Arpaio squirms as hearing approaches

Arpaio squirms as the April 21-24 contempt hearing draws closer in the Melendres racial profiling case. For the second time Arpaio pleads to avoid judicial scrutiny and the remote possibility of jail time. Arpaio and Deputy Sheridan are offering to donate $100,000 to a civil rights organization out of their own pockets, and a compensation fund of $350,000 from the County, a videotaped admission of guilt, and dismissing their appeal of the racial profiling decision. What are they trying to avoid that is worse than these (and the other) punitive measures they offered?

The Arizona Republic newspaper web site has the story headed by a timeline of Sheriff Joe’s immigration troubles starting in 2005 that I commend to interested readers.

About Dr. Conspiracy

I'm not a real doctor, but I have a master's degree.
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35 Responses to Arpaio squirms as hearing approaches

  1. No comments yet here, but they are in coming in by email.

    “I don’t see how he can stay in office.”

  2. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    I just like that the judge basically told them “No, you’re not worming your way out of this going to court!”

  3. Rickey says:

    I’m sure that you have hit the nail on the head. If Arpaio is willing to cough up $100K of his own money and record an admission of guilt, he knows that something much worse will come out of the contempt hearing if it goes forward.

  4. RanTalbott says:

    What are they trying to avoid that is worse than these (and the other) punitive measures they offered?

    My guess would be “an investigation that reveals that Arpaio wasn’t just being lax in not making sure that the order was followed, but had quietly passed the word (perhaps only to people who knew damning facts) to ignore it. Which would put him at risk of criminal contempt charges”.

    But that is just a guess, and it’s just as possible that he was merely being lax, and figures he’ll get a milder punishment if he “cops a plea”.

  5. brygenon says:

    Dr. Conspiracy: “I don’t see how he can stay in office.”

    He’s heard that one before.

    When composing a theory of the various players’ motivations, keep in mind that in two months, Joe Arpaio turns 83.

  6. Curious George says:

    April 12, 2015
    Dr. Conspiracy: “I don’t see how he can stay in office.”

    “He’s heard that one before.”

    I expect a plea deal offer by Joe is coming very soon to avoid another day in court. Joe knows he’s finally been caught. He is an embarrassment to law enforcement.

  7. Curious George says:

    Shurf Joe has been caught with his hand in the cookie jar. Watch for a plea offer by Team Arpaio before the April 21-24 court hearing.

  8. Jim says:

    I think we’re up to 2 offers so far, 3rd time’s the charm? 😀

  9. J.D. Sue says:

    A few thoughts, though it’s hard to know what’s really going on:

    (1) Although Arpaio has admitted that he violated the Court’s order, he has refused to admit that he did so “willfully”. At an evidentiary hearing, he could be found guilty of “willfully” violating the order.

    (2) At a hearing, Arpaio and/or others may have to invoke their 5th amendment rights, which would be embarrassing. (They may have done so during their depositions, but we cannot know that yet).

    (3) Arpaio may want to avoid the testimony of Brian Sands. I note there was a short recent article about Sands. “Retired aide Brian Sands says in court papers he advised Arpaio that all deputies needed to hear about the order, but Arpaio insisted he would inform only his immigrant smuggling squad.”

    (4) Arpaio may want to avoid the testimony of [fill in the blank]. Since we don’t have access to the Discovery, we can’t know what other evidence may be presented.

    I haven’t seen the recent filings, but it was my impression that the Court said it would go forward with the hearing unless the parties agreed to a settlement. Is there any reason to believe that the parties have done so?

  10. Benji Franklin says:

    brygenon: Dr. Conspiracy: “I don’t see how he can stay in office.”

    He’s heard that one before.

    When composing a theory of the various players’ motivations, keep in mind that in two months, Joe Arpaio turns 83.

    Is this a situation where there can be implied a charitable presumption of creeping senility, allowing Joe to offer to “retire” immediately? And haven’t the Birther Banannas posting at BR remained strangely silent about the cannons that their hero Joe has aimed at himself, what with admitting blame and all instead of just blaming the President or Michelle?

  11. Crustacean says:

    Sheriff Joe needn’t worry about going to jail. If he were ever put behind bars, Hopalong Zullo and the Cold Case Gang would BREAK HIM OUT!! [see: every Western film ever made].

  12. This latest episode of squirmage suggests that they have not reached an agreement yet, but my guess is that they will.

    J.D. Sue: Is there any reason to believe that the parties have done so?

  13. Arthur B. says:

    Dr. Conspiracy: This latest episode of squirmage suggests that they have not reached an agreement yet, but my guess is that they will.

