The woman who saw Obama in the hospital

It was 2011 when CNN went to Hawaii to investigate Obama’s birth certificate. The esteemed commenter on this blog Whatever4 left a comment and  link to the video below. I never wrote about it, but it’s just this great historical piece that shows that the Media wasn’t ignoring the birth certificate question; they were investigating and reporting on it.

It’s well worth taking the time to watch. [Update: the CNN video seems not to be working in any longer, but a link to the article remains valid.]


Hawaii did not have a separate tabulation for black people in 1961. The smallest category separately tabulated was Korean, with 149 Korean fathers and 169 Korean mothers (with 44 of those births to 2 Korean parents). Taking the smaller of those two numbers (minus 1) as a possible number of black parents, we would get 296 total black-appearing babies born that year. On most days, a Hawaiian hospital, even the busiest one, would not have a black child.

About Dr. Conspiracy

I'm not a real doctor, but I have a master's degree.
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56 Responses to The woman who saw Obama in the hospital

  1. Jim says:

    They were gotten to.
    Hawaii is lying.
    There were no blacks in Hawaii.
    All a big coverup.
    All of the above.

    Take your pick for a birther’s response.

  2. The Hawaii Department of Health 1961 statistical report showed 517 births in the “other races” category, a category that included black. That is out of 17,558 births (2.9% ). Black births were so rare that they didn’t have a specific category for them.

    They were gotten to.
    Hawaii is lying.
    There were no blacks in Hawaii.
    All a big coverup.
    All of the above.

    Take your pick for a birther’s response.

  3. sfjeff says:

    That makes sense- just looked and Blacks made up only .8% of the population in 1960.

  4. john says:

    I’ve seen this clip. Governor Abercrombie’s investigation into the birth certificate became a pivotal moment is birtherism when is was revealed the Abercrombie could not find the birth certificate but apparently found “something written” (Clearly his wording did not indicate it was the birth certificate) that showed Obama was born in Hawaii. It created a intense firestorm of activity among birthers but is was quickly smothered when the Hawaii AG ran “interferance” for Abercrombie stating that nothing could released without Obama’s consent (This of course was nonsense since Abercrombie was a close friend to Obama and Obama did consent after waiting over a year.)

  5. john says:

    forget that last part. Had my year wrong. Nonetheless it did take several months for Obama to consent.

  6. Joey says:

    John has obviously never read Hawaii Revised Statute 338-18(b) which explicitedly states who has a direct and tangible interest and therefore can receive a copy of a confidential birth record. Friends of the person named are not on list.
    Who would be able to get a certified copy is Dr. Milton Wolf who was the Tea Party candidate for the U.S. Senate running against Senator Pat Roberts of Kansas. Dr. Wolf, a stauch conservative, is a cousin of Barack Obama’s on his mother’s side and Dr. Wolf fits under the categories of persons entitled to receive a copy of Barack Obama’s birth certificate.

  7. Joey says:

    For the record, Governor Abercrombie wanted to release the birth certificate in January, 2011 and Barack Obama released it in April, 2011 but the President had already released his official Hawaii birth certificate in 2008.

  8. john says:

    John has obviously never read Hawaii Revised Statute 338-18(b) which explicitedly states who has a direct and tangible interest and therefore can receive a copy of a confidential birth record. Friends of the person named are not on list.
    Who would be able to get a certified copy is Dr. Milton Wolf who was the Tea Party candidate for the U.S. Senate running against Senator Pat Roberts of Kansas. Dr. Wolf, a stauch conservative, is a cousin of Barack Obama’s on his mother’s side and Dr. Wolf fits under the categories of persons entitled to receive a copy of Barack Obama’s birth certificate.

    That was always a fault with the birthers. Orly claimed that had someone who was related to Obama but I think the relationship was too thin. Nonetheless, I remember telling Orly when she was fighting in Hawaii to get ahold of the birth certificate, the court kept asking her to produce some tangible interest and Orly failed to do that. I told Orly, she needed to bring that guy into court not withstanding his thin relationship so at least she could advance her case. (That is Orly would have someone who is of tangible interest however thin that may be and she could probably got somewhere with the court with her arguments.) Orly did not and her cases went no where and were dismissed because Orly could not produce a tangible interest, thin or no thin.

  9. So in the birther pantheon, you are above Orly Taitz.

    Works for me.

    john: I remember telling Orly … Orly did not and her cases went no where and were dismissed because Orly could not produce a tangible interest, thin or no thin.

  10. john says:

    John has obviously never read Hawaii Revised Statute 338-18(b) which explicitedly states who has a direct and tangible interest and therefore can receive a copy of a confidential birth record. Friends of the person named are not on list.
    Who would be able to get a certified copy is Dr. Milton Wolf who was the Tea Party candidate for the U.S. Senate running against Senator Pat Roberts of Kansas. Dr. Wolf, a stauch conservative, is a cousin of Barack Obama’s on his mother’s side and Dr. Wolf fits under the categories of persons entitled to receive a copy of Barack Obama’s birth certificate.

