I haven’t talked much about the Affordable Care Act (aka ObamaCare) on his blog, but there are certainly any number of conspiracy theories around it, like the one that says everyone is required to have an RFID chip implanted in them.
While Republicans have made the repeal of the Affordable Care Act a high priority, they are having a hard time articulating just what’s wrong with it. Rather than being repealed, the second open enrollment period for enrollment for a health car plan under the exchange started yesterday, November 14, and extends until February 15, 2015.
My understanding is that if you were covered by a healthcare exchange plan in 2014, you will have to re-enroll to maintain your coverage in 2015, but if you want to know for sure, visit HealthCare.gov.
Personally, I was not affected by the Affordable Care Act in any way I could see. I kept my current health plan and doctor.
I’m covered. New plan, better coverage, same doctor, lower premium (not significantly lower, but I do enjoy a better policy than my previous one). My own personal experience with the ACA had been a positive one.
Really? RFID conspiracies are still a thing?
RFID would be a terrible way to track people over vast distances
They only have a range of like 300 feet.
Well, if we place guard towers every 600 feet…
Pat Robertson was screaming about those nearly 20 years ago. It’s just as goofy now.
What’s next? A conspiracy that the government can access all our Floppies and VHS tapes? Or that they can control our minds via New Coke?
I knew it!!! There had to be some reason for NC and the one they offered never made any sense.
Why not? Wingnuts mostly shun modern technology out of fear of gubmint surveillance. It would make sense for the New Wingnut Order to conspire to get access to their ancient systems. “ZOMG my toaster read my punch cards!”
RFID is a hoary old chestnut that goes around and gets resurrected periodically. the other fun one is how Da Regime is gonna require all handgun manufacturers to embed a ‘chip’ in all new handguns that will track them though RFID and GPS.
When one asks exactly how this tracking will be accomplished with no power source to drive and transmit the reporting or how ‘the chip’ is expected to deal with the g forces and racking stresses of repeated firings usually ends with much hand waving and argle bargle followed by the traditional COMMIE…. INFILTRATION….
Silly Wingnuts. All of the junked cars and water heaters sitting around the yard are great places to put in all kinds of surveillance cameras and listening devices.
Not at all how RFID works. The point of RFID in location tracking is to know which tags are in a given base station’s radius. With a comprehensive national network (which would be insanely expenisve), everyone that was chipped could be tracked everywhere. To an accuracy of however finely-celled this imaginary network was.
That’s the beauty of RFID tags. They don’t need a local power source. They are only powered and activated by the interrogating waves. Like a sleeper that talks in their sleep when prodded. 😛
I can’t go out no more.
There’s a man by the door
in a raincoat
smoking a cigarette …
— “Paranoid: A Chant”, Stephen King