Is the Sheriff’s Kit the best strategy?

Mike Volin is a birther with a plan. He has assembled a collection of material that he calls the Sheriff’s Kit, and he has been giving it to sheriffs and to members of Congress. While I reject the conclusions Mike has come to, I respect his approach. He has the constitutional right to petition Congress and he is exercising that right.

I contrast what Mike is doing with what I consider the abuse of the legal process by birthers seeking relief in the courts for things outside their jurisdiction (the cases that were dismissed for lack of standing—a jurisdictional requirement). And don’t get me started on the “citizen grand juries.”

Under the Constitution, birthers had exactly two options: convince the voters not to elect Obama or convince Congress to remove Obama from office. The first option (which is no longer available) involved moving public opinion, and it made some sense to put up web sites, send chain email letters, show up at rallies with signs and write letters to the editor. It didn’t work. Now Congress is the only option.

I think the problem is that Volin is taking a shotgun approach to Congress, sort of a “throw it out there and see if it takes root.” That’s not been very effective and I don’t know of anyone in Congress convinced by a Sheriff’s Kit—and if there is, they aren’t admitting it. And if someone in Congress were convinced by a Sheriff’s Kit, there is no political cover for them. Birthers are considered crazy nut-job conspiracy theorists by enough people to decide just about any election against a birther candidate. Any congressman who went birther would become a laughingstock and the subject of embarrassing newspaper political cartoons. And of course, it takes more than one congressman to impeach the President.

What the birthers need is one respectable birther whose personal gravitas legitimizes the movement. They need to focus all their energies on that individual and convince him with their evidence. So far, the best they have is Sheriff Arpaio, and Arpaio didn’t even investigate the birth certificate. He wasn’t willing to commit his own department resources, but shunted the investigation to some volunteers with no qualifications and no resources. And of course Sheriff Joe himself is a hugely controversial figure, costing the County tens of millions of dollars in lawsuit settlements for wrongful deaths in his jail, and for his personal abuse of power in trumped-up charges against political enemies. He is damaged goods not to mention his well-publicized axe to grind against the President over immigration. Arpaio is trivially dismissed with the Obama saying against the right-wing nut jobs: “we all know what that’s about.”

No, what the birthers need is a supporter with credentials, either political, legal or scientific. I don’t mean some obscure document examiner who won’t even release his report or a celebrity. I mean someone that everyone has heard of and is widely respected, someone who doesn’t have an axe to grind and can be seen as an honest broker. A bunch of nobodies and political partisans are not going to create the tipping point necessary to change the status quo. Volin’s dilemma, however, is that the kind of person I described wouldn’t buy the birther nonsense in the first place.

About Dr. Conspiracy

I'm not a real doctor, but I have a master's degree.
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104 Responses to Is the Sheriff’s Kit the best strategy?

  1. Jim says:

    Well, I can tell you right now, he’s sending them to the wrong people. He really needs to send them to people who’d be interested in overthrowing the constitutionally elected governement. A partial list of people who really might be interested in the Sheriff’s kits and be able to bring the attention that seditionists like the birthers really want might include…

    Valdimir Putin
    Ali Khamenei
    Kim Jong-un
    Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi
    The Taliban

  2. CarlOrcas says:

    All the credentials in the world can’t solve the basic problem: The case has no legs. There is no there there.

  3. The Magic M says:

    While I reject the conclusions Mike has come to, I respect his approach. He has the constitutional right to petition Congress and he is exercising that right.

    You’re right about Congress, but sending it to sheriffs means he somehow thinks local law enforcement can/should somehow remove a sitting President. And that is not constitutional in any sense of the word, that’s trying to incite armed revolt (without legal basis, forceful action in this issue by a sheriff is no better than by any ordinary citizen).

  4. It does. You just have to expose a huge number of high level players who sound like they’re all for America. But, aren’t. Let’s start with Bush, Jr and Jeb as well as both of the Clintons who can’t seem to find willing sex partners so they both have to resort to rape. Both prefer women, helpless women. What Mike Volin either knows or suspects is that they’re all hiding behind the “matter of national security” BS which is not true once you peel back all of the genocidal layers and take a cold, hard look at what’s really going on.

    All the credentials in the world can’t solve the basic problem: The case has no legs. There is no there there.

  5. Rickey says:

    Sending the kits to every Republican in Congress isn’t going to accomplish anything, because nothing gets voted on in the House unless the Republican leadership supports it. If Volin could get Boehner on board, there would be a chance of seeing an impeachment vote.

    But even if that happened, impeachment is doomed to fail, just as it was doomed to fail with Clinton. They don’t have the votes in the Senate to convict.

    And Boehner is too smart to fall for the birther nonsense.

  6. RewriteOurWorld says:

    The “birthers” already have Carl Gallups….I mean, he’s highly respected, a professional, and is always honest. He’s even the unofficial, official spokesperson for Zullo. What more could “birthers” ask for?

    I mean, sure, he’s called “birthers” rabid. And sure, he insinuates sites like BR are jealous and spreading misinformation. And sure, he may lie without lying because sensationalism is always truthful no matter the original intended consequence.

    Anyhow, I guess what I’m trying to say is:

    Carl Gallups=The Chosen One™

  7. Krosis says:

    Yeah, Zullo-Arpaio is the closest the birthers got to a person with gravitas (Zullo shines only by the light reflected from Arpaio, he doesn’t produce light himself), and even they are trying of universe not shattering, despite all the promises.

    Poor Dr. Taitz! She was initially so popular, but she had a notable lack of gravitas.

  8. I’ve never considered Baptist preachers as “professionals.” There is no accreditation or educational requirement to become a Baptist preacher except that a church call you and ordain you. (I should note that I grew up Southern Baptist and my cousin is a Baptist preached with a Doctor of Doctor of Divinity degree, so I’m knocking Baptist preachers in general.)

    Gallups’ only claim to gravitas is his position on the Board of Regents of the University of Mobile (formerly Mobile College and where my cousin went as an undergraduate) which is a Southern Baptist institution. I understand that the Board of Regents (in contrast to their Board of Trustees) is primarily involved with fundraising, and is not even mentioned in the school’s Employee Handbook

    RewriteOurWorld: The “birthers” already have Carl Gallups….I mean, he’s highly respected, a professional,

  9. 1st Amendment? But I was trying to be nice.

    The Magic M: sending it to sheriffs means he somehow thinks local law enforcement can/should somehow remove a sitting President. And that is not constitutional in any sense of the word,

  10. RewriteOurWorld says:

    That was all satire, Doc. Then again, I think Gallups would make a good car salesman. He’s already proven to be a great book writer too!

    Dr. Conspiracy:
    I’ve never considered Baptist preachers as “professionals.”

  11. Pete says:

    Nancy R Owens: It does

    No, Nancy, it doesn’t. For one very simple reason.

    All birther “evidence” is utter and complete bullcrap.


  12. Pete says:

    Volin’s dilemma, however, is that the kind of person I described wouldn’t buy the birther nonsense in the first place.