    I kind fault Charles Kerchner on this area because one his hobbies and talents is in genelogy. This would have a great project for Kerchner to find persons who are related to Obama that might want to come forward to ask for the birth certificate. It was another fault of the birthers becuase their networking and coordination was quit poor.

  11. john says:

    Dr. Conspiracy:
    So in the birther pantheon, you are above Orly Taitz.

    Works for me.

    may be. Orly had one her plantiffs who was like a 5th cousin to Obama. I tired to get Orly to track him down and bring him to Hawaii for argument in the tangible interest problem. But, Orly didn’t do it and Orly got nowhere with the court.

  12. alg says:

    forget that last part.Had my year wrong. Nonetheless it did take several months for Obama to consent.

    For the record, it doesn’t matter. With the release of the short form certification of live birth in 2008, there was nothing else left to do. The short form is a valid birth certificate, legally capable of being put to any purpose required by law, including securing a passport. The wording on the short form certificate says: “This form serves as prima facie evidence of the fact of birth in any court proceeding [HRS338-13(b), 338-19]” Anyone who would require anything more of Mr. Obama is a racist, including you, john.

  13. john says:

    We know Governor Abercromie did some sort of investigation in which he revealed that Obama’s birth was apparently recorded on “Something”. We know it wasn’t the birth certificate. Why? Because is had already been released. The COLB was released in 2008 which Hawaii kept saying was a birth certificate. So may be Abercrombie was referring to the long form birth certificate. We also know this not to be true as well. Fukino and Onaka apparently were leading Abercrombie down the garden path as a simple investigation, Abercrombie would be the first to ask Fukino or Onaka who would have verified the birth certificate. We know that this isn’t true because Abercrombie found a “something”. Still the “something” maybe have been the long form birth certificate. But, it wasn’t. Why? Because of the Hawaii AG. They claimed Abercrombie couldn’t release what he apparently found without Obama’s consent. The problem with this, is assuming the “something” was the long form birth certificate, Obama could not consent release of it. The Hawaii DOH claimed it only released the COLB and did not release the long form. Eventually Obama consented but it took a special waiver to release the long form birth certificate.

  14. alg says:

    John, you racist, you just can’t accept reality. It’s all very simple – Hawaii State laws protecting health privacy rights prevented even the Governor from viewing and releasing the original long form birth certificate. It’s no more complicated than that, you racist. There is no “something.”

    Obama was given an exception to the law to obtain a certified copy of the original long form in order to put to rest racist Donald Trump’s racist assertions. He did that and now racist Donald Trump is forever a racist carnival barker.

    Will you please just admit your racist views and now accept the fact that Obama’s short form Certification of Live Birth was all he ever needed. If you can’t accept this simple fact, you remain a racist.

    Repent from racism, john, and acknowledge that Obama was born in Hawaii and is entirely eligible to serve as President.

  15. Dr. Kenneth Noisewater says:

    john: I’ve seen this clip. Governor Abercrombie’s investigation into the birth certificate became a pivotal moment is birtherism when is was revealed the Abercrombie could not find the birth certificate but apparently found “something written” (Clearly his wording did not indicate it was the birth certificate) that showed Obama was born in Hawaii. It created a intense firestorm of activity among birthers but is was quickly smothered when the Hawaii AG ran “interferance” for Abercrombie stating that nothing could released without Obama’s consent (This of course was nonsense since Abercrombie was a close friend to Obama and Obama did consent after waiting over a year.)

    Poor john lying again as usual. Nowhere did Abercrombie say he couldn’t find the birth certificate. The birth record was half written and half typed. You do know the difference between a birth record and birth certificate?

  16. Dr. Kenneth Noisewater says:

    john: I kind fault Charles Kerchner on this area because one his hobbies and talents is in genelogy. This would have a great project for Kerchner to find persons who are related to Obama that might want to come forward to ask for the birth certificate. It was another fault of the birthers becuase their networking and coordination was quit poor.

    If Kerchner’s skill in genealogy is anything like his idea of historical events I wouldn’t put much stalk in him.

  17. Arrogantlyignorant says:

    Dude, (John), the COLB *is* a valid, legal, state certified birth certificate.
    I was born around the same time as Obama, in the same state and same hospital. I needed my birth certificate in 2003 when I moved out of state. The last time I saw my “long form” was more than 30 years ago. In 2003, I contacted the HDOH to get a certified copy. The green COLB is what I got. It has never been rejected, nor have I ever been asked to provide any additional info because of it.
    That *is* my birth certificate.
    Obama producing his LFBC is simply icing on the cake.

  18. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    That would require john admitting that he’s wasted years of his life on a fantasy. He’s too dyed in the wool for that. If God himself told john, “Obama is who he says he is.” John would ask God who payed him off/intimidated him into compliance.

