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- Nordyke twins birth certificate
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You could tell that he was a lounge singer just from that?
Sherrif Joe made the Australian National News tonight as an example of an American Law Enforcement Professional abrogating their responsibility to ‘serve and protect’.
They showed a clip of Joe encouraging people to take the law into their own hands, shoot first and kill all the bad guys before the Police get there. There were a couple of other LEO’s doing the same thing.
What are these guys gonna say when there is a major amateur firefight and 30 or 40 innocent bystanders are killed?
This is just f*k*n batshirt insane and for supposedly “professional” LEO’s to be encouraging this crap is clearly… I dunno, I’m lost for words.
In case some of you didn’t see this, I thought I’d paste it here:
To: All Patriotic American Patriots
From: The Office of Republican American Patriotism
RE: This Week’s List of Things To Hate and/or Be Scared Of
Status: Yellow
Dear Citizen,
The following are the threats to your Homeland community for Dec. 14-18, 2015, as determined by the Republican party:
Bad guys with guns
Good guys with guns who turn out to be bad Muslims with guns
Miniaturized ISIS fighters coming up through your plumbing
Liberals artificially raising sea levels to bolster their phony climate change science
Parents talking to their children positively about gays
Gays conspiring with ISIS fighters and illegals to artificially raise sea levels
Vaginas without government-issued activity monitors
Blacks and Hispanics making a note to vote next November
Creeping Marxism
Creeping Hillary Clinton
Suffocation from a Great Pyramid grain avalanche
Shadows that chillingly resemble your own
Planned Parenthood
Solar panels sucking up all of the sun’s energy
Borders without walls
And as always, “President” Barack HUSSEIN Obama and his simultaneous display of unstoppable dictatorial strong-arm tyranny and spineless lead-from-behind weakness.
For specifics on these and other threats that will get us all killed if we don’t deploy a minimum of 100,000 troops to Syria and ten guns in each American household, please tune to Fox News and/or attend your nearest Republican presidential candidate campaign rally. If you see any suspicious activity not having to do with police officers shooting unarmed black citizens or someone burning down a mosque, please report it to the proper authorities and take refuge in your survival bunker until we give the “all white, all Christian, all clear” signal.
Thank you.
I heard last week that the FBI says that only 3% of active shooters have been subdued by “good guys with guns” who are not police officers.
If a firefight had broken out in San Bernardino, the likelihood is that twice as many victims would have been killed.
Trump Birther Zombie Resurrection, Part 3:
Maybe Root got the vice-presidentitis again.
I forged Obama’s birth certificates. Our white father is an American who served in the Air Force and who also worked for NASA during the Apollo missions.
If you’re looking for a political cartoon to share on Facebook …
To be fair to Cartoon Donald, where were those three wise guys going? Were they licensed to import precious metals and perfumes? And why did they claim their destination was Bethlehem? The Nazareth Dept of Health says Jesus was born there, not Bethlehem. Verrrrrry suspicious, if you ask me.
[OK, I know I bring up that whole Nazareth/Bethlehem thing every year. If I say Jesus was born in Nazareth, does that make me a birther?]
Arpaio Reminds Everyone That Trump Questioned Obama’s Birth Certificate
“If you recall five months ago, I introduced Donald Trump,” Arpaio said, introducing Trump as the rally in Mesa, Arizona. “At that time, I said a few things, we have something in common—the birth certificate investigation, which is still going on.”
Trump Won’t Say If He’s A Birther: ‘I Don’t Talk About That Anymore’
Is Trump saving the birther question for Cruz later on?
One of the favorite 9/11 Truther arguments shot down by a pinky finger.
For the undying 9/11 MORONIC JET FUEL ARGUMENT
One gerbil fired:
Could this be BSE?
I found James Tracy’s blog:
No similarity to BSE is immediately apparent.
Jesus was born in Nazareth, but his mother rushed him to Bethlehem to have his birth registered, so he would be eligible to be the Messiah.
Luke 2:4 – “Joseph also went up from Galilee, from the town of Nazareth, to Judea, to the city of David, which is called Bethlehem, because he was of the house and lineage of David, to be registered with Mary, his betrothed, who was with [the] child.”
