Bernie Sanders: Nobody has ever asked me for my birth certificate

I copied that title from a CNN story from this past Monday, Sanders noting that HIS father was born in Poland. Sanders suggests that perhaps racism is behind some of this birth certificate hysteria occupying the sanctuary of the national discourse.

I find Sanders’ remark a subtle jab at not only the Obama birthers, but the shenanigans of the Republican primary race.

About Dr. Conspiracy

I'm not a real doctor, but I have a master's degree.
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8 Responses to Bernie Sanders: Nobody has ever asked me for my birth certificate

  1. bob says:

    But Sanders’ (and Trump’s) parents were indisputedly U.S. citizens at the time of the candidate’s birth!


  2. Loren says:

    But the mere fact that Sanders’ dad was from Poland logically means that it’s possible, if not likely, that Mommy and Daddy Sanders went back to Poland to have little Bernie, right? Because that’s what expecting parents do, right?

    I mean, nobody’s ever seen Sanders’ birth certificate, so what proof do we have that he was born in the US at all?

  3. RanTalbott says:

    I think most Americans assume they didn’t have birth certificates in those ancient days 😉

  4. CRJ says:

    @Doc [Sanders suggests that perhaps racism is behind some of this birth certificate hysteria occupying the sanctuary of the national discourse.]

    The [Racism] is against the [Whites] then because Judy v. McCain is something that is Federal Court Record with by the way [Standing], and seems oblivous to be recognised by Sen. Sanders.

    #SCOTUS SILENCE RAMPANT RACE BAITING GAME Why has the Media failed to report to the General Population Judy v. McCain? MSM continues to write the stories in deference to Federal Court Records..

    The problem that is seen with accusations of Racism as Sen. Sanders has made, is it relys upon a false narrative of [no action] taken in Court against a favored race to have merit. And it just is not true.

    Now, I don’t expect Senator Sanders to know ever Case that has been filed in the issue. But it does make the case that an agenda of Racism lies with the Media and the Courts as I detail in the article.

    If the MainStream Media is the source of knowledge for Elected Officials without regard to the Federal Court Record and 40% of Democrats are swallowing whole what this Catfish is saying, 40% of Democrats have really suffered a disservice by the MainStream Media.

    If it is not a disservice, it’s an Agenda and it sure as the dawn comes up in the morning does not amount to the Truth or Federal Court Record.

    This is where just because Judy v. McCain was a loss to the Plaintiff, which essentially was caused by the General Election loss of McCain giving rise to the word “moot” by the Federal Court Judge, does not mean it’s a total loss.

    It serves as a Federal Court Record against Racism. Now, that is only [not] important to those interested in a Racist Agenda which ultimately is the Agenda of Racist.

    Who are the culprates of not making sure that the Case was Reported as a Loss by McCain’s defeat in the Election, but a win as far as Standing against a supposed Racism against Obama?

    That would be the MainStream Media who constantly monitor the Courts for stories to Report of the Federal Record.

    Now why there may well be Racism by some persons against Obama , there maybe Racism involved also against Judy. Isn’t what was done in not reporting his case what we call a good hanging of Justice based on superficial characteristics or economic conditions?

    The same thing applies to the DemDebates? They are using the tactics of Racism to keep me out of the debates. I haven’t been Elected before? True, neither have 3 Republicans included in their Debates.

    Well, you’re not a multi- millionaire + like Carson, Fiorina, and Trump. So the MainStream Media and Polling is about Economic discrimination?

    My Federal Court Record blows every other Candidates out of the water and it’s not just on the Qualification of the President’s Principle.

    So, what is important to the Media? Wins in Court and $$$ in Networth? The Federal Court Record be damned?

    From where I’m sitting every word I said is true and you can choose yourself what you think is important. Money, Prior Elected Position, or Principle.

    I know for certain, or it sure seems and is my hope, that all in this Group are taking a stand in the talents and intelligence of Principle here; unless your on a payroll, or have Appointed Positions I don’t know about. 😕

    This is a credit to ALL of You. .and the reason I love you all. Your trying very hard. I see that.


    It would be really sad to regulate or with the common denominator Credit that which we didn’t have time to Study, or Report to Racism.

  5. Rickey says:


    The [Racism] is against the [Whites] then because Judy v. McCain is something that is Federal Court Record with by the way [Standing], and seems oblivous to be recognised by Sen. Sanders.