  19. alg says:

    Dude, (John), the COLB *is* a valid, legal, state certified birth certificate.
    I was born around the same time as Obama, in the same state and same hospital. I needed my birth certificate in 2003 when I moved out of state. The last time I saw my “long form” was more than 30 years ago. In 2003, I contacted the HDOH to get a certified copy. The green COLB is what I got. It has never been rejected, nor have I ever been asked to provide any additional info because of it.
    That *is* my birth certificate.
    Obama producing his LFBC is simply icing on the cake.

    I have both a niece and a nephew who were born in Hawaii. Their birth certificates are identical to Barack Obama’s short form certification of live birth.

    The only plausible explanation for john to persist in his misbegotten and long debunked beliefs is that he is a racist. I wish that I could determine his actual identity so that I could broadcast over the internet and to his family and employer what a racist he truly is.

    It’s time to expose the anonymous racist birthers for who they are. Make them accountable for their racist beliefs.

  20. Joey says:

    john: I kind fault Charles Kerchner on this area because one his hobbies and talents is in genelogy.This would have a great project for Kerchner to find persons who are related to Obama that might want to come forward to ask for the birth certificate.It was another fault of the birthers becuase their networking and coordination was quit poor.

    A background in genealogy is not needed. Dr. Milton Wolf is a radiologist in Kansas and the Hawaii statute clearly states that anyone with a “common ancestor” to the registrant qualifies as having a direct and tangible interest. President Obama and Dr. Wolf are related through Thomas Creekmore McCurry (1850–1939), President Obama’s great-great-grandfather, and Wolf’s great-grandfather. Barack Obama’s grandmother, Madelyn Dunham, was Milton Wolf’s mother’s first cousin. Obama’s mother and Wolf’s mother were friends in Wichita, Kansas, where the president’s mother, Ann Dunham, was born and spent part of her childhood.
    Doctor Wolf already has the necessary genealogical background to qualify for receiving a certified copy of the Barack Obama Certificate of Live Birth.

  21. Rickey says:

    It is clear to anyone with a functioning brain that Gov. Abercrombie was looking for something other than the birth certificate, because he knew that he had no authority under Hawaii law to release the birth certificate.

    Furthermore, Hawaii law makes no provision for a person born in Hawaii to give his or her consent to have a copy of the birth certificate issued to someone who does not have a tangible interest in it. That is why Obama had to request his own copy of the LFBC and then have a copy made to put up on the White House website.

    Birther John has been schooled on this dozens of times, but his brain is impervious to facts so he keeps bringing it up.

  22. Joey says:

    Here is the original FOX NEWS story on what Governor Abercrombie said. Even Fox News didn’t quote or report Abercrombie as saying that he would release the birth certificate. Rather he said that he wanted to release “more information.”

    Hawaii’s Governor Weighs Ways to Reveal Obama’s Birth Certificate
    Published December 29, 2010

    HONOLULU — Democratic Gov. Neil Abercrombie wants to find a way to release more information about President Obama’s Hawaii birth and dispel conspiracy theories that he was born elsewhere.

    Abercrombie was a friend of Obama’s parents and knew him as a child, and is deeply troubled by the effort to cast doubt on the president’s citizenship.
    The newly elected governor will ask the state attorney general’s office about what can be done to put an end to questions about Obama’s birth documentation from Aug. 4, 1961, spokeswoman Donalyn Dela Cruz said Tuesday.

    “He had a friendship with Mr. Obama’s parents, and so there is a personal issue at hand,” Dela Cruz said. “Is it going to be done immediately? No, the first thing on our list is the economy.
    It’s unclear what Abercrombie could do because Hawaii’s privacy laws have long barred the release of a certified birth certificate to anyone who doesn’t have a tangible interest.
    Hawaii’s health director said last year and in 2008 that she had seen and verified Obama’s original vital records, and birth notices in two Honolulu newspapers were published within days of Obama’s birth at Kapiolani Maternity and Gynecological Hospital in Honolulu.
    So-called “birthers” claim Obama is ineligible to be president because they say there’s no proof he was born in the United States, with many of the skeptics questioning whether he was actually born in Kenya, his father’s home country.
    “What bothers me is that some people who should know better are trying to use this for political reasons,” Abercrombie told the Los Angeles Times last week. “Maybe I’m the only one in the country that could look you right in the eye right now and tell you, ‘I was here when that baby was born.”‘

    Abercrombie was unavailable for additional comment Tuesday because he was vacationing on Maui, Dela Cruz said.

    The Obama campaign issued a certificate of live birth in 2008, an official document from the state showing the president’s birth date, city and name, along with his parents’ names and races. The certificate doesn’t list the name of the hospital where he was born or the physician who delivered him, information collected by the state as part of its vital records.

