The occasional open thread: Massive cold birther air mass arrives

Place your Obama Conspiracy comments not related to the current articles here. This thread will close in two weeks.

It’s gonna be darned cold tomorrow night. Maybe I should spend the night at DARPA where the nuclear furnace is always toasty warm.

About Dr. Conspiracy

I'm not a real doctor, but I have a master's degree.
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500 Responses to The occasional open thread: Massive cold birther air mass arrives

  1. The document is forged and I forged it. Zullo knows it’s forged. He just doesn’t want me coming out of the woodwork. I did get a call today by someone asking me who told me to call my Congressman. I told him it was Dr. Kenneth Noisewater if I recall correctly. I do know that the advice came from this board. Now that I know, according to Dr. Conspiracy, who “Falcon” is, I’ll attempt to make further phone calls.

    Curious George:
    If Zullo will lie about a simple resignation, what else will he lie about. Oh! I know! The birth certificate investigation too? Writing a book about the investigation and claiming that he gave the proceeds to his church? Receiving a $10,000 check from a source for the investigation and claiming it was a gift to be used for his mother? Allowing people to think he is a Lieutenant, an Arizona lawman, a Detective, a real cop? Allowing people to think he has decades of law enforcement experience instead of telling people he was a small village cop for 5 years, decades ago? Using 1968 race codes for a birth that happened in 1961?You would have to be a complete idiot to believe this guy.

    Go ahead John, say “I believe!”

  2. Northland10 says:

    Nancy R Owens: The document is forged and I forged it.

    You forged Reilly’s resignation letter?

  3. Dr. Kenneth Noisewater says:

    Nancy R Owens: I told him it was Dr. Kenneth Noisewater if I recall correctly. I

    I told you to call your congressman? It’s funny how you can’t keep recent memories correct let alone lies you told from year to year.

  4. Kate says:

    Dr. Kenneth Noisewater: I told you to call your congressman?It’s funny how you can’t keep recent memories correct let alone lies you told from year to year.

    She was first told about turning herself into Congress, not just calling her Congressman, on another forum. I don’t read it on a regular basis but it’s on IntenseDebate IIRC. It first happened a few weeks prior to the discussion on here when she pretended she had no idea that someone could do this and had never heard about it before yet it’s there in black and white.

    I don’t buy the calls to Congress. In one of them, she pretends that the person on the other end suddenly asked her about the mailman and she starts saying, “the mailman is from Clewiston” and then hangs up. You can hear background noise if you listen carefully. For all we know, she could have dialed the number of the weather and pretended it was her Congressmen. It’s also the only video where you can’t see her talking. That’s a first.

  5. Ken, you initiated the conversation right here on Doc’s blog:


    Dr. Kenneth Noisewater February 17, 2015 at 7:02 am (Quote) #

    Yeah I’m sure Sven made a sworn statement to the fbi director just as Nancy turned herself over to congress for arrest all from their double wides.

    So, stop lying, Ken.

    Kate, you have a good point about the calls to Congress which may be why there’s been no response from the Florida Congressmen that I did call.

    Kate: She was first told about turning herself into Congress, not just calling her Congressman, on another forum.I don’t read it on a regular basis but it’s on IntenseDebate IIRC.It first happened a few weeks prior to the discussion on here when she pretended she had no idea that someone could do this and had never heard about it before yet it’s there in black and white.

    I don’t buy the calls to Congress.In one of them, she pretends that the person on the other end suddenly asked her about the mailman and she starts saying, “the mailman is from Clewiston” and then hangs up.You can hear background noise if you listen carefully.For all we know, she could have dialed the number of the weather and pretended it was her Congressmen.It’s also the only video where you can’t see her talking.That’s a first.

  6. bgansel9 says:

    Northland10: You forged Reilly’s resignation letter?

    Never underestimate Nancy’s need to insert herself into the juicy details of any story.

  7. Dr. Kenneth Noisewater says:

    Nancy R Owens: Dr. Kenneth Noisewater February 17, 2015 at 7:02 am (Quote) #

    Yeah I’m sure Sven made a sworn statement to the fbi director just as Nancy turned herself over to congress for arrest all from their double wides.

    How does that relate to your previous claim? I was being facetious meaning I didn’t believe either your or Sven’s claim. How does that translate into me telling you to go to congress? Which I didn’t. You can’t keep your stories straight as usual.

  8. For the record, I’ve been in and out of the ER recently and have been focused on my health more than anything else, forged birth certificate included. Much better now and healing up quite well for those who may be concerned.

    *starts counting friends on her fingers*


    Who needs fingers anyway, right? *grin*

    Dr. Kenneth Noisewater: How does that relate to your previous claim?I was being facetious meaning I didn’t believe either your or Sven’s claim.How does that translate into me telling you to go to congress?Which I didn’t.You can’t keep your stories straight as usual.

  9. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    Nancy R Owens:
    For the record, I’ve been in and out of the ER recently and have been focused on my health more than anything else, forged birth certificate included. Much better now and healing up quite well for those who may be concerned.

    *starts counting friends on her fingers*


    Who needs fingers anyway, right? *grin*

    I don’t speak for anyone else, but to be honest I couldn’t be bothered to care if your ER visit was a one way trip.

  10. bgansel9 says:

    Andrew Vrba, PmG: I don’t speak for anyone else, but to be honest I couldn’t be bothered to care if your ER visit was a one way trip.

    You’re not alone, Andrew. LMAO

  11. justlw says:

    ICYMI: Long-time friend of the show Dinesh D’Souza has apparently backslid a bit on his court-ordered counselling, sending out the following tweet this morning:

    YOU CAN TAKE THE BOY OUT OF THE GHETTO…Watch this vulgar man show his stuff, while America cowers in embarrassment— Dinesh D'Souza (@DineshDSouza) February 18, 2015

    …attaching a screenshot of the President from his recent ACA promotional bit, wherein he is pretending to use a selfie stick.

    People have, as you might expect, pointed out that the President did not in fact come from a ghetto. There’s also the use of the word “boy”, not to mention all the irony meters who gave their lives when this particular person chose to dole out lessons in being a “classy guy”.

    But my first thought was, “Selfie stick? Totes ghetto, bro.”

    Conclusion: That’s a lot of stupid to pack into just 140 characters!

  12. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    ICYMI: Long-time friend of the show Dinesh D’Souza has apparently backslid a bit on his court-ordered counselling, sending out the following tweet this morning:

    …attaching a screenshot of the President from his recent ACA promotional bit, wherein he is pretending to use a selfie stick.

    People have, as you might expect, pointed out that the President did not in fact come from a ghetto.There’s also the use of the word “boy”, not to mention all the irony meters who gave their lives when this particular person chose to dole out lessons in being a “classy guy”.

    But my first thought was, “Selfie stick?Totes ghetto, bro.”

    Conclusion: That’s a lot of stupid to pack into just 140 characters!

    But naturally, his self-inflicted prison sentence will all be Obama’s fault. 😉

  13. Aww… mean! You should spend a little time with my so-called husband. You’d find ya’ll have a lot in common. *grin*

    bgansel9: You’re not alone, Andrew. LMAO

  14. Arthur says:

    Nancy R Owens: For the record, I’ve been in and out of the ER recently and have been focused on my health more than anything else, forged birth certificate included. Much better now and healing up quite well for those who may be concerned.

    As one person to another, I’m sorry you were ill and I hope you recover. Nevertheless, the most serious illness you face is the mental disorder that compels you to make false statements about Obama’s birth certificate and a host of other subjects.

  15. They’re all true.

    Arthur: As one person to another, I’m sorry you were ill and I hope you recover. Nevertheless, the most serious illness you face is the mental disorder that compels you to make false statements about Obama’s birth certificate and a host of other subjects.

  16. Dr. Kenneth Noisewater says:

    Nancy R Owens:
    For the record, I’ve been in and out of the ER recently and have been focused on my health more than anything else, forged birth certificate included. Much better now and healing up quite well for those who may be concerned.

    *starts counting friends on her fingers*


    Who needs fingers anyway, right? *grin*

    What does you checking yourself into the psychiatric ward have to do with your previous claim of you claiming I told you to go to your congressman? Then you claiming I lied when you quoted something that didn’t back up your original claim?

  17. bgansel9 says:

    Nancy R Owens: Aww… mean! You should spend a little time with my so-called husband. You’d find ya’ll have a lot in common. *grin*

    Funny stuff, Nancy. At least I haven’t killed anyone. How many have you killed? Let’s see, there’s Adam Walsh, and Pablo Escobar and a few deputies in Hendry County, Florida… how many people HAVE you admitted to killing, Nancy? You’re mental. It’s no surprise that you’d hijack this thread and make it all about you.

  18. Dr. Kenneth Noisewater says:

    bgansel9: Funny stuff, Nancy. At least I haven’t killed anyone. How many have you killed? Let’s see, there’s Adam Walsh, and Pablo Escobar and a few deputies in Hendry County, Florida… how many people HAVE you admitted to killing, Nancy?You’re mental.

    You forgot about Jimmy Hoffa, JFK Jr, Mikhail Gorbachev, Reagan. She adds more to the list each time she retells it.

  19. bgansel9 says:

    Dr. Kenneth Noisewater: You forgot about Jimmy Hoffa, JFK Jr, Mikhail Gorbachev, Reagan. She adds more to the list each time she retells it.

    I can’t keep track of them all. Who can?

  20. Keith says:

    justlw: YOU CAN TAKE THE BOY OUT OF THE GHETTO…Watch this vulgar man show his stuff, while America cowers in embarrassment— Dinesh D’Souza (@DineshDSouza) February 18, 2015

    Now here is a REAL Presidential (candidate) “cowers in embarrassment” moment:

  21. They’re formally acknowledging my role in the Reagan shooting as well as the birth certificate forgery. How much longer before they acknowledge all of the rest? Castro’s covert war is now overt.

    Reagan In. Castro Up. (Copyright Nancy R. Owens, 2015)
    Adam Walsh….The Undercurrent You Don’t See. (Copyright Nancy R. Owens, 2015)

    I know blog owners don’t appreciate these postings and I’ve posted this already once. Burn it to your memory, please.;read=8837

    Dr. Kenneth Noisewater: You forgot about Jimmy Hoffa, JFK Jr, Mikhail Gorbachev, Reagan.She adds more to the list each time she retells it.

  22. Dr. Kenneth Noisewater says:

    bgansel9: I can’t keep track of them all.Who can?

    Not even Nancy

  23. As one of Pablo’s chief assassins, no I can’t. Too many and I stopped counting when I was a teenager.

    Dr. Kenneth Noisewater: Not even Nancy

  24. Sings the song: One of these girls is not like the others. Four of these girls are kinda the same. …

    Nancy R Owens: I know blog owners don’t appreciate these postings and I’ve posted this already once. Burn it to your memory, please.;read=8837

  25. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    Dr. Conspiracy: Sings the song: One of these girls is not like the others. Four of these girls are kinda the same. …

    Right in the childhood.

  26. bgansel9 says:

    Nancy R Owens: They’re formally acknowledging my role in the Reagan shooting as well as the birth certificate forgery.

    Who is this “They” you speak of, Nancy? I want to see proof of this.

  27. Dr. Kenneth Noisewater says:

    Nancy R Owens:
    As one of Pablo’s chief assassins, no I can’t. Too many and I stopped counting when I was a teenager.

    Yes we know you can’t keep up with the lies you tell from moment to moment.

  28. Dr. Kenneth Noisewater says:

    Nancy R Owens: They’re formally acknowledging my role in the Reagan shooting as well as the birth certificate forgery. How much longer before they acknowledge all of the rest? Castro’s covert war is now overt.

    Reagan In. Castro Up. (Copyright Nancy R. Owens, 2015)
    Adam Walsh….The Undercurrent You Don’t See. (Copyright Nancy R. Owens, 2015)

    I know blog owners don’t appreciate these postings and I’ve posted this already once. Burn it to your memory, please.

    Again being facetious. Making a joke about all the people you lie about killing several of whom are still alive.

  29. bgansel9 says:

    Nancy has newly updated material copyrighted within the last six weeks? Apparently that must be why she is hijacking this thread.

  30. bgansel9 says:

    Curious George: Are there any mental health professionals in the house?

    I know a few people who come here who could qualify for a group discount if one is available. .

  31. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    Nancy serves as a living cautionary tale, about how decades of heavy recreational drug use can royally #^!% someone’s mind up.

  32. Keith says:

    Professional Obamacare Hater Cannot Find a Single Fact to Support His Case

    Response by Birthers: “Been there, done that, got the T-Shirt

  33. Kate says:

    Dr. Kenneth Noisewater: You forgot about Jimmy Hoffa, JFK Jr, Mikhail Gorbachev, Reagan.She adds more to the list each time she retells it.

    She added Dubya to the list recently. What’s really funny is that there are people she has claimed to kill that are listed among her Facebook friends, along with family members of others she’s claimed to have killed. If you look at the titles of her videos, it’s easy to come up with 60+. Of course, many of them are still alive today and never had any contact with Nancy Ruth Owens except in her overly active imagination.

  34. All the same girl. Me. And, the photo was taken on Ventura Ave, Clewiston, Florida by Ida Delgado who is “Popeye’s” mother and a former babysitter of ours.

    Dr. Conspiracy:
    Sings the song: One of these girls is not like the others. Four of these girls are kinda the same. …

  35. People the cocaine-dealing “government” claims to be alive.

    Rafael Caro Quintero, who the AP recently claimed was killed, has been dead since the early eighties. He died of a bullet wound received in a shootout with the local cops which became infected. I know exactly where he was buried having buried him myself.

    Dr. Kenneth Noisewater: Again being facetious.Making a joke about all the people you lie about killing several of whom are still alive.

  36. As the Obama forger, who better?

    MikeZulloMoore, the fake investigator?

    You can’t stop it now, MikeyPoo.

    Nancy has newly updated material copyrighted within the last six weeks? Apparently that must be why she is hijacking this thread.

  37. “Dubya” was drunk off of his tush one night while entertaining Gorbechev along with Volin shortly after I killed Foster with one bite to the neck. They like to play
    Skull and Bones mind games only when they are in total control.

    When the opportunity presented itself, I decided to play one back just out of curiosity to see whether or not Dubya really had the kahunas to handle it.

    He fold like a wet noodle, lost control of his own head trying to look at me in the back seat, Gorby in the front, the rear view mirror, and the dark road ahead of us.

    He panicked, something no true military man would do. He crashed. He failed.

    Dubya knew, for a few short moments, what it was like NOT to have protection, no silver spoon, and to be at death’s door, so to speak.

    Dubya pissed me off and I told him to get out, that I was going to drive just as I knew I should have all along. When he crossed the front of the headlights, I shot him three times and told Gorby to help me drag him into the middle of the road.

    When asked why by Gorby why, I told him I was going to run him over Bush, Jr’s head until it popped like a bloody balloon and report it back to Escobar.

    Things go a little blank after that and I waiting for the full memory to return.

    Kate: Dubya

  38. bgansel9 says:

    Andy Borowitz posted a piece on Facebook with the question: “Since when are illegal immigrants children born in the U.S. American Citizens?” (a question from a reader, I presume) and he answered “Since 1868 when the 14th Amendment was adopted.”

    I posted this thread on my Facebook and linked to articles on Jus Soli law (including De Vattel for Dummies, posted on this site) and I posted a Wiki on Jus Soli Law. –

    On the Wiki, I noticed the following:

    “Geographer Jared Diamond has calculated that if the application of jus soli since 1850 were abolished, 60% of Americans and 80% of Argentinians would lose their citizenship, and 25% of the British and French.[9]”

    This got me to thinking, how many birthers who want so badly for Barack Obama to not be a U.S. citizen based on Vattel’s Law of Nations would lose their citizenship if Jus Soli were reversed?

    I would be one of these citizens to lose my American citizenship. While my mother’s family came to America starting in the early 1600’s and were all here prior to the 1800’s, since Jus Sanguinis is passed through the father, I would be an English citizen since my paternal grandparents were both born in England after 1850. I am only a second generation American on my father’s side.

    How many birthers are advocating for the loss of their own American citizenship based on their hatred of our current president? It’s an interesting question.

  39. Mark McDaniel says:

    I can confirm that Nancy is former Medellin drug cartel, and her details about what happened the night of sheriff Sermon Dyess’ death are eerily accurate, which leads one to want to take a closer look at her story. She was investigated by the CCP early on, but they dropped it and decided to stop at the pdf, instead of investigating the paper trail becuase it would take 100 years and 1000 sheriff’s dept. personnel to do all that. If this matter goes to congress, you can bet this will be even worse than the watergate hearings, and they will indeed investigate the pdf and the paper as well, and I’m sure they will call her in to testify in front of a microphone along with everyone one even remotely involved in this

  40. Krosis says:

    Who is this McDaniel person? He asserts that Nancy Owens’ stories are true and that BSE from Gerbil/Birther Report is an intelligence service operative with mental issues that cause him to be occasionally off the mark. What strange assertions they are!

  41. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    So I’ve been looking at Sibley’s blog every once in a great while, and I gotta say the guy has completely gone off his trolley. His last several entries read like some kind of strange novel. I couldn’t even begin to tell you what he’s going on about. Its like his final defeat in court broke him to the point of madness.

  42. Dr. Kenneth Noisewater says:

    Nancy R Owens: “Dubya” was drunk off of his tush one night while entertaining Gorbechev along with Volin shortly after I killed Foster with one bite to the neck. They like to play

    I think you watched Interview with the Vampire one too many times. You forgot to Include Sharon Rondeau into your latest fiction.

  43. Dr. Kenneth Noisewater says:

    Nancy R Owens: He panicked, something no true military man would do. He crashed. He failed.

    Gorbachev was never in the military.

  44. gorefan says:

    Krosis: Who is this McDaniel person?

    He’s not as good as Rick Hyatt – son of East German Stasi Officer Marcus Wolf and step-brother to Barack Obama.

  45. Mark McDaniel's Mom says:

    I confirm that my little Marky has delusions of grandeur, when he’s not slumming it up with Ted Bundy and Charlie Manson groupies he spends his time pretending to be a congressman. I was there when Mark had Nancy sit down in our living room during their pajama parties. I set them up with a nice pillow fort and flashlights as Nancy told ghost stories. My little mark needed mommy to clean up the mess.

  46. They’ve been trying to ignore this for decades. What he’s saying is true. It’s going to take time to unravel this and you can watch my YouTube videos for my testimonies. They can’t ignore the forger, however. On that, I disagree. Thank you, Mark.

    Mark McDaniel:
    I can confirm that Nancy is former Medellin drug cartel, and her details about what happened the night of sheriff Sermon Dyess’ death are eerily accurate, which leads one to want to take a closer look at her story. She was investigated by the CCP early on, but they dropped it and decided to stop at the pdf, instead of investigating the paper trail becuase it would take 100 years and 1000 sheriff’s dept. personnel to do all that. If this matter goes to congress, you can bet this will be even worse than the watergate hearings, and they will indeed investigate the pdf and the paper as well, and I’m sure they will call her in to testify in front of a microphone along with everyone one even remotely involved in this

  47. Jim says:

    Mark McDaniel: I can confirm that Nancy is former Medellin drug cartel…

    So you and Nancy were dipping into the product too much?

  48. Bush, Jr. panicked. Not Gorby.

    Dr. Kenneth Noisewater: Gorbachev was never in the military.

  49. Mark McDaniel says:

    Krosis said:

    Who is this McDaniel person? He asserts that Nancy Owens’ stories are true and that BSE from Gerbil/Birther Report is an intelligence service operative with mental issues that cause him to be occasionally off the mark. What strange assertions they are!

    I didn’t say that everything Nancy says is accurate—[potentially libelous statement redacted. Doc ] … Also, I am a volunteer for the CCP after submitting evidence. I was trained by Father Pellegrino Ernetti in Italy in performing exorcisms and my knowledge of the controversial chronovisor technology was turned over to investigators during their investigation of Attorney Andrew Basiago and Obama’s mysterious absence from Columbia University 1981-1983. I know that is controversial and is a lot for people to wrap their heads around but is 100% accurate. Also, I still believe that BSE is an ex-CIA agent, and so do a lot of others, and if he thinks he infiltrated Carl Gallups via Mike Shoesmith then he is delusional. I offer a money reward for any info on him. Thanks

  50. Curious George says:

    Mark McDaniel
    “Also, I am a volunteer for the CCP after submitting evidence. ”

    Now that’s really something to be proud about!

  51. Dr. Kenneth Noisewater says:

    Mark McDaniel: she is a former drug user with memory problems,

    That may be the only thing about her that’s been said here by her or her supporters that has been true. Yes most likely. Which makes her hallucinate that she was involved in events she wasn’t because her life must have been boring and miserable. She’s like a female Walter Mitty.

    Mark McDaniel: But that does not mean that one can dismiss her testimony altogether.

    No it just makes her claims completely unreliable that and the fact that she can’t prove a single claim she’s made.

    Mark McDaniel: I am a volunteer for the CCP after submitting evidence

    Well that speaks wonders to your lack of credibility. Is this something you’re proud of?

    Mark McDaniel: Obama’s mysterious absence from Columbia University 1981-1983

    What mysterious absence? Several of his classmates remember him including teachers.

    Mark McDaniel: I still believe that BSE is an ex-CIA agent

    That’s just as delusional as half the stuff posted on birther report.

  52. Crustacean says:

    Chronovisor, eh? Nice try. I’ll give you an ‘E’ for Effort. (wink-wink)

    Mark McDaniel: I was trained by Father Pellegrino Ernetti in Italy in performing exorcisms and my knowledge of the controversial chronovisor technology was turned over to investigators during their investigation of Attorney Andrew Basiago

  53. Jim says:

    Mark McDaniel: I am a volunteer for the CCP after submitting evidence.

    Really? What evidence did you submit? Did you get to go on ride-alongs with Zullo like Brian Reilly? You got a badge and a car too? Is your insurance all paid up? Were you one of the folks on stage for either of the pressers?

  54. Everything said is accurate and the criminal part is certainly debatable in light of the failure of both Reagan and the Bush’s to stop the invasion of Castro and Gorbechev into South Florida. What you call criminal, I call a covert, unacknowledged war with all communication lines down.

    Mark McDaniel:
    Krosis said:

    I didn’t say that everything Nancy says is accurate—she is a former drug user with memory problems, just like a lot of professional criminals. But that does not mean that one can dismiss her testimony altogether. She is a loose canon just like a lot of criminals. She may indeed have a part of the puzzle. Also, I am a volunteer for the CCP after submitting evidence. I was trained by Father Pellegrino Ernetti in Italy in performing exorcisms and my knowledge of the controversial chronovisor technology was turned over to investigators during their investigation of Attorney Andrew Basiago and Obama’s mysterious absence from Columbia University 1981-1983. I know that is controversial and is a lot for people to wrap their heads around but is 100% accurate. Also, I still believe that BSE is an ex-CIA agent, and so do a lot of others, and if he thinks he infiltrated Carl Gallups via Mike Shoesmith then he is delusional. I offer a money reward for any info on him. Thanks

  55. Keith says:

    SvenMagnussen: Isn’t that what the record’s administrator for the Hawaii DoH did for Obama’s BC?

    Isn’t that what the registrar did even before you invented the discrepancy pulled the whole idea out of your backside?

  56. Rickey says:

    Mark McDaniel:
    I can confirm that Nancy is former Medellin drug cartel, and her details about what happened the night of sheriff Sermon Dyess’ death are eerily accurate, which leads one to want to take a closer look at her story.

    A man named Raymond Trenary has spent the last 33 years in a Florida prison for murdering Sheriff Dyess.

    If it was actually Nancy who killed Sheriff Dyess, don’t you have a duty to tell the authorities in Florida about it? Please let us know how that goes.

  57. Rickey says:

    Mark McDaniel:
    Also, I still believe that BSE is an ex-CIA agent, and so do a lot of others

    If BSE is an ex-CIA agent, he is one of the most incompetent CIA agents in history. Have you seen his “eerie visit” to Sandy Hooks and Newtown? He claims that an abandoned psychiatric hospital is the “town square” of Newtown.

    The exit from I-84 which you take to the psychiatric hospital isn’t even the Newtown exit. It’s the New Haven exit, Connecticut Route 34.

  58. bgansel9 says:

    Nancy R Owens: As the Obama forger, who better?

    Newsflash, Nancy, the only person on this site who believes you is John (because he’ll believe anything, oh and I see you have a sockpuppet on this thread now too). We KNOW for a fact that you didn’t actually kill those people you say you killed (but, you seem proud of the idea that you did…) and the reason why you can’t get any traction on your “I forged the birth certificate” story is because you tell so many lies nobody can believe a single word you say. I guess you should have thought about that before you started calling yourself an assassin. You got the first three letters right, anyway.

  59. bgansel9 says:

    Dr. Kenneth Noisewater: Yes most likely. Which makes her hallucinate that she was involved in events she wasn’t because her life must have been boring and miserable

    If I had to spend all my time in Clewiston, I’d be bored too. I went to Clewiston on weekends in the mid 80’s for the skydiving, but, really, that’s about all that is worth while there.

  60. Dr. Kenneth Noisewater says:

    Nancy R Owens: Bush, Jr. panicked. Not Gorby.

    The way you wrote the sentence implied that Gorby did but you’ve been wrong before when you claimed Gorbachev was in the military when he wasn’t. No one panicked since you never met them.

  61. Dr. Kenneth Noisewater says:

    Rickey: If BSE is an ex-CIA agent, he is one of the most incompetent CIA agents in history. Have you seen his “eerie visit” to Sandy Hooks and Newtown? He claims that an abandoned psychiatric hospital is the “town square” of Newtown.

    Is he claiming that the town of newtown was entirely created for the incident?

  62. Certainly I have given considerable thought to the identity of the GerbilMeister, Barry Soetoro, Esq. I don’t like unsolved problems. I haven’t figured him out either because he’s good at not leaving clues, or because I haven’t paid enough attention to what he’s written. I listened to a few seconds of that Internet radio interview he gave, long enough to pick up what sounds to my ears like a northern accent.

    Generally BSE hangs out at Birther Report, but on two occasions commented elsewhere, once at and once at

    It has been suggested that there is a stylistic similarity between certain images BSE has posted, and some by Falcon–suggesting that one person did the images. In the few images I compared, I didn’t see this similarity, but I didn’t look at that many images. Falcon, by the way, made his two PhotoBucket accounts private, which makes comparisons more difficult.

    I keep in mind this comment by Falcon late last year:

    Last spring a poster calling himself Barry Soetoro Esq (Esquire) came around and added alot to the site. Really smart guy. Then he joined on to Intense Debate and got an account so his posts didn’t go into moderation. This guy is a really smart poster. I like this guy alot.

    To my mind, BSE has made Birther Report a laughing stock, and I am at a loss to understand what Falcon sees in him.

    I also note that BSE addresses comments to Falcon a fair amount.

    These observations at least raise two possibilities: that BSE and Falcon are “old” friends, perhaps even in real life, or that they are really the same person, I think the latter is highly unlikely, but I wouldn’t rule out the former.

    While Falcon says that he never reads this site, BSE is quick to pick up images of me that appear here. He reads the site at least sometime.

    So those are some basic observations.

    Mark McDaniel: Also, I still believe that BSE is an ex-CIA agent, and so do a lot of others,

  63. Ditto. The Sheriff’s murder was covered up by his own son who then became sheriff thus eliminating the old man’s, “Don’t get greedy, son,” cocaine agenda. On that I do have absolute evidence from that night which I have kept for over thirty years. I then murdered the son, Dyess, Jr., in the 90’s which was witnessed by Abel Danger whom I also did shoot at if I recall correctly. The reason for that one was because he was attempting to murder a federal witness, Timmy Ledbetter. Dyess picked the wrong assassin for that one. *g*

    Rickey: A man named Raymond Trenary has spent the last 33 years in a Florida prison for murdering Sheriff Dyess.

    If it was actually Nancy who killed Sheriff Dyess, don’t you have a duty to tell the authorities in Florida about it? Please let us know how that goes.

  64. Dave says:


    How many birthers are advocating for the loss of their own American citizenship based on their hatred of our current president?It’s an interesting question.

    Another thing I find remarkable about this theory is the nearly insurmountable difficulty it poses for anyone who wants to prove they are a citizen.

    If the law was the way the birthers wish it was, the only people who would have an easy time proving citizenship would be naturalized citizens — they can produce their naturaliation papers. If you’re not naturalized, then you have to document who your parents are, and then prove that one of them is a citizen. Which is a repeat of the original problem. Basically, this theory means you have to document descent back to either a) a naturalized citizen, or b) someone who was living here at the founding of the country — and document that.

    Basically, in this alternate universe, the only people who would be able to prove citizenship are those with a naturalized citizen a very few generations before them. Otherwise, the problem is intractable.

  65. Kate says:

    Nancy R Owens:
    Ditto. The Sheriff’s murder was covered up by his own son who then became sheriff thus eliminating the old man’s, “Don’t get greedy, son,” cocaine agenda. On that I do have absolute evidence from that night which I have kept for over thirty years. I then murdered the son, Dyess, Jr., in the 90’s which was witnessed by Abel Danger whom I also did shoot at if I recall correctly. The reason for that one was because he was attempting to murder a federal witness, Timmy Ledbetter. Dyess picked the wrong assassin for that one. *g*

    That’s not what you said in your fairy tales that are on video. Tell me how Dyess manages to work in real estate in Clewiston while you claimed to have killed him? There aren’t enough body doubles to go around for all that you’ve claimed so that excuse won’t fly.

    Why do you talk about Abel Danger today and say that you’re in contact with him now and that you were in the 80’s, too? You also said you killed his daughter, yet you claim he talks to you now? The same goes for Roland Martin, you claimed to have chopped his daughter to pieces in front of many witnesses yet nobody will verify any of this for you.

    You also said the FBI didn’t believe your stories, why didn’t you show them all your so-called proof that you saved? They would have had you testify against Dyess if you had really gone to them as you claimed.

    As for the picture, I’ll ask AGAIN, how could that possibly be a picture of Obama with you when you’ve already admitted you two are less than a year apart in age? IT CAN’T BE! The little girl in the pic also has brown eyes and yours are hazel. If you can’t answer the easy questions like this, it’s obvious why you won’t answer anything else, either. It’s because you’re lying.

  66. Keith says:

    Dr. Conspiracy: To my mind, BSE has made Birther Report a laughing stock,

    Is that anything like being a little bit pregnant and then something happens and you get completely pregnant?

  67. Kate says:

    Mark McDaniel:
    I can confirm that Nancy is former Medellin drug cartel, and her details about what happened the night of sheriff Sermon Dyess’ death are eerily accurate, which leads one to want to take a closer look at her story. She was investigated by the CCP early on, but they dropped it and decided to stop at the pdf, instead of investigating the paper trail becuase it would take 100 years and 1000 sheriff’s dept. personnel to do all that. If this matter goes to congress, you can bet this will be even worse than the watergate hearings, and they will indeed investigate the pdf and the paper as well, and I’m sure they will call her in to testify in front of a microphone along with everyone one even remotely involved in this

    Why should anyone believe you? Who are you that you can confirm Nancy’s stories? Nancy’s ridiculous PDF vs. Paper videos are proof of nothing except for her ranting about a non-existent forgery.

  68. Kate says:

    Dave: Another thing I find remarkable about this theory is the nearly insurmountable difficulty it poses for anyone who wants to prove they are a citizen.

    If the law was the way the birthers wish it was, the only people who would have an easy time proving citizenship would be naturalized citizens — they can produce their naturaliation papers. If you’re not naturalized, then you have to document who your parents are, and then prove that one of them is a citizen. Which is a repeat of the original problem. Basically, this theory means you have to document descent back to either a) a naturalized citizen, or b) someone who was living here at the founding of the country — and document that.

    Basically, in this alternate universe, the only people who would be able to prove citizenship are those with a naturalized citizen a very few generations before them. Otherwise, the problem is intractable.

