The occasional open thread: silver spoon edition

Put your Obama conspiracy comments that don’t relate to the current articles here. This thread will close in two weeks.

About Dr. Conspiracy

I'm not a real doctor, but I have a master's degree.
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41 Responses to The occasional open thread: silver spoon edition

  1. Lupin says:

    According to a tweet I saw reported on DKos (re the WI primary), per exit polls, there were so few Republican voters under 30, they statistically cannot break down candidate support.

    We may very well be watching the end of the GOP as we knew it.

  2. Lupin says:

    Also this (same source):

    Exit polls in GOP #WisconsinPrimary: If Trump is nominee vs Clinton…
    6 in 10 GOP members vote Trump
    But 4 in 10 vote Hillary, vote 3rd party, or stay home.

    It’s going to be a lonely night in the gerbil cage.

  3. Dave B. says:

    From the Originalism Blog:

    “At New Reform Club, Seth Barrett Tillman points to a source that (so far as I know) has never been cited before in the natural born citizen debate:

    James Bayard, A Brief Exposition of the Constitution of the United States 96 (Philadelphia, Hogan & Thompson 1833) (“It is not necessary that a man should be born in this country, to be ‘a natural born citizen.’ It is only requisite he should be a citizen by birth, and that is the case with all the children of citizens who have ever resided in this country, though born in a foreign country.”).”

    I know somebody who cited it.

  4. Dave B. says:

    Another crazy idea for the Republican convention:

  5. Dave B. says:

    From Douglas Gibbs’ handout for a Constitution class he’s teaching:

    “Vatell’s Law of Nations is mentioned once in the Constitution in Article I, Section 8, Clause 10, and it is capitalized – which suggests the mention of the Law of Nations to be a proper noun, thus supporting the argument that it is a direct reference to Vatell’s writings.”

    How dumb does somebody have to be to think a guy like this is smart enough to hold classes?

  6. Thrifty says:

    Website United Media Publishing published a story saying that that Trump voters saw their votes switched over to Ted Cruz. Orly picked up on this story and screamed about election fraud, which she does any time Donald Trump loses a primary/caucus.

    Problem is that United Media Publishing is a hoax web site. Among other stories, they reported that Charles Manson had died in prison, which doesn’t exactly match with the easily checked fact that Manson is still alive.

  7. Thrifty says:

    I made post similar to my previous one on Orly’s site and, surprisingly, it got through moderation.

  8. So how could someone teach constitutional law, and not know that every noun in the Constitution is capitalized?

    He even misspelled Vattel. What a maroon!

    Dave B.: From Douglas Gibbs’ handout for a Constitution class he’s teaching:

    “Vatell’s Law of Nations is mentioned once in the Constitution in Article I, Section 8, Clause 10, and it is capitalized – which suggests the mention of the Law of Nations to be a proper noun, thus supporting the argument that it is a direct reference to Vatell’s writings.”

  9. Paul Penzone, who narrowly lost to Sheriff Joe Arpaio in 2012 is running from Maricopa County Sheriff again this year.

  10. Dave B. says:

    You ain’t missed much over these eight years. I don’t know how many times I thought I’d come up with something new, only to discover, like Professor Chaos, that it had already been done. You can tell the tyros, because they don’t even know to look here first.

    And on an entirely unrelated note, rest in peace, Merle Haggard.

    Dr. Conspiracy:
    Who could that be?

  11. Keith says:

    Dave B.: And on an entirely unrelated note, rest in peace, Merle Haggard.

    When I first read the headline: “Country legend dead”, I thought that someone had finally found Ted Nugent’s burial place.

  12. Interesting technical article about how the Panama Papers may have been hacked. It could have been a vulnerability in a WordPress plug-in.

  13. gorefan says:

    Zullo and Gallups were on the Volin show last night. Nothing new but there is supposedly an international digital fornesic company looking at the BC pdf. Naturally no names or information on any of it. Zullo said going forward nothing will happen until the new president and only if it is the right person (Trump). So they have their exit strategy in place.