    Which is why hanging out around here (or at Gerbil Report) is simply inexpensive entertainment.

  13. You’re going to have to eventually accept that Obama’s certs are fake. It’s just what Russia planned years ago to ensure that we would most likely have to fight a civil war or lose complete credibility as a nation.

    How we got here was through allowing non-military candidates like Bush, Jr. into the voting procedure. Now, we are paying the price just as many feared years ago.

    And, to make matters worse, here come Jeb Bush, Pablo’s buddy, and Hillary Clinton. Yikes!

    Pete: No, Nancy, it doesn’t. For one very simple reason.

    All birther “evidence” is utter and complete bullcrap.


  14. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    I’m starting to think even Falcon is in the “There is no hope of winning, All I have left his my hatred.” camp. I think all of the long time birthers are feeling that way. Just look at what gets posted on a daily basis. There isn’t a hint of realistic optimism left. Its just them going through the motions.

  15. Benji Franklin says:

    Doc, you wrote:”He has assembled a collection of material that he calls the Sheriff’s Kit, and he has been giving it to sheriffs and to members of Congress. ”

    I think that the methods and madness of the Birthers could have turned even a legitimate case against Obama – one secured with real evidence – into a loser.

    First, one need only take a snapshot of the Birther Klown Kar whizzing by during any one of their short-flung escapades, to imagine what normal, rational people must have though of the bizarre cast of Birther characters!

    Mike Volin’s initiative makes a good example of how unaware Birthers are of the fact that it is their bizarre assertions that brand them as lunatics – not name-calling by Obots.

    Setting aside the fact that these “kits” contain no court-worthy evidence of any kind, and would not be recognized by ANY sheriff as a conventional tool they would routinely use, just the specter of sophomorically naming the kit after an office of law enforcement is more than a little over-the-top for a first impression, action-recruiting tool, isn’t it? Members of Congress would probably have found equally seriously appealing, the same material gathered under the title of a “Ming the Merciless Kit”

    One of Sheriff Joe’s early comments about the kit was that it probably should be labeled, ‘Sheriff’s Office”. I guess we know at least one sheriff who wasn’t in Mike Volin’s huddle when the play was called, don’t we?

    Is there ONE sheriff in this country who would feel INCOMPLETE as a sheriff, until he/she received one of these kits?

    “Oh”, you say, “but these kits are not really FOR sheriffs!”

    Great point! How could we forget? These “Sheriff Kits” are for MEMBERS of CONGRESS mostly. And that’s why they would have been so much more effective in garnering Congressional interest, if they would have included a cardboard badge. Okay, maybe not more effective, but surely Representatives and Senators would not have thought less of the Sheriff’s Kits, or been MORE horrified by the kits if each one had contained such a cardboard badge, AND a warrant for Obama’s arrest, AND a Colt .45 Automatic Pistol carved out of soap.

  16. Arthur says:

    Nancy R Owens: And, to make matters worse, here come Jeb Bush, Pablo’s buddy, and Hillary Clinton. Yikes!

    You know what has to be done, Nancy. Go and do it.

  17. Whenever I hear Sheriff’s Kit, I think of something like:

    Benji Franklin: Setting aside the fact that these “kits” contain no court-worthy evidence of any kind, and would not be recognized by ANY sheriff as a conventional tool they would routinely use, just the specter of sophomorically naming the kit after an office of law enforcement is more than a little over-the-top for a first impression, action-recruiting tool, isn’t it?

  18. Which is what? What more can I do that I haven’t already done? I’m open to suggestions.

    Arthur: You know what has to be done, Nancy. Go and do it.

  19. john says:

    I alway considered January 6, 2013, the Day Congress certified the vote, to be the Birther’s “Last Stand”. One Senator and Congressman could have halted the vote and bring the issue up but it never happened. Obama will never be removed and he will serve his full term. At this point, birthers can just get the information out there as a matter of historical record. I remember Momma E, a very old birther, stating that history will record the following – “Barrack Hussein Obama served his term as a ineligible candidate for President.”

  20. john says:

    Birthers had Donald Trump who ultimately was one of the main factors that caused Obama to release his Long Form Birth Certifcate in March 2011 but after that Donald Trump fell flat as to the allegations that what Obama released was a forgery.

  21. gorefan says:

    john: One Senator and Congressman

    What happened to Rep. Yoho? Did you ever follow up with him?

  22. katahdin says:

    Birthers had Donald Trump who ultimately was one of the main factors that caused Obama to release his Long Form Birth Certificate in March 2011 but after that Donald Trump fell flat as to the allegations that what Obama released was a forgery.

    While he was pretending to be thinking of running for president, Trump admitted on national television that the whole reason he grabbed onto the birther nonsense was that it polled well with the Republican base.
    Then President Obama personally humiliated Trump at the White House Correspondents Association dinner, and Trump, as a man utterly without the ability to laugh at himself, had to stick with the birther thing or lose face.
    He doesn’t believe it. He never did. He was just caught being his usual opportunistic self. Now he’s stuck with the birther label. To shake it, he would have to admit that he made a fool of himself and that he was wrong.

  23. Jim says:

    john: I remember Momma E, a very old birther, stating that history will record the following – “Barrack Hussein Obama served his terms in office with great distinction. Propelled by a lunatic fringe of bigots who provided never-ending humor and jokes for the President.”

    FIFY there john.

  24. Rickey says:

    Nancy R Owens:

    How we got here was through allowing non-military candidates like Bush, Jr. into the voting procedure. Now, we are paying the price just as many feared years ago.

    You need to brush up on your American History. Eleven U.S. Presidents (in addition to Obama) never served in the military.

    John Adams
    John Quincy Adams
    Martin Van Buren
    Grover Cleveland
    William Howard Taft
    Woodrow Wilson
    Warren G. Harding
    Calvin Coolidge
    Herbert Hoover
    Franklin D. Roosevelt
    Bill Clinton

  25. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    john: I remember Momma E, a very old birther, stating that history will record the following – “Barrack Hussein Obama served his term as a ineligible candidate for President.”

    Except that ain’t how it played out, is it John?
    As far as Hawaii, and the other 49 states are concerned, he’s eligible.
    As far as Congress is concerned, he’s eligible.
    As far as the American people, who didn’t snack on paint chips as youths, are concerned, he’s eligible.

  26. alg says:

    In the words of Evelyn Beatrice Hall: I disapprove of what Mike Volin says, but I will defend to the death his right to make an utter fool of himself – not my death per se 🙂

  27. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    Birthers had Donald Trump who ultimately was one of the main factors that caused Obama to release his Long Form Birth Certifcate in March 2011 but after that Donald Trump fell flat as to the allegations that what Obama released was a forgery.

    Allegations that were quickly dismissed as the stuff of idiotic fantasy.
    Hawaii pwned the birther moment in one fell swoop. All that happened afterwards on your part was for naught. All the cries of layers, and inconsistencies? None of it mattered in the least. Folks like NBC showing you that all of the anomalies were just part of the scanning process was just icing on the cake.