    This idea that you have to have two citizen parents to be considered natural born and all others must go through a naturalization process should leave us with millions of citizens having gone through the process that were actually born on U.S. soil. I’ve never heard of anyone coming forward and saying that, “Yes, I was born in the U.S. and because my parents aren’t citizens, I had to go through the naturalization process. Here are the forms I used.” Orly Taitz won’t answer whether or not her sons were naturalized but she says they aren’t eligible, or at least the older two aren’t eligible, to be President. Birthers can’t back up their own nonsense although if what they claim was true, it should be easy to do so. I hope that anyone born on U.S. soil and still went through a naturalization process would step forward and show us proof of the same. I’ll be waiting…but I sure as hell won’t hold my breath.

  69. Notorial Dissent says:

    I think you’re giving BSE much too much credit, but it certainly wouldn’t be wrong or off the mark to say that he has definitely lowered, if that is possible, the tenor of that whole morass of general deviance.

    Dr. Conspiracy:
    To my mind, BSE has made Birther Report a laughing stock, …

  70. The Magic M (not logged in) says:

    Notorial Dissent: he has definitely lowered, if that is possible, the tenor of that whole morass of general deviance

    He’s pretty much ruined it for me. Birtherism was still kinda entertaining every now and then, but with all the off-topic crap and infighting BSE caused, I’ve hardly read any comment section on GR in the last two months.

  71. Fernando says:

    Krosis: Who is this McDaniel person? He asserts that Nancy Owens’ stories are true and that BSE from Gerbil/Birther Report is an intelligence service operative with mental issues that cause him to be occasionally off the mark. What strange assertions they are!

    I must state categorically, and Doc can back me up on this one, that I am not Mark McDaniel. I may have tried to out-Nancy Nancy, but it was clearly not meant to be taken seriously. For instance, Mark does not include a single song reference, Zevon or otherwise. She met another, and **pfft* she was gone.

  72. Actually, amazed would be a more accurate term for how I feel about all of this. I was the killer just as much as I was the clown. Sermon Dyess, Jr. and his friends enjoyed setting people up, waiting for the results which were never pretty, and then laughing about it.

    The stories have been there. They just didn’t expect me to survive long enough for it to make it into any court. I survived Dyess, Jr. Not only did I survive him, I murdered him. Mission accomplished.

    Why are they waiting again? Same thing. Wait for everybody who has any unfavorable testimony to die off or get murdered and then crow like roosters about how (fake) brave they were, write books, cash in on big time money.

    bgansel9: Newsflash, Nancy, the only person on this site who believes you is John (because he’ll believe anything, oh and I see you have a sockpuppet on this thread now too). We KNOW for a fact that you didn’t actually kill those people you say you killed (but, you seem proud of the idea that you did…)and the reason why you can’t get any traction on your “I forged the birth certificate” story is because you tell so many lies nobody can believe a single word you say.I guess you should have thought about that before you started calling yourself an assassin.You got the first three letters right, anyway.

  73. bgansel9 says:

    Dr. Conspiracy (Quoting Falcon): Last spring a poster calling himself Barry Soetoro Esq (Esquire) came around and added alot to the site. Really smart guy. Then he joined on to Intense Debate and got an account so his posts didn’t go into moderation. This guy is a really smart poster. I like this guy alot.

    That sounds like a sockpuppet endorsement if I ever heard one.

  74. Dr. Kenneth Noisewater says:

    Nancy R Owens: Actually, amazed would be a more accurate term for how I feel about all of this. I was the killer just as much as I was the clown

    About the only thing you got right in all of that is that you were and are the clown.

  75. bgansel9 says:

    Dave: Basically, in this alternate universe, the only people who would be able to prove citizenship are those with a naturalized citizen a very few generations before them. Otherwise, the problem is intractable.

    Very true, Dave. While I know a lot about my own family history, we do not have much documentation of how my ancestors came to be here. I am sure I am not alone in this. Much of genealogy sleuthing is done through Census reports, but a Census doesn’t tell you much about how a person ended up coming to America and how their citizenship was treated.

  76. I, unlike the Bush’s, had a problem with Gorby setting up a military operation in Hendry County, Florida recruiting my high school friends, murdering off many, while the politicians looked the other way. Do you think our weak, albeit filthy rich, politicians will EVER admit to this? No way.

    I was labeled a serial killer (Kaleidoscope), along with my husband, Rivi Ayala, in 1982 while working for the federal government and Pablo Escobar.

    In case you haven’t figured it out by now, the serial killer label is nothing more than a conspiratorial con job. Assassin is the correct term.

    War before truth.

    Dr. Kenneth Noisewater: About the only thing you got right in all of that is that you were and are the clown.

  77. bgansel9 says:

    Nancy R Owens: I, unlike the Bush’s, had a problem with Gorby setting up a military operation in Hendry County, Florida recruiting my high school friends, murdering off many, while the politicians looked the other way. Do you think our weak, albeit filthy rich, politicians will EVER admit to this? No way.

    It’s too bad that you don’t sell this as fiction. You might make a killing off of publishing a story like this, but, as factual account of past American history, you fail miserably.

  78. Dr. Kenneth Noisewater says:

    Nancy R Owens: I, unlike the Bush’s, had a problem with Gorby setting up a military operation in Hendry County, Florida recruiting my high school friends, murdering off many, while the politicians looked the other way

    yes we know everything happens in your backwater town. Never mind that Gorbachev was in the Soviet union during that time and Bush was getting drunk in Texas.

    In case you haven’t noticed by now, no-one believes your fiction. It’s just as stupid as Svens fiction or Linda joy Adams or Rick Hyatt.

  79. Rickey says:

    Nancy R Owens:
    I, unlike the Bush’s, had a problem with Gorby setting up a military operation in Hendry County, Florida recruiting my high school friends, murdering off many, while the politicians looked the other way.

    I tell you what. I’ll make the same offer to you that I made to Linda Joy Adams before she ran away.

    Provide me with the names of your many high school friends who were murdered, and I will check it out. I assume that you were the Class of 1980 at Clewiston High school.

  80. Rickey says:

    Dr. Kenneth Noisewater: Is he claiming that the town of newtown was entirely created for the incident?

    I’m not sure about that, but he claims that it’s essentially a ghost town. Most of the photos he posted aren’t of Newtown at all.

    Some buildings on the grounds of the old psychiatric hospital have been restored and are being used, but most of them are still empty. Newtown is two miles west of the hospital grounds. This is the hospital where Orly Taitz believes that the non-existent Harrison J. Bounel died.

  81. The Seminole Indians never surrendered to America via this very same Everglades swamp location which prissy politicians are loath to enter because they might get their fingernails a little dirty.

    What better place for intelligent military leaders such as Castro and Gorbechev to infiltrate the overly haughty United States?

    They did infiltrate us and I lived through it. America has little to no protection and the politicians simply don’t care.

    Congress has placed a foreign king on the American throne and everybody who is anybody knows it.

    Dr. Kenneth Noisewater: yes we know everything happens in your backwater town.Never mind that Gorbachev was in the Soviet union during that time and Bush was getting drunk in Texas.

    In case you haven’t noticed by now, no-one believes your fiction.It’s just as stupid as Svens fiction or Linda joy Adams or Rick Hyatt.

  82. Rickey says:

    Nancy R Owens:
    Ditto. The Sheriff’s murder was covered up by his own son who then became sheriff thus eliminating the old man’s, “Don’t get greedy, son,” cocaine agenda. On that I do have absolute evidence from that night which I have kept for over thirty years. I then murdered the son, Dyess, Jr., in the 90’s which was witnessed by Abel Danger whom I also did shoot at if I recall correctly. The reason for that one was because he was attempting to murder a federal witness, Timmy Ledbetter. Dyess picked the wrong assassin for that one. *g*

    So why is it that Raymond Trenary has never pointed a finger at you?

  83. Ray Trenary, if that’s even the same kid from Griselda’s apartment, knew what Sermon Dyess, Sr. had done to me and if I could have gotten Ray out, I most certainly would have and still will if I can ever get ZulloMoore to REALLY do an investigation. What he did was a massive anal tear which allowed septicemia to set in because both the sheriff and his son left me for dead.

    Ray Trenary was protecting a defenseless female as was Griselda Blanco and should never have served a day in prison.

    Rickey: So why is it that Raymond Trenary has never pointed a finger at you?

  84. Crustacean says:

    Oh, for the love of Pete, Nancy. Have you no sense of decency? Sorry, dumb question…

    Nancy R Owens: What he did was a massive anal tear which allowed septicemia to set in because both the sheriff and his son left me for dead.

  85. You want to know what the Sheriff did. Now you know. If you can’t handle the truth, I don’t know what to tell you.

    And, for the record, I was told by the FBI to, “Take it to, the media.”

    Oh, for the love of Pete, Nancy.Have you no sense of decency?Sorry, dumb question…

  86. Dr. Kenneth Noisewater says:

    Nancy R Owens: Ray Trenary was protecting a defenseless female as was Griselda Blanco and should never have served a day in prison.

    You claim you were an assassin one moment then claim you were a defenseless female another. Seek help. This is just as disgusting as your videos extolling necrophilia.

  87. It does sound like a sock puppet endorsement, and who else would know why Barry Soetoro created an Intense Debate Profile and become Barry Soetoro ESQ and who would care and who would think it relevant? I knew this because I recently re-read BSE’s first few comments at BR, but someone else would only know it by reading or remembering a comment BSE made I think 7 months before Falcon’s comment.

    And if you want another comment that sounds like a sock puppet endorsement, you need look no further than Mark McDaniel’s recent posts here, and I excerpt two:

    “It is also no coincidence that BSE, a rogue ex-CIA agent ala (sic) Jason Bourne is trying to say that a Doctor that I personnally (sic) know will be involved in a future false flag operation in Pittsburgh, no less, and that he is in fact Doctor Conspiracy of all people; I like how he purposefuuly (sic) tries to link all that together in a deliberate act of disinfo & cointelpro, and keeps spamming DARPA pics. He is good! ”


    “I’m pretty sure BSE [is a] retired intelligence operative, probably suffering from bipolar disorder. Some of his information is accurate, but on “bad” days when his illness kicks up he mysteriously goes off the deep end.”

    bgansel9: That sounds like a sockpuppet endorsement if I ever heard one.

  88. Dr. Kenneth Noisewater says:

    Nancy R Owens: The Seminole Indians never surrendered to America via this very same Everglades swamp location which prissy politicians are loath to enter because they might get their fingernails a little dirty.

    What do they have to do with your bits of fiction?

    Nancy R Owens: What better place for intelligent military leaders such as Castro and Gorbechev to infiltrate the overly haughty United States?

    I see you still can’t spell Gorbachev’s name correct. Are you still going to insist he was in the military? Why stop at Castro and Gorbachev why not include Generalissimo Franco into your fictional accounts?

    Nancy R Owens: Congress has placed a foreign king on the American throne and everybody who is anybody knows it.

    You’re confused America doesn’t have kings.

  89. bgansel9 says:

    Nancy R Owens: The Seminole Indians never surrendered to America via this very same Everglades swamp location which prissy politicians are loath to enter because they might get their fingernails a little dirty.

    While I’ll admit that few people used to drive on the back roads around Immokalee and LaBelle (I used to see buzzards sitting in the middle of the road out there quite often), you can’t say that the Everglades are empty. Alligator Alley (which is now I-75) goes right through there. Lots of traffic. I’ve spent hours parked on that road on my way home from the Keys during an Everglades City Seafood Festival. You are not dealing with an entire group of people who know nothing about the area.

  90. bgansel9 says:

    Dr. Conspiracy: And if you want another comment that sounds like a sock puppet endorsement, you need look no further than Mark McDaniel’s recent posts here

    Yeah, I mentioned that sockpuppet in a post to Nancy yesterday. LOL

  91. The list is very long. Are you an investigator by any chance? And, don’t say MikeZulloMoore because I won’t waste my time with you. You’re too late to play hero now that Russia/Cuba has ascended onto the American throne.

    Rickey: I tell you what. I’ll make the same offer to you that I made to Linda Joy Adams before she ran away.

    Provide me with the names of your many high school friends who were murdered, and I will check it out. I assume that you were the Class of 1980 at Clewiston High school.

  92. Once Pablo set up his embassy, you’d be surprised to know just who all came. Hugo Chavez was certainly one of them. A very gorgeous man from the waste down.


    Dr. Kenneth Noisewater: What do they have to do with your bits of fiction?

    I see you still can’t spell Gorbachev’s name correct.Are you still going to insist he was in the military?Why stop at Castro and Gorbachev why not include Generalissimo Franco into your fictional accounts?

    You’re confused America doesn’t have kings.

  93. bgansel9 says:

    Nancy R Owens: I most certainly would have and still will if I can ever get ZulloMoore to REALLY do an investigation.

    Why would Zullo work on an investigation in Florida when he no longer lives there? What are you smoking that you would even consider this to be possible?

  94. OK. Any time I see the words “Nancy” or “Sven” my scroll wheel finger involuntarily twitches. McDaniel is not Nancy’s sock puppet unless she has some advanced sophistication manipulating IP addresses.

    bgansel9: Yeah, I mentioned that sockpuppet in a post to Nancy yesterday. LOL

  95. Rickey says:

    Nancy R Owens:
    The list is very long. Are you an investigator by any chance?

    I am an investigator. I don’t care how long the list is. Provide me with names, and i’ll check them out. You have nothing to lose by providing the names, unless you are making all of this up.

    High school friends who went to Clewiston High School with you who have been murdered. Surely you remember their names.

  96. Huh? For the record, I have no clue as to who Mark McDaniel really is, what his profession is, so on and so forth.

    I called him once and talked to him for quite a while. I called him a second time and he hung up on me so I know he’s not military because military, true military, would never allow the lines of communication to break no matter what they thought about me personally.

    Also,…what is a “sock puppet?”

    Dr. Conspiracy:
    OK. Any time I see the words “Nancy” or “Sven” my scroll wheel finger involuntarily twitches. McDaniel is not Nancy’s sock puppet unless she has some advanced sophistication manipulating IP addresses.

  97. Give me a contact number and I’ll call you.

    Rickey: I am an investigator. I don’t care how long the list is. Provide me with names, and i’ll check them out. You have nothing to lose by providing the names, unless you are making all of this up.

    High school friends who went to Clewiston High School with you who have been murdered. Surely you remember their names.

  98. gorefan says:

    Dr. Conspiracy: McDaniel is not Nancy’s sock puppet unless she has some advanced sophistication manipulating IP addresses.

    Does McDaniel have a Georgia IP address?

  99. If you wouldn’t mind, listen to a bit of the person interviewed in this recording (not the announcer that starts):

    and give me your opinion as to whether it sounds the same as the Mark McDaniel you talked to.

    Nancy R Owens: Huh? For the record, I have no clue as to who Mark McDaniel really is, what his profession is, so on and so forth.

    I called him once and talked to him for quite a while. I called him a second time and he hung up on me

  100. Ok, you’re saying McDaniel is NOT being deceptive if I’m reading this right. He must be here covering the murder of the Pope in the early 80’s. I shot the Pope in the Clewiston, Florida Catholic Church behind the Clewiston Inn. He’s as dead as dead can be. That one I’m absolutely certain was a solid kill.

    Dr. Conspiracy: sock puppet

  101. I’d have to say no. I won’t swear to it because it’s too easy to electronically manipulate voices. But, this guy in the video is much more excitable that the one I talked to. He also sounds a little intoxicated so that could explain a difference.

    Dr. Conspiracy:
    If you wouldn’t mind, listen to a bit of the person interviewed in this recording (not the announcer that starts):

    and give me your opinion as to whether it sounds the same as the Mark McDaniel you talked to.

  102. Dr. Kenneth Noisewater says:

    Nancy R Owens: The list is very long. Are you an investigator by any chance? And, don’t say MikeZulloMoore because I won’t waste my time with you. You’re too late to play hero now that Russia/Cuba has ascended onto the American throne.

    Yes we know you add names to your list daily it’s like you just opened up an encyclopedia and just started grabbing random names to put on your list.

  103. No, I’m just saying that Mark McDaniel and you are not the same person.

    Nancy R Owens: Ok, you’re saying McDaniel is NOT being deceptive if I’m reading this right.

  104. I do believe he could be conducting a private investigation for the Catholic church.

    Dr. Conspiracy:
    No, I’m just saying that Mark McDaniel and you are not the same person.

  105. Or, like an investigator who failed to investigate, right Mickey Poo.

    Dr. Kenneth Noisewater: Yes we know you add names to your list daily it’s like you just opened up an encyclopedia and just started grabbing random names to put on your list.

  106. Re: YouTube video 2:09 mark. That state trooper vanished because he and his older partner wanted blow jobs. I wanted their police cruiser. I’m still listening to the rest.

    801 N. Florida Avenue, 4th Floor

    Nancy R Owens:
    I’d have to say no. I won’t swear to it because it’s too easy to electronically manipulate voices. But, this guy in the video is much more excitable that the one I talked to. He also sounds a little intoxicated so that could explain a difference.

  107. bgansel9 says:

    Dr. Conspiracy: No, I’m just saying that Mark McDaniel and you are not the same person

    Well, you would know. Still, it looks like a concerted effort between the two.

  108. bgansel9 says:

    Nancy R Owens: I called him once and talked to him for quite a while.

    So, you DO have some knowledge of him. That’s a bit different from “I don’t know who Mark McDaniel is”.

  109. bgansel9 says:

    Nancy R Owens: He must be here covering the murder of the Pope in the early 80’s. I shot the Pope in the Clewiston, Florida Catholic Church behind the Clewiston Inn.

    Which Pope? Why would a Pope be in Clewiston? LMAO

  110. OK who had one day in the pool for how long it would take for Nancy to weave Mark McDaniel into one of her tall tales?

  111. bgansel9 says:

    Reality Check: OK who had one day in the pool for how long it would take for Nancy to weave Mark McDaniel into one of her tall tales?

    It was bound to happen eventually.

  112. Seriously?! Have we done some sort of time warp where the Everglades swamps always had modern day roads during the Indian massacres of the early 1800’s? Seriously?! Seriously?!

    bgansel9: While I’ll admit that few people used to drive on the back roads around Immokalee and LaBelle (I used to see buzzards sitting in the middle of the road out there quite often), you can’t say that the Everglades are empty. Alligator Alley(which is now I-75) goes right through there. Lots of traffic. I’ve spent hours parked on that road on my way home from the Keys during an Everglades City Seafood Festival. You are not dealing with an entire group of people who know nothing about the area.

  113. Dr. Kenneth Noisewater says:

    Reality Check:
    OK who had one day in the pool for how long it would take for Nancy to weave Mark McDaniel into one of her tall tales?

    I’m still waiting on Sharon Rondeau. Whats funny is I mentioned Volin to her months ago and she started adding him to her tales recently.

  114. Six billion people in the world. Half are males. A portion of them speak English. He could be any one of them. Without looking at a face, I wouldn’t have any idea who is really is. You are very tedious and I’m going to ignore you.

    bgansel9: So, you DO have some knowledge of him. That’s a bit different from “I don’t know who Mark McDaniel is”.

  115. Dr. Kenneth Noisewater says:

    bgansel9: Which Pope? Why would a Pope be in Clewiston? LMAO

    Lol murder of the pope in the 80s? John Paul II was pope from 1978 to 2005.

  116. Saul, baby. Did you miss me?

    Dr. Kenneth Noisewater: I’m still waiting on Sharon Rondeau.Whats funny is I mentioned Volin to her months ago and she started adding him to her tales recently.

  117. Is that who I murdered in the early 80’s? I do my best to keep these things blocked out.

    Dr. Kenneth Noisewater: Lol murder of the pope in the 80s?John Paul II was pope from 1978 to 2005.

  118. bgansel9 says:

    Dr. Kenneth Noisewater: Lol murder of the pope in the 80s? John Paul II was pope from 1978 to 2005.

    Common knowledge to everyone but Nancy. LOL

    Did I just witness Nancy inserting herself into the story of a dead Connecticut trooper investigating Sandy Hook on that video clip Doc posted above?

  119. bgansel9 says:

    Nancy R Owens: Without looking at a face, I wouldn’t have any idea who is really is. You are very tedious and I’m going to ignore you.

    How would you recognize a face if you talked to him on the phone, or do you Skype whenever you talk?

    You are going to ignore me? Oh, please do. I see I’m getting under your skin. You are one sick puppy. You really need to get help. Rather than ignore me, you should listen to me when I tell you to seek psychiatric help because you are really in need of it.

  120. Dr. Kenneth Noisewater says:

    bgansel9: Common knowledge to everyone but Nancy. LOL

    Did I just witness Nancy inserting herself into the story of a dead Connecticut trooper investigating Sandy Hook on that video clip Doc posted above?

    Yep it sure looks like it. Except she’s going to claim she murdered the guy in Clewiston.

  121. Dr. Kenneth Noisewater says:

    Nancy R Owens:
    Is that who I murdered in the early 80’s? I do my best to keep these things blocked out.

    You’re the one who claimed to have murdered The Pope. Unless now you’re going to claim it wasn’t actually the Catholic Pope but rather some homeless guy whose last name was pope.

  122. bgansel9 says:

    Nancy R Owens: Seriously?! Have we done some sort of time warp where the Everglades swamps always had modern day roads during the Indian massacres of the early 1800’s? Seriously?! Seriously?!

    Your posts say nothing about the 1800’s. You’re really reaching, aren’t you?

  123. Dr. Kenneth Noisewater says:

    Nancy R Owens:
    Saul, baby. Did you miss me?

    Mickey, saul? Are you on meth again?

  124. bgansel9 says:

    Nancy R Owens:
    Ok, you’re saying McDaniel is NOT being deceptive if I’m reading this right. He must be here covering the murder of the Pope in the early 80’s. I shot the Pope in the Clewiston, Florida Catholic Church behind the Clewiston Inn. He’s as dead as dead can be. That one I’m absolutely certain was a solid kill.

    Did you not post this confession above, Nancy?

  125. Dr. Kenneth Noisewater says:

    Nancy R Owens:
    Seriously?! Have we done some sort of time warp where the Everglades swamps always had modern day roads during the Indian massacres of the early 1800’s? Seriously?! Seriously?!

    So are you going to insert yourself into the Indian massacres in the early 1800s as well and claim you’re the Highlander?

  126. con·spir·a·cy
    a secret plan by a group to do something unlawful or harmful.
    “a conspiracy to destroy the government”
    synonyms: plot, scheme, plan, machination, ploy, trick, ruse, subterfuge; informalracket
    “a conspiracy to manipulate the results”
    the action of plotting or conspiring.
    “they were cleared of conspiracy to pervert the course of justice”
    synonyms: plotting, collusion, intrigue, connivance, machination, collaboration; treason
    “conspiracy to commit murder”

    bgansel9: Common knowledge to everyone but Nancy. LOL

    Did I just witness Nancy inserting herself into the story of a dead Connecticut trooper investigating Sandy Hook on that video clip Doc posted above?

  127. *ignores*

    Dr. Kenneth Noisewater: So are you going to insert yourself into the Indian massacres in the early 1800s as well and claim you’re the Highlander?

  128. bgansel9 says:

    So, you are conspiring against yourself, Nancy? Or are you in the throes of some double personality disorder where you don’t realize what you’ve been posting?

  129. Dr. Kenneth Noisewater says:

    Nancy R Owens:

    Yep Nancy can never answer questions

  130. Kate says:

    Dr. Kenneth Noisewater: Yep Nancy can never answer questions

    You need to give her more time to make up the answers to the questions. I imagine it takes awhile to try to recycle all the stories she’s told in her head despite proving she doesn’t care if she contradicts herself repeatedly.

  131. Rickey says:

    Nancy R Owens:
    Give me a contact number and I’ll call you.

    I don’t think that’s a good idea. What I am willing to do is provide Doc C. with my gmail e-mail address and he can forward it to you. You can then e-mail me the list of names of your high school classmates who have been murdered.

    To show that I am sincere, here are names of some of your classmates.

    Gary Austin
    Mark Branthoover
    Wesley Chapman
    Walter Dixon
    Robert Evans
    Gerardo Gonzalez
    Michael Hairston
    Kimberly Johnson
    Jonathan Kersey
    Brenda Lakatos

    I could go on, but you get the point.

    Do we have a deal?

  132. Kate says:

    Rickey: I don’t think that’s a good idea. What I am willing to do is provide Doc C. with my gmail e-mail address and he can forward it to you. You can then e-mail me the list of names of your high school classmates who have been murdered.

    To show that I am sincere, here are names of some of your classmates.

    Gary Austin
    Mark Branthoover
    Wesley Chapman
    Walter Dixon
    Robert Evans
    Gerardo Gonzalez
    Michael Hairston
    Kimberly Johnson
    Jonathan Kersey
    Brenda Lakatos

    I could go on, but you get the point.

    Do we have a deal?

    There’s a Wesley Chapman that NRO says she killed in one of her videos. He’s also a Facebook friend of hers?! I’d like to hear her explanation for that one, but she doesn’t answer questions. She claims to have killed Dyess, Jr. after talking about him for 2 years in almost every video she does or at least the ones I’ve listened to. However, he is alive and working in real estate in Clewiston. What’s the explanation for that alleged kill?

  133. I have a new lead already. I’ll get back with you if it doesn’t pan out.

    Rickey: I don’t think that’s a good idea. What I am willing to do is provide Doc C. with my gmail e-mail address and he can forward it to you. You can then e-mail me the list of names of your high school classmates who have been murdered.

    To show that I am sincere, here are names of some of your classmates.

    Gary Austin
    Mark Branthoover
    Wesley Chapman
    Walter Dixon
    Robert Evans
    Gerardo Gonzalez
    Michael Hairston
    Kimberly Johnson
    Jonathan Kersey
    Brenda Lakatos

    I could go on, but you get the point.

    Do we have a deal?

  134. Rickey says:

    Kate: There’s a Wesley Chapman that NRO says she killed in one of her videos.He’s also a Facebook friend of hers?

    Wesley just posted on Facebook a few weeks ago. I didn’t realize that there is Internet access in the hereafter.

  135. Dr. Kenneth Noisewater says:

    Nancy R Owens: have a new lead already. I’ll get back with you if it doesn’t pan out.

    In other words you’re full of it and know that rickey called your bluff.

  136. Keith says:

    bgansel9: Which Pope? Why would a Pope be in Clewiston? LMAO

    I suspect it was really the Patriarch of Constantinople kicking up his heels incognito.

  137. Keith says:

    Arpaio gonna cost the county more money, again.

    Jeff Flake’s Son, Daughter-in-Law Going After Arpaio, County for $8 Million

    If Flake wins, he’s gonna be able to finance his father’s next reelection campaign – and Senator Flake is possibly the biggest flake in the Senate already.

    If I didn’t know that Arpaio is thoughtful, caring, patriot, always on the lookout against wasting the taxpayers money I’d almost think that this was set up specifically to get the Maricopa County taxpayers to fund that campaign.

    One of the assertions in the “notice of claim” is:

    Since at least 1998, Maricopa County Sheriff Joseph Arpaio has pursued a long string of “animal cruelty” investigations to enhance his public image, despite lacking credible evidence or even probable cause to initiate them. His artificial targets have ranged from, inter alia, a mailman to a K9 police officer to animal shelters. Arpaio freely confesses that the investigations are a “political goldmine,” and that he publicizes them heavily to obtain fundraising from animal-rights groups and sympathizers. He is notorious for pursuing cases for propaganda value, for publicity, and for political spite — but not for evidence.

  138. Rickey says:

    Nancy R Owens:
    I have a new lead already. I’ll get back with you if it doesn’t pan out.

    A new lead on what?

    I made a simple request. You claim that many of your high school classmates were murdered, and I asked you to provide me with their names so I can verify your story.

    I have confirmed that Mark Branthoover is dead. Was he murdered? Is Mark Kersey a murder victim? How about Michael Hairston?

    Come on, Nancy. It shouldn’t take you more than five minutes to prepare your list.

  139. Kate says:

    Dr. Kenneth Noisewater: In other words you’re full of it and know that rickey called your bluff.

    And, once again, Nancy ignores all questions that point to her total lack of credibility. Rickey asked you for a list of who was killed in your high school class, WTF is this “lead” you’re rambling about?

  140. bgansel9 says:

    Nancy decided she needed to get out of the heat, it was getting ready to burn her.

  141. In other words, I have a new lead and at least Mark McDaniel has the kahunas (or adequate protection) to provide me with a direct telephone number. Either way, keep your numbers to yourself.

    McDaniel. I did kill Gary Austin shortly after Noriega and I were arrested.

    Dr. Kenneth Noisewater: In other words you’re full of it and know that rickey called your bluff.

  142. Rickey says:

    Nancy R Owens:
    In other words, I have a new lead and at least Mark McDaniel has the kahunas (or adequate protection) to provide me with a direct telephone number.Either way, keep your numbers to yourself.

    I told you that I will give you my e-mail address. I asked for a list of names of your high school classmates who were murdered. I didn’t say that I want to have a conversation with you.

    Why would I give my phone number to a professional assassin?

    If your story checks out, I could win a Pulitzer Prize.

  143. bgansel9 says:

    Rickey: If your story checks out, I could win a Pulitzer Prize.

    If her story checks out, I want to know why she’s not in prison.

  144. Rickey says:

    Kate: And, once again, Nancy ignores all questions that point to her total lack of credibility.Rickey asked you for a list of who was killed in your high school class, WTF is this “lead” you’re rambling about?

    I expect to receive Nancy’s list around the same time Linda Joy Adams names the Social Security employees who died after exposure to toxic fumes at their office in Newark, New Jersey.

    In other words, I’m not holding my breath.

  145. You should have manned up and given me your number instead of hiding behind Dr. Conspiracy’s skirts. Castro’s covert war is now overt and I have no time nor desire to play with little boys.

    Rickey: A new lead on what?

    I made a simple request. You claim that many of your high school classmates were murdered, and I asked you to provide me with their names so I can verify your story.

    I have confirmed that Mark Branthoover is dead. Was he murdered? Is Mark Kersey a murder victim? How about Michael Hairston?

    Come on, Nancy. It shouldn’t take you more than five minutes to prepare your list.

  146. bgansel9 says:

    Nancy R Owens: You should have manned up and given me your number instead of hiding behind Dr. Conspiracy’s skirts.

    Who in their right mind would give their phone number to a person who admits to killing countless people? Are you insane? Oh, I’m sorry, I already know the answer to that question. Yes, you are obviously insane.

  147. Dr. Kenneth Noisewater says:

    Nancy R Owens: You should have manned up and given me your number instead of hiding behind Dr. Conspiracy’s skirts. Castro’s covert war is now overt and I have no time nor desire to play with little boys.

    Why would anyone give their number to a crazy person who would call them all times of the night to ramble on incoherently?

  148. Dr. Kenneth Noisewater says:

    Nancy R Owens: In other words, I have a new lead and at least Mark McDaniel has the kahunas (or adequate protection) to provide me with a direct telephone number. Either way, keep your numbers to yourself.

    McDaniel. I did kill Gary Austin shortly after Noriega and I were arrested.

    a new lead on what? Your next meth dealer?

  149. gorefan says:

    Kate: She claims to have killed Dyess, Jr. after talking about him for 2 years in almost every video she does or at least the ones I’ve listened to. However, he is alive and working in real estate in Clewiston. What’s the explanation for that alleged kill?

    Invasion of the Body Snatchers

  150. Kate says:

    Dr. Kenneth Noisewater: a new lead on what?Your next meth dealer?

    Kahunas? After allegedly being around Escobar and others from Medillin cartel, I’d think you would know how to spell “cojones” properly. Kahuna is a word often used in Hawaii, you must have read it while you were there doing research…right? LOL!

    Now, how is it that Dyess, Jr. is still alive and well, working in Clewiston, despite your claims of killing him? You must have been a terrible shot!

  151. Dr. Kenneth Noisewater says:

    Kate: Kahunas?After allegedly being around Escobar and others from Medillin cartel, I’d think you would know how to spell “cojones” properly.Kahuna is a word often used in Hawaii, you must have read it while you were there doing research…right? LOL!

