Taitz touts Texas transcript today: Titus tried Tuesday

Orly Taitz published an official transcript of her October 29 hearing in Taitz v. Johnson in Texas on her blog today. It’s an immigration case where Taitz claims she was injured by catching a disease from an undocumented child she treated in her dental office.

In other birther judicial news, birther third-party presidential candidates1 Ed Noonan and John Dummett have appealed their loss in Dummett v. Bowen in California federal circuit court to the Supreme Court. The petition for writ of certiorari was filed yesterday. [Link to case at SCOTUS | Link to Petition] As with many birther ballot challenges, plaintiffs contend that various state officials have a duty to verify the eligibility of candidates for President of the United States. This proposition was rejected by courts in California, New Jersey, Florida, Alabama and other states. Co-plaintiffs John Dummett and Edward Noonan are asking the Supreme Court whether states must enforce the Constitution’s eligibility requirements for candidates for president. Some states have on occasion rejected obviously ineligible candidates (e.g. California, New York and Hawaii), but deny that they must perform investigations of eligibility. The counsel of record is William J. Olson, with the U. S. Justice Foundation and Herb Titus, among others, listed.

1Dummett was a write-in candidate, and Noonan win didn’t the nomination of his party, the American Independent Party.

About Dr. Conspiracy

I'm not a real doctor, but I have a master's degree.
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11 Responses to Taitz touts Texas transcript today: Titus tried Tuesday

  1. The Magic M says:

    have appealed their loss in Dummett v. Bowen in California federal circuit court to the Supreme Court

    Any “OMG this is it we’ll win!” screeches yet? 😉

    This proposition was rejected by courts in California, New Jersey, Florida, Alabama and other states.

    So obviously SCOTUS won’t touch it as there’s no controversy among circuits.

    Dead filed again. 🙂

  2. bovril says:

    The Taitz document is chock full of un and crunchy goodness, it may be 200+ pages but at a mere 579Kb in size is worth the bandwidth.

    Watch the Crazy Dentist object to her own witnesses answers

    See the Mad Moldovan Molar Mangled writhe as Her Homeland is identified as a TB ridden enclave whilst Mexico isn’t

    Gasp as she enters a conspiracy theory on TeaParty.Org as evidence

    It’s really rather special……

  3. She did that in the Farrar hearing.

    bovril: Watch the Crazy Dentist object to her own witnesses answers

  4. Jim says:

    She is consistent….ly bad.

  5. Rickey says:

    I haven’t had time to read the transcript yet, but some commenters at The Fogbow are having fun with it. It is interesting to note that Orly admitted that she didn’t know what cause her “persistent cough.”

    The government’s attorney noted that she didn’t know where she caught the cough, but if it was from a patient she doesn’t know if the patient was an undocumented immigrant, and if it was an undocumented immigrant she doesn’t know if the immigrant brought the cough into the U.S. from Mexico or if it was caught in the U.S. This of course means that there is no way to redress her supposed injury.

  6. Rickey says:

    The hearing on the immigration lawsuit filed by the states is underway in Brownsville. Reporter Emma Perez-Trevino is blogging on Facebook. Her user name on FB is Star Emma Perez-Trevino.

  7. Jim says:

    When do you think Orly will get the hint that her “Emergency” request has been deep-sixed?

  8. bob says:

    To describe Ed Noonan and John Dummett as “third-party presidential candidates” is … generous.

    Dummett “ran” as write-in republican candidate. He appeared on no ballot, anywhere.

    Noonan won the AIP’s primary election in California, but the party did not nominate him for the general election.

    As for their cert. petition, it’ll be deadlisted and summarily denied, like all others before it.

    “For the record,” Barnett has a few more days to file her own cert. petition.

  9. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    When do you think Orly will get the hint that her “Emergency” request has been deep-sixed?

    Probably the second Tuesday of never.

  10. Good point. I added a footnote.

    bob: To describe Ed Noonan and John Dummett as “third-party presidential candidates” is … generous.

  11. Notorial Dissent says:

    More like scribble in, with a broken crayon.

    Dr. Conspiracy:
    Good point. I added a footnote.

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