  28. alg says:

    Birthers had Donald Trump who ultimately was one of the main factors that caused Obama to release his Long Form Birth Certifcate in March 2011 but after that Donald Trump fell flat as to the allegations that what Obama released was a forgery.

    Trump has earned his rightful place in American history as an over-priced carnival barker. The whole affair rendered him the laughing stock of the nation. Whatever aspirations The Donald may have held for the Presidency forever evaporated the moment Obama presented his official bonafides. He will live the rest of his life knowing this to be the case.

    As his longtime friend Barbara Walters told him: “You’re making a fool of yourself.”

  29. Pete says:

    Nancy R Owens: You’re going to have to eventually accept that Obama’s certs are fake.

    Your denial of the utter bullcrap-ness of ALL birther “evidence” doesn’t make it any less bullcrap.

    Just because you’re not capable of recognizing total bullcrap literally has no effect on those of us who are. Zero. None.

    Nor does it have any effect whatsoever on the real world.


  30. Pete says:

    Andrew Vrba, PmG:
    I’m starting to think even Falcon is in the “There is no hope of winning, All I have left his my hatred.” camp. I think all of the long time birthers are feeling that way. Just look at what gets posted on a daily basis. There isn’t a hint of realistic optimism left. Its just them going through the motions.

    Well, we knew it would come to this, because some people are incapable of quitting even after they’ve discovered that the valiant and mighty steed they imagined they were riding is nothing more than a broken sawhorse.

  31. Pete says:

    Nancy R Owens:
    Which is what? What more can I do that I haven’t already done? I’m open to suggestions.

    You could go and pee on the ground and wish real hard for it to turn into real gold. That would be every bit as effective as the sum total of all birther efforts from the beginning until now.

    More effective, probably. Because pee acts as a fertilizer for plants. So it might help your lawn, or maybe if you peed enough, you could even grow plumper tomatoes.

  32. Pete says:

    john: I remember Momma E, a very old birther, stating that history will record the following – “Barrack Hussein Obama served his term as a ineligible candidate for President.”

    History will record no such thing.

    History won’t even notice the efforts of birthers, except as a curiosity of human stupidity.

  33. alg says:

    Pete: Well, we knew it would come to this, because some people are incapable of quitting even after they’ve discovered that the valiant and mighty steed they imagined they were riding is nothing more than a broken sawhorse.

    And, let’s face it, Zullo has become persona non grata. He is no longer Arpaio’s sunshine boy. Our friends at Birther Report are just now beginning to realize this as we approach the one year anniversary of the predicted universe shattering that never happened. Watching them fight each other resembles a school of dogfish ripping apart a bilge rat that had the misfortune of falling off the boat into the water.

  34. Kate says:

    Rickey: You need to brush up on your American History. Eleven U.S. Presidents (in addition to Obama) never served in the military.

    John Adams
    John Quincy Adams
    Martin Van Buren
    Grover Cleveland
    William Howard Taft
    Woodrow Wilson
    Warren G. Harding
    Calvin Coolidge
    Herbert Hoover
    Franklin D. Roosevelt
    Bill Clinton

    She’s been told this before but insists that prior to Reagan, our President had to be former military despite it not being in the Constitution. NRO makes up a lot of things, like Reagan’s alleged criteria for Pell grants when in reality, he didn’t make any changes to it.

    Nancy also asked what she could do to be heard and was told to turn herself in to Congress. She was complaining that nobody would listen to her tales of forgery, murder, etc. She said she wasn’t aware that she could do that but now that she knew, that changed things yet here she is, still asking what she could possibly do. Nancy, how about provide PROOF of all the things you’ve claimed to have done? Apparently there are more than a few people you said you’ve killed that are still alive and well. That, alone, leads to nothing but doubt when it comes to the stories you’ve told.

  35. Benji Franklin says:

    john: I remember Momma E, a very old birther, stating that history will record the following – “Barrack Hussein Obama served his term as a ineligible candidate for President.”

    Do you really, John? Well, that’s the Birther ‘Old Testament’. Momma E has changed her mind since then. First she decided that Obama would be removed from history altogether. Then in 2011 sometime, she announced she was no longer a Birther and started posting at Fogbow.

    If Momma E had stated that Obama caused World War One, would you remember that? And if so, would that make Obama eventually being blamed for WWI by most historians more likely?

  36. RanTalbott says:

    I mean someone that everyone has heard of and is widely respected, someone who doesn’t have an axe to grind and can be seen as an honest broker.

    Pat Boone? 😉

    There is no “good strategy” for the birfers: they’ve wedged themselves so tightly into the “conspiracy nut” pigeonhole that nothing short of a nuclear explosion can get them out.

    The “mass marketing” strategy of mailing DVDs, chain emails, etc, is still relevant, because they’re still trying to drum up popular support to persuade Congress that birtherism is not some lunatic fringe belief. But it suffers from the unfortunate fact that it is a completely unfounded lunatic fringe belief, and only the abysmally ignorant can be persuaded otherwise. So, as the Borg might say, “Persistence is futile”.

  37. RanTalbott says:

    Dr. Conspiracy: Whenever I hear Sheriff’s Kit, I think of something like:

    Or something like this, but with a Western design.

    I haven’t encountered Volin online, but I’ve been wanting to ask him how many people have actually built a sheriff from one of his kits.

  38. The Magic M says:

    Dr. Conspiracy: 1st Amendment?

    In that sense, shouting “hang the n***er” from the roof tops is also constitutional. ;-P I thought you were commending him on believing in the constitutional way of removing a President (getting Congress to impeach and convict), and approaching sheriffs shows a belief in a non-constitutional way.

  39. You mean all of those body doubles like “Jon-Jon?” Turn myself in to Congress? *wiping away tears of laughter* Like seriously, do you really think that will make a difference? I don’t. As for proof, no sooner is it printed is it deleted. Didn’t the IRS’s Lois Learner teach you anything? The mailman is from Clewiston, Florida. Get them to admit that and I’ll “turn myself in” to “Congress.”

    Kate: She’s been told this before but insists that prior to Reagan, our President had to be former military despite it not being in the Constitution.NRO makes up a lot of things, like Reagan’s alleged criteria for Pell grants when in reality, he didn’t make any changes to it.

    Nancy also asked what she could do to be heard and was told to turn herself in to Congress.She was complaining that nobody would listen to her tales of forgery, murder, etc.She said she wasn’t aware that she could do that but now that she knew, that changed things yet here she is, still asking what she could possibly do.Nancy, how about provide PROOF of all the things you’ve claimed to have done?Apparently there are more than a few people you said you’ve killed that are still alive and well.That, alone, leads to nothing but doubt when it comes to the stories you’ve told.

  40. Dr. Kenneth Noisewater says:

    Nancy R Owens: You’re going to have to eventually accept that Obama’s certs are fake. It’s just what Russia planned years ago to ensure that we would most likely have to fight a civil war or lose complete credibility as a nation.