    Now, how is it that Dyess, Jr. is still alive and well, working in Clewiston, despite your claims of killing him?You must have been a terrible shot!

    Remember she claims to have been a longtime associate of Pablo Escobar and when I mentioned George Jung she had no idea who he was

  152. George was a cocaine dealer and bar owner. To the best of my recollection, his last name was not Jung. He was several years older than me so I never really paid much attention to him.

    Dr. Kenneth Noisewater: Remember she claims to have been a longtime associate of Pablo Escobar and when I mentioned George Jung she had no idea who he was

  153. Rickey says:

    Nancy R Owens:
    You should have manned up and given me your number instead of hiding behind Dr. Conspiracy’s skirts. Castro’s covert war is now overt and I have no time nor desire to play with little boys.

    I proposed using Doc C. as a conduit for getting my e-mail address to you without publishing it on this blog. He has my e-mail address and he has your e-mail address, so he is the logical person to use.

    The only person who is hiding anything is you. You claimed that many of your high school classmates have been murdered. I asked you to provide me with the names of the victims. You painted yourself into a corner and you are desperately trying to get out, because you know that your story will never check out.

    And spare us the rubbish that you don’t have time. You could send me the list of names in less time than you spend posting notes here.

    If you want to give me the names over the phone, why don’t you give me your phone number and I’ll call you. If you don’t want to publish your phone number, you can e-mail it to Doc C. and he can forward it to me.

  154. Dr. Kenneth Noisewater says:

    Nancy R Owens: George was a cocaine dealer and bar owner. To the best of my recollection, his last name was not Jung. He was several years older than me so I never really paid much attention to him.

    several? Try about twenty years. George Jung was born in 1942. Like I said you had no idea who he was just as you didn’t know who Carlos Lehder was. For being such a close associate you didn’t even know who his people were. You lied once again.

  155. bgansel9 says:

    Nancy R Owens: George was a cocaine dealer and bar owner. To the best of my recollection, his last name was not Jung. He was several years older than me so I never really paid much attention to him.

    Wasn’t Pablo Escobar also several years older than you? Based on information you have allowed to be published, it would appear so. Why did you pay so much attention to him and not George Jung?

  156. Dr. Kenneth Noisewater says:

    bgansel9: Wasn’t Pablo Escobar also several years older than you? Based on information you have allowed to be published, it would appear so. Why did you pay so much attention to him and not George Jung?

    She also doesn’t know the meaning of several years since Pablo was born in 1949 and she says she was about a year younger than Obama.

  157. bgansel9 says:

    Dr. Kenneth Noisewater: She also doesn’t know the meaning of several years

    It depends on the definition of “many”. I would say 12 is several and 20 is many. Of course, I grew up with a mother who used the word “several” when she meant a number higher than a few but not a number that was extremely high.

  158. Kate says:

    Dr. Kenneth Noisewater: Remember she claims to have been a longtime associate of Pablo Escobar and when I mentioned George Jung she had no idea who he was

    I remember her clearly saying she had no idea who George Jung was to claiming a few weeks later that she had killed his daughter by locking her in a meat freezer. She would have been only a few years old at this time and she’s still alive today, having reconciled with her father when he was released from prison. NRO changed her story so many times, from having selected the name Obama from the Bible, to researching alleged “birther rolls” in Hawaii for a family that would work for her supposed half-brother. She also stated she killed the entire family. Of course, there’s no record of a family by the name of Obama having been killed in Hawaii in 1985. I don’t believe NRO ever set foot on the island and likely has never been outside the country.

  159. Dr. Kenneth Noisewater says:

    Kate: I remember her clearly saying she had no idea who George Jung was to claiming a few weeks later that she had killed his daughter by locking her in a meat freezer.She would have been only a few years old at this time and she’s still alive today, having reconciled with her father when he was released from prison.NRO changed her story so many times, from having selected the name Obama from the Bible, to researching alleged “birther rolls” in Hawaii for a family that would work for her supposed half-brother.She also stated she killed the entire family.Of course, there’s no record of a family by the name of Obama having been killed in Hawaii in 1985.I don’t believe NRO ever set foot on the island and likely has never been outside the country.

    Oh don’t you know, she did all this from Clewiston , FL the whole entire non-existent other Obama family decided to take a random vacation together to backwater Clewiston for the sole purpose of being killed. This was all at the same time she was getting an AA from the local community college.

  160. bgansel9 says:

    Kate: I don’t believe NRO ever set foot on the island and likely has never been outside the country.

    I’d be surprised if she’s ever been outside Hendry County.

  161. What a silly little boy you are. I already have Mark McDaniel’s number. Go home and bake some cookies why don’t you?

    Rickey: I proposed using Doc C. as a conduit for getting my e-mail address to you without publishing it on this blog. He has my e-mail address and he has your e-mail address, so he is the logical person to use.

    The only person who is hiding anything is you. You claimed that many of your high school classmates have been murdered. I asked you to provide me with the names of the victims. You painted yourself into a corner and you are desperately trying to get out, because you know that your story will never check out.

    And spare us the rubbish that you don’t have time. You could send me the list of names in less time than you spend posting notes here.

    If you want to give me the names over the phone, why don’t you give me your phone number and I’ll call you. If you don’t want to publish your phone number, you can e-mail it to Doc C. and he can forward it to me.

  162. I most certainly do know who Carlos Lehder was and I murdered him in his own home. JoJo Delgado, Lazzarus Delgado, Jean Sisk, and I all worked together to toss his body into the ocean. I had to report back to Pablo Escobar the reason why. His response was, “Ju can’t stop mother nature.”

    Dr. Kenneth Noisewater: several?Try about twenty years.George Jung was born in 1942.Like I said you had no idea who he was just as you didn’t know who Carlos Lehder was.For being such a close associate you didn’t even know who his people were.You lied once again.

  163. Because there were very few “enforcers” and we were close with Pablo, Dyess, and Griselda. I didn’t know George was a dealer until 1985.

    bgansel9: Wasn’t Pablo Escobar also several years older than you? Based on information you have allowed to be published, it would appear so. Why did you pay so much attention to him and not George Jung?

  164. Rickey says:

    bgansel9: I’d be surprised if she’s ever been outside Hendry County.

    She lived in Tennessee for a while.

  165. My younger brother, also in the Medellin Cartel, moved there in the early 1990’s. Gore’s territory. I lived in Conway, Arkansas which is one time north of Little Rock where I made contact with FBI’s Bill Clinton. I moved to TN when another one of my brother’s had a motorcycle accident.

    Are Gore and the serial rapist Bill Clinton stalkers?

    Rickey: She lived in Tennessee for a while.

  166. When I was 19, Pablo was 26. I was born in 1962 so Pablo would have been born around 1955.

    Dr. Kenneth Noisewater: She also doesn’t know the meaning of several years since Pablo was born in 1949 and she says she was about a year younger than Obama.

  167. Dr. Kenneth Noisewater says:

    Nancy R Owens: I most certainly do know who Carlos Lehder was and I murdered him in his own home. JoJo Delgado, Lazzarus Delgado, Jean Sisk, and I all worked together to toss his body into the ocean. I had to report back to Pablo Escobar the reason why. His response was, “Ju can’t stop mother nature.”

    This is hilarious when I asked you about Carlos Lehder last year, you had no idea who he was. I guess his murder is news to him considering he’s still alive and is currently incarcerated in Florida. But hey which supposed home did you “murder” the still alive Lehder in?

  168. Dr. Kenneth Noisewater says:

    Nancy R Owens:
    Because there were very few “enforcers” and we were close with Pablo, Dyess, and Griselda. I didn’t know George was a dealer until 1985.

    You didn’t know George was anything at any time until after I brought him up to you previously.

  169. Pablo Escobar was born December 1, 1949. Maybe it was a Pablo-impersonator?

    Nancy R Owens: When I was 19, Pablo was 26. I was born in 1962 so Pablo would have been born around 1955.

  170. Dr. Kenneth Noisewater says:

    Nancy R Owens: o

    Except Pablo was born in 1949 and not 1955 and thus was about 13 years older than you. So when you were 19 he would have been 32. That’s more than “several years”

  171. Dr. Kenneth Noisewater says:

    Nancy R Owens: I lived in Conway, Arkansas which is one time north of Little Rock where I made contact with FBI’s Bill Clinton

    FBI’s Bill Clinton? Are you seriously claiming Clinton was apart of the FBI?

  172. Dr. Kenneth Noisewater says:

    Dr. Conspiracy:
    Pablo Escobar was born December 1, 1949. Maybe it was a Pablo-impersonator?

    Or she just has no idea what she’s talking about as usual and doesn’t bother to look this crap up before spouting her mouth off.

  173. Nope. He’s dead.

    Dr. Kenneth Noisewater: This is hilarious when I asked you about Carlos Lehder last year, you had no idea who he was.I guess his murder is news to him considering he’s still alive and is currently incarcerated in Florida.But hey which supposed home did you “murder” the still alive Lehder in?

  174. Yes.

    Dr. Kenneth Noisewater: FBI’s Bill Clinton?Are you seriously claiming Clinton was apart of the FBI?

  175. No. I have a very strong memory of standing in the Montura Ranch compound discussing our ages. Your info is wrong and I’m know that you know this, Doc.

    At that time, I felt that he was too old for me.

    Dr. Conspiracy:
    Pablo Escobar was born December 1, 1949. Maybe it was a Pablo-impersonator?

  176. The real George and the George Jung in the movie look nothing alike. George did have sideburns. But, that’s about it.

    Dr. Kenneth Noisewater: You didn’t know George was anything at any time until after I brought him up to you previously.

  177. Dr. Kenneth Noisewater says:

    Nancy R Owens:
    The real George and the George Jung in the movie look nothing alike. George did have sideburns. But, that’s about it.

    No one brought up the movie which seems to be your only reference point for who he is. When I brought him up before months back you had no idea who he was. Now you’re claiming you didn’t know he was a drug dealer until 1985.. Ummm you didn’t even know who he was in 2014. You lied, you got caught lying. He wasn’t a “few years older than you”

  178. Dr. Kenneth Noisewater says:

    Nancy R Owens:

    That’s stupid even for you

  179. Dr. Kenneth Noisewater says:

    Nancy R Owens: Nope. He’s dead.

    Nope he’s alive just as Mikhail Gorbachev is still alive. You again didn’t bother to look him up before lying about him.

  180. Dr. Kenneth Noisewater says:

    Nancy R Owens: No. I have a very strong memory of standing in the Montura Ranch compound discussing our ages. Your info is wrong and I’m know that you know this, Doc.

    At that time, I felt that he was too old for me.

    Yes we know Nancy, everyone is wrong but senile nancy. He was born in 1949, You didn’t know him. You’re lying.

  181. Serial killers have a hard time remembering every kill and faces tend to be a blur. Nothing unusual given the circumstances.

    Dr. Kenneth Noisewater: No one brought up the movie which seems to be your only reference point for who he is.When I brought him up before months back you had no idea who he was.Now you’re claiming you didn’t know he was a drug dealer until 1985.. Ummm you didn’t even know who he was in 2014.You lied, you got caught lying.He wasn’t a “few years older than you”

  182. You and Kate keep quoting alleged facts from the movie and Wikipedia. It seems to be your only accesses to this information. I, on the other hand, lived in it and know certain facts first hand quite a lot about all of the Medellin Cartel members, politicians included.

    Dr. Kenneth Noisewater: No one brought up the movie which seems to be your only reference point for who he is.When I brought him up before months back you had no idea who he was.Now you’re claiming you didn’t know he was a drug dealer until 1985.. Ummm you didn’t even know who he was in 2014.You lied, you got caught lying.He wasn’t a “few years older than you”

  183. bgansel9 says:

    Dr. Conspiracy: Pablo Escobar was born December 1, 1949. Maybe it was a Pablo-impersonator?

    I’m done sparring with Nancy. The woman is obviously mentally insane and spends her life in a diminished mental state. I wish she would get some psychiatric help, bu tI’m sure she won’t.

  184. Dr. Kenneth Noisewater says:

    Nancy R Owens: You and Kate keep quoting alleged facts from the movie and Wikipedia. It seems to be your only accesses to this information. I, on the other hand, lived in it and know certain facts first hand quite a lot about all of the Medellin Cartel members, politicians included.

    Where did I ever mention a movie? I said George Jung and I gave you his birthday. You’re the one who brought up the movie, you’re the one who didn’t know who he was. You lied, you got caught lying. Yes you supposedly lived it yet had no idea who George Jung and Carlos Lehder were before I mentioned them months ago.

  185. Dr. Kenneth Noisewater says:

    Nancy R Owens: Serial killers have a hard time remembering every kill and faces tend to be a blur. Nothing unusual given the circumstances.

    You’re not a serial killer, you’re a demented senile housewife with too much time on her hands. You lash out at people which is why you’ve been arrested twice in the last few years for assault. You didn’t kill Lehder, you didn’t kill Gorbachev, you didn’t kill anyone.

  186. Kate says:

    Nancy R Owens:
    You and Kate keep quoting alleged facts from the movie and Wikipedia. It seems to be your only accesses to this information. I, on the other hand, lived in it and know certain facts first hand quite a lot about all of the Medellin Cartel members, politicians included.

    I haven’t quoted any facts from a movie since I haven’t seen one and certainly know better than to base my information on a manufactured story written for the big screens. I also don’t use Wikipedia. I’ve read Escobar’s biography and he was born in 1949 and lived in Colombia, NOT CLEWISTON, with his wife and two children. You’re the one who doesn’t know accurate information. but then you claim to have killed so many people yet they are still alive today. You also claimed just a little over a year ago that the Bush family had nothing to do with the cocaine trade yet you changed your story when Jeb Bush came back into the news with stories about him running for President. That is when your fairy tales changed, AGAIN.

    While there are people who suffer PTSD, there memories do not come back like you claim yours has. You started writing crap about the President being your brother after trashing him and other blacks for over a year on Facebook. You’re just a bigot. If he was really your brother, you would NEVER refer to him as foreign because his father would have been American. Your crazy stories contradict one another on a constant basis. Nothing but lies!

  187. Kate says:

    Nancy R Owens:
    Serial killers have a hard time remembering every kill and faces tend to be a blur. Nothing unusual given the circumstances.

    Except you’re not and never were a serial killer. You’re just an attention seeker! As for serial killers, most of them kill for a specific reason, usually to satisfy sadistic desires. An assassin and a serial killer are not considered to be alike. In your case, when talking about alleged kills, you go so far as to claim, I looked to the north of me or to the right side of the room first, then the left. Does that sound like blurred details? No, it’s a woman who has read too many novels and watched too many movies.

  188. Pablo lived in Clewiston and I worked for him. He and Dyess worked for the politicians.

  189. Keith says:

    Nancy, just curious… did you ever have anything to do with Hanley Allen Strappman?

    He went missing sometime in the mid 1970’s.

  190. I don’t know. Photos?

    Nancy, just curious… did you ever have anything to do with Hanley Allen Strappman?

    He went missing sometime in the mid 1970’s.

  191. Rickey says:

    Nancy R Owens:
    What a silly little boy you are. I already have Mark McDaniel’s number. Go home and bake some cookies why don’t you?

    But you said that Mark McDaniel hung up on you

    You obviously have no intention of identifying the many members of your high school class who supposedly were murdered. The only reason for not identifying them is that you can’t, because it never happened.

    Your brother Richard is a member of the Medellin Cartel? Maybe i should contact him and find out what he thinks about you making that accusation.

  192. Dave B. says:

    Another example of birther cowardice and censorship:

    Moderator at site breaks in to ask–
    “So if the right to privacy is so important why did Obama’s cronies have the divorce records of his opponent unsealed and the details made public? Why has Obama encouraged the NSA’s spying on private citizens?
    And what is in his records that Obama wants hidden? The fact that he’s not the brilliant man the obama sycophants make him out to be?”

    I reply,
    “Those “divorce records” were court files in a public court system, and weren’t protected by the same kind of laws that protect educational records, personal records held by the federal government, or individually identifiable health information. They were obtained from the California court system through legal means by the Chicago Tribune and WLS-TV. If you want to talk about what’s right and wrong, then I might be with you on that one, as far as whether or not a person SHOULD have reasonable expectations of privacy in such a case. The facts of the law are that the expectation of privacy is not the same.
    I think Obama is more accurately described as perhaps not having cracked down enough on NSA spying on private citizens than as encouraging it. I think criticism coming from the left is more honest on that account; I think a lot of the same people on the right who criticize the measures that have been taken would find them inadequate in the event of some attack on the United States. And again, the expectation of privacy in regard to what the government knows about an individual is not the same as it is in regard to what the government is at liberty to reveal to the public about that individual.
    I don’t know what Obama might want to keep hidden, or that he wants to keep anything at all in his personal records hidden. He went to unprecedented lengths to make his birth records public– what came of that? I think any president exercises caution in how to respond to fishing expeditions for personal records, for the precedents that would be set. For crying out loud, for any candidate we have the whole great adversarial process to work with– did it ever occur to you that just maybe you’re looking for something that just isn’t there?”

    Moderator removed my comment and closed comments for the article.

  193. pablo escobar II says:

    i’m afraid nancy is confusing me with my namesake.

    i run a gardening business, and sell several tons of powdered fertiliser every year

    i think she may have misconstrued a conversation she overheard with my general manager manuel noriega (an unfortunate coincidence considering our names) about our distribution network to garden centers all over the united states

    i knew we had made a mistake hiring nancy when we discovered her slumped in the supply store after huffing trichloroethane. it may have had a detrimental effect on her mental state.

    i hope this clears up any confusion

    sincerely yours


  194. pablo escobar II says:

    Nancy, just curious… did you ever have anything to do with Hanley Allen Strappman?

    He went missing sometime in the mid 1970’s.

    oh god keith! we had a hanley allen STRAPMANN working in the customer services department!

    now she’s really going to go off on one!

  195. I like chocolate chip cookies.

    Kate: Except you’re not and never were a serial killer.You’re just an attention seeker!As for serial killers, most of them kill for a specific reason, usually to satisfy sadistic desires.An assassin and a serial killer are not considered to be alike. In your case, when talking about alleged kills, you go so far as to claim, I looked to the north of me or to the right side of the room first, then the left.Does that sound like blurred details?No, it’s a woman who has read too many novels and watched too many movies.

  196. Dr. Kenneth Noisewater says:

    Nancy R Owens:
    I like chocolate chip cookies.

    Exactly you’re full of crap and you know it. no-one believes a word you say

  197. bgansel9 says:

    Kate: While there are people who suffer PTSD, there memories do not come back like you claim yours has.

    I take exception to this. Memories DO come back, often very bad memories. As a person who was sexually assaulted by a family member when I was very young, I blocked it out of my memory for more than 30 years and it only started come back after that time. My mother once alluded to the situation when we were going to the funeral of the person who assaulted me (this was before my memories started resurfacing) and I had no idea what she was talking about. About ten years later, I remembered everything. See here for more on this:

    That is not to say that I believe Nancy’s story of having her memories resurface. There is no way she could have done all she claims to have done, brag about it, and not be in prison.

  198. Dr. Kenneth Noisewater says:

    Nancy R Owens:
    Pablo lived in Clewiston and I worked for him. He and Dyess worked for the politicians.

    No he did not, no you did not.

  199. bgansel9 says:

    Kate, the link I placed above, a comment below the question says that a person with repressed memories was getting bits of information from their lost memories in dreams. That is how I regained my memories. It took about five years for it all to come back, but, over time, my dreams started unlocking those blocked memories.

  200. Keith says:

    pablo escobar II: oh god keith! we had a hanley allen STRAPMANN working in the customer services department!

    now she’s really going to go off on one!

    Hmmm. I do believe I misspelled his name.

    He was a great friend of mine 47 years ago. If Nancy has had anything to do with his disappearance… I don’t know what I’ll do.

  201. I killed him with a butcher knife and cut out his heart Oct. 2, 1990 in Melbourne Beach, Florida.

    Keith: Hmmm. I do believe I misspelled his name.

    He was a great friend of mine 47 years ago. If Nancy has had anything to do with his disappearance… I don’t know what I’ll do.

  202. If you recorded our conversation from the final quarter of last year, feel free to put it into the alternative news media with the understanding that it is for educational purposes.

    As you can surmise, I did not record our conversation. Not out of fear of litigation. But, I just simply don’t want to discourage open communications with others who are active in uncovering the covert operations of Cuba.

    I did establish, via Mike Volin, that Mike Zullo is actually Mike Moore and that, I think, will do for now.

    My name is Nancy Ruth Owens (Barger) and I am the forger of Obama’s birth certificates and Selective service registration. And, yes, I am starting to remember shooting certain individuals to make sure no witnesses remained for the Conn. social security number.

    Mark McDaniel:
    Krosis said:

  203. Dr. Kenneth Noisewater says:

    Nancy R Owens:
    I killed him with a butcher knife and cut out his heart Oct. 2, 1990 in Melbourne Beach, Florida.

    Are you sure you’re not confusing this with a game of Clue you played?

    At least you changed up the city and time period for once.

  204. Kate says:

    Kate, the link I placed above, a comment below the question says that a person with repressed memories was getting bits of information from their lost memories in dreams.That is how I regained my memories. It took about five years for it all to come back, but, over time, my dreams started unlocking those blocked memories.

    Do you believe she could talk about Earl Dyess, Jr. for two years in almost every video she has made and then suddenly claim she remembers killing him, despite him being alive? Nancy is using the idea of PTSD and it is an insult to those who truly suffer from the disease. Yes, memories come back in bits and pieces for some but not in the way Nancy has allegedly revealed hers. She claimed a little over a year ago that the Bush family never had anything to do with the cartel or cocaine yet when Jeb Bush’s name was appearing in the media with greater frequency, she added both him and his brother, Dubya, to her fairy tales. If anyone who read body language for a living were to watch her with her alleged revelations, I’m certain they would determine that she was lying.

    I’m sorry to hear about your repressed memory situation. That had to be very difficult to deal with but as you said it all came back to you at a later time. Nancy adds bit and pieces that just don’t add up. I’d have some respect for her if she were to admit she’s been lying but for her to claim PTSD is an insult to those who truly suffer from it.

  205. Kate says:

    Dr. Kenneth Noisewater: No he did not, no you did not.

    That’s right, Dr. Ken! The biographer who did YEARS of research on Escobar repeatedly referred to his fear of being extradited to the U.S. That is why he built Napoles in Colombia, not in the backwoods of Clewiston. Why is it that nobody in Clewiston, a very, very small town, has claimed that Escobar lived there? Dyess was a small town sheriff, he would not have been able to protect him from the federal gov’t. nor would anyone take a bribe of only $5k, (as NRO claims was the amt. given to D’Alessandro and others) from someone who was considered to be among the 10 wealthiest men in the world at the time. Where’s all the money Nancy allegedly made for her supposed assassin work? She claimed she got $10k to kill Hoffa and with at least 60 other people dead by her hand, according to her fairy tales, she should have amassed a small fortune. Yet, she’s living in a trailer in Florida?! Why would anyone that has the cash to move stay in an area where there are allegedly many people who wish her dead? They wouldn’t, IF it were true.

  206. Dr. Kenneth Noisewater says:

    Kate: That’s right, Dr. Ken!The biographer who did YEARS of research on Escobar repeatedly referred to his fear of being extradited to the U.S.That is why he built Napoles in Colombia, not in the backwoods of Clewiston.Why is it that nobody in Clewiston, a very, very small town, has claimed that Escobar lived there?Dyess was a small town sheriff, he would not have been able to protect him from the federal gov’t. nor would anyone take a bribe of only $5k, (as NRO claims was the amt. given to D’Alessandro and others) from someone who was considered to be among the 10 wealthiest men in the world at the time.Where’s all the money Nancy allegedly made for her supposed assassin work?She claimed she got $10k to kill Hoffa and with at least 60 other people dead by her hand, according to her fairy tales, she should have amassed a small fortune.Yet, she’s living in a trailer in Florida?!Why would anyone that has the cash to move stay in an area where there are allegedly many people who wish her dead?They wouldn’t, IF it were true.

    There’s also the point that Hoffa disappeared in 1975 when Nancy would have been 13. She really claims she was some child assassin.

  207. Are those cookies done yet, Kate?

    Kate: Do you believe she could talk about Earl Dyess, Jr. for two years in almost every video she has made and then suddenly claim she remembers killing him, despite him being alive?Nancy is using the idea of PTSD and it is an insult to those who truly suffer from the disease.Yes, memories come back in bits and pieces for some but not in the way Nancy has allegedly revealed hers.She claimed a little over a year ago that the Bush family never had anything to do with the cartel or cocaine yet when Jeb Bush’s name was appearing in the media with greater frequency, she added both him and his brother, Dubya, to her fairy tales.If anyone who read body language for a living were to watch her with her alleged revelations, I’m certain they would determine that she was lying.

    I’m sorry to hear about your repressed memory situation.That had to be very difficult to deal with but as you said it all came back to you at a later time.Nancy adds bit and pieces that just don’t add up.I’d have some respect for her if she were to admit she’s been lying but for her to claim PTSD is an insult to those who truly suffer from it.

  208. Dyess kept stealing any monies I got and the government stole the rest with their “seize all assets” game which left other cartel assassin unable to point fingers in their direction with high paid lawyers. Napoles was to the east of Clewiston. Stop relying on Wikipedia for information, folks.

    Kate: That’s right, Dr. Ken!The biographer who did YEARS of research on Escobar repeatedly referred to his fear of being extradited to the U.S.That is why he built Napoles in Colombia, not in the backwoods of Clewiston.Why is it that nobody in Clewiston, a very, very small town, has claimed that Escobar lived there?Dyess was a small town sheriff, he would not have been able to protect him from the federal gov’t. nor would anyone take a bribe of only $5k, (as NRO claims was the amt. given to D’Alessandro and others) from someone who was considered to be among the 10 wealthiest men in the world at the time.Where’s all the money Nancy allegedly made for her supposed assassin work?She claimed she got $10k to kill Hoffa and with at least 60 other people dead by her hand, according to her fairy tales, she should have amassed a small fortune.Yet, she’s living in a trailer in Florida?!Why would anyone that has the cash to move stay in an area where there are allegedly many people who wish her dead?They wouldn’t, IF it were true.

  209. Dr. Kenneth Noisewater says:

    Nancy R Owens: Dyess kept stealing any monies I got and the government stole the rest with their “seize all assets” game which left other cartel assassin unable to point fingers in their direction with high paid lawyers. Napoles was to the east of Clewiston. Stop relying on Wikipedia for information, folks.

    If the government “seized” your assets there would be a public record of it. Yes I’m sure Hacienda Napoles was “east” of Clewiston. If you consider Puerto Triunfo just east of Clewiston. Nice try but he wasn’t in Florida. His estate was in Columbia. You were no “assassin” you’re just a nutjob.

  210. You are not really this naive,…..are you?!

    Dr. Kenneth Noisewater: If the government “seized” your assets there would be a public record of it.Yes I’m sure Hacienda Napoles was “east” of Clewiston.If you consider Puerto Triunfo just east of Clewiston.Nice try but he wasn’t in Florida.His estate was in Columbia.You were no “assassin” you’re just a nutjob.

  211. bgansel9 says:

    Kate: I’m sorry to hear about your repressed memory situation. That had to be very difficult to deal with but as you said it all came back to you at a later time. Nancy adds bit and pieces that just don’t add up. I’d have some respect for her if she were to admit she’s been lying but for her to claim PTSD is an insult to those who truly suffer from it.

    Agreed, although there are some instances of false memory returns. I would think though, that if Nancy suffered from that, she would only remember killing one person, not several dozens).

    More likely, Nancy suffers from some sort of sociopathic pyschosis.

  212. bgansel9 says:

    Nancy R Owens: Dyess kept stealing any monies I got and the government stole the rest with their “seize all assets”

    If you actually killed the people you say you did, assets would have been the last thing they would have been concerned about. Throwing your ass in prison would have been “Priority One.” Seek psychiatric help, Nancy.

  213. bgansel9 says:

    Nancy R Owens:
    Napoles was to the east of Clewiston. Stop relying on Wikipedia for information, folks.

    In Lake Okeechobee? ROTFL Stop relying on Wikipedia? I don’t need to rely on Wikipedia. I used to jump out of airplanes just north west of that lake. I did so many times.

  214. This is so tedious, Kate. Download this info and keep it in your records.,5198742

    bgansel9: If you actually killed the people you say you did, assets would have been the last thing they would have been concerned about. Throwing your ass in prison would have been “Priority One.” Seek psychiatric help, Nancy.

  215. bgansel9 says:

    Where is the name Nancy Owens in that article, Nancy? LOL There was lots of drug smuggling in Florida. That doesn’t prove that Pablo Escobar lived there. What is that article supposed to prove?

  216. Rickey says:

    There is a history of an airstrip near Clewiston being used to smuggle cocaine into the U.S., which probably inspired Nancy to make up her fantasies. Two men named Salvador Magluta and Willy Falcon owned a farm south of Lake Okeechobee which had an airstrip. It was rumored, but never proven, that Sheriff Dyess was on their payroll. Dyess was killed on August 17, 1980. He was investigating noises at a car dealership near his home that night and a teenage boy who was vandalizing cars stabbed and killed him.

    His son then succeeded him as sheriff, and his son did indeed help to have cocaine smuggled into Florida.

    Prosecutors said Dyess received about $250,000 between 1980 and 1988 for allowing 17,930 pounds of cocaine to be flown or driven through Hendry county on the southwest shore of Lake Okeechobee. Dyess provided protection and surveillance for Colombian drug importers and in some cases escorted cocaine-carrying vehicles to the county line, prosecutors said.

    The second Sheriff Dyess was convicted in 1993 and was sentenced to 17 years in prison. He later agreed to testify against Magluta and Falcon and apparently got his sentence reduced. As Kate has pointed out multiple times, Dyess is still alive and living in Clewiston.

    The only connection which Clewiston had with Colombian drug smugglers was the airstrip near Lake Okeechobee and the assistance given to the smugglers by Sheriff Dyess (and possibly his father).

  217. bgansel9 says:

    Skydive Spaceland is still open. When I used to go skydiving there in the mid 1980’s it was called Air Adventures:

  218. Dr. Kenneth Noisewater says:

    Nancy R Owens:
    This is so tedious, Kate. Download this info and keep it in your records.,5198742

    Not sure how that article proves that Pablo lived in florida? Oh yeah it doesn’t, you lied again.

  219. Dr. Kenneth Noisewater says:

    Nancy R Owens:
    You are not really this naive,…..are you?!

    Is naive your word for when you make up crap and get called on it?

  220. Kate says:

    Nancy R Owens:
    If you recorded our conversation from the final quarter of last year, feel free to put it into the alternative news media with the understanding that it is for educational purposes.

    As you can surmise, I did not record our conversation. Not out of fear of litigation. But, I just simply don’t want to discourage open communications with others who are active in uncovering the covert operations of Cuba.

    I did establish, via Mike Volin, that Mike Zullo is actually Mike Moore and that, I think, will do for now.

    My name is Nancy Ruth Owens (Barger) and I am the forger of Obama’s birth certificates and Selective service registration. And, yes, I am starting to remember shooting certain individuals to make sure no witnesses remained for the Conn. social security number.

    If Mike Zullo was really Mike Moore, which he’s not, wouldn’t Volin have already been aware of that since you claim he was a deputy in Hendry Co. despite him NEVER having lived in Florida? I hope he sues you for defamation considering the b.s. you posted on that whacko website, BeforeItsNews.

    You told other people you made up the Social Security Number. Now you’re referring to it as a Connecticut SS# when there is no such thing. States do not assign SS#’s. Stop with the fairy tales already. You’re delusional.

    The article NRO posted about Dyess’ trial does not prove anything regarding Escobar living in Florida. She never posts or submits anything that provides one bit of proof of her ludicrous claims.

