Even a broken clock is right twice a day
Donald Trump said, to ABC news: “I hear it was checked out by every attorney and every which way and I understand Ted is in fine shape.”
That comment is classic Donald Trump, basing policy on rumors. Nevertheless, while I am sure that not every attorney has checked the eligibility of Ted Cruz, a number of courts and attorneys have suggested that US citizens at birth are natural born citizens for constitutional purposes, and that includes the Canadian-born Ted Cruz.
Trump’s statement is especially disturbing to the birthers because Trump, himself more or less a birther, was a very appealing presidential candidate to the far right and to birthers in particular, for his mean-spirited comments towards Barack Obama and his outspoken opinions on immigration. Now, as one birther put it at Birther Report:
Trump is blowing it. …. Cruz is now a nbc. Lost my support.
Others said that they felt “sick” and “angry.”
For more interesting images, check out Google.
Doc, I gotta tell ya… Life is too short for bad wine.
That pic sums up my thoughts exactly. Hehehehehe!
Boy that took even less time than I thought.
It’s going to be so delicious to see them twisting and wailing in the wind.
I say forget it. I will vote for Trump. I mean who else are birthers going to cling to…Jeb Bush? Rand Paul? Come On!
The precedent is all done. If Trump were make Cruz his VP, I would vote for him anyway. We just can’t Hillary or Bernie in the White House. Even if it means putting ineligible Cruz in there, we can’t survive the alternative. Trump/Cruz would be a great ticket but I think Trump/Carson or Trump/Fioana is better.
Thanks for checking in on this, John. I was wondering what your reaction would be. I find it telling that every time birthers try to cling to a politician, they sooner or later get the brush-off. Perhaps birthers are burdocks on the body politic?
Don’t ya just love it when John quotes himself?
Trump ought say he is going to reactivate the Space Shuttle Program that Obama scrapped in 2011. As far as I know, neither Rubio nor Jeb Bush have talked about this. Trump could blow those guys out of the water. It would be Trump’s special gift to the people of Florida.
Trump also said he wants to change Mount Denali back to Mount Mckinley. I have better idea. People of Alaska seem to like the change but others don’t especially people living in Ohio. Trump should keep the name the way it is but bring back the 500 Dollar Bill. William Mckinley once again lives on in memory. Trump is into the big bucks, lets let people feel how it like to have the big bucks.
John, you do realize that it was Bush that decided to shut down the Space Shuttle program back in 2004, don’t you? Look it up. Facts are your friends. The shuttle was only supposed to be a 15 year program but went for 30 years. The big mistake was not having a replacement in development long before the end of its life cycle. Let’s see if you can find a way to blame that on Obama.
There’s a reason john likes Trump: He’s as unencumbered by facts as his hero.
Ah, the sweet taste of birfer tears! Yum!!
In other words, all your blather about your concern for the Constitution was just ignorance, prejudice and hypocrisy.
Good to know.
And here we have John illustrating the ULTIMATE EPITOME of Birther hypocrisy.
John has pleaded for YEARS now, that defense of the Constitution, in light of Birthers’ UNNOFFICIAL , and court-denied charge that Obama is Constitutionally ineligible to the Presidency, requires that we overturn the political will of the people, as expressed in Obama’s TWO winning Presidential elections and boot him out of office.
But even if John is CONVINCED that Cruz is Constitutionally ineligible to hold the office of POTUS (and therefore, VPOTUS), on John’s individual political assessment and preference for a candidate to hold office, John abandons defense of the Constitution to support his political preference.
Stop pretending the Constitution means anything at all to you, John, besides just trying to fashion it into a noose around Obama’s neck.
America has been clamoring for a publicly-circulated 500 dollar bill, for all their huge cash transactions. And McKinley has been a hero to Republicans for several days, if not weeks. john wins again!
So john, you’re finally admitting that its really just the color of Obama’s skin you have a problem with! If you could see my face right now, you would see the complete absence of surprise. Granted if you were close enough to see my face, you’d also be seeing my fist moving very quickly towards yours, as I’d sooner pop you one than look at you.
The International Space Station makes the Shuttle fleet completely obsolete for research and it is cost prohibitive as a vehicle for satellite deployment.
Electronic money transactions have made high bill denominations obsolete and smaller denominations make money laundering and drug trafficking more difficult.
Exactly what do you hope to achieve by returning to antiquated programs like these?
he longs for the good old days.
you know, the time when spousal abuse was considered something to laugh about, when all the presidents were white, when one could use mexicans cheap for landscaping without having to worry, and when an uppity nigger could be strung up with no comeback and a coroners verdict of `suicide’.
the 21st century scares him
The amount of truth in this comment scares me.
So john lacks the character to not vote for a candidate that’s ineligible under his imaginary constitution.
Where’s the proof he was a U.S. citizen at birth? Show us the consular report of birth abroad of an American citizen (CRBA)!
