I haven’t done a poll in a while.
Who will be the Republican nominee for president be in 2016?
- Jeb Bush (61%, 98 Votes)
- Someone else (13%, 21 Votes)
- Mitt Romney (8%, 13 Votes)
- Ted Cruz (6%, 9 Votes)
- Rand Paul (4%, 7 Votes)
- Chris Christie (4%, 7 Votes)
- Marco Rubio (1%, 2 Votes)
- Sarah Palin (1%, 2 Votes)
- Lindsey Graham (1%, 2 Votes)
- Bobby Jindall (0%, 0 Votes)
Total Voters: 161
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Who will be the Democratic nominee for president be in 2016?
- Hillary Clinton (83%, 129 Votes)
- Someone else (12%, 18 Votes)
- Elizabeth Warren (3%, 5 Votes)
- Joe Biden (2%, 3 Votes)
Total Voters: 155
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Do you think there will be a significant third-party candate?
- No (86%, 127 Votes)
- Yes (14%, 21 Votes)
Total Voters: 148
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my “yes” vote for 3rd party would only hold true if jeb and hillary get the nominations. if not then i’m with the “no’s”.
Cheating if you look at this before you vote, but here’s The 538’s latest whiteboard take on the 2016 race:
I could see Rand Paul or Ted Cruz running as a third party candidate if Jeb or Christie or Romney were to get the Republican nomination, but I don’t see any viable third party candidate from the left to oppose Hillary. The only viable Democratic candidate other than Hillary at this point is Elizabeth Warren, and there is no way that she would run as a third party candidate.
Sorry, I left off Elizabeth Warren.
Who voted for Palin – lol
john 😀
The Republican party has figured out how to handle the Tea-partiers now and I don’t think the TPers will be holding as much power in this Congress as last. I can see a far right candidate running for the Tea Party vote.
Here’s hoping that if we can’t at least have a pleasant surprise, we at least get mostly harmless entertainment.
I enjoyed landscaping during the debates in 2012 (“Look, I’m literally changing the world! Why these goofballs bloviate about changing the world!”). It worked well. Plenty more landscaping to do ….
Another Bush / Clinton match would be a rather depressing sight IMHO.
According to news reports, we can scratch Romney.