    Russia? I thought you said Pablo Escobar was behind it? Can’t keep your stories straight.

  41. Dr. Kenneth Noisewater says:

    I alway considered January 6, 2013, the Day Congress certified the vote, to be the Birther’s “Last Stand”.One Senator and Congressman could have halted the vote and bring the issue up but it never happened.Obama will never be removed and he will serve his full term.At this point, birthers can just get the information out there as a matter of historical record.I remember Momma E, a very old birther, stating that history will record the following – “Barrack Hussein Obama served his term as a ineligible candidate for President.”

    Except history won’t record that. History probably won’t even remember the birther movement because of how fringe and ineffective they were.

  42. Dr. Kenneth Noisewater says:

    Kate: Nancy also asked what she could do to be heard and was told to turn herself in to Congress. She was complaining that nobody would listen to her tales of forgery, murder, etc. She said she wasn’t aware that she could do that but now that she knew, that changed things yet here she is, still asking what she could possibly do. Nancy, how about provide PROOF of all the things you’ve claimed to have done? Apparently there are more than a few people you said you’ve killed that are still alive and well. That, alone, leads to nothing but doubt when it comes to the stories you’ve told.

    Not in the slightest. Nancy is lazy. She won’t venture outside Florida once. I told her why not go to Arpaio’s office and make him listen to her and she laughed at the notion of actually traveling.

  43. Dr. Kenneth Noisewater says:

    Nancy R Owens: You mean all of those body doubles like “Jon-Jon?” Turn myself in to Congress? *wiping away tears of laughter* Like seriously, do you really think that will make a difference?

    Yes god forbid you get off your lazy ass and actually do something in person. You’re all talk no real action.

  44. Arthur says:

    Nancy R Owens: Which is what? What more can I do that I haven’t already done? I’m open to suggestions.

    Just listen to the voices in your head. Or the one coming out of the air conditioner.

  45. john says:

    Momma E….I thought she died. I heard she was very sick a while back. Anyway, I wonder what her thoughts about Obama and his eligibility today. Is she still a big support of Phil Berg and what’s her take on the Arpaio investigation? Doc C should make a post. What do old birthers think today? Another good person is the baptist minister who said that Obama’s Grandmother said he was born in Kenya. Although all the transcripts and audio was released revealing the grand mother said that Obama was born in Hawaii (After heavy, heavy, heavy coaching), I wonder what the minister’s take is on it today?

  46. Dr. Kenneth Noisewater says:

    john: Although all the transcripts and audio was released revealing the grand mother said that Obama was born in Hawaii (After heavy, heavy, heavy coaching), I wonder what the minister’s take is on it today?

    Not heavy coaching in the slightest. Not once did she claim he was born in Kenya. McRae kept using her step son Barack Obama Sr and her step grandson Barack Obama Jr interchangeably during the exchange in order to confuse the translators. He asked if she was present when he was born. She clarified by saying she was Present in Kenya when he was born in Hawaii. There was no coaching.

  47. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    john: I wonder…

    And I wonder when you are going to show your true colors and drop the polite pretense. I liken people like you to the Rakshasa from AD&D’s Forgotten Realms lore. Using soft-spoken civility as a front for what you really are.

  48. John Reilly says:

    My introduction to the birthers was the Grandmother tape. A friend said there was a tape in which Pres. Obama’s grandmother said he was born in Kenya. I found it quickly on-line, and listened to the whole tape.

    Pres. Obama’s grandmother says the President was born in Hawaii. Clear as day.

    The tape was interesting for not describing who was present, what languages were being translated, etc. To the extent Grandma appears to say that she was “present” when Pres. Obama was born, that could simply be an error in translation. Anyone who has tried to translate one language to another has run into that problem. In any event, when the question is asked multiple times from multiple directions, Grandma is clear where she was and where the President was. She says he was born in Hawaii.

  49. john says:

    John Reilly:
    My introduction to the birthers was the Grandmother tape.A friend said there was a tape in which Pres. Obama’s grandmother said he was born in Kenya.I found it quickly on-line, and listened to the whole tape.

    Pres. Obama’s grandmother says the President was born in Hawaii.Clear as day.

    The tape was interesting for not describing who was present, what languages were being translated, etc.To the extent Grandma appears to say that she was “present” when Pres. Obama was born, that could simply be an error in translation.Anyone who has tried to translate one language to another has run into that problem.In any event, when the question is asked multiple times from multiple directions, Grandma is clear where she was and where the President was.She says he was born in Hawaii.

    John Reilly:
    My introduction to the birthers was the Grandmother tape.A friend said there was a tape in which Pres. Obama’s grandmother said he was born in Kenya.I found it quickly on-line, and listened to the whole tape.

    Pres. Obama’s grandmother says the President was born in Hawaii.Clear as day.

    The tape was interesting for not describing who was present, what languages were being translated, etc.To the extent Grandma appears to say that she was “present” when Pres. Obama was born, that could simply be an error in translation.Anyone who has tried to translate one language to another has run into that problem.In any event, when the question is asked multiple times from multiple directions, Grandma is clear where she was and where the President was.She says he was born in Hawaii.

    The audio is not the best audio. there is a lot of cross talk garble among it. According, to sources, the audio was analyzed by native dialect translators and they determined the crosstalk garble was the grandmother arguing to the her translator that Obama was born in Hawaii.

  50. My take on the “Sheriff’s Kit” is that it is the dumbest idea a Birther has ever thought up since the “Where’s Obama’s Birth Certificate” hand stamp for paper currency. 😉

  51. Dr. Kenneth Noisewater says:

    john: The audio is not the best audio. there is a lot of cross talk garble among it. According, to sources, the audio was analyzed by native dialect translators and they determined the crosstalk garble was the grandmother arguing to the her translator that Obama was born in Hawaii.

    So in other words no coaching. You were lying when you claimed she was being coached.

  52. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    Reality Check:
    My take on the “Sheriff’s Kit” is that it is the dumbest idea a Birther has ever thought up since the “Where’s Obama’s Birth Certificate” hand stamp for paper currency.

    Isn’t defacing currency in such a way a crime? I could be mistaken on that though.

  53. Dr. Kenneth Noisewater says:

    Reality Check:
    My take on the “Sheriff’s Kit” is that it is the dumbest idea a Birther has ever thought up since the “Where’s Obama’s Birth Certificate” hand stamp for paper currency.

    Or flying that sign over the closed dome stadium.

  54. An unnamed translator as interpreted by Jerome Corsi? Haven’t you learned ANYTHING about critical thinking all these years you’ve been reading this blog?

    Remarkably, an article at the Post & Email appeared where a known friend of the Obama family, Mr. Omolo, is reported to have said that he listened to the tape and that Sarah Obama clearly says she was in Mombasa when Obama was born in Hawaii. Of course, one wonders what she was doing in Mombasa. See my article:

    john: The audio is not the best audio. there is a lot of cross talk garble among it. According, to sources, the audio was analyzed by native dialect translators and they determined the crosstalk garble was the grandmother arguing to the her translator that Obama was born in Hawaii.