The only document released by Cruz was his birth certificate. That only proves he was a Canadian citizen at birth.
There is a major difference between a birther and an Obot.
If Obama truly had not been eligible, I would not have voted for him, even if that meant that John McCain became president and Sarah Palin became vice-president.
You, on the other hand, would vote for Ted Cruz even though you have convinced yourself that he is not eligible to be president. And you would vote for Donald Trump even though he has rejected your imaginary “two-citizen parents” requirement.
All of which proves that you do not have the courage of your convictions. What a shallow person you must be.
This is sort of the essence of what a birther is, and why they’re actually convinced that those who oppose them do so out of political expediency.
Birthers, like john, have no principles themselves. Because they have no principles, they can’t imagine that those who oppose them have principles, or do so out of genuine principle, either.
They imagine others to be political hacks, because that’s what they themselves are, and they can’t conceive of honesty.
john: “The precedent is all done.”
What are you talking about john? Every President’s been born in the good old USA or one of its territories, the precedent is still alive.
The birthers just have to put this in the right light — Trump saying Cruz is NBC is just another example of him being politically incorrect. That what they love about him, isn’t it?
Yeah, while the precedent existed before, it was officially “done” as of March 28, 1898.
I thought we weren’t supposed to be able to survive Obama? And yet… look around.
There appears to be a crack in your crystal ball.
While we’re on the subject of Ted Cruz, perhaps it’s worth taking note of this.
Please observe that this is on his campaign website — this is not a parody.
(h/t Wonkette)
I don’t know whether or not Obama shut down the shuttle program or not, but he sure as heck sank the Titanic.
ahahah hahaha … oh man, you guys are hilarious. Tell me which one of you ever respected what “Donald Trump” said on the legalities of the Constitution? What? He’s your new hero now?
Celebrating Mr. Trump’s emolument of Sen. Cruz as a ‘natural born Citizen’ for votes of your favorite caucuses after he had some guys check it out, is really about never letting a good crisis go to waste, and celebrating Mr. Trump’s ‘people in Hawaii finding things you can’t believe’. hahaha!
You all know Mr. Trump was hand picked to usher out that handy-dandy LFF.. That’s long form fabrication from any typewriter I’ve every seen type in 1961. hahaha.
That aside it certainly never made any difference to you 41 President’s were eligible under the directions and guides +1 that burned his identity papers and+1 that copied and pasted after 3 years of delays.
Of course you know I sued McCain and Obama as a Candidate for Pres., but I’m the only one. That affords me no more respect here and now much more for Mr. Trump. Your worst nightmare for the Constitution.
I’m still trying to find a reference for Freedom and Liberty in Trump’s strangulation.
Rest assured as I write, taking a stand against the Constitution’s very plain principles and standards and lowering the bar will not work out best for you.
However, what I certainly will agree with you upon is Birthers in the distance weeping and wailing will certainly have the spirits lightened with a mighty wind hitting SCOTUS when my case is heard.
I haven’t heard any fat-lady singing … (smile) Of course you know I never will either. At least I have your tacit support in being firm. Ok… one two three…’Go!’
I really can’t help coming to the conclusion that you are indeed off the wacko charts.
Oh, but it is. He just doesn’t realize it 😈
From the article in The Hill:
Hey, Ted! How ’bout promising those Millennials that you won’t exile their childhood friends, and turn them into stateless persons, because their parents weren’t here legally when they were born?
One notes that even Bush got real (if sometimes tiny) countries to join his “coalition” for the Iraq War, and had enough sense to avoid gaffes like “We couldn’t get France to sign up, but we have this swell poster of the Eiffel Tower”.
But Pearson is certainly savvy about one thing: he’s figured out that, if Cruz gets his way, and abolishes Social Security and the rest of those “Commiemuslimsocialistlibrul” programs, he’ll need the extra money he’ll make by starting his career before he hits puberty.
Not one of us, since Trump is a total buffoon.
It’s just funny to see birthers wailing and gnashing their teeth over Trump’s (uncharacteristic) recognition of reality.
And that, after all, is what it’s all about at this point. Entertainment. About the only reason I (and many others, I’m sure) come here is to laugh my butt off at the idiotic shenanigans of birthers. That, and the ongoing schadenfreude of watching creeping reality slowly crush their inane hopes, and to see whether Shurf Joke finally gets held accountable for at least some of his lawless behavior.
By the way, what is it with birthers and totally sucky, tasteless, amateur-looking web sites?
And what is the Birther fascination with Pay-Pal? Even CRJ2016 has a Pay-Pal button on his website.
For all those Birthers that peruse this site, here is CRJ’s Pay-Pal link. On second thought, you can find the link on your own.
You have misunderstood Mr. Trump’s declaration. He did say his guys were finding “things you can’t believe”. But who was he talking to, that is, WHO exactly is the ‘you’ Mr. Trump was talking to?.