    Sanders didn’t say that all birthers are motivated by racism.

    #SCOTUS SILENCE RAMPANT RACE BAITING GAME Why has the Media failed to report to the General Population Judy v. McCain?

    The media haven’t reported on Judy v. McCain because your lawsuit was dismissed.

    This is where just because Judy v. McCain was a loss to the Plaintiff, which essentially was caused by the General Election loss of McCain giving rise to the word “moot” by the Federal Court Judge, does not mean it’s a total loss.

    It is a total loss. Your lawsuit, like all of your lawsuits, accomplished nothing other than to squander scarce judicial resources.

    The same thing applies to the DemDebates? They are using the tactics of Racism to keep me out of the debates. I haven’t been Elected before? True, neither have 3 Republicans included in their Debates.

    You are kept out of the debates because you are not a viable candidate. You are not going to be on the ballot in any of the primary states (have you even tried to get your name on a primary ballot?). You are not going to have any delegates at the Democratic convention. Deez Nuts has more name recognition than you.

    By the way, where is your birth certificate? How do we know that you are a natural born citizen?

  6. CRJ says:

    @Rickey [ By the way, where is your birth certificate? How do we know that you are a natural born citizen?]

    CRJ Shows his long form Birth Certificate.
    At about the 8 minute mark. Born in the U.S. (Idaho) to Citizen Parents. Father-Idaho Mother- Utah.

    Re: @Rickey
    [Your lawsuit, like all of your lawsuits, accomplished nothing other than to squander scarce judicial resources.]

    That’s not true. , but you would have to go through them all to know that.

    Speaking of precious resources you seem concerned about, can you imagine the saved resources if SCOTUS had chosen to write an opinion on 12-5276 or 14-9396?

    You seem unaffected by the contributions sucked up by ineligible candidates like Cruz, Rubio, and Obama.. Even McCain who was not born in the U.S. Where is your concern for that?

    This makes your concern for precious resources about as “pretended” as Obama’s tears in the press conference he held announcing his executive action on [infringing] the 2nd Amendment on certain citizens. Yes, they came out of his eyes but they were void of real or genuine feeling.

    This seems similar to your request to see my birth certificate, and your query of knowing if I’m a natural born citizen when the information has long been made available to you.

    The sincerity has left your stage Rickey. Your image is one of mocking, ridicule, and disdain for Truth and Sincerity. Will you contribute to my Campaign or simply huff and puff?

    Have I changed your mind about anything? It doesn’t appear so. .now anyway.

    You haven’t recognized the Value of my Law Suit against McCain, you have mocked it as a “total loss” even after I pointed out the great value of it, if for nothing else soothing the pretended racism claimed by so many against Obama, when the facts of stepping up to Home Plate as a Batter exist for all of us Presidential Candidates claiming eligibility should we be elected to the Office of President.

    I am poor Rickey financially, but I’ve taken a great deal of my Time to inform you of my Candidacy for three terms now ’08, ’12, ’16. I have a 3 Point Platform that has existed a long time the VALUE of which you might notice a Multi-Billionaire has taken as his own in 2016 and he leads the GOP Polling Presidential Candidates now with its Principles.

    Viabilty begins with you. . and crawling out of the hole you’ve dug for yourself. My interest in serving OUR COUNTRY is perhaps in serving great ideas up to those who can finish up where I’ve run out of gas.

    Three Ropes Platform

    Take a look at those three ropes and tell me Mr. Trump isn’t swinging from them with crowds of 20-30K

  7. bob says:

    The [Racism] is against the [Whites] then because Judy v. McCain

    A White person harassing another White person with a frivolous lawsuit does not disprove (or show) that other actions were racially motivated.

    Why has the Media failed to report to the General Population Judy v. McCain?

    Because it is an irrelevant, frivolous, long-since-dead lawsuit. It is not newsworthy.

    They are using the tactics of Racism to keep me out of the debates.

    Judy was not invited to the debates because he’s not a real candidate; he did not qualify to be included. But instead of admitting his own shortcomings, Judy (as usual) whines about others’ imagined tactics.

    My Federal Court Record blows every other Candidates out of the water and it’s not just on the Qualification of the President’s Principle.

    Filing a string of losing frivolous lawsuits is something a sane person would be ashamed to do; Judy brags about it.