In this scenario, I’m not sure who the birthers are. Historically, I think, the idea that Jesus was born in Bethlehem developed much later, as part of a Christian desire to make Jesus fit prophesies of the Jewish messiah. So it is the Christians who are making up stories, but not in a negative way. Apparently Nazareth had a bad reputation, based on this anecdote from John 1: 45-46:
“The next day Jesus decided to go to Galilee. He found Philip and said to him, ‘Follow me.’ Now Philip was from Bethsaida, the city of Andrew and Peter. Philip found Nathanael and said to him, ‘We have found him of whom Moses in the Law and also the prophets wrote, Jesus of Nazareth, the son of Joseph.’ Nathanael said to him, ‘Can anything good come out of Nazareth?’”
Recently posted on BIN. I’m not sure where Gallups and Zullo are trying to go with this. Are they trying to make ZulloMoore look like a good guy? A good investigator?
Is it a thinly viewed threat for those of us who could end up sharing what we know about ZulloMoore himself if we ever make it to court? What do ya’ll think?
i’ve come across a couple of articles on RWNJ/birther websites that crown BSE (ironic considering that also stands for `bovine spongiform encephalopathy’ – mad cow desease) as `professor and investigative reporter’.
ok, the birfoons do like their made up qualifications for their so-called `experts’, but it does seem a little more than coincidental.
I’m considering dropping the mobile theme on the blog. The desktop theme seems to adapt well to the small screen. Try it by clicking Desktop theme at the bottom of the page.
The change would improve security and reduce memory usage.
It’s usually on desktop for me anyway, it works fine on my Note Edge.
Not to go off-topic or anything (hah!) but there may be historical context to explain that comment.
At the time, Nazareth seems to have been the ‘bedroom community’ for the workers engaged in rebuilding the Hellenized city of Sepphoris about 5 kilometers away (thus Jesus and his dad Joseph working as ‘chippies’ and/or ‘brickies’?).
From Wikipedia: Sepphoris: Early History
There being a cultural conflict between the ‘Hellenized’ Hebrews and the ‘Jewish’ Hebrews it could be that Nazareth was a code word for Sepphoris, a word they just could not bring themselves to use.
Also, since Sepphoris was being rebuilt after its destruction during the 5BCE rebellion, and was probably not very functional, it could be that Nazareth was the actual temporary (Roman) administrative center for Galilee.
Indeed, the entire region of Galilee was considered ‘wicked’ due to its large Gentile population and strong Hellenic influence. When Jesus shocked the Rabbis with his knowledge, the shock was partly borne out of (religiously) deprived upbringing – he could not have been apprenticed to a master because there simply weren’t any in Galilee; it would be like some guy from the Kalihari bush going to MIT and resolving the issues between Quantum Physics and Relativity.
I understand that Nathaniel was a Galilean and here he is throwing shade on a Galilean village, indicative that Nazareth was the worst of the worst. Perhaps Nazareth, as the ‘bedroom community’ for the Sepphoris project, was rife with the “special services” that always seem to gravitate towards large temporary work forces.
Ancient World History: Hellenization
OK, I turned if off. I think the standard theme is better on the iPhone 4S (yes, I have an old phone).
The “Natural Born Citizen Party National Committee” (read: Van Allen and Strunk) had (claimed they) filed petitions in each of the federal circuit courts. The 3d Circuit denied their petition, and warned that frivolous and vexatious ligitation was sanctionable.
Tracy doesn’t seem like he would have been dumb enough to post BSE’s bizarre and easily debunked report on his visit to Sandy Hook and Newtown, where BSE tried to pass off photos of a psychiatric center which was abandoned ten years ago as the “Town Center” of Newtown.
Look to “Freeway Rick” for the truth. If African-Americans knew the truth, they would be screaming for us to expose Obama’s fake birth certificates.
I gave Freeway his first batch of crack. He did not want to have any part of it in the beginning. Until he started making tons of cash.
Google “Freeway+Rick+Crack+Cocaine”
Yes, Freeway Rick is ALSO from Clewiston, Florida. It’s all connected and if you follow the money, you will know.
Since I’ve had the mobile theme stuck on my desktop browsers for almost a year now (there is no “desktop theme” button at the bottom of the page or anywhere else I can find), that would be great!
So Nancy’s a drug dealer now? Watch her Doc, she’s trying to increase her customer base!!!
I was ordered by Hendry County (FL) Sheriff Sermon Dyess, Jr. to take the crack cocaine out to Harlem, Clewiston, Florida and sell it because the whites didn’t like the crack cocaine and the whites could afford the powdered form.