Well CRJ, the answer to that question is YOU are ‘you’. He was talking to YOU. They found things YOU can’t believe – like President Obama was actually BORN IN HAWAI’I and that is all that is required to be a Natural Born Citizen.
See how easy that is to understand Trump’s Trumpets? Just like a Fortune Teller that murmurs platitudes that can be interpreted 3 or 4 different ways. Just like Nostradamus who speaks in code so obtuse it can be interpreted and argued over for years and years and years and everyone can ‘prove’ their own interpretation is the solution to prophesy.
And you seriously want an ignorant marble mouth like that with his finger on ‘The Button’?
You cannot be serious, man!
This is word salad of the highest order, almost beatnik poetry really.
I recall that Trump said that his investigators “couldn’t believe what they are finding.” That is, Trump said nothing.
What does that even mean? My 12 year old daughter uses better grammar and syntax than that.
OK, I remembered it differently. My bad.
The only “mighty wind” involved here is the massive flatulation of inevitable failure by your completely pointless case, which is as certain as the death of every birther case in history that has failed before you. (And that would be all of them).
That’s the problem with many voters. They support someone who agrees (or appears to agree) with them on one or two points and overlook the rest.
If the only motivation is “the enemy of my enemy is the one I vote for”, you’re always bound to be disappointed. It’s like voting for Stalin “because he hates Hitler, too!”.
Do you even know what the word “emolument” means?
You were born in 1965, so I’m pretty sure you didn’t see any typewriters in 1961.
How did those lawsuits work out for you?
I hope you are preparing yourself for another crushing disappointment in a few weeks.
Judy demands respect because he sued Obama and McCain. As if filing more frivolous lawsuits and wasting more judicial resources is to be respected.
As for Judy’s 11th-hour McCain suit: It was initially dismissed due to Judy’s ineptness/laziness. Judy attempted to revive it, but the judge declined to do so, as by then McCain’s loss had rendered the suit moot. There is no indication that anyone in the McCain campaign even knew of the suit’s existence.
You are not the only one to sue McCain. There were at least 2 others. Fred Hollander was one, and there was a federal suit in California, Robinson I think.
Judy’s misguided point is that he’s the only person to have sued both McCain and President Obama. Thus showing that Judy’s delusions are bipartisan.
Judy’s not guided by politics, see; he’s just an attention whore.
Andrew Aames was the first to sue McCain in California but he dropped the suit very quickly.
Aames, a lawyer in Riverside, Calif., went to court seeking to have a judge spell out whether McCain is legally permitted to be the president.
Aames said he took an oath to uphold the Constitution. He said his sister-in-law, a psychiatrist, suspects he just wants the attention.
“Everyone is getting caught up in election-year excitement,” Aames, 52, said. “I figured, ‘Hey, let’s get involved and get in the mix.’ ”
“I’m not really partisan. I might even vote for John McCain in November,” Aames said.
Here is his complaint:
I got the impression he composed this unintelligible rant for a comments section on a different website and then decided to copy it here.
But you probably think that about everyone who threatens large lecture audeinces with fake suitcase bombs.
Look him up.
Judy sometimes copies portions of his vanity blog into comment sections. Not that his blog postings are any more intelligible.
It’s fascinating how people who are obsessed with the “sanctity of marriage” are willing to support people such as Newt Gingrich (three wives), Donald Trump (three wives), John McCain (two wives), John Kasich (two wives) and Kim Davis (married four times). Not to mention Rush Limbaugh (four wives).
Of course, we live in a world where birther John is willing to vote for an “ineligible” candidate. John would probably vote for Stalin if he was a Republican candidate.
Well, he wasn’t the only one to do that either. Ankeny v. Governor of Indiana was against both Obama and McCain.
Others including both:
Donofrio v. Wells
Hamblin v. Obama
Roy v. Federal Elections Commission
Sorenson v. Riley
Stamper v. US
Markham Robinson sued both in separate lawsuits–Robinson v. Bowen (McCain) and Dummett et al v. Bowen (Obama)
Your case isn’t going to be heard.
I just love the way that birther in the quote put it… “Trump is blowing it. …. Cruz is now a nbc. Lost my support.”
Cruz is now a nbc.
Somehow he wasn’t before, but now he is, and it’s all Trump’s fault.
Damn I wish he would use that power for good!
Actually, it’s Obama’s fault, because he Set A Precedent™.
Which is great news for criminals: all you have to do is find an example of someone who previously got away with it, and you can commit any crime you want to, even The Biggest Fraud in Human History™, without fear of prosecution.
Mattel needs to make a Talking Birther Barbie: when you pull the string, it says “Logical thinking is hard!” 😉
(and yes, I know that’s a mis-misquote. But it works better, and my poetic license has just been renewed, so “Nyah”)
Slightly off-topic, but I thought this article was interesting:
It’s the latest poll on Obama’s birthplace and religion.