  221. We, myself included, murdered that piece of garbage between the hours of 11:00 and 11:45, August 16, 1980. By 12 midnight I was seated at the Hendry County Sheriff Department’s dispatch patiently waiting for the call that “Garbage,” aka Sheriff Earl Dyess, Sr., had been murdered. The call came in after 2 a.m.

    “Dispatch, this is Dispatch.”

    There is a history of an airstrip near Clewiston being used to smuggle cocaine into the U.S., which probably inspired Nancy to make up her fantasies. Two men named Salvador Magluta and Willy Falcon owned a farm south of Lake Okeechobee which had an airstrip. It was rumored, but never proven, that Sheriff Dyess was on their payroll. Dyess was killed on August 17, 1980. He was investigating noises at a car dealership near his home that night and a teenage boy who was vandalizing cars stabbed and killed him.

    His son then succeeded him as sheriff, and his son did indeed help to have cocaine smuggled into Florida.

    Prosecutors said Dyess received about $250,000 between 1980 and 1988 for allowing 17,930 pounds of cocaine to be flown or driven through Hendry county on the southwest shore of Lake Okeechobee. Dyess provided protection and surveillance for Colombian drug importers and in some cases escorted cocaine-carrying vehicles to the county line, prosecutors said.

    The second Sheriff Dyess was convicted in 1993 and was sentenced to 17 years in prison. He later agreed to testify against Magluta and Falcon and apparently got his sentence reduced. As Kate has pointed out multiple times, Dyess is still alive and living in Clewiston.

    The only connection which Clewiston had with Colombian drug smugglers was the airstrip near Lake Okeechobee and the assistance given to the smugglers by Sheriff Dyess (and possibly his father).

  222. Kate says:

    Nancy R Owens:
    Are those cookies done yet, Kate?

    You obviously have a real problem when women confront you. You said you wouldn’t answer my questions because you didn’t think I could understand what went on. I’m an intelligent, far better educated woman than you are and recognize a liar when I see one. I also am well aware of your evasive tactics. You only have to listen to the interview you did with RealityCheckRadio and anyone will hear how you go off onto other topics. When you were asked why you didn’t come forward sooner, you went into a rant about how President Obama should have shown his birth certificate and didn’t shut up until RC told you he had already done so two years earlier and also in 2008. You said you picked the name Obama from the Bible during that show and then later claim you went to Hawaii to research families for your alleged half-brother to use.
    Your stories about Professor Nixon have absolutely no bearing on any reason for choosing Hawaii for an alleged forged birth certificate. There was nothing different in their laws that would make it easier to forge a birth certificate from there. You found a picture of a little girl that you that you thought looked enough like you to claim you were President Obama’s half sister yet you refuse to try to explain the obvious difference of several years in age between the girl in the photo and Barack Obama. You already said you’re only several months younger than him. The girl in the photo also has brown eyes, yours are hazel. Give it up already. I don’t know why you continue this bull. Nobody who is sane would want to be known as a delusional liar and as someone who murdered over 60 people. So you’re either nuts or so desperate for ANY attention that you lie about everything. Which is it?

  223. bgansel9 says:

    Nancy R Owens: Chocolate chips?

    Killers don’t get chocolate chip cookie privileges.

  224. Dr. Kenneth Noisewater says:

    Nancy R Owens: We, myself included, murdered that piece of garbage between the hours of 11:00 and 11:45, August 16, 1980. By 12 midnight I was seated at the Hendry County Sheriff Department’s dispatch patiently waiting for the call that “Garbage,” aka Sheriff Earl Dyess, Sr., had been murdered. The call came in after 2 a.m.

    Sorry but the voices in your head don’t count as “we”. You really do have some crazy fantasies Nancy.

  225. bgansel9 says:

    Nancy R Owens: We, myself included, murdered that piece of garbage between the hours of 11:00 and 11:45, August 16, 1980. By 12 midnight I was seated at the Hendry County Sheriff Department’s dispatch patiently waiting for the call that “Garbage,” aka Sheriff Earl Dyess, Sr., had been murdered. The call came in after 2 a.m.

    If you claim to be both the killer of a county sheriff and a dispatcher who waited for a call on a murder you committed, the piece of garbage is YOU.

  226. Keith says:

    Nancy R Owens:
    I killed him with a butcher knife and cut out his heart Oct. 2, 1990 in Melbourne Beach, Florida.

    Oh-Oh. Now you’ve cut the cheese. I’m gonna have to discuss this with Dr. Conrad and Cherokee. They’ll know what to do.

  227. Rickey says:

    Nancy R Owens:
    We, myself included, murdered that piece of garbage between the hours of 11:00 and 11:45, August 16, 1980.By 12 midnight I was seated at the Hendry County Sheriff Department’s dispatch patiently waiting for the call that “Garbage,” aka Sheriff Earl Dyess, Sr., had been murdered. The call came in after 2 a.m.

    “Dispatch, this is Dispatch.”

    In the time that it took you to write that note you could have provided me with the names of your high school classmates who were murdered.

  228. I’m waiting for Mark McDaniel to respond and it doesn’t look like it’s going to happen. It’s the 1980’s all over again when the Castro’s invaded South Florida and nobody was there to stop it. Reagan In. Castro Up.

    Rickey: In the time that it took you to write that note you could have provided me with the names of your high school classmates who were murdered.

  229. Rickey says:

    Nancy R Owens:
    I’m waiting for Mark McDaniel to respond and it doesn’t look like it’s going to happen. It’s the 1980’s all over again when the Castro’s invaded South Florida and nobody was there to stop it. Reagan In. Castro Up.

    What does Mark McDaniel have to do with your dead classmates?

  230. Don’t you have some skirts to hide behind?

    Rickey: What does Mark McDaniel have to do with your dead classmates?

  231. Dr. Kenneth Noisewater says:

    Nancy R Owens: I’m waiting for Mark McDaniel to respond and it doesn’t look like it’s going to happen. It’s the 1980’s all over again when the Castro’s invaded South Florida and nobody was there to stop it. Reagan In. Castro Up.

    How is Mark McDaniel going to be able to identify your dead classmates for him since you already killed Mark McDaniel?

  232. Kate says:

    Nancy R Owens:
    Don’t you have some skirts to hide behind?

    Why are you so hesitant to provide a list of names of all the classmates you claim were murdered? Is it because you were lying and know that if anyone investigates such a list, we’d find as we do with many of your claims, that these people are alive and well despite you having said you killed them?

    What a hypocrite you are to claim anyone else is hiding from anything when you use all types of evasive tactics to avoid answering questions. Why didn’t you give Rickey the phone number that you so willingly and freely give out on your videos and other websites? You claimed to not want to answer my questions because I’m female. You can’t get any more lame of an excuse than that reason. However, the truth is that I and several other posters have raised questions that are impossible for you to answer because you are not able to tell the truth.

  233. Rickey says:

    Nancy R Owens:
    Don’t you have some skirts to hide behind?

    Ah, another non-sequitur from evasive Nancy.

    Give me some names. To put it another way, put up or shut up.

  234. You know as well as I do that neither of these options will be forthcoming. So why issue the challenge?

    I mean Nancy is either delusional or a troll. If the former, then taunting her would be cruel. If the latter, than taunting her is giving her exactly what a troll craves and you’re being played for a sucker.

    Rickey: To put it another way, put up or shut up.

  235. Dave B. says:

    From an exceptionally dumb iteration of the “4 simple questions” idiocy:

    “Back in 1961 people of color were called “Negroes”. So how can that Obama’s “birth certificate” state that he is “African-American” when the term wasn’t even used at that time? Also – he could not have been an “African-American” since his mother was white; at best he should have been classified as an African White.”

  236. You don’t get this. I’m not going to waste my time on cowards. If he’s too scared to give out a phone number, he certainly doesn’t have what it takes to conduct an investigation of this magnitude.

    Man up from the git go or cry because I won’t take him seriously. He didn’t man up immediately. He cried to Dr. Conspiracy, “Please, let me hide behind your skirts.” He’s a joke to me. Nothing more. Nothing less.

    He’s a waste of time.

    Kate: Why are you so hesitant to provide a list of names of all the classmates you claim were murdered?Is it because you were lying and know that if anyone investigates such a list, we’d find as we do with many of your claims, that these people are alive and well despite you having said you killed them?

    What a hypocrite you are to claim anyone else is hiding from anything when you use all types of evasive tactics to avoid answering questions.Why didn’t you give Rickey the phone number that you so willingly and freely give out on your videos and other websites?You claimed to not want to answer my questions because I’m female.You can’t get any more lame of an excuse than that reason.However, the truth is that I and several other posters have raised questions that are impossible for you to answer because you are not able to tell the truth.

  237. Rickey says:

    Dr. Conspiracy:
    You know as well as I do that neither of these options will be forthcoming. So why issue the challenge?

    I mean Nancy is either delusional or a troll. If the former, then taunting her would be cruel. If the latter, than taunting her is giving her exactly what a troll craves and you’re being played for a sucker.

    I don’t believe that I’ve been taunting her. What I have tried to do is challenge her to face up to the fact that she won’t provide me with names because she has no names to provide, because the odds are that no one from her high school class has been murdered. Maybe she is a hopeless case, but she needs to come to grips with reality.

    My offer to her was absolutely serious. If she gave me some names, I would use the investigative tools which are available to me to check them out. I don’t expect that any of her claims will pan out, but I would take a fair shot at trying to verify them.

    I also don’t believe that Nancy is a troll. She probably believes her fantasies. If she isn’t interested in getting help, perhaps you should no longer allow her to post here. If she is a troll, she should be banned. If she is not a troll, we may not be doing her any good to give her attention. But that’s your decision to make.

  238. Lupin says:

    Rickey: I also don’t believe that Nancy is a troll. She probably believes her fantasies. If she isn’t interested in getting help, perhaps you should no longer allow her to post here.

    I have to agree with this. We are in a small part enabling this woman’s “problem” (whatever it is). IMHO no good can come out of it.

  239. faceman says:

    Lupin: I have to agree with this. We are in a small part enabling this woman’s “problem” (whatever it is). IMHO no good can come out of it.

    I must confess that I concur. While I do not normally condone censorship, there comes a point where one must say “Enough is enough. You are not contributing anything to the discussion, and are just abusing your rights.” Obviously, she is not telling the truth, or she would be in jail. This is not a case where you would be ‘silencing a critic.’ Since she will not accept our efforts to help her, let her take her soapbox elsewhere.

    “It takes a lot to laugh, it takes a train to cry.” And her train is certainly headed for a washed-out bridge, if it hasn’t gotten there already.

  240. Lupin says:

    faceman: “It takes a lot to laugh, it takes a train to cry.” And her train is certainly headed for a washed-out bridge, if it hasn’t gotten there already.

    Yesterday and today, I read in the papers here (in France) about a man who stabbed/killed a complete stranger at a market; it turns out that he is a paranoid-schizophrenic, the type who hears voices, who sadly went untreated for a while. While I have no evidence whatsoever that this bears any similarities with Nancy’s case, I confess that delusional people make me uncomfortable.

    In my career as a very very minor “famous” author I have received a few letters from delusional people who claimed to have written the Beatles’ songs & the likes, and it’s creepy.

  241. Too late. Go bake some cookies with Kate.

    Rickey: Ah, another non-sequitur from evasive Nancy.

    Give me some names. To put it another way, put up or shut up.

  242. bgansel9 says:

    Dr. Conspiracy: I mean Nancy is either delusional or a troll. If the former, then taunting her would be cruel. If the latter, than taunting her is giving her exactly what a troll craves and you’re being played for a sucker.

    I will admit that I took a big part in this (I believe I was the first one to mention the murders she claims to have committed on this thread). I apologize for allowing this to go this far, but at the same time, we cannot have this delusional woman who admits to all sorts of nefarious deeds claiming that she is an upstanding example and that she can be taken as a credible and serious source of anything. I am no longer “taunting” her. I think I’ve made my point. The woman is a sick psycho who needs help.

  243. Rickey says:

    Nancy R Owens:
    You don’t get this. I’m not going to waste my time on cowards. If he’s too scared to give out a phone number, he certainly doesn’t have what it takes to conduct an investigation of this magnitude.

    I’m not about to give out my phone number to a person who would then likely post it on the Internet and broadcast it on YouTube. I have heard too many stories about anti-birthers being outed and then harassed by birthers. I have no interest in giving up my anonymity in order to satisfy your idle curiosity. You have accused your own brother of being a member of the Medellin cartel. I can only imagine what you would say about me if you knew my real name.

    Anyway, I am through engaging with you. If you are under the care of a mental health provider, you need to find another one because your current treatment isn’t working. I don’t say that to be snarky. You really do need help, and I hope you get it.

  244. AGROD says:

    Dr. C maybe make a poll: 1) keep Nancy she is entertaining 2) dump her she needs help

  245. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    Is banishing her to the Phantom Zone an option?

  246. faceman says:

    Rickey: Anyway, I am through engaging with you. If you are under the care of a mental health provider, you need to find another one because your current treatment isn’t working. I don’t say that to be snarky. You really do need help, and I hope you get it.

    That would probably be the best policy. Whether she is a troll or not, she seems to be coming here for the attention she gets.

    Like the Doc says on the home page: Don’t feed the trolls. Let them have their say. Refute them as necessary. But past a point, it becomes obvious that they’re not going to change. Some have come and gone, but a few keep coming back. As for Nancy, John, and Sven – Responding to them is just inviting them back. If you really want them to go away, stop inviting them.

  247. bgansel9 says:

    faceman: Responding to them is just inviting them back. If you really want them to go away, stop inviting them.

    On John and Nancy, I agree. Sven, on the other hand, is threatening to file another lawsuit. I think it’s appropriate to engage him.

  248. Dave B. says:

    Harking back to Doc’s article on the common law a few weeks back, I found another birther definition in my secret 00bot dossiers, from one “CrustyOldGeezer”:

    “”Common LAW” refers to laws that were “COMMON” usage in numerous Nations.”

    And a comment from one “Patriot41”:

    “At the time of writing the U.S. Constitution, a natural born citizen was a recognized term of Common Law in most civilized countries. It’s meaning clearly meant that a child born to a citizen father and mother of a sovereign nation, was considered a natural born citizen of that nation.”

    That statement followed THIS opacity:

    “The U.S. Constitution has always been considered the Supreme Law of the Land and was properly adjudicated at writing not only by our founding fathers, but also legislators in the colonies and later in the States, that became part of the United States.”

  249. Crustacean says:

    I vote for Doc to let her stay, but for the rest of us to “kill” her with kindness. Here’s an example:

    Nancy R Owens: I killed your mother with a carving knife and fed her still-beating heart to Pablo Escobar’s pet rat.

    Me: Oh, Nancy! You say the darndest things! Y’know, I love you. You’re one of God’s children, and that makes you my sister. Here’s a fun fact: my mother’s first and middle names were Nancy and Ruth, too (bet you didn’t know that). Hey, I hear you like chocolate chip cookies. Those are my favorite! Whaddaya say we swap recipes?

    (Or, just ignore her. Sadly, that’s probably the best thing we could do – for her, and for Doc’s blog.)

    AGROD: Dr. C maybe make a poll: 1) keep Nancy she is entertaining 2) dump her she needs help

  250. faceman says:

    bgansel9: On John and Nancy, I agree. Sven, on the other hand, is threatening to file another lawsuit. I think it’s appropriate to engage him.

    At least John and Sven try to debate the issue, however incompetently. All Nancy does is try to share her delusions with us.

  251. Krosis says:

    Why would anyone want for John to go away? He’s entertaining, and your replies to him, more so. Poor Ms. Owens, on the other hand…

  252. bgansel9 says:

    faceman: At least John and Sven try to debate the issue, however incompetently. All Nancy does is try to share her delusions with us.

    You make a considerable point, faceman, although I would have to disagree. Many times John just states that he doesn’t like the way things are and can’t explain so much about why and which laws are being abrogated (see his recent rant on gay marriage). I do agree that he is not in the business of thread-jacking though, which seems to be all Nancy ever does.

  253. Let me remind you, I am the Obama birth certificate forger. And, again, who better considering this blog focuses on Obama’s forged birth certificates?

    bgansel9: You make a considerable point, faceman, although I would have to disagree. Many times John just states that he doesn’t like the way things are and can’t explain so much about why and which laws are being abrogated (see his recent rant on gay marriage).I do agree that he is not in the business of thread-jacking though, which seems to be all Nancy ever does.

  254. bgansel9 says:

    RamboIke is pushing the idea that Kapi’olani hospital doesn’t believe Obama was born there. –

    “RamboIke smrstrauss • 25 minutes ago
    smrstrauss, you should tell the truth.

    Governor Lingle never seen what is alleged to be in the vault, and the official that did claim to have seen it described it differently than the Substitute that was released later in 2011.

    Governor Abercrombie said there was no birth certificate for Obama in Hawaii, and no hospital has verified him being born there.”

  255. bgansel9 says:

    Nancy R Owens: Let me remind you, I am the Obama birth certificate forger. And, again, who better considering this blog focuses on Obama’s forged birth certificates?

    I have asked you once already to not engage with me. I am not going to deal with your mental instability. Go away crazy witch.

  256. Then stop using my name on in your blogs. Duh…..

    bgansel9: I have asked you once already to not engage with me. I am not going to deal with your mental instability. Go away crazy witch.

  257. justlw says:

    Lupin: I have received a few letters from delusional people who claimed to have written the Beatles’ songs & the likes,

    My first day at college, one of my suitemates told me he used to play drums for Elvis on the Strip. Not having ever run into someone who would just spin a baldfaced lie to someone he just met, for no particular reason, in my relatively short life, I didn’t know quite what to make of that. Until I heard him actually try to sing and play drums.

    And they say you don’t learn anything in college.

  258. mimi says:

    GeorgetownJD posted this from the LATimes at Fogbow. 🙂

    Question Ted Cruz should ask: Can a foreign-born American be president?


  259. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    justlw: And they say you don’t learn anything in college.

    I think the only thing I learned in college, is that some people aren’t cut out of college.

  260. Krosis says:


    This makes me see Gerbil Report in a whole new light!

  261. justlw says:

    Andrew Vrba, PmG: I think the only thing I learned in college, is that some people aren’t cut out of college.

    Strangely enough, this guy vanished by the first week of classes. I think the mother ship called him home.

  262. bgansel9 says:

    Nancy R Owens: Then stop using my name on in your blogs. Duh…..

    It’s not my blog, and I used your name prior to deciding that I was no longer going to engage with you any longer because you are severely mentally disturbed. I shall not make any posts with your name in it again. Goodbye, crazy witch.

  263. Dr. Kenneth Noisewater says:

    Nancy R Owens: Then stop using my name on in your blogs. Duh….

    Are you confused? You came here to spam your nonsense.

  264. faceman says:

    A while back, we had a poster who liked to use impressive sounding words. Apparently, he thought that might gloss over the weaknesses of his arguments. I had a repartee with him, based in part on a half remembered passage I had copied from, well, i can’t remember if it was Reader’s Digest, or the Old Farmer’s Almanac. I finally tracked down the entire passage, and thought you might enjoy it:

    Do not become intoxicated with the excessive exuberance or your own inexhaustible verbosity. In promulgating your esoteric cogitation and articulating your superficial sentimentalities and amicable, philosophical, and psychological observations, beware of platitudinous ponderosities. Let your conversational communications posses a clarified conciseness and a compact comprehensibleness, and a concatenated cogency. Eschew all conglomeration of garrulity and bombastic loquaciousness. In other words, say what you mean, mean what you say, and abstain from ponderous phraseology.

  265. bgansel9 says:

    faceman: Let your conversational communications posses a clarified conciseness…

    possess? typo?

  266. Dave says:

    Time has an article about the only birther everyone has heard of: Forget the Past America, Donald Trump Could Run For President, which begins:

    Donald Trump is huge. Don’t anyone forget that.

    Also, he is really serious about running for president. Just look at what he told the Washington Post. “I am more serious about this than I’ve ever been before,” he said. That sounds pretty serious, unless you have a memory of what he has said before.

  267. *grabs the popcorn and M & M’s * Hmm…..

    Time has an article about the only birther everyone has heard of: Forget the Past America, Donald Trump Could Run For President, which begins:

  268. Keith says:

    Dave: Time has an article about the only birther everyone has heard of: Forget the Past America, Donald Trump Could Run For President, which begins:

    Any time I hear anything from the Trumpster, especially anything to do with ‘Presidenting’, I have to ask: “Don’t tell me he has another TV show to promote”.

  269. faceman says:

    bgansel9: possess? typo?

    Oops. I reply in the affirmative.

  270. It means somebody has probably moved the ball fore ward just like he said he would.

    *chomps on her M & M’s*

    Keith: Any time I hear anything from the Trumpster, especially anything to do with ‘Presidenting’, I have to ask: “Don’t tell me he has another TV show to promote”.

  271. faceman says:

    bgansel9: possess? typo?

    Do you know how many of those words failed spell check, like ‘comprehensibleness’? ‘Posses’ actually passed (plural of posse).

  272. bgansel9 says:

    faceman: Do you know how many of those words failed spell check, like ‘comprehensibleness’?‘Posses’ actually passed (plural of posse).

    But as far as I can tell, only “posses” was wrong. LMAO! 😛 (yes, I noticed the plural of posse, but knew we weren’t talking about the CCP)

  273. Rickey says:

    Keith: Any time I hear anything from the Trumpster, especially anything to do with ‘Presidenting’, I have to ask: “Don’t tell me he has another TV show to promote”.

    Of course he is never going to run. The last thing he wants is to disclose his finances.

  274. Dave B. says:

    I have a love/hat relationship with spellcheck.

    faceman: Do you know how many of those words failed spell check, like ‘comprehensibleness’?‘Posses’ actually passed (plural of posse).

  275. bgansel9 says:

    Apparently De Vattel doesn’t matter anymore because “Obama did it first” LOL

    Check out the comment from Cripple Creek at comment #6

    (Not that the Vattel argument would be valid in Ted Cruz’s case, but, Freeper Birthers thought it did with Obama when they thought he was born outside the U.S. and only had one U.S. citizen parent (the mother)… and now Ted Cruz really WAS born outside of the U.S. and had one parent (also the mother) who was a U.S. Citizen (from Delaware).

  276. The Magic M (not logged in) says:

    bgansel9: Apparently De Vattel doesn’t matter anymore because “Obama did it first” LOL

    Which only proves again the whole Vattelist act has always been about the black (Democrat) guy only.
    Yet it helps to distinguish the two main (Obama) birther groups – one being driven by vanilla madness and racist hatred (which also claims Cruz is ineligible) and one being driven by purely political motivations (which would rather have an “ineligible” Republican President than an eligible Democratic one).

  277. bgansel9 says:

    Just a question:

    Did the thread about Judge Moore, (which turned into a thread about Sven’s litigation fantasies and ObligedWhatsHisName’s racist “Whites are the only Naturals” stupidity) close after a certain set number of posts? I can no longer post on that thread.

  278. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    Just a question:

    Did the thread about Judge Moore, (which turned into a thread about Sven’s litigation fantasies and ObligedWhatsHisName’s racist “Whites are the only Naturals” stupidity) close after a certain set number of posts? I can no longer post on that thread.

    If I had to take a guess, it would be because the thread went so far off the rails, that it ended up somewhere in the Himalayan mountains.

  279. y_p_w says:

    Just a question:

    Did the thread about Judge Moore, (which turned into a thread about Sven’s litigation fantasies and ObligedWhatsHisName’s racist “Whites are the only Naturals” stupidity) close after a certain set number of posts? I can no longer post on that thread.

    I’m feeling a bit bad for sort of “starting” that by posting about the Judge Moore order to an open thread, which Dr C saw and created a separate article. However, I was mostly worried that it might devolve into a discussion about how people felt about same-sex marriage and not a discussion on the legality of a state judge defying a federal order. It remained pretty civil on that aspect except for the usual cast of characters.

  280. Dave B. says:

    I don’t think they’re going to find a way to bring Spock back this time.

  281. Keith says:

    Andrew Vrba, PmG: If I had to take a guess, it would be because the thread went so far off the rails, that it ended up somewhere in the Himalayan mountains.


  282. SvenMagnussen says:


    Certainly not a litigation fantasy. A real lawsuit too scary to litigate because real people, other than Obama, might lose really good paying jobs and be outed as persons more interested in protecting their personal assets than the Constitution.

    I haven’t posted the case number because it contains personal information I’d rather not have published on this blog or any other blog. I requested an order of protection and the judge ignored it. Even though the case was dismissed with prejudice, my whistleblowers are reporting they are being harassed without me specifcallly identifying them in the lawsuit.

  283. Lupin says:

    Sven is back with his fantasies and lies.

  284. bovril says:

    So Svennie, since you had this wondrous and imaginary case, one presumes as part of your ‘proof’ you got to show this magical Naturalization certificate and cancellation of which you speak, along with the paper work from the National Records saying such documents don’t exist..?

    I mean you must have, surely had some demonstrable proof of these acts..?

  285. SvenMagnussen says:

    Obama naturalized as a US citizen on Sept. 16, 1983 after filing a petition to naturalize as a US citizen in the United States District Court for the Central District of California. In 2008, AG Michael B. Mukasey, former Chief Judge, retired, USDC, SDNY, cancelled the certificate of naturalization issued in 1983. Mukasey was recruited in 2007 by VP Dick Cheney, SCOTUS CJ John Roberts, Jr. and other senior Bush administration officials to retire as Chief Judge and accept an appointment as AG in the Bush administration.

    There are whistleblowers willing and able to testify as rebuttal witnesses at trial but are unwilling to publicly identify themselves before trial for fear of reprisal. Anyone who demands the whistleblowers out themselves before discovery of primary sourced evidence is merely trying to confirm rebuttal witnesses to intimidate into silence. Rebuttal witnesses and a person who has a verified copy of Obama’s certificate of naturalization and can testify how they legally obtained the copy are not disclosed for deposition. Secondary sourced evidence is revealed at trial and not before the trial.

    My whistleblowers respect me and have confidence in me because I assured them I would not publicly identify them before trial and I haven’t done so. Obama is not in jeopardy of adverse action. Obama can only be removed from office after an impeachment. Congress is not going to impeach Obama. Persons other than Obama are the ones in jeopardy of adverse consequences and are the people my whistleblowers are afraid of.

    So Svennie, since you had this wondrous and imaginary case, one presumes as part of your ‘proof’ you got to show this magical Naturalization certificate and cancellation of which you speak, along with the paper work from the National Records saying such documents don’t exist..?

    I mean you must have, surely had some demonstrable proof of these acts..?

  286. Dr. Kenneth Noisewater says:

    Sven’s whistleblowers told me he’s too lazy to file no case and that there was no naturalization certificate and he made the whole thing up

  287. For the record, Alan Jones/Peter Boyles podcast on BR this date:

    Bull. Alan Jones is clearly not a credible investigator, folks.

  288. Crustacean says:

    You wouldn’t believe what my whistleblowers are saying about Sven’s whistleblowers.

    (I’ll put it this way: they blow).

    Dr. Kenneth Noisewater:
    Sven’s whistleblowers told me he’s too lazy to file no case and that there was no naturalization certificate and he made the whole thing up

  289. Benji Franklin says:

    Dr. Kenneth Noisewater: Sven’s whistleblowers told me he’s too lazy to file a case and that there was no naturalization certificate and he made the whole thing up

    Of course he’s got nothing. Sven’s narrative is just a variation of the ‘secret-agent’ ploy that evolved in the old original aol chatrooms. A sad-sack nobody concocts a too- elaborately unverifiable tale casting himself as the mastermind coordinator of a sensational scheme involving famous and powerful people who won’t respond to the bizarre claim even if they become aware of it.

    Only nobodies get away with doing this unscathed. Rember recently, a British barrister Michael Shrimpton sparked a massive security scare by claiming Nazi spies wanted to blow up the Queen and the London Olympics with a nuclear bomb, and was convicted of making a hoax bomb threat when he claimed shadowy German spies had stolen nuclear warheads from the sunken Russian sub Kursk and smuggled one into the country.

    Sven is just another nobody who wants us to believe he has the fate of not just the President, but everyone who ever had business with everyone the POTUS ever appointed, in him wittle hands!

    But he’s not crazy; he knows he doesn’t. Just another bored retiree spending too much time with his king-maker hobby.

    Come on, Sven! Show us how seamlessly you can work the Kursk into your case also. For extra credit, Include Nancy Owens as a stow-a-way. Avoid references to “Natural Law” though; Adrien Nash has kind of spoiled that.

  290. John Reilly says:

    So according to Sven he filed a case and it was dismissed. (Which is pretty much what everyone here said would happen,) He won’t provide copies of the publicly available documents or the case number because his whistle blowers will be harassed. But even though he is keeping everything a secret, his whistle blowers are being harassed, so keeping a secret is not helping.

    And Sven is distressed that too many people are willing to flush the Constitutional republic down the toilet but he is unwilling to simply provide his proof to the New York Times to take a shot at ending what he thinks is the greatest crime in American history.

    Did I miss anything? Oh, yeah. Sven’s whole story is made up.

  291. BobJ says:

    I may have stopped commenting at GR, but it is still a hilarious read. The comically inept ramboike has submitted this gem in the latest Terry Lakin article.

    “ramboike 87p · 8 hours ago
    From the article: However, Lakin was not allowed to present a defense or obtain discovery on Obama after Col. Denise Lind stated that the release of Obama’s original birth certificate “could be an embarrassment” to Obama.

    “original birth certificate””


    That makes, at least, three languages in which he is embarrassed ( that’s meaning #1, ike).

    vb (mainly tr)
    1. (also intr) to feel or cause to feel confusion or self-consciousness; disconcert; fluster
    2. (usually passive) to involve in financial difficulties
    3. to make difficult; complicate
    4. to impede; obstruct; hamper.


  292. J.D. Sue says:

    SvenMagnussen: the case was dismissed with prejudice


    Did you file an appeal?

  293. John Reilly says:

    J.D. Sue: —-

    Did you file an appeal?

    Sue, IANAL, but how do you file an appeal and tell the appeals court that your case number and evidence is a secret?

  294. SvenMagnussen says:

    J.D. Sue: —-

    Did you file an appeal?

    More pleadings for justice in front of a panel of judges who have a vested, personal interest in the outcome of the trial is pointless.

  295. I think that pretty much sums it up. Sven’s fanciful stories are just less creative than Nancey’s.

    John Reilly: Did I miss anything? Oh, yeah. Sven’s whole story is made up.

  296. Lupin says:

    SvenMagnussen: Obama naturalized as a US citizen on Sept. 16, 1983 after filing a petition to naturalize as a US citizen in the United States District Court for the Central District of California.

    There you go again. We all know for a fact this is a lie.

    Let me add that you’re an imbecile because when you made up that lie, you couldn’t even be bothered to check the obvious facts that debunk it automatically. The equivalent of me lying about being a NASA astronaut part of the Apollo XIX mission.

  297. Lupin says:

    Reality Check: I think that pretty much sums it up. Sven’s fanciful stories are just less creative than Nancey’s.

    On the last thread his “fallback” position when he couldn’t weasel out of his initial lie was to claim Obama must have used a fake US passport. How ridiculous that is.

  298. Spell check betrayed me again…”Nancy’s”

    Reality Check:
    I think that pretty much sums it up. Sven’s fanciful stories are just less creative than Nancey’s.

  299. Krosis says:

    Reality Check beats Spell Check every day!

  300. You mean “Nancy” the photo editor of PBCC’s campus newspaper, “Beachcomber” who took the black and white photos of her half-brother “Obama” which was treasonously and falsely claimed by somebody (forgot woman’s name) and illegally sold to “Time” magazine?

    Got cha, RC. What prison will they be sending YOU to? Have they told you yet?

    Reality Check:
    Spell check betrayed me again…”Nancy’s”

  301. SvenMagnussen says:

    Lupin: On the last thread his “fallback” position when he couldn’t weasel out of his initial lie was to claim Obama must have used a fake US passport. How ridiculous that is.

    You’re confusing a proposed response to an answer by the defense that Obama used a US passport in 1981 with an allegation made by me. A response isn’t required until an answer to the allegations in the complaint are provided.