I didn’t want to be in Harlem and Freeway Rick was the very first face that I recognized. That’s why I worked so hard to talk him into pushing the crack cocaine.
Get in. Get out.
Hmmm. That sounds more like you have the standard theme, but it’s in adaptive mode (which it does when the screen size is too narrow). How wide is your browser?
The mobile theme, is, by the way, turned off.
I guess it wasn’t the mobile theme then, since the site is unchanged. The original theme (or whatever) that I liked had a sidebar with recent comments, qotd, etc. My browser window is reasonably wide, but I just expanded it to screen width and could at least see the security paper background although I couldn’t get the sidebar. Don’t know if this is due to something I can change or something you changed way back when. Anyway, I’ll cope with this view if I have to, but your thoughts to appease my curiosity are much appreciated.
Nancy said she helped to introduce crack before and that it was done in her hometown. She’s the one who’s been googling and read about “Freeway Rick” except she’s transported his hometown to Clewiston from L.A. where he was well-known. He’s just a new character in her fairy tale. She ignorantly believes that her story is accepted on here as truth because she’s allowed to post her nonsense.
Clewiston, Clewiston, Clewiston. 😆
Certain members of the cartel branched out in the 80’s. But, the core is and will always be Clewiston.
Yet in his autobiography, “Freeway Rick Ross: The Untold Autobiography,” he never mentions Clewiston.
Nobody ever mentions Clewiston but NRO, not Barger, not Ayala, not Escobar, not Griselda, not Freeway or anyone else she has claimed as occupants of her hometown. According to the current residents of the town, who also lived their during the time she’s talking about, none of these people ever lived there nor were there any castles or dozens of cops being killed. It’s a fairy tale spun by NRO that reads more like a nightmare filled with her delusional ranting. She still thinks people actually believe her!
Griselda was murdered in 1985. Pablo Escobar was murdered in 1990. Ayala, my husband/former husband, has reportedly been in prison since 1984. Even if they were alive, they certainly wouldn’t share this information with the world. Your point is mute.
The people of the town know that they have a good chance of imprisonment or murder if they talk.
Adam Walsh….The Undercurrent You Don’t See.
That’s no answer.
Please explain why Freeway Rick Ross would write a tell-all autobiography and leave out Clewiston.
According to his autobiography, he was born in Texas and for the first three years of his life he lived in Arp, Texas. Then his mother moved to Los Angeles. He attended elementary school in Watts (first St. Lawrence of Brindisi Parish School, then Manchester Avenue Elementary School). He then attended Bret Harte Junior High, also in Watts. He later went to Dorsey High School, also in Los Angeles, where he played on the tennis team. He was sent to prison after being arrested in San Diego in 1995.
So in what respect is Rick “from” Clewiston?
Rondeau interviewed by Mark Gillar.
Gillar talking about Montgomery at @26:00
The browser form width has to be over 980 pixels to show the sidebar on the side. Otherwise it shows down at the bottom. If your browser is wider than this, there is something wrong and I don’t have a lot of ideas except flushing your browser cache (ctrl-F5) which would seem an unlikely fix given how long you’ve had the problem.
Which browser are you using, and does it occur with a different one?
“Freeway Rick” is from Clewiston. I don’t care what his book says. Obama is from Clewiston. I don’t care what his book says.
As for Rick, I think this bit cannot be ignored:
Doc C FYI – I think Gallups takes a shot at you @39:30
Of course you don’t care what his book says, because facts are meaningless to you.
Tell me this – if Rick is from Clewiston, why is his nickname “Freeway” Rick?
Yup, that’s me. Of course if you took off “obot” from the description and just left the part about self-proclaimed “expert in bio statistics (meaning vital records/statistics), expert in computers and expert in what the FBI does or does not do” it would fit most of the birthers too. Muahahahahah
I left this reply on the audio at BTR.
With 36 years professional experience in vital records/statistics including heading a company that provides vital records software used in over a dozen states, being a subject matter expert for the CDC, plus 36 years as a professional software developer, I think that I can fairly call myself an expert in vital statistics and computers.
As for the FBI I think that I can say that the FBI will give limited production immunity when they don’t know whether what they are getting is valid or not WITH THE SAME CONFIDENCE that the birthers conclude that getting immunity implies the FBI endorses the validity of what they have not get gotten.