    So, what is important to the Media? Wins in Court

    Wins in court proves legal correctness; something Judy has never done.

    I know for certain, or it sure seems and is my hope, that all in this Group are taking a stand in the talents and intelligence of Principle here

    People here are taking a stand for reality, a concept that eludes Judy.

    That’s not true. , but you would have to go through them all to know that.

    I actually have, and Ricky is correct: Judy’s losing lawsuits accomplished nothing other than squandering scarce judicial resources.

    Speaking of precious resources you seem concerned about, can you imagine the saved resources if SCOTUS had chosen to write an opinion on 12-5276 or 14-9396?

    It would have expended far greater resources to fully brief, argue, and decide those loser cases than to do what SCOTUS actually did: mercifully kill them at conferences. (And the results would have been the same either way.)

    You seem unaffected by the contributions sucked up by ineligible candidates like Cruz, Rubio, and Obama.. Even McCain who was not born in the U.S. Where is your concern for that?

    As all of them eligible, there’s nothing about which to be concerned.

    Yes, they came out of his eyes but they were void of real or genuine feeling.

    Judy, in addition reading minds, now claims to also be able to read hearts.

    Your image is one of mocking, ridicule, and disdain for Truth and Sincerity.

    Judy is neither truthful nor sincere, and if he doesn’t want to be ridiculed, he shouldn’t say ridiculous things.

    You haven’t recognized the Value of my Law Suit against McCain

    Because it had no value.

    I am poor Rickey financially, but I’ve taken a great deal of my Time to inform you of my Candidacy for three terms now ’08, ’12, ’16.

    Judy is also stupid, egotistical, or both, as his fake candidacies have done nothing but waste his time and money, which could have been better spent — like being a better parent to his children.

  8. Rickey says:

    @Rickey [ By the way, where is your birth certificate? How do we know that you are a natural born citizen?]

    CRJ Shows his long form Birth Certificate.
    At about the 8 minute mark. Born in the U.S. (Idaho) to Citizen Parents. Father-Idaho Mother- Utah.

    That’s it? A blurry image on a YouTube video? Surely you can do better than that. And it’s in the same video where you claim that a forged Kenyan birth certificate for Obama is the real thing.

    Speaking of precious resources you seem concerned about, can you imagine the saved resources if SCOTUS had chosen to write an opinion on 12-5276 or 14-9396?

    You still don’t understand how the Supreme Court works. SCOTUS was never going to write an opinion on your cases, because neither of them were dismissed on the merits of your claims about natural born citizen.

    If SCOTUS had granted you cert, you then would have been given 45 days to file a brief on the merits of your appeal. The respondents then would have been given 30 days to file their brief. You then would have had another 30 days to file a reply brief.

    Your appeal then would have been set down for oral arguments. Months later a decision would have been handed down, but it would not have been an opinion on natural born citizenship. The best you could have gotten was an order that the dismissal of your lawsuit was improper, and the case would then have gone back to the trial court for further proceedings.


    You seem unaffected by the contributions sucked up by ineligible candidates like Cruz, Rubio, and Obama.. Even McCain who was not born in the U.S. Where is your concern for that?

    Obama and Rubio were born in the United States, so they clearly are natural born citizens and are eligible to be President. McCain probably is a natural born citizen. Cruz is a question mark, but if people want to contribute to his campaign, why should I be concerned? People can do whatever they want with their money.

    This makes your concern for precious resources about as “pretended” as Obama’s tears in the press conference he held announcing his executive action on [infringing] the 2nd Amendment on certain citizens. Yes, they came out of his eyes but they were void of real or genuine feeling.

    So you are an expert on human emotions? I had no idea.

    Will you contribute to my Campaign or simply huff and puff?

    I don’t agree with anything you say. Why should I contribute to your campaign, which has no chance of succeeding?

    Viabilty begins with you. . and crawling out of the hole you’ve dug for yourself. My interest in serving OUR COUNTRY is perhaps in serving great ideas up to those who can finish up where I’ve run out of gas.

    Unlike you, I have actually served my country. I voluntarily gave up four years of my life to serve in the U.S. Navy during the Vietnam War. I was awarded six decorations, a Citation, and a Letter of Commendation for my service. Between July 1967 and November 1969 I got to spend exactly 30 days with my family. And I have never been convicted of a crime, so don’t try to lecture me about viability.

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