  55. john says:

    Reality Check:
    My take on the “Sheriff’s Kit” is that it is the dumbest idea a Birther has ever thought up since the “Where’s Obama’s Birth Certificate” hand stamp for paper currency.

    The hand stamp on currency was a great idea. I didn’t have a hand stamp just a sharpie. Back in the day, I wrote on many of my bills a message regarding the birth certificate. I called them “Birther Bucks”. During the 2012 Election did the same for Romney. (Vote for Romney) I called the “Romney Bucks”.

    Many have said that defacing money bills is a crime but that is not true. It is only a crime you make the bill unusable for circulation with the intent to destroy the bill. Simply writing on a bill does not render it unusuable and therefore no crime is committed. it completely legal to do. I tried to get more people to do it for the 2012 election but no enough people did it. If they had…perhaps the election would have turned out differently.

  56. john says:

    Andrew Vrba, PmG: Isn’t defacing currency in such a way a crime? I could be mistaken on that though.

    Defacing currency or bills is NOT a crime unless your intent is to destroy the bill and make it unfit or unusuable for circulation. Writing on a bill doesn’t render it unusuable.

  57. Dr. Kenneth Noisewater says:

    john: I tried to get more people to do it for the 2012 election but no enough people did it. If they had…perhaps the election would have turned out differently.

    Well not enough people were stupid enough to do it. The few bills you could use it on wouldn’t have circulated far and people would have laughed at it. It would have had no effect on the election.

  58. No. To be a crime there has to be an intent to make the bill “unfit to be reissued.” 18 U.S. Code § 333

    Andrew Vrba, PmG: Isn’t defacing currency in such a way a crime? I could be mistaken on that though.

  59. john says:

    Dr. Conspiracy:
    An unnamed translator as interpreted by Jerome Corsi? Haven’t you learned ANYTHING about critical thinking all these years you’ve been reading this blog?

    Yes, this one those unanswered questions like who was the mole that was in Hawaii just prior to the the release of the BC indicating it would be a fraud.

  60. Dr. Kenneth Noisewater says:

    john: Yes, this one those unanswered questions like who was the mole that was in Hawaii just prior to the the release of the BC indicating it would be a fraud.

    Have you ever thought about the claim being completely made-up instead of just assuming there was a mole?

  61. Donald Trumps investigators in Hawaii stepped on him and killed him.

    My personal opinion is that Trump had no investigators, but was relying on Corsi, just as Zullo was.

    john: Yes, this one those unanswered questions like who was the mole that was in Hawaii just prior to the the release of the BC indicating it would be a fraud.

  62. Jerome Corsi either lied about the mailman or failed to disclose the truth about the mailman. He has never sent me any papers challenging my comments. Nor, to the best of my knowledge, has he ever challenged me in any blog or article.

    As for Arpaio, he is two thousand miles away from me and I have sent him plenty of emails which he refuses to answer. What in the world makes any of you think that, after chasing him down, he would actually DO anything? He is also facing contempt charges from what I hear so he’s not exactly the credible, now is he?

  63. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    Dr. Conspiracy:
    No. To be a crime there has to be an intent to make the bill “unfit to be reissued.” 18 U.S. Code § 333

    Okay, so the stamps are not a crime. They’re still incredibly tacky though, and since I’ve never come across one such bill in the wild, I’d guess they failed to see much circulation.

  64. john says:

    Yes, in my opinion money bill marking is the most powerful and political weapon that exists. It’s impossible to stop once it is started and best of all it’s free. The only problem with it, is you have get people to do it and that’s the trick.

  65. Wow, with that secret you should run for Congress.

    john: Yes, in my opinion money bill marking is the most powerful and political weapon that exists

  66. Dr. Kenneth Noisewater says:

    Nancy R Owens: As for Arpaio, he is two thousand miles away from me and I have sent him plenty of emails which he refuses to answer

    Old joe is technology averse. Why not send him a letter by pony express? Or get off your lazy ass and go to his offices?

  67. Dr. Kenneth Noisewater says:

    Yes, in my opinion money bill marking is the most powerful and political weapon that exists.It’s impossible to stop once it is started and best of all it’s free.The only problem with it, is you have get people to do it and that’s the trick.

    Yes because obviously that’s what wins elections marking up dollar bills. I’m sure the founding fathers wrote many letters on the wonders of marking up their currency notes.

  68. john says:

    Dr. Conspiracy:
    Wow, with that secret you should run for Congress.

    Dr. Conspiracy:
    Wow, with that secret you should run for Congress.

    That’s wouldn’t be a bad idea. I just need to have my supporters get their hands on as many money bills as they can find and start marking. I don’t need bumper sticks or signs or other stuff. People will see my need anytime they buy something, EVERYWHERE

  69. sfjeff says:

    I love John’s method of putting his message on dollar bills.

    That way he is clearly informing everyone that he pays that he is a total loon.

  70. john says:

    believe it or not a lot of people look at their money bills and if they see something written on it, they usually are quite interested in reading it.

  71. wrecking ball says:

    Yes, in my opinion money bill marking is the most powerful and political weapon that exists.

    it gets a little tricky tho marking the paypal money.

  72. Jim says:

    john: believe it or not a lot of people look at their money bills and if they see something written on it, they usually are quite interested in reading it.

    I know! Just yesterday I got a dollar bill that said “birthers are bigotted nuts”. And accurate too! It’s amazing!

  73. john says:

    I know during the 2012 Election I marked at least 20 money bills. Assuming that the money bills didn’t get stuck somewhere, 20 persons saw them and then 20 other persons saw them and then 20 other persons saw and then 20 other persons saw them . The Progression could be incredible 20 Persons X 20 More Persons X 20 More Persons X 20 More Persons….X assuming the bills don’t get stuck or sits. So that comes to 1760000 potential persons.

  74. Loren says:

    The audio is not the best audio.there is a lot of cross talk garble among it.According, to sources, the audio was analyzed by native dialect translators and they determined the crosstalk garble was the grandmother arguing to the her translator that Obama was born in Hawaii.

    Want some behind-the-scenes info, john? On July 18, 2009, I separately emailed both Jerome Corsi and Joseph Farah, and pointed out that although multiple WND articles stated that Sarah Obama had said her grandson was born in Mombasa, she never actually says that on the tape. Indeed, when Mombasa is mentioned by Ron McRae, her response is that he was NOT born in Mombasa.

    In my email to Farah, in particular, I pointed out that he had nonetheless claimed several times that Sarah had stated a Mombasa birth.

    Joseph Farah’s response, quoted: “You don’t have my source? My source is our senior staffer Jerome Corsi, who also brought back an affidavit from a man who interviewed Sarah Obama in her own language about this subject in which she repeatedly insisted she was there at the birth in Mombasa. We have reported this many times.”