What we do know is that two former NSA specialists in the NSA telecommunications harvesting projects looked at what Montgomery provided Arpaio and said, and I quote: “In summary, this letter certifies, that to the best of Mr. Weibe’s and Mr. Drake’s knowledge, none of the data examined reveals or otherwise supports the assertion that the data contained on the hard drives examined resulted from the clandestine collection and processing of modern digital network communications and is instead, evidence of an outright and fraudulent con perpetrated on the government for personal gain and cover.”
Is it Mr. Gillar’s contention that Montgomery gave the FBI valid material, and gave Sheriff Arpaio what Weibe and Drake called “fakes” and Arpaio called “junk”?
I don’t think they even acknowledge the fact that Arpaio and Sheridan both testified that Montgomery was not reliable.
It is also amazing that their lack of understanding about immunity is matched by their ignorance about the significance of the evidence being under seal or that the plaintiffs only played a snippet from the recordings.
That, and much the “sealed” evidence isn’t really sealed. Some evidence is under seal, but not much. Rather, neither party used the evidence at the hearing, so it was simply not before the court.
Or, in birtherspeak: Arpaio sealed it; what is he hiding?
The defense could have presented any of the evidence or recordings in presenting their case, they chose not too.
One interesting comment by Gillar was that one of the videos turned over to the plaintiffs dealt with the BC. Maybe someday that will make it into a Stephen Lemons article.
They’d be imprisoned for mentioning the idea that Escobar, Ayala, Griselda, Barger or anyone else allegedly involved with the cartel had once lived in Clewiston? Or murdered for the same and yet you spew the same nonsense continuously without any fear? Of course you do, because you know none of it is true. My point is far from moot, not mute as you incorrectly used, because it would have been expected to be used in their biographies or especially in the trial of Sheriff Dyess if it had been such an important place in their lives as you’ve repeatedly lied about. Freeway Rick is most certainly not from Clewiston nor would he be afraid to mention it if he was. I think you search for people to add to your stories based on items you see on the news. It’s quite obvious you disliked President Obama but never mentioned a familial connection to him for 2 years while on Facebook. I still believe you came across a picture of his sister and thought you could pass yourself off as her stupidly ignoring the age difference in the picture and yet you and Barack Obama being the same age. It’s why you still REFUSE to this day to address the matter or the obvious differences between Moore and Zullo in the pictures seen online and the 15 year difference in their ages, difference in eye color and hair color, height, wt, etc. You’ve been revealed as a fraud from day one.
I’m supposed to read his mind? I’m supposed to tell you why he lied? OK, I’ll take a guess. Money. To protect Obama. Hmm….that last one is actually feasible.
Art follows death.
Fell for it again!
You could start by telling us why you lie, assuming that you have any insight into why you spin so many fantasies.
Why does Rick have the nickname “Freeway” Rick?
As far as I can determine, the FBI hasn’t done more than take a cursory look at what Montgomery gave them. The defendants in the Risen case filed a declaration on December 14 which includes this:
Defendants have retained a software expert, Stephen R. Bissell, to examine and test Montgomery’s claim that his software worked. Montgomery has not produced any software to Defendants for Defendants’ expert to test. Montgomery has not identified or provided documents identifying any other location beside possibly with the FBI where his software might be found.
The declaration also puts to rest CRJ’s claim that the hard drives which Montgomery gave to Arpaio contain his software. Personally, I doubt that the software ever existed.
Here’s my headline:
“Former Elections Commission chairman predicts Commission will rule presidential candidate is not a natural born citizen”
The candidate is Grace Po, and the country is the Philippines. Read more:
This issue is in the Philippine press almost daily, with numerous lawsuits and challenges filed. Po was a foundling, and the details of her parentage are unknown. In the Philippines, a person born in the country is only a citizen if they have a citizen parent.