  14. Notorial Dissent says:

    Fisher of the NY fail has decided to imitate CRJ. Doesn’t seem to grasp the concept of standing at all, or much else from all appearances.

  15. Dave B. says:

    Substantial recent (2-24-16) revisions to 7 FAM 1130, Acquisition of U.S. Citizenship by Birth Abroad to U.S. Citizen Parent:

    It looks like they’ve removed any reference to presidential eligibility.
    Freakout at Free Republic:

  16. gorefan says:

    Dave B.: Freakout at Free Republic:

    I have this vision of people at the State Department saying to each other “if we take out this part about eligibility, we can really freak some people out.” LOL

  17. Dave B. says:

    You know, I think they put that in there in the first place to make it clear to consular officers that the State Department didn’t have a firm position on the question. And that worked soooooo well when it came to informing the public at large. People tended to read whatever they wanted into it. David Farrar thought it was quite the smoking gun.

    gorefan: I have this vision of people at the State Department saying to each other “if we take out this part about eligibility, we can really freak some people out.” LOL

  18. gorefan says:

    Dave B.: the State Department didn’t have a firm position on the question.

    I think you’re right about that. I’ve read anecdotal comments about the parents of children born overseas, usually on military bases, being told the kids weren’t NBC by different authorities. Maybe the State Department wanted its people to know it wasn’t a settled issue.

  19. It looks like last year’s commenter Obliged Friend is busy defining natural born citizen on Twitter as @ObligedFriend.

  20. On 04/19/2016 at 05:06pm -0400, a new firewall from WordFence will be enabled on this site. Until then, the firewall is learning about normal traffic. This change will improve the security and integrity of the site, and make it even harder for the site to be hacked and made to serve malware.

    I continue to be aggressive in installing the latest versions of all the software used on the site to protect it from vulnerabilities.

  21. is broken. I broke it. I will fix it sometime.

  22. Dave B. says:

    Apparently Pinckney G. McElwee has been posthumously promoted to federal judge:

  23. OK, I found United States v. Perkins, 17 F S 117

    Dave B.: Apparently Pinckney G. McElwee has been posthumously promoted to federal judge:

  24. Dave B. says:

    This was that guy’s “Still Report #785,” which leads right into the question, what kind of dumbasses did he con with the first 784?

    Dr. Conspiracy:
    OK, I found United States v. Perkins, 17 F S 117

  25. Dave B. says:

    Ack! I was just looking through the recent revisions to the Foreign Affairs Manual, and found this:
    “7 FAM 1131.6-2 Not Citizens by “Naturalization”
    (CT:CON-636; 02-24-2016)

    Section 201(g) NA and section 301g) INA (8 U.S.C. 1401(g)) (formerly 301(a)(7) INA) both specify that naturalization is “the conferring of nationality of a state upon a person after birth.” Accordingly, U.S. citizens who acquire U.S. citizenship at birth by birth abroad to a U.S. citizen parent(s) are not considered “naturalized” citizens under either act.”

    Whoever revised it returned to the messed up citation they’d corrected in 2013. That should be Sec. 101(c) NA and Sec. 101(a)(23) INA.

  26. Benji Franklin says:

    gorefan: Zullo and Gallups were on the Volin show last night.

    Final Karl GallOops!: “Okay, Listeners, it’s Free Dumb Friday on the phone with Mike ZooLow out in Mea Culpa County with breaking news on Share-If OurPieHole’s Cold-Cocked Posse’s Obama unnumbered Identity Fraud case, an’ he’s probably gonna tell us that the investigation is 1000% ramping up full-speed ahead and doubling the number of full-time investigators – and I don’t know what all – SO fill us in, Mike!”