    Abercrombie, originally from New York, befriended Obama’s parents at the University of Hawaii after he moved here in 1959, the same year the islands became a state.
    Abercrombie, 72, has said he remembers seeing Obama as a child with his parents at social events, although he acknowledged that he didn’t see his parents with their newborn son at the hospital.

    The number of requests for Obama’s birth information increased this month as the Obama family prepared to vacation in Hawaii.

    The Department of Health had received 27 requests for the president’s birth information this month as of last Thursday, up from 16 in November, said spokeswoman Janice Okubo.

    Information requests rose despite a new state law allowing officials to ignore persistent and repetitive inquiries, a law that has been used about six times by the department, Okubo said.

    “It’s just a few people, and some of their requests are the same,” she said. “The requests fluctuate from month to month.”

    Nearly all birth certificate information seekers are from the mainland United States, with requests rarely coming from Hawaii residents, said Cathy Takase, acting director for the state Office of Information Practices.

    Takase usually responds to appeals for Obama’s birth records by telling requesters that the information they’re seeking is contained in records protected by statute.

  23. Woodrowfan says:

    maybe John is just mentally ill.

  24. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    Even the mentally ill have a responsibility to try and seek some form of help.

  25. alg says:

    maybe John is just mentally ill.

    john doesn’t sound like someone who is mentally ill. I just think he’s a closet racist.

    Now, BSE over at Gerbil report – there’s someone who is mentally ill.

  26. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    BSE isn’t mentally ill either. He’s just a run of the mill degenerate.

  27. bovril says:

    Well, with his continual spamming of the site with badly copy’npasted homoerotic nonsense, one wonders as to just how closeted he is…….

  28. Lupin says:

    Besides, as often pointed out here, it’s the data that counts, not the piece of paper. If the data says unambiguously — and it does — that he was born in HI, then the discussion (should) end(s).

  29. Suranis says:

    John, has anyone told you that you are a goddam fecking liar? This is what the governer said

    I got a letter from someone the other day who was genuinely concerned about it; it is not all just political agenda. They were talking on Olelo last night about this; it has a political implication for 2012 that we simply cannot have.

    (Abercrombie said there is a recording of the birth in the State Archives and he wants to use that.)

    It was actually written I am told, this is what our investigation is showing, it actually exists in the archives, written down …

    …What I can do, and all I have ever said, is that I am going to see to it as governor that I can verify to anyone who is honest about it that this is the case.

    If there is a political agenda then there is nothing I can do about that, nor can the president.

    If that’s your version of saying that he could not find a birth record or birth certificate in the archives, or that his “wording indicated it did not exist” by saying “it actually exits” then you need your goddam head examined. He never used the word “something” that you keep puting in brackets. Even MichaelN was forced to change the subject on Fogbow when confronted with the actual quote from the HSA

    Liar. Liar. LIARLIARLIARLIAR pants on fire.

    john: Governor Abercrombie’s investigation into the birth certificate became a pivotal moment is birtherism when is was revealed the Abercrombie could not find the birth certificate but apparently found “something written” (Clearly his wording did not indicate it was the birth certificate) that showed Obama was born in Hawaii. I

  30. The Magic M says:

    john: Abercrombie found a “something”. Still the “something” maybe have been the long form birth certificate. But, it wasn’t. Why? Because of the Hawaii AG. They claimed Abercrombie couldn’t release what he apparently found without Obama’s consent. The problem with this, is assuming the “something” was the long form birth certificate, Obama could not consent release of it.

    That’s the type of twisted birther “logic” in a nutshell.

    “Jack found a Metallica CD but because it wasn’t red, it wasn’t ‘St. Anger’, therefore Jack does not have a copy of ‘St. Anger’.” *smh*

  31. john says:

    John, has anyone told you that you are a goddam fecking liar? This is what the governer said

    If that’s your version of saying that he could not find a birth record or birth certificate in the archives, or that his “wording indicated it did not exist” by saying “it actually exits” then you need your goddam head examined. He never used the word “something” that you keep puting in brackets. Even MichaelN was forced to change the subject on Fogbow when confronted with the actual quote from the HSA

    Liar. Liar. LIARLIARLIARLIAR pants on fire.

    Abercrombie never used the term Birth Certificate. He said “It” meaning “Something”. We never find out what that “It” is. Abercrombie’s investigation as he called it was very strange to say the least. Why would Alvin Onaka and the DOH people lead Abercrombie down do the garden the path to release something they themselves have telling birthers over and over they can’t release without a tangible interest. In addition, Abercrombie’s finding does sounds like it might have been the birth index listing for Obama’s birth which was released without Obama’s consent. Abercrombie’s investigation to produce evidence of Obama’s birth was a pivotal moment in birtherism and really fueled the contraversary. This event really indicated to birthers that there was something afoot between the State of Hawaii and Obama and that officials in Hawaii simply can’t be trusted.

  32. Suranis says:

    yes you did find out what “it” is. It was in the reporters question right before that

    Q: You stirred up quite a controversy with your comments regarding birthers and your plans to release more information regarding President Barack Obama’s birth certificate. How is that coming?