There was SOME kind of software on the Arpaio drives, according to the testimony of Wiebe and Drake:
“Among the alleged applications examined were three purported C code files allegedly associated with the NSA’s THIN THREAD and TRAILBLAZER programs. Upon analyzing the format and caveats associated with these particular programs and other data allegedly coming from classified courses, Mr. Wiebe and Mr. Drake encountered non-conventional coding formats and classification caveats not resembling typical government practice. In fact, the three code files were actually fake and framed to look like real code but crudely cut and pasted from snippets of existing code made up from standard code buffer routines, video device processing code and Active X lookup and browser code. Comments were not in the proper syntax or followed followed standard naming conventions and were clearly manufactured to make them look real. For example, one of the files had a comment section noting the TRAILBLAZER program from the 2009-1010 timeframe when TRAILBLAZER was abandoned in NSA in 2006. In summery, these wholly fake files did not consist of actual software from any of the NSA programs noted.”
I believe I hear Bird Boy’s cuckoo clock going off:
It looks like the scan which Montgomery ran on Arpaio and Zullo was just a variation of the scam he ran on the government.
Or the more logical conclusion. You lied.
anyone not banned able to rub his nose in being wrong yet again?
unbelievably! Obama interviewed asked about ordinary Citizens fears anxieties directed at him?
After 7 years! He volunteers.. He brings up his Race, that he wasn’t born in the U.S, and that he’s Muslim. It’s really his own perpetuation voluntarily.
AFTER 7 Years financed with an open wallet you would think he could come up with arming Islamist Spearheading ISIS & other Foreign Cartels F&F, Importing Immigrants and illegals wrecklessly, and Gearing an Economic Crisis of 10Trillion on top of the National Debt, but nooo..
He goes for the FOREIGN Birth, because he’s black and Muslim. It’s like Obama lives in the ’60’s of excuses and America problems while apartheid still existed with an “acting black President, acting black attorney General, supreme court Justice, it makes you wonder how America elected him by a pretty good majority in the next paragraph. I love black people. I think America does too in so so many professions, arts, and talents. It’s just flaberghasting.
Damn good thing I sued McCain FIRST and I’m a Democrat. Its about the Constitution and American Nationalism. We are the United States of America. That is OUR unique demographics.
I’ve never seen a person promote so hard the division rather than unify the Country over fears of terrorism. He makes it about Race, Religion, and Qualification.
Boy, what an acknowledgement of just how MIGHTY and POWERFUL the little BIRTHERS are? I really don’t think we amount to a pimple on a horses was. You see how the SCOTUS won’t even give a forma pauperis status me based on not having any money to pay for them to have a looksy.
I’ve never really cared where Obama was born because his father in the purported Long Form Fabulous Birth Certificate was not a U.S. Citizen.
But I couldn’t help noticing his voice sure quivers in stating ” out of the United States”. I think he sure BLEW the question right out of the water.
That’s a pretty sad seven year itch.
It would not have mattered whether you got pauper status or not. Your “case” would not have been heard.
As for Obama’ father, it doesn’t make a rat’s butt where he’s from as it relates to Obama’s eligibility, as many courts have affirmed, including SCOTUS.
Several years ago I ran across a curious web site called “The American Freedom Fighter’s Journal.” It had an article on the sealing of Obama’s birth certificate in 2008. The tag line for the blog is:
I get the impression that it is a little too over the top to be sincere.
At least two other lawsuits challenging McCain’s eligibility were filed before Judy’s. And Judy’s suit accomplished only the wasting of precious judicial resources, which is not a “damn good thing.”
I don’t see because Judy has never disclosed the IFP application that he claims to have filed with SCOTUS.
Judy should care because birth in the United States (regardless of parents’ citizenship) is sufficient for natural-born citizenship. A point repeatedly stated by the courts, which Judy chooses to ignore.
Not as sad as Judy, who thinks he’s a presidential candidate, but there is no evidence that literally anyone voted for him in 2008 or 2012.
But at least Judy confined his word salad to the open-topic article; little blessings.
Article at BuzzFeed:
Donald Trump’s Birtherism and Appeal to White Power Are a Road to Fascism
What a stupid, moronic interpretation.
The President was asked a question which the interview admitted was framed to give the maximum scope for answering as he liked. The President had to ask that the question be somewhat more focused, “are you asking about the fact that I am the first black President” or what?
The President gave a considered, intelligent, honest answer.
At no time did he say that he was a Muslim. At no time did he say that he was born overseas.
He basically said that some opponents grasp these lies, that he’s a Muslim or that he was born overseas, because it is simpler and easier than having an honest disagreement about policy; it is simpler and easier than looking for the real reason for economic problems that are affecting them; and they cannot bring themselves to admit publicly that they are in fact racist morons.
