My Congressman, Trey Gowdy (R-SC), has been pretty far out there in his criticism of the Obama Administration, so I decided to ask him point blank whether he’s a birther or not. I was a little surprised to get a reply to such a provocative question, but reply he did:
October 29, 2014
Dear Mr. Davidson:
Thank you for contacting me about President Obama’s right to hold the office of the presidency. I appreciate hearing from you.
Like you, I believe the Constitution must be our nation’s guiding document, including its provisions specifying the requirements that must be met for an individual to hold the office of President. President Obama was qualified to run for this office by the Federal Election Commission, and courts have dismissed all lawsuits challenging his status as a natural born citizen of the United States. As such, I believe President Obama to be the legitimately elected leader of our nation.
Thank you again for contacting me, and please do not hesitate to do so in the future. It is an honor to serve you and the 4th Congressional District.
Trey Gowdy
Member of Congress
Bless his heart.
Rep. Gowdy (chairman of the House Select Committee to investigate the 2012 Benghazi attack) does not have a Democratic opponent in the 2014 4th District House of Representatives election, but is opposed by Libertarian candidate Curtis McLaughlin. Gowdy is favored to win. Some have suggested (here and here) that Gowdy should be elected the next Speaker of the House.
Gowdy was rated 0% by the National Hispanic Leadership Agenda, and 100% by the National Retail Federation, the National Association of Manufacturers and the National Federation of Independent Business.
Read more:
- Trey Gowdy’s embarrassing start – MSNBC
So the inmates at Gerbil Report will have a hissy fit in 3… 2…
My dog… is there no one they can’t get to?!
Why does Trey Gowdy hate America?
Can’t wait to see how birthers spin this one.
They can’t really claim that he’s being silenced or bought, because he’s still actively going after Obama’s policies.
Somebody better inform Mike Volin. I know in the past Mike Volin said he wanted Gowdy to be speaker of the house. This will ruin his hopes.
Umm I notice at one point you rotated from saying Gowdy to Goudy
Bird Boy has named Trey Gowdy as one of his heroes, and one of the few people he trusts.
Well, they do give out the same closet homosexual vibe.
Doc, I’m not surprised Rep. Gowdy responded to your question. You’re a constituent. Members of Congress respond to constituents. I’m sure he wouldn’t have responded if you didn’t live in his district.
If you’re wondering how birthers will spin Gowdy, here’s how Falcon was thinking about such an issue this past summer: “Other than Gowdy I see no one with any redeeming qualities that will propel this country. I’ll be wrong about Gowdy shortly as the NWO grabs his short hairs and yanks, real hard. We’re going to have to accept the fact that America has been compromised by every elected official.”
In other words, he’s been turned by the New World Order. It’s as simple as that.
And that would be the “New World Order” loons have been crowing about for longer than I’ve been alive.
Wouldn’t be all that “new”, then, would it?
Another Birdboy comment about Gowdy from five months ago:
“In Western society there is not one person that you can look at and say to yourself this is a credible person. Not one. Maybe Gowdy and Wilders, but that’s about it.”
I can’t imagine living like that. Thinking everyone is out to be your undoing.
The following is for informational purposes only. It is not meant to be a diagnosis:
People with paranoid personality disorder are generally characterized by having a long-standing pattern of pervasive distrust and suspiciousness of others. A person with paranoid personality disorder will nearly always believe that other people’s motives are suspect or even malevolent.
Individuals with Paranoid Personality Disorder are generally difficult to get along with and often have problems with close relationships. Their excessive suspiciousness and hostility may be expressed in overt argumentativeness, in recurrent complaining, or by quiet, apparently hostile aloofness. Because they are hypervigilant for potential threats, they may act in a guarded, secretive, or devious manner and appear to be “cold” and lacking in tender feelings. Although they may appear to be objective, rational, and unemotional, they more often display a labile range of affect, with hostile, stubborn, and sarcastic expressions predominating. Their combative and suspicious nature may elicit a hostile response in others, which then serves to confirm their original expectations.
Because individuals with Paranoid Personality Disorder lack trust in others, they have an excessive need to be self-sufficient and a strong sense of autonomy. They are often rigid, critical of others, and unable to collaborate, and they have great difficulty accepting criticism.
This Gowdy statement reads like a non-apology apology. Notice what he DOESN’T say: that Obama was born in the USA; that Obama is a natural born citizen; that the Obama birth certificate is legitimate.
This will be spun as submission, not admission.
Gowdy does not believe the President occupies the White House illegally.
When it comes to Benghazi, however – ARGLEBARGLEHILLARYOBAMALIEDBARGLE.
Damned phonics.
I remain utterly unconvinced by this obvious form letter. That text may represent what the Standard Republican Response to Birferric Inquiries dictates, but let’s see a handwritten response from the man hisself. On his office letterhead, cosigned by Issa, and embossed with the Great Seal of the State of South Carolina. And with a shell fragment from Ft. Sumter loosely attached.
While that’s in the works, how about a scan of this so-called response? A 3D scan. I feel the need to examine its layers. All of them!
PS — Was Gowdy issued by central casting, or what? Need a “South Carolina Congressman” type …. check!
He looks like the Honorable Member for Slytherin, Mr. Draco Malfoy.
Oh good, I’m not the only one who noticed that.
Ding! Ding! A winner here!
For those who would like to get involved, or just see the right wing’s take on Ebola and quarantines, here’s a site where the discussion is rampant:
BTW, the site downtrend normally takes a libertarian view and argues that governments have been taking away civil liberties, but in the case of Ebola, just the reverse.
And, whow, do they hate that nurse up in Maine.
I have no joke for this! Its too perfect as is, you know?