    Commandeer Zoo Low:” ..urhrr…blah…urhrr “

    Karl GallOops!: “What was that, Mike? We’ve waited so long ! Could you repeat?”
    Commandeer Zoo Low:” ..urhrr…blah…urhrr “

    Karl GallOops!: “Golly, Mike! We’re so excited, Buddy, but we still can’t make out that word – could you spell it out for us, my friend? Oh, this is exciting! We’re waiting for that word signifying the status of the investigat—! “

    Commandeer Zoo Low:” Okay, I don’t know how to spell it but the word is ‘OVER’. “

    Karl GallOops!: “WOW! WOW! WOW! Let’s savor this moment! I can hardly believe my ears! Golly, Mike! I’m in tears! So it’s OVER, OVER, OVER! …and by that you mean Obama’s Presidency, Obama’s deception of the American people, our battle – it’s all over and he’s going to prison or to be executed? I’m just going to praise God and imagine authoring another book demeaning the Jewish faith while I wait for your answer. Tell our listeners, what exactly is OVER!“

    Commandeer Zoo Low:” Unfortunately, our unorthodox investigation into the biggest fraud, crime and criminal really, in all of recorded history, Karl. Due in large part to the donations of our faithful supporters, I can still declare complete victory. We expect arrests any day – any decade really. Let’s move on.“

    Karl GallOops!: “WOW! Arrests! Who????? Who do you think – if you can tell us, Mike?”

    Mike Zoo Low:”Well, me and OurPieHole for sure. Which brings me to appeal for more donations, Karl. We need a defense fund. You might need one too. And speaking of that, listen carefully: Oselay ethay eriffShay’s eputyDay adgebay, Arlkay! “

    Karl GallOops!: “Coded message received, good buddy! Will doodoo! And Mike, that reminds me that my latest best-selling book “The Rabbi Who’s Going To Hell” didn’t sell even 100 copies when it was titled Karl GallOops!’ Aspirin and Potable Water Diet. How could that not be the Usurper’s fault? But again Mike, not to change the subject, but how does going ineffectively after Crews for being a Kay-Nadee-annne, how in tarnation does that resolve this Obama identity fraud case?”

    Mike Zoo Low: ”I’m not going to kid you, Karl, with every congressman committing treason, and the media treating me like a leper, it doesn’t. It really doesn’t. Which brings me to our big announcement –real breaking news about what we’re going after next! I want each of your listeners to imagine – but don’t say out loud – the most important Constitutional issue of our time that needs defending! And, now you listeners out there – THINK BIG! THINK REAL BIG! Think bigger than you’ve ever thought before. Really. In fact, I like to say, Karl, think bigger than you even can think, okay? “

    Karl GallOops!’WOW! WOW! I’m sweating – and I mean SUH-WETTING, Mike! Here now my cardboard badge just folded up and fell off of it’s pin! So you’re saying your fight is not over – you’ve got another target then, Mike?”

    Mike Zoo Low: ”That’s right, Karl! We’re through disappointing people, naively stating target dates and concrete goals we plan to achieve by applying our own delusional and private theories of law. So we, the whole Cold-Cocked Posse, want your listeners to switch gears here – each of you focus on whatever gets your goat, and just know in your heart of hearts that we are pursuing that issue in a big way – easily hard enough to need your financial contributions – and we don’t none of us need to even specify what these issues are – any patriot knows ‘em like the back of my pants, Karl! Right?

    Karl GallOops!’WOW! WOW! I’m lying down, buddy! I’m trembling! I’m eating lunch!”

    Mike Zoo Low:”Except I will go into some specific detail about the reborn universe-shattering new direction we’re going and have hard evidence for – this will blow your minds out there – and that’s about all I can say without ruining the case – except we’ve just got ¼ of one pesky legal hurdle to get past, and then comes that long-awaited presser…….. whoa! Stop me, Karl – I’ve already said too much!”

    Karl GallOops!: “Yes! Yes! Put a lid on it, good buddy! Remember your law enforcement training from being a parking lot attendant! Oh Praise God! Oh Praise God! Oh Praise God! And buy my books! Oh Praise God! An… an… an…and Listeners, you know Mike ZooLow has done his research here – this is confirmed legally right, Mike – Constitutional scholars or sheriffs or patriotic donors have confirmed and chimed in on this I’m sure, Right?”

    Mike Zoo Low: ”There’s nothing contrary to what I’ve just said, Karl. No mention of citizenship status, at least prior to conception, so I think my argument will stand up in any court in the land, where the sitting judge is Bat Poone.”

