The gift that keeps on sucking

So Mike Zullo is exposed as a liar who took money from one of the sources in his investigation. That’s bad for Zullo, right? No, it was a gift. This comment appeared on Gerbil Report™ from “sho”:

CBS may have just given a gift to Zullo / Team Arpaio.

You can follow the link if you’re interesting in the tortured explanation that follows. I tried to summarize it, but just couldn’t find anything to say that made sense.

This “gift” concept seems to be the birthers’ latest approach to making lemons into lemonade, and snatching victory from the jaws of defeat. We saw the same from Carl Gallups when he addressed Brian Reilly’s damning revelations:

We have been monitoring him for the last eight months, and on that broadcast, Mr. Reilly gave me a gift:  we have been waiting for him to come off of an internet broadcast and finally do the slanderous hit-job that he did on public airwaves.

Describing the total discrediting of all the birther birth certificate image forgery claims through replication of their “anomalies” in a real scan using a Xerox machine Mark Gillar said in a comment:

Finally, the Xerox 7655 has been a gift. Giving the CCP the ability to determine exactly which anomalies were and were not produced by the Xerox 7655 has been a blessing.

About Dr. Conspiracy

I'm not a real doctor, but I have a master's degree.
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17 Responses to The gift that keeps on sucking

  1. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    Deep down, I doubt birthers are feeling very blessed.

  2. Jim says:

    Isn’t it just wonderful all the gifts we’ve given them over the years…and yet the President is still in the White House. I haven’t the heart to tell them they were all gag gifts, like Zullo’s investigation and Orly’s court cases.

  3. I think it is fair to say, though, that Barack Obama has been a gift to Fox News, Rush Limbaugh, WorldNetDaily and the Tea Party.

  4. Jim says:

    I think it’s fair to say that any Democratic President would provide the same BS gift to them all…whatever they need to make up.

  5. Thinker (mobile) says:

    Mark Gillar’s quote is hilarious. He’s thrilled that the Xerox stuff demonstrates that birthers were wrong when they said that the anomolies (which aren’t really anomalies) couldn’t have happened as part of an electronic conversion process. So now, having had their alleged expertise shattered, they will pick up the crumbs and get right back on the birther failtrain.

  6. JPotter says:

    “Giving the CCP the ability to determine exactly which anomalies were and were not produced by the Xerox 7655 has been a blessing.”

    It certainly has. It’s allowed those concerned citizens to finally allay their fears and accomplish their stated purpose, to “clear” the President.

    Not sure why it took so long for this to percolate through, but I’m glad to hear they’ve moved on.

    Did I miss something?

  7. alg says:

    Ah yes, birthers, the gift that keeps on giving. Or was that the grift that keeps on grifting?

    I am always amazed at how the overbirthed confront an unequivocal lemon and contort it to be raspberry lemonade. What a blessing it must be to be able to self-delude oneself so persistently.

  8. Dave B. says:

    Apparently Orly has promoted Zullo to “president of old case Posse for sheriff arpaio.”

  9. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    Dave B.:
    Apparently Orly has promoted Zullo to “president of old case Posse for sheriff arpaio.”

    Wow. Some people make statements, Orly Taitz puts several words into a food processor, and sets it to “Engrish”.

  10. Dave B. says:

    Rather like that “Akond of Soebarkah.”

    Andrew Vrba, PmG: Wow. Some people make statements, Orly Taitz puts several words into a food processor, and sets it to “Engrish”.

  11. Joey says:

    Birthers have the mental age of children so its understandable that they get all excited over “gifts.”

  12. roxy7655 says:

    It is difficult to see why birthers would consider me a gift. I’m flattered!

    Confused, but flattered.

  13. Georgetown JD says:

    Ya know, Supreme Commander Lt. Spec. Investigator Zullo, the problem with a lawsuit for slander is that truth is an absolute defense. The other problem is that it requires a showing of proximate cause and damages. Big perhaps the biggest hurdle for you is finding an attorney willing to take on representation of a case with these facts.

    The statute of limitations is running … tick tock.

  14. Keith says:

    Dave B.:
    Rather like that “Akond of Soebarkah.”

    Is that one of “Ming the Merciless’ collaborators?

  15. Dave B. says:

    I get a real kick out of watching Ming the Merciless portrayer Charles B. Middleton in the role of the singing and dancing prosecutor in “Duck Soup.”

    Keith: Is that one of “Ming the Merciless’ collaborators?

  16. The Magic M (not logged in) says:

    This “gift” concept seems to be the birthers’ latest approach to making lemons into lemonade, and snatching victory from the jaws of defeat.

    It stems from old grifter lore – the idea that you could intimidate your critics by claiming “thank you, what you just said allows me to sue you / exposed your real identity so I can come for you etc.” or something in that regard.
    A very primitive form of bullying, nothing else.

    Of course birthers have extended that tactic by mixing it with their “defeat is victory” meme.

  17. Jim says:

    This “gift” concept seems to be the birthers’ latest approach to making lemons into lemonade, and snatching victory from the jaws of defeat.

    If Zullo’s mother was in such bad shape, why didn’t his good buddy and right-hand man and preacher ask all his listeners to pray for her in her time of need? I guess Gallups isn’t much of a preacher if he can’t even ask for prayers for his best friend’s mother. A preacher who doesn’t ask for prayers for the sick, what a sad, sad excuse he is…he should just turn in his Bible and move on.

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