Nathan Bickel, pastor, Sandy Hook truther, birther, and commenter at the homoerotic fetishism web site Gerbil Report™, runs a blog cum news site called “Moral Matters.” On the site, he touts a video about the recent intrusion into SONY computer systems, reportedly by North Korean government-sponsored hackers. Only the video comes to another conclusion:
“…..It’s so freaking obvious. This is all about the Internet. It’s all about censorship. And it’s all about new draconian legislation – courtesy of this scumbag, this…………that makes up the president of the United States.
A couple of days ago Bickel called Trey Gowdy a “Judas Congressman.”
On Facebook he is calling for a military coup: “Ultimately, I believe a benevolent U.S. Military coup will have to transpire to initiate the process of reversing the treasonous actions of multiple years of political ant-American actions and legislation.”
I’m just waiting for birthers to try pinning things on Obama that he wouldn’t have even around yet for.
Titanic sinking? Obama did it.
Now that’s a contradiction in terms if I ever heard one.
Andrew Vrba, PmG January 9, 2015 at 5:30 pm (Quote) #
I’m just waiting for birthers to try pinning things on Obama that he wouldn’t have even around yet for.
Titanic sinking? Obama did it.
Maybe not the Titanic, but I thought you knew….Perspective: Blaming Obama for everything.