    Now I’m sure in your world, when a Reporter directly asks someone about a persons birth certificate, they immediately start talking about an Orchidometer, a device designed to measure Testicles.

    Yes there is such a tool.

  33. john says:

    John, has anyone told you that you are a goddam fecking liar? This is what the governer said

    If that’s your version of saying that he could not find a birth record or birth certificate in the archives, or that his “wording indicated it did not exist” by saying “it actually exits” then you need your goddam head examined. He never used the word “something” that you keep puting in brackets. Even MichaelN was forced to change the subject on Fogbow when confronted with the actual quote from the HSA

    Liar. Liar. LIARLIARLIARLIAR pants on fire.

    I still believe even to this day, that Obama could have been born in Kenya although I’m not completely sold on the notion. Although there is strong evidence to suggest Obama was born in Hawaii, there is just as strong of evidence that Obama was born in Kenya. Its a constant struggle between birth places that may never have fully convinced either way. Of the Kenyan evidence below are the top pieces of evidences that keep me from accepting a 100% Hawaii Birth:
    1. Phamphlet to which Obama said himself he was born in Kenya that went unchanged for 16 years.
    2. Numerous and repeated Kenya official government sources that claim Obama was born there, government officials, ambassador, siblings, witnesses, Kenya agency reportings.
    3. Numerous media especially African media that has stated Obama was born in Kenya.
    4. Lucas Smith Birth Certificate – Pretty solid to which everything seems to have been verified. Lucas Smith himself has spent the last 5 years verifying each and every element on his birth certificate.

  34. Suranis says:

    yes good of you to ignore what I posted.

    ANYhoo you forgot that book on Obama called the Road from Moneygall, the time he said “I’m Home” when he visited there

    “I’m Barack Obama, from the Moneygall Obamas,” he said to a fired-up crowd of 25,000. “And I’ve come home to find the apostrophe that we lost somewhere along the way.”

    And the way the New york times stated flat out that Moneygall regarded Obama as “their Native son.”

    Yes, its true, there is your class of “strong evidence” that Barack Obama is from Ireland

  35. Jim says:

    Governor Abercrombie: “If there is a political agenda then there is nothing I can do about that, nor can the president.”

    And as john continues to prove, the governor was talking about him. 6 years john, 6 long years of you being continually and completely wrong. You’ve been pounding your head against that wall for over 6 years now, a smart person would realize that wall isn’t moving. john just keeps pounding.

  36. Dr. Kenneth Noisewater says:

    john: I still believe even to this day, that Obama could have been born in Kenya although I’m not completely sold on the notion. Although there is strong evidence to suggest Obama was born in Hawaii, there is just as strong of evidence that Obama was born in Kenya. Its a constant struggle between birth places that may never have fully convinced either way. Of the Kenyan evidence below are the top pieces of evidences that keep me from accepting a 100% Hawaii Birth:
    1. Phamphlet to which Obama said himself he was born in Kenya that went unchanged for 16 years.
    2. Numerous and repeated Kenya official government sources that claim Obama was born there, government officials, ambassador, siblings, witnesses, Kenya agency reportings.
    3. Numerous media especially African media that has stated Obama was born in Kenya.
    4. Lucas Smith Birth Certificate – Pretty solid to which everything seems to have been verified. Lucas Smith himself has spent the last 5 years verifying each and every element on his birth certificate.

    1. You based your belief on absolutely nothing. The pamphlet you didn’t see until 2012 long after you held the belief he was born in kenya. The author of the pamphlet said it was her mistake and she didn’t run it by Obama.

    2. Numerous? One official who had no way of actually knowing and whose own staff had to walk back the claim to avoid embarrassment. None of his siblings claim he was born in Kenya. No agencies say he was born in Kenya. In fact the Kenyan government said he wasn’t born there.

    3. Numerous? A few articles several that were corrected. Even the african paper contradicted itself a week later saying they made a mistake. Meanwhile thousands of articles over the years going back to 1990 say Obama was born in Hawaii.

    4. Lucas Smith is a convicted forger and career criminal. He has yet to prove he’s ever been to Kenya. He had the administrator at the time of his supposed visit wrong, he had the name misspelled as well. He also had the wrong date format. Didn’t have Obama’s father’s birthdate, had the wrong measurements and to this date the document has never been verified by any entity as being authentic.

    Meanwhile you ignore the official birth certificate from Hawaii which has been verified multiple times, the birth announcements, the birth index, the 1961 INS data from Obama Sr’s file which said he had a son Barack Hussein Obama II born August 4th 1961 in Honolulu Hawaii dated August 31st 1961. You also have the 1967 INS data for Lolo Soetoro which based the reason for him wanting to stay in the US was because of his wife’s son being born an American citizen in Honolulu, Hawaii on August 4th 1961.

    You continue to lie long after you’ve been made a fool on this.