    I offered the proposed response to illustrate for you that conflicts are resolved by the court and not settled before discovery begins. In discovery, a definitive fact could be established as to whether or not Obama had been issued a US passport in 1981. Documents for the issuance or lack of issuance of US passport in 1981 would be primary sourced evidence and would be important to the establish the maintenance the federal government’s sovereign immunity.

    And before the government lawyers and supporters of government lawyers step up to say a federal officer from the State Dept. will swear an affidavit that Obama had a valid US passport in 1981 so the case will be dismissed prior to discovery, I would challenge the affidavit as self-serving because the federal officer has a vested, personal interest in the outcome of the trial. A search by an independent party who did not have a vested, personal interest in the outcome of the trial would only be acceptable.

    Or the case could be transferred to a retired federal judge that was not in active service on January 20, 2009 and not Chief Judge Michael B. Mukasey, retired. The judge could issue a subpoena for Obama’s deposition and Obama’s federal records with respect to his current citizenship status from the State Dept, DHS and SSA. And before Obots start screaming “fishing expedition,” it a subpoena for records concerning current citizenship status and nothing more.

  302. Dave B. says:

    Unlike what you’re doing now, of course, and unlike every birther utterance made by anybody, anytime.

    SvenMagnussen: More pleadings for justice in front of a panel of judges who have a vested, personal interest in the outcome of the trial is pointless.

  303. But I meant it as a compliment Nancy. 🙂

    Nancy R Owens: Got cha, RC. What prison will they be sending YOU to? Have they told you yet?

  304. Dr. Kenneth Noisewater says:

    Nancy R Owens: You mean “Nancy” the photo editor of PBCC’s campus newspaper,

    lol a photoeditor of some two bit newsletter for a community college. Lisa Jack took the photos of Obama in 1980. Totally legally sold to Time since she took the originals.

  305. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    I don’t see why people keep engaging Sven and Nancy. I myself am gonna stop interacting with john. I have a theory that he’ll just go away, if no one pays him any mind, or at the very least reduce his numbers of posts significantly. It’ll probably be the same with Nancy and Svengoolie over there.

  306. J.D. Sue says:

    SvenMagnussen: You’re confusing a proposed response to an answer by the defense that Obama used a US passport in 1981 with an allegation made by me. A response isn’t required until an answer to the allegations in the complaint are provided.

    I offered the proposed response to illustrate for you that conflicts are resolved by the court and not settled before discovery begins.

    Somehow, I don’t think it’s Lupin who is confused. You cannot establish a “conflict” by just making up new baseless allegations as you go along.

    And you cannot demand discovery if you–as plaintiff–refuse to be subjected to discovery yourself.

    And you cannot sustain your burden of proof during your case-in-chief, if you are unwilling to present any evidence during your case-in-chief.

    It is not justice that you seek.

    As for your dog-whistle-blowers, tell them I said “Boo!”.

  307. Joey says:

    Rickey: Of course he is never going to run. The last thing he wants is to disclose his finances.

    Wait until the birthers/miscellaneous right wingers find out that Trump and George Soros are business partners in Trump Hotel & Tower-Chicago! 😃

  308. Daniel says:

    Andrew Vrba, PmG:
    I don’t see why people keep engaging Sven and Nancy.

    Cheap entertainment.

  309. Total lie and prison is in her future as well for treason and impeding a national investigation, I’m sure. Tell her the real photographer can’t wait.

    Dr. Kenneth Noisewater: lol a photoeditor of some two bit newsletter for a community college.Lisa Jack took the photos of Obama in 1980.Totally legally sold to Time since she took the originals.

  310. Dr. Kenneth Noisewater says:

    Nancy R Owens:
    Total lie and prison is in her future as well for treason and impeding a national investigation, I’m sure. Tell her the real photographer can’t wait.

    Yes your stories are total lies. There is no national investigation being impeded. No treason. It’s time you quit stealing credit for other people’s work.

  311. I took those photos under duress in 1985. Obama black and white photos: Copyright, Nancy Ruth Owens, 1985.

    Will you go to prison for treason as well, Ken?

    Dr. Kenneth Noisewater: Yes your stories are total lies. There is no national investigation being impeded.No treason.It’s time you quit stealing credit for other people’s work.

  312. Keith says:

    Benji Franklin: Include Nancy Owens as a stow-a-way.

    Ssssssh! Nancy has been spotted in Moscow recently.

  313. Dr. Kenneth Noisewater says:

    Nancy R Owens:
    I took those photos under duress in 1985. Obama black and white photos: Copyright, Nancy Ruth Owens, 1985.

    Will you go to prison for treason as well, Ken?

    Sorry but calling you out for your stupid lies isn’t treason. Sorry but the photos were copyrighted by Lisa Jack who took them in 1980. Last time around you tried claiming you had negatives of the photos and when asked to present them you claimed you had to charge your cell phone and then you ran like you always do when your lies are exposed.

  314. faceman says:

    SvenMagnussen: before Obots start screaming “fishing expedition,” it a subpoena for records concerning current citizenship status and nothing more.

    Birth Certificate. Officially certified by the appropriate Hawaiian official. Obama doesn’t have to respond to or rebut anything unless you have evidence to prove he somehow gave up his citizenship and used a passport from another country.

    Hint: Alleging something isn’t ‘proof’ of anything.

    IANAL, but even I know that the court (judge) decides what is or isn’t admissible as evidence. It is then up to the jury to weigh the evidence.

    According to own your twisted legal argument, Obama himself should not be allowed to testify in his own defense, since he has a ‘vested personal interest’ in the outcome of the trial.

  315. ellen says:

    Once again smrstrauss is calling for help in fighting the birthers. This time at:

  316. Joey says:

    faceman: Birth Certificate.Officially certified by the appropriate Hawaiian official.Obama doesn’t have to respond to or rebut anything unless you have evidence to prove he somehow gave up his citizenship and used a passport from another country.

    Hint:Alleging something isn’t ‘proof’ of anything.

    IANAL, but even I know that the court (judge) decides what is or isn’t admissible as evidence.It is then up to the jury to weigh the evidence.

    According to own your twisted legal argument, Obama himself should not be allowed to testify in his own defense, since he has a ‘vested personal interest’ in the outcome of the trial.

    Under federal law, a U.S. Passport is considered to be primary evidence of citizenship and identity. A birth certificate is secondary evidence of same.

    Barack Obama’s U.S. Passport can be viewed on YouTube:

  317. That wouldn’t be hard since Moscow is now located in South Florida along with Cuba.

    Keith: Ssssssh! Nancy has been spotted in Moscow recently.

  318. I said I had negatives and these negative have numbers. I didn’t say I had the original negatives of the black and white photos I took in 1985 of Obama. Those were sold, under duress, to Griselda Blanco of the Medellin Cartel.

    Dr. Kenneth Noisewater: Sorry but calling you out for your stupid lies isn’t treason.Sorry but the photos were copyrighted by Lisa Jack who took them in 1980.Last time around you tried claiming you had negatives of the photos and when asked to present them you claimed you had to charge your cell phone and then you ran like you always do when your lies are exposed.

  319. I hate to burst your bubble, Ken. But, the mailman will be the key to who did and did not take the photos and help prepare Obama’s fake history.

    The smoking gun, one among many, as Volin likes to say.

    Not to mention DNA.

    Dr. Kenneth Noisewater: Sorry but calling you out for your stupid lies isn’t treason.Sorry but the photos were copyrighted by Lisa Jack who took them in 1980.Last time around you tried claiming you had negatives of the photos and when asked to present them you claimed you had to charge your cell phone and then you ran like you always do when your lies are exposed.

  320. My current/former? husband, Mike ZulloMoore, knows full well who the forger is (me) as well as he knows my half-brother, Obama since we all lived in the same small south Floridian town of Clewiston, Florida.

    RanTalbott: Has Zullo actually said that? I remember a GR video from last fall with a (typical) false title claiming Gallups said “We know who the forger is”, but he didn’t: he actually said something like “we’re very close”, and “Imagine knowing who did it”. I posted some snarky comments on Youtube about the issue, because Arpaio was simultaneously using “We know the what and the why, but don’t you want to know the who?” as an excuse for not doing The Big Reveal™.

  321. Lupin says:

    SvenMagnussen: You’re confusing a proposed response to an answer by the defense that Obama used a US passport in 1981 with an allegation made by me. A response isn’t required until an answer to the allegations in the complaint are provided.

    Unsurprisingly you’re the one who is confused. Mr. Obama’s US passport is part of the public record; I’m only stating a fact.

    YOU’re the who’s alleging it’s a forgery. So go ahead, show us some evidence.

    I don’t have to do anything.

    And your typical reply: “I have sekreet evidence I’ll only disclose to sekreet judges” only make you a laughing stock and brand you a liar and a kook, haven’t you gotten that already?

  322. Keith says:

    Once again smrstrauss is calling for help in fighting the birthers. This time at:

    There’s been a break out at “Above Top Secret” too. Some troll regurgitated old stuff – three or four folks are keeping it pretty much in check.

  323. Dr. Kenneth Noisewater says:

    Nancy R Owens:
    I said I had negatives and these negative have numbers. I didn’t say I had the original negatives of the black and white photos I took in 1985 of Obama. Those were sold, under duress, to Griselda Blanco of the Medellin Cartel.

    Oh before you claimed you had them. Yes you did rc can attest to it. You claimed you had the original negatives as of last year. You lied as usual. You didn’t take the pictures, Lisa Jack did back in 1980.

  324. Dr. Kenneth Noisewater says:

    Nancy R Owens:
    I hate to burst your bubble, Ken. But, the mailman will be the key to who did and did not take the photos and help prepare Obama’s fake history.

    The smoking gun, one among many, as Volin likes to say.

    Not to mention DNA.

    There is no smoking gun, your mailman wasn’t involved you’re lying add usual. Lisa Jack took the pictures in 1980 and owned the copyright when she sold the pictures to time

  325. Dr. Kenneth Noisewater says:

    Nancy R Owens:
    My current/former? husband, Mike ZulloMoore, knows full well who the forger is (me) as well as he knows my half-brother, Obama since we all lived in the same small south Floridian town of Clewiston, Florida.

    Mike Zullo is both your current and former husband? That sounds like a paradox.

  326. faceman says:

    Lupin: Unsurprisingly you’re the one who is confused. Mr. Obama’s US passport is part of the public record; I’m only stating a fact.

    YOU’re the who’s alleging it’s a forgery. So go ahead, show us some evidence.

    I don’t have to do anything.

    And your typical reply: “I have sekreet evidence I’ll only disclose to sekreet judges” only make you a laughing stock and brand you a liar and a kook, haven’t you gotten that already?

    Sven, since you’re only presenting a ‘hypothetical’ situation,’ how about I propose one of my own:

    IF you somehow convince the judge that you have standing, and
    IF the judge denies Obama’s motion for summary judgment, and
    IF your ‘independent investigator’ finds no record of Obama’s passport
    (Yes, I know, fellow Obots, those are three very big ‘IF’s. But, for the sake of argument let’s pretend we’re living in Sven’s make believe world. After all, the judge would not want to be accused of secretly working on behalf of Obama’s minions.)
    This is how I envision the trial would go:

    Judge: Sven, call your first witness.
    Sven: I have no witnesses at this time.
    Judge: Well, then, present your evidence.
    Sven: I have no evidence at this time, your honor.
    (Remember, all you have are ‘rebuttal’ whistleblowers)
    Judge: Very well. Obama’s Lawyer, call your first witness.
    Obama’s Lawyer: We have no witnesses at this time, your honor. But we reserve the right to call rebuttal witnesses should Sven actually present any evidence.

    (Optional interlude:
    Sven: In that case, I’d like to call a witness.
    Judge: That’s highly irregular, but in this instance I’ll allow it. (see above)
    Sven calls his ‘independent investigator’
    Sven: So you could find no evidence that Obama traveled on a US passport.
    Obama’s lawyer: Objection. Leading the witness.
    Judge: Overruled. (see above)
    Investigator: That’s right.
    Cross Examination:
    Obama’s lawyer: Can you prove that Obama traveled on a fake US passport?
    Investigator: No.
    End of Interlude)

    The judge then instructs the jury, reminding them that, this being a civil trial, to find for the plaintiff, they must do so by a preponderance of the evidence.

    The jury deliberates for an hour. 59 minutes of which is feeding their faces off the court provided buffet, the other minute selecting a foreman and taking the actual vote. (I forgot to mention that Sven convinced the judge to sequester the jury in order to prevent any possible tampering by Obama’s minions. See Above)

    Judge: Has the jury reached a verdict?
    Jury Foreman: We have, your honor. We find for the defendant.
    Sven: I demand that the jury be polled, to determine just who are the traitors to their country.
    To a person, the member of the jury declare that they found for the defendent because its hard to find by a preponderance of the evidence for the plaintiff when he didn’t present any.

  327. SvenMagnussen says:

    Joey: Under federal law, a U.S. Passport is considered to be primary evidence of citizenship and identity. A birth certificate is secondary evidence of same.

    Barack Obama’s U.S. Passport can be viewed on YouTube:

    I’m not alleging Obama is not a U.S. citizen. I’m alleging Obama is a naturalized U.S. citizen. Naturalized U.S. citizens are entitled to apply for and obtain a US passport for proof of citizenship.

    A petition to naturalize as a US citizen granted in USDC CDC in 1983 is primary evidence Barack Hussein Obama, II, naturalized in 1983. A birth certificate is primary evidence of the time and place of birth. The State of Hawaii is not constitutionally authorized to make determinations about anyone’s citizenship.

    Since the birth certificate or a certified copy of the birth certificate is primary evidence of the time and place of birth of a passport applicant, the State Department is authorized to use the birth certificate to make a determination with respect to the passport application to research the current citizenship status of the applicant. If there is a CLN on file for the applicant, the State Department is authorized to deny the applicant with a certified copy of a birth certificate a US passport.

    In the unusual situation of a passport applicant with a certified copy of a birth certificate and a CLN on file, the applicant must use a certified copy of their certificate of naturalization to prove current status of citizenship.

    Obama was born in Hawaii, 1961
    Obama was adopted by Lolo Soetoro in late 1967 in Hawaii. Barack Hussein Obama’s, Sr., parental rights were terminated without his knowledge or consent.
    Barry Soetoro, Indonesian national, was issued a CLN in 1968.
    Barry Soetoro returned to the US in 1971 as an unaccompanied minor and requested asylum. The Soetoro adoption was annulled, BHO’s, Sr. parental rights were restored and Barry Soetoro’s name was changed to Barack Hussein Obama, II.
    Barack Hussein Obama, II, lived as a legal permanent resident in the US until 1983 when his petition to naturalize as a US citizen was granted in the USDC CDC.

  328. Dr. Kenneth Noisewater says:

    But Sven you’re still stuck on the European trip Obama took in 81 which would have required a US passport and was two years before your made up naturalization.

    There is no proof he was adopted in Hawaii in 67 as we have access to Lolo Soetoros INS paperwork. Lolo tried to stay in the US because he was taking care of his wife’s son. An adoption in Hawaii wouldn’t change Indonesian citizenship law which says Obama would have been too old to be adopted. He also was too young to renounce his citizenship. parents can’t renounce on behalf of the child. There also wasn’t automatic citizenship through marriage or adoption in Indonesia back then so you’re still stuck.

  329. Dr. Kenneth Noisewater says:

    Your other problem is that Barack Obama Sr’s parental rights could not be terminated without his knowledge or consent. There would need to be a court proceeding all of which would be a public record which you have yet to present.

  330. SvenMagnussen says:

    faceman: Sven, since you’re only presenting a ‘hypothetical’ situation,’ how about I propose one of my own:

    IF you somehow convince the judge that you have standing, and
    IF the judge denies Obama’s motion for summary judgment, and
    IF your ‘independent investigator’ finds no record of Obama’s passport
    (Yes, I know, fellow Obots, those are three very big ‘IF’s.But, for the sake of argument let’s pretend we’re living in Sven’s make believe world.After all, the judge would not want to be accused of secretly working on behalf of Obama’s minions.)
    This is how I envision the trial would go:

    Judge:Sven, call your first witness.
    Sven:I have no witnesses at this time.
    Judge:Well, then, present your evidence.
    Sven:I have no evidence at this time, your honor.
    (Remember, all you have are ‘rebuttal’ whistleblowers)
    Judge:Very well.Obama’s Lawyer, call your first witness.
    Obama’s Lawyer:We have no witnesses at this time, your honor.But we reserve the right to call rebuttal witnesses should Sven actually present any evidence.

    (Optional interlude:
    Sven:In that case, I’d like to call a witness.
    Judge:That’s highly irregular, but in this instance I’ll allow it.(see above)
    Sven calls his ‘independent investigator’
    Sven:So you could find no evidence that Obama traveled on a US passport.
    Obama’s lawyer:Objection.Leading the witness.
    Judge:Overruled.(see above)
    Investigator:That’s right.
    Cross Examination:
    Obama’s lawyer:Can you prove that Obama traveled on a fake US passport?
    End of Interlude)

    The judge then instructs the jury, reminding them that, this being a civil trial, to find for the plaintiff, they must do so by a preponderance of the evidence.

    The jury deliberates for an hour.59 minutes of which is feeding their faces off the court provided buffet, the other minute selecting a foreman and taking the actual vote.(I forgot to mention that Sven convinced the judge to sequester the jury in order to prevent any possible tampering by Obama’s minions.See Above)

    Judge:Has the jury reached a verdict?
    Jury Foreman:We have, your honor.We find for the defendant.
    Sven:I demand that the jury be polled, to determine just who are the traitors to their country.
    To a person, the member of the jury declare that they found for the defendent because its hard to find by a preponderance of the evidence for the plaintiff when he didn’t present any.

    Generally, you’re describing federal court procedural rules and practice and inferring the procedures and practice of the court will prevent me from presenting witnesses with secondary sourced evidence after Obama denies he is not eligible to be President and shows a certified copy of a birth certificate to prove it.

    Federal court procedure and practice, Federal Rules of Civil Procedure and the Federal Rules of Evidence, is US law. It began as the Rules Enabling Act of 1934 and has since been codified as US law at 28 U.S. Code 2072, as amended. Since, January 20, 2009, every amendment, addition or deletion to the FRCP and FRE has been enacted by President Obama. President Obama has been accused of violation of the Eligibility Clause. If the allegation has merit, the sovereignty of the United States is forfeited.

    Throughout the history of the United States, challenges in the District Court to the sovereignty of the U.S. are heard and ruled upon before any motion to dismiss is heard. Not only did I make a sovereignty challenged, I challenged the appointments of the US federal officers who were claiming to represent the United States and asking the court to dismiss the case as to all claims except the claims with respect to violations of the Freedom of Information Act, sua sponte. A sua sponte dismissal is a dismissal on the court’s own motion. In response, I alleged the DoJ lawyers, who are federal officers of the United States who have sworn an oath to support the Constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic, were requesting a dismissal, sua sponte, to avoid a sovereign immunity challenge and an appointments clause challenge. Further, I objected to the FRCP being utilized to deny me a hearing as US law voided by the actions of an ineligible President and requested a hearing on that matter, as well.

    Nevertheless, the entire matter, including my claims the FOIA was violated, was dismissed with prejudice. Prior to 1934, the District Court functioned without the FRCP and FRE. The District Court can resolve the sovereign immunity challenge and appointments clause challenges without the FRCP and FRE and self-serving US federal officers scrambling to save their careers and personal assets at the expense of the constitutional republic.

  331. J.D. Sue says:

    SvenMagnussen: the entire matter, including my claims the FOIA was violated, was dismissed with prejudice.


    What was your FOIA claim?

  332. What appeared to me to be negatives off of the original roll with corresponding numbers. I’m sure there some sort of system to ID the chemical make up of negatives or numbering system. I’m no expert. But, watch and see. I’ll bet I’m right.

    Unless you eliminate the mailman, Ken, you will never win this argument of who took the pictures, who forged the birth certificates, and who helped prepare “Obama’s” false identification.

    Dr. Kenneth Noisewater: Oh before you claimed you had them.Yes you did rc can attest to it. You claimed you had the original negatives as of last year.You lied as usual.You didn’t take the pictures, Lisa Jack did back in 1980.

  333. Mike ZulloMoore wanted to marry me so that he could have full financial benefits for the “acid fingerprint discovery” which he never discovered because he’s such a coward who never leaves his office unless it’s to go out to Harlem to harass the African-Americans like some weak bozo.

    Dr. Kenneth Noisewater: Mike Zullo is both your current and former husband?That sounds like a paradox.

  334. Nope.

    Dr. Kenneth Noisewater: There is no smoking gun, your mailman wasn’t involved you’re lying add usual.Lisa Jack took the pictures in 1980 and owned the copyright when she sold the pictures to time

  335. SvenMagnussen says:

    Dr. Kenneth Noisewater:
    But Sven you’re still stuck on the European trip Obama took in 81 which would have required a US passport and was two years before your made up naturalization.

    There is no proof he was adopted in Hawaii in 67 as we have access to Lolo Soetoros INS paperwork.Lolo tried to stay in the US because he was taking care of his wife’s son.An adoption in Hawaii wouldn’t change Indonesian citizenship law which says Obama would have been too old to be adopted.He also was too young to renounce his citizenship.parents can’t renounce on behalf of the child.There also wasn’t automatic citizenship through marriage or adoption in Indonesia back then so you’re still stuck.

    That’s a controversy the District Court is authorized to resolve if the District Court is authorized to grant the requested relief in the complaint. Thus far, controversies with respect to Obama’s eligibility have been dismissed with a sovereign immunity challenges and appointments clause challenges and requested relief the District Court is not authorized to grant.

    Obots interpret these dismissals as a demand for more evidence to be submitted with the complaint. More evidence will not help because the District Court is not authorized to remove a sitting President prior to impeachment in the House and trial and conviction in the Senate. My case was distinguishable because I specifically stated I was not asking the court to remove Obama and respected the rights of millions of Americans to vote for and have an ineligible President installed as their leader.

    I sought to immunize myself from the destruction of the constitutional republic under the The Bill of Rights. The Bill of Rights has been used throughout history by minority opposition to the majority to protect themselves from tyranny.

    J.D. Sue: —-

    What was your FOIA claim?

    US federal officers, or their appointees, assignees or designees, were not authorized to deny my FOIA requests after an appointment by an ineligible President and the laws, rules, and regulations implemented, amended, added or deleted with respect to FOIA were voided by enactment into law by an ineligible President.

    If my objections were overruled, I requested a hearing to determine the eligibility of the sitting President. When the DoJ lawyers filed an entry of appearance to represent the U.S., I filed an appointments clause challenge against those federal officers and sovereign immunity challenge requesting a hearing to determine Obama’s eligibility if the objections were overruled. And finally, I asked the judge to recuse because he had been noticed the President of the United States naturalized as a US citizen in 1983 in the USDC CDC without an investigation pursuant to Article VI. The court is authorized to issue subpoenas, gather evidence and depose witnesses on their own volition when the sovereignty of the US. is challenged.

  336. Dr. Kenneth Noisewater says:

    I notice you didn’t actually address what I said Sven there is no controversy. You don’t get to make up non-existent problems for the court to resolve.

  337. J.D. Sue says:

    SvenMagnussen: US federal officers, or their appointees, assignees or designees, were not authorized to deny my FOIA requests

    What FOIA requests did you make?

  338. Kate says:

    Nancy R Owens:
    My current/former? husband, Mike ZulloMoore, knows full well who the forger is (me) as well as he knows my half-brother, Obama since we all lived in the same small south Floridian town of Clewiston, Florida.

    Another new addition to the story?! Mike Zullo Moore, a person who doesn’t exist as Nancy claims, saying he is really Mike Moore from Clewiston, pretending to be Mike Zullo from Arizona, and was now her husband? How many does this make for you to claim you’re still married to and that this is actually your current husband? At least number 3, maybe 4. You said that about Rivi Ayala, now, Mike Moore and a couple others (I won’t subject myself to listening to your b.s. on video to find out who they are) When will you claim you were married to Volin, a man you didn’t even know by name until several months ago when you found his website, WOBC?

    There is no Mike Zullo Moore. Mike Moore lives and works in Florida with Hendry Co. Sheriff’s office while Mike Zullo lives and works in Maricopa Co., AZ. He works at a used auto dealership that is family owned and has for over two decades. So, Nancy, how is it possible for either man to be in two different places at the same time? Also, Moore has been married since ’96, so you are NOT married to him, despite your latest delusional claim.

    So put up or shut up. In fact, post the pictures of both at their web sites and then explain the differences and how Zullo is known to be in AZ currently and Moore is known to be in FL at the same time. There were no body doubles and there was no plastic surgery. You’re trying to say Volin said otherwise, yet you tell us the reason why the things you say are true is because “politicians lie” so why can’t we tell you that Volin, if he actually said that, was lying? Because he most definitely was IF he said that. However, I tend to believe you doctored the audio rather than Volin lying about something so stupid, knowing it wasn’t true. Or else he knew you would run with it, making you look more delusional than ever since there is concrete, absolute proof that these two men are not the same person. So what’s your problem? No ridiculous lines about baking cookies as that doesn’t work, either. It doesn’t offend me and it just proves you can’t tell the truth and resort to sarcasm in the hopes we forget about the question asked.

  339. wrecking ball says:

    Kate: Another new addition to the story?!

    i imagine things get a little confusing around valentines day.

  340. Volin is not his real name just as Mike Zullo is Mike Moore. Gallups lied through his teeth when he said all of these people don’t know each other. They do. I don’t know if the marriage is official. I just know that I signed papers as Mike ZulloMoore’s wife,”Molly Moore.”

    ZulloMoore wanted full financial benefits and professional credit for something he didn’t investigate.

    Kate: Another new addition to the story?!Mike Zullo Moore, a person who doesn’t exist as Nancy claims, saying he is really Mike Moore from Clewiston, pretending to be Mike Zullo from Arizona, and was now her husband?How many does this make for you to claim you’re still married to and that this is actually your current husband?At least number 3, maybe 4.You said that about Rivi Ayala, now, Mike Mooreand a couple others (I won’t subject myself to listening to your b.s. on video to find out who they are)When will you claim you were married to Volin, a man you didn’t even know by name until several months ago when you found his website, WOBC?

    There is no Mike Zullo Moore.Mike Moore lives and works in Florida with Hendry Co. Sheriff’s office while Mike Zullo lives and works in Maricopa Co., AZ.He works at a used auto dealership that is family owned and has for over two decades.So, Nancy, how is it possible for either man to be in two different places at the same time?Also, Moore has been married since ’96, so you are NOT married to him, despite your latest delusional claim.

    So put up or shut up.In fact, post the pictures of both at their web sites and then explain the differences and how Zullo is known to be in AZ currently and Moore is known to be in FL at the same time.There were no body doubles and there was no plastic surgery.You’re trying to say Volin said otherwise, yet you tell us the reason why the things you say are true is because “politicians lie” so why can’t we tell you that Volin, if he actually said that, was lying?Because he most definitely was IF he said that.However, I tend to believe you doctored the audio rather than Volin lying about something so stupid, knowing it wasn’t true.Or else he knew you would run with it, making you look more delusional than ever since there is concrete, absolute proof that these two men are not the same person.So what’s your problem? No ridiculous lines about baking cookies as that doesn’t work, either.It doesn’t offend me and it just proves you can’t tell the truth and resort to sarcasm in the hopes we forget about the question asked.

  341. Kate says:

    Dr. Kenneth Noisewater: There is no smoking gun, your mailman wasn’t involved you’re lying add usual.Lisa Jack took the pictures in 1980 and owned the copyright when she sold the pictures to time

    What’s the mailman’s name? 🙂

  342. There’s no love here. It’s about the cocaine and the cash, always. These guys are in positions of power and they certainly use it to their advantage. As Volin said on the video posted below, they knew about Obama’s rise to power when he was just a Senator. Why wait? If you know this country is in danger, why wait?


    Because, they sit in their little cubicles never venturing out to the killing fields, (Volin does and he’s very lethal, level-headed, and methodical), to see what Cuba and Russia are doing to the American citizens of South Florida and elsewhere.

    I have a story about Biden and Volin. One of those two, Biden I believe, killed Gorbechev when Bush, Jr., a drunken opportunistic coward, failed to do so.

    Witnessed by Abel Danger, who may or may not have placed a bomb on a Miami plane out of revenge. It was given in Abel Danger’s name and accepted as a delivery not worth examining for possible hazardous material.

    The box, brown, was about the size of a file box, just a tad bit smaller with a bomb in it.


    One plane crashes into the Everglades Swamps and most of the passengers are sucked under the muck so deep that the bodies are unable to be retrieved.

    I’d have to see Biden up close and personal for a confirmation, though so I reserve the right to re-identify the shooter.

    Volin knows the truth. Will he tell it? Probably. I know I would if I were in his shoes.

    I will be more than thrilled to share this in a (House Of Cards) Congressional Hearing when they gather enough kahunas between the lot of them to do so.

    Bets as to what year?


    wrecking ball: i imagine things get a little confusing around valentines day.

  343. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    The lastest “article” at Gerbil Report is labeled a “Birther News Dump” and an “Information Overload”.
    Its just a slapdash list of links to unrelated stories. They’re not even trying anymore.
    Also noticed that its taking longer and longer for Freak Republic to meet their fundraising quotas. Maybe in the near future the site will go dark, and the internet’s collective IQ will go up a couple of points. Though it’s more likely that the admin of that site will come clean that it doesn’t take NEARLY that kind of cash to keep a BLOG up and running.

  344. Joey says:

    SvenMagnussen: I’m not alleging Obama is not a U.S. citizen. I’m alleging Obama is a naturalized U.S. citizen. Naturalized U.S. citizens are entitled to apply for and obtain a US passport for proof of citizenship.

    A petition to naturalize as a US citizen granted in USDC CDC in 1983 is primary evidence Barack Hussein Obama, II, naturalized in 1983. A birth certificate is primary evidence of the time and place of birth. The State of Hawaii is not constitutionally authorized to make determinations about anyone’s citizenship.

    Since the birth certificate or a certified copy of the birth certificate is primary evidence of the time and place of birth of a passport applicant, the State Department is authorized to use the birth certificate to make a determination with respect to the passport application to research the current citizenship status of the applicant. If there is a CLN on file for the applicant, the State Department is authorized to deny the applicant with a certified copy of a birth certificate a US passport.

    In the unusual situation of a passport applicant with a certified copy of a birth certificate and a CLN on file, the applicant must use a certified copy of their certificate of naturalization to prove current status of citizenship.

    Obama was born in Hawaii, 1961
    Obama was adopted by Lolo Soetoro in late 1967 in Hawaii. Barack Hussein Obama’s, Sr., parental rights were terminated without his knowledge or consent.
    Barry Soetoro, Indonesian national, was issued a CLN in 1968.
    Barry Soetoro returned to the US in 1971 as an unaccompanied minor and requested asylum. The Soetoro adoption was annulled, BHO’s, Sr. parental rights were restored and Barry Soetoro’s name was changed to Barack Hussein Obama, II.
    Barack Hussein Obama, II, lived as a legal permanent resident in the US until 1983 when his petition to naturalize as a US citizen was granted in the USDC CDC.

    When Sven or anyone else produces a Certificate of Naturalization for Barack Obama, this story might move from the “birther fable” category. Until then, that’s where it says. The historical record of all of Barack Hussein Obama II’s passport applications and U.S. passport issuances is on file at the U.S. Department of State.
    As has been mentioned, termination of parental rights has no bearing on the citizenship status of a child. The offspring would need to affirmatively renounce U.S. citizenship.

    From the State Department: “Passport applications can be an excellent source of genealogical information, especially about foreign-born individuals. The National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) has passport applications from Oct. 1795-Mar. 1925; the U.S. Department of State has passport applications from Apr. 1925 to the present.