    Karl GallOops!: “Well then it’s gospel! It’s a done deal! Help us out with the expenses listeners! We’re completely vindicated – this is the victory – our triumph is here – send what you can – I’ve gotta go – so long, Mike!”

  27. Dave B. says:

    Michael Ramsey just posted a link to fairly new paper on the meaning of “natural born citizen”–

  28. gorefan says:

    Dave B.: fairly new paper on the meaning of “natural born citizen”–

    When the author is talking about the William L. Smith case and Madison’s famous “established maxim” statement, he calls him Jefferson several times.

  29. Lupin says:

    Has anyone noticed that Google no longer points out to the gerbils’ site when one types “Birther report”? (That’s how I used to access it.)

    Any ideas why?

  30. Crustacean says:

    It’s a conspiracy, probably masterminded by Ted Cruz. They must be over the target…

    Lupin: Any ideas why?

  31. I also see that does not come up on the first page of Google results when typing: “birther report.” This site, however, is on the first page. 😉 Birther Report itself is a Google hosted blog, by the way.

    I note that the words “birther report” only appear on their home page one time, and that is in the sidebar. Maybe they just got a low ranking for those keywords.

    Lupin: Has anyone noticed that Google no longer points out to the gerbils’ site when one types “Birther report”?

  32. justlw says:

    Here’s an interesting possible application of “two citizen parents” logic:

    At this week’s Tribeca Film Festival (motto: “No conspiracy controversies here, ever, no siree!”), J. J. Abrams was asked about Rey’s parents, and replied,

    “Rey’s parents are not in Episode VII.”

    Since Luke was in Episode VII, fans have concluded that clearly she can’t be a Skywalker, right?

    You see where I’m going, here.

    (Or, of course, Abrams could just be flat-out fibbing again.)

  33. You are too much! *s*

    Benji Franklin April 14, 2016 at 11:19 am (Quote) #
    gorefan: Zullo and Gallups were on the Volin show last night.

    Final Karl GallOops!: “Okay, Listeners, it’s Free Dumb Friday on the phone with Mike ZooLow out in Mea Culpa County with breaking news on Share-If OurPieHole’s Cold-Cocked Posse’s Obama unnumbered Identity Fraud case, an’ he’s probably gonna tell us that the investigation is 1000% ramping up full-speed ahead and doubling the number of full-time investigators – and I don’t know what all – SO fill us in, Mike!”

  34. Dave B. says:

    Okay, I’ve just come across the ultimate birther argument, which boils down to the Federalist Papers say Ted Cruz can’t be president because the Eurovision Song Contest has entries from Israel and Australia.
    I guess that changes…everything!

  35. Northland10 says:

    Dave B.:
    Okay, I’ve just come across the ultimate birther argument, which boils down to the Federalist Papers say Ted Cruz can’t be president because the Eurovision Song Contest has entries from Israel and Australia.
    I guess that changes…everything!

    There was a whole lot of stupid with him. Apparently he read the super sekrit version of the Federalist Papers that mentioned anything about NBC status but did not mention the Senate would have to ratify any treating making the US a part of the EU. Who knew that the President could unilaterally have us join a foreign union?

    Apparently, he also does not know the Eurovision is a television station and Israel first entered the song contest in the early 70’s. They even hosted in 1979.

  36. justlw says:

    Dave B.: Okay, I’ve just come across the ultimate birther argument

    And the column this was attached to? Wow. The Million Straw Man March.

  37. Dave B. says:

    Yeah, that’s the self-proclaimed “Definitive Birther Smackdown.”

    justlw: And the column this was attached to?Wow.The Million Straw Man March.

  38. Lupin says:

    Northland10: he also does not know the Eurovision is a television station

    Not quite; it is a program set up by the European Broadcasting Union, which would be better classified as a “networK”.

    As always,

    As mentioned, eligibility to participate is not determined by geographic inclusion within Europe – nor does it have any relation to the European Union.

  39. Rickey says:

    An interesting (and scary) story about “Constitutional Sheriffs” and Richard Mack.

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