Erik Rush joined the list of Birthers from A to Z at spot 359 today. Rush is an African-American writer and columnist for WorldNetDaily, who also hosts a streaming radio program, Erik Rush: Full Contact, from his web site. He does not like Barack Obama.
Rush guest-hosted Mike Volin’s Where’s Obama’s Birth Certificate show a year ago. On that show Rush questioned the use of the term “birther” to apply to a wide range of people, only some of whom believe Barack Obama was born in Kenya. Rush operates in the ambiguous area of the doubter, who would discount the official statements of the State of Hawaii that state unambiguously that Barack Obama was born in Hawaii and say that they don’t know where he was born. That’s another way of saying something that I am sure Rush would not mind me putting in his mouth: Obama’s birth narrative is dubious.
I personally have no respect for someone who hides behind doubt language in order to cover up something darker, and we know that Rush is in dark territory based on what he said on that December 14, 2013, broadcast:
We have a birth certificate that was obviously forged.
That makes him a birther by any reasonable definition.
In any case, Rush will be hosting the Volin show again tonight, January 9, 2014, at 8 PM US Eastern Time. There is supposed to be an update on the mailing of Sheriff’s Kits.
Read more:
- Erik Rush – Encyclopedia of American Loons
“We have a birth certificate that was obviously forged.
That makes him a birther by any reasonable definition.”
Not Necessarily Doc! Peter Boyles has maintained steadfast that Obama was probably born in Hawaii but holds strong to the fact that Obama’s BC is a forgery.
The meaning of “birther” has grown with the range of conspiracies they embrace. It’s not just for Hawaii any more.
They are mostly talking about Muslims.
6 more and I can do a “2015 Birther a Day” calendar.
A birther a day
Keeps Obama’s presidency in play
Burma Shave
oh year. he’s a total loon. He also claimed that President Obama wanted to spread Ebola in the US and that he wanted ISIS to set up a base in New Mexico. .
you can find more on ER here..
You’re right, John. There’s a forgery here. But it’s not Pres. Obama’s birth certificate. By definition, Hawaii can’t forge its own documents. Not only that, but two Republican Secretaries of State accepted Hawaii’s certification. If it satisfied SOS Bennett, why do you and Peter think you know better?
And, of course, you don’t need a birth certificate to be President. You just have to be born here. If that wasn’t so, Lincoln would have retired from his job as general counsel of the Illinois Central.
Nope. The forgery is you and Peter Boyles. Oh, you may look like a genuine American. But someone who peddles this junk is just a cheap foreign import. Neither you nor Peter know what it means to be an American.
Thanks. I added the link.
No birther/Obama eligibility doubter has ever seen or examined President Obama’s original Certificate of Live Birth so how can any of them know if it is forged or not? To the best of my knowledge, former Director of Health Dr. Chiyome Fukino, Registrar of Vital Statistics Dr. Alvin Onaka, and former Director of Health Loretta Fuddy plus whoever made the two long form copies for President Obama are the only people who have seen the original document that resides in Dr. Onaka’s office safe in the Hawaii state Registrar’s office. Trying to determine a forgery from viewing scanned images of a document on a computer screen is silly.
Something that makes absolutely no sense whatsoever. Why would he need to have the birth certificate forged if he was in fact born in Hawaii?
Viviano called in, the woman who claimed that Obama threatened to kill Chelsea Clinton if the Clintons raised the eligibility issue during the campaign. One guy in the Chat room really believed her. I didn’t want to start an argument, so I didn’t state some of the obvious problems with the story–like THERE IS NO ELIGIBILITY ISSUE.
She didn’t talk about that on the show.
Human beings are such amazing creatures. In this radio “show,” Mr. Rush demonstrates how we can fill a two-hour void with information yet still maintain a vacuum. A remarkable exposition of human interaction with quantum mechanics. Despite our contribution of energy, empty space is conserved.
So then what recycled garbage did she bring to the show?
Make it for 2016, only begin on January 21 and end on January 20, 2017, for obvious reasons. Only who would get the coveted last day? My vote is for Orly.
There was actually a commercial Obama Out of Office calendar published in 2011 for 2012 through January 20, 2013.
There is a new edition for 2015.
The Obama birth certificate forger was kicked out so the show, as usual, didn’t get far.
I wasn’t aware that Roxy decided to call in.
i think betinna could benefit from an AA meeting.
At last long, someone will let her “FEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEENISH” something. 😉
Well she called in, and then someone else called in and all he talked about was Muslims.
I guess that was one of the earlier “fringe among the fringe” birther theories: that his “real” parents were somehow “embarrassing” for him so he had to hide them in order to be elected. But since this theory would mean he could remain President, it was quickly discarded. No-one in the movement is still holding on to it.
I’ve got another theory! Obama is the biological child of Malcolm X and Frank Marshall Davis, who used secret and surely perverted biological surgery to be able to father a child together without the need for a woman. Obviously, such birth circumstances mean that Obama is in no way “natural born”, and, as such, ineligible.
Please, write to WND, write to Birther Report, demand they cover my groundbreaking theory, please, demand they include it on the front page,
Scientific sensation, but still not “universe-shattering”.
I expect nothing less than that we’ve been living in the Matrix for at least 100 years.
(Only logical explanation. The BC can’t have been forged recently and time travel is impossible, so the only remaining explanation is that what we perceive as reality is just a computer program with bugs.)
The alternative is that Judgment Day has already been and gone and what birthers are experiencing is their own personal hell (with the next Presidents being a woman, a black woman, a transgendered person, a black transgendered person, a naturalized black transgendered person and a naturalized black transgendered Muslim).