    The Department of State has issued passports to American citizens traveling abroad since 1789, but did not have sole authority to do so until August 23, 1856, when Congress passed an act (11 Stat. 60) prohibiting other governmental entities, such as state and judicial authorities, from issuing passports.

    Foreign travel in the nineteenth century was much more frequent than one might expect. Overseas travelers included businessmen, the middle class, and naturalized U.S. citizens who returned to their homelands to visit relatives. For example, statistics show that the State Department issued 130,360 passports between 1810 and 1873, more than 369,844 between 1877 and 1909, and more than 1,184,085 between 1912 and 1925. It is unknown how many American citizens traveled abroad with passports issued by state or judicial authorities prior to 1856 or without any passport prior to 1918.

    Although 95 percent of mid-19th century passport applicants were men, many women also traveled overseas. If the applicant was to be accompanied by his wife, children, servants, or other females under his protection, their names, ages, and relationship to the applicant were stated on the passport application. One passport was then issued to cover the whole group. Likewise, when children traveled abroad solely with their mother, their names and ages were indicated on the mother’s passport application. Passport applications by women in their own names became more frequent in the latter part of the nineteenth century, and by 1923 women constituted over 40 percent of passport applicants.”

  345. faceman says:

    SvenMagnussen: Generally, you’re describing federal court procedural rules and practice and inferring the procedures and practice of the court will prevent me from presenting witnesses with secondary sourced evidence after Obama denies he is not eligible to be President and shows a certified copy of a birth certificate to prove it.

    Generally, you file a suit. Obama then files a response, denying your allegation.
    Then you go through the If, If, If described above. (It is during this point that ‘Obama denies he is not eligible to be President and shows a certified copy of a birth certificate to prove it,’ and asks for summary judgment.) Then you go to trial.

    At the trial, the plaintiff goes first, laying out his case. This is where you get to present any evidence, primary, secondary, whatever. As you present your witnesses, the defense can cross examine. Then you rest.

    Then the defendant presents his case. This is where he can call witnesses, and you can cross examine. (Or not, if he doesn’t feel it is necessary. Remember, the burden of proof is on the plaintiff.) Then he rests.

    Generally, once you have rested, you don’t get to call more witnesses except for, depending on the circumstances, being able to call rebuttal witnesses to specifically counter evidence/testimony presented by the defense. Guess what- If Obama didn’t present any evidence, there’s nothing for you to rebut. What you don’t get to do is reopen your case and present totally new evidence.

    Guess what else – all these judicial procedures were in place before Obama became president. They were already included in the ‘FCRP’ and ‘FRE.’

    IANAL, and that’s why I don’t throw out legal terms like ‘sua sponte,’ to make it sound like I know what I’m talking about. Guess what else, else – you don’t know what you’re talking about. And that’s with the judge in your make-believe world who will do whatever you want him to. You can allege and demand anything you want. The judge doesn’t have to agree, or go along with it.

  346. Arthur says:

    Dr. Kenneth Noisewater: Mike Zullo is both your current and former husband?That sounds like a paradox.

    It won’t be long before she claims that Obama is her child, fathered by (select all that apply) Frank Marshal Davis, Sammy Davis Jr., Redd Foxx, Sidney Poitier, Malcolm X, Martin Luther King, and/or Willie Mays.

  347. SvenMagnussen says:


    The historical record of all of Barack Hussein Obama II’s passport applications and U.S. passport issuances is on file at the U.S. Department of State.

    There’s nothing in the Constitution about presenting secondary evidence by an objector to an ineligible President to prove the primary evidence exists. The Judicial branch and Executive branch federal officers are citing rules and procedures that are available in the District Court for the United States as it maintains the sovereignty delegated to it by the people and the States.

    The majority of the people and the States have voted to install a leader who is in violation of the Eligibility Clause to fundamentally change America. Judicial branch and Executive branch federal officers who have a vested interested in delaying the transition are citing District Court rules and procedures to maintain the constitutional republic.

    All federal documents created and maintained by US federal officers are bound by oath to protect the US Constitution. The Archivist of the US, an Obama appointee, maintains all US law, rules and regulations as evidence of law. The Archivist was appointed in violation of the Appointments Clause. The evidence of law is suspect and must be audited by an independent person who supports maintenance of the constitutional republic despite the vote of the majority.

    Delaying the transition will make things worse.

  348. SvenMagnussen says:

    faceman: Generally, you file a suit.Obama then files a response, denying your allegation.
    Then you go through the If, If, If described above.(It is during this point that ‘Obama denies he is not eligible to be President and shows a certified copy of a birth certificate to prove it,’ and asks for summary judgment.)Then you go to trial.

    At the trial, the plaintiff goes first, laying out his case.This is where you get to present any evidence, primary, secondary, whatever.As you present your witnesses, the defense can cross examine.Then you rest.

    Then the defendant presents his case.This is where he can call witnesses, and you can cross examine.(Or not, if he doesn’t feel it is necessary.Remember, the burden of proof is on the plaintiff.)Then he rests.

    Generally, once you have rested, you don’t get to call more witnesses except for, depending on the circumstances, being able to call rebuttal witnesses to specifically counter evidence/testimony presented by the defense.Guess what- If Obama didn’t present any evidence, there’s nothing for you to rebut.What you don’t get to do is reopen your case and present totally new evidence.

    Guess what else – all these judicial procedures were in place before Obama became president.They were already included in the ‘FCRP’ and ‘FRE.’

    IANAL, and that’s why I don’t throw out legal terms like ‘sua sponte,’ to make it sound like I know what I’m talking about. Guess what else, else – you don’t know what you’re talking about.And that’s with the judge in your make-believe world who will do whatever you want him to.You can allege and demand anything you want.The judge doesn’t have to agree, or go along with it.

    You’re ignoring the sovereign immunity challenge, i.e. the majority of American voters have voted to install an ineligible President to fundamentally change America. The District Court and the Circuit Court are created after legislation to create those courts was enacted into law, the Judiciary Act of 1789, as amended.

    The Archivist of the United States is an Obama appointee. The Archivist of the United maintains all federal records and evidence of US law. For example, the lawful existence and authority of the District Court is maintained by an appointee of Obama. The Archivist was appointed by an ineligible President in violation of the Appointments Clause.

    Sovereignty challenges are addressed before any motions to dismiss or motions for summary judgment because the authority of the court is suspect and should be analysed by a person without a vested, personal interest in the maintenance of the District Court even has America’s sovereignty has been diminished.

    At this point, Obama won’t be denied he’s ineligible. Obama can only be adversely impacted by impeachment and trial and conviction in the Senate. The House and Senate won’t admit Obama’s ineligible because it effectively destroys the US federal government. The House and the Senate’s constitutional authority will be lost if Obama is found ineligible.

    And last, but certainly not least, you do not want the State of Hawaii determining US citizen by presenting a birth certificate. If that were the case, the State of Texas could use the lack of a birth certificate from a border crosser as proof the crosser was not a US citizen and deport them without turning them over to the INS for processing.

  349. Slartibartfast says:

    All federal documents are bound by oath to protect the US Constitution.


    SvenMagnussen: All federal documents created and maintained by US federal officers are bound by oath to protect the US Constitution.

  350. wrecking ball says:

    Andrew Vrba, PmG:
    The lastest “article” at Gerbil Report is labeled a “Birther News Dump” and an “Information Overload”.
    Its just a slapdash list of links to unrelated stories.

    ” Albeit most are in a negative light …”

  351. Rickey says:


    There is no Mike Zullo Moore.Mike Moore lives and works in Florida with Hendry Co. Sheriff’s office while Mike Zullo lives and works in Maricopa Co., AZ.He works at a used auto dealership that is family owned and has for over two decades.So, Nancy, how is it possible for either man to be in two different places at the same time?Also, Moore has been married since ’96, so you are NOT married to him, despite your latest delusional claim.

    Nancy also claims that she wasn’t interested in older men, but Mike Moore is 15 years older than her.

  352. Joey says:

    SvenMagnussen: There’s nothing in the Constitution about presenting secondary evidence by an objector to an ineligible President to prove the primary evidence exists. The Judicial branch and Executive branch federal officers are citing rules and procedures that are available in the District Court for the United States as it maintains the sovereignty delegated to it by the people and the States.

    The majority of the people and the States have voted to install a leader who is in violation of the Eligibility Clause to fundamentally change America. Judicial branch and Executive branch federal officers who have a vested interested in delaying the transition are citing District Court rules and procedures to maintain the constitutional republic.

    All federal documents created and maintained by US federal officers are bound by oath to protect the US Constitution. The Archivist of the US, an Obama appointee, maintains all US law, rules and regulations as evidence of law. The Archivist was appointed in violation of the Appointments Clause. The evidence of law is suspect and must be audited by an independent person who supports maintenance of the constitutional republic despite the vote of the majority.

    Delaying the transition will make things worse.

    Nothing in your post alters the fact that an authentic U.S. Passport showing Barack Obama’s birth in Hawaii is the only proof of natural born citizenship/citizen of the United States at Birth status that he would ever need.
    No Obama appointee was in office when his original U.S. Passport was issued or applied for.

  353. Arthur B. says:

    SvenMagnussen: And last, but certainly not least, you do not want the State of Hawaii determining US citizen by presenting a birth certificate.

    Not quite, Sven. You do not want the State of Hawaii determining US citizen by presenting a birth certificate. As far as the U.S. legal system is concerned, a domestic birth certificate is powerful proof not only of citizenship, but also of natural born citizenship, unless sufficient evidence to outweigh it is presented in court.

  354. Joey says:

    Arthur B.: Not quite, Sven. You do not want the State of Hawaii determining US citizen by presenting a birth certificate. As far as the U.S. legal system is concerned, a domestic birth certificate is powerful proof not only of citizenship, but also of natural born citizenship, unless sufficient evidence to outweigh it is presented in court.

    There have been nineteen state and federal court rulings that have explicitly ruled that Barack Obama is a natural born citizen. No court ruling has ever found him not to qualify for the office he holds.
    Here’s just one example, from a Ronald Reagan appointed federal judge: Taitz v. Obama (Quo Warranto) “This is one of several such suits filed by Ms. Taitz in her quixotic attempt to prove that President Obama is not a natural born citizen, as is required by the Constitution. This Court is not willing to go tilting at windmills with her.”– Chief U.S. District Court Judge Royce C. Lamberth, U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia, April 14, 2010

  355. Faceman says:

    SvenMagnussen: You’re ignoring the sovereign immunity challenge, i.e. the majority of American voters have voted to install an ineligible President to fundamentally change America. The District Court and the Circuit Court are created after legislation to create those courts was enacted into law, the Judiciary Act of 1789, as amended.The Archivist of the United States is an Obama appointee. The Archivist of the United maintains all federal records and evidence of US law. For example, the lawful existence and authority of the District Court is maintained by an appointee of Obama. The Archivist was appointed by an ineligible President in violation of the Appointments Clause.Sovereignty challenges are addressed before any motions to dismiss or motions for summary judgment because the authority of the court is suspect and should be analysed by a person without a vested, personal interest in the maintenance of the District Court even has America’s sovereignty has been diminished.At this point, Obama won’t be denied he’s ineligible. Obama can only be adversely impacted by impeachment and trial and conviction in the Senate. The House and Senate won’t admit Obama’s ineligible because it effectively destroys the US federal government. The House and the Senate’s constitutional authority will be lost if Obama is found ineligible.And last, but certainly not least, you do not want the State of Hawaii determining US citizen by presenting a birth certificate. If that were the case, the State of Texas could use the lack of a birth certificate from a border crosser as proof the crosser was not a US citizen and deport them without turning them over to the INS for processing.

    So, the Judiciary Act of 1789 was enacted after Obama was ‘illegally’ elected president?
    You want me to believe that the lawful existence and authority of the District Court, established by the judiciary act of 1789, suddenly ceases to exist, because Obama was ‘illegally’ elected. What if the office of Archivist is vacant? Does that mean all laws of the US are suspended until he is replaced? How can he be replaced, if the authority and existence of the Congress and the President cease? Catch-22.

    Out of curiosity, what changes to the Judiciary Act of 1789 have occurred since Obama was elected? Or the FCRP, or FRE, for that matter?

    In regards to the Sovereign Immunity challenge which, as you say, comes before any other motion or judgment: Since you maintain that the District Court no longer has any existence or authority, then how could you use that court to try and press your claim. Hoist on your own petard, eh?

    ‘The Archivist was appointed by an ineligible President in violation of the Appointments Clause.’ You left out the ‘IF’ there. Until such time as it is PROVEN that he is ineligible, you must proceed on the assumption that he is eligible, as his election was certified by the Congress. (De Facto Officer principle.)

    ‘At this point, Obama won’t be denied he’s ineligible.’ I’d love to respond to that, if I could but make sense of it. Could you please rephrase it in proper English?

    And last, but not least, yes I do. A citizen of the State of Hawaii is, by definition, a citizen of the United States. Someone who is not a citizen of Texas may still be a citizen of the United States, by virtue of being a citizen of a state other than Texas. (During the 2012 election, several states requested that Hawaii confirm that Obama was a natural born citizen. Mr Bennett of Arizona, for example) Regardless of whether someone has a BC, Texas is not empowered to deport anyone. That is a well established prerogative of the federal government. If the individual in question is unable to provide a BC, he may provide other forms of evidence (a passport, for example). If he is unable to produce any evidence whatsoever, then the INS might very well deport him as not being a citizen.

    One last observation: your linguistic abilities seem to be deteriorating recently. The sentence I pointed out is just one of many errors in your last post. Are you getting inarticulate in your desperation?

  356. Joey says:

    With regard to the National Archivist being an Obama appointee, Sven neglected to mention that the United States Senate CONFIRMED that nomination unanimously.

  357. faceman says:

    Joey: With regard to the National Archivist being an Obama appointee, Sven neglected to mention that the United States Senate CONFIRMED that nomination unanimously.

    As a matter of fact, all presidential appointees, in accordance with the constitution, are with ‘the advice and consent’ of the Congress.

  358. J.D. Sue says:

    SvenMagnussen: US federal officers, or their appointees, assignees or designees, were not authorized to deny my FOIA requests


    I’ll ask again: What FOIA requests had you made?

  359. faceman says:

    Sven: “Since, January 20, 2009, every amendment, addition or deletion to the FRCP and FRE has been enacted by President Obama. ”

    (Not to beat a dead horse, but no. Enacted by Congress.)

    Can you identify any such ‘amendment, addition or deletion’ and show what effect it would have had on my hypothetical courtroom drama?

  360. Joey says:

    faceman: As a matter of fact, all presidential appointees, in accordance with the constitution, are with ‘the advice and consent’ of the Congress.

    Well half of Congress anyway! It is only the Senate that excercises the power to Advise and Consent.

  361. Mark McDaniel says:

    Kate: Another new addition to the story?!Mike Zullo Moore, a person who doesn’t exist as Nancy claims…
    So put up or shut up.In fact, post the pictures of both at their web sites and then explain the differences and how Zullo is known to be in AZ currently and Moore is known to be in FL at the same time.There were no body doubles and there was no plastic surgery.You’re trying to say Volin said otherwise, yet you tell us the reason why the things you say are true is because “politicians lie” so why can’t we tell you that Volin, if he actually said that, was lying?Because he most definitely was IF he said that.However, I tend to believe you doctored the audio rather than Volin lying about something so stupid, knowing it wasn’t true.Or else he knew you would run with it, making you look more delusional than ever since there is concrete, absolute proof that these two men are not the same person.

    The audio was not doctored by Nancy, and was turned over to investigators, and Volin has now been asked to resign his position and turn the keys over to Commander Charles Kerchner, but we’ll wait and see what happens next. Mike Zullo has heard the audio, and he is not happy with it. I spoke to him about it over the phone last year. Hope that helps, Kate

  362. Arthur B. says:

    Mark McDaniel: Hope that helps, Kate

    Knocks it out of the park, I’m sure.

  363. Rickey says:

    Mark McDaniel: The audio was not doctored by Nancy, and was turned over to investigators, and Volin has now been asked to resign his position and turn the keys over to Commander Charles Kerchner, but we’ll wait and see what happens next. Mike Zullo has heard the audio, and he is not happy with it. I spoke to him about it over the phone last year. Hope that helps, Kate

    One question for you.

    Do you believe that Mike Zullo and Mike Moore of Clewiston are the same person?

  364. faceman says:

    Joey: Well half of Congress anyway! It is only the Senate that excercises the power to Advise and Consent.

    Unlike some people around here, I admit it when I make a mistake. Thank you, Joey, for the correction.

  365. Dr. Kenneth Noisewater says:

    Mark McDaniel: The audio was not doctored by Nancy, and was turned over to investigators, and Volin has now been asked to resign his position and turn the keys over to Commander Charles Kerchner

    What position? He runs a radio show he paid for himself. He has no command. Charles Kerchner is just as unreliable as Volin. How do you know the audio wasn’t doctored? Who are the investigators?

  366. SvenMagnussen says:

    Joey: There have been nineteen state and federal court rulings that have explicitly ruled that Barack Obama is a natural born citizen. No court ruling has ever found him not to qualify for the office he holds.
    Here’s just one example, from a Ronald Reagan appointed federal judge: Taitz v. Obama (Quo Warranto) “This is one of several such suits filed by Ms. Taitz in her quixotic attempt to prove that President Obama is not a natural born citizen, as is required by the Constitution. This Court is not willing to go tilting at windmills with her.”– Chief U.S. District Court Judge Royce C. Lamberth, U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia, April 14, 2010

    Only the American people can consent to and vote for an ineligible President. All federal and state officials are bound by oath, pursuant to Article VI, to support the Constitution. Any affirmation or opinion or consent by a state or federal officer as to the eligibility of the President is self-serving and suffers an ethical challenge.

    If Judge Lamberth had found Obama ineligible, his court would have been disbanded. All evidence of US law are held in trust by the Archivist of the United States. Judge Lamberth’s court is authorized by the Judiciary Act, as amended. Evidence of law, including evidence of the Judiciary Act, is maintained and controlled by an appointee of Obama. Appointments by an ineligible President are a violation of the Appointments Clause.

    Judge Lamberth is not constitutionally authorized to order adverse action against a sitting, ineligible President who has not been impeached in the House and tried and convicted in the Senate. Judge Lamberth is not authorized to enjoin Congress from qualifying the vote by the Electors. Judge Lamberth is not authorized to enjoin President-elect Obama from taking the oath of office and assuming the office. Judge Lamberth is not authorized to order Obama to vacate the White House or be placed under arrest. The will of the American majority cannot be overcome. The American people have voted to install an ineligible President.

    If Obama’s ineligibility is exposed, the Judge Lamberth and all other federal judges, state officials, federal officials, Members of the House and Members of the Senate are unemployed. Judge Lamberth has a vested, personal interest ensuring Obama’s ineligibility does not see the light of day. Judge Lamberth and all other active federal and state officials must recuse themselves from determining the eligibility of a sitting President because their jobs and professional reputation are at stake.

  367. Joey says:

    SvenMagnussen: Only the American people can consent to and vote for an ineligible President. All federal and state officials are bound by oath, pursuant to Article VI, to support the Constitution. Any affirmation or opinion or consent by a state or federal officer as to the eligibility of the President is self-serving and suffers an ethical challenge.

    If Judge Lamberth had found Obama ineligible, his court would have been disbanded. All evidence of US law are held in trust by the Archivist of the United States. Judge Lamberth’s court is authorized by the Judiciary Act, as amended. Evidence of law, including evidence of the Judiciary Act, is maintained and controlled by an appointee of Obama. Appointments by an ineligible President are a violation of the Appointments Clause.

    Judge Lamberth is not constitutionally authorized to order adverse action against a sitting, ineligible President who has not been impeached in the House and tried and convicted in the Senate. Judge Lamberth is not authorized to enjoin Congress from qualifying the vote by the Electors. Judge Lamberth is not authorized to enjoin President-elect Obama from taking the oath of office and assuming the office. Judge Lamberth is not authorized to order Obama to vacate the White House or be placed under arrest. The will of the American majority cannot be overcome. The American people have voted to install an ineligible President.

    If Obama’s ineligibility is exposed, the Judge Lamberth and all other federal judges, state officials, federal officials, Members of the House and Members of the Senate are unemployed. Judge Lamberth has a vested, personal interest ensuring Obama’s ineligibility does not see the light of day. Judge Lamberth and all other active federal and state officials must recuse themselves from determining the eligibility of a sitting President because their jobs and professional reputation are at stake.

    The Constitution provides for the president and vice president to be elected by the electors, not by “the American people.” And the votes of the electors can be decertified by Congress.
    The 12th Amendment states that whoever wins a majority of the votes of the electors “shall be the president.”

  368. Joey says:

    In 1824 John Quincy Adams lost the popular vote to Andrew Jackson but the Electors chose J.Q. Adams.
    In 1876 Samuel Tilden got 250,000 more votes than Rutherford B. Hayes but Hayes got one more electoral vote and was elected (and was then called “Rutherfraud”)
    In 1888 Grover Cleveland got 90,000 more popular votes than Benjamin Harrison but Harrison won in the Electoral College by 233 to 168.
    And in 2000, Al Gore got 540,000 more votes from the American people than George W. Bush, but Bush was chosen by the Electors by 5 Electoral votes, 271 to 266.
    The Electors picked Barack Obama, twice, with no objection from any member of Congress.

  369. Joey says:

    I think Sven has forgotten that when Barack Obama was running for president (from February 10, 2007 until November 3, 2008, the Archivist of the United States was a George W. Bush appointee. His name is Allan Weinstein

  370. wrecking ball says:

    farrar is back on the birther

    “How could a man whose father was a non-American and a mother too young to confer natural born citizenship on her son be eligible for the presidency?”

  371. bob says:

    SvenMagnussen: Judge Lamberth and all other active federal and state officials must recuse themselves from determining the eligibility of a sitting President because their jobs and professional reputation are at stake.

    Which would leave Obama’s eligibility to be determined by the unemployable living in the basement of their mom’s.

    Are you up for the task, Sven?

  372. Benji Franklin says:

    Joey: The 12th Amendment states that whoever wins a majority of the votes of the electors “shall be the president.”

    Yes, Sven. This overturns your entire premise, because the 12th amendment declares that person “SHALL BE” the President. That imperative language becomes the one superseding eligibility requirement for Presidential eligibility, making Article two requirements moot. So no such person can be ineligible, and impeachment is the only way to remove him/her. All of your other theories collapse.

  373. Lupin says:

    SvenMagnussen: I’m not alleging Obama is not a U.S. citizen. I’m alleging Obama is a naturalized U.S. citizen. Naturalized U.S. citizens are entitled to apply for and obtain a US passport for proof of citizenship.

    A petition to naturalize as a US citizen granted in USDC CDC in 1983 is primary evidence Barack Hussein Obama, II, naturalized in 1983. A birth certificate is primary evidence of the time and place of birth. The State of Hawaii is not constitutionally authorized to make determinations about anyone’s citizenship.

    Whether natural born Or naturalized, we know that he was in possession of a US passport in 1981.

    Hence that part of your theory is rubbish, (ie he was most assuredly NOT naturalized in 1983) unless you can disprove that simple fact above.

    The ball in is YOUR court. Show us your evidence.

    NONE of the things you said invalidates this elementary fact.

    My opinion: you’re an imbecile who simply FORGOT about that key point when you put together your theory and now, like all fraudsters, you’re stuck with your pants on fire.

  374. Dr. Kenneth Noisewater says:

    Nancy R Owens: Volin is not his real name just as Mike Zullo is Mike Moore. Gallups lied through his teeth when he said all of these people don’t know each other. They do. I don’t know if the marriage is official. I just know that I signed papers as Mike ZulloMoore’s wife,”Molly Moore.”

    Take your pills Nancy. you’ve never met any of these people. You’re not married to Mike Moore or Mike Zullo. As much as Volin likes to pretend, he’s still a nobody just like you.

  375. Dr. Kenneth Noisewater says:

    Nancy R Owens: (Volin does and he’s very lethal, level-headed, and methodical),

    Lol Volin is a tubby gullible idiot. Your rewrite of him continues to be hilarious. Also you keep referring to able danger as a person and not an actual operation you know nothing about.

  376. Dr. Kenneth Noisewater says:

    Nancy R Owens: I have a story about Biden and Volin. One of those two, Biden I believe, killed Gorbechev when Bush, Jr., a drunken opportunistic coward, failed to do so.

    So now you’re claiming Joe Biden killed the very much alive Gorbachev whose name you keep misspelling. Just two weeks ago you were claiming you killed Gorbachev. It’s always funny how your stories always change with time

  377. There were two Gorbys. One was a fake actor. One was the real deal. Gotti and I are behind the fake actor killing which should have been the real deal. I was with Volin and Biden? when the real deal was killed AFTER I pointed out Gorby’s true identity to Volin and Biden?

    Dr. Kenneth Noisewater: So now you’re claiming Joe Biden killed the very much alive Gorbachev whose name you keep misspelling.Just two weeks ago you were claiming you killed Gorbachev.It’s always funny how your stories always change with time

  378. faceman says:

    SvenMagnussen: Only the American people can consent to and vote for an ineligible President. All federal and state officials are bound by oath, pursuant to Article VI, to support the Constitution. Any affirmation or opinion or consent by a state or federal officer as to the eligibility of the President is self-serving and suffers an ethical challenge.

    I have said elsewhere that the difference between Sven and Nancy is that Sven at least tries to debate the issue, however incompetently. I, like many others before me, thought that if I could just make him recognize the truth, I might convince him to change. I regret this error. It seems that Sven is just as obsessive as Nancy in perpetuating his delusions, despite all evidence to the contrary.

    He won’t even concede as inconsequential an issue as just who ‘enacts’ a law. I don’t want to debate Obamacare here, but I point out that its correct name is the Affordable Care ACT. Yes, Obama signed it into law, but he couldn’t have done so if Congress hadn’t first enacted the legislation. And, absent a veto, it would have become law even if he hadn’t signed it. Yet Sven continues to insist that it is the president who enacts the law.

    Another thing he does is insist that the testimony of any government official who would affirm the eligibility of the president is ‘self-serving and suffers an ethical challenge.’ He disputes the authority and very existence of the federal government in general, and the judiciary in particular, and yet he wants to use self-same courts to advance his agenda. (Sven, did you ever think that even a ‘retired’ judge has a personal and vested interest in Obama’s eligibility? After all, they receive a pension, don’t they?). In effect, he wants the government to accede to binding arbitration and yet refuse to let the government present any evidence on its behalf. And even though he can present no evidence of his own, he assumes the verdict and uses it as the basis for bringing the suit in the first place.

    And, of course, he just ignores any and everything that doesn’t conform to his personal beliefs.

    “IF” the president were ineligible, some of your arguments might be worth consideration. However, you make the logical fallacy where you use what you’re trying to prove as an premise in proving your proposition. (Perhaps one of my friends could provide the proper Latin term)

    Sven, to mix metaphors, the ball is in your court, S**T or get off the pot. Your bluff has been called, let’s see your cards. Know when to walk away, know when to run.

    Sound and fury, signifying nothing.

  379. The Magic M (not logged in) says:

    SvenMagnussen: If Obama’s ineligibility is exposed, […] all other federal judges, state officials, federal officials, Members of the House and Members of the Senate are unemployed.

    In your parallel universe. Remind me again how the eligibility of the President has any bearing on the elections of members of the House and Senate and even “state officials”. All the while ignoring what the Constitution says about the consequences of an ineligible President (spoiler alert: “Then the VP is Prez. The End.”).

    Your “theory” of a combination of Magic Reset Button [tm] plus collapse of the US as we know it (aka the North Korean Dream (R)) is obviously influenced by the SovCit and the “the US are a corporation since…” fringe theories.

  380. Lupin says:

    faceman: Sven, to mix metaphors, the ball is in your court, S**T or get off the pot. Your bluff has been called, let’s see your cards. Know when to walk away, know when to run.

    Sound and fury, signifying nothing.

    Sven is now trapped in a paranoid delusional circle of his own making, and is reduced to blabber about forged documents, scared whistleblowers and fantasy court hearings to try (in vain) to paint himself out of it.

    When you boil it down the “case” (as it were) is fairly simple:

    Sven claims that Obama is not a natural-born citizen because he was naturalized in 1983, and therefore was/is ineligible to be president.

    This claim was proved false on the face of it by several posters here (including myself) who rightly asserted that:
    a) Obama could not have lost his American citizenship as a child
    b) Obama was in possession of a US passport prior to 1983
    c) No certificate of naturalization is known to exist.

    Unless Sven somehow produces some evidence that refutes any and all of the above, everything else he says is pure rubbish. As you said: “Sound and fury, signifying nothing.”

    Sven there is no point trying to impress us with more rubbish; as others have told you a zillion times: put up, produce something, or go away.

  381. Northland10 says:

    SvenMagnussen: You’re ignoring the sovereign immunity challenge, i.e. the majority of American voters have voted to install an ineligible President to fundamentally change America.

    Can a majority of American voters install an eligible President to “fundamentally change America?”

  382. Dr. Kenneth Noisewater says:

    Lupin: Sound and fury, signifying nothing

    It is a tale told by an idiot.

  383. faceman says:

    SvenMagnussen: Only the American people can consent to and vote for an ineligible President.

    Let me see if I understand this fully. You say the American people can consent to and vote for an ineligible President.

    The American People consented to and voted for Obama. The Electoral College abided by that vote, (They could have voted otherwise. ‘Faithless electors’ are within the bounds of the Constitution.), and Congress certified it. Obama then took an oath to faithfully execute the duties of the office.

    What then is the problem?

  384. Is this the best you can do as a comeback? And, not a peep from the oh-so-chatty Kate in light of McDaniel’s new information confirming that Volin knows that Mike Zullo is really Mike Moore out of Clewiston, huh?

    Dr. Kenneth Noisewater: Lol Volin is a tubby gullible idiot.Your rewrite of him continues to be hilarious.Also you keep referring to able danger as a person and not an actual operation you know nothing about.

  385. Lupin says:

    faceman: What then is the problem?

    hint: it rhymes with “bigger”.

  386. faceman says:

    As for your ‘sovereign immunity challenge,’ I do not think that means what you think it means. At that point in the process, the court does not look at any evidence, or consider the merits of the case. The court is merely deciding whether you will be allowed to file the case in the first place, or whether the government has sovereign immunity.

    But you have another problem, even prior to sovereign immunity: The fact that your previous case was dismissed ‘with prejudice.’ That’s what you said. That means that you can’t re-file. Guess you were absent that day from the SvenMagnussen School of Law.

  387. J.D. Sue says:

    Dr. Kenneth Noisewater: Lupin: Sound and fury, signifying nothing

    It is a tale told by an idiot.


    A tale told by a self-centered idiot.

    Let’s not forget the relief Sven seeks from the court (albeit a fake court). Sven’s “suit” expressly does not seek Obama’s removal. Instead, he seeks an order making himself, Sven and only Sven, “exempt” from all U.S. law. To Sven, any government official who thinks Sven should be subject to U.S. law is suspect–even the Archivist who archives the law! The Law itself is suspect! Amazing stuff.

  388. Dr. Kenneth Noisewater says:

    J.D. Sue: Let’s not forget the relief Sven seeks from the court (albeit a fake court). Sven’s “suit” expressly does not seek Obama’s removal. Instead, he seeks an order making himself, Sven and only Sven, “exempt” from all U.S. law. To Sven, any government official who thinks Sven should be subject to U.S. law is suspect–even the Archivist who archives the law! The Law itself is suspect! Amazing stuff.

    So I’m curious what he hopes to accomplish by being freed from being subject to US law. Is he going to go on a crime spree? Is he going to start defecating on children’s playgrounds?

  389. SvenMagnussen says:

    Dr. Kenneth Noisewater: So I’m curious what he hopes to accomplish by being freed from being subject to US law.Is he going to go on a crime spree?Is he going to start defecating on children’s playgrounds?

    Currently, Obama is using the resources of the constitutional republic to fund a fundamental change in America which excludes portions of the Constitution and US law he disagrees with. Once those resources are cut off due to violations of the Constitution, I won’t be alone in my endeavor to preserve America.And numerous, well paying jobs as state and federal officers will become available as those who have chosen to support the usurpation of the Office of the President will be unemployed.