  37. gorefan says:

    john: Why would Alvin Onaka and the DOH people lead Abercrombie down do the garden the path to release something they themselves have telling birthers over and over they can’t release without a tangible interest.consent.

    They didn’t lead the Governor anywhere. From the very beginning he knew he could not release the birth certificate and said as much.

    Asked if one option is to ask Obama to waive his privacy rights so that a copy of his actual birth certificate can be released publicly, Abercrombie cut off a reporter’s question.

    “No, no, no – it’s not up to the president,” he said. “It has nothing to do with the president. It has to do with the people of Hawaii who love him, people who love his mom and dad. It has to do with respect the office of the president is entitled to. And it has to do with respect that every single person’s mother and father are entitled to.”

    Pressed on whether he might unilaterally release a copy of Obama’s actual birth certificate, Abercrombie made clear that he is waiting for his cabinet officials to give him a report on what he can legally do before proceeding.

    “Obviously, I’m going to do what is legally possible,” the governor said.

    That was in December, 2010. In January, 2011 his attorney general told him that even the governor can’t see someone’s birth certifcate.

    “State Attorney General David Louie told the governor he can’t disclose an individual’s birth documentation without a person’s consent”

    “There is nothing more that Gov. Abercrombie can do within the law to produce a document,” said Dela Cruz. “Unfortunately, there are conspirators who will continue to question the citizenship of our president.”

  38. Atticus Finch says:

    john: I still believe even to this day, that Obama could have been born in Kenya although I’m not completely sold on the notion.Although there is strong evidence to suggest Obama was born in Hawaii, there is just as strong of evidence that Obama was born in Kenya.Its a constant struggle between birth places that may never have fully convinced either way.Of the Kenyan evidence below are the top pieces of evidences that keep me from accepting a 100% Hawaii Birth:

    4.Lucas Smith Birth Certificate – Pretty solid to which everything seems to have been verified.Lucas Smith himself has spent the last 5 years verifying each and every element on his birth certificate.

    The so-called Lucas Smith’s alleged Obama’s Kenya birth certificate will never be introduced as evidence in any trial because the manner of the way Lucas Smith obtained the birth certificate did not comply with the Federal Rules of Evidence, particularly regarding foreign public documents as set forth in Rule 902 (3) of the Federal Rules of Evidence, as provided:

    (3) Foreign public documents.–A document purporting to be executed or attested in an official capacity by a person authorized by the laws of a foreign country to make the execution or attestation, and accompanied by a final certification as to the genuineness of the signature and official position (A) of the executing or attesting person, or (B) of any foreign official whose certificate of genuineness of signature and official position relates to the execution or attestation or is in a chain of certificates of genuineness of signature and official position relating to the execution or attestation. A final certification may be made by a secretary of an embassy or legation, consul general, consul, vice consul, or consular agent of the United States, or a diplomatic or consular official of the foreign country assigned or accredited to the United States. If reasonable opportunity has been given to all parties to investigate the authenticity and accuracy of official documents, the court may, for good cause shown, order that they be treated as presumptively authentic without final certification or permit them to be evidenced by an attested summary with or without final certification.

    Federal courts have ruled that unless the foreign birth certificate complies with FRE 902 then the it is inadmissible .US v. Medrano, __F. 3rd ___ (10th cir. 2009) (“birth certificate was executed by a person authorized by Mexican laws to execute birth certificates, and it was accompanied by a certification from a United States Vice-Consul that the person who executed it was authorized to do so.”) . “Although the trial court was correct in finding that neither Rule 901 nor 902(3) was complied with, the court did abuse its discretion in holding the evidence authentic and admissible. This circuit requires strict compliance with the authenticity rules. United States v. Perlmuter, 693 F. 2d 1290, 1292 (9th Cir. 1982 (internal citations omitted)

    As such, the purported Lucas Smith’s birth certificate doesn’t even come close in complying with Rule 902(3) by the following:

    1. There is no proof by Kenyan laws that a Chief Administrator “Dr. Heltan Maganga” of a private hospital is authorized to attest as to the genuineness of the birth certificate
    2. There is no proof that signature of the Chief Administrator “Dr. Heltan Maganga” is genuine in absence of a certification
    3. There is no final certification by any personnel in the United States embassy in Kenya.

    That is why Lucas Smith’s purported birth certificate is worthless

  39. We will just have to agree to disagree on this, unless you just accidentally left a “not” out of your comment.

    john: 4. Lucas Smith Birth Certificate – Pretty solid to which everything seems to have been verified. Lucas Smith himself has spent the last 5 years verifying each and every element on his birth certificate

  40. Rickey says:


    Asked if one option is to ask Obama to waive his privacy rights so that a copy of his actual birth certificate can be released publicly, Abercrombie cut off a reporter’s question.

    “No, no, no – it’s not up to the president,” he said.

    That part bears repeating, although whether it will ever sink into John’s thick skull is questionable.