Interesting article, but the text contains an embarrassing innumeracy:
“…20% said that he was born outside the country. And just 9% of those who think he was born elsewhere believe there is solid evidence of that; the other 11% say it is just their suspicion.”
Clearly, those 9% and 11% figures should be 45% and 55%, respectively, but “just 45%” lacks the rhetorical punch of “just 9%.”
Interesting how they asked the question by not supplying an answer.
35. On another subject, where was Barack Obama born, as far as you know? (DO NOT READ LIST)
————————————————————-Sept. 4-8 2015
Honolulu/Hawaii …………………………………………59%
America/United States (other specific place) …………..4%
America/United States (general) ……………………….12%
Another country (SPECIFY) ……………………………..13%
Africa …………………………………………………………4%
Kenya ……………………………………………………….4%
Middle East ………………………………………………….1%
Indonesia/Other Asia ………………………………………1%
Other ………………………………………………………….2%
No opinion …………………………………………………..12%
35. On another subject, where was Barack Obama born, as far as you know?
36. IF NO OPINION IN Q35: Is it your best guess that Obama was born in the United States, or in another country?
37. IF ANOTHER COUNTRY IN Q35 OR Q36: Do you think there’s solid evidence of that, or is that your suspicion only?
———————————————————————–Sept. 4-8 2015
Honolulu/Hawaii ……………………………………………….. 59%
America/United States (other specific place) ………………..4%
America/United States (general) ……………………………..17%
Solid evidence Obama born in another country ……………..9%
Suspicion only Obama born in another country ……………11%
No opinion ………………………………………………………..1%
Obama didn’t set this precedent. Griselda Blanco and Pablo Escobar did. Weak players will always take the easiest route and the Russian’s have succeeded via Reagan’s fake, “Gorbechev, tear down that wall” BS. Gorby was dead long before this charade.
Far easier to place a Cuban/Russian King on the American throne than to admit to the American public that you have put a Cuban/Russian King on the American throne.
The only thing that a lot of these politicians have going for them is an excellent NSA/spying apparatus that prevents serious challenges. I don’t, for one minute, believe that Trump drew as small a crowd as they say. And, Carson for VP? Seriously? My plastic fork has more strength in its backbone than Carson has.
Judy would surely say he was the only candidate. And by “candidate, ” I mean completed one simple FEC form. But I wouldn’t be surprised if one or more of those other litigants has also “declared” their candidacies.
Somebody better tell Gorbachev that considering he’s still alive. You still think he was a general?
I don’t know what his official rank was with Russia. I’ve known a lot of players in my time. He was not one to take lightly and he had the kahunas to come stepping into Reagan’s domain with no push back from Reagan. I know that a he received a bullet which knocked him to the ground and he, to the best of my knowledge, never got back up. Ask Mike Volin.
Ah, no. Mr. Judy doesn’t want Trump’s finger on the button. Mr. Judy is running for President. Cody Robert Judy wants his own finger on the button.
I generally believe in rehabilitation and forgiveness. Mr. Judy’s wacky pseudo-terrorist act was decades ago, way back on 27 July 1993. He served his time in prison. He went back for a while on some parole-violation stuff, but no recidivism on mass terrorism. Paid his debt to society.
Do we give a guy a second chance? Sure. Do we give command of real bombs to a guy who once threatened an audience of thousands with a fake bomb? Well, sorry to hold a grudge, but I’m thinking no.
I consider my position to be moderate. I don’t want national security agents to constantly follow Mr. Judy around. Not to keep watch on his activities, and not to provide him the nuclear launch codes. That’s moderate, right?
He could do a variety of jobs and I’d say, “let bygones be bygones”. Butcher, baker, candle-stick maker… there’s lots of options. I’ve never asked my grocer if he has a criminal record. Why would I?
President is different. Voters have questions. Candidates hold press conferences. “Mr. Judy, about that one time when you…”
You claimed before he was a general. You were wrong. He held no rank since he never served in the military. Kahunas? Lol do you even know what words you’re even using. Except of course he received no bullet and he is still alive.
Why would I ask Volin? He’s even bigger of an idiot than you. You just decided to retcon him into your fantasies after previously claiming you had no idea who he was.
On the plus side, calling Gorbachev a dead general was comprehensible, unlike the rest of that comment.
Gorbachev was interviewed by Der Spiegel magazine in January of this year. That’s a lot of kahunas for a dead guy.
kahunas, nancy?
gidget would be mortified!
That’s not the real Gorby.
Yes the real gorby.
Are we sure that the NRO who is posting here now is not a doppelganger of the original NRO, who was shot and killed by the doppelganger?
No, it’s not.
May I ask what in the hell your stupid fantasies have to do with the topic of this thread?