    I’m accepting applications. Please include a sworn statement you support the US Constitution against all enemies foreign and domestic.

  390. Dave B. says:

    So that’s what all this is about– your own usurpation fantasy.

    SvenMagnussen: I’m accepting applications. Please include a sworn statement you support the US Constitution against all enemies foreign and domestic.

  391. SvenMagnussen says:

    As for your ‘sovereign immunity challenge,’ I do not think that means what you think it means.At that point in the process, the court does not look at any evidence, or consider the merits of the case.The court is merely deciding whether you will be allowed to file the case in the first place, or whether the government has sovereign immunity.

    But you have another problem, even prior to sovereign immunity:The fact that your previous case was dismissed ‘with prejudice.’That’s what you said.That means that you can’t re-file.Guess you were absent that day from the SvenMagnussen School of Law.

    Sovereignty is delegated by the people and the States to the federal government. The American people and the States have withdrawn the sovereignty delegated to the federal government by electing an ineligible President to be their leader.

    Citizenship is a property interest. Over my private and public protests, the majority of US citizens have decided to disband the federal government and fundamentally change America. I filed suit to retain my property rights. If the judge had recused as I requested, I would have asked a retired judge to order my property rights and the property rights of any other US citizen who chose join me to be sequestered and held in trust for later distribution or financing of the continuation of America. My motion for recusal was described as frivolous without further explanation.

    Of course, my motion for intervention on behalf of the United States was ignored. Other motions I filed were ignored as well. So, the complaint was an attempt to save America for the minority of voters who continue to support the Constitution and not a self-serving endeavor. And it was financed by an “unemployable person living in his Mom’s basement.”

  392. J.D. Sue says:

    Dave B.: So that’s what all this is about– your own usurpation fantasy.

    SvenMagnussen: I’m accepting applications. Please include a sworn statement you support the US Constitution against all enemies foreign and domestic.


    And it’s a Jobs program!

  393. SvenMagnussen says:

    Dave B.:
    So that’s what all this is about– your own usurpation fantasy.

    Not a fantasy. Obama was issued a CLN in 1968 and a certificate of naturalization in 1983. The CLN and the certificate of naturalization were canceled in 2008. Obama’s status as a naturalized US citizen survives the cancellations of his CLN and certificate of naturalizatiion.

  394. Dr. Kenneth Noisewater says:

    SvenMagnussen: Currently, Obama is using the resources of the constitutional republic to fund a fundamental change in America which excludes portions of the Constitution and US law he disagrees with. Once those resources are cut off due to violations of the Constitution, I won’t be alone in my endeavor to preserve America.And numerous, well paying jobs as state and federal officers will become available as those who have chosen to support the usurpation of the Office of the President will be unemployed.

    Interesting fundamental change since there isn’t much change going on. What violations are you even talking about? You’ll be one of the few crazy people who still believe this nonsense.

  395. Joey says:

    SvenMagnussen: Not a fantasy. Obama was issued a CLN in 1968 and a certificate of naturalization in 1983. The CLN and the certificate of naturalization were canceled in 2008. Obama’s status as a naturalized US citizen survives the cancellations of his CLN and certificate of naturalizatiion.

    Easy to speculate on a blog, but has been impossible to prove in a court of law. No proof, no issue.

  396. faceman says:

    SvenMagnussen: Sovereignty is delegated by the people and the States to the federal government. The American people and the States have withdrawn the sovereignty delegated to the federal government by electing an ineligible President to be their leader. Citizenship is a property interest. Over my private and public protests, the majority of US citizens have decided to disband the federal government and fundamentally change America. I filed suit to retain my property rights. If the judge had recused as I requested, I would have asked a retired judge to order my property rights and the property rights of any other US citizen who chose join me to be sequestered and held in trust for later distribution or financing of the continuation of America. My motion for recusal was described as frivolous without further explanation.Of course, my motion for intervention on behalf of the United States was ignored. Other motions I filed were ignored as well. So, the complaint was an attempt to save America for the minority of voters who continue to support the Constitution and not a self-serving endeavor. And it was financed by an “unemployable person living in his Mom’s basement.”

    There are just so many things wrong with that, I don’t know where to begin. But I’ll try:

    Who was it exactly that took away your property rights? The government still acknowledges my property rights. I still pay property taxes, you know?

    And then you WANT a retired judge to take away your property and sell it to finance the continuation of America. Does that make sense even to you?

    As far as ‘frivolous,’ I think I’m safe in saying that most of the people here would agree with the judge.

    Hint: Just because you ‘request’ something doesn’t mean that the judge has to do it. Just like ‘alleging’ something is not proof, and doesn’t put anyone ‘on notice.’

    Now, about the ‘sovereign immunity challenge’ and the fact that YOU said that we the people could consent to and vote for an illegible president: I’m still waiting for a response. And the fact that your case was dismissed ‘with prejudice’? You have a habit of ignoring pesky questions like that.

    Or Lupin’s question about how could Obama have ‘naturalized’ in 1983 when he had a US passport in 1981? If you expect to have any credibility (Har-de-Har, like that’s going to happen), that is a question you must answer.

  397. Crustacean says:

    So it sounds like the US government has figured out how to stop the legal juggernaut that is Sven Magnussen: ignore him!

    I just wish I’d thought of it first…

    SvenMagnussen: my motion for intervention on behalf of the United States was ignored. Other motions I filed were ignored as well

  398. Joey says:

    SvenMagnussen: Sovereignty is delegated by the people and the States to the federal government. The American people and the States have withdrawn the sovereignty delegated to the federal government by electing an ineligible President to be their leader.

    Citizenship is a property interest. Over my private and public protests, the majority of US citizens have decided to disband the federal government and fundamentally change America. I filed suit to retain my property rights. If the judge had recused as I requested, I would have asked a retired judge to order my property rights and the property rights of any other US citizen who chose join me to be sequestered and held in trust for later distribution or financing of the continuation of America. My motion for recusal was described as frivolous without further explanation.

    Of course, my motion for intervention on behalf of the United States was ignored. Other motions I filed were ignored as well. So, the complaint was an attempt to save America for the minority of voters who continue to support the Constitution and not a self-serving endeavor. And it was financed by an “unemployable person living in his Mom’s basement.”

    In other words, Sven wants minority rule because he believes that the president is ineligible when every single member of Congess voted to certify Barack Obama’s electoral votes, every member of Obama’s cabinet has been confirmed by the Senate, along with more than 300 federal judges that Obama has nominated and both Houses of Congress continually send Barack Obama bills to sign into law.
    If Obama’s eligibility has been approved by both Congress and the Judiciary, why is that not good enough for Sven?

  399. faceman says:

    Sven, you almost slipped that one by me. You said you live in your mother’s basement. So what ‘property rights’ are you talking about? You have no real property.. Nothing for a retired judge to take away.

    As for that oath to ‘support and defend the Constitution of the United States’? I walked that walk for 20 years in this man’s Navy. What have you done? Don’t you go making a mockery of it.

    To the rest of you: Have a fine Navy day.

  400. Rickey says:

    SvenMagnussen: My motion for recusal was described as frivolous without further explanation.

    No explanation was necessary. Your motion was by definition frivolous.

  401. Rickey says:


    Of course, my motion for intervention on behalf of the United States was ignored. Other motions I filed were ignored as well.

    “Ignored” is not a synonym for “Denied.”

  402. Benji Franklin says:

    Dave B.: So that’s what all this is about– your own usurpation fantasy

    One does not to have to understand too much about Law and the Constitution to see the insanity Sven’s basic premise depends on.

    We start out with a given: The POTUS eligibility clause in Article 2 of the Constitution used the expression Natural Born Citizen, but did not explain it.

    If the details were left out because it was assumed everybody knew what it meant, then the overwhelming consensus from over two hundred years of usage in education, Law, Politics, and literature, tells the tale; it simply means born inside the United States.

    If the details were left out because the Founders couldn’t agree, but didn’t want that to delay the ratification of the Constitution, then that provision was intentionally vague, and the Founders assumed that, if a distinction was thought important enough, it would be made clear by a later Constitutional Amendment or a judicial opinion (that COULDN’T unseat a then-current President) until which it would be perceived informally as being practically “void for vagueness” and sensibly never used arbitrarily to exclude someone from the Presidency, FOR WHAT WERE JUST COMMON POLITICAL REASONS. You know, as when some crybaby comes along and decides to characterize the President he doesn’t like, as being determined to DESTROY THE NATION! “wAH, wah, wAH, wah, wAH, wah, wAH, wah, wAH, wah, wAH, wah, ….that BLACK MAN is destroying OUR (pronounced ‘MY’) country!

    It takes somebody FULL TO THE BRIM with hate for his own nation and fellow citizens, to think that the 12th Amendment doesn’t Constitutionally legitimize ANY President who Congress approved, without regard for Article Two specifications, OR to think that a fair way to resolve whatever residual ambiguity remains in the expression ‘Natural Born Citizen’, is to unseat a sitting President, or throw the entire Nation into ruinous chaos by arbitrarily declaring so many officers of the government “illegitimate”.

    You simply DECLARE that Obama is Constitutionally ineligible, which is not officially a fact. You then describe a convoluted operation of the official legal system whose service and support your plan thereafter critically depends on. Like so many other self-proclaimed deities wearing a human mask, you are actually just a political malcontent.

    You, along with hundreds of other Birthers, have had your sorry-ass days in court frivolously wasting the courts’ time. Your ever-more fantastic, just-so-story-like ‘legal case’ keeps trying to evolve past all of your catastrophic blunders and misunderstandings and inventions of The Law and the Constitution.

    Question: How does a lying bitter nobody, incapable of digesting the pertinent Law get away thinking that he’s entitled to so many more bites at the apple, when he’s already so full of crap?

  403. Dr. Kenneth Noisewater says:

    Nancy R Owens:
    Is this the best you can do as a comeback? And, not a peep from the oh-so-chatty Kate in light of McDaniel’s new information confirming that Volin knows that Mike Zullo is really Mike Moore out of Clewiston, huh?

    What new information? McDaniel provided nothing. There’s nothing to support any of your claims.

  404. Dr. Kenneth Noisewater says:

    SvenMagnussen: Not a fantasy. Obama was issued a CLN in 1968 and a certificate of naturalization in 1983. The CLN and the certificate of naturalization were canceled in 2008. Obama’s status as a naturalized US citizen survives the cancellations of his CLN and certificate of naturalizatiion.

    There’s no proof to support your made up fantasies.

  405. Rickey says:

    Dr. Kenneth Noisewater: What new information?McDaniel provided nothing.There’s nothing to support any of your claims.

    I asked McDaniel point-blank if he believes that Zullo and Moore are the same person, and he hasn’t responded.

  406. gorefan says:

    SvenMagnussen: Not a fantasy

    Your fantasy has a big hole – under what Indonesian law could 6/7 year old Barack Obama become a citizen?

  407. Volin was asked to resign. It’s not hard to read between those lines. Mike Zullo is Mike Moore out of Clewiston, Florida. Call up Volin, 570-394-2570, and get his response.

    My name is Nancy Ruth Owens and I forged Obama’s birth certificates for the still very active Medellin Cartel in 1985.

    The video is not doctored in any way and whoever said it was is lying.

    Rickey: I asked McDaniel point-blank if he believes that Zullo and Moore are the same person, and he hasn’t responded.

  408. Slartibartfast says:

    Actually, his fantasy has an even bigger hole: under what US law could a 6/7 year old President Obama lose his United States citizenship?

    gorefan: Your fantasy has a big hole – under what Indonesian law could 6/7 year old Barack Obama become a citizen?

  409. Kate says:

    Nancy R Owens:
    Mike ZulloMoore wanted to marry me so that he could have full financial benefits for the “acid fingerprint discovery” which he never discovered because he’s such a coward who never leaves his office unless it’s to go out to Harlem to harass the African-Americans like some weak bozo.

    Criminals in the 1920’s were burning their fingerprints off their fingers with acid. There was no discovery as you continuously claim. You do this frequently, also saying ‘serial killer’ was a term never used until the ’60’s when it was first used during the ’30’s. You also said Reagan changed Pell grants when he didn’t do a thing to the existing regulations while he was in office. All your lies are easily proven to be lies. You’re not even an intelligent liar.

  410. Kate says:

    Nancy R Owens:

    I have a story about Biden and Volin. One of those two, Biden I believe, killed Gorbechev when Bush, Jr., a drunken opportunistic coward, failed to do so.

    Witnessed by Abel Danger, who may or may not have placed a bomb on a Miami plane out of revenge. It was given in Abel Danger’s name and accepted as a delivery not worth examining for possible hazardous material.

    The box, brown, was about the size of a file box, just a tad bit smaller with a bomb in it.


    One plane crashes into the Everglades Swamps and most of the passengers are sucked under the muck so deep that the bodies are unable to be retrieved.

    I’d have to see Biden up close and personal for a confirmation, though so I reserve the right to re-identify the shooter.

    Volin knows the truth. Will he tell it? Probably. I know I would if I were in his shoes.

    I will be more than thrilled to share this in a (House Of Cards) Congressional Hearing when they gather enough kahunas between the lot of them to do so.

    Bets as to what year?


    Another reference to a TV show or movie, Nancy? This is where you get your ideas. You don’t pay attention to details and that’s why your lies are easily caught. There are several monuments to Escobar in Colombia and they all have his birthdate as 1949 along with the correct date of his death, December 1993. Your stories are filled with these fantastic details and you claim that Escobar had palaces all over the world yet his home in Colombia, while large for the average person, was by no means the ostentatious building that you have described. It is well known he rarely left Colombia for fear of being captured by the U.S. and imprisoned here.

    Adding Joe Biden to your story now? WHEN did you remember this? For you to say you’d have to see him up close is ridiculous since there are so many clear pictures of the Vice President online. At the time you’re speaking of, he was busy raising his sons, after he had been widowed due to the death of his wife and daughter in an accident shortly before Christmas. He NEVER would have associated with the likes of you. My father knew him on a casual basis yet he never forgot his name when he would see him outside of D.C. He was a decent family man, not a player in any cocaine trade. You’re so sick and twisted, get the help you need.

    You’ve accused so many people of vile things and yet still try to claim you’re an innocent pawn in all of these stories who did everything under duress. Nobody would buy that even IF these stories were true.

  411. Kate says:

    Mark McDaniel: The audio was not doctored by Nancy, and was turned over to investigators, and Volin has now been asked to resign his position and turn the keys over to Commander Charles Kerchner, but we’ll wait and see what happens next. Mike Zullo has heard the audio, and he is not happy with it. I spoke to him about it over the phone last year. Hope that helps, Kate

    Not a bit, Mark McDaniel, whoever you are. I don’t know you but I know enough about Volin to know he has no role in the investigation other than one that was self-assigned. There are no “keys” to turn over to Kerchner, who’s a few bricks shy of a load, and certainly no position to resign. If Zullo was unhappy with the audio, why hasn’t he said anything? It’s likely because he knows of Nancy’s whacky fairy tales that she prints all over the net and is aware that nobody believes a word out of her mouth, anyway.

  412. Northland10 says:

    SvenMagnussen: Currently, Obama is using the resources of the constitutional republic to fund a fundamental change in America which excludes portions of the Constitution and US law he disagrees with. Once those resources are cut off due to violations of the Constitution, I won’t be alone in my endeavor to preserve America.And numerous, well paying jobs as state and federal officers will become available as those who have chosen to support the usurpation of the Office of the President will be unemployed.

    I’m accepting applications. Please include a sworn statement you support the US Constitution against all enemies foreign and domestic.

    Oh Sven, in the Constitution, who has the authority to allocate funds for the government? Hint, it’s not the President.

  413. gorefan says:

    SvenMagnussen: I’m accepting applications

    Just when I though the delusions couldn’t get any more bizarre.

  414. Dr. Kenneth Noisewater says:

    Nancy R Owens: I will be more than thrilled to share this in a (House Of Cards) Congressional Hearing when they gather enough kahunas between the lot of them to do so.

    kahunas? Why would congress need to gather up Hawaiians amongst them?

  415. Dave B. says:

    Yes, but in the Svenstitution, it’s…Sven. He’s accepting applications.

    Northland10: Oh Sven, in the Constitution, who has the authority to allocate funds for the government?Hint, it’s not the President.

  416. Dave B. says:

    The part about taking applications is the Marianas Trench.

    Slartibartfast: Actually, his fantasy has an even bigger hole: under what US law could a 6/7 year old President Obama lose his United States citizenship?

    gorefan: Your fantasy has a big hole – under what Indonesian law could 6/7 year old Barack Obama become a citizen?

  417. SvenMagnussen says:

    Northland10: Oh Sven, in the Constitution, who has the authority to allocate funds for the government?Hint, it’s not the President.

    If you think a statute enacted by Congress is a public law or private law of the United States, then you must be a K Street lawyer making over $200K per year in salary and benefits.

    And if you think America’s sovereignty cannot be waived without Congressional approval, then you must be a DoJ lawyer making over $100 K per year in salary and benefits.


  418. Kate says:

    Nancy R Owens:
    Is this the best you can do as a comeback? And, not a peep from the oh-so-chatty Kate in light of McDaniel’s new information confirming that Volin knows that Mike Zullo is really Mike Moore out of Clewiston, huh?

    Excuse me for being at work, Nancy, not all of us live the crazy life of leisure you do w/o a job. My life doesn’t revolve around the internet or the blogs I read. McDaniel’s info is worthless as I don’t know who he is. However, no matter what you say there are two different men, Mike Moore, pushing 70 years old, LIVING AND WORKING IN CLEWISTON, FL and Mike Zullo, approximately 53 years old, LIVING AND WORKING IN MARICOPA CO., AZ. There is nothing you can do or say that will change that and the same goes for Mike Volin. Their pictures are on their internet pages and anyone with a modicum of intelligence is clearly able to see they are two different men with several years difference in age between them. Nancy has her fingers in her ears, screaming, “la, la, la, la, la, I can’t hear you” when it comes to reality.

    Nancy, you try to prove they are the same man. You have to post both their pictures on your FB page, after getting permission from them, and also ask both of them what their real name is and see if they will admit to anything different than what they are using now. Otherwise, your story has zero credibility. McDaniels and you do not have an ounce of credibility between the two of you. It’s up to you to change it, IF YOU CAN! LOL!

  419. Dr. Kenneth Noisewater says:

    SvenMagnussen: If you think a statute enacted by Congress is a public law or private law of the United States, then you must be a K Street lawyer making over $200K per year in salary and benefits.,2849/

  420. J.D. Sue says:

    Dr. Kenneth Noisewater: So I’m curious what he hopes to accomplish by being freed from being subject to US law.

    Sounds like Sven doesn’t want to be a U.S. citizen anymore, because he doesn’t want “to be subject to the jurisdiction thereof.”

  421. Dr. Kenneth Noisewater says:

    J.D. Sue: —-
    Sounds like Sven doesn’t want to be a U.S. citizen anymore, because he doesn’t want “to be subject to the jurisdiction thereof.”

    Sven if you don’t want to be under the jurisdiction of the US simply move and renounce your citizenship.

  422. faceman says:

    SvenMagnussen: If you think a statute enacted by Congress is a public law or private law of the United States, then you must be a K Street lawyer making over $200K per year in salary and benefits.

    And if you think America’s sovereignty cannot be waived without Congressional approval, then you must be a DoJ lawyer making over $100 K per year in salary and benefits.


    And since you don’t believe that Congress enacts legislation, you must be an ‘unemployable man living in your mom’s basement.’

    Stay on topic, Sven. I’m still waiting for you to explain why your ‘sovereign immunity challenge’ requires Obama to enter a plea and present evidence, and how you can cross-examine a witness during that phase of the pre-trial procedures.

    Oh, and Lupin and the rest of us still want to know how Obama could have naturalized in 1983 when he was traveling on a US passport in 1981.

    PS – I would like to earn $200,000 a year. Can you help me apply for that position? …. Wait, what am I thinking? I don’t think a recommendation from someone who believes that the US judicial system doesn’t have any authority would help me get a position with a ‘K Street law firm.’

  423. Northland10 says:

    SvenMagnussen: If you think a statute enacted by Congress is a public law

    How could I have been so foolish. Must be all the fluoride.

  424. Mark McDaniel says:

    Kate: Not a bit, Mark McDaniel, whoever you are.I don’t know you but I know enough about Volin to know he has no role in the investigation other than one that was self-assigned.There are no “keys” to turn over to Kerchner, who’s a few bricks shy of a load, and certainly no position to resign.If Zullo was unhappy with the audio, why hasn’t he said anything?

    Me and Pastor Carl Gallups already talked about this on his radio show about a year ago and he did indeed address it for Mike Zullo in public on that show. You are free to call him yourself and investigate if you are not happy with my information : Fridays 5-7 pm EST weby1330

  425. SvenMagnussen says:

    faceman: And since you don’t believe that Congress enacts legislation, you must be an ‘unemployable man living in your mom’s basement.’

    Stay on topic, Sven. I’m still waiting for you to explain why your ‘sovereign immunity challenge’ requires Obama to enter a plea and presentevidence, and how you can cross-examine a witness during that phase of the pre-trial procedures.

    Oh, and Lupin and the rest of us still want to know how Obama could have naturalized in 1983 when he was traveling on a US passport in 1981.

    PS – I would like to earn $200,000 a year.Can you help me apply for that position? …. Wait, what am I thinking?I don’t think a recommendation from someone who believes that the US judicial system doesn’t have any authority would help me get a position with a ‘K Street law firm.’

    Obama did not enter a plea.

    I filed a motion to intervene as a US citizen on behalf of the United States because America’s sovereignty had been waived after a majority of the America public, by and through the Electoral College, voted an ineligible President into office and the office had been assumed by an ineligible person. I did not seek to remove a sitting President. I did not seek to have adverse action taken against the sitting President.

    I challenged the appointments of federal officers appointed by ineligible President and objected to federal officers who sought dismissal of my case, sua sponte, to avoid the sovereign immunity challenge and Appointments Clause challenges. If my objections were overruled, I sought a hearing to determine the merits of the allegations.

    My case was dismissed with prejudice, sua sponte (on the court’s own recommendation.) My case began with an FOIA request from various Cabinet Members of Obama’s administration concerning actions they have taken on behalf of Obama after notice Obama naturalized as a US citizen and was ineligible to assume the office. My FOIA requests, sovereign immunty challenges, Appointments Clause challenges, and objections to the FRCP and FRE were dismissed on the court’s own recommendation.

    Even the pissant DoJ lawyers thought my FOIA requests should survive and be addressed. But no! A dismissal with prejudice means I can’t request or have access to that information forever or until the constitutional republic is dissolved, whichever comes first.

  426. Dr. Kenneth Noisewater says:

    Mark McDaniel: Me and Pastor Carl Gallups already talked about this on his radio show about a year ago and he did indeed address it for Mike Zullo in public on that show. You are free to call him yourself and investigate if you are not happy with my information : Fridays 5-7 pm EST weby1330

    Yes gallups addresed that Nancy is crazy just as all birthers are crazy.

  427. Krosis says:

    Why do people continue poking poor Ms. Owens with sticks? Although it was quite baffling to see her claim that Gorbachev has been killed.

  428. John Reilly says:

    SvenMagnussen: My case was dismissed with prejudice, sua sponte (on the court’s own recommendation.) My case began with an FOIA request from various Cabinet Members of Obama’s administration concerning actions they have taken on behalf of Obama after notice Obama naturalized as a US citizen and was ineligible to assume the office. My FOIA requests, sovereign immunty challenges, Appointments Clause challenges, and objections to the FRCP and FRE were dismissed on the court’s own recommendation.

    So you have told the Obama Administration of your claim, filed a lawsuit, and dealt with the U S Attorney.

    But you won’t give us ay reference to your case, like the file number and federal court location, because you’re afraid that if the Obama Administration knows about your lawsuit it may react adversely to your secret whistleblowers.


  429. gorefan says:

    SvenMagnussen: Obama did not enter a plea.

    I filed a motion to intervene as a US citizen on behalf of the United States because America’s sovereignty had been waived after a majority of the America public, by and through the Electoral College, voted an ineligible President into office and the office had been assumed by an ineligible person. I did not seek to remove a sitting President. I did not seek to have adverse action taken against the sitting President.

    I challenged the appointments of federal officers appointed by ineligible President and objected to federal officers who sought dismissal of my case, sua sponte, to avoid the sovereign immunity challenge and Appointments Clause challenges. If my objections were overruled, I sought a hearing to determine the merits of the allegations.

    My case was dismissed with prejudice, sua sponte (on the court’s own recommendation.) My case began with an FOIA request from various Cabinet Members of Obama’s administration concerning actions they have taken on behalf of Obama after notice Obama naturalized as a US citizen and was ineligible to assume the office. My FOIA requests, sovereign immunty challenges, Appointments Clause challenges, and objections to the FRCP and FRE were dismissed on the court’s own recommendation.

    Even the pissant DoJ lawyers thought my FOIA requests should survive and be addressed. But no! A dismissal with prejudice means I can’t request or have access to that information forever or until the constitutional republic is dissolved, whichever comes first.

    Do have any clue how silly you are?

  430. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    Nothing too interesting happening at GR, save for some of the birthers being seemingly incensed at Mark Levin for giving up on birfering, going so far as to give them the cold shoulder when they call his show.

  431. Rickey says:

    Mark McDaniel: Me and Pastor Carl Gallups already talked about this on his radio show about a year ago and he did indeed address it for Mike Zullo in public on that show. You are free to call him yourself and investigate if you are not happy with my information : Fridays 5-7 pm EST weby1330

    That’s nice, but I’d like you to answer my question. Nancy claims that Mike Zullo is actually Mike Moore of Clewiston Florida (or vice-versa). Do you believe that Mike Zullo and Mike Moore are the same person?

  432. Lupin says:

    I’m sort of glad we’re pushing Sven off the rails because, in addition to his coming clean (as it were) about his “fantasy court” procedure, we’ve now learned from his own mouth that:

    a) he is unemployable & living in his mom’s basement; and
    b) his goal is to become a one-man-country (and he’s taking applications)

    Basically he’s just as crazy as Nancy, he just disguises it better.

  433. roadburner says:


    My case was dismissed with prejudice, sua sponte (on the court’s own recommendation.) My case began with an FOIA request from various Cabinet Members of Obama’s administration concerning actions they have taken on behalf of Obama after notice Obama naturalized as a US citizen and was ineligible to assume the office. My FOIA requests, sovereign immunty challenges, Appointments Clause challenges, and objections to the FRCP and FRE were dismissed on the court’s own recommendation.

    wow!….just wow!

    if you did send that to a court (which we do tend to doubt as like your claim about your presidents naturalisation papers, you’ll fail to give us a case number for this), they’re probably be bringing it out as the most amusing fail case monologue at their christmas parties for years to come!

  434. Lupin says:

    roadburner: if you did send that to a court (which we do tend to doubt as like your claim about your presidents naturalisation papers, you’ll fail to give us a case number for this), they’re probably be bringing it out as the most amusing fail case monologue at their christmas parties for years to come!

    I know where you’re coming from, but in my humble experience (having received some looney correspondence over the years) this kind of thing is either sad or creepy, and we tend to put it out of our minds.

    Does anyone here truly derive some amusement from reading Nancy’s delusional ravings? I don’t think so. Its like the guy in the subway talking about the end of he world or what not. (We had quite a few apocalyptic cult people from all over the world come to my region in 2011 because of some kind of mountain which they thought was holy or hid a UFO base.) Anyway, it’s not a pleasant sight.

    Look at Sven: the more he is forced to disclose his craziness, the more unpleasant it becomes.

  435. The Magic M (not logged in) says:

    Kate: Their pictures are on their internet pages and anyone with a modicum of intelligence is clearly able to see they are two different men with several years difference in age between them. Nancy has her fingers in her ears, screaming, “la, la, la, la, la, I can’t hear you” when it comes to reality.

    I bet she’d be very popular with the Sandy Hookers crowd. Their “A looks exactly like B” fantasies put the birfers’ “… looks like Obama and therefore must be his father” crap to shame.

  436. SvenMagnussen says:

    John Reilly: So you have told the Obama Administration of your claim, filed a lawsuit, and dealt with the U S Attorney.

    But you won’t give us ay reference to your case, like the file number and federal court location, because you’re afraid that if the Obama Administration knows about your lawsuit it may react adversely to your secret whistleblowers.


    The federal government has been fully noticed as to my claim Obama is ineligible because he naturalized in 1983. They have been provided with my real name, address, email and phone number. In fact, I filed for an order of protection and sought relief so I could communicate with my whistleblowers without interference. Since I’m not a licensed attorney, my whistleblowers are not entitled to attorney-client privilege. My court filings included extensive, private, personal information to obtain a preliminary injunction enjoining the government and federal contractors from watching, listening, following or harassing myself and those I encounter as I prosecute the case. Since I had the assistance of a whistleblowers, I was able to name the federal contractors doing the watching, listening, following and harassment on behalf of the government. Unfortunately, it was not addressed by the court.

    I recently tried to file a federal tax return electronically and was informed that I’ve been the victim of identity theft. I have notified my whistleblowers and they are concerned. I did not name my whistleblowers in my filings, but we are confident the federal government knows who they are because they have reported they feel isolated and controlled by their employers and coworkers. Consequently, I choose not assist those who don’t have access to my private information by citing a case number.

  437. Lupin says:

    SvenMagnussen: The federal government has been fully noticed as to my claim Obama is ineligible because he naturalized in 1983. …. more crazy sh*t followed by delusional legal fantasies deleted to save space

    To quote roadburner above: “wow… just wow!” Complete lunacy, closed thinking, no grasp on reality.

  438. Lupin says:

    Birdbrain at GR off his meds again:

    “It’s getting to the point where it’s either time to bug-out or take these bastards on. I’m a Natural Born Citizen so you know where I stand. Zebest is a Betsy Ross, in her own right.

    “I know that a Natural Born Citizen is far more important to America than Obama’s Muslim infiltrators. I’m willing to bet who wins the next Civil War.”

  439. faceman says:

    SvenMagnussen: Obama did not enter a plea.

    I’m not talking about your last case. I’m talking about your hypothetical case where, when you make your ‘sovereign immunity challenge,’ Obama has to deny that he is ineligible and provide a witness. You know, the one you presented as a trial balloon to see how it would fly, and now that I’ve poked holes in it you drop like a lead balloon.

    And yes, Sven, we’ve all been fully ‘noticed’ as to your preposterous claims. And what we notice is that you’re a loon.

    Once more into the breach: Claiming something isn’t proof of anything.

  440. Dr. Kenneth Noisewater says:

    SvenMagnussen: The federal government has been fully noticed as to my claim Obama is ineligible because he naturalized in 1983.

    So if the feds know already what’s your excuse for not disclosing the case number or the non-existent naturalization papers again?

  441. Dr. Kenneth Noisewater says:

    SvenMagnussen: In fact, I filed for an order of protection and sought relief so I could communicate with my whistleblowers without interference. Since I’m not a licensed attorney, my whistleblowers are not entitled to attorney-client privilege. My court filings included extensive, private, personal information to obtain a preliminary injunction enjoining the government and federal contractors from watching, listening, following or harassing myself and those I encounter as I prosecute the case. Since I had the assistance of a whistleblowers, I was able to name the federal contractors doing the watching, listening, following and harassment on behalf of the government. Unfortunately, it was not addressed by the court.

    kindly post a copy of the protection order you “filed”. I expect it to be written on a napkin in crayon.

  442. John Reilly says:

    Dr. Kenneth Noisewater: kindly post a copy of the protection order you “filed”. I expect it to be written on a napkin in crayon.

    IANAL, but I understand that the changes in the rules of civil procedure imposed on us by Pres. Obama now limit such filings to only blue or black crayons, and the napkins to lunch size, but not dinner or cocktail size. Thus must put a terrible burden on those who stashed away tons of burnt sienna color in the belief that the New World Order was going to outlaw that color.