    There is no release which Obama could sign which would allow Hawaii to release his birth certificate to someone who does not have a tangible interest in it. The law makes no provision for an individual to waive his or her privacy rights.

  41. Rickey says:

    4.Lucas Smith Birth Certificate – Pretty solid to which everything seems to have been verified.Lucas Smith himself has spent the last 5 years verifying each and every element on his birth certificate.

    Even Jerome Corsi declared that the alleged Kenya birth certificate is a fake.

  42. JD Reed says:

    Atticus Finch: The so-called Lucas Smith’s alleged Obama’s Kenya birth certificate will never be introduced as evidence in any trial because the manner of the way Lucas Smith obtained the birth certificate did not comply with the Federal Rules of Evidence, particularly regarding foreign public documents as set forth in Rule 902 (3) of the Federal Rules of Evidence, as provided:(3) Foreign public documents.–A document purporting to be executed or attested in an official capacity by a person authorized by the laws of a foreign country to make the execution or attestation, and accompanied by a final certification as to the genuineness of the signature and official position (A) of the executing or attesting person, or (B) of any foreign official whose certificate of genuineness of signature and official position relates to the execution or attestation or is in a chain of certificates of genuineness of signature and official position relating to the execution or attestation. A final certification may be made by a secretary of an embassy or legation, consul general, consul, vice consul, or consular agent of the United States, or a diplomatic or consular official of the foreign country assigned or accredited to the United States. If reasonable opportunity has been given to all parties to investigate the authenticity and accuracy of official documents, the court may, for good cause shown, order that they be treated as presumptively authentic without final certification or permit them to be evidenced by an attested summary with or without final certification.Federal courts have ruled that unless the foreign birth certificate complies with FRE 902 then the it is inadmissible .US v. Medrano, __F. 3rd ___ (10th cir. 2009) (“birth certificate was executed by a person authorized by Mexican laws to execute birth certificates, and it was accompanied by a certification from a United States Vice-Consul that the person who executed it was authorized to do so.”) . “Although the trial court was correct in finding that neither Rule 901 nor 902(3) was complied with, the court did abuse its discretion in holding the evidence authentic and admissible. This circuit requires strict compliance with the authenticity rules. United States v. Perlmuter, 693 F. 2d 1290, 1292 (9th Cir. 1982 (internal citations omitted)As such, the purported Lucas Smith’s birth certificate doesn’t even come close in complying with Rule 902(3) by the following:1. There is no proof by Kenyan laws that a Chief Administrator “Dr. Heltan Maganga” of a private hospital is authorized to attest as to the genuineness of the birth certificate2. There is no proof that signature of the Chief Administrator “Dr. Heltan Maganga” is genuine in absence of a certification3. There is no final certification by any personnel in the United States embassy in Kenya.That is why Lucas Smith’s purported birth certificate is worthless

    “4.Lucas Smith Birth Certificate – Pretty solid to which everything seems to have been verified.Lucas Smith himself has spent the last 5 years verifying each and every element on his birth certificate.”

    Well done, Atticus, in laying out the legal argument..
    For the edification of John, however, I will make a common sense case that I’ve made before, in case John missed it.
    Many decades ago I took a course titled Jurisprudence. The instructor practiced law by day and taught a couple of polysci courses as an adjunct at night.
    His favorite saying, when discussing a matter of law too obvious to be debated, “You do not hire a convicted sex offender to hand out towels in the girls locker room.”
    By the same token, I would submit, you do not trust a convicted forger to verify the authenticity of a document.
    Lucas Smith is no more trustworthy in this regard than the proverbial sex offender was in my old prof’s example.
    Furthermore, if Smith had presented an authentic document, Obama’s political enemies would have jumped on it like a duck on a june bug. In a desperately poor country such as Kenya, it wouldn’t have been hard to find (and bribe if necessary) people who were born about the same time and place that Obama allegedly was, and for comparison sake publish their birth certificates to a skeptical American majority.
    But this didn’t happen, John. Why?

  43. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    John accepts Lucas’s forgery as a genuine document? The same one that even the inmates at Gerbil Report scoff at as fake? I think that might make John the dumbest Birther on the whole of the internet.

  44. SvenMagnussen says:

    Rickey: That part bears repeating, although whether it will ever sink into John’s thick skull is questionable.

    There is no release which Obama could sign which would allow Hawaii to release his birth certificate to someone who does not have a tangible interest in it. The law makes no provision for an individual to waive his or her privacy rights.

    Obama should release his privacy rights and let the public examine his Form SS-5, Application for SSN and NUMIDENT file with SSA.

    Under the Sumpremacy Clause of the U.S. Constitution, Federal law, rules and regulations supercede the State of Hawaii’s laws, rules and regulations. Consequently, the documents created and maintained by the SSA concerning Obama’s citizenship status are authoritative. Current citizenship status is used to determine eligibility for an SSN.