Now if you can’t grasp that the President of the United States understands that he (and no President ever) will never have 100% popularity, and that his skin color does indeed make him a target in a way that no other President in history has had to contend with, then you have just admitted that you are a moron of the highest order.
Of course most of us here already knew that, but someday maybe you’ll recognize it for yourself. We are not holding our breath.
Is your next complaint going to be about how Hillary should be disqualified from being President because she has to take pee on occasion?
Mr. Judy,
I think a presidential candidate, especially a Democratic one, would be aware that, according to numbers from the treasury department, President Obama has cut the deficit more than any other president in our history—by a wide margin. Do you not understand the difference between our national debt and the deficit and what is within the power of the presidency to effect?
The settings seem to be screwed up for me as even at sizes clearly over 980 pixels it still shows at the bottom. This is true for Chrome and Safari under OS X Yosemite as well as Safari on my iPad. Anyway, I didn’t think there was likely any way to fix it, I just wanted to give you the data point.
It looks normal on my wife’s iPad mini with Safari in landscape mode. I’m bumfuzzled by this one, since it’s happening for you on two devices, and for nobody else I know of. It’s not like people have personal settings on this blog.
That’s why CRJ doesn’t get it – he is not considered, intelligent, or honest.
And now for something completely different:
Snopes denies visiting White House during White House visit
I forged the birth certificates.
I have never been contacted by Mike Volin, Mike ZulloMoore, or Joe Arpaio.
I know two out of the three so I’m not surprised.
If you’re not one of the 11 million people who already watched the Stormtroopers’ 9/11 video from 2009, it’s a hoot:
Where’s the figgy pudding? Comment by William at BR:
This was the best Obama Hawaiian Christmas photo I could find:
There are plenty of Obama family photos around a Christmas tree at a public event, but not in Hawaii.
After a quick Google search, I found plenty of photos of all the Presidential families at the White House w/Christmas trees in the background, also a few at Camp David. However, there weren’t any to be found at their private residences for any of them that I could find in the quick search I did, certainly none of any of the Presidential families opening gifts, singing Christmas songs or anything else related to Christmas likely because it’s one of the few times they are alone with their family and don’t invite the media to film their private moments. Those w/ODS are always ready to swear that President Obama is the only president never to have done ___ (take your pick of their many claims) without ever having checked to see if there is anything factual to back up their assertions. They are so driven on a daily basis by their hatred that I wouldn’t be surprised to hear of many of them no longer being able to function after President Obama leaves office in January 2017.
Sorry, but this simply isn’t true. There’s no record of armed civilians ever causing mass casualties of bystanders in any kind of mass shooting event, or as far as I can tell, in any other armed intervention, either.
There is a record of an armed civilian who was a volunteer security guard (she was also an ex-cop) being credited with stopping a mass shooting event at a church. There are also other known incidents of civilians shooting bad guys in public places without anyone else being hurt. An incident in a Walmart store comes to mind. A man came into the Walmart store where his ex-wife worked, pulled a knife and was in the process of stabbing her to death. A customer pulled a gun and ordered the man to stop. When he didn’t, the customer shot him. Multiple times, I believe. This was obviously a pretty tricky situation: public place, the guy is on top of his wife violently stabbing her. The man was killed. The wife was not struck by any bullets. She suffered very serious stab wounds, but survived.
This isn’t to say that every such incident is destined to succeed. There was an incident in the news recently where a man had attempted to rescue his wife from a bear that was mauling her. She was severely mauled, but what actually killed her was a bullet intended for the bear. They withheld the report from public release for a year because they knew the death had been the result of an attempt to save her.
In the Giffords shooting, an armed civilian came close to shooting a bystander who had just taken the gun away from the real gunman, in a case of mistaken identity. That was a close call, but that shooting fortunately didn’t happen. And it wasn’t due to a civilian indiscriminately spraying bullets, it was due to the fact that the bystander had taken the gun and was standing over the actual shooter with hit.
About the best example of indiscriminate shooting I can think of was a woman who recently shot out the tire of some fleeing shoplifters. She got into a boatload of trouble for that, and I doubt she’ll make the same mistake again.
There are other known incidents of armed civilians stopping mass shooters, murderers, etc. And again, no known incident of any such civilian shooting a bunch of bystanders. Offhand, I can’t think of an incident in which someone has shot even one bystander, although it may well have happened.