    Why is that, Doc? I’ve been figuring that the plaintiffs smell blood and will hold out to see how hard Judge Snow comes down on him, but maybe that’s just wishful thinking on my part.

  14. It just seems that a settlement is in the interest of both parties, so that’s how it will play out. Judge Snow seems to be thinking that there will be a settlement in that he has set some guidelines. I would like to see any wrongdoing by Sheriff Joe come out in court, but that’s not necessarily what the plaintiffs want. But maybe it is. We’ll just have to see.

    Arthur B.: Why is that, Doc? I’ve been figuring that the plaintiffs smell blood and will hold out to see how hard Judge Snow comes down on him, but maybe that’s just wishful thinking on my part.

  15. Curious George says:

    April 12, 2015
    “I think we’re up to 2 offers so far, 3rd time’s the charm? ”

    One, went into moderation. Two went through and posted. Three, (here it comes) … Absolutely, positively, by hook or by crook (pun intended), the good Shurf does not want to go to court on this. He has too much to lose, IMHO.

  16. CarlOrcas says:

    Dr. Conspiracy:
    This latest episode of squirmage suggests that they have not reached an agreement yet, but my guess is that they will.

    I agree. There is no clean way out of this for Arpaio.

  17. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    CarlOrcas: I agree. There is no clean way out of this for Arpaio.

    I already see how this will feed into the birther reality-warp-o-tron 6000!(still working on the name).
    A&Z day won’t come and the CCP is finished, but not because they didn’t have anything! It’s because of them darn messycans, who are all plants by Obama, to derail and destroy the universe shattering investigation, and ruin Arpaio’s career! Everyone of the so-called “victims” were gubment crisis actors!

    Wow! coming up with birther nonsense is EASY! All you do is write the single craziest thing that pops into your head, and just run with it!

  18. RanTalbott says:

    Curious George: It looks like they don’t want to play ball with Joe.

    Sure they do: they just want him to be the ball 😉

    And it looks like the game will proceed as scheduled:

  19. Curious George says:

    Ran Talbott

    “Sure they do: they just want him to be the ball.”

    I hope Judge Snow hits a grand slam home run and knocks Joe over the center field wall. Buh, bye !

  20. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    Nah, Dodgeball! If Joe can dodge a wrench, he can dodge a ball!

  21. Punchmaster via Mobile says:

    No doubt birthers will credit Shurfjoke getting a legal smack down to Obama. 🙂

  22. Curious George says:

    Hopefully, if there are any rational Tea Party members left, they will see that they’ve misplaced their faith in a guy who is not what his media handlers portray him to be and they will drop their support for their scofflaw sheriff. Arpaio has some bad legal days on the horizon. But in the meantime, the all is well facade continues…..with an appearance by Pamela Anderson giving her stamp of approval for the slop that Joe feeds his prisoners. What circus act distraction will Joe pull out of his hat next? Will his next act impress Judge Snow?

  23. Notorial Dissent says:

    I somehow can’t put rational and Tea Party members without breaking out laughing. Isn’t that an oxymoron? I really doubt they have any cognitive dissonance with the Shurf, mostly because I think the cognitive part is wholly missing. He is the image they want to believe, liek they want to believe that they know what they are doing.

  24. Curious George says:

    Notorial Dissent
    “…, mostly because I think the cognitive part is wholly missing.”

    Too funny. 🙂

  25. Curious George says:

    From the above article:

    “If it is coordinated I should be the executive director of the world if I could be able to coordinate all the activity in this office for a specific reason, it doesn’t happen that way,” [Arpaio said].

    Delusions of grandeur?

  26. Curious George says:

    Reliable sources have speculated that Shurf Joe will be trying to detract from the April 21-24 contempt of court hearing by having a special guest sitting next to him during the hearing. It is possible this may divert attention from Arpaio and the hearing. It must be stressed that this is only speculation. 😉

  27. Andrew Vrba, PmG says:

    I think that whole bit with Pam Anderson was some misguided attempt at softening his image.

  28. RanTalbott says:

    If the jail food is so wonderful and healthy, why do the inmates need to wear hardhats to eat it?

    Andrew Vrba, PmG: I think that whole bit with Pam Anderson was some misguided attempt at softening his image.

    Or maybe damage control: I read another article someone linked to that said she’s doing a nationwide tour to promote vegetarianism, and he might have feared he’d get bad press if he didn’t play along. E.g., “Why wouldn’t Arpaio let an outsider scrutinize what he’s feeding inmates?”.

  29. Jim says:

    If the jail food is so wonderful and healthy, why do the inmates need to wear hardhats to eat it?

    In case Pamela turns too quickly…she could knock someone’s block off with those things!!! 😀

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