    Documents with the State of Hawaii are authoritative with respect to Obama’s time and place of birth, not his citizenship status.

  45. Thomas Brown says:

    “The argument that Barack Obama was born anywhere but at Kapiolani Maternity and Gynecological Hospital in Honolulu, Hawaii, is not worth addressing; the evidence is indisputable by any rational human being. But not even irrational “birthers” can dispute Obama’s well-documented family tree on his mother’s side. By way of his Dunham lineage, President Obama has at least 11 direct ancestors who took up arms and fought for American independence in the Revolutionary War and two others cited as patriots by the Daughters of the American Revolution for furnishing supplies to the colonial army. This star-spangled heritage makes Obama eligible to join the Sons of the American Revolution, and his daughters the Daughters of the American Revolution.” -Richard Riis

  46. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    Does anyone else envision a pretentious, whiny voice, that’s just on the verge of crying, when they read any of Sven’s posts, or is it just me?

  47. sfjeff says:

    Obama should release his privacy rights and let the public examine his Form SS-5, Application for SSN and NUMIDENT file with SSA.

    Why should Obama do any such thing?

    No one but a few people who will despise him no matter what he does is asking for him to act differently than every other President.

    Makes no more sense than if you said he should do a dance in white face tonight while he presents the state of the Union address.

  48. Jim says:

    SvenMagnussen: Documents with the State of Hawaii are authoritative with respect to Obama’s time and place of birth, not his citizenship status.

    Really Sven, then why does the US Government accept it as proof of citizenship when applying for a passport? Oops! Another SvenMessup! 😆

  49. Dr. Kenneth Noisewater says:

    SvenMagnussen: Obama should release his privacy rights and let the public examine his Form SS-5, Application for SSN and NUMIDENT file with SSA.

    You mean the file you claimed to have personally accessed or is this another new claim of yours?

    Bovril will you do the honors?

  50. Suranis says:

    SvenMagnussen: Under the Sumpremacy Clause of the U.S. Constitution, Federal law, rules and regulations supercede the State of Hawaii’s laws, rules and regulations.

    And the only thing the federal laws give a flying crap about is Natural born citizen status, 14 years residency and Age 35. The SSN is totally irrelevant to determining that. An order to show cause containing the words “because a whiny Icelandic mentally retarded gibbering douce on the interwebs thinks its important” would not be accepted by the court as a valid reason for a reveal.

    besides, its been a matter of US law for well over a century that anything the parents do does not affect your NBC status. See Perkins V Elg. Actually I could lie and quote Shite V Shinola and you wouldn’t even look to see if I was lying as you know damn well you are full of shite

  51. Orly’s not trying. It’s all a “I want to be a Congressman” show. They’ve seen thousands of Orly’s come and go. I wonder how much money she’s spent “trying.”

    john: may be.Orly had one her plantiffs who was like a 5th cousin to Obama.I tired to get Orly to track him down and bring him to Hawaii for argument in the tangible interest problem.But, Orly didn’t do it and Orly got nowhere with the court.

  52. Rickey says:


    Documents with the State of Hawaii are authoritative with respect to Obama’s time and place of birth, not his citizenship status.

    Nonsense. The only documents which Obama had to show to obtain his SSN were his Hawaii birth certificate or his U.S. passport.

    You are saying that his Social Security records are definitive about his citizenship but his birth certificate is not, yet his birth certificate was all that he needed to obtain his SSN. Your logic is twisted.

  53. bovril says:

    Come along Svennie, off you trot and find this certificate of naturalization or as you have re-moved the goal posts AGAIN, the copy of the cancelled certificate of naturalization.

    You know the publicly available records, available for a doughty researcher like you to get a hold of.

    Those records, the ones I showed you in detail how to search for.

    Well, tell us all Svennie, why haven’t you gone and looked for them, it’s almost as if you now such a thing doesn’t actually exist.

  54. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    bovril: Well, tell us all Svennie, why haven’t you gone and looked for them, it’s almost as if you now such a thing doesn’t actually exist.

    He’s got an excuse for that, he just has to remember which one sounds the most wordy and pretentious.

  55. gorefan says:

    “they were investigating and reporting on it.”

    There is this other CNN video that has Dr. Fukino on camera saying,

    Tuckman: What did it tell you? Was it authentic? Was he born here in Hawaii?

    Dr. Fukino: It was absolutely authentic, he was absolutely born here in the State of Hawaii.

  56. justlw says:

    gorefan: Dr. Fukino: It was absolutely authentic, he was absolutely born here in the State of Hawaii.

    But what did she mean by “it”? And “he”? Couldn’t the antecedents be “this lovely shave ice I just enjoyed,” and “Don Ho”? There’s no way to tell if she didn’t suddenly change the subject in her head, since we cannot actually read her brain waves.

    And why is the chyron conveniently covering her fingers just as she says that, if not to make it impossible to see whether she was crossing them?

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