is the story over at National Report which addresses The Paul Church and the woman who got stoned by a fellow church member who discovered that the Stonee was working on the Sabbath. The pastor agreed that the Stonee was committing a sin! The moral of the story? Make sure you go to a church with a paved parking lot, instead of a gravel parking lot.
I’m waiting for this story to be addressed by BR.
Obama haters on Facebook were posting that with their usual outrage.
I realized that National Report doesn’t identify itself as a satire site, but give me a break! On the home page is a headline “Ted Cruz Suggests Nuking Israel” and “NYC Man Makes 10K a Week Begging Quarters.”
I realized that National Report doesn’t identify itself as a satire site
And pointing that out in a reply to the bozos who believe their ‘reporting’ gets you a quick scrub from the comments section. “There Oughta Be A Law”