    Corsi, on the other hand, admitted that he didn’t bring back an affidavit. Because the McRae interview with Sarah Obama happened roughly a week AFTER Corsi returned from Kenya. (Plus, if you’ve read the McRae affidavit, john, you know that it *definitely* doesn’t include her “repeatedly insisting” that Obama was born in Mombasa.)

    So those were the emails I sent them on July 18, 2009, pointing out that they’d been misrepresenting Sarah Obama’s statements. But then what happened a month later? They published the Corsi article you cited in your post, on August 24, 2009. Where Corsi suddenly claims to have two Kenyan sources who say that Sarah Obama DOES say Mombasa, but only in her native language in the background. And, of course, Corsi keeps both of these Kenyan sources anonymous, because…actually, he doesn’t even bother to explain why he doesn’t include the translators’ names.

    Remember, neither Corsi nor Farah speak Luo, and thus they had no idea what was or wasn’t being said in a foreign language in the background of the audiotape. They only knew the English transcript, and based on that, they mistakenly reported that Sarah Obama claimed a Mombasa birth. (Indeed, on at least one occasion, Farah falsely claimed that TWO Obama relatives in Kenya claimed a Mombasa birth:

    So it’s funny how after nearly a year of misrepresenting Sarah’s comments in the McRae audiotape, Corsi just happened to track down two (anonymous) Luo speakers who were able to validate his mistake. And he just happened to do this after I pointed out the mistake out to him and his boss.

    How much credence *you*, john, choose to put in Corsi and his anonymous Kenyan sources is up to you. And when you make that analysis, might I remind you that I personally caught him plagiarizing the London Evening-Standard and the AFP and attributing their work to an anonymous “Kenyan source.”

  75. Let me guess. Math was not your strong suit in school?

    I know during the 2012 Election I marked at least 20 money bills.Assuming that the money bills didn’t get stuck somewhere, 20 persons saw them and then 20 other persons saw them and then 20 other persons saw and then 20 other persons saw them .The Progression could be incredible 20 Persons X 20 More Persons X 20 More Persons X 20 More Persons….X assuming the bills don’t get stuck or sits.So that comes to 1760000 potential persons.

  76. I know a lot of people like this. They can’t solve problems. The only thing that they do is suggest that the other person keep doing something more…and more….and more. Until that other person has exhausted every avenue and says, “Ok, you win.” Then the original non-problem solver says, “See, you just didn’t do enough and now it’s all your fault.”

    Joe can answer an email or I can travel 2,000 miles to meet with him. Let me tell you how that would play out. Because the NSA knows everything, I’d get roughly 50 miles away from his office before I’d be notified by law enforcement the next county over that I was not welcome in his county and that if I go there, I’ll be arrested. That’s exactly how “traveling” to see Joe would play out.

    Dr. Kenneth Noisewater: Old joe is technology averse.Why not send him a letter by pony express?Or get off your lazy ass and go to his offices?

  77. Kate says:

    Nancy R Owens:
    Jerome Corsi either lied about the mailman or failed to disclose the truth about the mailman. He has never sent me any papers challenging my comments. Nor, to the best of my knowledge, has he ever challenged me in any blog or article.

    As for Arpaio, he is two thousand miles away from me and I have sent him plenty of emails which he refuses to answer. What in the world makes any of you think that, after chasing him down, he would actually DO anything? He is also facing contempt charges from what I hear so he’s not exactly the credible, now is he?

    Nobody believes anything you say despite including the mailman in your story, too. Corsi included the mailman because some idiot came forward claiming that Bill Ayers family paid for Obama’s tuition and he was their mailman. As far as credible goes, how many times have you changed your story? First you said you got the name Obama from the Bible, then later claimed you and Griselda went to Hawaii to “study the birthing roles” and chose the name because there were so many Obama families in Hawaii. You ignored the fact that there was only one Obama family at the time according to genealogy studies when confronted and then added the idea that you murdered the entire family after using their name. Where is the proof that you killed all these people? Body doubles don’t magically appear as you have claimed. There are yearbooks from 1971 through 1979 with inscriptions from Barry (Barack) Obama in them that have appeared since he ran for office. All of them have pics of him in addition to video of him playing basketball in Hawaii.

    There is nothing you can do to get anyone to listen to you because nobody believes someone whose story is filled with blatant lies, including to claim your his half sister in a pic where she is several years younger than him. You can laugh all you like about the idea of going to Congress but you appeared to take it seriously when someone mentioned that was the way to have your story heard. You don’t have the balls to go to Congress and bring up George W. Bush, Hillary & Bill Clinton, Jeb Bush, Lindsay Graham and all the others you claim have either tortured you, raped you or tried to have you killed. Only in your world do people who wish to have someone killed, give up after they fail the first time! How convenient for you!

    You refuse to answer questions for which you have no answer. Someone brought up a great point but I didn’t see an answer to it yet. In order to apply for Pell grants, you had to list the college you were applying to, so where did your “half-brother” apply to college? You are also claiming you went to Gainesville for 3 years and yet you still didn’t graduate and once claimed you were 15 years shy of your B.A. It’s hard to keep those lies straight.

  78. Jim says:

    john: I know during the 2012 Election I marked at least 20 money bills. Assuming that the money bills didn’t get stuck somewhere, 20 persons saw them and then 20 other persons saw them and then 20 other persons saw and then 20 other persons saw them . The Progression could be incredible 20 Persons X 20 More Persons X 20 More Persons X 20 More Persons….X assuming the bills don’t get stuck or sits. So that comes to 1760000 potential persons.

    Or, when they got to the bank it was noted that that the bills were altered and taken out of circulation. Oh wait, I forget john, you don’t know how things work in our society so you have no clue that only a few people even had the bills and probably most of them thought it was a joke. Poor john, big plans, little penis.

  79. Dr. Kenneth Noisewater says:

    believe it or not a lot of people look at their money bills and if they see something written on it, they usually are quite interested in reading it.

    And then when something on it is nutty as a coconut they just laugh and put it away.

  80. Dr. Kenneth Noisewater says:

    I know during the 2012 Election I marked at least 20 money bills.Assuming that the money bills didn’t get stuck somewhere, 20 persons saw them and then 20 other persons saw them and then 20 other persons saw and then 20 other persons saw them .The Progression could be incredible 20 Persons X 20 More Persons X 20 More Persons X 20 More Persons….X assuming the bills don’t get stuck or sits.So that comes to 1760000 potential persons.

    Wow a whole 20 bills. That’s amazing!!!! You really took a lot of time and effort. There is currently about 1.29 trillion dollars of US currency in circulation. So your little effort would have no real impact.

  81. Dr. Kenneth Noisewater says:

    Loren: So it’s funny how after nearly a year of misrepresenting Sarah’s comments in the McRae audiotape, Corsi just happened to track down two (anonymous) Luo speakers who were able to validate his mistake. And he just happened to do this after I pointed out the mistake out to him and his boss.