I’m going to start calling Nancy a “Deather” because she’s simply filled with lots of erroneous instances (and insistence that these instances are true) of people dying at times and places when and where they didn’t.
While she claims to have killed people, the only thing she has ever killed is topics of conversation.
Now to the topic at hand… it is my belief that if anything can separate Trump from this base he supposedly has, it’s the birther issue. Nothing else seems to.
I’m perplexed that the subject hasn’t come up more in his interviews.
A couple of weeks ago, I posted my hope that the next Repub debate would open with the question, “Please raise your hands if you believe that Pres. Obama was born in the U.S.”
It would put everyone on the spot, and I don’t feel entirely confident of who would answer in which direction.
Yup it’s the real gorbachev you’re not the real Nancy Owens she died last year when linda joy adams killed her
I think it’s ‘style’ that you’re referring to. You yourself might have a unique style or taste that would separate you from being a boxed drone? Maybe not.
Well, I was referring to specific detail in the Title and name, not just the general responsibility.
That’s one of the things I’ve seen as a waste. If a Candidate has Standing and is sueing an elections clerk or secretary of state, not assigning damages to the Candidate who is ineligible it just seems ‘standing’ is not focused.
That was not the Case in Judy v. McCain and Judy v. Obama
Presidential Candidate making Presidential Candidate responsible.
Do you know any Presidential Candidates who sued McCain as a Defendant
and Obama as a defendant?
Maybe I’m wrong, but I do not know of anyone, thus my claim stands correct.
Why not pose the question raise your hand if you think Obama is not a ‘natural born Citizen’?
It seems more intelligent to refer to the qualifications within the Constitution for the Office of the President. The job does entail preserving, protecting, and defending the Constitution.
Prophesying again Doc?(smile) now you remember what happened when you did that before? You ended up pulling off the freeway, having to re-write and change a whole story hahahaha!!! hahahaha! Oh sorry.. omg that was funny!
[Bunch of nonsense.]
I believe Mr. Judy may be the only Presidential candidate who is a convicted felon.
I could make a zinger of a comeback here, but I’ll skip it. There really is no point.
The actual point has already been made, many times, of course. Cody, I hate to break it to you, but you are far out of your league, legally and Constitutionally speaking. You appear to have almost no understanding (relatively speaking) of our Constitution, our history (particularly in regard to the meaning of “natural born citizen”) or of the legal process.
There’s not the slightest chance of your winning your case before the US Supreme Court. Hell, there’s not the slightest chance the Court is going to do anything other than politely roundfile your petition.
Like all birthers before you, you are wasting your time, and should find something better to do. Go volunteer at the local soup kitchen. There you can make a real difference.
Of course, like all birthers before you, you will completely ignore this eminently sensible advice and doggedly follow your quixotic quest to its final, inevitable, roundfiled defeat.
Because hey, who knows? The Court just might see things your way, drive Obama from office, and award you a hundred million dollars. Pigs might fly. Ducks might learn to speak and lecture on astrophysics in our universities. Donald Trump might spontaneously grow hair.
You’d do far better betting on the lottery. At least with the lottery you have an actual chance (never mind how infinitesimally small) of hitting the jackpot, and a small and unfavorable but realistic chance of winning $2.
And one of the stories on BR today is about a Faux News talking head making that very suggestion.
It’s too bad they probably won’t do it: the reactions of the birfoons would be priceless, regardless of the results.
Same of the candidates. My bet is some would raise their hands, some would dismiss it as a “silly question” (or whatever they say to dodge questions these days) and refuse to answer it. Some would probably say “I don’t *know*, and my belief is irrelevant” – like Trump.
Besides, the GR crowd prefers the question whether Obama is an NBC (for obvious Vattelist reasons since most birthers seem to have given up on “Kenyan birth” altogether).
You missed the Arpaio trial? Fat Joe sang like a nightingale!
Keith Judd is also a felon. (And, of course, Eugene Debs was the most famous felon candidate.)
Judy prides himself on filing frivolous lawsuits, as if filing more nuisance lawsuits against more people is a virtue. And Judy prides himself on calling himself a presidential candidate, when in fact all he has done is complete a single FEC form. Which hundreds of others have done, including a cat, Captain Picard, Tyron Lannister, and of course Deez Nuts, who is polling in numbers about which Judy can only dream.
Wait, so are you saying that Cody R Judy is getting beat by Deez Nuts? Wow, Cody, if you can’t handle Deez Nuts, you’re in bad shape. Seems lots of people love Deez Nuts, but no one wants you. Such a shame…
Yes, Judy looks up and sees Deez Nuts. If Judy could only go where Deez Nuts have been. (Etc.)
But, in Judy’s defense, in some states Deez Nuts polls better than most top-tier candidates.
It’s time for a reality check for you.