In any event, in a mass shooting incident, it’s not very likely that there are going to be multiple people near the gunman, to be shot. Everyone is going to be moving away from the gunman as fast as they can. So the bottom line is that while the scenario you depict is certainly possible (at least in theory), it’s not at all likely.
My comment was about what would likely happen if a large number of people followed the recommendations of the NRA are started arming themselves every time they leave home.
I saw recently that the FBI reports that about 3% of shootings are stopped by armed civilians.
People with guns in their homes are far more likely to accidentally shoot a friend or relative than shoot a criminal.
That would be Trump’s recommendation: the NRA recommends that people not carry unless they get the training and practice necessary to do so safely. Which is one reason I don’t carry, having never gotten any training in how to handle a crowd situation, and not spending nearly enough time at the range to feel confident under that kind of pressure. The other being that the odds of finding myself in a situation where it would be useful are so small that it’s not worth the hassle.
You and Pete are both right: most of the people who carry legally now had to have at least a minimal amount of training, and demonstrate proficiency, to get permits. And they’re serious enough to stay in practice. But starting a new fad would put a lot of guns in ill-trained and un(der)practiced hands, with results that would often be tragic.
Nope: those statistics are for fatal shootings, and include intentional shootings and suicides. They’re deliberately misleading to use as they often are, because the vast majority of defensive gun uses don’t even involve firing, much less killing anyone.
What concerns me is not an armed civilian, and especially not a retired or off-duty police officer. What concerns me is a whole bunch of inexperienced civilians responding at the same time. It would seem to me that there is an optimal number of such amateur armed defenders, and I think that number is relatively small.
There are a couple of things in here, and it looks to me like we’re all actually pretty much in agreement, at least on the main points.
Guns in the hands of clowns and idiots are generally not a good thing.
More training is generally better than less training. Ongoing training is best. Personally, I’d rather see laws that have a training requirement and a licensing system than laws that simply allow anyone to carry concealed without training in gun safety or the law.
Most states have laws that require a course in safety and the law. More training is always better, but even the minimum training is significantly better than nothing.
I think a lot of people who get licenses probably don’t actually carry a firearm on any regular basis. I don’t have any statistics for this, just a suspicion that lots of people either want to have a license for that unusual circumstance in which they might feel a particular need to carry a weapon, or they start out carrying a firearm, get tired of it, and quit. I suspect that a lot of the people who actually carry a weapon are more committed to such things as regular practice, thinking through scenarios in which they might have to use the weapon, etc. Again, no stats, just my suspicion.
Because there are, in reality, not that many armed civilians on the streets, the scenario of multiple armed civilians opening fire on a mass shooter would generally be rare.
Actually, we know from statistics already cited that only around 3% of mass shooters are currently stopped by armed civilians. Part of the reason is that it’s very difficult to get a permit in some of our largest states and urban areas (New York and California, for example), making it unlikely that an armed civilian will be present at all. Secondly, most mass public shootings take place in areas where it’s illegal for civilians to carry firearms, even with a license, again making it unlikely that an armed civilian will be present.
In any event, it’s clear from the 3% statistic that in real life, few mass shooters are currently being confronted at all by armed civilians. This makes confrontation of a mass shooter by multiple armed civilians very rare (3 percent of 3 percent, for example, is about 1 in 1000). In such an instance, the record of armed civilians to date suggests that, at least under our existing laws and with our existing population of people who legally carry weapons, bystanders would most likely have much less to worry about than the shooter would.
Yes, I think we are in agreement on those points. What would concern me is a significant increase in the number of guns on the streets.
One group study came up with a total of about 11 million Americans who hold concealed carry permits, or 4.8% of the total population. My state, South Carolina has a 6.21% CWP rate. The highest rate is in South Dakota with 12%.
I’m not endorsing the study I just cited beyond the raw numbers.
You may consider that, as Michael Moore demonstrated in FAHRENHEIT 9/11, the problem is not entirely with the guns, but with the American people itself.
According to French TV channel TF1, despite whatever you might hear from the American right-wing re gun laws and gun control in Europe, there are 10 millions firearms in France (2008 investigation) for a population of about 60 millions.
Yet according to LE MONDE, a Frenchman is 50 times less likely to be shot than an American (2011 stat, article below, in French).