    That’s because they’re both dishonest pieces of spit. Not once could they back up the claim. Meanwhile the birther claims kept morphing. It went from her being present to her being there in the maternity ward, to saying she said she was right there in the delivery room and held him right in her arms. Nevermind that she’s consistently said that he was born in Hawaii and wasn’t born in Kenya.

    I still hear birthers claiming Obama’s relatives claimed he was born in Kenya.

  82. He was the mailman….in Clewiston. I know that Bill Clinton was taken down once and I know who helped make it happen. If it happened once, it can most certainly happen again. As for the rest of your comments, you are twisting things and I am not going to bother sorting these things out for you over and over again.

    Kate: Nobody believes anything you say despite including the mailman in your story, too. Corsi included the mailman because some idiot came forward claiming that Bill Ayers family paid for Obama’s tuition and he was their mailman.As far as credible goes, how many times have you changed your story? First you said you got the name Obama from the Bible, then later claimed you and Griselda went to Hawaii to “study the birthing roles” and chose the name because there were so many Obama families in Hawaii.You ignored the fact that there was only one Obama family at the time according to genealogy studies when confronted and then added the idea that you murdered the entire family after using their name.Where is the proof that you killed all these people?Body doubles don’t magically appear as you have claimed.There are yearbooks from 1971 through 1979 with inscriptions from Barry (Barack) Obama in them that have appeared since he ran for office.All of them have pics of him in addition to video of him playing basketball in Hawaii.

    There is nothing you can do to get anyone to listen to you because nobody believes someone whose story is filled with blatant lies, including to claim your his half sister in a pic where she is several years younger than him.You can laugh all you like about the idea of going to Congress but you appeared to take it seriously when someone mentioned that was the way to have your story heard.You don’t have the balls to go to Congress and bring up George W. Bush, Hillary & Bill Clinton, Jeb Bush, Lindsay Graham and all the others you claim have either tortured you, raped you or tried to have you killed.Only in your world do people who wish to have someone killed, give up after they fail the first time!How convenient for you!

    You refuse to answer questions for which you have no answer.Someone brought up a great point but I didn’t see an answer to it yet.In order to apply for Pell grants, you had to list the college you were applying to, so where did your “half-brother” apply to college?You are also claiming you went to Gainesville for 3 years and yet you still didn’t graduate and once claimed you were 15 years shy of your B.A.It’s hard to keep those lies straight.

  83. wrecking ball says:

    I know during the 2012 Election I marked at least 20 money bills.Assuming that the money bills didn’t get stuck somewhere, 20 persons saw them and then 20 other persons saw them and then 20 other persons saw and then 20 other persons saw them .The Progression could be incredible 20 Persons X 20 More Persons X 20 More Persons X 20 More Persons….X assuming the bills don’t get stuck or sits.So that comes to 1760000 potential persons.

    your math seems to be off there. the scenario you’re describing is 20 + 20 + 20 + 20 for a total of 80 people.

    for the 1,760,000 would require that each person that saw a stamped bill then created 20 of their own stamped bills and put into circulation.

  84. Exactly. John’s example is an arithmetic progression not a geometric progression.

    wrecking ball: your math seems to be off there. the scenario you’re describing is 20 + 20 + 20 + 20 for a total of 80 people.

  85. wrecking ball says:

    Reality Check:
    Exactly. John’s example is ….

    “Yes, in my opinion money bill marking is the most powerful and political weapon that exists”


    i’m curious to know if john is reevaluating his opinions on effective political weapons.

  86. Would removing those message be “money laundering”? 👿

    sfjeff: I love John’s method of putting his message on dollar bills.

  87. Dr. Kenneth Noisewater says:

    Nancy R Owens: He was the mailman….in Clewiston. I know that Bill Clinton was taken down once and I know who helped make it happen. If it happened once, it can most certainly happen again. As for the rest of your comments, you are twisting things and I am not going to bother sorting these things out for you over and over again.

    Yes we know Nancy, there’s some tear in the time space continuum which somehow traps everybody in Clewiston, FL and that Clewiston, FL is somehow the only city that exists on earth.

  88. Much like that area in California in the mid 1850’s. You know, the one with all of the gold that men tracked over miles and miles of hostile territory to get to in order to become rich and famous.

    Aww…shucks. Who am I kidding? There never was such a place…..ever….please ignore the railroads tracks that made a beeline across our nation.

    Dr. Kenneth Noisewater: Yes we know Nancy, there’s some tear in the time space continuum which somehow traps everybody in Clewiston, FL and that Clewiston, FL is somehow the only city that exists on earth.

  89. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    Dr. Kenneth Noisewater: Clewiston, FL is somehow the only city that exists on earth.

    You know, that reminds me of how I sometimes get the feeling that Food Network thinks the only inhabited areas of Missouri are K.C. and St Louis, and that the rest of it is a vast wasteland under the control of Aunty Entity.

  90. Dr. Kenneth Noisewater says:

    Andrew Vrba, PmG: You know, that reminds me of how I sometimes get the feeling that Food Network thinks the only inhabited areas of Missouri are K.C. and St Louis, and that the rest of it is a vast wasteland under the control of Aunty Entity.

    That’s pretty much what nancy is saying. She’s too lazy to travel anywhere so now everyone must have come to clewiston. You’d think it being such a big tourist attraction for celebrities the town would have more than 6400 people living in it.

  91. Keith says:

    Nancy R Owens: He was the mailman….in Clewiston.

    No Nancy. You must be hiding your meds again.

    The mailman was in the other town that starts with a ‘C’ – Chicago.

  92. Benji Franklin says:

    john: I know during the 2012 Election I marked at least 20 money bills. … The Progression could be incredible 20 Persons X 20 More Persons X 20 More Persons X 20 More Persons… So that comes to 1760000 potential persons.

    No, John! That’s Birther lunatic math supporting Birther lunatic logic! The applicable real math that operates in that situation is 20 bills X the total number of people who receive one of those 20 bills and are moved to carefully inspect it (almost nobody), meaning that in the example you gave, no more than 80 people even touched one, let alone read it during their leisure currency-reading time.

    So you’re off by one million, seven-hundred and fifty-nine thousand, nine-hundred and twenty persons, there John! Off by almost Eighty-eight THOUSAND percent!

    And like every Birther intent on making your spurious claim in spite of reality, you have used your grotesquely erroneous sense of the math involved to conclude majestically that as you then wrote here:

    “Yes, in my opinion money bill marking is the most powerful and political weapon that exists. It’s impossible to stop once it is started and best of all it’s free. The only problem with it, is you have get people to do it and that’s the trick.”

    No John, each marked bill stops itself in the ignoring hands of a sane person, and you have to find lunatics to mark the bills. And the REAL “trick” for you here John, is trying to recover from your Birther lunacy.

    Imagine how many other things you are sure of, are based on similarly flawed estimates of how the unshattered Universe actually works? I sincerely hope that you are now, or soon will be, a child.