1. You need to closely read the docket entries for your SCOTUS appeal, because you petition for a writ of certiorari is not going to be considered at the 9/28/15 conference. Here are the relevant docket entries:
Jun 22 2015 The motion of petitioner for leave to proceed in forma pauperis is denied. Petitioner is allowed until July 13, 2015, within which to pay the docketing fee required by Rule 38(a) and to submit a petition in compliance with Rule 33.1 of the Rules of this Court.
Jun 24 2015 Motion for reconsideration of order denying leave to proceed in forma pauperis filed by petitioner.
Jul 1 2015 Motion DISTRIBUTED for Conference of September 28, 2015.
The only thing which is going to be considered at the conference is your motion for reconsideration. If your motion is denied, which is likely, your appeal will be dismissed because you failed to comply with the conditions set forth on June 22.
If, by some miracle, your motion for reconsideration is granted, SCOTUS will set a new date for your cert petition to be conferenced.
2. However, SCOTUS has still not requested a response from President Obama, and unless that happens your cert petition has no chance of being granted.
3. Even if SCOTUS did grant your cert petition, your appeal would then be set for oral arguments to be held later this year, and a decision would be rendered sometime in the spring of 2016.
4. Even if SCOTUS reversed the decisions of the District Court and the Court of Appeals, all that would happen is that your lawsuit would be remanded to the District Court for further proceedings.
5. SCOTUS is not going to rule that Obama is ineligible, and SCOTUS is not going to rule that Cruz, Rubio and Jindal are ineligible. For one thing, Cruz, Rubio and Jindal are not parties to your lawsuit. If you wanted the Federal courts to rule about their eligibility, you should have named them as defendants.
6. So even in your best possible scenario, a year from now you would be no closer to having Obama declared ineligible than you are now.
7. But your best possible scenario will never come to pass, because your legal arguments have no basis in reality.
It should be noted, however, that such a best-case scenario isn’t just wildly unrealistic.
It’s insanely unrealistic.
It would be about the same as the New York Mets deciding one summer to play football instead of baseball, and winning the next Super Bowl. With half of their wives substituted in.
Or better yet, a 22-year-old three-legged horse with influenza winning the Triple Crown while carrying a 240-pound jockey.
I mean seriously, dude. You have just as much chance of being elected the Premier of China as you do of winning your case before the US Supreme Court.
But rejoice. There are other things you can do in life, that will make a real positive difference for someone. Go help out at the local soup kitchen.
That’s actually much less improbable, given that probably a single case of poisoned horse food, or deliberate manipulation of the race, could result in such an outcome.
I’d say the chances are more like getting hit four times in a row by lightning at the precise moment you realize you won the lottery on the day Jamaica wins the soccer world championship.
So… You are saying there’s a chance…?
Nothing that isn’t physically or logically impossible is really impossible, so there’s a non-zero chance, yes.
As in “somebody took out a yoooooge paycheck and bought the entire SCOTUS to rule a President needs two citizen parents”.
The problem is, birthers treat a 1:1,000,000,000,000,000,000 chance as their (only) big hope – remember the joy over “little, if any probative value”.
In fact, the “Dumb and Dumber” scene referenced above is almost a perfect metaphor for the birthers.
If you mean one and the same person, then I can’t think of one, although some of those defendants could have been presidential candidates of a very unknown kind. Alan Keyes is probably the most notable of the of the presidential candidates who sued Obama (but not McCain).
The closest I can get is Markham Robinson who was a presidential elector of the American Independent Party in 2008 who sued both Obama and McCain.
I’ve really not paid a lot of attention to McCain lawsuits except Robinson’s and the one by Fred Hollander.
Thanks Doc- Hat Tip to ya.
Yes, I knew of the Elector. .far from standing of a Presidential Candidate though.
@ Rickey-tickey-tembo
Re: schooling me in reality check diatribe
Ok., most of what you say is true, but there’s just a couple of words that could change pretty much everything you said.
De Novo
And, my request for SCOTUS to hear it that way.
Check 1- The 10th Circuit heard it that way. SCOTUS can do the same, and is invited to.
Check 2- That’s the “Biggest Reason” I went to such great lengths to actually serve Obama AGAIN at the 1600 address which I actually got a signature service on.
Check 3- You all recall our conversations about internal discussions of the Court and the Application to Stay 15A25 Soetomayor denial and Recuse Soetomayor & Kagan that is in the Court but unrecognised on the Docket. See scribd for that Application.
Check 4- You of course recognize the magnitude of the Case being even slightly hinted in public by the Court? That being we lose Obama and Air Force one to an Asylum Country.
Check 5- Such circumstances if thought of by you and me of course would be recognizable by the Court.
Check 6- Docs Research should prove to you a point of Standing my Case delivers to the Court which is unique and has not been satisfied to the Court.. Ever Before. This is very considerable especially due to Main Stream Media attacks of “racism” . The Court would be subject to the same litany of Judy v. McCain didn’t exist in the Fed Court Record.