  443. Lupin says:

    Dr. Kenneth Noisewater: I expect it to be written on a napkin in crayon.

    Two optimistic assumptions, I think.

  444. Lupin says:

    faceman: Once more into the breach: Claiming something isn’t proof of anything.

    Especially when it flies against obvious prima facie evidence.

  445. Rickey says:

    For all of his ramblings, Sven has yet to explain how Obama could have lost his U.S. citizenship when he was seven years old.

  446. Which is the same year Billy Corben’s “Cocaine Cowboys” came out.

    Rickey: Obama came to national prominence in 2004, when he gave the keynote speech at the Democratic National Convention. He also was elected to the U.S. Senate that year, trouncing Alan Keyes 70%-27%.

  447. faceman says:

    SvenMagnussen: Obama did not enter a plea.

    I must confess, Sven, that upon further reflection, you did get me on that one. Although ‘denying the allegation’ is the civil court equivalent of ‘entering a plea,’ they are not, semantically speaking, the same.

    See, I can admit a mistake. Why can’t you?

    By the way, since you are not a ‘licensed attorney’ (your own words), why do you always try to throw in the legal mumbo jumbo (‘sua sponte,’ for instance)? If you’re trying to make it sound like you know what you’re talking about, you’re not succeeding.

  448. SvenMagnussen says:

    For all of his ramblings, Sven has yet to explain how Obama could have lost his U.S. citizenship when he was seven years old.

    Anyone of any age can move out of the country and renounce their US citizenship.

    Try to keep things in perspective. Stanley Ann and Lolo were married. Lolo was a permanent, resident alien. We know that because Lolo, on the advise of his mother-in-law, filed a Nonresident Alien US Individual Income Tax return while residing in Indonesia. Madelyn Payne Dunham, allegedly, advised her son-in-law to file as a nonresident alien to save on his taxes.

    Lolo saved on his taxes and forfeited his legal, permanent resident alien status by filing as a nonresident alien. Since Lolo was no longer a permanent resident alien of the US, he could not return to the US without first obtaining a visa. The United States is skeptical about issuing a visa to a foreigner right after their permanent resident alien status.

    (more later, got to get back to mom’s basement.)

  449. faceman says:

    As far as you go, you are correct. But remember that in 1968 Obama was 6 or 7 years ago. There are special rules that apply to minors:

    “Citizenship is a status that is personal to the U.S. citizen. Therefore parents may not renounce the citizenship of their minor children. Similarly, parents/legal guardians may not renounce the citizenship of individuals who are mentally incompetent. Minors seeking to renounce their U.S. citizenship must demonstrate to a consular officer that they are acting voluntarily and that they fully understand the implications/consequences attendant to the renunciation of U.S. citizenship.”

    Could a 7 year old child convince a consular official?

  450. gorefan says:

    SvenMagnussen: Anyone of any age can move out of the country and renounce their US citizenship.

    But that doesn’t remove the barrier by Indonesian law which has only three options for him becoming a citizen. Two of the options require he be over 18 years of age. And the third option, you ruled out earlier.

    BTW, as usual you are wrong on the taxes.

  451. Jim says:

    faceman: “Could a 7 year old child convince a consular official?”

    The consular official would probably hand the child a piece of candy and say “yes, you have to obey your parents and clean your room.”

  452. Dr. Kenneth Noisewater says:

    SvenMagnussen: Anyone of any age can move out of the country and renounce their US citizenship.

    Try to keep things in perspective. Stanley Ann and Lolo were married. Lolo was a permanent, resident alien. We know that because Lolo, on the advise of his mother-in-law, filed a Nonresident Alien US Individual Income Tax return while residing in Indonesia. Madelyn Payne Dunham, allegedly, advised her son-in-law to file as a nonresident alien to save on his taxes.

    Lolo saved on his taxes and forfeited his legal, permanent resident alien status by filing as a nonresident alien. Since Lolo was no longer a permanent resident alien of the US, he could not return to the US without first obtaining a visa. The United States is skeptical about issuing a visa to a foreigner right after their permanent resident alien status.

    (more later, got to get back to mom’s basement.)

    Sorry but no a child cannot forfeit their citizenship nor be old enough to be able to show to a counsel official that they understand what they’re doing. I notice nothing you said proved your original claim.

  453. Keith says:

    I’m sort of glad we’re pushing Sven off the rails because, in addition to his coming clean (as it were) about his “fantasy court”procedure, we’ve now learned from his own mouth that:

    a) he is unemployable & living in his mom’s basement; and
    b) his goal is to become a one-man-country (and he’s taking applications)

    Basically he’s just as crazy as Nancy, he just disguises it better.

    And now he adds a whiff of NAMBLA ideology to the mix. To wit:

    SvenMagnussen: Anyone of any age can move out of the country and renounce their US citizenship.

  454. Obligedfriend says:

    Who was the British Consulate that gave permission to Barack Hussein Obama to marry in Hawaii?

    Is Barack Hussein Obama a Christian name. Was this name legal under the Hawaii Christian name Law. The law was active 1961.

    How many Selective Service Registration cards have a two digit date out of millions.

    How many Presidents fathers were deported.

    How many Presidents relatives were illegal aliens.

    How many USA senators wore Muslim garb while visiting a foreign country.

  455. SvenMagnussen says:

    SvenMagnussen: Anyone of any age can move out of the country and renounce their US citizenship.

    Try to keep things in perspective. Stanley Ann and Lolo were married. Lolo was a permanent, resident alien. We know that because Lolo, on the advise of his mother-in-law, filed a Nonresident Alien US Individual Income Tax return while residing in Indonesia. Madelyn Payne Dunham, allegedly, advised her son-in-law to file as a nonresident alien to save on his taxes.

    Lolo saved on his taxes and forfeited his legal, permanent resident alien status by filing as a nonresident alien. Since Lolo was no longer a permanent resident alien of the US, he could not return to the US without first obtaining a visa. The United States is skeptical about issuing a visa to a foreigner right after their permanent resident alien status.

    (more later, got to get back to mom’s basement.)


    After the US declared Lolo was not a permanent resident alien because he filed as a nonresident alien income tax return while living in Indonesia, Stanley Ann and Lolo began informally petitioning INS to reinstate Lolo as a permanent resident alien so Lolo could return to the US to live permanently with his wife and adopted child, Barry.

    The INS investigated and determined Lolo and Stanley Ann were married, but the adoption had not been finalized in Sept., 1967. Consequently, the INS ruled Barry was a nickname for Barack Obama and Barry was Lolo’s step-son because the adoption had not been finalized. Stanley Ann was angry because she knew the adoption would be finalized in a few months.

    After the adoption was finalized, Stanley Ann and Barry Soetoro moved to Indonesia to live “indefinately”. Perkins v. Elg does not opine a minor cannot have their citizenship renounced, it opines a minor who had their citizenship renounced as a child can recapture their US citizenship after they return to the US and state an oath of allegiance until six months past their age of majority.

    Obama chose to live as permanent resident alien in the US until he declare his intent to naturalize in 1981 after he reached the age of majority in 1979. Obama filed a notice of intent to naturalize in the USDC CDC, 1981, and a petition to naturalize in the USDC CDC, 1983. In 2008, the US State Dept cancelled Obama’s CLN and the DoJ cancelled Obama’s Certificate of Naturalization.

    In Perkins v. Elg, the court opined “Nor do we think that recent private acts of Congress [Footnote 32] for the relief of native citizens who have been the subject of administrative action denying their rights of citizenship, can be regarded as the equivalent of an Act of Congress providing that persons in the situation of the respondent here have lost the American citizenship which they acquired at birth and have since duly elected to retain. No such statute has been enacted.”

  456. J.D. Sue says:

    How many burning crosses did ObligedFiend post on his twitter feed?

  457. bob says:

    All of Obligedfriend’s “concerns” are irrelevant to President Obama’s eligibility, as he was born in Hawaii, and birth in the United States is sufficient to confer natural-born citizenship.

    Of all concerns, “Christian name” is particularly stupid. “Christian name” means “given” (first) name. So Barack Obama’s “Christian” name is … Barack.

  458. Obligedfriend says:

    How many Presidents fathers had several wives at their birth.

    How many Presidents needed the 14th Amendment to be a citizen.

    How many Presidents fathers were never permanent Residents in the United States.

    How many Presidents own biography data state they were born in a foreign country.

    How many Presidents were Muslims.

  459. SvenMagnussen says:

    As far as you go, you are correct.But remember that in 1968 Obama was 6 or 7 years ago.There are special rules that apply to minors:

    “Citizenship is a status that is personal to the U.S. citizen.Therefore parents may not renounce the citizenship of their minor children.Similarly, parents/legal guardians may not renounce the citizenship of individuals who are mentally incompetent.Minors seeking to renounce their U.S. citizenship must demonstrate to a consular officer that they are acting voluntarily and that they fully understand the implications/consequences attendant to the renunciation of U.S. citizenship.”

    Could a 7 year old child convince a consular official?

    Parents cannot renounce … means the parents must retain a lawyer, tribal leader, church leader or someone other than the parent and assign Power of Attorney to that individual to act on behalf of the minor that wants to renounce. The attorney convinces the consular affairs officer it is in the minor’s best interest to renounce.

    The minor retains the right to return to the US and elect to recapture their US citizenship until 6 months past the age of majority. In Perkins v. Elg, Ms. Elg announced her intent to return to the US before she reached the age of majority. Eight months past her age of majority, she obtained a US passport to return to the US and recapture her US citizenship. SCOTUS ruled her announcement of her intent to recapture her US citizenship before she reached the age of majority was sufficient even though she didn’t return to the US until 8 months past her age of majority.

    Obama did not announce his intent to become a US citizen until two years after he reached the age of majority. Consequently, he had to naturalize.

  460. J.D. Sue says:

    SvenMagnussen: Parents cannot renounce … means the parents must retain a lawyer, tribal leader, church leader or someone other than the parent and assign Power of Attorney to that individual to act on behalf of the minor that wants to renounce.

    That makes no sense at all. If parents don’t have the power to renounce, how can parents “assign” power they do not have to anyone else? Sheesh!

  461. faceman says:

    Maybe you should re-read that again. It is not up to an attorney to convince the official what might be in the “minor’s best interest.” It is up to the minor to “demonstrate that they fully understand the implications/consequences attendant to the renunciation of US citizenship.” What kind of folderol is it to claim that an attorney, by Power of Attorney, can do something that the parents themselves cannot do?

    In either case, there would be a paper trail. Just because something ‘might’ have happened does not mean that it did, just as an accusation is not proof. We’re still waiting to see the paper trail.

    And don’t bother with that ‘CLN was cancelled’ BS. There would still be a paper trail.

  462. Dr. Kenneth Noisewater says:

    Obligedfriend: s Barack Hussein Obama a Christian name. Was this name legal under the Hawaii Christian name Law. The law was active 1961.

    This is stupid even for you. Do you even know anything about Hawaiian names?

    Obligedfriend: How many Selective Service Registration cards have a two digit date out of millions

    You haven’t looked at millions in order to even make that claim.
    None of your crap has anything to do with constitutional requirements to be president.

  463. Sven, you are so far off base it’s pathetic. I’ll bet somebody’s conning you out of a pretty penny or two because you don’t strike me as the intelligent, disinformation, Obot, lawyer type.

    Ann Dunham and Lolo never were a couple. Nor, were they ever married.

    SvenMagnussen: Anyone of any age can move out of the country and renounce their US citizenship.

    Try to keep things in perspective. Stanley Ann and Lolo were married. Lolo was a permanent, resident alien. We know that because Lolo, on the advise of his mother-in-law, filed a Nonresident Alien US Individual Income Tax return while residing in Indonesia. Madelyn Payne Dunham, allegedly, advised her son-in-law to file as a nonresident alien to save on his taxes.

    Lolo saved on his taxes and forfeited his legal, permanent resident alien status by filing as a nonresident alien. Since Lolo was no longer a permanent resident alien of the US, he could not return to the US without first obtaining a visa. The United States is skeptical about issuing a visa to a foreigner right after their permanent resident alien status.

    (more later, got to get back to mom’s basement.)

  464. J.D. Sue says:

    How many people, besides Obliged Fiend, choose the founding Grand Wizard of the KKK as their personal avatar?

  465. faceman says:

    Obligedfriend: How many Presidents fathers had several wives at their birth.How many Presidents needed the 14th Amendment to be a citizen.How many Presidents fathers were never permanent Residents in the United States.How many Presidents own biography data state they were born in a foreign country.How many Presidents were Muslims.

    How many times have you been told that you are a racist?

  466. Dr. Kenneth Noisewater says:

    Obligedfriend: How many Presidents fathers had several wives at their birth.

    How many Presidents needed the 14th Amendment to be a citizen.

    How many Presidents fathers were never permanent Residents in the United States.

    How many Presidents own biography data state they were born in a foreign country.

    How many Presidents were Muslims.

    Who cares?

    He didn’t need the 14th amendment

    Parents status has no relevance to the Presidency.

    It wasn’t his biography

    He’s not muslim. Even if he was there is no religious test in America.

  467. SvenMagnussen says:

    Maybe you should re-read that again.It is not up to an attorney to convince the official what might be in the “minor’s best interest.”It is up to the minor to “demonstrate that they fully understand the implications/consequences attendant to the renunciation of US citizenship.”What kind of folderol is it to claim that an attorney, by Power of Attorney, can do something that the parents themselves cannot do?

    In either case, there would be a paper trail.Just because something ‘might’ have happened does not mean that it did, just as an accusation is not proof.We’re still waiting to see the paper trail.

    And don’t bother with that ‘CLN was cancelled’ BS.There would still be a paper trail.

    There is an extensive paper trail. It hasn’t been made public so you assume it doesn’t exist.

  468. Dr. Kenneth Noisewater says:

    SvenMagnussen: Parents cannot renounce … means the parents must retain a lawyer, tribal leader, church leader or someone other than the parent and assign Power of Attorney to that individual to act on behalf of the minor that wants to renounce. The attorney convinces the consular affairs officer it is in the minor’s best interest to renounce.

    Sorry but no the parents can’t through someone else renounce on behalf of the child. There is no way an attorney can act on behalf of a parent to renounce a child. Only the child can renounce. A counselor isn’t going to take the word of a 6 year old as knowing the implications of renunciation.

    SvenMagnussen: The minor retains the right to return to the US and elect to recapture their US citizenship until 6 months past the age of majority. In Perkins v. Elg, Ms. Elg announced her intent to return to the US before she reached the age of majority. Eight months past her age of majority, she obtained a US passport to return to the US and recapture her US citizenship. SCOTUS ruled her announcement of her intent to recapture her US citizenship before she reached the age of majority was sufficient even though she didn’t return to the US until 8 months past her age of majority.

    You seem absolutely confused about what Perkins V Elg was even about. She never lost her citizenship. She was born with American citizenship, nowhere did she renounce nor could her parents on her behalf. At all times she was an American citizen by birth.

  469. Dr. Kenneth Noisewater says:

    SvenMagnussen: There is an extensive paper trail. It hasn’t been made public so you assume it doesn’t exist.

    I’m sure this paper trail only exists in your imagination.

  470. faceman says:

    SvenMagnussen: There is an extensive paper trail. It hasn’t been made public so you assume it doesn’t exist.

    Well, then, if it exists, let’s see it. If you can’t produce it, then I have to assume that it doesn’t exist. (So said the judge)

  471. SvenMagnussen says:

    Dr. Kenneth Noisewater: Sorry but no the parents can’t through someone else renounce on behalf of the child.There is no way an attorney can act on behalf of a parent to renounce a child.Only the child can renounce.A counselor isn’t going to take the word of a 6 year old as knowing the implications of renunciation.

    You seem absolutely confused about what Perkins V Elg was even about.She never lost her citizenship.She was born with American citizenship, nowhere did she renounce nor could her parents on her behalf.At all times she was an American citizen by birth.

    If that were true, SCOTUS would not have opined her election to recapture her US citizenship began at her declaration of intent to recapture her US citizenship before she reached the age of majority. The US government refused to renew her passport because was not a US citizen and did not receive her US passport and return to the US until 8 months past the age of majority.

    SCOTUS affirmed a minor’s date of declaration of intent to recapture is relevant and not the day of return. Obama did not declare his intention to become a US citizen until 1981, 2 years past his age of majority.

  472. Greenfinches says:

    SvenMagnussen: intent to recapture her US citizenship

    She never lost it, you numbskull…. she was born in the US and never renounced her citizenship, and was unaffected by anything her parents did – like moving to a new country.

    Face it Sven, you are not persuading anyone! Might it be that you are wrong here??

  473. Dr. Kenneth Noisewater says:

    SvenMagnussen: If that were true, SCOTUS would not have opined her election to recapture her US citizenship began at her declaration of intent to recapture her US citizenship before she reached the age of majority. The US government refused to renew her passport because was not a US citizen and did not receive her US passport and return to the US until 8 months past the age of majority.

    You didn’t bother to actually read the case did you? She didn’t have to recapture her citizenship as she was an american citizen the whole time. She did nothing to remove her citizenship. The US Government was wrong when it came to refusing to renew her citizenship. The court founded against the US Government just as they did in US V. Wong Kim Ark.

  474. Notorial Dissent says:

    Svenki is wrongski again. What a surprise-NOT!!!! Elg never lost her citizenship as she had timely confirmed her intention to continue as a citizen, in fact the Sec of State in 1929 issued her a passport as a US citizen and she returned to the US. In 1936 the then Sec of Labor decided that she was not a US citizen, without authority or fact, and attempted to get her deported. She sued the Sec’s of State and Labor and ultimately the courts ruled that she not only was and always had been a citizen, but a natural born citizen as well, regardless of her parents citizenship.

  475. SvenMagnussen says:

    Greenfinches: She never lost it, you numbskull…. she was born in the US and never renounced her citizenship, and was unaffected by anything her parents did – like moving to a new country.

    Face it Sven, you are not persuading anyone!Might it be that you are wrong here??

    Citizenship is a property interest held in part by the US citizen and in part by the United States. Loss of citizenship is a two step process; first the citizen renounces and then the US issues a CLN. Citizenship is not lost until the US issues a CLN.

    By treaty, the US retains minority citizenship rights with dual Swedish/US citizens residing in Sweden. By contrast, Sweden retains minority citizenship rights in dual Swedish/US citizens residing in the US.

    After Elg returned to the US, she was a Dual US/Swedish citizen with the US retaining majority interest in her citizenship and Sweden retain a minority interest in her citizenship, a voluntary renouncement of her US citizenship and a CLN under consideration but not yet issue by the US Secretary of State.

    Elg was issued a CLN. Her US citizenship was lost. Sweden obtain full majority interest in her citizenship. Elg was a Swedish citizen and a former US citizen living in the US without a visa. She was issued a deportation order.

    SCOTUS held, “We conclude that respondent has not lost her citizenship in the United States and is entitled to all the rights and privileges of that citizenship.”

    Which means the US government is not constitutionally authorized to issue a CLN to a person residing in the US even if the have voluntarily renounced their citizenship. Further, SCOTUS opined Elg withdrew her voluntary renouncement before the US government issued the CLN by returning to the US and electing to presume the rights and privileges of a US citizen.

    I explained a similar story of Obama in my court filings that explained Obama was issued a CLN in 1968 and did not file a notice of intent to obtain the rights and privileges of a US citizen until 1981, two years after he reached the age of majority. I doubt the judge even read it.

  476. Daniel says:

    SvenMagnussen: There is an extensive paper trail. It hasn’t been made public so you assume it doesn’t exist.

    Assuming it doesn’t exist is exactly what a reasonable, sane person does when confronted with meaningless and empty claims for which no evidence has been proffered, and which is so unlikely as to be ludicrous.

  477. Daniel says:

    I explained a similar story of Obama in my court filings that explained Obama was issueda CLN in 1968 and did not file a notice of intent to obtain the rights and privileges of a US citizen until 1981, two years after he reached the age of majority. I doubt the judge even read it.

    Judges rarely read filings that contain nothing but speculation drawn from conjecture, that are submitted with no evidence, nor any probability of any evidence being made available.

  478. Daniel says:

    Nancy R Owens:
    For the record, I’ve been in and out of the ER recently and have been focused on my health more than anything else, forged birth certificate included. Much better now and healing up quite well for those who may be concerned.

    Probably all that time in the minisub breathing the Carbon Monoxide. That stuff stays with you for years….

  479. SvenMagnussen says:

    Notorial Dissent:
    Svenki is wrongski again. What a surprise-NOT!!!!Elg never lost her citizenship as she had timely confirmed her intention to continue as a citizen, in fact the Sec of State in 1929 issued her a passport as a US citizen and she returned to the US. In 1936 the then Sec of Labor decided that she was not a US citizen, without authority or fact, and attempted to get her deported. She sued the Sec’s of State and Labor and ultimately the courts ruled that she not only was and always had been a citizen, but a natural born citizen as well, regardless of her parents citizenship.

    I try to avoid discussion on two part loss of citizenship discussion because its complicated.

    The US government took the position Elg voluntarily renounced when Elg noticed the US government of her intent to return to the US during her minority, but did not return within 6 months after reaching her age of majority. Since Elg had not been issued a CLN, the State Department issued her a US passport 8 months after she reached the age of majority even though the US government considered Elg to have made a voluntary renouncement.

    In the Elg case, SCOTUS is concluding Elg withdrew her voluntary renouncement when she requested a passport and returned to the US. US citizenship is not lost until a CLN is issued. SCOTUS concluded Elg did not lose her US citizenship “in the United States” because an individual who has purposely or unwittingly voluntarily renounced is considered to have withdrawn their voluntary renouncement by returning to the US.

    And finally, SCOTUS opined the US government is not constitutionally authorized to issue a CLN to a citizen living “in the United States” because their voluntary renouncement has been voided by electing to return.

  480. Keith says:

    All of Obligedfriend’s “concerns” are irrelevant to President Obama’s eligibility, as he was born in Hawaii, and birth in the United States is sufficient to confer natural-born citizenship.

    Of all concerns, “Christian name” is particularly stupid.“Christian name” means “given” (first) name.So Barack Obama’s “Christian” name is … Barack.

    I used to get Australian stuffed shirts fits by refusing to give them my “Christian Name”.

    Giving information over the phone for a magazine subscription or something does not require knowledge of a person’s religion. When some lady (and it usually was a lady) asked for my Christian name I would ask what my religion had to do with it.

    The person on the end of the phone might be Christian. They might just as well be Jewish, Hindu, Islamic, Zoroastrian, whatever.

    “Christian name” and “Given name” do not mean the same thing unless you happen to be from a Christian background.

  481. Obligedfriend says:

    All of Obligedfriend’s “concerns” are irrelevant to President Obama’s eligibility, as he was born in Hawaii, and birth in the United States is sufficient to confer natural-born citizenship.

    Of all concerns, “Christian name” is particularly stupid.“Christian name” means “given” (first) name.So Barack Obama’s “Christian” name is … Barack.

    Christian names are Englsh names. Barack Hussein is not an English Christian name.

  482. Keith says:

    How many Presidents fathers had several wives at their birth.

    Don’t know, not sure. Mitt Romney has never been President but his Grandfather had several wives.

    How many Presidents needed the 14th Amendment to be a citizen.


    Or every single one of them that has been born since the Adoption of the 14th Amendment.

    Or just Barrack Obama since the 14th overruled the Dred Scott decision that said that no-one with African ancestry could ever be a citizen no matter where he was born.

    Which answer you use depends on your point of view.

    Who cares? A natural born citizen is a natural born citizen.

    How many Presidents fathers were never permanent Residents in the United States.

    Dunno. Who cares?

    How many Presidents own biography data state they were born in a foreign country.


    However one recent candidate has biography data that states they were born in the Panama Canal Zone and one potential Candidate has biography data that states that were born in Canada. There was a potential candidate about 50 years ago that was born in Mexico.

    I’m not sure how many other candidates or potential candidates had that interesting factoid.

    How many Presidents were Muslims.

    I don’t know the religious background of every President, but I would say without much risk of being mistaken that the answer is ZERO.

  483. Keith says:

    SvenMagnussen: Parents cannot renounce … means the parents must retain a lawyer, tribal leader, church leader or someone other than the parent and assign Power of Attorney to that individual to act on behalf of the minor that wants to renounce. The attorney convinces the consular affairs officer it is in the minor’s best interest to renounce.

    That is stupid even for you, Sven.

  484. Obligedfriend says:

    Born in Hawaii to foreign, transient alien student father makes a natural born citizen?? Wong Kim Ark disagrees. Justice Daniel in Dred Scott disagrees. The 14th Amendment’s subject to jurisdiction was defined by WKA.

    Both parents must be Domiciled Residents to be a Citizen. The 14th Amendment never mentions natural-born citizen.

    The 14th is a Naturalization Act, Congress is limited by the Constitution to Naturalization.

    Virginia Minor did not need the 14th to be a citizen. Obama does.

  485. Keith says:

    Dr. Kenneth Noisewater: I’m sure this paper trail only exists in your imagination.

    I’d word that differently: the paper trail exists only in his HEAD. His ‘gray matter’ is made up of recycled newspaper pulp.

  486. Keith says:

    SvenMagnussen: Citizenship is a property interest held in part by the US citizen and in part by the United States.

    No it is not you silly twit.

    Citizenship is a relationship between an individual and the government.

    For a natural-born citizen it is an existential fact. For a naturalized citizen, it is a privilege granted to the foreign born by the ‘benevolence’ of the existing citizens.

    It is in no way a “property interest”. It cannot be bought (Rupert Murdoch not-withstanding) or sold or traded.

    Give it up, Sven.

  487. Keith says:

    Obligedfriend: Christian names are Englsh names. Barack Hussein is not an English Christian name.

    That list says it is a ‘fairly comprehensive’ list. Which means that the author knows it is not exhaustive.

    The first name on that list is ‘Aaron’. ‘Aaron’ is a Jewish name. So is ‘Barak’ (and its spelling variations). The earliest known ‘Barak’ was a Jewish military commander mentioned in the book of Judges.

  488. Rickey says:

    Obligedfriend: Christian names are Englsh names. Barack Hussein is not an English Christian name.

    Silly boy.

    According to your list “Ulysses” isn’t an English name, yet Ulysses S. Grant was elected president twice. “Rutherford” isn’t on the list, yet Rutherford B. Hayes was elected president in 1876. “Woodrow” also isn’t on the list, and despite that Woodrow Wilson was elected president twice.

    “Spiro” isn’t an English name either, yet Spiro Agnew was twice elected vice-president.

  489. Benji Franklin says:

    SvenMagnussen: [says] There is an extensive paper trail (preposterously essentially purporting to prove Obama could not be a Natural Born Citizen) . It hasn’t been made public so you (Obots) assume it doesn’t exist.

    Sven,there is a thousands of times more extensive paper trail OFFICIALLY legally asserting and confirming that Obama IS a Natural Born Citizen for Constitutional purposes . It HAS been made public so you assume it doesn’t exist.

    The certainty of Obama’s Presidential eligibility is multiplied by mountains of reliable evidence and official legal opinions; your attempt to dissuade intelligent, well-informed persons of this fact with rumors of evidence unseen and hidden in your pocket, is the equivalent of trying to, in math divide a known quantity by Zero, and then instead of admitting the operation yields no reliable answer, claiming it produces your preferred dispositive result!

  490. Keith says:

    Born in Hawaii… makes a natural born citizen??

    Yes. The stuff I edited out (represented by the ellipses) is totally irrelevant.

    Wong Kim Ark disagrees.

    Exactly the opposite. WKA affirms it in no uncertain terms. WKA had zero US citizen parents. Obama had more than that.

    Justice Daniel in Dred Scott disagrees.

    You are correct. It is not suprising that you would be a fan of Justice Daniel. However, Justice Daniel and the rest of the court that voted with him, was wrong and most Americans knew that he was wrong. That is why they corrected the error with the 14th Amendment.

    The 14th Amendment’s subject to jurisdiction was defined by WKA.

    Not so much defined as affirmed “Everyone” understood what ‘subject to the jurisdiction’ meant before WKA. The Government, trying to maximize the effect of the racist policy against Asians that was in vogue tried to throw doubt on the common understanding just as the protagonists did in the Dred Scott case. However, the WKA case court was not fooled as was the Dred Scott case court.

    Both parents must be Domiciled Residents to be a Citizen. The 14th Amendment never mentions natural-born citizen.

    The 14th is a Naturalization Act, Congress is limited by the Constitution to Naturalization.

    Minor v Happersett says there are only two kinds of citizens: born and naturalized. A “Natural Born Citizen” is not naturalized. Therefore a ‘born citizen’ is, and can only be a ‘natural born citizen’.

    The 14th says that people born in the United States are citizens and people Naturalized in the United States are citizens. “people born in the United States are citizens” means they are ‘born citizens’. Since ‘born citizen’ is a synonym for ‘natural born citizen’ the 14th most certainly does mention ‘natural born citizen’.

    The 14th Amendment is NOT an ‘act’ of any kind. Full stop. It is an Amendment to the United States Constitution, and according to Article V of that Constutution is “valid to all intents and purposes, as part of this Constitution”.

    Virginia Minor did not need the 14th to be a citizen. Obama does.

    Only from the point of view that she was white, and he is black.

    Is that what you are trying to say?

    We already know you are an unrepentant racist, why keep shouting it at us over and over again.

  491. Dr. Kenneth Noisewater says:

    SvenMagnussen: Citizenship is a property interest held in part by the US citizen and in part by the United States. Loss of citizenship is a two step process; first the citizen renounces and then the US issues a CLN. Citizenship is not lost until the US issues a CLN.

    Back to where you’re confused, Elg Never lost her citizenship, she never renounced it. Thus your claim has no relevance.

    SvenMagnussen: By treaty, the US retains minority citizenship rights with dual Swedish/US citizens residing in Sweden. By contrast, Sweden retains minority citizenship rights in dual Swedish/US citizens residing in the US.

    There is no such thing as a “minority citizenship right”. She was born a US Citizen she inherited Swedish citizenship. In this case the US citizenship would be “dominant”.

    SvenMagnussen: Elg was issued a CLN. Her US citizenship was lost. Sweden obtain full majority interest in her citizenship. Elg was a Swedish citizen and a former US citizen living in the US without a visa. She was issued a deportation order.

    She was not issued a CLN. Her US Citizenship was never lost.

    So you didn’t actually bothered to read the case.

  492. Dr. Kenneth Noisewater says:

    SvenMagnussen: I try to avoid discussion on two part loss of citizenship discussion because its complicated.

    Why? You jump into pretty much every other subject you know just as less about.

  493. Dr. Kenneth Noisewater says:

    Obligedfriend: Christian names are Englsh names. Barack Hussein is not an English Christian name.

    No, Christian Names are just first names it’s a term of art.

    Chris·tian name
    noun: Christian name; plural noun: Christian names
    a name given to an individual that distinguishes him or her from other members of the same family and is used as an address of familiarity; a forename, especially one given at baptism.

  494. Keith says:

    Rickey: Silly boy.
    “Spiro” isn’t an English name either, yet Spiro Agnew was twice elected vice-president.

    Just for giggles, what is Wong Kim Ark’s “Christian Name”?

  495. Dr. Kenneth Noisewater says:

    Obligedfriend: Both parents must be Domiciled Residents to be a Citizen. The 14th Amendment never mentions natural-born citizen.

    But didn’t you just claim that Barack Obama Sr’s marriage wasn’t valid and thus he was born out of wedlock to a single parent.

  496. Arthur B. says:

    Obligedfriend: Christian names are Englsh names.

    You don’t even understand your own sources, do you?

    The page you cited certainly does not say that Christian names are Englsh (sic) names. it says, “Here is fairly comprehensive list of first (Christian) names used in the English-speaking world.” Even assuming that “Christian name” is an acceptable generic term for “first name,” and plenty would say it’s not, nowhere does your source say or imply that Christian names are English, but simply that the ones in their list are used in the English-speaking world.

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