  93. Pete says:

    I know during the 2012 Election I marked at least 20 money bills.Assuming that the money bills didn’t get stuck somewhere, 20 persons saw them and then 20 other persons saw them and then 20 other persons saw and then 20 other persons saw them .The Progression could be incredible 20 Persons X 20 More Persons X 20 More Persons X 20 More Persons….X assuming the bills don’t get stuck or sits.So that comes to 1760000 potential persons.

    Yes, 1760000 potential persons (or at least 80 potential persons), most of whom thought, “Who was the stupid birther that wrote this BS on my money?”

  94. wrecking ball says:

    Pete: Yes, 1760000 potential persons …..

    that may also be the number of days left till A/Z day.

    plan accordingly.

  95. Slartibartfast says:

    I would also note that 1,760,000=20*20*20*20*11, so I have no idea what problem John thinks he’s solving…

    wrecking ball: your math seems to be off there. the scenario you’re describing is 20 + 20 + 20 + 20 for a total of 80 people.

    for the 1,760,000 would require that each person that saw a stamped bill then created 20 of their own stamped bills and put into circulation.

  96. John Reilly says:

    Yes, in my opinion money bill marking is the most powerful and political weapon that exists.It’s impossible to stop once it is started and best of all it’s free.The only problem with it, is you have get people to do it and that’s the trick.

    I’m guessing, and this is only a guess, that Pres. & Mrs. Obama marked more bills advocating Obama’s re-election than John marked the other way and that is the reason Obama won. I figure the Obamas must have marked what, like 30 “money bills.” Otherwise, I can’t refute John’s logic or math.

  97. Rickey says:

    John apparently is ignorant of the fact that cash in circulation has been declining for years. In fact, one theory for the low rate of armed stick-ups in New York City is that thugs got tired of holding up people who weren’t carrying any cash.

  98. The Magic M says:

    john: Assuming that the money bills didn’t get stuck somewhere, 20 persons saw them and then 20 other persons saw them and then 20 other persons saw and then 20 other persons saw them . The Progression could be incredible

    Uhm, no, that would only work if the bills somehow magically multiplied (so that each of the 20 persons who saw one bill could then show it to 20 other people).

    john:20 Persons X 20 More Persons X 20 More Persons X 20 More Persons….X assuming the bills don’t get stuck or sits. So that comes to 1760000 potential persons.

    Apart from the other problems you’ve been shown above (like 20^n never yielding 1,760,000 for integer n), your logic would only work if every person who saw one such marked bill would then himself mark 1 more bill to be seen by 20 people (though it would be better to assume each such person marks another 20 bills to be seen by at least one person each).

    It seems you can’t even understand a simple tree.

    And yet with all your claims of this being “the most powerful and political weapon that exists“, somehow everyone (from the lowliest SovCit nut to Romney’s Presidential campaign) was either too dumb to realize that (right, john, you’re more clever than anybody else on the planet) or consequently had a message that was rejected by the people (which then would be you and your birfer ilk).
    Either way, you lose. 😉

  99. Dr. Kenneth Noisewater says:

    Rickey: Nancy claims that Mike Moore of Clewiston and Mike Zullo and one and the same. So I’m wondering why Nancy doesn’t pay Mike Moore a visit and ask him why Arpaio won’t respond to her e-mails.

    Like I said she’s lazy. She doesn’t travel outside her little hole.

  100. Loren says:

    john: Yes, this one those unanswered questions like who was the mole that was in Hawaii just prior to the the release of the BC indicating it would be a fraud.

    Oh, you mean the mole who said absolutely nothing that could be checked or verified, but instead just seemed to talk in vague, conspiratorial tones? The mole who Corsi purportedly spoke to before the release of the LFBC, but didn’t mention publicly until *after*?

    And, most importantly, the mole who Corsi said claimed that the BC would be “sufficiently expert that the forgery can only be detected by forensic examination of the originals,” which DIRECTLY CONTRADICTS Corsi’s and Farah’s and Arpaio’s and Zullo’s and Boyles’ contention that the LFBC was a slapdash effort with *obvious* errors on it?

    If you want to contend that Corsi and the Cold Case Posse were right about the LFBC being clearly flawed, then you have to admit that the ‘mole’ was 100% wrong in the one and only bit of inside information the ‘mole’ offered. And if you want to contend that the mole was real and credible, and that the in-house forgery was a masterpiece, then you had to admit that all the LFBC forgery claims are baseless.

  101. Kate says:

    Dr. Kenneth Noisewater: You’re the one claiming there’s a problem when there isn’t.It’s not my job to support your insane ramblings.If you can’t get off your lazy ass yourself then how can you expect others.You haven’t “exhausted” every avenue.You’ve made a few calls and posted stuff online.You haven’t once got on a plane and showed up in person.

    So you’re just going to assume that will happen.Why would the NSA inform Arpaio if they’re ignoring you?So once again you make up any excuse to not get off your lazy ass.How would you know what would happen if you haven’t even bothered to try it?

    Nancy can’t follow through because the worst thing that could happen to her would be that she would see Arpaio and he’d listen politely, then show her the door. She would rather live with the delusional idea that she’s so f’ing important that the NSA follows her every move. To find out that she didn’t matter to anyone, would be more reality than she could handle. She’d receive that universe-shattering info that Zullo was talking about last year, that she was inconsequential and Clewiston was unable to be found on a national map.

  102. Jim says:

    wrecking ball: that may also be the number of days left till A/Z day.plan accordingly.

    Hmmmm, that should be sometime around the year 6820…give or take a couple hundred years. Sounds about right when you’re shattering the universe. Rats…my popcorn will be stale by then! Don’t A+Z realize their delaying my entertainment? 😆

  103. AC180 says:

    I did a little research on the topic of defacing currency and came across a very interesting discussion of the subject:

    One of the comments there mentioned the “Where’s George” website getting a warning from the secret service for violating 18 U.S.C.A. § 475 , which makes it illegal to put any sort of advertisement on currency. Mike stamping his website address on currency sounds like a direct violation of this rule.

    Ҥ 475. Imitating obligations or securities; advertisements

    Whoever designs, engraves, prints, makes, or executes, or utters, issues, distributes, circulates, or uses any business or professional card, notice, placard, circular, handbill, or advertisement in the likeness or similitude of any obligation or security of the United States issued under or authorized by any Act of Congress or writes, prints, or otherwise impresses upon or attaches to any such instrument, obligation, or security, or any coin of the United States, any business or professional card, notice, or advertisement, or any notice or advertisement whatever, shall be fined under this title. Nothing in this section applies to evidence of postage payment approved by the United States Postal Service.”

  104. OllieOxenFree says:

    john: The Progression could be incredible 20 Persons X 20 More Persons X 20 More Persons X 20 More Persons….X assuming the bills don’t get stuck or sits. So that comes to 1760000 potential persons.

    Oh… so kind of a like a pyramid scheme for loonies?

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