Check 7- “Plausible” reason exists for Lower and “10th Circuit” obstruction of Justice. One- they did not refer a criminal investigation report for prosecution as per Congresses directive in a monopoly or cartel violation of Sherman/Clayton Act.
Two- Plausible Motive Exist to Cover up in exactly what others have credited me with here- a criminal prosecution that was an unlawful prosecution the SCOTUS has record of.
In other words there’s Judges on both lower Courts affiliated with and as Mormons that in an effort not to make the LDS Church look bad, and the general recourse of public shock, and considering billions of dollars invested in beautifications of the 10th Circuit States predominate that could have prevented justice.
This essentially is the Mormon churches cover up of the Constitution. It would come as just as big a shock in theological hypocracy to the general populations as the pedophilia cases against the Catholic Church.
The SCOTUS no doubt understands ALL of this your micro-analysis skins over unread and unnoticed.
Indeed, the Court has a chance to come back into harmony with the precepts of equality under the Law. . or of course Denial of the same. If denial is chosen they rule against their own tenure.
If the justice of one is forsaken..why not the justice for all?
You do not understand or recognise the invitation for judgement on a much larger scale burdened on those Justices if they forsake themselves in corruption in secret combinations.
It’s small matter to you. Justice always is until it starts raining … and the Flood of Justice comes. If you can deny the destructions of many a civil society in history I cannot argue with you at all.
Our interest is in preserving our Union my brothers. If your willing to defend one man against justice your also capable of destroying yourselves over injustice of one man.
Don’t forget SEPTEMBER 28 last day of the Blood Moon Tetrad
Blood Moon Sept 28 in year of Shemitah. It is the sign of judgement coming. .it can be positive or negative.
Any. Day. Now.
Actually, as it pertains to this discussion and my Case with the SCOTUS it’s not “any day now” it’s Sept 28th.
Ah, Cody Robert Judy is back. The convicted terrorist.
CRJ, you really ought to include that in your CV every time you brag about being a presidential candidate. You threatened to blow up a room full of people. That’s just despicable.
Seriously, what does THAT mean?????
You speak gobbledygook. It might make sense to you, or the voices in your head, but to the rest of us, you’re spouting nonsense.
@John Reilly
Don’t expect you were there, so don’t expect you to understand anything cept maybe how to wipe your own Arss. Suppose that’s your business.
As for your stewardship of the Constitution.. Your condemnation of me makes that despicable if you wanna take a look at the mirror and ask yourself if you’d like to separate Church and State.(?)
If you don’t, by all means carry on with being despicable. . you bottom feeder.
For those who were there of course all EVIDENCE understood and supprted by FACTS contradict you. These facts do nothing short of suring up your own delusions and readiness for the funny farm.
If you had just an inkling of understanding you could recognize that it’s in care and concern for those culpable not to make mistakes that we go to Sunday School. How long since you been?
Not that you’d side with the Sandhedrine in calling for the death penalty, but I think you would if you’d lived in the time about 32 B.C
How you feel about the Savior telling people to repent or any prophet for that matter is your business. But, let’s make a Record of it shall we for you to live with for all eternity.
Unless of course you care to admit you weren’t there and are just following up on good gosip like a good little Christian boy…wait a minute. Gosip is not fitting good Christian boys is it?
I was just thinking about all the sad sad disparaging remarks made by so many on this site against me and wondering how many know me besides from what they read in the newspaper?
You know why I respect Doc? He understands Facts. He’s reasonable. Doesn’t mean we agree, but we could sit down, drink a beer and barbeque some good chicken.
“Moon Walker” will at least give you a face of hard work and accomplishment in many fields to see in the face of your annilation and gang related mobocracy to be proud of in talking to Jesus about tonight.
Moon Walker
Don’t forget to cross both fingers AND toes. That’ll really up your odds of success with the Court.
For those slow of thought.
If you go against justice even against one man.. That means your corrupted. You have no sense of Justice or equal justice for all. Your against justice.
Remember the Pledge of allegiance? …and justice for all. (?)
If your willing to defend against injustice. Your sense of Justice for every one is good.
The point being all you need to do is screw up your Judgement for one man when your a Justice of the SCOTUS to bring a whole bunch of sh*t down on a lot of people.
You may be familiar with a saying : better to let ten (10) or even a hundred (100) guilty men go then to prosecute a righteous man (?)
This is the problem with unlawful prosecutions. They bring a cry up to the Lord for Justice.
Perhaps your familiar with bondage, slavery, and total restrictions?
Justice is not something you really want to get in the wrong side of. It never goes well for you in the long run.
Does that help you understand?
There’s an old saying Cody: If you don’t want to be ridiculed, stop being ridiculous.
Personally, I’ve tried to be helpful to you. Come to think of it, I’ve tried to be helpful to other birthers who showed up here as well.
I consider it a kindness to tell you you’re wasting your time. And if you’ve put any money into this, well, you’ve wasted that too.
And I mean wasted. As in, you would’ve done just as well to take the same cash and use it to start your 4th-of-July barbecue coals. You would’ve done better to take it and throw it into the street, because then at least someone else would’ve probably benefited from it.
Again, I consider it a kindness to try to communicate a bit of reality to you
Oh, and please stay on the right side of the law.
This is the great ironic thing about birthers. What they fail to understand is that many of those who oppose their BS do so because it’s the birthers themselves who are genuinely the promoters of injustice.
Precisely. Not “for anyone his personal interpretation of justice”.
First, yes, the magnitude of a case challenging the laws of gravity is not to be underestimated. The court knows that, should it rule in my favour, everyone would instantly lose ground contact and start levitating towards the sky (aka the rapture?).
Second, well, how often have we heard “he won’t return” every time Obama travels abroad?
Yes, but that is NOT what you wrote.
You had written:
“If your willing to defend one man against justice your also capable of destroying yourselves over injustice of one man.”
In fact, you wrote the OPPOSITE of what you meant.
I know it’s hard for you to accept, and I’m not competent to diagnose reading/writing disabilities or whatnots, but a LOT of what your write is gobbledygook.
I don’t doubt for a moment that whatever you mean to say is clear in your head, but it’s not to others. Perhaps you should take more time to learn how to write proper English before you launch yourself into asinine tirades.
Also please learn the distinction between “you’re” (contraction of you are) and “your”.
It’s hard to take you seriously when you write like 7 year-old.
Thanks Pete, Lupin, Magic M, could you please leave your real names for me cody@codyjudy.us so I can leave you guys in my will for helping me?
I appreciate all your advice… really.
I never made it a mystery here… anyone can contact me through my publishing company
(hey, free plug! yay!)
Lupin, with all due respect, the failedone, terrorist, pretend candidate, human being, etc, doesn’t write at the 7 year old level, at least for most 7 year olds I’ve known. He’s quite frankly barely literate, largely unintelligible, and doesn’t even come close to coherent, and he expects to impress a judicial panel that is far and away better educated than he’ll ever aspire to, NOT GONNA HAPPEN. Fantasy doesn’t even come close to describing
You know, I was just thinking that I have visited you guys more than any other Presidential Candidate R, D, or I!
Well, I do care. I hope you will consider a contribution to my Campaign. We’re actually in the hole a little and could really use your help.
I have been here for many more reasons than my own selfish desires of being in the bad side of the track.
Consider my use to you?
Sport in Cheap Shots
Target of Condemnation
Subject of Ridicule
Clown to make fun of
Carnival Barker to Blast
Student to Teach
Convict to preach
With all of that I have helped your Ratings go through the roof.
Consider a Contribution Today for the use I have been for you.
“Contribute Today so CRJ will go away”
Contribute to CRJ TODAY for a Better America Tomorrow.
If either of those makes sense to you, consider hitting that contribution button for the good cause suited uniquely for you.
Mean time, consider http://www.codyconspiracy.org as a change-of-name for your current enterprise as even greater challenges lie ahead for you covering for me after Obama is gone.
If you ever become President, I will call you.
Being a candidate is unimpressive. Anyone can fill out the form.
And Judy is not a particularly competent candidate: He “ran” for the presidency in 2008 and 2012, and there is no evidence anyone voted for him.
So now we have to pay Judy to not troll here? Isn’t that extortion?
Let alone that he even voted for himself.
SCOTUS is not a fact-finding court. And SCOTUS has never, ever granted a cert petition without requesting a response from the respondent, which it has not done in your case. Besides, Justice Scalia has announced in the past that jus soli determines if someone is a natural-born citizen and eligible to be president.
Your application has not been docketed, probably because there is no provision in the SCOTUS rules for a justice to be forced to recuse. Whether to recuse or not is solely up to the individual justice, so you wasted your time.
My decision about what to have for dinner tonight has greater magnitude than your pathetic case.
I have no idea what the rest of your word salad means, or what relevance it has to your SCOTUS petition.
If you don’t like the Mormon church, my advice is to find yourself another religion. I have first cousins who are Mormons. They are nice people but seriously deluded.
The justices might understand your petition, if they have a translator who is fluent in gibberish.
I think a consensus is emerging that CRJ is not a coherent communicator.
Oh. And being a candidate is unimpressive. Anyone, even a fictional character, can fill out the form.
Or have someone else fill it out for them.
C3PO understands 13 million forms of communication, and even he’s at a loss.
I think it is well beyond consensus, I think it is established fact by virtue of his every printed and uttered word, it is simply indisputable, as well as being indecipherable. I can’t tell if he’s truly an idiot or not since I can’t make enough sense of anything he’s said to date to tell. However, the evidence is not looking positive in his favor.
Which is greater: “0” or “0 + (10^-∞)i” ?